Divorced and Remarried? Should You Divorce Your Current Spouse? (Part 2)

  • Опубліковано 7 жов 2024
  • If you've been divorced and remarried, should you divorce your current spouse? Some are teaching this. But what does Scripture actually say? In today's Little Lesson, I continue to look at Jesus' statement about divorce and remarriage in light of the whole Bible.
    For more Bible teaching, check out my UA-cam Channel. Be sure to subscribe!
    / davidaservant
    You can also read a blog post based on this video at my website:


  • @pegc9889
    @pegc9889 Рік тому +3

    I can't believe how many UA-camrs are telling remarried Christians (or those married to divorced spouses) to divorce their current spouse because their marriage is adulterous.😢 Many of these people don't seem like they are unhappy with their current marriages; they feel for sure that they are living in adultery. This makes no sense to me, as they are ignoring the vows they made in their current marriages. We serve a loving God and if remarried couples confess the sin , God forgives. There is NO PERPETUAL adultery, especially since He has sent new spouses into the lives of so many divorced Christians.

    • @elinaburgmane223
      @elinaburgmane223 6 місяців тому +1

      Luke 16:17-18
      Marriage is not sin, you cant confess and forget it, its covenant till death, God is not blessing second, third, fourth marriage until first is alive.

    • @Logic807
      @Logic807 5 місяців тому

      Actually I thought it is possible to divorce. Till I search it myself, just do a word search and collect all the verses. Read it in context to determine what the verse says what it means. Yup I got a shock. Remarriage for whatever reason is adultery as long as the first wife is alive. Read what Paul said when he discussed the law. I remain open … but for a person to take the step to divorce again to obey God , it will be because of what they read, I can tell you they are not doing it just because they were taught so. Unfortunately, it is the plain reading of the Bible. It is the other way around that need word salad, play with words. However I truly think, one should ask God, not everything is so clear cut. For example forced marriage.

  • @clydeholiday5907
    @clydeholiday5907 Рік тому +2

    There's no exceptions except for death divorce remarriage our spouses alive equals hell playing

  • @seanrathmakedisciples1508
    @seanrathmakedisciples1508 4 роки тому +5

    Jesus was speaking the perfect law-to the Jews.We are not under the mosaic law as this law was the standard that only Jesus Himself could fulfill. Jesus did what we couldn’t do which is keep the law. We’re saved by grace and we’re under a better covenant of grace.

  • @Troneous
    @Troneous 5 років тому +15

    Are these Legalists who love the idea of fellow brothers and sisters being tormented in "eternal" hellfire for past mistakes or ignorance discouraging you? don't be discouraged. Go to Christ, not carnal and merciless man.
    Romans 8:1-2
    Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.

    • @Troneous
      @Troneous 5 років тому

      @@dennishagans6339 explain hell and the lake of fire using sculpture.
      Hope your translation is accurate and not using the latin vulgate lol!

    • @dennishagans6339
      @dennishagans6339 5 років тому

      well it just so happens I have a study on just that very thing, I hope you are up for a long read? it took me a while to make that study, it shouldn't take that long to read it.

    • @Troneous
      @Troneous 5 років тому

      @@dennishagans6339 Most Christians do not know the different uses and meanings of the word "hell" in the original language and in proper context - nor do they understand the meaning of the words that were translated to "forever" and "eternal".
      God is just, eternal punishment is not and it contradicts a plethora of scriptures. There is a reason why you will have the least and the greatest in heaven.
      Saved by fear or grace?
      1 Cor 15:22

    • @dennishagans6339
      @dennishagans6339 5 років тому

      So your going to call God unjust if He condemns the unrepentant to eternal Hellfire?
      Spoken like a true disciple of egw.
      As for Hebrew and Greek not everyone has the time the money or the ability to go and learn those laungauges so God in His Grace gave us some trutworthy men who could translate those languages into English the those of us who for whatever reason cannot study those languages have reliable translations. And after all anyone not born into one of those languages has to learn them and therefore need to have those words translated so they can learn them so you have to trust that when you are learning Hebrew and Greek that you are getting the best word for word translation so you can learn it.
      As for context I have a complete study on everytime Jesus quoted out of your context rule of man. And not only Jesus but all of the Gospel writers that quoted out of context many times so i think i will follow Jesus and the Gospel writers example rather than some man-made rule about context
      It wont take but a jiffy to post it and it is longer than the one on Hell.
      I do not like to eat Crow so i make very sure i have my ducks in a row when i post i try to make sure any nonbiblical souce is legit and i can link to that source if i use it.
      We have had the Word of God for nearly 1800 years as it was past down even when the rcc was trying desparatly to stop it.
      All of those who died in the faith had everything they needed for all matters of faith and doctrine and are in Heaven waiting for the first resurection.
      If they had needed egw's writings too then God would have provided that stuff in the apostles day so it could become part of our bible.
      All of her writings when put together are equal in size to 17 volums of the size of the KJV
      So adding in all of egws writings we would end up with a bible that was 18 volums long and each volume the size of the KJV
      now you have a huge problem because many many people would be unable to but an 18 volume bible as the printings costs would be sky high.
      Once we had the complete old and new testaments there was no more need for prophecy and it would cease!
      That is one way to identify false prophetesses because they try to add to Gods already completed Word.

    • @Troneous
      @Troneous 5 років тому

      @@dennishagans6339 deflection.

  • @chrisjames3401
    @chrisjames3401 2 роки тому +3

    I believe you are exactly right

  • @kenwigginsii6065
    @kenwigginsii6065 3 роки тому +6

    I’m currently married to my 2nd wife. I committed audultery against my 1st wife. My 2nd wife was married, and her husband committed adultery. She divorced him. My ex-wife filed for divorce from me. She was divorced and I was divorced. Her ex-husband died. I have been married to my 2nd wife for 9 1/2 years. I’m sharing my situation, not just for advice, but to be open about my situation. Lord God is the Judge, not man.

    • @paul3441
      @paul3441 3 роки тому +1

      "He that rejects me and does not receive my words, has him who judges him: the word which I have spoken, that shall judge him in the last day" (JOHN 12:48).

    • @timsadventures1954
      @timsadventures1954 2 роки тому +3

      Seek qualified counseling before making life changing decisions, do not take advice from uneducated, self appointed UA-cam commenter counselor's. Aj is on every thread spouting scriptures out of context and ignoring historical facts. There are no scriptures that tell anyone to divorce their current wife to repent. Most important is the finished work of Christ at the cross.

    • @whiskeredtuna
      @whiskeredtuna 2 роки тому

      Why is the Bible so adamant about staying single after a divorce? Why does it matter so much?

    • @gregorylatta8159
      @gregorylatta8159 Рік тому

      Just repent change your mind ask for forgiveness and don't do it again. Don't divorce your current spouse as repentance like these heretical types you have a twisted view of salvation.

    • @gregorylatta8159
      @gregorylatta8159 Рік тому

      It is not a salvation issue. But pray 🙏

  • @jackieanderson6344
    @jackieanderson6344 2 роки тому +2

    What about the people you who divorce their narcissistic spouse? Are they condemned forever? This doesn’t sound right.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 2 роки тому +1

      this is not a Biblical ground, for divorce and remarriage....

  • @jeremymccglasson8338
    @jeremymccglasson8338 5 років тому +9

    Maybe we should be studying the difference between divorce and the putting away and who Jesus was talking to (the Jews)who are under the law. In Malachi God said, He hates the putting away (the man kicking his wife out of his house for any reason and sending her on her way) not divorce. God divorced Israel. The man would not have to return the dowry that her father gave him when they were married and she would have nothing. She is still married, but would either have to go back to her father or go be with another man so she would be taken care of. He also would not write her a certificate of divorce so that she could not remarry and if she did then she would be living in adultry because she is still married. She would not have proof that she was divorced (bill) and men would ask for that before they would even consider a woman or they also would be living in adultry, marrying a woman who was still married. Moses gave them permission to divorce and remarry because of the hardness of mens hearts, which we still deal with today. God hates the putting away (seperation) with no certificate of divorce, because the man was being very wicked to the woman, sending her away with nothing. She would be screwed and he could take her back any time he wanted because they were still married. And he knew she would not be with another man because she is still married and would be committing adultery (which if caught ment being stoned to death). When a man and a woman get married it should be for life, but we still live in our cursed flesh and still have to deal with sin. Dueteronemy 24:3 talkes about the latter husband, if he DIES or GIVES A BILL OF DIVOREMENT. Both ways according to the law separates one and makes them two. Marriage brings two into one union and divorce separates the two so they are no longer one but two. If you look at the three gospels there is only one spot out of all the places it talkes about this subject that says divorce (KJV). All other places say putting away. If Jesus ment divorce in that one spot then He would not be in agreement to the law. Divorce does not match what the rest of Gods word teaches and the law and customs of Israel. (ASV) has all those scriptures as putting/put away.

    • @Troneous
      @Troneous 5 років тому +3

      Correct but legalists do not like it because it does not include "torment" "eternal" "hellfire" etc
      Praise God for His endless mercy and love. We should show love, mercy and forgiveness to all through the Holy Spirit- even the more now, knowing how glorious our Lord and Savior is. The Holy Spirit will guide and let us not be fooled by those wanting to put the unaware into bondage and condemnation.

    • @ObeyJesusOurLord
      @ObeyJesusOurLord 5 років тому +3

      Jeremy McCGlasson This information is so helpful & needed!!! (I am very happily remarried. My current husband loves me so much & I feel the same way about him. We both know Christ as our personal Savior. We would not want to split up!) I gleaned soooooo much from your post!!

    • @gaylechristensen6285
      @gaylechristensen6285 5 років тому +3

      You are absolutely correct. Thank you...finally someone who gets it. God Bless you. Your comment was like a breath of fresh air.

    • @audeemurphee1591
      @audeemurphee1591 5 років тому +1

      Jeremy McCGlasson,
      I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one who understands what the Bible says concerning marriage, divorce, and remarriage and the difference between the words divorce and putting away (Apoluo in Greek, and Shalach in Hebrew).
      Many pastors and others who have wrongly caused many marriages to dissolve because of their lack of understanding and knowledge of the word.
      Thank you for breaking it down so that others will know the truth.

    • @TheShaha88
      @TheShaha88 4 роки тому +1

      Audee Murphee call you tell me how Greeks use to ‘’divorce’’ back then, please?

  • @kathode4ever
    @kathode4ever 6 років тому +10

    1. knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
    II Peter 1:20‭-‬21 NKJV
    2. If anyone teaches otherwise and does not consent to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which accords with godliness, he is proud, knowing nothing, but is obsessed with disputes and arguments over words, from which come envy, strife, reviling, evil suspicions, useless wranglings of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain. From such withdraw yourself.
    I Timothy 6:3‭-‬5 NKJV
    3. And Jesus answered and said to them, “Because of the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. But from the beginning of the creation, God ‘made them male and female.’ ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’ ; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” In the house His disciples also asked Him again about the same matter. So He said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.”
    Mark 10:5‭-‬12 NKJV
    4.Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her husband. But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And a husband is not to divorce his wife.
    I Corinthians 7:10‭-‬11 NKJV
    5.A wife is bound by law as long as her husband lives; but if her husband dies, she is at liberty to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.
    I Corinthians 7:39 NKJV
    6.For the woman who has a husband is bound by the law to her husband as long as he lives. But if the husband dies, she is released from the law of her husband. So then if, while her husband lives, she marries another man, she will be called an adulteress; but if her husband dies, she is free from that law, so that she is no adulteress, though she has married another man.
    Romans 7:2‭-‬3 NKJV
    7.Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.
    Hebrews 13:4 NKJV
    8.And this is the second thing you do: You cover the altar of the Lord with tears, With weeping and crying; So He does not regard the offering anymore, Nor receive it with goodwill from your hands. Yet you say, “For what reason?” Because the Lord has been witness Between you and the wife of your youth, With whom you have dealt treacherously; Yet she is your companion And your wife by covenant. But did He not make them one, Having a remnant of the Spirit? And why one? He seeks godly offspring. Therefore take heed to your spirit, And let none deal treacherously with the wife of his youth. “For the Lord God of Israel says That He hates divorce, For it covers one’s garment with violence,” Says the Lord of hosts. “Therefore take heed to your spirit, That you do not deal treacherously.” You have wearied the Lord with your words; Yet you say, “In what way have we wearied Him? ” In that you say, “Everyone who does evil Is good in the sight of the Lord , And He delights in them,” Or, “Where is the God of justice?”
    Malachi 2:13‭-‬17 NKJV

    • @atikalove9
      @atikalove9 4 роки тому +1

      Why are you people using issues of the law to hold people down who are suppose to be in the regime of Grace. Matters of the law should be left to those who are in the law.

    • @timsadventures1954
      @timsadventures1954 4 роки тому +1

      As it was in the beginning there was no sin. If there is no sin would it not be a world without divorce? Then they ate the fruit which was the first sin. Are you attempting to say we now live in a world as it was in the beginning?
      Malachi when that was written wasn't that when Jewish men were divorcing their wives and marrying pagan women? That was like a twofer. Context context context.
      When a married undivorced person marries another no doubt that is adultery.
      When Jesus spoke to the pharisees about divorce for any cause he referred to the beginning and then added unless for immorality. Divorce for any cause was legalized adultery and Jesus showed them the true morality of the law of Moses. Context context context.

    • @atikalove9
      @atikalove9 4 роки тому

      @@timsadventures1954 your first assumption is wrong. That if there was no sin as it was in the beginning, then there will be no divorce. It means you have ignored the fact that the knowledge of sin is what makes an act a sin and not the act in itself. The context of divorce Christ talked about was divorce at all cost and mostly because, the women were neglected and without protection, which a man symbolizes. It therefore means that the divorce was not for a good cause. I don't think God will want anybody to remain in a marriage in which they are not happy or that prevents them from realising their goals. Despite being Christian, our human nature is still there and we will respond to it. It therefore means, people can make mistake and they should be allowed to correct it. However, when you divorce, you shouldn't abandon the woman. You should ensure to take care of her until there is another man.

    • @timsadventures1954
      @timsadventures1954 4 роки тому +1

      Culture Atika
      In the beginning there was no sin until they ate the fruit. The statement is in reference to those that use Genesis as an example for no remarriage. Quite simply if there is no sin there would be no divorce as divorce is sinful. You are correct when anyone sins they know it is wrong. I think you misunderstood what I wrote as I do not believe divorce and remarriage is the unforgivable sin that some make it out to be. None of us are perfect only Christ, when we fail we need to repent move forward and do our best to honor God.

    • @atikalove9
      @atikalove9 4 роки тому +1

      @@timsadventures1954 quite understood. Thanks for the exchange. Have a blessed day.

  • @roybowen5395
    @roybowen5395 6 років тому +4

    You use Moses, it was not a law, he allowed it. So many say it's ok. Why would make it law. Above the vow to God in marriage.

  • @dh605x
    @dh605x 2 роки тому +10

    David Servant is right. If being in a 2nd marriage with a living first spouse would render one ineligible for salvation, that point would have been explicit in Scripture. You would clearly read the command to such spouses to get a divorce to avoid eternal damnation. It is unreasonable to believe the Scriptures would be silent on this point if it were true.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 2 роки тому +2

      the second marriage is adultery...1 Corinthians 6.9-11 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [a]homosexuals, nor [b]sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were [c]sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x 2 роки тому +3

      If I had $1 for every time someone quoted 1 Corinthians 6:9 here... But it isn't really on point because that is referring to adulterers, not people in a 2nd marriage with a living former spouse.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 2 роки тому

      @@dh605x people, in so called second marriages are aldulterers....otherwise we would not be here....

    • @PyroGuyUSA
      @PyroGuyUSA 2 роки тому +3

      @@philipbuckley759 Must be nice to be perfect...just more legalist mumbo-jumbo. This is talking about people who aren't yet saved. And saved people still sin, sometimes willfully (sadly), but their sins are still covered by the one-time sacrifice of Christ. If not, then we are justified by the Law, and NOT by the perfect blood of Jesus and by Faith in HIS works, not our own. Yet here you drag out works as a condition of salvation.
      I'm more concerned for people who think they live perfect lives, or that believe SOME sins are worse than others.
      You still sin...I still sin...we all still sin. Including people who have divorced and remarried.

    • @gregorylatta8159
      @gregorylatta8159 Рік тому +1

      Exactly 💯 those who connect divorce and marriage to salvation are heretical works based false teachers.

  • @thomasjefferson5727
    @thomasjefferson5727 4 роки тому +4

    When did Jesus at all endorse mosiac law? "From the beginning it was not so." He endorses God's law, not that of Moses.

    • @D426-y2q
      @D426-y2q 3 роки тому +2

      Jesus himself said he did not come to abolish the law..... This man is right, it seems almost everyone in this comment section just plucks one verse out of the Bible and says look here’s all the proof you need. If I were you people I’d be very carful about abusing and taking gods word out of context.

  • @gwendolynwehage6336
    @gwendolynwehage6336 3 роки тому +3

    We do have the account of Hosea and Gomer in which God commands Hosea to go and get his wife who was with another man. She broke her husband's heart and yet God told Hosea to go and get her back.

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x 2 роки тому +2

      But God's word in that was specific to Hosea.

    • @gwendolynwehage6336
      @gwendolynwehage6336 2 роки тому

      @@dh605x all things in the Bible were not written to us but are examples for us.

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x 2 роки тому

      @@gwendolynwehage6336 Not everything in the Scriptures are intended as examples. I would refer to Proverbs 20:14 and ask yourself if this is how we should behave in the marketplace.

    • @gwendolynwehage6336
      @gwendolynwehage6336 2 роки тому

      @@dh605x Lets look at the rest of the passage in context; "15 There is an abundance of gold and rubies, but lips of knowledge are a rare treasure.…" The lesson is in this portion of the passage you quoted. This lesson is for everyone who loves Christ.

  • @thomasjefferson5727
    @thomasjefferson5727 4 роки тому +8

    Seems as though the only time someone uses the word "legalist" is when their own actions have gone against the teachings of Christ.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому +1

      @Some One so why did John the Baptist give up his life, to warn Herod.....

    • @johnborland7865
      @johnborland7865 2 роки тому +2

      @@philipbuckley759 because Herod married a woman not divorced, and further was considered incest under Jewish law.

  • @kellb9283
    @kellb9283 3 роки тому +1

    It’s as though the Pharisees turned a displeasure into indecency. Isn’t that one of the major teachings of Christ and his point that the Pharisees turned the Law of Moses and distorted it into doing things against God’s Word?

  • @theraptureisnearbelieveinj7695
    @theraptureisnearbelieveinj7695 4 роки тому +6

    The Bible is pretty clear about divorce & remarriage. It’s only been since the 1970’s that divorce was made no-fault and the divorce rate skyrocketed. It wasn’t that way historically for thousands of years. I’m very grateful to have had my eyes opened on this subject! My 2nd husband and I are now going through a divorce to fulfill what God wants for us, and not what we want for ourselves. We will remain friends, but I should of never married him in the first place. Mind you, we both had VERY good reasons to divorce our former spouses. Keep studying the Word, and He will show you His truth. God bless.

    • @D426-y2q
      @D426-y2q 3 роки тому

      @The Rapture Is Near Yes keep studying the Bible and god will reveal the truth to you.

    • @theraptureisnearbelieveinj7695
      @theraptureisnearbelieveinj7695 3 роки тому +3

      @@D426-y2q I am divorced now. It’s not easy, but I’m on Team Jesus all the way! Romans 7:2,3, Matthew 19:9, Matthew 5:32, Luke 16:18, etc

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x 2 роки тому

      You got a divorce solely because it was your 2nd marriage and some legalistic ding dong told you that you would lose your salvation if you didn't? Another low point for the Marriage Permanence Heresy.

    • @neilmccall5311
      @neilmccall5311 Рік тому +2

      @@theraptureisnearbelieveinj7695 I'm dreadfully sorry that you've been led astray by wicked teachers to divorce a SECOND time not because your marriage is unsustainable but because these people are intent on breaking up Christian marriages - the Bible doesn't teach that the second marriage is not actually a marriage and that you should renege on your covenant vows a second time!

    • @neilmccall5311
      @neilmccall5311 Рік тому +1

      I'm very sorry to hear that you're going through the distress of a second divorce, especially as you consider that you had good grounds for an initial divorce. And whilst I'm not sure about no-fault divorces, at least it stops the courts being cluttered up with people desperate to prove the other party guilty. In the UK there used to be three grounds for divorce - adultery, cruelty and desertion, and I believe these correspond pretty much to BIblical reasons.

  • @rcjr2633
    @rcjr2633 5 років тому +6

    Hey Bro Servant , great teaching..
    The reason the a husband could not go back and remarry the first is because;
    The laws in that day allowed a husband with young children to leave his family until the kids were old enough to work a farm and then come back to the previous marriage, within a 5-7 year window, and reclaim his wife EVEN if she'd married another , and everything they accumulated..
    This caused men to reject a divorced woman, forcing her to no other option but prostitution, in an era that was 99% agricultural. So God put the " abomination " label on it..Which it was..
    Just food for thought .. check it out for yourself and let me know what you find. Thanks..

  • @denisefleury-fils617
    @denisefleury-fils617 6 років тому +2

    Thank you for helping!

  • @timsadventures1954
    @timsadventures1954 5 років тому +5

    Jesus did not come to change the law. God gave the laws to Moses and they are in effect when Jesus spoke to the pharisee's on the matter of divorce and remarriage. Nowhere can scripture be found that Jesus contradicts the laws God gave Moses. God's stance on divorce is he hates it and there is a list of other sins that fall in that same position. If divorce was not physically possible why would God say he hates it? With that said why would the law state a former remarried spouse is forbid to return to their previous spouse if remarriage did not end the previous marriage covenant? The scripture does not call for capital punishment for the divorced and remarried so the adultery Jesus is talking to the pharisee's about is the premature end of the marriage covenant not physical adultery in the marriage. Scripture exegesis needs to be from both testaments so proper understanding is attained.
    Thank you for this lesson David

    • @ObeyJesusOurLord
      @ObeyJesusOurLord 5 років тому +1

      Tim's Honda Foreman 4 wheeling adventures Thank you for sharing! Really helped me!

    • @timsadventures1954
      @timsadventures1954 5 років тому +2

      @@ObeyJesusOurLord blessings Carol

    • @ObeyJesusOurLord
      @ObeyJesusOurLord 5 років тому +1

      Tim's Honda Foreman 4 wheeling adventures 😊✝

    • @ObeyJesusOurLord
      @ObeyJesusOurLord 5 років тому +2

      Tim's Honda Foreman 4 wheeling adventures I just had to add once again how encouraging it was to read your comment! It makes such sense! My current husband & I are both committed to Christ & to each other, both of us accepted Him as Lord & Savior. It would have been so tragic to end our beautiful marriage. I'm certain God caused me to notice your comment as I had been praying about what to do. And my husband said he also felt we were to stay together!

    • @timsadventures1954
      @timsadventures1954 5 років тому +1

      Carol Dold
      This subject has been close to my heart as I'm on my second marriage too. We have raised a family and this will be our 29th year together. I think anyone that has gone through divorce carries some guilt with them even if they were not at fault and there is also the feeling of failure too. God said it right that he hates divorce and I think anyone that has gone through it agrees with that statement. Then along comes the people trying to convince you that in God's eyes you are still married to your first spouse and your second marriage is adultery. Then to get right with God all you have to do is unscramble the eggs of a broken marriage or be alone the rest of your life. It has been asked frequently for scripture where Jesus told anyone that had remarried to go back to their first spouse and nothing. Why would God/ Jesus give laws to Moses if there was no divorce and remarriage? Their answer is Jesus held us to a higher standard. I have to disagree because God/Jesus does not change ever. It has been many years since my divorce and I spent 10 years trying to reconcile to no avail. I have repented for my sins in that marriage and rest on Jesus's promise of forgiveness, healing, and my part is to have faith I'm forgiven. I'm sure there will be some that find fault in this but I refuse to let anyone take away the peace our savior gives me. To put it simply I pray that God's will be done in my life and where ever that takes me that where I will be.
      Blessings Carol

  • @notrikleinad4918
    @notrikleinad4918 4 роки тому +1

    All of this predicated on ,did God put them together ????

  • @lovefaith1714
    @lovefaith1714 4 роки тому +9

    To repent from the act of REMARRIAGE ADULTERY doesn't mean to get a DIVORCE, you can't fix one sin with another sin. Malachi 2:16 (...."Indeed, the LORD God of Israel says that he hates divorce....") YOU CANT "UNDO" YOUR SINS, Getting divorced wouldn't undo the fact that you remarried.
    Hebrews 2:17
    "For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people."
    Romans 3:
    21. But now God has shown us a way to be made right with him without keeping the requirements of the law, as was promised in the writings of Moses and the prophets long ago. 22. We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.
    Hebrews 10:38 The just shall live by faith in all Christ already did, not by obedience to the law but led by the Gospel of Christ a holiness that is only from Christ, to shrink back from this is to have & feel pride, confidence and safety in their own righteousness.
    (1 John 1:9-10) When you repent,
    Feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one's wrongdoing or sin.
    confess as instructed of the act of ADULTERY, just as with all of your other repented shortcomings and trust the covering blood of Jesus over your IMPERFECTIONS, Gods grace is sufficient for all manner of sin, God is faithful & just to cleanse you of ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. This sin was paid for on the cross before you commited it.
    To sin no more is to NOT GET REMARRIED AGAIN. But remain in your present marriage covenant forgiven & blessed. Romans 4:7.“Blessed are those whose lawless acts are forgiven, whose sins are covered."
    You cant make the comparison that a thief must return what he steals in order to repent because that's not the instructions,
    Ephesians 4:28
    He who has been stealing must steal no longer, (not must return what he stole) but must work, doing good with his own hands, that he may have something to share with the one in need.
    So as I said don't get remarried again.

    • @sjg5994
      @sjg5994 Рік тому +2

      So spot on. This rhetoric is damaging. Purposely commit a sin to get rid of another sin? If I have a child out of wedlock, then do we get rid of the child? Ishmael was born outside of what God said, but God took care of him and did not let him perish. David committed adultery with Bathesheba to then marry her after having husband killed. God punished David but didn't say divorce her nor took away David's call to be king.

    • @chinawilliams2582
      @chinawilliams2582 9 днів тому

      @@sjg5994 not to mention David and Bathsheba’s son was king Solomon himself in the bloodline of Jesus! So are they trying to say we should murder ex’s now 😂 because God blessed David in the end.

  • @garvinsmith4555
    @garvinsmith4555 29 днів тому

    Yes, if you want to end your adulterous relationship.

  • @warren6790
    @warren6790 7 місяців тому +1

    It's a sin no doubt, but is it justified?, that's the real issue, Jesus said all manner of sin that men commit will be forgiven, only blasphemy of the Holy Spirit will not, whether it will be justified sin or not is up to Him in the end, it's still sin, just hope and pray your sin will be justified if you remarry, cause there's a whole lot of sinning going on out there that is not justified, I myself lean towards the mercy side, it's still sin and something no one should be proud of and not thought of as not being sin

  • @marlenebaptiste9352
    @marlenebaptiste9352 5 років тому +4

    Even Paul said what Jesus said. 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband:
    11 But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.

    • @leonmajcen2577
      @leonmajcen2577 5 років тому +1

      What about v. 15?

    • @messiahswordsfirst6992
      @messiahswordsfirst6992 5 років тому +3

      1Co 7:15 "But if the unbelieving one separates, let them be separated; the brother or the sister is not in bondage in such matters; but God has called us in peace."
      No mention here of divorce, nor any permission to remarry.

    • @leonmajcen2577
      @leonmajcen2577 5 років тому +1

      Verses 27 and 28!

    • @messiahswordsfirst6992
      @messiahswordsfirst6992 5 років тому +2

      25 NOW ABOUT VIRGINS: I have no command from the Lord, but I give a judgment as one who by the Lord’s mercy is trustworthy. 26 Because of the present crisis, I think that it is good for a man to remain as he is. 27 Are you pledged to a woman? Do not seek to be released. Are you free from such a commitment? Do not look for a wife. 28 But if you do marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. But those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this.
      Paul tells us clearly to whom he is speaking in these verses: VIRGINS. In verse 27, Paul is addressing virgin males. He never mentions divorce, put away, or remarriage. Paul also does NOT say "are you married (G1060) to a wife/woman (G1135)", NOR does he say "have you been divorced from a wife". All of this is because Paul not is not talking to married men nor divorced men, but to previously unwed young men who may or may not be pledged to marry a woman. Remember, we are dealing with a time and place when most marriages were arranged marriages.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому +3

      @@leonmajcen2577 the term is enslaved and the gramatical tense is worth studying now.....and as someone said....being enslaved never refered to being married....

  • @mensajesparaelremanente9680
    @mensajesparaelremanente9680 6 років тому +7

    "And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife leave her husband: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband divorce is wife”
    (I Corinthians 7:10, 11).
    In verse 11 he implies that separation may at times occur. Some feel this refers to the exception Jesus gave. In any case, Paul is clear that if there is separation, there is to be no remarriage while one's partner is living, but reconciliation if possible.
    Paul records the same understanding that death and death only severs the marriage bond. Any other relationship during this marriage is adultery.
    "The woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man" (Romans 7:2, 3).
    I ask only that you please search out this matter to see if perhaps this viewpoint could be correct. If I've been wrong in my assertions, no real harm will be done. On the other hand if what I have concluded is the Historic Biblical view for 2000 years of Church History unquestioned till the 16th Century is correct many people are deceived and will suffer the torments of hell as a result of believing false teaching, and false grace.
    Remember that the Pharisee’s were the party of divorce/remarriage
    see www.marriagedivorce.com
    And in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter. And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall divorce his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. And if a woman shall divorce her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery (Mark 10: 10-12).
    Why is this issue so important? If people's Eternal destinies are linked to the legitimacy/illegitimacy of Divorce/Remarriage in the Church,, an issue 100 years ago that would not need to addressed. Can we sit idly by when our friends and loved ones are duped into believing that they can be in a remarriage and make into the Kingdom of Heaven, contrary to what the Lord Jesus the Early Church Fathers taught?
    I argue from what I believe is a biblical as well as the historical view that the Church has held for 2,000 years of its' history. Below I cite ample evidence from the Early Church Fathers as well as Biblical Scholars in addition to the Word of God itself. Watch Bible teacher David Pawson tackle this issue: ua-cam.com/video/Noqlkx4mUFQ/v-deo.html
    Dean Michael Gorman, professor of New Testament and Early Christianity has concluded that: "In the early church, many voices addressed the subjects of marriage, divorce, and remarriage, but their message, on the whole, was quite unified. Christian marriage, they said, is an indissoluble bond.
    Divorce, with the implicit right of remarriage, was not an option for Christian couples (though Origen admits some toleration existed), but permanent separation was. Remarriage after separation was considered punishable adultery or bigamy-sometimes more so for women than men. "
    John Coblentz writes:
    "The early church leaders understood Jesus to teach that remarriage was adultery. Jerome (5th Century), for example, wrote, "A husband may be an adulterer or a sodomite, he may be stained with every crime and may
    have been left by his wife because of his sins; yet he is still her husband, and, so long as he lives, she may not marry another." "The idea of remarriage is a rather new invention of the Humanist Erasmus. Prior to Erasmus (1500's) this would have been a moot issue. from Have You Not Read Matthew 19:4 By Casey Whitaker"Most of the modern church has become sadly silent on the issue of divorce and remarriage. Biblical precepts are ignored in favor of cheap grace. Families are destroyed and children carry the scars of divorce into adulthood. In the name of understanding and tolerance, modern churches accept remarried ministers, elders, and deacons. The organization that once prided itself on being salt and light now has a higher statistical divorce rate than the unbelieving world it seeks to influence. Who now will speak to the lifelong covenant of marriage?" …Because I love and care for God and His people so deeply, I cannot ignore what Jesus plainly said and what the early church taught and practiced for 1500 years after Christ. The majority of Christian churches in the first half of the 20th century knew this “old teaching” (not “new teaching”) but rarely applied it. I am not ashamed of the Word of God. I am glad to know this teaching. David Wicox writes: "Of all the early recognized Church Fathers who ever wrote, all who were written about, concerning every discussion and every debate, in thousands of surviving documents, over hundreds of years, there is not a single dissenting authoritative voice on the essential core doctrines of marriage, divorce and remarriage. Each taught the same doctrine, each held the same opinion and each enforced the same morals standards" That is, no Divorce/Remarriage- What Did Jesus Say? Matthew records Jesus as saying, "Whosoever shall divorce his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery" (Matthew 5:32). And again, "Whosoever shall divorce his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is divorced doth commit adultery" (Matthew 19:9). Mark and Luke : "Whosoever shall divorce his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. And if a woman shall divorce her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery" (Mark 10:11, 12). "Whosoever divorces his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is divorced from her husband committeth adultery" (Luke 16:18). Notice that in Mark the prohibition against divorce and remarriage is given to the woman as well as to the man. Paul forbade departing from a marriage partner, forbade remarriage, and encouraged reconciliation if separation did occur. What is significant about this point is that this writing may well have been the earliest New Testament writing on the subject. The date for the earliest Gospels (Matthew and Mark) is commonly set in the middle or late 50s (or early 60s);
    Paul wrote I Corinthians around 55 A.D. But whether Paul was the first to record Jesus' teaching on marriage or second or third, he obviously knew Jesus' teaching well.
    "And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife leave her husband: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband divorce is wife” (I Corinthians 7:10, 11). In verse 11 he implies that separation may at times occur. Some feel this refers to the exception Jesus gave. In any case, Paul is clear that if there is separation, there is to be no remarriage while one's partner is living, but reconciliation if possible. Paul records the same understanding that death and death only severs the marriage bond. Any other relationship during this marriage is adultery. "The woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man" (Romans 7:2, 3). The Church has taught that marriage is permanent while the first spouse is alive- for 2000 years of History. Only in the 2nd half of the 20th century was remarriage permitted. Jesus' teaching shows that man's laws are at times at variance with God's laws. What man does to divide a marriage does not sever the bond in God's sight. What man calls remarriage, in God's eyes is adultery if the true partner is still living.
    The early church leaders understood Jesus to teach that remarriage was adultery. Jerome, for example, wrote, "A husband may be an adulterer or a sodomite, he may be stained with every crime and may have been left by his wife because of his sins; yet he is still her husband, and, so long as he lives, she may not marry another."
    The greatest sin in the marriage discussion is actually caused by the false teachers who are leading millions into darkness and apostasy and straight into HELL. Let me explain. When a pastor counsels a person away from permanency-marriage and pontificates that their marriage can be put asunder, for what he decides is a so called legitimate reason, and approves remarriage he is leading that person into apostasy.
    Any act of sexual intercourse for a married person with someone other than their living spouse is adultery. Divorce in other words for a married couple is impossible. By advising toward divorce with remarriage the false teacher is leading his hearers into apostasy, the falling away from the truth and straight into HELL. The Scriptures declare that the latter day apostasy will be marked by marriage divorcers (covenant breakers, trucebreakers): “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers [given to marital divorce, my comment] II Tim. 3:3).”

    • @patriciat1514
      @patriciat1514 5 років тому +3

      When the church condones a nonbiblical divorce, has singles groups for divorcees to mingle and meet, performs marriages of these divorcees in the church, all in front of this family's children and the church children, the church is teaching "the little ones who believe in Him" to sin.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому +1

      @@patriciat1514 amen...

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x 2 роки тому

      @@patriciat1514 The problem with the statement "When the church condones a nonbiblical divorce..." is that to some people like Jerome in the 5th Century, there is no other kind of divorce. We are doing a grave disservice when we act as if God Hates Divorce more than He hates adultery, abuse, treachery, neglect, etc.

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x 2 роки тому

      @Ephesians 4:30!! I'm sorry you had to go through that. But if your former husband is going to act that way, that is his choice. You aren't obligated to him any longer. And yes, you can remarry a man who will treat you better. Don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. The demise of your first marriage is on him, not you.

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x 2 роки тому

      @Ephesians 4:30!! I'm glad reconciliation was a viable path for you and that it worked out for you. We should be aware that reconciliation isn't always possible. Reconciliation isn't always wise or appropriate, especially in cases where there is abuse involved. Some of the comments here talk of reconciliation as of it were a universal commandment regardless of the circumstances.

  • @mensajesparaelremanente9680
    @mensajesparaelremanente9680 6 років тому +10

    So these false teachers enter the world of apostates themselves. Notice what they have managed to pull off-a vernacular term meaning to deceive. They take a clean holy vessel- a spouse who never committed adultery-and have led that spouse directly into and adulterous union and have accomplished even a greater feat; they have called the unholy act of adultery, holy matrimony. It is as if they are saying to the spouse, Go, the church blesses your holy-adultery. The crime here is enlarged since now the spouse is trapped into the bonds of sin without the immediate opportunity to repent and be saved, repent and be forgiven. This is apostasy. The Pharisees asked, “Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away,” did they realize what they said. The word in Greek for divorcement is apostasion. The “writing of divorcement” can be referred to as a Writing of Apostasy. Salvation sola gratia assures sinners that by repentance and faith they are saved; “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” The false teacher’s doctrine slaps sola gratia in the face. By teaching holy-adultery they have created an act whereby the sinner is at liberty to willfully sin and live comfortably- especially in the church-in a state of mind whereby they believe they are righteous. This is an affront to the Gospel-excluding the sin of adulterous-remarriage from the act of repentance-now the sinner cannot be forgiven because they do not know they are living in sin.

    1. If a spouse persists in adulterous behavior and there is no other
    alternative, the marriage relationship can be terminated by the
    innocent party. (Hermas, Clement, Jerome, Augustine)
    2. Spouses that are divorced for any reason must remain celibate and
    single as long as both spouses live. Remarriage is expressly
    prohibited. (Hermas, Justin Martyr, Clement, Origen, Basil, Ambrose,
    Jerome, Augustine)
    3. To indulge in lust with the mind is to be guilty of adultery of the
    heart. (Justin Martyr)
    4. Whoever marries a divorced person commits adultery. (Hermas,
    Justin Martyr, Clement, Origen, Basil, Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine)
    5. Whoever contracts a second marriage, whether a Christian or not,
    while a former spouse lives is sinning against God. (Justin Martyr,
    6. God does not, and the Church must not, take into account human
    law when it is in violation of God’s law. (Justin Martyr, Origen,
    7. God judges motives and intentions, private thought life and actions.
    (Justin Martyr)
    8. The marriage covenant between a man and a woman is
    permanent, as long as both husband and wife are alive. (Clement,
    Origen, Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine)
    9. It is a serious offense against God to take another person’s
    spouse. (Basil)
    10. The Church must charge all persons who are in possession of
    another living person’s former husband or wife with adultery. (Basil)
    11. Sexual relations are a marital right that is limited to one’s own
    husband or wife. (Hermas, Justin Martyr, Clement, Origen, Basil,
    Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine)
    12. Sexual relations with one’s legitimate spouse protects from sexual
    sin. (Ambrose)
    13. Marriage and sexual relations with a remarried spouse while a
    former spouse lives is the sin of adultery. (Hermas, Justin Martyr,
    Clement, Origen, Basil, Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine)
    14. It is a serious mistake to believe that it is simply one’s right to
    divorce a spouse and take another. Even though human law may
    permit such a thing, God strictly forbids it, and cannot, and will not
    honor it. (Clement, Origen, Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine)
    15. Anyone who follows human customs and laws regarding
    marriage, divorce and remarriage, instead of God’s Divine instructions
    should stand in fearful awe of God Himself. (Clement, Ambrose)
    16. All lawmakers, in and out of the Church are warned, to their peril,
    to hear and obey the Word of the Lord in regard to His commands on
    marriage and divorce. (Ambrose)
    17. Christians are to stop making excuses and trying to find
    justification for divorce and remarriage. There are no valid reasons
    acceptable to God. (Jerome, Augustine)
    18. A marriage is for life. No matter what a spouse turns out to be, or
    how they may act, what they do or don’t do, or the sins they commit,
    the covenant remains fully in effect. A remarriage while a former
    spouse lives is not marriage at all, but sinful adultery. God does not
    divide the one flesh relationship except by physical death. (Hermas,
    Clement, Origen, Basil, Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine)
    19. Marriage is a lifelong covenant that will never be invalidated by
    God while both parties live. (Hermas, Justin Martyr, Clement, Origen,
    Basil, Ambrose, Augustine)
    pastor Carlos

    • @dw6505
      @dw6505 6 років тому

      Mensajes para el Remanente amen

    • @samuelfloyd5072
      @samuelfloyd5072 6 років тому +3

      Hows that working for you? I fear the day you get jugged by your own standards. Have you not read that "I desire mercy"? Did Jesus speak this way to prostitutes? No not at all. This man in no way addressed if it was OK to remarry, rather only if you should get divorced again. The Scripture is Quite Clear and what this man is saying is spot on. Do you have any idea how many children would be on the streets starving if what you are saying was enforced? Hate to break it to you this world is broken. Here have a Stone. Cast it at me if you honestly have had no sin in that area.

    • @mensajesparaelremanente9680
      @mensajesparaelremanente9680 6 років тому +1

      The teachings of Jesus are clear and unambiguous-"Whosoever shall divorce his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. And if a woman shall divorce her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery" (Mark 10:11, 12). 50 years ago for a Christian to divorce and remarry was considered the sin of living in a continual state of adultery. Christians, today, in India, for example, still believe the same thing (see Zac Poonen). Today most Evangelicals over the age of 50 consider sodomite marriage illegitimate and sinful, ( rightly so), but the majority of their offspring in the church, Gen X'rs and Millennials, according to statistics, do not believe sodomite "marriage" is sinful. Nonetheless, the Boomer generation in the last half of 20th century embraced divorce/remarriage which for 2000 years of Church history called sin. Slippery slope? 3 generations ago a Christian remarrying while the first spouse was alive was considered a sin. Today, this generation of Young People are embracing sodomite marriage and lifestyle using the same logic and arguments their parents used to justify their unbiblical and adulterous remarriages contrary to the very clear teachings of Jesus whom they claim to follow.
      "Of all the early recognized Church Fathers who ever wrote, all who were written about, concerning every discussion and every debate, in thousands of surviving documents, over hundreds of years, there is not a single dissenting authoritative voice on the essential core doctrines of marriage, divorce and remarriage. Each taught the same doctrine, each held the same opinion and each enforced the same morals standards" That is, no Divorce/Remarriage

    • @saracrook487
      @saracrook487 6 років тому

      Jacob Israel if every congregation practices what the word of God says there would be no children on the streets like you say, because there would be no divorce and remarriage, within the church of Jesus Christ.

    • @mensajesparaelremanente9680
      @mensajesparaelremanente9680 6 років тому


  • @jordan7985
    @jordan7985 5 років тому +4

    What everyone should be asking:
    “Has God joined the remarriage together?” , thus “what God has joined together let no man separate”.

    • @philarevolutionarywarriorp8295
      @philarevolutionarywarriorp8295 5 років тому

      God doesn't join together "remarriages" when the original spouse is still living. Luke 16:18, 1 Corinthians 7:10-11, And 7:39, Mark 10:7-10, and Romans 7:2-3 are all CRYSTAL CLEAR on this issue.

    • @neilmccall5311
      @neilmccall5311 Рік тому

      @@philarevolutionarywarriorp8295 I don't agree, provided that counselling is done and people face up to what caused their first marriage to fail then most churches will remarry divorcees. And they become MARRIAGES before God. Why do you want to see people hanging on desperately hoping their first spouse dies? Churches and pastors are in the business of bringing God's grace into the lives of damaged people not kicking them with misapplied Bible verses.

  • @djdj-qx3hb
    @djdj-qx3hb 5 років тому +3

    Not for cause of immortality but for cause of fornication. He is adding words that are not scriptural

    • @TiagoMuhlethaler
      @TiagoMuhlethaler 3 роки тому +1

      The greek word at the original text is "PORNEA" wich means any kind of sexual immorality, including fornication, so it means both terms. Because "pornea" is along with the fact that it's the root word for pornography, it also means fornication, prostituition, homossexual relationships, sexual fantasies and practices. So, it's a wide word that means some sort of literally practice of sexual indicency (or immorality) that goes agains the marital bound.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 2 роки тому

      @@TiagoMuhlethaler fornication.....there is already a word, for adultery....

  • @veroconstant8485
    @veroconstant8485 6 років тому +6

    It's not the demons of hell that send people to hell but the bible preachers .... May God have mercy on you

    • @donaldcastillo2322
      @donaldcastillo2322 5 років тому

      Veronique Constant I have commit adultery with my wife but I repent then my wife divorce me and two days after our divorce was finale she et another man wheer do I stand with my self

  • @Logic807
    @Logic807 5 місяців тому

    It is because the wife in Moses time belongs to another man. So it is detestable to God for her to leave the second husband just because the first husband wants her back. In Jesus time, he pronounced a new law which is the original intent, no divorce. Jesus is teaching covenant. Faithfulness.

  • @timothymoore8330
    @timothymoore8330 5 років тому +2

    So question I was never married and then got married to someone who was divorced because she claimed that her husband was a adulterer we married and divorced but her first husband is still living if she is bound by her first husband and goes back to him and I can go back to her because of that fact am I stuck to live my life alone if I can't go back to my ex wife I'm very confused????

    • @ObeyJesusOurLord
      @ObeyJesusOurLord 5 років тому

      Please read Deuteronomy 24:1-4. Lord, please help Tim to know what to do. Please give him direction and perfect peace. In Jesus Name I pray.

    • @timothymoore8330
      @timothymoore8330 5 років тому +1

      @@ObeyJesusOurLord thank you so very much and GOD bless you..🌹

    • @ObeyJesusOurLord
      @ObeyJesusOurLord 5 років тому

      Timothy Moore A privilege, Tim!😊✝

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 3 роки тому +1

      if you were married to a divorced person, and the Bible calls it adultery, it means you were never in a covenant relationship....so if that is the only person you were married to....you can leave that relationship, and find someone and make a covenant...or marry that one....

  • @joedixon6319
    @joedixon6319 6 років тому +7

    Sorry, but Till death do us part means.........Till death do us part. No way of getting around that.

    • @grateful1929
      @grateful1929 6 років тому +8

      Well, my husband left for his mistress. I'm not dead. He didn't want to live the Christian life anymore (quoting him). I prayed for a husband (after many years) I am now remarried. I am not bound to that first husband. He left Jesus and he left me.

    • @kingdavid4466
      @kingdavid4466 5 років тому

      Lisa Muirhead....I've been doing a lot of research lately online to see if god will forgive me for going through a divorce and i feel so guilty because five years ago my wife abandoned me, took my son and falsely had me charged for beating her. The judge saw her lies and the charges were dropped and I was even arrested again for writing a love letter to try and reconcile since I was court ordered to not be in contact. I fear I am now going to hell for an act which actually gave me a severe mental illness. I hate to feel like a victim but everyone is saying that god will condem me for an act that wasn't even mine.

    • @grateful1929
      @grateful1929 5 років тому +1

      @@kingdavid4466 Look at Romans 8:1. Are you saved? If so, you belong to the Lord! He LOVES you. You did nothing wrong. She left. It makes me sad that you feel that way. That is Satan whispering lies to you. Accept Jesus's love and forgiveness. He died to give it to you. TO YOU!!!! and ME and THE WHOLE WORLD!!! How much more could He love us than to DIE for us. Precious Jesus! He loves you John 3:16!!✝️😊

    • @grateful1929
      @grateful1929 5 років тому +1

      @@kingdavid4466 Also, who is saying you are condemned? Why are they saying that? Because you're divorced? SHE left!!! If you did any bad thing to make her leave ( not saying you did) then ask God to forgive you for that. He surely will. You aren't perfect and never will be. NONE of us! Ask Him to help you start over with Him. He's right there waiting. ❤️😊

    • @anneharrison1849
      @anneharrison1849 5 років тому +1

      @@kingdavid4466 I want to reassure you that as long as you have accepted Jesus as Lord of your life that you are forgiven it's the reason He came to earth to die on the cross. Your sins were forgiven at the cross, as long as you accept and believe that your sins are covered. Please don't let modern day pharisees discourage you, be encouraged and continue to walk with the Lord. You don't need to research if God will forgive you, you are washed clean by the blood of Jesus.

  • @randynethery1878
    @randynethery1878 5 років тому +1

    Scripture clearly teaches anyone who divorces and remarries while their covenant spouse is still living (with the exception of fornication) is an adulterer or adulteress (Matthew 5:31-32; Matthew 19:3-9; Mark 10:2-12; Luke 16:18; Romans 7:2-3; 1 Corinthians 7:10-15; 1 Corinthians 7:39).
    Additionally, scripture clearly teaches in order to receive God's mercy one must repent or they won't inherit the kingdom of Heaven (1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Luke 13:3).
    God saves anyone who genuinely repents. Repentance has two elements: Confessing AND forsaking our sins.
    Proverbs 28:13, says: "He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses AND forsakes them will have mercy."
    Remaining in an adulterous remarriage is not repentance.
    The liar has to repent and stop lying; the thief has to repent and stop stealing; the homosexuals have to repent and stop committing homosexual acts; and the adulterers and adulteresses (including those in adulterous remarriages) must repent and stop committing adultery.
    Sharing the scriptural truth about divorce and remarriage infuriates people who are supposed to be followers of Christ. Jesus's words regarding this issue anger his alleged followers like no other topic. Perhaps, it's time to obey Jesus Christ, and to begin believing He means what He says.
    Most importantly, ALL sins are unforgivable without repentance...including remaining in adulterous remarriages. According to the clear, easy to understand words of scripture: Jesus most definitely sends unrepentant adulterers and adulteresses into the lake of fire.

    • @jordanatwood3294
      @jordanatwood3294 5 років тому +4

      Randy Nethery maybe you also should obey God’s word and stop judging and acting so holy. It doesn’t matter the sin God forgives it all. The only unpardonable sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. So stop condemning people to hell on UA-cam and read the Bible👋🏼

  • @troyoutofthedust2825
    @troyoutofthedust2825 Рік тому

    My wife hated me and didn't want my kid because I was to poor. So she was going to divorce me and I cheated. Remarriage or if I can is a struggle even though I'm free in Christ.

  • @mrprosperity1
    @mrprosperity1 5 років тому +3

    plenty of ppl leave 2nd marriages after conviction by God

    • @jennb9482
      @jennb9482 5 років тому +3

      God would never tell someone to commit a sin to "fix" a previous sin.

    • @TheShaha88
      @TheShaha88 4 роки тому +2

      Kathleen Bettini it’s not a sin to quit a adulterous relationships that we call ‘’remarriage’’. We call it repentance. There’s a cost to pay to follow Jesus, and we can clearly see it with this teaching about remarriage.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому

      @@jennb9482 how is leaving a sinful relationship...sin....

    • @Thomas116-m2n
      @Thomas116-m2n 3 роки тому

      @@philipbuckley759 It's only a sinful relationship under certain circumstances. I'll give you an example, a former friend of mine left his marriage in order to marry another person. This is clearly an adulterous relationship. A different friend (who is still a friend) was left by his wife (who was unfaithful to him while overseas in the military) and married another person. Matthew 19:9 stated that this was an acceptable reason for the marriage bond to be dissolved. Porneia (regardless of what Erasmus says) is sexual immorality, adultery, beastiality, homosexuality, and other types of perversion. In summary, it depends on the case whether or not a marriage is a sinful relationship.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 2 роки тому

      @@jennb9482 it is not a sin to leave an adulterous relationship....

  • @willsr.9154
    @willsr.9154 4 роки тому

    Absolutely not' once she has been defiled he may never take her back...
    Yes She may repent as anyone should but she can never return to him that's what's in Deuteronomy 24

  • @edwardramirez8550
    @edwardramirez8550 5 років тому +3

    After reading all these comments this I am sure if;
    "I just saved 15% on my car insurance by switching to GEICO!"!

  • @robertmorris4057
    @robertmorris4057 2 роки тому

    Sooo bottom line is if your wife divorces u and she finds another man to marry her. The Divorced man is supposed to stay single??? Doesn't seem right...

    • @samuelswenson1505
      @samuelswenson1505 2 роки тому

      No, if you leave her you should never remarry.
      But if she leaves you, you are free to remarry.
      But if she has already been married and you marry her its considered adultery unless her husband has died.
      And if you choose to divorce a previously married women and marry a never married woman... You are still an adulterer.
      If you choose to leave her and marry another woman that was never married. You are still an adulterer.
      The bottom line is, sometimes people done screwed up their life so bad that marrying anyone is considered wrong and staying in an adulterous relationship is also wrong.
      All of us must do what God has called us to do. If that means divorce and remain single, so be it.

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому +1

    this is one, to be avoided.....

  • @leigholding1397
    @leigholding1397 2 роки тому

    What if the wife asked for divorce then find out she was secretary seeking another man and just asked for divorce because wanted to remarry. No sleeping around by both. But jump ship?

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 2 роки тому

      that is being abandoned, and that is not the exception, to divorce, and remarriage...

  • @cdrom1685
    @cdrom1685 2 роки тому

    ... physical abuse doesn't qualify then?

  • @donaldcastillo2322
    @donaldcastillo2322 5 років тому +1

    I have commit adultery in my Margie I was and alcoholic and abusive husband alcohol have taken away the my wife and kids after goin to church I repented and Jesus for forgiveness after two month I got safe. After my divorce my wife move with another man after two day off our divorce wheer do I stand with what got tell me is I can not get remarriage, I do bealeve what my father law tell me

    • @ObeyJesusOurLord
      @ObeyJesusOurLord 5 років тому

      Donald Castillo Lord, please help Donald. He needs your intervention. In Jesus Name I pray.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому

      you give an emotional story....but the Bible does not respond.....why, I dont know....it seems that you are in a dilemma due to your divorce.....so the only option is to remain single, or reconcille....if it is not possible to reconcille..the only option is remaining single...

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x 2 роки тому

      If it helps, remarriage after a divorce is condemned NOWHERE in Scripture except in the context Jesus mentioned where a man dumps a faithful spouse on some pretext with intent to marry another woman. That kind of thing was essentially adultery masquerading as serial monogamy. Don't listen to anyone who takes the words of Jesus and stretches them to insist remarriage per se is a damnable offense.
      What they are doing is akin to using Mark 10:25 to argue that anyone with a high net worth cannot be saved.

  • @TheBroomehilda
    @TheBroomehilda 5 років тому +1

    I’m sorry that some of these comments are cruel and evil. Like the church at Ephesus, many crunch their doctrine but have forgotten their first Love. Funny thing happens in that case... doctrine gets wrong too! Without seeking the word to know and love HIM BETTER, and just wanting doctrine, A person’s faith can get shipwrecked. One example to illustrate what Jesus was trying to show us: I’ve known women (I’m a woman) who said they just weren’t happy with their marriages. They hadn’t committed the act of adultery, they just didn’t want HIM anymore. They got a divorce, and after some time they went hunting for and found a new husband. She thinks it’s cool because she didn’t physically commit adultery. But Jesus says God will not be mocked!!! He knew she was wanting another man, and she proved it when she married another. It’s adultery all the same. If she had remained unmarried, she would not have added this adultery to her other sins. Jesus is showing that He is on to our loopholes. The legalists don’t get it because they for whatever reason have lost the heart of God on this. It’s actually perverting the scripture to fit the phArisee way. I think it comes out of fear, insecurity, and lack of intimacy with God.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 3 роки тому

      the Bible has things to say...and you want to ignore them......the name calling that you use does not negate the teachings, or directives, of scripture....

    • @TheBroomehilda
      @TheBroomehilda 3 роки тому

      @@philipbuckley759 it was never my intention to name call.. not sure where you see that. I have studied scripture on this point deeply. And I’ve prayed for understanding and got it. I respect those that have a different view, but I can’t respect the hostility and accusation of ignoring the Bible. I’m sure we all could walk in greater study AND humility. By. The way, I am a victim of perpetual adultery that ended in divorce after 32 years. I am NOT remarried and I have peace. This isn’t an opinion I came to in order feel ok about my choices. Just seeking truth. To say I have ignored the Bible is incorrect. I will not return the same sin by writing assumptions about you personally.

    • @senderoestrecho9142
      @senderoestrecho9142 Рік тому

      I like your comment but the legalists are the people who want to use Deuteronomy to justify remarriage after being cheated on AND they want to forbid the culprit from remarrying. Who referred to Deuteronomy when saying "why did Moses command/permit a writing of divorcement"? The Pharisees! What were they famous for? Hypocrisy and legalism.
      Whether you are the cheater or the cheated on, whether no cheating took place, whenever you remarry and having a living prior spouse you are an adulter. "he who marries a divoced woman commits adultery". Clear as day.

    • @neilmccall5311
      @neilmccall5311 Рік тому

      @@TheBroomehilda You were right first time around these comments ARE cruel and evil - these people don't have the responsibility of caring for precious souls and nurturing marriages, even those which may have not been on a "biblical" foundation, they are just using the internet to compound further divorce. Christians who are married to one another need to stay together and be a witness to the world of how God makes a difference - people who go divorcing their remarriaged partners bring disgrace upon the church and family chaos, Paul could see that clearly in 1 Corinthians 7.

  • @swarnak8793
    @swarnak8793 4 роки тому

    my question is a married a women who is already married and gave birth to two children then she divorced to her husband again she married another man who is bachelor and this man again married a spinster. Now who is his legal wife in Godly way? and if he want to live regithious life to which side has to stand first women or second wife ? tell me Godly way

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому

      if this is a woman marring one who had been divorced, then that is adultery....they can leave that relationship....and marry someone else....as the first marriage, was not Biblical....but adultery....

  • @johnnymaharaj6176
    @johnnymaharaj6176 6 років тому +2

    why the bantering get to the point, it is wrong or right ! when it happens is the parties involved living in adultery?

    • @ladypearl9134
      @ladypearl9134 5 років тому +1

      Johnny Maharaj Thank you! Because I am still wondering what his answer was. He babbles a lot & dances around a point he never makes.

    • @philarevolutionarywarriorp8295
      @philarevolutionarywarriorp8295 5 років тому +1

      Yes they are living in Adultery. Unless their first spouse has died. The bible actually gives No true grounds for divorce.

    • @Sealust50
      @Sealust50 4 роки тому

      @@philarevolutionarywarriorp8295 Agree with your answer "yes" you are living in adultery in that case. However, I disagree with you about your statement that God gave no acceptable condition for divorce while the spouse is still alive. ADULTERY is a condition acceptable in God's word, and the ONLY one at that.

    • @philarevolutionarywarriorp8295
      @philarevolutionarywarriorp8295 4 роки тому

      @@Sealust50 sorry, I thought that too for awhile until I studied it further. 1st thing is: modern "bibles" such as the Nlt, Niv, The Message, etc are False translations. The Matthew 19:9 correct Greek to English translation is in the KJV, and the ASV. and it's "Fornication" not adultery. Upon further study you'll find that fornication is only committed by singles bc any sexual immorality committed by married people is Adultery. So the fornication refered to in both Matthew 5:32 and 19:9 is referring to the Jewish Betrothal period Before Marriage. (Matthew 1:18-25, and John 8:41 give clarification). Thus Jesus is saying that once Married, there are no grounds for divorce..
      2nd, Romans 7:1-3 and 1 Corinthians 7:39 both state and prove that only death breaks the marriage Covenant. Jeremiah 3:8-14 proves that divorce only violates, but doesn't break the marital Covenant...
      3rd, Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:5-6, Mark 10: 7-9 and Ephesians 5:25-33 all confirm and affirm one another that once together in original, Covenant marriage no man (person ; IE - judge, lawyer, ship captain, village leader, etc, etc) has the authority OR ability to put the One Flesh couple asunder (apart). Hope this helps. Read the afore mentioned verses for yourself and see. God bless.

  • @i.dshangsuangwiliu-ce5sv
    @i.dshangsuangwiliu-ce5sv 3 місяці тому

    Compromised preacher

  • @lizasayna7833
    @lizasayna7833 Рік тому

    Can you address Ezra 10 and Jeremiah 1

  • @bradleycrouser
    @bradleycrouser 2 роки тому

    Remember the Woman at the well? Jesus recognizes that the previous men she had been with were HUSBANDS, but just not the current one she was with. It's presumed that she was divorced and remarried several times (although the text is not specific). The very term "divorce" indicates the right to remarry. Admittedly, this is a subject on which GOOD theologians disagree.

    • @toddkerestes594
      @toddkerestes594 8 місяців тому

      I can see where that can be a point, however Jesus said whoever divorces and MARRIES another comits adultry, in romans Paul says she belongs to her HUSBAND so long as he lives, so that if she is MARRIED to another man while her husband liveth she shall be an adultress. So i think the terms married and husband dont necessarily mean it's valid (not sin)...I do agree this is a topic many disagree on. And I admit I have my opinion, but I'm not 100% sure either. Continue praying for clarifications. Good day brother

  • @PrettiBelle
    @PrettiBelle 5 років тому +2

    I just want to know why a lot of people are being do nasty to this man?

    • @philarevolutionarywarriorp8295
      @philarevolutionarywarriorp8295 5 років тому

      Nastiness is certainly not necessary, especially from Believers. But the Truth of the Bible is that this man is teaching dangerous false doctrine. Which may explain the anger and frustration Twd him, bc many lost, ignorant ppl in these comments are thanking him for the video and thus are being gravely misled

    • @wendyann3333
      @wendyann3333 4 роки тому +1

      He is rightly dividing the word of truth ..
      But to the legalistic religious crowd, its wrong
      Is divorce and remarriage the unpardonable sin?

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 3 роки тому

      @@wendyann3333 you beat the same drum, over , and over....so what does one have to do to receive forgiveness....what does it mean to repent....if you steal money, what is required for forgiveness, for this theft.....

    • @wendyann3333
      @wendyann3333 3 роки тому

      @@philipbuckley759 its the word of God that's the truth, so if you see it as beating a drum, then so be it...
      Read the word of God to know what true repentance and forgiveness is...
      As it's something every true believer should know and already experience..

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 2 роки тому

      @@wendyann3333 true repentance means admiting the sin, and more important...quitting the sin.....

  • @senderoestrecho9142
    @senderoestrecho9142 Рік тому

    There´s no need to jump to conclusions about Deuteronmy and draw a doctrine on it. For instance, Are you stoning people in your church who commit fornication or adultery? No? Why not? Are you stoning children who are disobedient? No? Why not? Could it be because you are not Israel and there is a New Covenant, therefore you are NOT keeping the law of Moses today? So why are you insisting on a divorce certificate today being a permit for a remarriage in "some cases" that sound 'reasonable' to people's itching ears? Just wondering, because the bible says if you want to follow Deuteronmy you have to keep all the law of Moses and that´s not the gospel of grace so you know what THAT means for your eternity. As far as I can see, Jesus ELEVATED the moral standard in Matthew chapter 5. He said you should chop off your hand or cut out your eye if they are causing you to sin (lust, masturbate, remarry, etc) OR you will wind up in hell! Whilst the law for Israel was "eye for an eye" and "thou shalt not kill" and "thou shalt not commit adultery", Jesus elevates the standard to their original purpose and says you are to love (not take vengeane) on your enemies, not even wish someone death (hate) and not divorce your spouse (even if they have sinned). Two words for you if your spouse cheated: prayer + forgiveness. As for abuse? Separate. (1 Cor 7 allows it) but but but you CAN´T remary because it´s adultery.
    The exception clause is not "cheating in a marriage". The exception is fornication (porneia in Greek) because that is when you are not even in a covenant with God, for example two gays married or a parent and their child married. They MUST divorce as it´s fornication. It´s not adultery is it! You have to be in a marriage covenant, or have sex with someone who is, to be called an adulterer.
    It´s pretty simple to just read the NT and figure out that everyone is one flesh until death when married for the first time, what´s difficult is denying oneself and one's flesh and obeying the Lord.

  • @whiskeredtuna
    @whiskeredtuna 2 роки тому

    The truth is no one knows whether it’s a single act of sin or a perpetual state of sin. I personally believe it’s a single act and not a perpetual state. However, I’m not dogmatic about my position why would the Bible be so adamant about staying single after a divorce?

    • @samuelswenson1505
      @samuelswenson1505 2 роки тому

      It might be the nature of man and women. That a woman will always love her first and the bond is only breakable by death.
      But if the first dies she is freed.
      But for man it's not so, for man it's when he chooses one women over another. For that curses him until his dying day.
      This is not a legal matter but a spiritual one. Perhaps an adulterer at heart must seek God's will alone and forsake romance to truely fulfill their destiny as Jesus spoke in Mathew 19.

    • @senderoestrecho9142
      @senderoestrecho9142 Рік тому

      remember that Israel had to stone people to death caught in adultery? Remember that Jesus said that a marriage is a representation of the covenant between Christ and His church? that's why it´s serious. The marriage supper involves a spotless bride and God is not mocked, therefore, we are to keep marriage vows and not remarry, unless the spouse is dead.

  • @masucamba16
    @masucamba16 5 років тому +1

    What about if we both committed adultery???

    • @Troneous
      @Troneous 5 років тому +3

      You just made legalist Christian's heads explode. Christ forgives. Forgive one another and reconcile if possible.

    • @masucamba16
      @masucamba16 5 років тому

      @@Troneous I can't lie my friend

    • @ronpolson6981
      @ronpolson6981 5 років тому

      That's a good question?

    • @ObeyJesusOurLord
      @ObeyJesusOurLord 5 років тому +1

      Geovany Sincerely ask God to forgive you. Jesus loves you and always listens to repentant hearts.

    • @ronpolson6981
      @ronpolson6981 5 років тому +3

      Geovany the only unpardonable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. What is your ultimate goal? Is it to reconcile your marriage? Are you both Christians? Ask Jesus for forgiveness. I would have to know more about your situation. Be careful of the legalistic view points on UA-cam. Jesus even told us in the Bible that unless our faith and beliefs transcend that of the Pharisees and saducees we will not be able to enter into the kingdom of heaven.

  • @jesusisking9368
    @jesusisking9368 5 років тому

    I am left confused on this topic and would like to ask, honestly. I am married currently to my second wife. My 1st wife identifies as atheist and she divorced me December of 2014 and remarried not long after. I then married my current wife in September of 2018. Am I living in adultery? And if I am, what am I to do to satisfy our Lord? Am I to divorce the woman I am married to ?

    • @ObeyJesusOurLord
      @ObeyJesusOurLord 5 років тому +2

      Pat Crews Praying for you & your wife. The Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of truth, will guide you in what to do (See Proverbs 3:5-6)
      He speaks through His Word (Hebrews 4:12); His Spirit (John 16:13) & through those to whom He gives counsel. (See Proverbs 11:14 & Proverbs 24:6). He will show you exactly & precisely His will in this matter. My heart goes out to both of you! I'm sure you're in anguish wondering what to do! May the courage of our Lord Jesus be with you as you wait on him.

    • @jesusisking9368
      @jesusisking9368 5 років тому +1

      @@ObeyJesusOurLord thank you so much, God bless you!

    • @ObeyJesusOurLord
      @ObeyJesusOurLord 5 років тому +1

      Pat Crews ☦😊 A privilege. Will be praying for you & your wife Check out the you tube site entitled "UNLEARN" for his perspective on remarriage.

    • @ObeyJesusOurLord
      @ObeyJesusOurLord 5 років тому +1

      Pat Crews Pat, please listen to the site entitled, DIVORCE, REMARRIAGE, & PUTTING AWAY. Also please listen to DIVORCE & REMARRIAGE BY DR. PETER RUCKMAN. This should give you assurance that you can & should remain in your marriage.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому +2

      because your first wife divorced you....you have no Biblical reason, to remarry....it may sound....unfair....but we did not write the Bible....and are under command to obey, what is written....so your option is to remove yourself from a relationship, called adultery, by the Bible, and remain single, or reconcille with your first wife...if that is not possible, the only other option, is to remain single...

  • @paul3441
    @paul3441 3 роки тому

    Wow, what a terrible argument. All scriptures quoted support the prohibition on remarraige. This guy does not have the gift of knowledge.

  • @nicinacnoo
    @nicinacnoo 5 років тому

    Why is it all about the wrong doing of the woman? In my case its the man. Do I have to be punished eternally for his rejection of God and me?

    • @ObeyJesusOurLord
      @ObeyJesusOurLord 5 років тому

      nicinacnoo Lord, please comfort this broken hearted woman. I ask for your intervention in Jesus Name.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому

      the Bible does not seem to make a provision, for your case....

    • @whiskeredtuna
      @whiskeredtuna 2 роки тому

      Uh, no. Just ask your ex if he’s fornicated since leaving you and you’ll meet Jesus exception claus.

  • @berniecolling4811
    @berniecolling4811 4 роки тому +3

    Thank you David for clarifying this. God Bless your ministry!

  • @earnestlycontendingforthef5332
    @earnestlycontendingforthef5332 2 роки тому

    If any of you after water baptism by immersion, have defied Christ and divorced & remarried, making yourself guilty of being an adulterer before Almighty God, then you must cease the wicked relationship and cease the sinful adulterous union.
    No need to defy Christ again, and get another divorce.
    Stay as you are, but cease fraternizing with the new spouse, also committing adultery or fornication and stay single thereafter.
    Repenting and praying for forgiveness for such a gross unlawful pleasing of the flesh.
    "12 If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us"
    2 Timothy 2:12 (KJV)

    • @neilmccall5311
      @neilmccall5311 Рік тому +1

      "Cease fraternising with the new spouse"?? Don't be so bloody stupid, this is a MARRIAGE before God, maybe in a flawed situation but I see nothing in Scripture and particularly in 1 Corinthians 7 to suggest this is not a proper marriage requiring such a course of action. Fed up of seeing such stupid callous unworkabkle and unbiblical "solutions". The answer is to confess whatever caused your first marriage to fail and move on to make the second marriage work.

    • @Thomas116-m2n
      @Thomas116-m2n Рік тому +1

      Then each single mother who had a child out of wedlock must give it up for adoption as she cannot enjoy a blessing after fornicating. Wow....legalism really paints one into a corner, doesn't it?

  • @lauratempestini5719
    @lauratempestini5719 3 роки тому

    Why was John the Baptist beheaded???

    • @Thomas116-m2n
      @Thomas116-m2n 3 роки тому

      It wasn't solely because Herod had divorced and married again. It was because Herod married his brother's wife, which was against Jewish law (Leviticus 20). It was also an incestual relationship as she was also his niece. In addition, you shouldn't divorce someone because you see someone you'd rather be married to.

    • @lauratempestini5719
      @lauratempestini5719 2 роки тому

      @@Thomas116-m2n Thank you I never knew of that statutes

  • @gracegirlw3500
    @gracegirlw3500 6 років тому


  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 5 років тому +5

    man you are so far lost it is no longer worth taking the time, to correct you...

    • @timsadventures1954
      @timsadventures1954 5 років тому +1

      Mr Buckley it would be a great help if you could please give reference where you did your Bible study. Your comments lead me to believe you are highly educated and that there is no other exgesis other than yours that could be correct. Please help me and others by sharing your life ministry in Christ. Your exgesis without sacrifice is hollow if that is the case so please share your ministry with us.

    • @gaylechristensen6285
      @gaylechristensen6285 5 років тому

      @no name Not everyone is called to be a disciple . Many are called and few are chosen, because it is a very restrictive lifestyle. I imagine the rewards are astronomical, though.

    • @gaylechristensen6285
      @gaylechristensen6285 5 років тому

      @no name You are correct. Please forgive me for speaking prematurely. He recently was spouting Demon Seed Doctrine, so I have unsubbed. At best he is just submerged by religious demons, at worst he is just not saved at all. Only God knows a mans heart, but anyone with discernment can see there is an issue. God Bless you and keep you safe in these perilous times.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому

      @@timsadventures1954 it is not you vs me....these videos are all over utube.....

    • @timsadventures1954
      @timsadventures1954 4 роки тому

      It's not me against you just your uncertain remarks that are most of the time incomplete and irrelevant. The author of this video was quite clear and your remarks lead me to believe you didn't even take the time to listen to him.

  • @michellemcgill9328
    @michellemcgill9328 2 роки тому

    Can you remarry if your previous spouse was communicating with and being physical ( suspiciously ) with someone else? What if after that happened you confronted them but did all that you could to save the marriage only to be abandoned & divorced?

    • @AGENT-dl2lu
      @AGENT-dl2lu 2 роки тому +3

      Sexually immortality, deseration you can divorce

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 2 роки тому

      @@AGENT-dl2lu the term is fornication, and not sexual immoraltity and deseration the term used is bondage, not bound....neither a ground for divorce and remarriage...

    • @jesusisking9368
      @jesusisking9368 2 роки тому

      @@philipbuckley759 it is for fornication, in fact sir.

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x 2 роки тому

      If you are divorced for any reason, you can remarry, regardless of who was at fault for the divorce. Don't listen to any of those legalistic ding dongs who tell you otherwise.
      It was the abuse of the divorce provision that Jesus condemned as adultery, not remarriage itself. If remarriage after divorce is adultery per se, it would have never been lawful, even under the Mosaic Law.

    • @lauratempestini5719
      @lauratempestini5719 2 роки тому

      @@jesusisking9368 THE FATHER hates divorce. It was not a part of HIS original plan. One man and one woman.

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 3 роки тому

    if one is living, in adultery, they dont have a spouse, of any type.....only one that they had left......

    • @Thomas116-m2n
      @Thomas116-m2n 3 роки тому

      Congratulations! You just called Jesus a liar. (I'm assuming you're referring to one who was married before and is now married to someone else. I've seen your posts for years and this seems to be your favorite "theological" topic).
      When Jesus was speaking with the woman at the well, He mentioned that she has had five husbands. Each one of those marriages was recognized as a valid marriage. So what do we do with that? What would Jesus have told the woman? Did he say, "Yeah, go back and divorce each one and then remain single for the rest of your life." No. He said go and sin no more. What did He mean? He would probably have told her to avoid her present relationship as the man she was with was not her husband. Would it have been wrong to go to the most recent husband on whom she committed this last act of adultery? Maybe, but at no time did He make it clear that she remain single for the rest of her life. So what did "go and sin no more" mean? She was in an adulterous relationship with someone she wasn't married to. We don't know anything about her previous marriages but it can be assumed that she was still married to her most recent husband. Likely, it would be to restore this relationship, if possible, and repent of her adulterous one and to commit no more of them.
      No where in scripture does it say, "If you are married and have been married before (even before conversion), you need to divorce your present spouse and go back to the first one (against Deuteronomy). This is really important, otherwise you are in perpetual adultery." This is especially true if you have two unbelievers who become believers later. Should they now divorce? Some say yes but there are no instructions on this. Are they forgiven for every sin committed? I believe so but those who believe in works-based salvation do not....that marrying after divorce (regardless of the circumstances) cancels one's salvation. Surely there would have been something in the NT that made this clear since many consider it an issue crucial to one's salvation.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 2 роки тому

      @@Thomas116-m2n the woman at the well is invalid due to no information being presented.....ergo....appeal to ignorance....a fallacy...

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 2 роки тому

      @@Thomas116-m2n what is your advice to a same sex couple.....stay or leave that relationship that the Bible does not support...

  • @mrprosperity1
    @mrprosperity1 5 років тому +2

    except for fornication not adultery

    • @gaylechristensen6285
      @gaylechristensen6285 5 років тому +1

      In the original Hebrew text it is written as unfaithfulness. As a severely abused woman, I had real concerns and reason to study and seek God on this whole adultery issue. So, I guess you could say, unfaithfulness involves more than just sexual sin. That applies to both the spiritual and the physical. Our God would never intend for a woman to stay in a marriage where there is physical danger involved. Discernment and common sense tells you that.

    • @wendyann3333
      @wendyann3333 4 роки тому +1

      @@gaylechristensen6285 ..don't waste time with the religious legalistic ones. ..its like beating a dead horse..

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому

      @@gaylechristensen6285 you change the meaning, of the teaching.....one can separate, but needs to remain single, or be reconcilled.....those are the only two Biblical options....

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому

      @Some One then what about Joseph, and Mary....

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому

      @@wendyann3333 John the Baptist gave his life....was he just a legalist....

  • @RosannaMiller
    @RosannaMiller 6 років тому +2

    Divorce is something that no Christian should want or desire but it is something that is necessary in this wicked world. Too many physically and mentally abusive men and men with wandering eyes and hands....always seeking someone better, younger, etc rather than being happy with all he has.
    As far as I am concerned, if he divorces me, after he remarries or dies, God forbid, then I am free to do as I want, whether that means remarry or remain by myself. And woe unto anyone who decides to rebuke me because this is between me and my Savior.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 6 років тому +1

      no it is between your situation, and what the Bible teaches....of course you have a choice, to continue in sin....and that is your judgement....I would think one would want to have all known sin, put out of ones life, before judgement day...

    • @bobbyrodriguez8270
      @bobbyrodriguez8270 6 років тому +1

      Rosanna Miller ... of course your holiness. " You " can do according to all what your heart desires.

    • @RosannaMiller
      @RosannaMiller 6 років тому

      @@bobbyrodriguez8270 I know I can, it is my desire to live for Jesus.
      Continue on being a jerk.

    • @RosannaMiller
      @RosannaMiller 6 років тому

      @@philipbuckley759 did it seem I had a question or was unsure of something? You are incorrect but thanks.

    • @ronduckett8706
      @ronduckett8706 6 років тому


  • @redbird1824
    @redbird1824 5 років тому +1

    What Bible are you reading out of? I suppose one that you have selected that supports your tainted point of view as is the purpose of all these "Johnny come lately"bibles.God warned not to change His Words,you have changed them.Stick with the Authorized King James lest you run amuck which you have."Indecency "in her you say?Thats not what my Bible says .My Bible says "uncleaness".What ?Are you now so wise that you correct Gods Words?A thousand other slight of hand tricks you deceivers do.The truth is that if you are married to someone who has a former LIVING spouse you are committing adultery OR if you do!!Separate yourself from that person lest God judge You!!!You are teaching children that adultery is OK.Seperation/Divorse?call it what you may.Don't confuse Gods long suffering with acceptance of your adultery.And to anybody reading this stop listing to these silver tongued deceivers explain to you why you can remain in your sin.

    • @ObeyJesusOurLord
      @ObeyJesusOurLord 5 років тому

      bob frost Just wondering what your last sin was? James 2:10 says that he that has offended in one point, HAS OFFENDED IN ALL. Soooooo glad you won't be sitting on the throne on judgment day.... Mercy looks better on you!

    • @redbird1824
      @redbird1824 5 років тому

      @@ObeyJesusOurLord Paul is the one who said adulterers that won't repent will not inherit the Kingdom of God ,not me.If you have a problem with that why accuse me of lack of mercy? I didn't come up with those words. Seems to me like mercy was Jesus going to the cross to enable those that would be willing to repent a second chance. The idea that Jesus went to the cross so that adulterers and sodomites could remain in their sin as you seem to suggest is false doctrine. Paul said that in 1 Cor 6:9.Adulterers that die in their sin will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Here is what Paul said "9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, And such WERE some of you. "Notice Paul did not say" ARE" some of you.After hearing that there is no way that I would remain in an adulterous relationship.I fully understand that many are not willing to forsake their adulteries.The Kingdom of God is not for everyone.The path there is very narrow.

    • @ObeyJesusOurLord
      @ObeyJesusOurLord 5 років тому

      bob frost I agree that the path is narrow, but there is a way to approach people without being so abrasive!

    • @philarevolutionarywarriorp8295
      @philarevolutionarywarriorp8295 5 років тому

      @@ObeyJesusOurLord mercy is ONLY given to those who CONFESS THEIR SIN AND REPENT!! (Proverbs 28:13,Acts 3:19)

  • @PrettiBelle
    @PrettiBelle 5 років тому +2

    Great video

  • @emeliamay4415
    @emeliamay4415 6 років тому

    Hello so I have a question if I've been married 3 times does that mean I am a adulterer? Do I have to divorce my husband current?

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 6 років тому +3

      the Bible seems to say that your situation would be considered to be adultery....and as such, yes, it would be a Biblical response to leave that adulterous relationship....

    • @emeliamay4415
      @emeliamay4415 6 років тому +3

      @@philipbuckley759 ok thank you so much I know what I have to do God bless you I will be obedient.

    • @emeliamay4415
      @emeliamay4415 6 років тому

      @@meganburton1779 no first husband just left me he left me at my moms house and served me the divorces papers the second one will hit me and will talk to other girls on Facebook but I never caught him cheating I wasnt with him everywhere so we separated but not divorce he had a girlfriend I had a boyfriend so we both with our partner but still married and then we finally got divorce he had got his girlfriend pregnant but we were both already living with our partner

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 6 років тому +3

      my prayer is that the Lord will comfort you, in your situation...

    • @ronduckett8706
      @ronduckett8706 6 років тому +3


  • @timsadventures1954
    @timsadventures1954 5 років тому +2

    To those looking for answers seek professional advice and don't rely on UA-cam. If you will notice there are many with a mean critical spirit and we all know misery loves company. Scripture from old to new testament is inspired by the holly spirit and should be read in harmony.
    In peace

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 3 роки тому

      people, here, are seeking the truth, and the intimidation is that this speaker is in error......ergo the comments, etc to correct this, and to protect others from falling into sin...

    • @timsadventures1954
      @timsadventures1954 3 роки тому

      Would it not be prudent to seek qualified counseling before making life changing decisions? This is all I'm trying to promote and I don't understand why you would argue this. Problems? For everyone's benefit provide the scripture where Jesus or any of his disciples told those remarried to divorce to repent . Let me help you its not there. Doctrine that is not supported by scripture need to be questioned. It is not scriptures job to support Doctrine.
      Did you ever ask yourself if you are in error? Jesus saves not doctrine.

    • @timsadventures1954
      @timsadventures1954 2 роки тому

      Jesus also called for amputation in the scriptures! So how does a poor, blind amputee without hands type? Since you are all about what the scriptures state exactly without context, historical data, or thought explain why you stopped short there.

    • @timsadventures1954
      @timsadventures1954 2 роки тому

      As you have famously said " I'm just sharing scriptures ". However you also share your supposition and lies misleading people into the rabbit hole of your own making. Without any context, historical facts, and common sense (which you have none) the scriptures can cause you to do many things, like divorce to repent. You also need to address your behavior concerning your just living with women and coming to sites that address marriage to another. According to you, you never married yet here you are sharing a testimony about quitting an adulterous relationship. Then we find out this happened more than once. Shouldn't you be repenting about living with and fornicating with multiple women while misleading and lying to them about a permanent relationship? Just sharing your ever changing testimony with you AJ so when your telling everyone how holy you are you can share the entire testimony with them. Since you never married what are you doing here even talking to people that had the common decency to commit to one another?

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 2 роки тому

      @@timsadventures1954 good luck.....the professionals are....all over the place....so you listen to all sides and try to figure out the correct teaching...

  • @Gman-j3e
    @Gman-j3e 6 місяців тому

    Guy is a serpent, beating around the bush, what did The Lord Jesus Christ say? He is the Word of God that stands forever.

  • @ronniebridges9589
    @ronniebridges9589 6 років тому +2

    They did put their wife's a way for anything but Luke 16:17 it is easier for heaven and earth to pass,than one tittle of the law to fail. Luke 16:18 said the you put a way your she committeth and who marrieth her it adultery. Marriage is Blood covenant the can not be broken

    • @allysonallo8119
      @allysonallo8119 5 років тому +4

      Ronnie Bridges So blessed not to be under the law, but under grace, Hallelujah!

    • @Thomas116-m2n
      @Thomas116-m2n 3 роки тому

      Marriages are dissolved by adultery and abandonment by an unbeliever.

  • @mereteytti745
    @mereteytti745 4 роки тому

    People read your Bibel!

  • @edengeta4468
    @edengeta4468 4 роки тому

    Hei David. What you are saying and the text on the lobby is not the same. Just info. 😊

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 3 роки тому

    the nice thing is that he discloses his false teaching, right at the beginning.....dont leave an adulterous relationship....

  • @djdj-qx3hb
    @djdj-qx3hb 5 років тому

    You blink a lot hhhhmmmm.

    • @DjSostre7
      @DjSostre7 5 років тому

      I blink alot too. Whats up bro? Hmmmm?????

  • @sigmalibra1360
    @sigmalibra1360 6 років тому

    sorry but i would divorce you based on what you wear😂! i can hardly imagine that your wife is getting along with it! i would even not wear that in my worst nightmares😁

  • @bobbyrodriguez8270
    @bobbyrodriguez8270 6 років тому

    David Servant... I'm really sorry brother, I know you mean well, but you have some awfully terrible hermeneutic interpretation of the scriptures. Please check out Jacob Prasch from Moriel Ministries, you might learn a little about scripture interpretation. Because you're leading people astray into something that's not biblically true and sound. You will be accountable.

    • @ronduckett8706
      @ronduckett8706 6 років тому


    • @ObeyJesusOurLord
      @ObeyJesusOurLord 5 років тому

      ron duckett Are you a relative who knows him well? Or a former close friend? If you think he is a liar, how long have you been praying for him? "Never does a man more clearly disclose his own character than when he discloses another's."

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 3 роки тому

      @@ObeyJesusOurLord if it is deliberate or not is not the issue.....lets focus on the teaching...

  • @Clemburke1111
    @Clemburke1111 Рік тому

    Christan's always make excuses for their sins