One thing I have noticed and copied, is that you pinch the sticks, rather than thumbs on top. I've found pinching gives me more fine control around the centre which is where sticks spend most of their time. I've combined this with a transmitter tray and have practised a lot on the SIM, just waiting for the flying season to begin. One further thing I have added AS3X/SAFE Rx's to my power planes, I normally only use AS3X but I can cover the switch whilst practicing and instantly recover the plane by switching SAFE on if I lose orientation or control. Really enjoy your videos, thank you.
Mr Wargo.... I watch all your videos over and over lol, I learn something every time. Plus all your PA stuff, and I own 2 PA aircraft and they fly absolutely fantastic!
Thanks for the channel.... I'd love to see your take on aerobatic routines...something like precision/scale aerobatics. I am hoping to get back into flying my planes again, after a few years off... but when I do I want to start doing something I started just before I stopped flying. I had been trying to time a takeoff, flight with some specific maneuvers, timed to fly along to a song. I liked the videos you did on practicing deliberately and on purpose, and would love to see more like that. Cheers, and Happy New Year! Thanks again for the videos!
Thanks. I can do those pretty well. Still working on knifedge. Is it true that some planes are easier than others for this one? If I get them all down at altitude I will do them lower to the ground. Thanks for aiming this video at novice-intermediate pilots. Most people I fly with are in this group.
Great pilot, showing how to do 3D. BUT I miss info on how the configuration for the planes are, which dual rate and expo. That goes for every videos showing how to fly. In fact, every video about how to learn, should start with the configuration for the actual plane in the video.
One thing I have noticed and copied, is that you pinch the sticks, rather than thumbs on top. I've found pinching gives me more fine control around the centre which is where sticks spend most of their time. I've combined this with a transmitter tray and have practised a lot on the SIM, just waiting for the flying season to begin. One further thing I have added AS3X/SAFE Rx's to my power planes, I normally only use AS3X but I can cover the switch whilst practicing and instantly recover the plane by switching SAFE on if I lose orientation or control. Really enjoy your videos, thank you.
Mr Wargo.... I watch all your videos over and over lol, I learn something every time. Plus all your PA stuff, and I own 2 PA aircraft and they fly absolutely fantastic!
Thanks for the channel....
I'd love to see your take on aerobatic routines...something like precision/scale aerobatics. I am hoping to get back into flying my planes again, after a few years off... but when I do I want to start doing something I started just before I stopped flying. I had been trying to time a takeoff, flight with some specific maneuvers, timed to fly along to a song. I liked the videos you did on practicing deliberately and on purpose, and would love to see more like that. Cheers, and Happy New Year! Thanks again for the videos!
I enjoyed that, will have to look at more of your videos 👍🏻
Love the simplicity. Best way to gain your “courage”.
Thank you for the video Mike.
Thanks for the lesson
I enjoyed the lesson. Thanks
Thank you for this lesson.
Great video! Thanks
Great video! I'm very new and look forward to trying these.
Great vid. Keep it up.
Thanks Mike,, you are the MAN,,,,
Wow, Any plane that you touch becomes an acrobatic one.
Thank you
Thanks. I can do those pretty well. Still working on knifedge. Is it true that some planes are easier than others for this one? If I get them all down at altitude I will do them lower to the ground. Thanks for aiming this video at novice-intermediate pilots. Most people I fly with are in this group.
Yes. Planes with wing tips are generally easier. Also planes with a taller fuselage are easier. I use a cap232 from Flex Innovations
How can I take any classes? Do you any program to teach? Please advise. Thanks.
Great pilot, showing how to do 3D. BUT I miss info on how the configuration for the planes are, which dual rate and expo. That goes for every videos showing how to fly. In fact, every video about how to learn, should start with the configuration for the actual plane in the video.
we gonna do basic maneuvers with this...! LOL
If Hobby King wanted to do anything to help they'd have given it some dihedral, nothing makes an Ugly Stik uglier and roll ugly too is this.