Not being funny, but do you actually believe this propaganda, PR campaign. Obama started it with the sleeves rolled up, tie down and running onto stage as though every minute mattered. And we all know it was all theatrics...because he was either golfing or on holiday.
Writing this in oct 2022. It’s been only about seven years since he left, and we’ve had four prime ministers since then. None have been able to command the house as he did, three have been ousted by their own party rather than resigning of their own accord as he did. Even if you think he was elitist or corrupt, in the last decade he has been the only prime minister you could believe was competent.
I fully agree with every thing you've said. Infact, he was by no means elitist or corrupt. People criticized him for being elite, but many have established that his government was infact very un-elite. As for corrupt, he never gives that impression. He's commanded the House and led his party in a way no one ever has. Competent is right. May was a feat for the sharks, Boris Johnson was a jester, and Liz Truss was barely there for 50 days.
Yeah…he’s joined the sunak cabinet though, and I think that’s gonna damage his credibility a lot. I can’t really imagine why he’d wanna be part of the current shitshow, the tories are almost certainly gonna lose the next election and it’s a shame he’s put his name in the government it’s gonna happen to. He could’ve just stayed retired and been remembered as the decent guy who tried to prevent brexit but underestimated the right wing of his own party; better to be remembered as a naive liberal who got outmaneuvered by the crazies in his party than as the guy who came back for more.
@@WrongholeReagan True. But I do respect his work as Foreign Secretary thus far. I believe he returned to the government because he genuinely believes he can make a difference, rather than simply having a desire to regain power.
+Serlom Cole i voted remain but seriously giving people referendums is always the right thing to do because its democratic. ruling without consent is the same as kidnapping and slavery, and its better to live free than to die a slave.
When democratic values come at the cost of political stability and economic prosperity. What do you do then.. Take matters into your own hands and do something dislikable for the greater good. How far can you take that mentality before it becomes totalitarianism. It's a theme bound to become more relevant in the coming decades. Especially since this isn't the first major fuckup attributable to a strict adherence of democracy. Just my opinion though.
Sure democracy can lead to terrible results but those terrible results are often inevitable, a result of weak policies imposed by an earlier government. Before everyone throws around the Hitler example, I'll beat you to it. Hitler only rose to power because of the Weimar Republic's failures(here, Cameron's government) and the Treaty of Versailles' economic punishment of Germany(here EU policies.) Farage's nationalism is only a symptom of underlying problems.
The best part is at the last few second when he say “that is enough for today guys” shuts the door and is heard lovingly asking one of his kids “hey what have you done”, shows the family man
Fridja No, I am too. My career, before I retired, had contact with Downing Street regularly, and it is a hard job. Especially as most people hate politicians of all parties. The Prime Minister has to make unpopular decisions for the sake of the country. It would be so much easier giving people what they want, but that would be a disaster. Most people are too blinkered to realise that. They don't get what they want so the decisions are wrong and unfair.
I didn't realise David Cameron is SUCH A NORMAL BLOKE Who would have thought that the Prime Minister is JUST LIKE YOU AND ME? He's a real FAMILY MAN . Loves his kids. So humble and ORDINARY. I will DEFINITELY BE VOTING CONSERVATIVE NOW I'VE SEEN THIS VIDEO AND I THINK YOU SHOULD TOO !!
I don’t think he’s that bad. Rather him than Boris any day. Hes got some normality compared to the tories currently. Politics has become an even bigger joke than it was
@Macavity I’m just saying you can’t please everyone, when covid happened people complained about locking down to esrly then you had people complaining for locking down at all 🤣
+Jomaan Sherlala Sorry to disappoint you, but he's been leading every poll since he started talking for a reason. Trump isn't a politician, he's a multi-billionaire who is taking on the establishment that has betrayed the people over and over again. The more the trendies hate him, the more real people love him. And he's going to be running against Hillary Clinton who everyone hates and knows is a lying blood stained crook. She stands no chance. #Trump2016
+Freedom FROM Religion You're right, he isn't a politician. He has no fucking idea how to run a country and he'll succeed in making the rest of the world hate the USA even more.
MaGesticLean Which is perfectly fine. A prime minister has many other duties to perform. We shouldn't expect them to be great in the kitchen too. But don't put on a show. lol
When looked back on with hindsight from the Johnson era, Cameron had so much more class and actually seemed to care about his job. Big respect from me.
Regardless of political alignment, I have to say for someone to have that much stamina, particularly mentally, is impressive. All that responsibility, expectation, relentlessness day after day must be quite taxing.
It’s amazing how human beings can adapt to this sort of lifestyle and quite quickly. For Cameron, yes I’m sure he does get stressed occasionally, but it just becomes a new norm. I’d imagine he’s very healthy, very confident and very high energy. Most CEOs and Politicians are.
What a damn difficult job!! So many people here berating and criticising him, but how many could do a day of his work? The organisation required, working hours- working out of hours, public speaking and presentation, having your life in the public eye and constantly being scrutinised, the diverse subjects you have to be on top of- the economy, foreign policy issues, schools, the decisions he has to make- their ethical content and consequences, having to juggle multiple priorities and interest groups... So many things and yet people just complain and criticise. People who couldn't do half the work this guy does or just have a naive view of how the world works and how complex matters are.
You are talking as if he was forced to be the PM lol. Nobody put a gun to his head! So what if many people can not do his job? This is so not the point. If you run for PM then you expect that kind of life.
Ctrl-Z I don't get what you mean. He paid tax on the money, are you saying he can't store money in a bank account? I imagine you have a bank account as well.
Alan Doherty David Cameron "did profit" from his father running an offshore fund that avoided ever having to pay tax in Britain by hiring a small army of Bahamas residents - including a part-time bishop - to sign its paperwork. Glad to clear up any misunderstanding :D
That was absolutely amazing! If that is what you make for You Tube, imagine what you could produce for a documentary. I seriously didn't want to stop watching that. Thank you so much, and thank you to David Cameron for sharing. What a beautiful working environment and I loved the way you wove the cat into the film. Wow!
Lie Dems I don't agree. I do actually think he is a credible prime minister, in a difficult position because of the coalition with the Lib Dems. Also I know that the Tories will provide an EU referendum because it would be political suicide if they didn't
Amazing that he would "come across well" isn't it? Who would have thought that given his love of PR and the fact it was his idea and that it's been so heavily edited?
Lie Dems The Lisbon Treaty was rushed through by Gordon Brown before the election, so by the time Cameron was elected there was nothing left to vote on. Re: immigration promise, you are correct, but he was never going to be able to keep that promise whilst we are in the EU. I want a referendum, and I know that if the Tories win a majority they'll give us one (and if they didn't they would never be elected to Government again)
Lie Dems You're right I think Cameron would probably campaign to stay in the EU, and you are definitely right that the other EU Member states would refuse to change the freedom of movement laws. But none of that matters if we just get the chance to vote on the EU. I like UKIP, and I think Farage is one of the best politicians of the modern times. But the truth is UKIP is going to split the right, and hand the election to Ed Miliband - and he would be a fucking disaster in No 10.....
not a supporter, but also like to say its easy to criticize the PM... not sure how differently the opposition would handle the current situation in UK and Europe today (not too differently i expect)
+Chris F If you're talking about the false accusations that Labour's borrowing got us in debt, this has been proven factually untrue. It's an urban myth and it props up the Tories narrative.
@@gabbeskillz6262 are you actually defending these tory muppets who have totally ran this country’s economy into the ground, given NHS nurses a 1% pay rise, given children £5 worth of free school meals instead of the promised £30, charted this country #1 in Europe for highest covid deaths, constantly robbing us blind everyday and lying to us whilst laughing at us, or are you just that dim?
+RockCity009 he effectively only had 1/3 of the vote, so 66% of people didn't even want him and may have even hated him so thats the first answer secondly, his approval rating now is like 10% . not to mention his party membership is 50% less than his oppositions'
wenti duo That's Larry, the official Downing Street cat. He's NOT the Cameron family pet. George Osborne has a pet cat called Freya who often gets into fights with Larry. The police have to break it up with water pistols.
Very hard job. Much respect for ANY prime minister from any party. We might not all agree with their political views, but we must remember that they believe their choices are the best for their country.
WRONG. This clown has done more damage to this country than anyone since Thatcher. He’s a total disgrace. He brouggt the country to its knees with a decade of brutal public service cuta which have been proven to have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. He then put a bullet in the back of this country’s head with the brexit referendum which also resulted in his resignation and the shambolic disaster of prime ministers we’ve been forced to endure since. He is disgusting.
Classy Gamer GDP is growing less well than it would have done without the Tories (so says the OBR and all sorts of financial institutes), wages are still less than they were in 2008 meaning people are poorer, thus the number of working poor have increased, zero hour contracts have rocketed, part time and self-employed jobs have filled much of the unemployment meaning people have less job security and protection from the law, food bank use has increased, productivity (output per worker) has stagnated (and is nearly a 3rd less than in France). The rich have got richer though so its working perfectly for the Tories & their chums at the Sun.
Honestly normal just a dad putting his kid in the back of his Range Rover he seemed a little stressed thought was weird when used to seeing him smiling on tv all the time
Watching this Dec 2018. Cameron’s financial morals def a bit suspect, but he was a very talented politician and manager. Here he drips charm and energy. His biggest mistake: demoting Michael Gove. Gove’s “tired of experts” speech won the Brexit vote. But here and now maybe those experts were right. Is the UK willing to endure years of economic pain of hard, no-deal Brexit? This may be better for the long term health of nation, but no one has stomach to endure it. May and Hammond are B-list performers compared to people like Cameron, Osborne and Hague.
Well you have to consider that fact that may had to continue the mess that Cameron started by giving a brexit vote and making sure the right deal was for the Whole UK so calling them b-list compared to Cameron and Osbourne was bit of an understatement
Dave served his purpose, got elected on promise of EU ref, then supported remain, lost, then resigned. But what makes me respect him is that he just stfu and carried on with life, thats dignity
They don't. David Cameron was elected by the British public. In 2015 the Covservative Party (the party that he represents) won the elections. However in 2010, we got a hung parliament. This meant he was forced to form a coalition government with the Liberal Democrats (another one of the British parties). If you have read some of the other comments on this video, you might have noticed that people like to call him a "pig f*cker". This is because Lord Ashcroft wrote in his biography of David Cameron that David Cameron once put his genitalia into a dead pig's mouth for a ritual in a society in Oxford University. Bear in mind these are allegations. A lot of British people, especially those who read tabloids, believe this stuff. Might I point out to everyone that there is a picture of Ed Balls wearing a Nazi Uniform at a party (as a joke) at Oxford. For some reason, Britons think that these allegations, that anybody could make up, are more important than Ed Balls wearing the uniform of the Nazi Party, who were responsible for the deaths of over 60 million people. I am not promoting David Cameron's policies- yes I do think of myself as a "True Blue Tory", but I do respect everybodys views, including people who do not believe in the same thing as me.
No, he didn't evade taxes you mug... His father did. Maybe if you weren't so stupid, you'd realise that we are lucky to have a government as lenient as ours. You might say I am a Tory but I am a pro-Brexit which is against Cameron's views.
***** Well I wouldn't say he lied... He just kept it quiet. And to be quite frank, why should he go around telling people about his family? It's not his duty. His duty is to run the country, not to have debates over the past financial state of his father who isn't even alive... David Cameron inherited the money which means that he is not liable for how it was taxed. Therefore, it's not illegal- so what is the problem with it? Nothing. It's just more shit stirring by the media to persuade people on certain views that the broadcaster prefers. Hence why it was only Labour newspapers and news channels blurting out the story.
A very average 'Orator' indeed! Regarding austerity his mantra was "We are all in this together"! Yeah, right!! It's the policies that matter & he & Osborne screwed the Country up through ideological cuts to public spending.
If only he didn't go through that Referendum, David Cameron could have been one of the best Prime Ministers of UK. He and George Osbourne did a great job on the recovery of the economy after Labour took the country on the edge of bankruptcy and £ was pretty strong.
What a great film, well done the Sun. Great to see David Cameron doing the job in his brilliant style. Can anyone truly see that unintelligible Miliband being on the world stage like that. Our stock would fall through the floor and with it our growing economy and standing in the world.
Just came back for my second time- just as good as the first but in a different way. Thank you so much to all the people who agreed with my comments, you know I'm in Australia so it's even cuter for me to see the British way of doing things. Next stop, working out how to get the Sun to make a longer version of this!
@@SarahJMTaylor I’m doing great thanks for asking, I agree with your comment because that’s the perfect agreement you can get from a good friend. I can add you on google chat if you don’t mind.
I think he was a genuine man, and despite not always agreeing with him (for instances he’s a remainer) I deeply respect him, and thought it was very interesting to see what a normal day was like. I can’t imagine myself doing this everyday for 4 years.
-- "Where's the tin-opener, darling?"
-- "It's her day off, darling."
Oh4Chrissake XD 😂
@@alid2507 PIgafhIle Dave Got Day LIfe wIv Out PIg-ShaggIn , No 1-Leg Snobby Daddy
I’m trying to imagine a Boris Johnson version of this - I can’t😂
Everything accept combing hair
Probably be hiding in a fridge
They did one with Boris in 2019.
I totally can
He'd probably be all over the place as well as forgetting what he's cooking.
Reagrdless of what you think of him, this video was a brilliant insight into the life of a PM
@@systemsouth doesn't address what stuart said though does it
@@systemsouth that has nothing to do with what Stuart said
System South i think the guy’s horrible as well but it was interesting to see, none the less
Not being funny, but do you actually believe this propaganda, PR campaign.
Obama started it with the sleeves rolled up, tie down and running onto stage as though every minute mattered. And we all know it was all theatrics...because he was either golfing or on holiday.
Would you still say that
Writing this in oct 2022. It’s been only about seven years since he left, and we’ve had four prime ministers since then. None have been able to command the house as he did, three have been ousted by their own party rather than resigning of their own accord as he did. Even if you think he was elitist or corrupt, in the last decade he has been the only prime minister you could believe was competent.
I fully agree with every thing you've said. Infact, he was by no means elitist or corrupt. People criticized him for being elite, but many have established that his government was infact very un-elite. As for corrupt, he never gives that impression. He's commanded the House and led his party in a way no one ever has. Competent is right. May was a feat for the sharks, Boris Johnson was a jester, and Liz Truss was barely there for 50 days.
Yeah…he’s joined the sunak cabinet though, and I think that’s gonna damage his credibility a lot. I can’t really imagine why he’d wanna be part of the current shitshow, the tories are almost certainly gonna lose the next election and it’s a shame he’s put his name in the government it’s gonna happen to. He could’ve just stayed retired and been remembered as the decent guy who tried to prevent brexit but underestimated the right wing of his own party; better to be remembered as a naive liberal who got outmaneuvered by the crazies in his party than as the guy who came back for more.
@@WrongholeReagan True. But I do respect his work as Foreign Secretary thus far. I believe he returned to the government because he genuinely believes he can make a difference, rather than simply having a desire to regain power.
@@optimus2008please can you offer a good reason as to why there was no reference to lettuce on your writings?
Competent? The man was weak.
7.30am: Get up, shower and brush teeth. 8am: Have breakfast. 8.30am: Announce resignation.
8:45am: leave child in pub
8:20am: Get bullied into it by yours dearly
Ctrl-Z stolen comment
8:00 Copy other people's comment, like a punk.
a day in the life of David Cameron 6:00am = wake up shower eat
7:00am = resign
lol spot on
James counter clearly he's ruined uk singlehandedly by not listening to the natives and being too pc n spineless...well too late uk is doomed
+Serlom Cole i voted remain but seriously giving people referendums is always the right thing to do because its democratic. ruling without consent is the same as kidnapping and slavery, and its better to live free than to die a slave.
When democratic values come at the cost of political stability and economic prosperity. What do you do then.. Take matters into your own hands and do something dislikable for the greater good. How far can you take that mentality before it becomes totalitarianism. It's a theme bound to become more relevant in the coming decades. Especially since this isn't the first major fuckup attributable to a strict adherence of democracy. Just my opinion though.
Sure democracy can lead to terrible results but those terrible results are often inevitable, a result of weak policies imposed by an earlier government. Before everyone throws around the Hitler example, I'll beat you to it. Hitler only rose to power because of the Weimar Republic's failures(here, Cameron's government) and the Treaty of Versailles' economic punishment of Germany(here EU policies.) Farage's nationalism is only a symptom of underlying problems.
He didn't close the fridge
How can the pork stay fresh :/
+Thomc it also seems that he doesn't realize that half empty tubes of tomato paste don't stand up on their own...
why bother to close it?
Only commoners would do
Kind of badass huh ~~~~~~
A cold winter for UK...
un inverno freddo per il Regno Unito 😅
The best part is at the last few second when he say “that is enough for today guys” shuts the door and is heard lovingly asking one of his kids “hey what have you done”, shows the family man
Then he went and stuck his parliamentary member inside a pigs heed soon as camera off
@@patrickphillips6324 if you believe the lie you just repeated on behalf or lord Ashcroft, you sir a utter moron.
@@georgebutler44 OK then George if that is your real name ;)
@@georgebutler44 What happens in the lodge stays in the Lodge (until they all turn on each other as they scared of lock down)...
@@patrickphillips6324 it’s been debunked many times over you twit.
Am I the only person to comment that his job looks incredibly hard and I'm quite impressed?
Fridja No, I am too. My career, before I retired, had contact with Downing Street regularly, and it is a hard job. Especially as most people hate politicians of all parties. The Prime Minister has to make unpopular decisions for the sake of the country. It would be so much easier giving people what they want, but that would be a disaster. Most people are too blinkered to realise that. They don't get what they want so the decisions are wrong and unfair.
Pig fuckers
M Scott your comment was a really thought out comment,I wish I could encounter more comments like these
Soubhick Saha Thank you so much. I appreciate your comment too. Not many people think before they spout.
@John Smith
that's because all the stress and worry that comes with being PM
How did i get here? I was watching cat videos.
There was a cat sitting on the sofa in this vid too
dave's cat isn't allowed inside his family's living quarters
I was watching drones.. haha
Larry the cat?
I was watching a Danisnotonfire video and now I'm here 😂
"Then I have a daily meeting which happens most days" - David Cameron
This job literally has no life work balance
Mali 365 its more of a public service than a job
@@Dukes-nt1er shut up you plum
@@Dukes-nt1er Wow someone's angry. Didn't know someone who likes a life work balance is a leftie.
"Then I've got my 4 o'clock daily meeting, which happens pretty much every day."
At 4 or what?
This man is a genius
He means it's meant to happen everyday but occasionally doesn't.
this piece of propaganda is so nostalgic of simpler times
I didn't realise David Cameron is SUCH A NORMAL BLOKE
Who would have thought that the Prime Minister is JUST LIKE YOU AND ME?
He's a real FAMILY MAN . Loves his kids.
So humble and ORDINARY.
Albert Neville That sarcasm is actually painful.
Clarissa McPigeon so is the whole video !
Wow. You must be so simple minded to believe that.
DFandV Well said! I find people who begin written sentences with the word "wow" tend to be quite simple.
Is your Caps Lock broken? You seem to be having issues. Please seek IT support.
I don’t think he’s that bad. Rather him than Boris any day. Hes got some normality compared to the tories currently. Politics has become an even bigger joke than it was
7:50 i didn't realise rowan atkinson's great grandfather was prime minister...
sincj96 prime minister blackadder
An uncanny resemblance to Mr. Bean!
Spread collars, cuff links, and dimpled ties? Much better dressed than our politicians over here in America.
+Izoto Nobody gives a shit.
+Izoto I think your future president Trump is nicely dressed :D
Simon Skulloff Trump's not the norm and isn't going to be POTUS.
Owen Hatfull Actually, dressing right is an important part of the political game at that level. But, you're an idiot, so you wouldn't know that.
Izoto Stop making assumptions, you don't even know who I am. For all you know I could be Donald Trump.
no matter what you think of him, he deserves respect. it seems nobody can be PM without getting abused these days, its impossible to please everybody.
True exactly same with boris
@Macavity I’m just saying you can’t please everyone, when covid happened people complained about locking down to esrly then you had people complaining for locking down at all 🤣
@Macavity people complained about locking down the anti vaccers were saying we should build heard immunity if you remember correctly
He’s just a spiv
@Macavity I answered your question… you asked “no one complained about locking down early” I gave you evidence
" daily meeting, which happens pretty much every day"
Can't wait till they do one of these about President Trump.
The True Gamer Against WHO?
+Gobbersmack America's voting TRUMP !!!
Jomaan Sherlala You can keep slurping up what the liberal media says, but that won't change the actual outcome, dear.
+Jomaan Sherlala Sorry to disappoint you, but he's been leading every poll since he started talking for a reason. Trump isn't a politician, he's a multi-billionaire who is taking on the establishment that has betrayed the people over and over again. The more the trendies hate him, the more real people love him. And he's going to be running against Hillary Clinton who everyone hates and knows is a lying blood stained crook. She stands no chance. #Trump2016
+Freedom FROM Religion You're right, he isn't a politician. He has no fucking idea how to run a country and he'll succeed in making the rest of the world hate the USA even more.
Cameron looks like he has never stepped foot in that kitchen before.
he usually has people to do that
MaGesticLean Which is perfectly fine. A prime minister has many other duties to perform. We shouldn't expect them to be great in the kitchen too. But don't put on a show. lol
***** wtf do u mean
I hate this lire cheap actor.
German Trainer It doesn't matter anymore. He is withdrawing from public life.
When looked back on with hindsight from the Johnson era, Cameron had so much more class and actually seemed to care about his job. Big respect from me.
Bojob was the clown thinking he was at a party..
@@101MRSPICE Oh wait.
Regardless of political alignment, I have to say for someone to have that much stamina, particularly mentally, is impressive. All that responsibility, expectation, relentlessness day after day must be quite taxing.
You'll notice most PMs and presidents go grey by the time they leave office
It’s amazing how human beings can adapt to this sort of lifestyle and quite quickly. For Cameron, yes I’m sure he does get stressed occasionally, but it just becomes a new norm. I’d imagine he’s very healthy, very confident and very high energy. Most CEOs and Politicians are.
@@mattsniper362 Biden is?
@@Qatari2007 Bidens nearly 80. David cameron was in his 40s in this clip
where are the pigs at?
+Jama M Jama we can change "turkeys voting for christmas" to "pigs voting tory"
+Jama M Jama His mothers dead I think!?
+wordscontrolminds was she in his line of scum?
+Jama M Jama i have to hide them from the misses.
"My daily meeting, which happens pretty much everyday"
What a damn difficult job!! So many people here berating and criticising him, but how many could do a day of his work?
The organisation required, working hours- working out of hours, public speaking and presentation, having your life in the public eye and constantly being scrutinised, the diverse subjects you have to be on top of- the economy, foreign policy issues, schools, the decisions he has to make- their ethical content and consequences, having to juggle multiple priorities and interest groups...
So many things and yet people just complain and criticise. People who couldn't do half the work this guy does or just have a naive view of how the world works and how complex matters are.
well he wants us to work and then die
naruto2710 he chose to become prime minister
And people say the Queen works hard lol
100% agree. It is easier to sit back and criticise that's why people do it.
You are talking as if he was forced to be the PM lol. Nobody put a gun to his head! So what if many people can not do his job? This is so not the point. If you run for PM then you expect that kind of life.
I didn’t agree all that much with David Cameron but I miss him.
Missed the time he spends managing his off shore accounts and avoiding tax...
Those offshore accounts were owned by a family member, although he did profit of it slightly he paid income tax on the dividends.
Yes, and that money was just RESTING in his account :D
Ctrl-Z I don't get what you mean. He paid tax on the money, are you saying he can't store money in a bank account? I imagine you have a bank account as well.
Alan Doherty David Cameron "did profit" from his father running an offshore fund that avoided ever having to pay tax in Britain by hiring a small army of Bahamas residents - including a part-time bishop - to sign its paperwork. Glad to clear up any misunderstanding :D
Sins of the father fall upon the son?
That was absolutely amazing! If that is what you make for You Tube, imagine what you could produce for a documentary. I seriously didn't want to stop watching that. Thank you so much, and thank you to David Cameron for sharing. What a beautiful working environment and I loved the way you wove the cat into the film. Wow!
Hello nice to meet you, how are you doing today?
@@anthonymuller4659 good
Really interesting video thanks, Cameron comes across well
Lie Dems I don't agree. I do actually think he is a credible prime minister, in a difficult position because of the coalition with the Lib Dems. Also I know that the Tories will provide an EU referendum because it would be political suicide if they didn't
Amazing that he would "come across well" isn't it? Who would have thought that given his love of PR and the fact it was his idea and that it's been so heavily edited?
Lie Dems The Lisbon Treaty was rushed through by Gordon Brown before the election, so by the time Cameron was elected there was nothing left to vote on.
Re: immigration promise, you are correct, but he was never going to be able to keep that promise whilst we are in the EU. I want a referendum, and I know that if the Tories win a majority they'll give us one (and if they didn't they would never be elected to Government again)
***** ro king, you might want to grab an education before commenting again buddy. People might be able to understand you better :)
Lie Dems You're right I think Cameron would probably campaign to stay in the EU, and you are definitely right that the other EU Member states would refuse to change the freedom of movement laws. But none of that matters if we just get the chance to vote on the EU.
I like UKIP, and I think Farage is one of the best politicians of the modern times. But the truth is UKIP is going to split the right, and hand the election to Ed Miliband - and he would be a fucking disaster in No 10.....
Would hate to be PM or a leader in any country. Such a tough job with long hours, weekends, trips abroad and always under scrutiny
Yeah but you will one of the most important people in the world
Yes and the million and millions you receive just for being an ex burke when you get kicked out is such a pain.
not a supporter, but also like to say its easy to criticize the PM... not sure how differently the opposition would handle the current situation in UK and Europe today (not too differently i expect)
+Jonny Begood Eh, we have a real opposition who would handle things very differently, now.
+JaysEpiphany yep. but theyed also wreck the country. again.
+JaysEpiphany we have? like present tense? because we absolutely do not have a real opposition right now.
+Jonny Begood I am guessing I am not the only one who seen kill and vactonation
+Chris F If you're talking about the false accusations that Labour's borrowing got us in debt, this has been proven factually untrue. It's an urban myth and it props up the Tories narrative.
its just cruel that youtube would recommend this to me now. these were way simpler times
We certainly took a lot for granted. May better times return
Before the left started to try to divide the country.
@@gabbeskillz6262 The left has been doing that since the late 1960s.
@@gabbeskillz6262 are you actually defending these tory muppets who have totally ran this country’s economy into the ground, given NHS nurses a 1% pay rise, given children £5 worth of free school meals instead of the promised £30, charted this country #1 in Europe for highest covid deaths, constantly robbing us blind everyday and lying to us whilst laughing at us, or are you just that dim?
@@Deleted11100 yes 🗿
They missed out the bit where he does a dodgy deal and sells Britain cheap.
My minister yesterday forever there is no other like him.....congratulations your people we need you ❤❤❤
Oh yea, he's a right proper chef who always does it himself... probably rehearsed it for months and still fked it up.
So many dislikes and negative reviews.Can anyone please tell me why people of Great Britain dislike their Prime Minister? Thanks
+RockCity009 working class believe they are wrong done by and that he only supports upperclass like himself
+RockCity009 he effectively only had 1/3 of the vote, so 66% of people didn't even want him and may have even hated him so thats the first answer
secondly, his approval rating now is like 10% . not to mention his party membership is 50% less than his oppositions'
because he's rich
***** Have to agree with you.
+RockCity009 Because we are a bunch of cynical and miserable bastards that would complain about whoever was in power.
The cat is nice.
wenti duo That's Larry, the official Downing Street cat. He's NOT the Cameron family pet.
George Osborne has a pet cat called Freya who often gets into fights with Larry. The police have to break it up with water pistols.
He prefers pigs
Very hard job. Much respect for ANY prime minister from any party. We might not all agree with their political views, but we must remember that they believe their choices are the best for their country.
WRONG. This clown has done more damage to this country than anyone since Thatcher. He’s a total disgrace. He brouggt the country to its knees with a decade of brutal public service cuta which have been proven to have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. He then put a bullet in the back of this country’s head with the brexit referendum which also resulted in his resignation and the shambolic disaster of prime ministers we’ve been forced to endure since. He is disgusting.
Great video, I like Cameron, seems an honest down-to-earth PM, Not your average Tory.
Seemed hard working, how I class an average Tory.
hi, nice to meet you. You must be stupid.
His no were near honest
Mike Hawkes This propaganda video seems to have worked well on you then. Do you like to believe everything The Sun tells you?
You missed his key ingredient in all his recipes!
Tears of the poor!!
what because the are so happy that they can get jobs because the economy is doing so well?
Classy Gamer To be fair Darren, he has got a point. David Cameron > GOD
Classy Gamer GDP is growing less well than it would have done without the Tories (so says the OBR and all sorts of financial institutes), wages are still less than they were in 2008 meaning people are poorer, thus the number of working poor have increased, zero hour contracts have rocketed, part time and self-employed jobs have filled much of the unemployment meaning people have less job security and protection from the law, food bank use has increased, productivity (output per worker) has stagnated (and is nearly a 3rd less than in France). The rich have got richer though so its working perfectly for the Tories & their chums at the Sun.
Lewis Sullivan GDP is an average measure of the nation, and so is mostly dominated by the rich, and doesn't really show how the poor progress
4darrenmoore He'll soon be adding the broken remnants of the NHS.
I saw David cameron on the beach in Cornwall yesterday, he still looks really well. Always been my favourite PM
That's what a Prime Minister looks like, and not like Boris.
It will be very simple after I secure a hard brexit nobody wants
Allow it Boris!!!!
Now do you feel about that comment now!? Those were simple times. Now is the real crisis...
@@pinecone27 you wait until next year. We ain't seen nothing yet
Remember when he lived up the road from me used to see him all the time when he was in opposition
How did he come across? Political psychopath or genuinely nice man?
Honestly normal just a dad putting his kid in the back of his Range Rover he seemed a little stressed thought was weird when used to seeing him smiling on tv all the time
9:56 It’s so funny to see the upper left saying “CAM CAM” 😂🤣😅
In spite of disagreement with some policies, I miss his leadership. The UK lacks it dearly.
I swear I just heard an "Oink! Oink!"? ... Maybe he's got one tied up in the basement.
He's gonna get piggy with it
+James Bondage do you have any?
+David Cameron Ah! Sir David Hameron has surfaced.
+James Bondage yeah someone said they could her him at night demanding that his wife squealed like a pig while he sucked on her trotters.
2:30 The moment when any conspiracy theorists notice the yellow board and lose their minds...
Say what you want about David Cameron but his dedication was always clear. There is no way Boris Johnson ever got up at 6am every day to prepare🤣
"Sir her majesty the queen on the line" boris lying dying with a hangover ; shouting " ffs she will need to wait , its only 10pm darn it.
@@artsy38 🤣🤣🤣🙏🙏👍👍
Watching this Dec 2018. Cameron’s financial morals def a bit suspect, but he was a very talented politician and manager. Here he drips charm and energy. His biggest mistake: demoting Michael Gove. Gove’s “tired of experts” speech won the Brexit vote. But here and now maybe those experts were right. Is the UK willing to endure years of economic pain of hard, no-deal Brexit? This may be better for the long term health of nation, but no one has stomach to endure it. May and Hammond are B-list performers compared to people like Cameron, Osborne and Hague.
Well you have to consider that fact that may had to continue the mess that Cameron started by giving a brexit vote and making sure the right deal was for the Whole UK so calling them b-list compared to Cameron and Osbourne was bit of an understatement
And they can't even hope to match Hague's skills at Candy Crush.
I have so much respect for you sir David Cameron
Back when times were simpler .😢
Now most policies are filled with Brexit.
You’ve said this twice.
@@thekid4779 ill say it again
Dave served his purpose, got elected on promise of EU ref, then supported remain, lost, then resigned. But what makes me respect him is that he just stfu and carried on with life, thats dignity
I suppose that’s a fair point
Unlike Oburmer
Mr David Cameron is still young , still energy and still fresh for the job .They let him go .that's a mistake. that is what I think .
I was expecting an Illuminati ritual at the end of the day
Ugh this is propaganda at its best, well done Rupert.
He was a hell of a lot better than that useless May whom we have now!
Jon Elson And he’s widely regarded as the worst PM in British history. Poor wee Mrs May. How low can you go!
Jon Elson Rubbish!
Smyth Professional Advanced Screen Productions correct! There’s not much lower than rubbish low...only Boris and Michael Gove are lower than rubbish.
DC Carroll Thank you.
Smyth Professional Advanced Screen Productions No problem. I’m always here for you! X
Your actually telling me the PM prepares his own breakfast
No stupid
He probably did that just for the video
6:23 - "It would be a bit like not reading the sun Newspaper" smooth... This video makes me feel ill.
9:57 - Cam Cam? Really? Who is running this country?
Even if he is prime minister is he not allowed to be casual for a bit ?
Gurjot Singh This is 100% scripted, if you can't see its propaganda you really aren't trying.
no matter what other says i have a huge respect for him. i pray for u and ur family health & happiness. 👍
We all want to see a Boris Jhonson version of this video. PLEase DO IT!!!
it would be banging carrie and nadine all day
Probably starts with him waking up on a garden bench from drinks the night before
@@boozy8659 yah you guys have Russel Brand too, he s been crankin out videos. He s a loser.
@@boozy8659 is he out? Is the fuzzy haired one no more?
It time we Exit!
woke up, went to work , had to suffer clegg all day, never mind home to samcam, then write resignation letter , sleep
Hi guys ! I'm french, so please explain to me why UK people hate so much David Cameron ! He seems cool ! :)
They don't. David Cameron was elected by the British public. In 2015 the Covservative Party (the party that he represents) won the elections. However in 2010, we got a hung parliament. This meant he was forced to form a coalition government with the Liberal Democrats (another one of the British parties).
If you have read some of the other comments on this video, you might have noticed that people like to call him a "pig f*cker". This is because Lord Ashcroft wrote in his biography of David Cameron that David Cameron once put his genitalia into a dead pig's mouth for a ritual in a society in Oxford University. Bear in mind these are allegations. A lot of British people, especially those who read tabloids, believe this stuff. Might I point out to everyone that there is a picture of Ed Balls wearing a Nazi Uniform at a party (as a joke) at Oxford. For some reason, Britons think that these allegations, that anybody could make up, are more important than Ed Balls wearing the uniform of the Nazi Party, who were responsible for the deaths of over 60 million people.
I am not promoting David Cameron's policies- yes I do think of myself as a "True Blue Tory", but I do respect everybodys views, including people who do not believe in the same thing as me.
Thank you ;)
No, he didn't evade taxes you mug... His father did. Maybe if you weren't so stupid, you'd realise that we are lucky to have a government as lenient as ours. You might say I am a Tory but I am a pro-Brexit which is against Cameron's views.
***** Well I wouldn't say he lied... He just kept it quiet. And to be quite frank, why should he go around telling people about his family? It's not his duty. His duty is to run the country, not to have debates over the past financial state of his father who isn't even alive... David Cameron inherited the money which means that he is not liable for how it was taxed. Therefore, it's not illegal- so what is the problem with it? Nothing. It's just more shit stirring by the media to persuade people on certain views that the broadcaster prefers. Hence why it was only Labour newspapers and news channels blurting out the story.
***** If you're talking to me, I think you're mistaken. I am in support of leaving the EU
@2:34. What is the kill/ vaccinate on the wall?
Hello nice to meet you, how are you doing today?
My thoughts too...why would you have that on your wall
Does he phone Panama every day
RagingToastNexTGen The Panama papers had nothing to do with him though
Apart from him having money invested over there you mean?
RagingToastNexTGen hahahahaha
Wasn’t that the queen?
Morning: Tell some lies
Afternoon: Tell some more lies
Evening: Tell some more lies and prepare his lies for tomorrow
I always like David Cameron as he is my favourite orator, fully prepared what he discusses
A very average 'Orator' indeed! Regarding austerity his mantra was "We are all in this together"! Yeah, right!!
It's the policies that matter & he & Osborne screwed the Country up through ideological cuts to public spending.
Too energetic, passionate, soft-spoken Prime Minister. Lovezzz his lovely professional schedule of the day. Best wishes for his life.
Hello nice to meet you, how are you doing today?
@@anthonymuller4659 Me too. It's okay with the place
@@ainna1978 Hello how was your day?
10:25 did anyone else suddenly imagine Hugh Grant bowling down those stairs to the tune of the pointer sisters
Definitely shows that no matter what your opinions of a given politician is, they are all people
He's better than Theresa May. Missed him
4:53 Of course Matt Hancock chatting away with a woman... work related I'm sure...
I miss this guy... 😢
I don't lol
He is back baby🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
If only he didn't go through that Referendum, David Cameron could have been one of the best Prime Ministers of UK. He and George Osbourne did a great job on the recovery of the economy after Labour took the country on the edge of bankruptcy and £ was pretty strong.
Truth. I view Osborourne as a true conservative .
What a great film, well done the Sun. Great to see David Cameron doing the job in his brilliant style. Can anyone truly see that unintelligible Miliband being on the world stage like that. Our stock would fall through the floor and with it our growing economy and standing in the world.
Sounds really genuine that comment. Guess you're part of Dave's election team then.
Please, please do not vote due to a party leaders persona. Vote on the policies and what the party represents, not some PR bullshit.
***** guessing the gormless fool who wrote that comment either works in Cameron's enormous PR team - or is genuinely a gormless fool
Another staged reply from Tory head office,fuck me you people are lame to think we cant see through all these crappy replies.
That was the latest vaguely competent PM...
He has a good sense of humour 😂😂
And at 10 pm, he's probably checking his offshore tax havens...
And thats a bad thing why?
Dont act like u wouldnt if u had the money
Jon Snow who wouldn't. I know I would. Immoral but the money takes priority.
The English Gentleman so true
Just came back for my second time- just as good as the first but in a different way. Thank you so much to all the people who agreed with my comments, you know I'm in Australia so it's even cuter for me to see the British way of doing things. Next stop, working out how to get the Sun to make a longer version of this!
Who are you?
Are you dead?
Hello nice to meet you, how are you doing today?
@@anthonymuller4659 okay how are you?
@@SarahJMTaylor I’m doing great thanks for asking, I agree with your comment because that’s the perfect agreement you can get from a good friend. I can add you on google chat if you don’t mind.
I really enjoyed this insight to our working No10
"then I have my daily meeting at 4 o clock that happens almost everyday"
Nice guy and nice insight. I have always liked David Cameron
Hopefully it'll be "Dead Dennis" soon
+Kane Honeybun ??
Best PM since Thatcher
Ooh Jeremy Corbyn
You can knock him all you want however he was a decent prime minster.
His personality was meh but better than Blairs. At least Cameron got the economy going again by 2012
when david walks in the room and says hello everyone carries on talking and ignores him lol
+jordan lynch :-)
English people do this. It's not a sign of disrespect.
Love that he A.) makes time for his kids and B.) evidently wont let the cameras in, keeps it private.
The one's that are still living anyway lmao. Hopefully he doesn't leave any of them behind in pubs again. His dead son was karma.
Ofcourse Michael Gove is a slacker and turns up late to work. I would never have known😂😂
He must be of French origins :-)
Thank you for posting this.
I think he was a genuine man, and despite not always agreeing with him (for instances he’s a remainer) I deeply respect him, and thought it was very interesting to see what a normal day was like. I can’t imagine myself doing this everyday for 4 years.
He was right about brexit 😂
@@OllieGrigg Fr though, he really was.
it would have been good to see more of the domestic life, not just official duties, and see what the living quarters are like.
David "I don't know what you're talking about, the economy is growing!" Cameron.
Omg the economy😨😂😂😂
Terima kasih ..sebab bagi tempat letak sudu..
This guy is just the puriest form of banter alive
Ah the good old days when uncle Rupert did his best to keep Dave PM.
I genuinely believe he was a great prime minister 👍
I truly believe your a🤭
@@astalavista5328 better than boris ...
@@samlal3618 lol there both aweful David Cameron he's worse dodgy Dave
Clown 🤡 .
He's Oxford PPE graduate?
"My four o'clock daily meeting, which happens pretty much every day." - David Cameron