Is homesick real? 2 years living abroad as a foreigner. How did I manage it? | Cook Bulalo with me!

  • Опубліковано 7 лип 2024
  • Is homesick real? 2 years living abroad as a foreigner. How did I manage it? | Cook Bulalo with me!
    I hope you guys enjoy the video and somehow helped you if you are feeling homesick sometimes. Remember the feeling is normal so don't deny yourself with it. Always find something that you like to do, meet people and keep your mind and body healthy and you will be fine.
    Also, as promised here is the Bulalo Recipe that I followed.
    2 lbs beef shank
    1/4 cabbage whole leaf individually detached
    1 bundle bok choy
    1/2 Chinese Cabbage
    2 cobs corn each cut into 3 parts - This is recommended, at the moment I didnt have fresh corn so I skipped it.
    2 Tablespoons whole peppercorn
    1/2 cup green onions cut unto 1 1/2 inch pieces
    1 onion
    34 ounces water
    fish sauce to taste - highly recommended but optional :)
    Salt to taste
    1. In a big cooking pot, pour in water and bring to a boil
    2. Put-in the beef shank followed by the onion and whole pepper corn then simmer for 1.5 hours (30 mins if using a pressure cooker) or until meat is tender.
    3. Add the corn and simmer for another 10 minutes
    4. Add the fish sauce, cabbage, Bok Choy, Chinese Cabbage, and green onion (onion leeks)
    5. Serve hot. Share and Enjoy!
    Check out my Flower Shop too -
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  • @jerrykrajnak6396
    @jerrykrajnak6396 2 роки тому +17

    Hi Kim, another very nice video ! Thank you ! BTW, your vase behind you looks outstanding ! You did a great job on it ! 💚🌹🙂👍🇸🇰🇵🇭🇺🇸 Jerry.🗽

  • @Onitsutube
    @Onitsutube 2 роки тому +12

    hey people, listen to this tiny beautiful person! because she speaks so much truth and sense :o) thank You for these words Kim :o)

  • @miroslavaharnuskova3717
    @miroslavaharnuskova3717 2 роки тому +6

    What a wise and wonderful person you are, Kim. You're a blessing, truly a blessing.
    Wish you can travel home soon, but please come back😉❤

  • @janjanco646
    @janjanco646 2 роки тому +3

    Držte sa, prajem Vám aj s manželom šťastné roky, veľa úspechov, zdravia a lásky, veľa radosti z vašich obľúbených činností koníčkov a práce. Filipíny sú tiež veľmi krásne, aj ľudia sú tam určite milí a privetiví.

  • @romanstefkovic1650
    @romanstefkovic1650 2 роки тому +3

    I felt the same when I moved 90 km from parents home to Bratislava. I'm so attached too.

  • @renatarenata8492
    @renatarenata8492 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you for your advise! I moved abroad sa well 6 years ago and it helped me a lot with my homesickness, when I found a grocery shop with Slovak groceries like polohrubá múka, bryndza, chlieb, vanilínový cukor or piškóty and I could cook with the same ingredients as at home! 😋It made a huge difference as this was an attachment that I was missing a lot! 🥞🍞🍲

    • @ChasingKimberly
      @ChasingKimberly  2 роки тому +2

      That's true, finding a store where you can buy something from your home country is a big changer. For me, even as simple as soy sauce, makes me really happy :)

  • @vladoyager1908
    @vladoyager1908 2 роки тому +6

    Hi Kim, I do understand how you feel, yes it's different environment and culture, manors of locals.
    I left Slovakia 30 years ago, from the beginning it was hard, same as you learned English, French.
    Yes I missed Slovakia but my mom passed away 15 years ago and once parents died family is not the same, my definitely not and in base I'm very disappointed by them close and distant family all together, I used to be proud of Slovakia but lately I'm disappointed, nation don't have pride anymore.
    Well hope Covid goes away soon and you will be able make trip back home.
    Meantime you have your lovely hubby on your side and Slovak family and friends.
    Stay strong and happy, wishing you all the best there🤗

    • @ChasingKimberly
      @ChasingKimberly  2 роки тому +2

      Thank you Vlado! Yea, I am looking forward to the time when I will be able to visit Philippines again. I miss the scorching sun and the beautiful beaches and super unhealthy yet yummy food hahaha :D

    • @vladoyager1908
      @vladoyager1908 2 роки тому +3

      @@ChasingKimberly I really understand and wishing you all the best, I used to eat treska as you, and all other stuff.
      Right now it's impossible for me to travel since my health etc and as you know I rather be under the palm tre in FL than in NY😁
      Hope will be able to move it's my dream....
      Stay well my dear all the best!!!

  • @PetrKavan
    @PetrKavan 2 роки тому +6

    My wife used to be super-homesick, and she moved only from Slovakia to Czechia :-) But it was also a change in lifestyle - from city to countryside. It is funny, but our travelling possibilities to Slovakia were also very limited - I just couldn't leave animals unattended for a week. Even for a day - every day I have to either feed them (winter) or milk them (summer). But then, corona meant almost no change in our lives.
    Are you looking forward to spring? I believe that spring is a cure for everything that troubled you during winter :-)

    • @ChasingKimberly
      @ChasingKimberly  2 роки тому +2

      Ohh ofcourse! I am very much looking forward to spring! I have been starting my seeds already hahaha :D And about the animals, it's same concern for me. I have been thinking of adding chickens to my garden but I am worried that if time comes I want to go for a holiday somewhere, they will die because nobody will feed them :(

    • @PetrKavan
      @PetrKavan 2 роки тому +1

      @@ChasingKimberly Your garden is great, and it was nice to watch how much crops you were able to grow :-) About chicken ... neighbours won't help? It's not an option for me, because our house is 1km from nearest neighbour, and nobody nearby can milk goats anyway. But feeding chicken is considerably easier. Or Danko's parents might take holidays in your house while you are abroad ... just ideas :-)

  • @jakubbencur9823
    @jakubbencur9823 2 роки тому +5

    First of all this is the most amazing video!!!! That dish looks fxxxxxx amazing! So much truth in this video. Keeping yourself busy is the key. Im away for half of my life and im homesick everyday. It takes a very strong person to be able to put aside all your personality and believes to be able to learn and accommodate to a new culture. You kim have chosen very dificult culture (slovak) 🤣🤣 and respect to you to be able to do so much. Also same goes for your husband. More people like that and there would never be a war 😁

    • @ChasingKimberly
      @ChasingKimberly  2 роки тому +2

      Thanks Jakub! It's hard but not impossible. and as time goes by, if we find ways to enjoy the little things, I say things become so much easier! :)

  • @jeanjcg8237
    @jeanjcg8237 2 роки тому +3

    Been living abroad for 16 years now, at first it was difficult but as you learn to adapt yourself with the new environment, you will see that there is more to offer and things to discover. The key is to learn to embrace and not to dwell so much on your loneliness or homesickness. Thanks kim and hello from Dubai, hope one day when i set foot in slovak, i will have a chance to at least meet you.. God bless and always take care! 😘

    • @ChasingKimberly
      @ChasingKimberly  2 роки тому +1

      Hello Jean!! Definitely, you will like Slovakia, its a beautiful country ❤️

  • @WedartStudio
    @WedartStudio 2 роки тому +3

    Very nice and sincere confession, thank you for sharing!😊🌞👍

  • @kovadlinka555
    @kovadlinka555 2 роки тому +5

    Presne viem o čom hovoríš Kimuška. Žil som v Aténach 2 roky, v Moskve 3 roky, v Káhire 3 roky. Pri prvej návšteve mi domov neskutočne chýbal, ale keď som sa vrátil a strávil som s blízkymi a so všetkým čo mi chýbalo asi týždeň, bolo to zas všetko v starých kolajniciach a ja som si uvedomil, že chcem ísť naspäť do zahraničia. Rodina si zase zvykla že som doma , a bádal som že sa vlastne nič výnimočné neudialo, keď som sa vrátil, (ľudia sa jednoducho naučili žiť bezo mňa a žili si svoje životy ďalej), naopak keď som bol v zahraničí, vtedy som pociťoval skutočne, že je na mňa rodina hrdá a chýbam im. Keď ťa majú každý deň na očiach , berú to ako normálnu vec. Postupom času som zistil, že mne to vlastne vyhovuje, že konečne môžem byť sám sebou v zahraničí , že konečne som sa oslobodil od všetkého čo ma zväzovalo doma, čo zväzovalo moju myseľ v osobnom rozvoji na Slovensku a zistil som, kto v skutočnosti som. Otvoril som svoju myseľ A - Vieš ako sa hovorí najdôležitejší deň v živote človeka je deň keď sa narodí a deň keď zistí prečo. Ja som práve v zahraničí keď som bol osamelý otvoril svoju myseľ, spoznal sám seba a začal som žiť nový život - život podľa mňa, nie život aký sa odo mňa očakával od rodiny. Ver tomu (aj keď to znie zvláštne), že rodina je na teba nesmierne hrdá, lebo si pre nich vzácna, pretože nemajú možnosť byť s tebou každý deň. Samozrejme že rozumiem, že ti chýba mama, kamarát,i oceán. Ja som postupom času prestal chodiť domov a teraz prídem už len tak na Vianoce za rodinou a cítim že si ma rodina váži. Drž sa Kimuška. Robíš krásne ruže a vázy. Držím ti palce. Bulalo vyskúšam.

    • @ChasingKimberly
      @ChasingKimberly  2 роки тому +2

      Ďakujem za odpoveď Ján . Úplne súhlasím so všetkým aj keď som ešte doma nebola od príchodu na Slovensko ,ale myslím si že to bude podobné ako u teba . 😄 ✌🏽

    • @kovadlinka555
      @kovadlinka555 2 роки тому +1

      @@ChasingKimberly 😀🙋‍♂️✌️

  • @mariacepkova4135
    @mariacepkova4135 2 роки тому +2


  • @matejmatuska6700
    @matejmatuska6700 2 роки тому +2

    Kim you are very good cook I admire your slovak for us slovaks its pretty good fealing to hear someone from asia speaking this good and do more cooking videos you are good in it

  • @richardtlstovic5027
    @richardtlstovic5027 2 роки тому +1

    Máš pravdu,domov je domov.👍🤗

  • @jankohrasko1547
    @jankohrasko1547 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for amazing video and god bless

  • @meggy363
    @meggy363 2 роки тому +2

    Kim ty si skrátka úžasná.Tiež žijeme v zahraničí a hovoríš mi z duše.♥️💪

  • @G4nymedes
    @G4nymedes 2 роки тому +5

    I lived only in czech republic, but yea, i get sometime homesickess. But it was not a problem for me, maybe because czech is similiar slovak :-) And u are very brave to going to foreign country with no friends, no knowing language. Btw i love how u eating soup with rice. I was always fascinated eating food "nonstandard" ways. Its not weird for me, its cool and cultural :-D

    • @ChasingKimberly
      @ChasingKimberly  2 роки тому +1

      Yea, thing is for us, rice can be paired with almost everything. And we don't actually consider Bulalo as a soup. In our eating culture, we always have a Rice paired with something we called "Ulam" and that ulam can be any dish made of Veggies, Meat, fish or seafoods. Either dry, dried, saucy or soupy. We always eat it with rice hahaha 😂

  • @janstefanek
    @janstefanek 2 роки тому +2

    Actually, I've been feeling homesick for the Philippines too - since I returned from a study semester at Leyte two years ago haha. It had somehow become my home... Can't wait to be back there! 🇵🇭

    • @ChasingKimberly
      @ChasingKimberly  2 роки тому +2

      Haha You are like my husband! Missing Philippines more than me :D And since you mentioned Leyte, I miss it too! There is located my most favorite island in the Philippines called Kalanggaman. Wonder if you have been there?

    • @janstefanek
      @janstefanek 2 роки тому +1

      Oh, Kalanggaman is charming. Haven't been there because of some issues with the boat (it was quite expensive for just a few people) however I'll definitely gather more people and go.

  • @dadzi223
    @dadzi223 2 роки тому +3

    Tak ti poviem všade dobre doma najlepšie

  • @katarinask139
    @katarinask139 2 роки тому +1

    I've heard you eat a lot of fish there, you must be very healthy❤💪I personally can't imagine thinking about tropical place as my home😄 that must be pretty

    • @ChasingKimberly
      @ChasingKimberly  2 роки тому +2

      If you love sun and lots of beaches, you will like Philippines too!

  • @dodotichy5507
    @dodotichy5507 2 роки тому +1


  • @Stenly17
    @Stenly17 2 роки тому +2

    Kim, you are a Stoic. I wonder if you have read Epictetus, Seneca or Marcus Aurelius, because they are philosophers who lived 3K years ago and they give the same advice you are giving in this video.

  • @hyppo2121
    @hyppo2121 2 роки тому +2

    Ooo my favourite soup in Philippines.Like eat it in the evening after very hot day and you need get some power to body when we on holiday's in Philippines.Do you use magic sarap for the soup?

    • @ChasingKimberly
      @ChasingKimberly  2 роки тому +1

      haha no! I domt have magic sarap here in Slovakia 😂😂 just pepper and salt!

  • @alfaromeo5584
    @alfaromeo5584 2 роки тому +3

    vediet reč krajiny v ktorej človek žije je podla mna najdoležitejšie.pracoval som v rakusku a po nemecky som moc nevedel.a ked ma napriklad v bare niekto oslovil a chcel sa porozpravat tak z rozhovoru a prípadneho kamaratsva nič nebolo.Kim ty si typ človeka ktoreho maju ludia na slovensku radi.maš podobné zvyky ako my máš rada jedlá ako my aj náš alkohol si vyskúšala:-)...ty si proste taká filipínska slovenka.a to tvoje jedlo si uvarím.ten špik je dobry s varenymi zemiakmi a zavaraninovym chrenom.

  • @ohorok2
    @ohorok2 2 роки тому +2

    Please, use some microphon, it''s hardly to hear you ;)

    • @jerrykrajnak6396
      @jerrykrajnak6396 2 роки тому +13

      Filip* Hi Filip, can you use some hearing aid ⛑️ ??? No hard feelings, just saying! 💚* Jerry.🗽

  • @treiomaswion7673
    @treiomaswion7673 2 роки тому +3

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    • @alberttheil4416
      @alberttheil4416 2 роки тому

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    • @johnc5802
      @johnc5802 2 роки тому

      Same here, I made $12,400 profits on investing since I started trading with Mr Michael Wayne his trading strategies are too notch am winning consistently trading with Mr Michael Wayne. He's really the best broker I've made a lot of profit investing with him.

    • @user-bk8td7pt1m
      @user-bk8td7pt1m 2 роки тому

      @Anthony Benjamin I've seen a lot of recommendation about Mr Michael Wayne, Please can I have his info? I want to invest 2,000usd with him.

    • @user-bk8td7pt1m
      @user-bk8td7pt1m 2 роки тому

      @Anthony Benjamin Thanks a lot, I'll contact him right away...

    • @theresawagar4524
      @theresawagar4524 2 роки тому

      After watching so many UA-cam tutorial videos about trading I was still making losses untill Mr Michael Wayne started managing my investment now, I make $6,800 weekly. God bless Mr Michael Wayne. His been a blessing to my family.