Bell's Palsy Update: 1Y&7.5Mo - Merry Christmas!

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • Hi gang! Time for a facial expressions update! And another round of answering YOUR questions!
    Keep them coming! More updates to follow!
    HAPPY HOLIDAYS... Take Care of yourselves!


  • @48chevy1000
    @48chevy1000 12 років тому

    I like this latest video, Jassica. I've enjoyed everyone of you're video's and it has helped me going back and rewatching them many times over. My world seemed over once I had gotten Bells Palsey last March 22, 2011. After watching you're video's gave me a lot of hope because, I have been confined to a wheelchair with musclar dystrophy for 47 years now. I would like one day meet the person that gave me hope with already having a disability to deal with.
    Thank You,
    Richard Soja

  • @Serenadion
    @Serenadion 12 років тому

    You are so strong, beautiful, and kind. It's good to see you recovering, however incrementally!

  • @jschrauwen
    @jschrauwen 12 років тому

    Jessica, thank you for taking the time to respond to my earlier queries on BP. I didn't realize that my current bout of 9+ months is the norm compared to my first encounter of only 5 weeks.

  • @SkylerSutton
    @SkylerSutton 12 років тому

    Woke up with Bells Palsy yesterday morning! THIS IS CRAZY!! Thanks for your videos!
    Bring on an adventure.

  • @lflipsss
    @lflipsss 3 роки тому

    Sage advice! Love your videos - and your dedication to documenting your journey.

  • @JupiterEarth
    @JupiterEarth 12 років тому

    Hello Jessica!!!
    I'm so happy for You!!!
    I'm surprised for the progress you have achieved.
    Smile forever and have a Happy Christmas.

  • @48chevy1000
    @48chevy1000 12 років тому

    Thank you, Jessica. You are a good person and enjoyed getting your reply.
    Richard Soja from Linden, Mi.

  • @FitGirl15
    @FitGirl15  12 років тому

    Skyler, you have a very positive attitude towards all this! This condition is a roller-coaster ride of emotions, for sure! Take Care of yourself!

  • @lakhwinder108
    @lakhwinder108 12 років тому

    we are too much thaknful to you. You not know how big work you did, How many people get benfit from it. Many hopeless people get new hope after your videos.... Happy NEW YEAR 2012

  • @FitGirl15
    @FitGirl15  12 років тому

    @kazberries I'm glad you are feeling better. I don't think every instance of BP is the same, likely you have a lot more to deal with in your life now, then you did at 13! Stress can definitely be a contributing factor to someone's overall health.
    Continue the massage, if that works for you! All the best!

  • @TheDreia87
    @TheDreia87 12 років тому

    Hi FitGirl, just wanted to give you an update on me, BP for 2yrs and 3 months now and i'm starting to live with it more, its so funny how our recoveries are so similar. But I have decided to move on and I actually submitted an audition tape to X-Factor (i've been singing forever, but since BP havn't sang publically in a few years). I really hope I make it and if I do I will have to shout you out for being so encouraging!!!!

  • @Aphroditeuf16
    @Aphroditeuf16 12 років тому

    I'm exactly where you are. I first had it in April 2010 and I'm going on 2 years now. I still wish my smile was's crooked but it's better than not being able to smile at all. that was horrible.

  • @FitGirl15
    @FitGirl15  12 років тому

    @jschrauwen You are not alone... that is how most people react to such a traumatic event! Dating was not high on my priority list either. I felt quite like a monster of my former self for the first 3-4 months! It does get better... I hope you are getting out more now and enjoying life again!

  • @FitGirl15
    @FitGirl15  12 років тому

    @48chevy1000 I know the feeling, Richard. My life felt like it STOPPED when I fell ill with BP on April 28th, 2010. (We never forget the day!!!)
    Never let your disability define who you are! Not even BP! You can overcome all these barriers with the right frame of mind! ... I hope I have helped give you a more hopeful outlook on your life!!!
    Please take good care of yourself! You are worth it!!!

  • @nhsieh001
    @nhsieh001 12 років тому

    watched a few videos of your progress on BP ( didn't watch the whole thing on every video, i just watch each one to see your facial expression to see the progress). i have to say that your progress is different from what i observe in my clinic. Somehow i get a lot of BP patient (& stroke as well), i probably have treated at least 40 BP cases so far. of course everyone can progress differently. but looking at your week 23~24 wk video

  • @FitGirl15
    @FitGirl15  12 років тому

    @KWinarko Thank you. I continue to post videos to encourage those who still are going through the condition that there is always hope, no matter how long it takes to fully recover.

  • @kazberries
    @kazberries 12 років тому

    Hi I currently have Bells Palsy and this is my 2nd time with it, on the same side of the face, which is my right side. My 1st time I was 13 yrs old and this time round 27 yrs old. I recovered pretty fast when I was 13 yrs old, within a few weeks. At the moment it going slow but I cant feel some movement in my cheek.
    But I think massage to the face definitely helps cos I massaged my face alot with my 1st experience. Im massaging now and getting physio on the face and I feel my face is better.

  • @nhsieh001
    @nhsieh001 12 років тому

    , i'd say that most of the time I observed the same progress after 12 treatments of acupuncture in 4 weeks. so your videos are interesting b/c it's different from what i see with my patients. Also, another thing that is different is how fast you and I feel the treatment should be done. For both BP & Stroke, I get much faster result if they're treated quickly, rather than waiting a month or two. one thing is the same though...

  • @zndibsi
    @zndibsi 12 років тому

    Wow, you look great, my case is coming up to 4 months and I am about 90% recovered, the only annoying thing is the drooping eye that waters a lot and I can't yet whistle:) I hardly did facial exercises, my idea is that if there is no signal to the mussels from the brain then what good would exercise do? Your case took a long time but the result is fantastic you look gorgeous.

  • @Marilu5232
    @Marilu5232 12 років тому

    Why don't you answer our ?... Please do so. You are a great inspiration.. We need your feed back

  • @user-in2rh2zm1j
    @user-in2rh2zm1j 12 років тому

    Hello Lovely AND Fit girl.
    Well Documented.
    I was aflicted in 2004. My ordeal was seven months long. I have recovered only 40 % on my Right side. This is Rare. I was able to Endure only because of the positive motivation of others on the Tube Here and my friends and family. My eye lid does not open fully and that buggs me. At the time I asked the doctor If I will be able to sing when this is all over with. He said "Of course" I said "Good I have all ways wanted Sing"..Ha.. Joke. Thanks Dale .

  • @angepangmexican
    @angepangmexican 12 років тому

    Where are you Jess? When are we going to see another video? You are my mentor or maybe kinda like a counselor!

  • @jschrauwen
    @jschrauwen 12 років тому

    It's unfortunate that I let this current bout of BP sideline me to a near recluse state for more than 8 months. I didn't want anyone to see me, not even family members. I even stopped dating. I would wear sunglasses indoors and out because any days where it was sunny would hurt my eyes and it also made driving difficult. I still experience tearing when I eat.

  • @gunnarbiker
    @gunnarbiker 12 років тому

    Still waiting to have my surgery. They are going to take a nerve and muscle from my inner thigh and implant it into my left cheek. It should take about 6 months for it to come to life!

  • @DiVanadisKa
    @DiVanadisKa 12 років тому

    and an other thing that a greek physiotherapist told me, cause i told her that what i did that i think its very important was forget about the mirror, and she told me that it was ok but its important when u do the massagges for your brain to see and synchronize again.

  • @ditchmeui22
    @ditchmeui22 12 років тому

    hey, we have the same facial expressions too. my BP is now 4 months. :)

  • @Aphroditeuf16
    @Aphroditeuf16 12 років тому

    @missgenius142 BP affects the facial nerves but somehow the ear on the side effected hurts. I had sensitive hearing for the first two weeks but it went away. Now, when I do my exercises, I feel pulling on my ear of the side effected but no crackling.

  • @FitGirl15
    @FitGirl15  12 років тому

    @n0rep1y I have tried not to talk about my social life in my UA-cam videos... but that is a large contributing factor to why I got BP in the first place! Some people just have more, larger, and yes STRESSFUL issues to deal with in life then others. It is not something to be overlooked!

  • @jrideoutable
    @jrideoutable 12 років тому

    I just found your videos. I too have synkenisis (spell?). Mine is not from a surgery, not bells palsey. The left side of my face was paralyzed for about 6 months. It's been about 7 in a half years for me. For the last few months I feel like there is something in my eye all the time, especially after I eat, as weird as that sounds. Does your eye ever bother you like that? You look great by the way.

  • @chevgr
    @chevgr 12 років тому

    Wow youre smile and eyes shut are or look to me to be completely normal. I cant tell you how better it makes us feel. I am on 7 months and doctors tell me "you'll never recover" or "you'll have this for life now" which is so distressing. I still cant smile properly or close my affected eye properly.
    Can you remember what recovery was like form 7 months to where you are now? Was it slow recovery-what do you recommend? How can we aim to get a recovery like you?

  • @glockman459mm
    @glockman459mm 12 років тому

    I am one year thankgiving day and still have some problems with it. It is a ride and not a good one when one day your normal and the next you cant move half your face.

  • @DiVanadisKa
    @DiVanadisKa 12 років тому

    Your doing pretty well! :D:D i have 5 months im getting better and yesterday i was thinking that i forgot to tell you a thing that i did also.. apart all the exercises that you suggested i also chew-bit nuez moscada i dont kw how to say it english, i cut the nuez moscada and chew it that was a suggestion by a cuban doctor and it make u feel more.. normally i was just to chew 2 at day. and yes i think your very right i spend a lot of money in medications and i dont think they get me better..

  • @ilashah4067
    @ilashah4067 10 років тому

    do u think after 1.75 year u get improvment.
    my husband has bell palsy and improved 80%.

  • @missgenius142
    @missgenius142 12 років тому

    @fitgirl15 I'm at 5 weeks with BP and my Neuro advised me to start facial exercises, however when I do them, my ear makes a crackling noise and I feel some pressure..Did this happen to you? Or have you ever heard this happening to anyone with BP? You look great btw :)

  • @nazarkatawazaii
    @nazarkatawazaii 12 років тому

    @SkylerSutton how you feeling now? i got it too on boxing day! 26 dec 2011? gp has given me asteriods 6 a day for one week! what about improvement!

  • @mrkayros
    @mrkayros 12 років тому

    Hola felicidades.

  • @Marilu5232
    @Marilu5232 12 років тому

    Do u believe in retraining and also I notice that one cheek is bigger than the other one. Even the expression line in the affected area is deeper than in the right cheek. Did it happen to u too?

  • @FitGirl15
    @FitGirl15  12 років тому

    @Marilu5232 I have been away for over a week with no internet service.
    Please forgive me for the late response, but I need you to remind me what is your question?

  • @n0rep1y
    @n0rep1y 12 років тому

    @FitGirl15 You think this was a result of a virus you got from a bf/gf? Is that what you mean by a 'social life being a large contributing factor'?

  • @n0rep1y
    @n0rep1y 12 років тому

    You're stressing too much about stressful situations. How's your 'social' life?