In the land of Skyrim, where dragons roam, There lies a place where peace finds a home. Kyne's Peace, a sacred grove so fair, Where nature thrives without a care. The trees stand tall, their leaves aflutter, The air is sweet with the scent of butter. Flowers bloom in vibrant hues, Birds sing songs of joyful news. Kyne, the goddess of the sky, Blesses this place with watchful eye. Her gentle touch calms the storm, And keeps the balance, safe and warm. The creatures here live in harmony, No predator, no enemy. Deer and foxes play together, Sharing the land, now and forever. In this haven, all strife is forgotten, All anger, all hatred, begotten. Only love and peace remain, In Kyne's Peace, where all is sane. So if you seek a place to rest, A sanctuary, a quiet nest, Come to Kyne's Peace and find release, In the arms of nature's sweet embrace.
thank you bro
In the land of Skyrim, where dragons roam,
There lies a place where peace finds a home.
Kyne's Peace, a sacred grove so fair,
Where nature thrives without a care.
The trees stand tall, their leaves aflutter,
The air is sweet with the scent of butter.
Flowers bloom in vibrant hues,
Birds sing songs of joyful news.
Kyne, the goddess of the sky,
Blesses this place with watchful eye.
Her gentle touch calms the storm,
And keeps the balance, safe and warm.
The creatures here live in harmony,
No predator, no enemy.
Deer and foxes play together,
Sharing the land, now and forever.
In this haven, all strife is forgotten,
All anger, all hatred, begotten.
Only love and peace remain,
In Kyne's Peace, where all is sane.
So if you seek a place to rest,
A sanctuary, a quiet nest,
Come to Kyne's Peace and find release,
In the arms of nature's sweet embrace.