Come Follow Me Book of Mormon Alma 53-63 (Aug. 19-25) Don't Miss This

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @angelakraeling922
    @angelakraeling922 18 днів тому +5

    If your hope is to help others fall in love with scripture. You have absolutely succeeded. I have been following Don’t Miss This for years and my love of scripture increases daily. Thank you.

  • @kathrynquinn6889
    @kathrynquinn6889 25 днів тому +24

    What a powerful lesson that we don’t need to rehearse our past doubts and unbeliefs because what matters is who we are becoming

  • @kathrynquinn6889
    @kathrynquinn6889 25 днів тому +27

    Obedience aligns us with the power of God, which is the power of salvation. It’s not the obedience but the power of God that preserves us. The obedience allows us to abide in His power, just as it allows us to abide in His love

  • @Abigail---
    @Abigail--- 23 дні тому +13

    One thing I learned in chapter 53 is that compassion is a chain. The nephites had compassion on the people of ammon in protecting them and giving them land, thus they had compassion on the nephites in wanting to fight for them after seeing their commitment to loving them. And thus their sons and helaman had compassion on their fathers in encouraging them to keep their covenants and offering to fight for them. And thus God has compassion on those sons in preserving them in battle

  • @mistyanderson1737
    @mistyanderson1737 23 дні тому +15

    Someone pointed out these are also the “covenant” chapters as it clearly shows both sides of keeping and not keeping covenants and how that affected our beloved Nephite people.

  • @desireeclark1503
    @desireeclark1503 27 днів тому +7

    Thank you for the joy you give in studying the scriptures..

  • @katechaney7461
    @katechaney7461 22 дні тому +4

    Provisions! Makes me think we need to do better to provide for weary fragile people who are fighting battles that show up or don’t on Sundays. It also reminds me that I need to seek out provisions….so good David!

  • @tonyaleavitt7614
    @tonyaleavitt7614 28 днів тому +8

    When you two get in your laughing fits ….
    I just love you both

  • @dickeynat3
    @dickeynat3 21 день тому +4

    This made me think about spiritual twinkies that Elder Renland taught about recently. Spiritual twinkies are lessons and talks that are not Christ centered.
    Many of us are fighting a spiritual battle spiritually malnourished- or while subsisting on spiritual twinkies. It makes me feel more inclined to be intentional about what I feed myself spiritually and what provisions I offer the youth that I teach. They cannot fight a battle without provisions.

  • @holthenetwork4232
    @holthenetwork4232 22 дні тому +7

    Maybe those 60 that came late were younger and they were eagerly awaiting the day that they could join the rest of the "little band"

  • @Jace28142
    @Jace28142 19 днів тому +1

    I was speaking with Sister Grant and Sister Lines this week about how much we love the two of you! I learn so much each week. Little nuggets that I’d never thought of before. Thanks for bringing the scriptures live in my heart and enjoy reading them.

  • @heidilewis9613
    @heidilewis9613 25 днів тому +6

    I appreciate your happy countenances and want Grace to know she looks especially nice in this episode

  • @stacysutton5202
    @stacysutton5202 21 день тому +2

    Thank you very much for all the hard work you put into preparing the lessons for us!

  • @user-zc6go2yq4t
    @user-zc6go2yq4t 21 день тому +1

    You both always lift my spirits by the things you share and by your loving examples. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and perspectives of the words of God. ❤

  • @DJ-im7cm
    @DJ-im7cm 23 дні тому +8

    Is anyone going to address the elephant in the room? We are currently fighting for freedom in our own country. We need to stand up!!!

    • @aMuenchGrinch
      @aMuenchGrinch 20 днів тому +11

      I know what you mean. Reading through the BOM right now is exactly what we are going through. We need to listen to the prophet though. We don't know, see, and feel all that he does, and he has told us how we need to be gentle and peaceful people to find the one and bring them back to the flock. I think we can make a stand right now, but more of a spiritual stand of praying, fasting, gathering the lost ones more than ever before. I feel like a huge hurt on us is because we are so divided politically that as members we shouldn't be. Godly people should be as one with God. We need to set examples of setting differences aside and work together to show the world how much more can be done in peaceful times. We are spiritual warriors fighting against evil and for those who are lost for whatever reason that may be?! It doesn't necessarily mean we have to do a battle like the stripling warriors, but instead to be kind, loving, compassionate, understanding, and just be a real friend to those around us even those who have hurt us.

    • @Jace28142
      @Jace28142 19 днів тому +2

      My sister and friends talk about this almost every day. We are living in Book of Mormon times.

  • @263bk4
    @263bk4 Місяць тому +4

    war chapters have become my favorite!

  • @johansenalicia
    @johansenalicia 19 днів тому +1

    39:46 stubborn love! By the lumineers I think is what you are talking about. We love that song❤

  • @kathysmith266
    @kathysmith266 Місяць тому +2

    I truly love your lessons, thank you so much. ❤

    • @brettpinion4233
      @brettpinion4233 Місяць тому

      Friend. That "testimony" test is not biblical. I don't disagree that you get a feeling just as Jehovah's witnesses and Muslims and Hindus. The terms set forth in Moroni 10:4 are manipulative and use circular reasoning.
      D&C Section 9:8-9 - tells us that if something is true it will make our "bosom burn" and we will FEEL that it is right. Maroni 10:4 says: "he will manifest the truth of it unto you"

      The BIBLE WARNS us against this SUBJECTIVE type of truth test. The LDS test for truth violates the Biblical test. Why?
      Because we have a sinful nature that can be DECEIVED. Proverbs 28:26 "He that trusts in his own (bosom) heart is a FOOL."
      The Biblical test begins first with PRIOR Scriptural revelation and to test all things by it (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:12-2:3; 1 Thes. 5:19-21). 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV "STUDY ... rightly dividing the word of TRUTH."
      Acts 17:11 "EXAMINE THE SCRIPTURES to see if what said is TRUE". 1John 4:1 says: "BELIEVE NOT EVERY SPIRIT, ... because MANY FALSE PROPHETS (J.S.) have gone out into the world."
      The Bible repeatedly warns us about false teachers, false prophets, false Jesuses, false gospels and counterfeit Christianity (Matt 7:15, 24:24; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 2 Cor. 11:3-4, 13-15; Gal. 1:6-9).
      Scripture explicitly warns us against demonic spiritual deception (1 Tim. 4:1). "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Cor. 11:14
      Even when Paul and Silas delivered the truths of the gospel to the people of Berea, the Bereans were commended for EXAMINING the Scriptures to validate the claims of the apostles.
      There are NO Biblical directives to pray for new revelation based on a warm feeling for verification.
      Would you pray about the validity of the Koran or about whether or not Muhammad is a true prophet? If no, why not? Are the Muslims not sincere? They pray 5 times per day. Don’t they feel good or right about their faith?
      I have sincerely prayed with real faith in Christ and He has shown me Mormonism is false! I don't ask that you believe me, believe the words of the Bible that Jesus affirmed.
      "Before me NO god was formed, nor shall there be ANY after me.” (Isaiah 43:10) If Mormonism is true, then God could not make this claim, for he was just a man at one point; nor could he claim that no gods would come after him, for that is the goal of J.S. and LDS members.
      Isaiah 44:6 says, "I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is NO God." & "Is there any God besides me?.. I know not one". God is saying there is NOT an infinite amount of Gods, and there is none like Him. LDS teaches that there is. He was once a man like us; yea, that God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ Himself did" (King Follett Sermon)
      Either the BIBLE or LDS is FALSE.

  • @harmonywoodrome9911
    @harmonywoodrome9911 Місяць тому +2

    Thank you very much 😍👏

  • @krystapemberton4997
    @krystapemberton4997 22 дні тому +1

    The opposite of love is indifference - Stubborn Love - The Lumineers ❤

  • @suzannaylor653
    @suzannaylor653 19 днів тому +1

    None of the stripling warriors were lost in battle, but how many of them had fathers who lost their life because they refused to take up weapons. The miracle seems to be all about everyone being saved, but it was more about the blessings that come through sacrifice.

  • @wendyvannoy9377
    @wendyvannoy9377 23 дні тому

    I love your podcast! I look forward to listening to you each week. Could you please reference what verses you are reading each time. That would be helpful as I follow along.

  • @brynnmcmillan7091
    @brynnmcmillan7091 24 дні тому

    I would share my testimony to how amazing your videos are, but I'm giving it at church in a week

  • @lindapowell5246
    @lindapowell5246 24 дні тому

    I’ve learned so much! Thank you!

  • @juneririe206
    @juneririe206 21 день тому

    Thank you👏🇨🇦😊♥️

  • @AlphieLJ
    @AlphieLJ 18 днів тому

    This section makes me realize how much I have failed. My marriage crumbled and my kids were not raised with a dad who supported them. As much as I tried to be a good example, I must not have taught them well enough. I read this story and feel guilt and shame that my kids did not have this experience and they no longer attend church.

    • @lesashenton787
      @lesashenton787 18 днів тому +2

      Our Heavenly Father, the Perfect Parent, lost a third of His children to temptation based on their ability to choose for themselves. Be the best disciple and example you can be and leave the rest to God.

    • @adnilremlap
      @adnilremlap 17 днів тому +1

      My parents did everything right, FHE, had a wonderful temple marriage, loved and respected each other and all their children, fulfilled and magnified all their callings. Yet my siblings turned their backs on all they had been taught. I alone have stayed in the flock. It isn't your fault. Your children have used their agency and made their choices. Stay strong and love them. Satan will try to use those feelings of guilt against you. Don't let him.

    • @LulaB-hp2dr
      @LulaB-hp2dr 15 днів тому +1

      I just think it’s never too late, to show up, like the little band that joined or those that brought provisions. Our timing can seem off and yes like someone said Satan wants us to feel like we failed. My kids used their agency in different ways, and like you during the stress of a dissolving marriage things definitely fell off spiritually and emotionally my kids didn’t get the best “provisions” . I knew that Heavenly Father hasn’t forgotten about them . I try not to loose heart, or faint in the battle. I see my family as a bit scattered but I believe my kids will come through. It’s like the old testaments verses that says about a mother can forget but I won’t forget…they’re engraved upon His heart. You are not indifferent so be kind to yourself and keep nourishing yourself spiritually. Hope this helps, I know life can be very bruising love your tenderness it speaks of many battles.

  • @jimmckin333
    @jimmckin333 21 день тому

    One thing that we can learn from Moroni's letter to Pahoran is that Moroni was wrong. He accused Pahoran of many unkind things that were not true. Even great leaders can make mistakes and be wrong because they are mortal men. This is true today, and we need to be careful if we do not seek the Holy Ghost to give us revelation or we will be led astray, as we have been taught. Cursed is he that relies on the arm of flesh (2 Nephi 4:34; 28:31).

    • @chf159
      @chf159 11 днів тому

      Precisely, that is why the saying should not be "follow the prophet"--this is very cultural. It's engrained in the culture of mormonism. The saying should be "follow the holy spirit" which has been given to those who get baptized

  • @lydiastevenson8502
    @lydiastevenson8502 23 дні тому +2

    You know we have members of the church in Ukraine and Russia and the Middle East... so for some of us, we are actually living the war chapters... some of us have war refugees living with. Some have fledconflict then when they arrive in a host country face rejection and prejudice. Some worm with agencies that support refugees. Maybe you have been gang groomed or sex groomed... War is real and we can learn so much from these chapters. The youth and the women of the church are under great threats and pressur

    • @katechaney7461
      @katechaney7461 22 дні тому +1

      Thank you for this reminder.

    • @aMuenchGrinch
      @aMuenchGrinch 20 днів тому

      Yes, thank you for this reminder! I find the similarities between the free-men and the king-men remind me of what is happening in the USA and with our own government right now. As I read it is eerily similar right now. I feel every nation is on the verge of what the war torn countries that you mention are going through.

    • @lydiastevenson8502
      @lydiastevenson8502 20 днів тому +2

      @aMuenchGrinch my favourite song from the new hymns is "His Eye is on The Sparrow" The Lord knows and as we like the stripping warriors focus on Him in our adversity, like those young warriors and are calm like Pahoran and full of faith like Helamen and Moroni.... we too will be in God's care. I think that's the message?

    • @lydiastevenson8502
      @lydiastevenson8502 18 днів тому +1

      @aMuenchGrinch kind of comforting reading reflection of our time in the book of Mormon... and knowing the prophesies of our day. Glad we have thus book. I wonder why the particular chapters were prescribed to fall at this actual time hmmmm

  • @kristaworth1066
    @kristaworth1066 18 днів тому

    Is anyone else having trouble finding the verse 42 she is talking about ? 34:31?

  • @Asr09021
    @Asr09021 19 днів тому +1

    Am i able to use some of the things taught in here for my YW lesson? Also what talk was president hinkley talking about "
    "Walking uprightly before the lord"?

    • @mattvance5035
      @mattvance5035 18 днів тому

      Pres Hinckley A Challenging Time- A Wonderful Time

    • @Asr09021
      @Asr09021 18 днів тому

      @@mattvance5035 okay that is what I thought. Thank you!

  • @shantel4960
    @shantel4960 Місяць тому +2

  • @gleep984
    @gleep984 22 дні тому +1

    Oh David, the stripping warriors weren't a disadvantage to the Nephites.... they were little boys! 😅

  • @user-dl9yj6rn5f
    @user-dl9yj6rn5f 22 дні тому

    I’m sorry but this story always makes me feel like a failure. Because I don’t see my son having the same commitment, so even though I tried I apparently didn’t teach my son well enough. I cry through this story every time.

    • @onbishimai
      @onbishimai 22 дні тому +1

      Please - Who would want you to feel like a failure? Not God? Don’t let Satan’s voice speak louder than God’s in your life. As a parent myself, I have to fight this too.

    • @onbishimai
      @onbishimai 22 дні тому

      Not God! I meant no question mark

    • @aMuenchGrinch
      @aMuenchGrinch 20 днів тому +3

      I didn't always obey my parents or do what was right. I still struggle at times. It took my parent's failing health and the deaths of both of my parents to appreciate them fully and their examples. I will tell you that Satan wants you to feel like a failure, not our Heavenly Father. Just love unconditionally and be there for your son. Be a strong, faithful, positive, and courageous example so that your son will look to you. Remember when you let your sons ways make you feel miserable because you feel responsible, it casts shadows over ways you can make a positive difference. It doesn't allow light in areas that can help those areas grow. Also to be in depths of despair about anything is to turn your back on God. Focus on your relationship with your Heavenly Father and He will help you with your son in ways you never thought would work. Being long-suffering is a great act of love to offer your son.

    • @Julie-zy5qr
      @Julie-zy5qr 19 днів тому +1

      Sweet sweet sister!! However you read/hear what I typed here, please know that I know, I don't know exactly how you feel. I do want to say that I heard your broken worried sad heart... And your deep deep love for your son. That doesn't sound like a failure to me-- that sounds like the momma who loves loves deeply, and wants a really great relationship for her son with Jesus Christ. You keep loving him... I have learned-- that Jesus Christ has a relationship and deep love for/with every person. With me, with you, with your son..and Jesus is so patient -- he walks through the valley of the shadow of death for each of us, when/if needed... Love boldly your son, continue to.. and continue to enjoy whatever amount of time that you and him can spend together. Jesus is right there-- He always is-- He is right there for your heart also... I love you-- God loves you-- God loves your son...