Man, watching this again, the animators really killed it on this fight. I don't have much experience with drawing, but I've got to imagine animating the 'break-dance' portions with the kicks as well has gotta be tough. But they made it look clean and fluid. It's all even more impressive since this was pretty early One Piece.
Wow one piece fans surprise me every day, it's true that you don't know much about animation because this is considered an average animation even for its time
The thing that makes early Sanji fights look so great (and Luffy's too to an extent) is the angles that they choose to show. Sanji's style is all about his legs, so you constantly get shots from really low, close angles where they can make his legs look way longer than they actually are so that they flow really well. It's a really great style of animation for a kick-based fighting style
True! When I was a kid, I remember my uncle telling me that Luffy had rubber properties on all his body whereas Sanji had rubber properties on just his legs 😂 I remember believing him until I actually started reading One Piece by myself lol
I really like how bon clay just straight up stopped using his devil fruit. He totally could have kept switching to Nami but knew it was ultimately going to come down to skill- like he didn't want to cheapen the win/loss
Sanji put it best he can’t use the ballet kenpo when he looks like nami. And sanji could trick him into turning back to himself so there wasn’t a point to using his devil fruit anymore
@@Compucles if there's haki/no haki, it's black leg style. Diable Jambe isn't just his Black Leg Style with extreme heat, in that state he becomes stronger, faster, etc, basically all of his stats get vastly boosted with Diable Jambe because that's when he gets heated, literally and figuratively. All of that AND his fighting skills become better, stronger, faster, etc.
Bon Clay was the only person that could match sanji kick for kick in this series. No powers. Just his skills. And that's something hardly seen these days.
*People Seeing Bon Clay for the First Time:* "Pfft. Who's this guy?" *People Who Know Bon Clay:* _crying, saluting_ *Everyone seeing that animation:* _Eneru Reaction Face_
Now, hold up. I know I ain’t the sharpest knife in the draw, but I refuse to believe it took me more that 5 years to realize that they were both using French words in their attacks
This was actually my favorite fight from the arc. Also, that delayed reaction from that last kick is dope, even if I don’t understand the physics behind it
I’m just realizing that happens and I’ve seen this scene a few times and never paid attention, I feel like that was supposed to be some Haki hint as this arc is filled with hints at it and foreshadows of who’s going to have it
@@prolevelcallout4597 it’s probably just adrenaline and shock. Like when problem get shot some don’t even notice it until a few seconds as the pain sets in
I just like how this fight devolved into a slugfest by the end of it. No time for flashy moves, or dodging, they just keep hitting with all they’ve got as the clocks ticks down.
One of my favorite fights in One Piece. Not because of it having the longest or most intense action, but because it really feels like a fight between two warriors pushed to their limits. Bon Clay is a great character, oddities or not. He lost here - but he kept his pride.
@@xnortheast1106 I think he was implying that out of all of sanjis one on one battles this was the one he was most injured in a 1v1 scenario, naturally he had stronger opponents in the future but if we were to downscale each one on one to be all of equal strength fights. Sanji Vs Bon Clay would be the one he's struggled with the most.
Wow, I didn't realise how different the original art style for the show was, until I looked back on this. I love how the artists really draw attention to Sanjis legs, his weapon. Now, with the current style, we don't notice them really unless they're glowing.
Aww. I wanted that this was the scene where Bon Clay tried to create the most ridiculous face ever, and then Sanji said "90% of that was your own face."
gotta love how the wirds they say are just french terms of either body parts (sanji) or numbers/dance (bon clay). really shows their parallels in fighting styles
Watching this back years later…such a battle of real men. Still amazing. The choreography on the sound especially. Never realized back then how well things like that had lined up even this early into the show
Okay, the '' Better animation then seven deadly sins'' is getting repetitive, but a good point on the scene being made in 2005, and how good quality of it despite it being 16 years old.
@@pyrochrys9555 yes, I did watch a few episodes of season 1 back, but didn't continue watching it due to watch fairy tail at the time. Also The scene was made in my birth year is pretty cool.😁
I’ve always been planning to watch One Piece and I feel like I’ve watched several hundred clips of it. But how have I never a fight like this??? Makes me want to watch it even more
I remember how I liked Sanji more as Zoro when I was a kid. Just because I thought it was awesome how Sanji is so strong without weapons and Zoro need weapons. This fight especially was one of my favourite back then.
I never thought there would be a fight were two men break dance while kicking each other and ones naming foods at the top of his lungs he and the other is yelling out French words.
I remember the old fights back in the early days. They were gritty as heck. Some fights felt like such a desperate struggle for survival. That isn't to say the the new fight isn't good, but I have a soft spot for the old days where powers and fighting style are much more grounded.
Watch episode 116 here!
More please
Ok I will
Man, watching this again, the animators really killed it on this fight. I don't have much experience with drawing, but I've got to imagine animating the 'break-dance' portions with the kicks as well has gotta be tough. But they made it look clean and fluid. It's all even more impressive since this was pretty early One Piece.
and even today it still looks amazing
And the slight movements of the camera really make the hits pop
Wow one piece fans surprise me every day, it's true that you don't know much about animation because this is considered an average animation even for its time
@@khalil6506 dude they're just appreciating it lol calm down
Sanji definitely has the most well choreographed and satisfying fighting styles in One Piece. So badass
Leg Dance
This is why this fight is one of my favorites
Tell me you know nothing about fighting choreography without telling me you know nothing about fighting choreography
@@khalil6506 mf malding in the reply section hell nah
The thing that makes early Sanji fights look so great (and Luffy's too to an extent) is the angles that they choose to show. Sanji's style is all about his legs, so you constantly get shots from really low, close angles where they can make his legs look way longer than they actually are so that they flow really well. It's a really great style of animation for a kick-based fighting style
Goated comment TBH.
exactly my thoughts
True! When I was a kid, I remember my uncle telling me that Luffy had rubber properties on all his body whereas Sanji had rubber properties on just his legs 😂 I remember believing him until I actually started reading One Piece by myself lol
I really like how bon clay just straight up stopped using his devil fruit. He totally could have kept switching to Nami but knew it was ultimately going to come down to skill- like he didn't want to cheapen the win/loss
It’s because he couldn’t use his Okama kempo in Nami’s form. So if he wanted to take Sanji down it had to be as himself
I think its because he used it and Sanji found a way to counter it and he took a lot of damage for it so not worth it risking it again
Sanji put it best he can’t use the ballet kenpo when he looks like nami. And sanji could trick him into turning back to himself so there wasn’t a point to using his devil fruit anymore
Ur right these sub comments are sad
No at this point he was called out and knew it wasn't going to work.
This was a really enjoyable fight. Bon Clay is such a fun character and Sanji's black leg fighting style is always a joy to watch.
You mean back before he learned how to just overpower most opponents with basic Diable and Haki powered kicks?
@@wweujw8i9j93 nah man Bon Clay is awesome, YOU weird
@@Compucles if there's haki/no haki, it's black leg style. Diable Jambe isn't just his Black Leg Style with extreme heat, in that state he becomes stronger, faster, etc, basically all of his stats get vastly boosted with Diable Jambe because that's when he gets heated, literally and figuratively. All of that AND his fighting skills become better, stronger, faster, etc.
Bon clay may be a good but I must admit the man can fight
Bon Clay is such an awesome character imo.
Bon Clay was the only person that could match sanji kick for kick in this series. No powers. Just his skills. And that's something hardly seen these days.
He was a menace fr
Kind of. He did use steel shoes. But yeah, he was a great martial artist.
Vergo was able to match Sanji's kicks.
@@pandaman1331 Yeah, but to be fair, he still had to have had a lot of strength to carry those steel shoes around, especially to move around so fast.
This is a fight nobody talks about nowadays, myself included. Honestly it’s a great fight and deserves more praise.
they aired it because of the hack that happen at toei animation
it already ruined it schedule!
@@TJ_JTG even Dragon ball super: Super Hero which was to be released on april have been delayed!
@@TJ_JTG 🤡
@@rajsaha7885 you when I have a different opinion:😫😭
0:41-0:51 is one of the most iconic scenes in one piece ever
Absolutely wild
Not sure why that sequence was not shown in the Episode of Alabasta movie.
@@lupinvash3 a travesty
I hope Bon Chan will be seen again in the future arcs. I miss him so much.😭😭😭
I hope so too, an MVP to the end
Most likely during the upcoming big war with the world government is when he'll show up. Bigger than Marineford.
So whose gonna tell him
@@philayres7479 he is alive
Bon Chan is alive
Luffy fought a Flamingo, Zoro fought a Pterodactyl and Sanji fought a Swan.
And the swan became a legend
@@WiredLain_i knew someone was gonna say this 🤣
Back when Sanji was at Bon Clay's level. Times really have changed.
Yeah Bon Clay is now on Buggy and Go D. Usopp level
Just be fighting a Okama’s race Bon-chan
Now sanji have blue flames lol
@@sanji_mr.p73 Dlable Famble
@@sanji_mr.p73 that’s just a colour spread
Little did we know, Bon Clay becomes one of the most respected characters in the series.
Just finished this arc, Bon clay is so confusingly wierd yet so amazing
Bon Clay is the goat
I just finished too
He is one of the most loved characters in the community
Bon D. Clay
Oh you’re new in one piece that was one of the best fights of Sanji
one of sanji's best fight
overall this arc was lit
That's when the M3 was established. And all of their fights were awesome.
Bon-chan went from fighting sanji to being a hero of the straw hats a true legend let us all have a moment of silence for our fallen soldier
He's not dead dude!
@@pyrochrys9555 LETTTSSS GOOOO
@@TiaSafalin4You no lets sit
*People Seeing Bon Clay for the First Time:* "Pfft. Who's this guy?"
*People Who Know Bon Clay:* _crying, saluting_
*Everyone seeing that animation:* _Eneru Reaction Face_
@GyakuRay Pretty good, my good sir. You?
Yeah. Definitely yeah. Okama Waaaaay!
While I don’t think the animation is especially good, I think it at least holds up a bit.
Who would have thought Bon-chan would become such a great character?
Oda propably did
I love it when crunchyroll posts old one peice clips
Man i really wish Sanji fights another character who uses kicks in the future.
Kizaru 😏
Might fight Kaku one day
Kizaru is the only really strong person who's known mainly for his kicks, a sanji vs kizaru fight like in op 17 would be a dream come true
Germa 66 suit with Vinsmoke Sanji
Hopefuly he will fight kizaru one day .
Alabasta had some of the best fights in the series
Definitely an underated fight from Alabasta in terms of animation. Can't imagine the work it took to animate the breakdancing and kick clashing scenes
Now, hold up. I know I ain’t the sharpest knife in the draw, but I refuse to believe it took me more that 5 years to realize that they were both using French words in their attacks
Bruh, I started reading one piece a few weeks ago and literally just finished this fight 😳 crunchyroll you scary lol
You thought you'd be spoiled
Same but with anime lol I watched this today 🤨
Dont get spoiled
Who else loved the scene where Sanji blitzed Bon-chan?
I love that they're so evenly matched they're frustrated more than anything.
This was actually my favorite fight from the arc. Also, that delayed reaction from that last kick is dope, even if I don’t understand the physics behind it
I’m just realizing that happens and I’ve seen this scene a few times and never paid attention, I feel like that was supposed to be some Haki hint as this arc is filled with hints at it and foreshadows of who’s going to have it
@@prolevelcallout4597 i
@@prolevelcallout4597 it’s probably just adrenaline and shock. Like when problem get shot some don’t even notice it until a few seconds as the pain sets in
That wouldn’t make someone fly backwards into a wall though.
I just like how this fight devolved into a slugfest by the end of it. No time for flashy moves, or dodging, they just keep hitting with all they’ve got as the clocks ticks down.
One of my favorite fights in One Piece. Not because of it having the longest or most intense action, but because it really feels like a fight between two warriors pushed to their limits.
Bon Clay is a great character, oddities or not. He lost here - but he kept his pride.
Always loved this fight(specially the ending)
Probably Sanji's toughest fight(he usually is able to walk off relatively fine)
Definitely not the toughest.
@@xnortheast1106 I think he was implying that out of all of sanjis one on one battles this was the one he was most injured in a 1v1 scenario, naturally he had stronger opponents in the future but if we were to downscale each one on one to be all of equal strength fights. Sanji Vs Bon Clay would be the one he's struggled with the most.
At least that's what I took from his comment
That's one of the problems of Zoro. When you fight bladed enemies you tend to end up losing a lot of blood
2:07 always kills me for some reason 😂😂😂 That guttural scream is so extra
0:40 The most iconic fighting scene of this arc.
Honestly one of the best fight sequences in the show and better/alot easier to follow than the more recent stuff
i was genuinely shocked by the quality of the break dance part of the fight , the animators killed it
Bon Clay really didn’t need the devil fruit. He was giving Sanji trouble without it.
Zoro: I can cut someone and they won't notice for half a minute.
Sanji: I can kick someone and they won't fly away for half a minute.
Bon Clay is a legend.
True Okama
He won't be forgotten.
@@josuefairyan iconic okama
0:42 They better recreate this scene in the LA season 2!
This fight was pure gold: No special flashy moves, or Haki, just two dudes kicking the hell out of each other with epic choreography.
It’s crazy how Bon Clay became someone who rivals Luffy in terms of what he’ll go through to help his friends.
Wow, I didn't realise how different the original art style for the show was, until I looked back on this. I love how the artists really draw attention to Sanjis legs, his weapon. Now, with the current style, we don't notice them really unless they're glowing.
Man when bon clay flew away at the end 😂😂😂😂😂
1:15 did they just censor puking blood? 😂😂😂
Only 4KidsTV
@@josuefairywym 4kids they obviously bleeding
I wanted that this was the scene where Bon Clay tried to create the most ridiculous face ever, and then Sanji said "90% of that was your own face."
Just with usopps nose xD
The way bon clay necks goes upside down and to the side before he gets sent spiraling backwards always kills me 😂
gotta love how the wirds they say are just french terms of either body parts (sanji) or numbers/dance (bon clay). really shows their parallels in fighting styles
This whole fight was just French-on-French violence
When two newbies spam Eddys moves in Tekken 0:46
It's funny how they loop the fight animation 😂 🤣 🤣🤣🤣
The Alabasta Arc was awesome. every single fight against the Elite of crocodiles Organisation was epic
I still love this fight scene cause it's one of the few times we see someone who fights the same style as sanji and it's great
Watching this back years later…such a battle of real men. Still amazing. The choreography on the sound especially. Never realized back then how well things like that had lined up even this early into the show
Yeeees! Give us aaall the classic OP fights!!!
0:37 this scene was made in like 2005 and it unironically has better animation that seven deadly sins.
Okay, the '' Better animation then seven deadly sins'' is getting repetitive, but a good point on the scene being made in 2005, and how good quality of it despite it being 16 years old.
In 2002
1. It was made in 2002, which kinda makes it better
2. Did you even watch Seven Deadly Sins?
@@pyrochrys9555 yes, I did watch a few episodes of season 1 back, but didn't continue watching it due to watch fairy tail at the time. Also The scene was made in my birth year is pretty cool.😁
@@Windrider4220 I actually, asked the hater, not you
Sanji: These hands are for cooking!
Also Sanji: half of the time rubbing hands on the ground
The fight that made me love one piece and still one of the best to this day
Everyone’s confident until Sanji lights his cigar
@@josuefairy is that the name for the cigar
@@joe9407 Vinsmoke mean Wine and cigars
Can't wait for this scene in the live action
Bon Clay: Un! Deux! Trois! (French for One, two, three)
Subs: Un Deux! Ora! Un! Deux! Krah!
Fight aged like wine 🍷 seriously especially at 0:42 so forth the animation was just so mean& clean for the time
I miss when Sanji fought this way now he's just spamming Disable Jambe
Like how luffy is spamming gears, it's now part of his arsenal
Hopefully the wano animation team will give Sanji some nice choreographed fights
Just wait till they animate his fight with queen
@@tarikizgua1835 luffy doesn’t spam one move. Luffy has like 100 moves and sanji has like 10 lol
Bro I miss the old art style and animation so much, it makes me smile watching old clips
I’ve always been planning to watch One Piece and I feel like I’ve watched several hundred clips of it.
But how have I never a fight like this???
Makes me want to watch it even more
You really ruining it for yourself watching fighting clips instead of the whole thing.
@@zampy8706 but there’s a lot of One Piece episodes and it makes me want to watch it so much more. Definitely starting it this weekend
@@zampy8706 but I get what you’re saying
@@umarbashir9710 jus means there’s a lot of fun to watch. I always put off one piece and now I’m on Episode 157 and I regret not starting it sooner
@@zampy8706 makes me wanna start even sooner then
I remember how I liked Sanji more as Zoro when I was a kid. Just because I thought it was awesome how Sanji is so strong without weapons and Zoro need weapons. This fight especially was one of my favourite back then.
And now who do you like more?
@@andresjurado1290 Zoro. Sanji is still awesome obviously, but I just loved how Zoro grew and what awesome fights he had yet :)
idk why but Bon Clay's Un! Deux! Ora! sounds so smooth to me bru its just so good
About to finish up impel down. I thought I already enjoyed bon clay, but now he’s one of my favorites
0:26 Sanji are you ok my dude?
Alabasta just hit different. Period.
And oldie, but a goodie.
I never thought there would be a fight were two men break dance while kicking each other and ones naming foods at the top of his lungs he and the other is yelling out French words.
Sanji has always been increasing he's speed. the Prince is a master of the foot work.
Bro bon clay proved himself so hard in the impel down arc. He's a real one😁
I love how they are almost equal in strength
Equal* the only reason sanji won was because he was slightly more skilled
@@pikastudios2850 then that means they aren’t equal 😂
@@pikastudios2850 now try to understand what “almost” means
2 helicopters fighting to prove who flies faster
Damn fights were way cooler before all the "Galaxy cutting dark emperor muramasa 1000000 gauge cannon" and "Yo my haki is bigger so i won".
To think that this man would turn out to make one of the most heartbreaking sacrifices for Luffy. Hope he comes back one day.
When two Eddy Gordo mains get matched up
0:41 best scene
Imagine Both of them seing in the Future again helping luffy back then Enemys now Friends because of luffy
If the live-action show gets to Alabasta, I really hope they keep Bon's ballerina aesthetic and don't just put him in regular 2020s drag
1:16 oh that is definetly alot of "spit" thanks 4 kids
The creaking sounds to reflect their fractured bones straining always gets me.
Earlier in the series, the first time I watched the Alabasta Arc, I thought Bon Clay was doflamingo 💀
There will never be battle like this ever they were both on fire 🔥
Bon Clay-Sama preparing Sanji for his timeskip training hehe xd
I miss Bon Chan 😭
The most loyal non-straw hat🗿
Bon Clay. What a legend.
Best Sanji fight no 🧢
Queen >
Jabura better for me
Germa 66 suit
Ahahahahah this two really brought some fighting memories lol
The fight scene is way much better than what we saw in the Episode of Alabasta movie.
As a Kid I never understood the ending... But now its different
I still don’t
@@matthewh4124 they hit each other so fast the blows didn’t Register until later
@@Lonewulf321 oh lol
One doesn’t experience self transcendence, the illusion of self only dissipates-🎈
The new Doflamingo looks sick.
Bon Chan is a legend
Solid animation for the times ngl
I alway loved the party table kick course
These two truly are performing a Legendary Feet.
I love how they where fr js breakdancing on eachother
Hearing Bon Clay shouting "twois" with a Japanese accent never gets old
I remember the old fights back in the early days. They were gritty as heck. Some fights felt like such a desperate struggle for survival. That isn't to say the the new fight isn't good, but I have a soft spot for the old days where powers and fighting style are much more grounded.