It has no message nitrogen is 78% of the atmosphere and is 300 times more warming than c02. c02 is only 0.04% of our atmosphere and nitrogen is pumped out by our vegetable farms. And on top of all this the uk has been one of the best in going renewable. I'm astounded at how retarded they are. This is GCSE Science.
@codyrap95 seriously? Put some thought into it. Why does it fall on me to think of things for them? How about throwing a banner over a building, or using a projector to project the message "stop oil" oil on a government building. Those two things don't involve annoying the public and would get publicity. More importantly, why don't they ever offer a viable solution other than Stop xyz? Elon Musk created a fully functioning commercial electric car company, it's more than any of these people have done, but I bet if you ask them what they think of him they probably share unfavorable views.
I don't know why the government don't just block any funding given to them And then say we will unblock the funding totally and you can protest again once you stop breaking the law. i.e blocking roads and starting fires. Infact I think we should petition for that. But instruct government that this can only happen in future if a) the protesters are being paid to politically disrupt the nation by enemies b) they are not only breaking the law but endangering citezens and c) there has to be a level of petition by the public.
@@tribuneofmercy6184 Why does it fall on you to think of things for them? May be the same reason to why does it fall on you to comment and criticize? I am not saying the critique is not valid or that I agree with their ways. It's just that if you criticize, then you should also have somethiing better in mind. The world is beyond full of people pointing fingers and saying what is wrong and very lacking of people with directions and initiatives (as you also pointed out in a way).
@@rleriche5044not the right to be stupid and ruining people lives with the help off big daddy government and police in pig skin with the gay flag yeah it’s protests that have the right unless it’s what you don’t like
@@rleriche5044 when it's stopping people from doing their job and needing to go somewhere important (birthday party, funeral, etc.) it is not right to protest like this. blocking roads because they want oil to stop is useless. Oil has been around the world for thousands of years and it won't stop. so these people do not have a right to protest over something that isn't comically going to work, and it isn't right to block people from doing their work.
The police have already said they’re not breaking the law. They’re incredibly annoying nonetheless. They should be targeting politicians, not molesting the general public’s movements. Annoying the public only means they’ll turn against you and not support your cause. Most people don’t have time to go out and protest as they’re working, looking after their children and so on.
for giving them 60 seconds to move? they moved, pretty quickly after the police turned up, so they did their job by diminishing the protest as much as they could within their jurisdiction - i dont see what the issue is
Dragging them off the road is rather pointless as they just walk back on ! Why don't those big hairy arsed drivers hold them till a few cars have gone through?
The cops were enforcing the new move to footpath law. It's all they can do. Don't just look at what you think is the law. There is a right to protest as a lawful excuse and jso are exploiting it
So, if they really want everyone to “just stop oil”, when are they all going to give up all their oil based products? You know, like those polyester signs and orange jackets they’re wearing?
"Global Warming" is just a euphemism for taxing you and taking your rights away. You will not travel. You will not eat meat. You will be censored. And with the paperless monetary system you will not buy groceries without your myocarditis vak seen. They would love to charge you a Fart Tax. One day you will wake up and realize you are working for free and dying for nothing.
Isn’t standing in the middle of a roadway a crime in Britain? In Alabama, if anyone is stupid-enough to do such, we have plenty of jacked-up 4x4 pickups w/ law enforcement’s permission to “mow ‘em down.”
were you even watching the video, after the police came they gave them 60 seconds to get off the road on camera after stating the laws theyd broken and after the point the video ended here the police succesfully cleared out all the protestors, why does everyone always want to find one reason or another to blame the police, the people who literaly risk their life on a daily for the safety of others, yet all people can think about are the videos they find on the inthernet of the minority not doing their job right since those are the only videos that get tons of views
It's all completely deliberate. Just wait and see. The "solution" will be for the tyrannical government to give themselves even greater powers to brutally shut down all protests, and most people will be so sick of the Just Stop Living morons that they'll welcome it without realising the wider, longer-term implications. I'd expect to see something similar happen with CBDCs: allow the country to be invaded by illegal immigrants, tell everyone that most of them are reliant on working for cash, then step in with the "solution" of a cashless society.
Yeah, it’s like someone threatening to stab you then along comes someone who knows how your being stabbed might affect you - but you don’t like the way they present their argument so you just go for being stabbed.
"Officer, do I have the right to go two blocks down this street?" "Yes" "Am I allowed to leave my car in the road right here?" "No." "Am I allowed to turn my car around and drive the wrong way on the road?" "No." "In that case, these people blocking the road are forcing me to remain here against my will. This is imprisonment, and I'd like them all arrested for it."
pigs tend not to know the law , it is not a high skill job, the school bully may see it as an option when they figure life is more about other stuff, but the mindset tends not to leave.
@@limpitmine7119 That's very shortsighted and disrespectful. While it certainly can and does happen that people such as 'school bullies' seek positions of power, to suggest that being a police officer is not a high skill job is grossly ignorant.
Yes, surely a blatant disregard for their human rights. The government should be ashamed. Those police officers need more training. They would all fail the Wokery tests.
@@PeteH0121 so where did the yids appear from? mind you, they are pro israel, who have nuclear weapons & are itching to use them on the palestinians! ukraine should have empathy with palestine, who had part of their land stolen by the jews!!
All these months, and not one Londoner has hurt any of them. They yell at them, drag them, and take their banners, but they don't dare harm them. Because they know that if they do, law enforcement, which is otherwise indifferent and unresponsive, will suddenly leap into action and destroy their lives.
@@stephanieyee9784 The police have been given new powers and there have been injunctions to stop protestors protesting on certain roads. The lead officer announced himself, gave them instructions and a time limit to comply.
Britain has been inundated with foreigners, many illegal aliens , few of which speak English. I've heard that the warning time is related to that.@@freedomsands8891
@@catdowntheroad5765you mean you don’t get it, artist paints of the masters were made from Linseed, walnut, poppy seed, safflower and the like, Not OIL taken from the ground. Oh the irony 🧐
Many have trust funds/family money, or are brain-washed/idealistic folk led like sheep. The repercussions for a police record should be much more far reaching than they are now, especially for repeat offenders.
@@malcolmone1i'm sure they do but they also understand a drop in the ocean is absolutely nothing in comparison to widespread changes in energy policy. I get the frustration but I honestly believe these people are on the right side of history. 'Grandpa. What did you do in the before times when you all knew climate disaster was approaching?' 'Well little Jimmy. I threw a fit and complained about others attempting to enact change'
@@archieoutdoors3340 how should they do it? Ideas are more than welcome. How would make the public, the government and energy companies implement the changes needed?
@@kevtb874 climate change is been driven by scientist's ,,and these scientist's know that the loonies will believe anything they read or listen too. we live on a living planet ,and no one can stop the weather ,these so called wild fires ,have to be started by some one directly or indirectly ,you must remember that there are people who love starting fires .,i think they will protesting for a very long time ,well there way. when i look at them they seem to be controlled ,,they are breaking the law now ,but it seems not to sink in ,they are only creating trouble for themselves ,,
I’m American and live in the south. It is illegal to protest in the road here. It is legal to continue driving through a protest. If they are stupid enough to stand in the road and get run over, the driver cannot be held liable. Wouldn’t ya know… people don’t really protest in the streets here.
I would hazard a guess that just stop oil took this video, as they stopped filming just as the police were about to remove them from the road. Although it took the police long enough to do so. Don’t understand this walking backwards by the police whilst reading out the law. Surely they should stop the protesters to do this and arrest any who fail to.
The reading of the statute is absurd. That is not even done for parking violations, much less for something so egregious as unlawful detainment and blocking a public street. One the law is passed, it is law, and enforceable. Do your job, police!
These people genuinely upset me, I should be able to travel to the hospital safely and on time but everytime I travel to central to go hospital, I'm stressed about them showing up again. As a young person it's my future that they are risking.
@@robertwilson214 you make me miss my appointment or flight, I assure you that's the ONLY picture I'll ever see. Want to stop oil ? Find a cheaper alternative ! Morons.
I’ve been watching these videos for over a month and I don’t understand why they are allowed to go so long with their protest in the UK without being arrested???? Here in the US they would either be arrested immediately or ran over. Their chose. This is ridiculous.
Away from this petty incident, there are thousands of police officers having to deal with all sorts of violent crimes-robberies, assaults, thefts, ‘suspects on premises’, persons armed with firearms, knives, mental health issues etc…etc…on a 24 hour, 7 days per week basis-the list goes on. They’re worth that 7 per cent increase, much more beyond that.
@waltersobchak1719i take it you haven’t been broken into or had car stolen recently. The don’t even visit you just get a crime number then yr another statistic.
Imagine a little while ago if you'd been told police would soon be arriving at the scene of a crime and declaring "we aren't going to enforce any laws for sixty seconds" while the crime is ongoing. Actually, nevermind, I think we all saw that coming. Victims that defend themselves always seem to be treated harsher than the perpetrators by police.
Same as catching somebody in your house ,old bill are more likely to nick you for defending yourself ,use reasonable force they say ,what’s that, when you’ve got some drug crazed crim with a knife or weapon in your house at 3 o’clock in the morning what’s reasonable force there.better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6 ..
for giving them 60 seconds to move? they moved, pretty quickly after the police turned up, so they did their job by diminishing the protest as much as they could within their jurisdiction - i dont see what the issue is
In this case, for once, the Police did their job. The video is obviously made by the cretinous protesters and they stopped after the Police countdown, which means they either moved off the road, or started breaking a law and didn't want to provide evidence. Clearly the Police have finally found an offence to charge the gutless creeps with.
So if I stood in my local high street and blocked cars, the police would show up, pick me up and put me in the back of a police van handcuffed and arrested, but these people get a notice read to them and 1 minute to move. I just don’t understand it!
It's because this is the agenda of the government and corporate elite, which have decided, idiotically, that "green capitalism" is the way to go. In so doing they risk trashing not only the livelihoods of a majority of the population, but also giving a bad name to environmental concerns, which are real.
It could be a rigged 'spiritual test' to prove " " 'the force is with them' essentially... or something else that's over my head, like a famine etc. in the future. I'd be thankful, in a sense..
Not sure where you live but get a group of mates together and go out and do it, everyone else should take this example too, protest against the protesters in the same way, well done I’m joining in in such groups too, enough is enough with this crap, only in my country the superglue themselves to the road…..
@@johnnygoodman2003 You think these hippies are doing anything but SLOWING DOWN the process of finding technologies to replace oil? They will be found, but not by hippies blocking the roads. By the way...roads are MADE OF OIL! So are plastics. And so are virtually every material, technology and process involved in making every single non-oil alternative. warming is inevitable. It will only harm creatures that aren't successful enough to deserve to continue. Big deal...sea levels gonna go up a bit. They're doing that anyways. The ice-caps are melting anyways. With or without us. Stop listening to the lunatics who try to blame every natural "disaster" on oil, or human actvity in general. If you bought a house a few inches above sea level, your great grandkids mght get their feet wet. That's pretty much the extent of the interruption. If we stop using oil, it might get pushed back a bit. But we'll be livng in caves and dying at 30, so we'd have much worse problems.
@@bensims7501 On the contrary, I think the climate issue is very serious. The problem with these idiots is that their methods and their names are both flawed. In terms of the methods, they are alienating the public and subliminally damaging the cause of those who would save the planet. In terms of aims, the UK oil licenses are a complete sideshow. First, if you want to reduce carbon emissions coal is the first fuel you need to pull back home in the hydrocarbon group. Secondly, incremental North Sea production will be a tiny fraction of OPEC production. We are an energy user, not an energy producer and that is where we can help. The government is doing a lot on this front but could do more. So no, I have plenty of alternative ideas, all of which might work, unlike JSO.
What did the public do that the police werent about to do in 60 seconds? The public just danced around them, didnt move them off the road at all. Another ignorant anti-police keyboard warrior.
@@stuartbeecham2830 Obstructing the highway does not overrule the human rights legislation around protest, and public order act legislation which gives police powers to 'restrict' certain parts of protests. You cannot just arrest anyone who blocks a road if they are exercising a right to protest, regardless of the highways act. In this case, they have gave them a lawful order to leave the road under section 12 of the public order act, stating they are restricting the protest to the pavement, as they are required to do so by LAW as this is a protest. After this warning, enforcement will take place, use of force and restriction of human rights are not powers to be used willy-nilly and have to be used correctly as shown here.
"Bunch of jobless people!" Salute to you brother! 👍👍👍 Come to think of it, these kind of protesters are an insult to other jobless people who never would not trade their time pestering and becoming a distraction and potential danger to others in exchange for some measly amount they give these protesters. And most of all, may the heartless, soulless Leaders of these kind of groups may get the non-man-made karma they deserve. Look at these elders! Heartbreaking! 💔
No it's not climate change is just made up! Don't worry about it, just keep shouting at those trying to make a difference despite not having an alternative
@@Ukraineaissance2014 Nothing to do with their cause. It's the way they are taking advantage of liberal and sensitive policing to protest at the limits of the law.
@@outrageduck7202 Its undemocratic for a small group of zealots to stop traffic like this. This is not Democracy in action. You can protest without doing that. Dragging them off the road is more Democratic at this point.
Begin voting like you care for your country. Quit taking it from people who don't care about you - they love publicity and power. While you're at work, they're collecting money from somewhere to put you out of a job.
I just don't understand their tactics. You want the public on your side and stopping people from doing their daily activities certainly won't win them any fans. Also, their actions will amount to zero in the grand scheme of things.
Once you understand WHY they’re doing this, WHO funds them, and WHAT the REAL reason is, it all becomes clear. They are a Marxist organisation, just like BLM and Extinction Rebellion.
@@bensims7501 Why don't these people protest in a BP garage or something instead of disrupting people on the roads and meaningless sports events? Set fire to a Shell petrol station, steal the crisps from the mini-mart! Petition at Parliament, all better ideas than what these cretins currently do. It's not the message, it's the way they do it. Sorry you're too much of a climate simp to see that. Go blast your lamb cannon all over your posters of Al Gore.
The police aren't making the decision, it for sure has come down from above how to handle it. Which really sucks for the officers, if they arrest them they get in trouble at work, if they don't arrest them, we jump on them for literally doing their job. Lose lose. To be clear, in my fantasy world they would recruit every bad US cop ever fired for 'unnecessary use of force', and let them lose.
It would make more sense to protest outside Parliament every day or outside oil company building and HQ. It would be a logical approach and would get more positive attention than disrupting ordinary peoples lives
Without a shadow of a doubt, protest at these places and at the world economic Forum...not in the middle of the road as the average Joe cannot help them implement the changes they want.
Or better still down at the beach in Dover, there children dont have any future because of uncontrolled mass immigration, not because of the climate change con.
On April 21st this year 60,000 people representing over 200 organisations such as Friends of the Earth, Keep Britain Tidy, The Salvation Army, Greenpeace, XR, Wildlife Trusts, the Quakers protested outside Parliament in Westminster on this same issue. It did not make a single headline on the front cover of any national newspaper. That is why JSO exists because the media do not think a liveable planet for future generations is news worthy but 8 or so people peacefully adding a maximum of 20 minutes to drivers' journeys in London is.
If there wasn't a law against it, would that make it okay? Law isn't the issue or solution. Most just part of the problem in this case. Right and wrong has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with legality.
Is it now safe to assume that next time somebody gets stopped for speeding, they will be given a warning rather thn a fixed penalty notice? No, I thought not. So WHY do those people get treated with kid gloves. Local councils love sly taxes so much so why don't they issue them all with some kind of fixed penalty notice every time they hold up the traffic?? Too simple I guess. Or maybe the courts would deem that to be an abuse of their ooman rights.
@@Professor-Scientist They're protesting a country that produces 1% of the worlds emissions while claiming they need to do it to stop a climate doomsday. They're not protesting to preserve life, they're crying about a leaky tap on the titanic while the iceberg is tearing a hole in it.
Its simply a matter of dollars and cents. They spent a fortune in extra policing and don't want to keep spending it. Problem is how to deal with this yet not block legit protesting in the future.
And we all know how the story in ends for that kind of people in power. History repeats itself 👌 I guess they should be afraid, really afraid not to listen to the voice of the people.
But write some "offensive" words on social media and you will be swiftly dragged out of your house and be thrown in jail for a thought crime.... 1984 was supposed to be fiction not a guide on how to run the west.
@@jjbiggmann5576 Great. Too bad China is undoing all of that by producing 30% of the worlds emissions. Maybe focusing on the UK's 1% wasn't very smart in the grand scheme of things.
@@jjbiggmann5576 do you know how much oil it takes to get the cobalt and lithium to make these batteries and the batteries barely last 10 years, not to mention all the parts of the car that need to use oil which will need replacing, brakes, suspension, wire insulation, oil for the bearings, hinges, window wipers... Not to mention that the electric cars use electric mostly sourced from fossil fuels which depend on oil. You're living in a fantasy land. You can't 'just stop oil' and before you say we need to stop extractions of 'new' oil what are people supposed to do when the current supply runs out? There's no framework in place to replace the current one. If you want to lead by example and go live in the bushes then go ahead.
If they were smart they would know that world cannot just stop oil because it would cause mass starvation immediately. I wonder how many of these soy people ate avocado for breakfast on a toast made from imported flour...
Sadly I think you missed the point. They choose to hold it facing away from those honking to make those entrapped miss the part about supporting them by honking. Part of the idea is more or less: "Hey, they are honking at us anyway, let us just pretend that by doing that they're showing their support for us". When in reality, all the drivers do want, is to vent their frustrations and get them off the road. It simply put is the opposite idea of that scene in the Simpsons. The teachers are on strike and hold up some signs. The principal of the school thinks that the people driving by the school honking are on the teachers side and the teachers just hold up a sign that reads "honk if you like cookies". The drivers never noticed that there is a strike and are used to fabricate support for a cause they are not behind.
@@Spycopter I think you misunderstood my point and we're in agreement. My suggestion was that they were getting honked at by infuriated motorists, but were deluding themselves anyone sounding their horn was supporting their cause. The majority of motorists aren't going to get out of their vehicles and physically confront these protesters. They can only vent their frustrations by sounding their horns. The protesters know this and are using it to appear they have support from the public.
@@steveramgopal18 That is very possible, although I do not know whether they do in fact believe what is written on their signs. If they do though, I completely agree with you.
Jack and his friend were members of Just Stop Oil. He told Jack, "I'd like to make a positive impact on this world and stop being a problem." So they left Just Stop Oil
They are simply a pain in everyone's rear end. If I believed in something as strongly as these claim then the last thing I'd do is not alternate people. What they also fail to realize is that the govt is not going to do what they want. But, well done to everyone who are trying to get the roads back.
Why does this only seem to happen in the UK? In Australia, the most I’ve seen is people occasionally protesting in front of the petroleum company offices and maybe on routes to their extraction sites. If we had people walking onto the road and blocking traffic, they’d be immediately hauled away by police.
Because it’s not only happening in the UK. The UK still has something close to a functioning press is one reason you hear it. The other is not noticing the protests that were reported through out Europe. I believe America has some even bigger nut jobs that burn stuff when they don’t get their way, when someone dares to try and build a police training centre. Burning expensive equipment that uses a lot of resources to produce is always the best thing for the environment, I think I heard that from Just Stop Oil.
@@psibug565 The nut jobs burning the police training center in America (Atlanta, Georgia) are ANTIFA; they are Marxist terrorists, not environmental protesters.
Well Finally ! The people take action The best two bits for me were The laughter And The JSO placard saying “Honk if you support us “ to a resounding silence from the traffic
"Finally !" What rock have you been living under?, haven't you noticed that in the UK it is now absolutely acceptable to assault peaceful protestors if it means you might be a few minutes late for the job you hate. Only the woman who was on the bus had a genuine grievance with this protest, everyone else appeared to be a pedestrian that, just like you, have jumped on the 'JSO are demons' bandwagon and are busy being outraged about something that doesn't affect them, because outrage at JSO is trending on tik tok.
honestly I think its what we need. Everyone who normally hates eachother for stupid reasons, is coming together to fight an even more idiotic enemy. Maybe it can re-unite the public. Just a thought who knows.
I love it when the police officer is calmly trying to inform them that they'll be arrested in 60 seconds and their reply as will get off the road when this happens or when that happens I'm waiting for the police officer to simply say no you'll be getting off the road and 60 seconds when I drag your ass off this road.
I've never seen a protest fail so miserably at getting its message across, whilst simultaneously uniting the public against it.
Ok, give them a better option of raising public awareness
It has no message nitrogen is 78% of the atmosphere and is 300 times more warming than c02. c02 is only 0.04% of our atmosphere and nitrogen is pumped out by our vegetable farms. And on top of all this the uk has been one of the best in going renewable. I'm astounded at how retarded they are. This is GCSE Science.
@codyrap95 seriously? Put some thought into it. Why does it fall on me to think of things for them? How about throwing a banner over a building, or using a projector to project the message "stop oil" oil on a government building. Those two things don't involve annoying the public and would get publicity. More importantly, why don't they ever offer a viable solution other than Stop xyz? Elon Musk created a fully functioning commercial electric car company, it's more than any of these people have done, but I bet if you ask them what they think of him they probably share unfavorable views.
I don't know why the government don't just block any funding given to them And then say we will unblock the funding totally and you can protest again once you stop breaking the law. i.e blocking roads and starting fires. Infact I think we should petition for that. But instruct government that this can only happen in future if a) the protesters are being paid to politically disrupt the nation by enemies b) they are not only breaking the law but endangering citezens and c) there has to be a level of petition by the public.
@@tribuneofmercy6184 Why does it fall on you to think of things for them? May be the same reason to why does it fall on you to comment and criticize? I am not saying the critique is not valid or that I agree with their ways. It's just that if you criticize, then you should also have somethiing better in mind. The world is beyond full of people pointing fingers and saying what is wrong and very lacking of people with directions and initiatives (as you also pointed out in a way).
They're actually uniting people of all backgrounds against them. How noble!
Just wait till someone decides to find out where they live, and organize a blockade to lock them inside their houses. That's gonna be so dramatic.
@@dark3031 Why would anyone need to blockade their houses? Just use some nails and boards.
@lolzorze clever evil idea. Love it. Not everyone has free time like this orange vest lunatics
They can be glad the authorities are there to protect them.
This is the elite vs the people
The jew needs to shut up he’s the one probably goes to Palestine and kills kids the psychopath
I’m surprised the police officers weren’t carrying a just stop oil banner.
I have contempt for the cops.
relax people have a right to protest.
@@rleriche5044not the right to be stupid and ruining people lives with the help off big daddy government and police in pig skin with the gay flag yeah it’s protests that have the right unless it’s what you don’t like
@@rleriche5044 when it's stopping people from doing their job and needing to go somewhere important (birthday party, funeral, etc.) it is not right to protest like this. blocking roads because they want oil to stop is useless. Oil has been around the world for thousands of years and it won't stop. so these people do not have a right to protest over something that isn't comically going to work, and it isn't right to block people from doing their work.
@@rleriche5044 What about people's right to go about their daily business, earning a living etc. without interference from misguided morons.
Respect for those who confront these idiots…we people had to stand up against these madness.
Again, the Police fail to uphold the law.
Probably don't know it, got some WOKE version they carry out 😂😂😂
thats why its a agender by the powers that be.
Probably around the corner counting their Horibo's "we are the police" Ha fricin Ha
When protesting becomes outlawed, British democracy will be gone
The police have already said they’re not breaking the law.
They’re incredibly annoying nonetheless.
They should be targeting politicians, not molesting the general public’s movements.
Annoying the public only means they’ll turn against you and not support your cause.
Most people don’t have time to go out and protest as they’re working, looking after their children and so on.
And people wonder why the public has lost all faith in the UK Police force! 😡
It's the law , blame judges .
for giving them 60 seconds to move? they moved, pretty quickly after the police turned up, so they did their job by diminishing the protest as much as they could within their jurisdiction - i dont see what the issue is
They should do what the police did in Germany by dragging them off the road. They should stop being so soft on them.
@@thestruggler7926 the powers given to the uk police arent the same as in germany sir
Dragging them off the road is rather pointless as they just walk back on ! Why don't those big hairy arsed drivers hold them till a few cars have gone through?
Why are decent people doing the job that our taxes pay the police to do?
its not cops job
The cops were enforcing the new move to footpath law. It's all they can do. Don't just look at what you think is the law. There is a right to protest as a lawful excuse and jso are exploiting it
@RennieAsh- Psst. They’re not on the footpath. They’re on the road.
@@NoWindNoSunNoPower The police told them they have 60 seconds to move to the footpath with their protest
Because the police are too busy moving them at pride parades
So, if they really want everyone to “just stop oil”, when are they all going to give up all their oil based products? You know, like those polyester signs and orange jackets they’re wearing?
Exactly. And the cars they drove to get there.
And their backpacks and cameras and shoes.
And the car releasing more fuel when on 😂
How did those fools get there, by horse or walking? They are all hypocrites.
Range Rovers...
Absolutely correct.
The protest is against the licensing of new oil exploration. 😇
@@PeachBeach I understand that, but how did they get to where they are? You can't just go protesting and be using the same thing you are protesting.
@@nancyhammons3594 but they are protesting the extraction of new oil, not the use of already extracted oil.
I’m absolutely disgusted with our so called police “force”
"Global Warming" is just a euphemism for taxing you and taking your rights away. You will not travel. You will not eat meat. You will be censored. And with the paperless monetary system you will not buy groceries without your myocarditis vak seen. They would love to charge you a Fart Tax. One day you will wake up and realize you are working for free and dying for nothing.
Isn’t standing in the middle of a roadway a crime in Britain? In Alabama, if anyone is stupid-enough to do such, we have plenty of jacked-up 4x4 pickups w/ law enforcement’s permission to “mow ‘em down.”
@@denisek292I like Alabama, sounds like a nice place to live in.
Come on, if it was women trying to speak for women's rights they would get rid of them.
were you even watching the video, after the police came they gave them 60 seconds to get off the road on camera after stating the laws theyd broken and after the point the video ended here the police succesfully cleared out all the protestors, why does everyone always want to find one reason or another to blame the police, the people who literaly risk their life on a daily for the safety of others, yet all people can think about are the videos they find on the inthernet of the minority not doing their job right since those are the only videos that get tons of views
Difficult to watch these videos without having heart seizures. The sheer uselessness of the police is mind blowing...
It's insane how utterly useless the old bill is
Not uselessness. Complicity. Enablement.
It's wrong to call them, useless. They are actually quite effective at what they're supposed to do.
i.e. at being traitors.
Well the police are left wingbso agree with the protesters
It's all completely deliberate. Just wait and see. The "solution" will be for the tyrannical government to give themselves even greater powers to brutally shut down all protests, and most people will be so sick of the Just Stop Living morons that they'll welcome it without realising the wider, longer-term implications.
I'd expect to see something similar happen with CBDCs: allow the country to be invaded by illegal immigrants, tell everyone that most of them are reliant on working for cash, then step in with the "solution" of a cashless society.
I love when the community comes together and deal with street clowns.
It’s amazing they don’t realize they’re uniting people against their cause.
Next level mental rot.
Ikr?! It's sad!
Yeah, it’s like someone threatening to stab you then along comes someone who knows how your being stabbed might affect you - but you don’t like the way they present their argument so you just go for being stabbed.
@@EdCalipel that's a weird example!...
@@alessiocece2098 How so?
"Officer, do I have the right to go two blocks down this street?"
"Am I allowed to leave my car in the road right here?"
"Am I allowed to turn my car around and drive the wrong way on the road?"
"In that case, these people blocking the road are forcing me to remain here against my will. This is imprisonment, and I'd like them all arrested for it."
@@dougrebertus1992 Kidnapping implies taking a person somewhere and usually includes imprisonment
@@TheOtherGuys2 This would be false imprisonment.
pigs tend not to know the law , it is not a high skill job, the school bully may see it as an option when they figure life is more about other stuff, but the mindset tends not to leave.
@@limpitmine7119 That's very shortsighted and disrespectful. While it certainly can and does happen that people such as 'school bullies' seek positions of power, to suggest that being a police officer is not a high skill job is grossly ignorant.
It’s an absolute disgrace the police turning up without tea and scones for the protesters 😱
Should give them chocolate muffins made with laxative chocolate. That'll soon shift them.
Yes, surely a blatant disregard for their human rights. The government should be ashamed.
Those police officers need more training. They would all fail the Wokery tests.
@@PeteH0121 so where did the yids appear from?
mind you, they are pro israel, who have nuclear weapons & are itching to use them on the palestinians!
ukraine should have empathy with palestine, who had part of their land stolen by the jews!!
They might not be vegan friendly.
0:23 “More oil, more oil.” 😂
I like that guy! 😂
Fun fact: Holding people against their will is a crime, not an “inconvenience”.
based pfp
I aint supporting these nutters, but no one is actually being held here
@@youngster30uk restriction of movement.
@@streakychambers658 .....And, what is the law about that. You have just said some words without understanding the meaning
You mean blocking roads and restricting peoples free movement to get to where they need to go?
I wonder if some people with signs saying “ just stop the boats “ would get away with this ?
Just stop silly RACIST behaviour.. ..
I hate asylum seekers but I’m not allowed to say that publicly cause I will have my life ruined, like how asylum seekers are ruining our country
How about a sign that says JUST STOP MARXISM.
@@reasonableguy9090more like stop imgration
@@johnathandaviddunster38 where is the racism ?
All these months, and not one Londoner has hurt any of them. They yell at them, drag them, and take their banners, but they don't dare harm them. Because they know that if they do, law enforcement, which is otherwise indifferent and unresponsive, will suddenly leap into action and destroy their lives.
Need to get the teen lads on to them, will sort them out
Just how tough are British police? They seem like a bunch of pussycats to me.
We need chavs
Which tells you a lot about where this is coming from.
These are individuals that gets nothing better to do .....take them out of the streets, they are slowing the progress of the normal people
I can't help but notice that few of these "protests" happen in the US. Americans are not known for their courteous driving.
Oh no, those poor souls....
The reason why they are so bold is because the police don't arrest immediately.
Apparently the police cannot arrest them if the losers are Moving. They're not "stopping traffic" just really slowing it down. And pi$$ing people off.
And because nobody clubbed their head with metal pipe just yet
@@stephanieyee9784 The police have been given new powers and there have been injunctions to stop protestors protesting on certain roads. The lead officer announced himself, gave them instructions and a time limit to comply.
Police can arrest right away as blocking or hindering other road users and public is against the law
Some states in the US have given the driver the right to continue and we need that here. It is there fault if they get run over.
Never in my life have I seen a police officer give 60 seconds warning for a direction to be followed.
I was shocked too. Instead of telling them they are to immediately move from the road.
Just the act of backing up shows weakness
P O L I C E F A R C E . . . .
Britain has been inundated with foreigners, many illegal aliens , few of which speak English. I've heard that the warning time is related to that.@@freedomsands8891
They needed time to come up with a plan of action 😂
Its a really weird concept to think that greatly inconveniencing someone will get them to take your point of view.
What really got me was a fewmonths ago thry poured soup over a masterpiece because it was an oil painting
@@tenniskinsella7768Did that really get you? Because you clearly didn't get IT!
Also dumb anyway. This just makes cars run longer because they can't get where tf they need to go.
Makes me want some old tires to go on this fire
@@catdowntheroad5765you mean you don’t get it, artist paints of the masters were made from Linseed, walnut, poppy seed, safflower and the like, Not OIL taken from the ground. Oh the irony 🧐
"Honk if you support us"
Yeah that went well 😂
Do they not realize that what they are doing not only invalidates their cause but turns anyone that did feel for their cause is lost because of this?
@@jjbiggmann5576someone’s got to, I guess. I think they’re a waste of oxygen 🤷🏼♀️
Exactly. I used to take their cause seriously. I don't anymore.
They should go @protest in China if they care that much.
@@barbaradavidson4yes then people will come and take them away and lock 'em up
"Bunch of jobless people" That guy has it right.
Worst insult you can get from a Jew 😂
Jobless people and a whole lot of geriatric patients.
Many have trust funds/family money, or are brain-washed/idealistic folk led like sheep.
The repercussions for a police record should be much more far reaching than they are now, especially for repeat offenders.
They are a bunch of kids who have never worked a day in their life, all they know is their daddies bank account and uni.
Thanks mate that was me!
Appreciate 😊
He's not wrong about cars sitting... Driving in 1st gear causes a lot more pollution than if they were driving at normal speeds
they do not seem to grasp that fact
@@malcolmone1i'm sure they do but they also understand a drop in the ocean is absolutely nothing in comparison to widespread changes in energy policy.
I get the frustration but I honestly believe these people are on the right side of history.
'Grandpa. What did you do in the before times when you all knew climate disaster was approaching?'
'Well little Jimmy. I threw a fit and complained about others attempting to enact change'
@@archieoutdoors3340 how should they do it? Ideas are more than welcome. How would make the public, the government and energy companies implement the changes needed?
@@kevtb874 climate change is been driven by scientist's ,,and these scientist's know that the loonies will believe anything they read or listen too. we live on a living planet ,and no one can stop the weather ,these so called wild fires ,have to be started by some one directly or indirectly ,you must remember that there are people who love starting fires .,i think they will protesting for a very long time ,well there way.
when i look at them they seem to be controlled ,,they are breaking the law now ,but it seems not to sink in ,they are only creating trouble for themselves ,,
Spot on. Along with all of the "traffic pacifying measures" that local councils install in quiet residential backstreets. Idiots.
I love them to get interviewed to hear their point of views, then prove them wrong right after and catch their reactions
This should not be allowed, immediate arrests should be happening.
Because the people paying them to do it are more powerful and wealthy than the police or government
It’s the UK, the police are nothing more than blabbering Karens. Seriously, the police in the UK are more neutered than my dog.
I agree people should be allowed to protest against JSO.
I’m American and live in the south. It is illegal to protest in the road here. It is legal to continue driving through a protest. If they are stupid enough to stand in the road and get run over, the driver cannot be held liable.
Wouldn’t ya know… people don’t really protest in the streets here.
UK Cop: "Stop what you are doing at once or I shall be forced to tell you to stop a second time!"
And if that doesn't work I will have no choice but to use my whistle
Seriously why do they not remove them? It's surely illegal.
I will put you in a cell with a nice comfy cushion
This sounds a lot like a Monty Python skit.
One of their signs: "HONK IF YOU AGREE WITH US". Do they think people will agree with you wanting to take their cars away and blocking the street?
Zip tie their feet and hands
if they had any support with the public that has long gone
This is so their moronic spokes 'person' on a TV appearance can try to scam us into thinking most motorist actually support them. Deluded.
It is hoped that you do not have children, as their future is in doubt !
HONK in your car that is using OIL if you are agree with us.
Once again, the law only protects the criminals, not the victims.
The big question here is ..... just who is telling the police to back off
Well said 👏🏼👏🏼
The people who want carbon quotas and digital currency.
Same folk as usual..
The Mayor of London, for one.
I would hazard a guess that just stop oil took this video, as they stopped filming just as the police were about to remove them from the road. Although it took the police long enough to do so. Don’t understand this walking backwards by the police whilst reading out the law. Surely they should stop the protesters to do this and arrest any who fail to.
They’re absolutely useless!
They gave them 1 minute to move. But then the filming stopped. 🤞
The reading of the statute is absurd. That is not even done for parking violations, much less for something so egregious as unlawful detainment and blocking a public street. One the law is passed, it is law, and enforceable. Do your job, police!
Wow! You worked that out all by yourself? You're a genius!
Compared to the idiots blocking traffic ? 😆😆😆
These people genuinely upset me, I should be able to travel to the hospital safely and on time but everytime I travel to central to go hospital, I'm stressed about them showing up again. As a young person it's my future that they are risking.
Try and get to hospital,I assure you it will be fine,and stop reading corporate koolaid
@@robertwilson214 say that to the ambulances delayed due to the zombies
@@animatedmvs8818 oh no, 2 instances out of thousands,better take our eye off the big picture!
@@robertwilson214 woke alert
@@robertwilson214 you make me miss my appointment or flight, I assure you that's the ONLY picture I'll ever see. Want to stop oil ? Find a cheaper alternative ! Morons.
I want a full Jewish government. Vote jonny munny London mayor 2028 ❤
I’ve been watching these videos for over a month and I don’t understand why they are allowed to go so long with their protest in the UK without being arrested???? Here in the US they would either be arrested immediately or ran over. Their chose. This is ridiculous.
The bobbies are busy arresting people for mean tweets.
While the elites continue to fly a private jet from one part of the same country to another.
The BLM riots in the US had people blocking traffic and nothing was done by police.
@amymiller: At least, we can cite one instance where the US is better than UK.
protesting in the USA is allowed, So I dont think the police reaction would be differnt
This is why the inactive police get a 7% pay rise ,& our service personnel only get 5%for putting their lives on the line .
What service personnel? The police are a service.
Away from this petty incident, there are thousands of police officers having to deal with all sorts of violent crimes-robberies, assaults, thefts, ‘suspects on premises’, persons armed with firearms, knives, mental health issues etc…etc…on a 24 hour, 7 days per week basis-the list goes on. They’re worth that 7 per cent increase, much more beyond that.
@waltersobchak1719i take it you haven’t been broken into or had car stolen recently. The don’t even visit you just get a crime number then yr another statistic.
@waltersobchak1719 Well said Walter ☺️
Service Personnel are very well paid thank you very much!
Imagine a little while ago if you'd been told police would soon be arriving at the scene of a crime and declaring "we aren't going to enforce any laws for sixty seconds" while the crime is ongoing. Actually, nevermind, I think we all saw that coming. Victims that defend themselves always seem to be treated harsher than the perpetrators by police.
Same as catching somebody in your house ,old bill are more likely to nick you for defending yourself ,use reasonable force they say ,what’s that, when you’ve got some drug crazed crim with a knife or weapon in your house at 3 o’clock in the morning what’s reasonable force there.better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6 ..
And then let the time limit expire without doing anything!
Have even better. Imagine somebody acting in this way agains jewish march!
because police also want to save the world !!
Then they need to lock up illegal protesters and keep the traffic flowing!
the police are really embarrassing
for giving them 60 seconds to move? they moved, pretty quickly after the police turned up, so they did their job by diminishing the protest as much as they could within their jurisdiction - i dont see what the issue is
I'm afraid what they're doing is legal , but there's alwsys some loophole .
@@Loowee__that's not what happened in this vid.
In this case, for once, the Police did their job. The video is obviously made by the cretinous protesters and they stopped after the Police countdown, which means they either moved off the road, or started breaking a law and didn't want to provide evidence. Clearly the Police have finally found an offence to charge the gutless creeps with.
It was a Jewish group who took down the protest so the police didn't want to cause a problem
It's great to see people coming together for once
coming together for what? orange stupid?
It was great that these same people supported the truckers strike in Canada last year.
Rich vs Poor. Soon this would end in the favor of rich.
i bet juststopoil is a psyop by big oil
So if I stood in my local high street and blocked cars, the police would show up, pick me up and put me in the back of a police van handcuffed and arrested, but these people get a notice read to them and 1 minute to move. I just don’t understand it!
Middle class privilege sadly…🙄👎🏾
Must be an agreement amongst these stooges. Both will be paid by the same governmental mafia.
It's because this is the agenda of the government and corporate elite, which have decided, idiotically, that "green capitalism" is the way to go. In so doing they risk trashing not only the livelihoods of a majority of the population, but also giving a bad name to environmental concerns, which are real.
I mean. They been doing this for years. Shouldn’t be time they out a law about going to jail for obstructing public’s roads. Come on Europe!.
Why won't anyone ever arrest these people? It's so frustrating!
must be financed by the government or oil companies themselves ;]]] why else the police which can go hard on everyone else would protect them????
It could be a rigged 'spiritual test' to prove " " 'the force is with them' essentially... or something else that's over my head, like a famine etc. in the future. I'd be thankful, in a sense..
I have explained twice above.
Some do get arrested. They don't care. They look upon them as "martyrs."
They eventually arrest a few; and hold them for an hour, then release them and drop any charge. INSANITY from the great legal system.
We need people like these to stop these jerks from interrupting our lives
Not sure where you live but get a group of mates together and go out and do it, everyone else should take this example too, protest against the protesters in the same way, well done I’m joining in in such groups too, enough is enough with this crap, only in my country the superglue themselves to the road…..
NA I want them to stop your car every time you go out - cos lets be real, you have NEVER been stopped by a JSO protestor have you? Your just a wanker.
What will you do when the insane results global warming interrupt your life?
@@johnnygoodman2003 You think these hippies are doing anything but SLOWING DOWN the process of finding technologies to replace oil? They will be found, but not by hippies blocking the roads. By the way...roads are MADE OF OIL! So are plastics. And so are virtually every material, technology and process involved in making every single non-oil alternative. warming is inevitable. It will only harm creatures that aren't successful enough to deserve to continue. Big deal...sea levels gonna go up a bit. They're doing that anyways. The ice-caps are melting anyways. With or without us. Stop listening to the lunatics who try to blame every natural "disaster" on oil, or human actvity in general.
If you bought a house a few inches above sea level, your great grandkids mght get their feet wet. That's pretty much the extent of the interruption. If we stop using oil, it might get pushed back a bit. But we'll be livng in caves and dying at 30, so we'd have much worse problems.
@@johnnygoodman2003what will you do when jso stop you from getting to work and you lose money?
Once again, the public, having to do the job, the police should be doing!
Once again somone knocking those trying to challenge climate change with no alternative themselves
goodness knows what the jews would have done if the protesters were pro palestine!! 'just stop israel' maybe?
the jews probably expect to get paid for disrupting the, 'just stop oil' protest!!!!!
@@bensims7501 On the contrary, I think the climate issue is very serious. The problem with these idiots is that their methods and their names are both flawed. In terms of the methods, they are alienating the public and subliminally damaging the cause of those who would save the planet. In terms of aims, the UK oil licenses are a complete sideshow. First, if you want to reduce carbon emissions coal is the first fuel you need to pull back home in the hydrocarbon group. Secondly, incremental North Sea production will be a tiny fraction of OPEC production. We are an energy user, not an energy producer and that is where we can help. The government is doing a lot on this front but could do more. So no, I have plenty of alternative ideas, all of which might work, unlike JSO.
What did the public do that the police werent about to do in 60 seconds? The public just danced around them, didnt move them off the road at all. Another ignorant anti-police keyboard warrior.
You can't hold traffic hostage without getting hurt eventually.
Police issuing instructions reading off a card whilst feebly trotting backwards. Hilarious!😁
why do the police walk backwards 😂😂😂
And why do all the police burst out of their uniforms? Do the stab vests shrink at the dry cleaners?
The irony of this is that all those idling vehicles are causing far more polution than if they were just left alone to go about their business.
Not to mention the protestors very likely drove vehicles to get to that spot!
Ladies and gentlemen, our great british police force...what an embaressment to the country
English police force, there is not a "British" police force.
You mean police farce?
Well that's proof climate change isn't real 🙄
@waltersobchak1719 they have powers to remove them plus its against the law to block a public highway so they don't have to make anything up
@@stuartbeecham2830 Obstructing the highway does not overrule the human rights legislation around protest, and public order act legislation which gives police powers to 'restrict' certain parts of protests. You cannot just arrest anyone who blocks a road if they are exercising a right to protest, regardless of the highways act.
In this case, they have gave them a lawful order to leave the road under section 12 of the public order act, stating they are restricting the protest to the pavement, as they are required to do so by LAW as this is a protest. After this warning, enforcement will take place, use of force and restriction of human rights are not powers to be used willy-nilly and have to be used correctly as shown here.
"Bunch of jobless people!"
Salute to you brother! 👍👍👍
Come to think of it, these kind of protesters are an insult to other jobless people who never would not trade their time pestering and becoming a distraction and potential danger to others in exchange for some measly amount they give these protesters.
And most of all, may the heartless, soulless Leaders of these kind of groups may get the non-man-made karma they deserve. Look at these elders! Heartbreaking! 💔
Wonderful how they are bringing people together.
because most of the people want to save the world !!
Do these people in the UK have nothing else to do…?
The inevitability of a real mess is getting closer and closer...
No it's not climate change is just made up! Don't worry about it, just keep shouting at those trying to make a difference despite not having an alternative
Can't wait
do you think there will be a big bang, an earthquake, a flooding, extreme heat, intense cold or a killer fog?
Where are Allah’s mates when you need ‘em?
@@lindsayrogers6690 the jews should not be taking the law into their own hands!
this is not israel!!!
That guy was a legend! Better than the police
I think he'd been drinking.
@@ethelmini YOU have been drinking.
I want a nuke dropping on the UK atm. Hate this place so much. Such a failed nation
@@ethelmini dudes a hero, he deserves a drink
@@ethelminirather have a drunk dude than those sober protesters
It is getting Increasingly hard to not be against climate activists…. And as a climate activist myself I hate it but… see for yourself
Well done to all of the citizens involved in moving these layabouts
Imagine trying to stop climate change
But they didn't move anyone.
@ch0l3r1cyou thought this was really clever didn’t you
I know , what a bunch of pathetic fearmongering ShiteHawks .
Rest of us are to busy trying to pay the bills / have a job ! 🤦♂️
A lot more clever than forcing traffic to idle/ move slowly/ produce more pollution 🤦♂️ pathetic ShiteHawks .
We need bigger human chains like that. It will work if more people join in. Walk them off the road. It is peaceful. They say so themselves.
its just click bait
Are you one of them?😂😂
@@WeeShoeyDugless jewish?
We dont have time far that, is simpler to just fire with PCP rifles from the windows.
The luxury of being able to protest under the guidance of the British Police.
@@outrageduck7202 No, if democracy were in place these hooligans would be run over by the buses.
Well yeah, you might not like their cause but thats a pretty idiotic thing to complain about.
@@Ukraineaissance2014 Nothing to do with their cause. It's the way they are taking advantage of liberal and sensitive policing to protest at the limits of the law.
Protest is one thing. Arresting traffic and preventing free movement is another.
@@outrageduck7202 Its undemocratic for a small group of zealots to stop traffic like this. This is not Democracy in action. You can protest without doing that.
Dragging them off the road is more Democratic at this point.
Those people understand only one way ! 💪
yes the pigs are paid to encourage the protest, exactly as they were paid to get BLM to burn London
Some of them are going to get speed-bumped.
Start campaigning and voting to put the "Force" back into your policing.
Begin voting like you care for your country. Quit taking it from people who don't care about you - they love publicity and power. While you're at work, they're collecting money from somewhere to put you out of a job.
100% if this happens in Western Australia I genuinely fear about the result. The worlds most aggressive drivers confronted with this? Carnage
My thoughts too, if this group comes to Australia it's going to be very interesting.
Oh that would be fun for me
Im not joking btw-
It's going to happen
@@jamesbradley9233oh I hope so,imagine these muppets taking on some lads from Campbelltown 😂
@@ianclark9198 I'd say it was less about balls and more about placing too much blind trust in the government.
If only there was some type of organization to enforce the laws and safety regulations to keep these people off the streets.
But you'd need a name for such an association.
The "poltice?" "Puleez," maybe?
@@laserprop Rules guys/persons perhaps.
@@harrysweeten9417PHAL. People Have A Life.
I can provide that 🤔
For this event, i pledge to use 100x more oil than last year
The cop has the nerve to say 'we will get them off the road' and proceed to only slow walk in front of them.
"More oil! More oil! More oil!" That's the message that's catching on.
I just don't understand their tactics. You want the public on your side and stopping people from doing their daily activities certainly won't win them any fans. Also, their actions will amount to zero in the grand scheme of things.
Once you understand WHY they’re doing this, WHO funds them, and WHAT the REAL reason is, it all becomes clear.
They are a Marxist organisation, just like BLM and Extinction Rebellion.
They lost that chance. Can't wait till their hurt and the ambulance is stuck in the traffic 😂
They are utterly convinced the public are behind them, no matter how much they are told to the contrary
The sad thing is when you say their side.. implying climate change is either not real or not your problem.
@@bensims7501 Why don't these people protest in a BP garage or something instead of disrupting people on the roads and meaningless sports events? Set fire to a Shell petrol station, steal the crisps from the mini-mart! Petition at Parliament, all better ideas than what these cretins currently do. It's not the message, it's the way they do it. Sorry you're too much of a climate simp to see that. Go blast your lamb cannon all over your posters of Al Gore.
60 seconds? Backing up at their pace leading their protest? No, no no. I'll keep my American police thank you.
Why on earth were the police backing up? Form a line and arrest anyone that approaches too close
The police aren't making the decision, it for sure has come down from above how to handle it. Which really sucks for the officers, if they arrest them they get in trouble at work, if they don't arrest them, we jump on them for literally doing their job. Lose lose. To be clear, in my fantasy world they would recruit every bad US cop ever fired for 'unnecessary use of force', and let them lose.
It would make more sense to protest outside Parliament every day or outside oil company building and HQ. It would be a logical approach and would get more positive attention than disrupting ordinary peoples lives
Without a shadow of a doubt, protest at these places and at the world economic Forum...not in the middle of the road as the average Joe cannot help them implement the changes they want.
Or better still down at the beach in Dover, there children dont have any future because of uncontrolled mass immigration, not because of the climate change con.
@molt3n412 Doesn't that make you think its all about people just wanting attention and to feel important, rather than really caring about the issue?
On April 21st this year 60,000 people representing over 200 organisations such as Friends of the Earth, Keep Britain Tidy, The Salvation Army, Greenpeace, XR, Wildlife Trusts, the Quakers protested outside Parliament in Westminster on this same issue. It did not make a single headline on the front cover of any national newspaper. That is why JSO exists because the media do not think a liveable planet for future generations is news worthy but 8 or so people peacefully adding a maximum of 20 minutes to drivers' journeys in London is.
Protest outside westminster every day, and you'll get lung cancer.From the fumes...
why are they allowed to do this?????? they need to be arrested and JAILED
The govt need to stop them or stop the whole fkin country. Why do the normal people suffer.
The inaptitude of the society to dal with these law breakers is appalling.
So many folk saying 'Useless Police' and its obvious why
If there wasn't a law against it, would that make it okay?
Law isn't the issue or solution. Most just part of the problem in this case.
Right and wrong has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with legality.
@@iunnox666Technically it does actually, literally if you remove legality there will be nothing but pure chaos and The Purge has proven that.
@@iunnox666 What did the poet want to say?
Is it now safe to assume that next time somebody gets stopped for speeding, they will be given a warning rather thn a fixed penalty notice?
No, I thought not.
So WHY do those people get treated with kid gloves.
Local councils love sly taxes so much so why don't they issue them all with some kind of fixed penalty notice every time they hold up the traffic??
Too simple I guess. Or maybe the courts would deem that to be an abuse of their ooman rights.
maybe they're right and our grandchildren are doomed by the oligarchs who own the govt, who own the police, who also, don't have a moral code
Glad to see us fellow citizens fighting back.
Fight back ? for causing a slight delay ? They are protesting to preserve life, including you.
@@Professor-ScientistObstruction of public transport and emergency vehicle roads (which is literally all of them) is illegal.
@@Professor-Scientist They're protesting a country that produces 1% of the worlds emissions while claiming they need to do it to stop a climate doomsday.
They're not protesting to preserve life, they're crying about a leaky tap on the titanic while the iceberg is tearing a hole in it.
Well, you know what they say, fight fire with fire. These protestors form chains to block traffic, give them a taste of their own medicine.
@@Professor-Scientist them? You mean you! Yeah I know your an eco-nut like them!
Apparently lawlessness is perfectly acceptable if you are on the same team as those in power.
Always has been.
To which group do you refer 😂
Its simply a matter of dollars and cents. They spent a fortune in extra policing and don't want to keep spending it. Problem is how to deal with this yet not block legit protesting in the future.
And we all know how the story in ends for that kind of people in power. History repeats itself 👌 I guess they should be afraid, really afraid not to listen to the voice of the people.
But write some "offensive" words on social media and you will be swiftly dragged out of your house and be thrown in jail for a thought crime.... 1984 was supposed to be fiction not a guide on how to run the west.
THANK YOU TO "JUST STOP OIL" movement.......for making people from any background and belief stick together to STOP YOUR NONSENSE!!!!
It takes a lot of oil to make an electric car
@@jjbiggmann5576 Great.
Too bad China is undoing all of that by producing 30% of the worlds emissions.
Maybe focusing on the UK's 1% wasn't very smart in the grand scheme of things.
@@jjbiggmann5576 do you know how much oil it takes to get the cobalt and lithium to make these batteries and the batteries barely last 10 years, not to mention all the parts of the car that need to use oil which will need replacing, brakes, suspension, wire insulation, oil for the bearings, hinges, window wipers... Not to mention that the electric cars use electric mostly sourced from fossil fuels which depend on oil. You're living in a fantasy land. You can't 'just stop oil' and before you say we need to stop extractions of 'new' oil what are people supposed to do when the current supply runs out? There's no framework in place to replace the current one. If you want to lead by example and go live in the bushes then go ahead.
How quickly the safety officers came, they must have finished their sensitivity training on time.
These protesters will be protesting the loudest when they can't get trucks to the stores with their food
People need to start following these road blockers home. Find out where they live and block their private driveway the next morning.
"How dare you disrupt our disruptive protests!"
"Look at them stopping us getting to work, therfore climate change isn't real"
Sometimes people just dont get punched in the face enough
I dunno... I think they have been punched too much as they are braindead. lol
Lol. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
The trouble is that many of them are so smug, hypocritical and self satisfied that once you started punching it would be very difficult to stop!
this man talks sense "most people have got a job" ....
The econazis didn't like it when they got a taste of their own medicine. I love it😅
The police should've sang "You never walk alone" as well
How delusional can they be, holding up placards "honk if you support us" facing the opposite direction of the drivers they're enraging 😐
If they were smart they would know that world cannot just stop oil because it would cause mass starvation immediately. I wonder how many of these soy people ate avocado for breakfast on a toast made from imported flour...
As Forest Gump once said, “Stupid is as stupid does."
Sadly I think you missed the point. They choose to hold it facing away from those honking to make those entrapped miss the part about supporting them by honking. Part of the idea is more or less: "Hey, they are honking at us anyway, let us just pretend that by doing that they're showing their support for us". When in reality, all the drivers do want, is to vent their frustrations and get them off the road.
It simply put is the opposite idea of that scene in the Simpsons. The teachers are on strike and hold up some signs. The principal of the school thinks that the people driving by the school honking are on the teachers side and the teachers just hold up a sign that reads "honk if you like cookies". The drivers never noticed that there is a strike and are used to fabricate support for a cause they are not behind.
@@Spycopter I think you misunderstood my point and we're in agreement. My suggestion was that they were getting honked at by infuriated motorists, but were deluding themselves anyone sounding their horn was supporting their cause.
The majority of motorists aren't going to get out of their vehicles and physically confront these protesters. They can only vent their frustrations by sounding their horns. The protesters know this and are using it to appear they have support from the public.
@@steveramgopal18 That is very possible, although I do not know whether they do in fact believe what is written on their signs. If they do though, I completely agree with you.
If injured, would they refuse getting in an ambulance?
Excellent point!
they should also get treated by special doctors using non oil made equipment, maybe those doctors can smash some thoughts in their brains with a rock
They should be refused for holding up others/ putting others lives at risk !
We the people are against them. They need to be pulled from the roads immediately within seconds
assault..then YOU will be in trouble. Its tempting though.
@@mariahoulihan9483what if you dragged them out of the road to protect them from the oncoming traffic?
Yeah, and while they are still superglued to it.
@@DreammuncherYou have to keep holding them after you dragged them off the road. If you let go they will go back there to keep blocking the road.
@@Readysetgo2007 ah so then you get done for false imprisonment or some such? :( is citizens arrest for public nuisances a thing? 😅
Yes! He said it! They are causing more pollution by holding up traffic.
Proof climate change isn't real. Well done! 🙈
Thanks 😂
That was me actually shouting never thought this will go viral..... I can't walk on the road anymore 😢
Low key: *It's nice to see people standing up for themselves*
those things arent people
@@GeBakerHe's not talking about the Just Stop Oil goblins
@@GeBakerHe's Jewish... Calm down Hitler.
@@jjbiggmann5576 i see what you did there .
And they made a pass poor job of it
Jack and his friend were members of Just Stop Oil. He told Jack, "I'd like to make a positive impact on this world and stop being a problem."
So they left Just Stop Oil
They are simply a pain in everyone's rear end. If I believed in something as strongly as these claim then the last thing I'd do is not alternate people. What they also fail to realize is that the govt is not going to do what they want. But, well done to everyone who are trying to get the roads back.
I think you'll find that the government plan to do exactly what they want.
Thank you for your contribution towards stopping climate change! Well done Caroline, your comment really helped
I wouldn't want to alternate people either.. it's ridiculous. Alienating people is one thing.. but alternating people is just crazy 🤪
@@bensims7501 Thank you for using oil based products that will not help stop climate change.
Alternatively if the government wont give them what they want shouldnt they ask the people?
Why does this only seem to happen in the UK? In Australia, the most I’ve seen is people occasionally protesting in front of the petroleum company offices and maybe on routes to their extraction sites. If we had people walking onto the road and blocking traffic, they’d be immediately hauled away by police.
Russian oil barons, look who funds them (the just stop oil movement).
Because it’s not only happening in the UK. The UK still has something close to a functioning press is one reason you hear it. The other is not noticing the protests that were reported through out Europe. I believe America has some even bigger nut jobs that burn stuff when they don’t get their way, when someone dares to try and build a police training centre. Burning expensive equipment that uses a lot of resources to produce is always the best thing for the environment, I think I heard that from Just Stop Oil.
They are paid actors
Because with tip funnel web spiders all over the road where they are standing.
@@psibug565 The nut jobs burning the police training center in America (Atlanta, Georgia) are ANTIFA; they are Marxist terrorists, not environmental protesters.
I wish I was one of those bus drivers, my foot would accidentally slip off the brake
Yeah, "accidentally"
And then natural selection does its thing
(Me in my head)
Lots of speed bumps out today as I continue to press the pedal
Your legs probably wouldn't be long enough for your feet to reach the pedals.
Totally lost respect for the UK police
They succeded at unifying the public to a single cause... just not in the way they thought they would.
they're not the public they're selfish self important drones
Finally !
The people take action
The best two bits for me were
The laughter
The JSO placard saying “Honk if you support us “ to a resounding silence from the traffic
"Finally !" What rock have you been living under?, haven't you noticed that in the UK it is now absolutely acceptable to assault peaceful protestors if it means you might be a few minutes late for the job you hate. Only the woman who was on the bus had a genuine grievance with this protest, everyone else appeared to be a pedestrian that, just like you, have jumped on the 'JSO are demons' bandwagon and are busy being outraged about something that doesn't affect them, because outrage at JSO is trending on tik tok.
People need to turn up and laugh at them even thoug of course they would be acting it.
Nobody likes to be ridiculed.
People who don't believe in climate change are them problem
My favourite was the Jewish chap arguing with the woman who ended by saying 'I Import oil ! Now get out of the road! '
isn't it such a smart sign? the best way to stop the nasty honking
honestly I think its what we need. Everyone who normally hates eachother for stupid reasons, is coming together to fight an even more idiotic enemy. Maybe it can re-unite the public. Just a thought who knows.
I love it when the police officer is calmly trying to inform them that they'll be arrested in 60 seconds and their reply as will get off the road when this happens or when that happens I'm waiting for the police officer to simply say no you'll be getting off the road and 60 seconds when I drag your ass off this road.