Regarding academic medicine as a faculty staff member and attending, I can give you my daughter's experiences at HMS. She is ABC. While in residency HMS picks highly selected residents for future faculty staff. It is a two years Harvard-MIT program to train future clinical and lab investigators. It is a paid program with additional salary during residency and a Master of Medical Science degree is granted at the end. For my daughter, after her fellowship she became HMS faculty staff as lecturer first, attending, assistant professor and so on.
Here is my understanding of how much time a "medical school faculty doctor" sees patients. It depends on how much funding/programs one has on clinical research. HMS encourages their faculty doctors to do more research. As for my daughter she spends 50/50 percent of her time on both sides. Attending is mandatory for core faculty doctors, about 4-6 weeks a year. There are non-faculty doctors working in medical school hospitals. But I assume if you are doing private practices, you and your medical group can decide whatever schedule that works best for you. BTW, I am a retired software engineer.
Attending should be referred to as doctors who supervise/teach residents, interns and medical students in teaching hospitals as medical school faculty staff. Not all practice doctors are attending doctors, more like practicing doctors.
国内读的医学院可以在美国直接当医生吗?美国主治医生一年只用上半年班,为什么?美国医学生找工作用的匹配系统得过诺贝尔奖!从医生培训的角度,中美医疗系统有什么不同。中美两国的病人各有什么样子的特征?最后,Yannan还分享了一些和医生英文沟通的一些英语小窍门 😄
Regarding academic medicine as a faculty staff member and attending, I can give you my daughter's experiences at HMS. She is ABC. While in residency HMS picks highly selected residents for future faculty staff. It is a two years Harvard-MIT program to train future clinical and lab investigators. It is a paid program with additional salary during residency and a Master of Medical Science degree is granted at the end. For my daughter, after her fellowship she became HMS faculty staff as lecturer first, attending, assistant professor and so on.
美国的医生也是按看病人数量计算收入的。这主要说的是内科医生,比如家庭医生(PCP: Primary Care Physician)
9月份报名,面试季10月份-2月份,双方填一个rank list,3月份开始match。residence---fellowship---attending
博主类似节目有助于中国人了解美国医疗系统,更切实有效解决在美就医或考虑在美从医。请允许澄清一点。美国医生平均每周工作时间为50-59小时(2021年调查数据)。平均工时也会取决于专科;如神经外科会超过每周100多小时。2001年通过的Libby Zion 法要求住院医(应该也包括正在接受更深一层专科训练的learning physician -fellow 勉强相当于中国的进修大夫,翻译成主治医师不当因为attending 才真正负责主治)。我是中英医疗翻译,服务于各科医生-门诊和住院部。我有两个刚开始从医的孩子。
更正:Libby Zion 法是2003年通过的
Here is my understanding of how much time a "medical school faculty doctor" sees patients. It depends on how much funding/programs one has on clinical research. HMS encourages their faculty doctors to do more research. As for my daughter she spends 50/50 percent of her time on both sides. Attending is mandatory for core faculty doctors, about 4-6 weeks a year. There are non-faculty doctors working in medical school hospitals.
But I assume if you are doing private practices, you and your medical group can decide whatever schedule that works best for you.
BTW, I am a retired software engineer.
Attending should be referred to as doctors who supervise/teach residents, interns and medical students in teaching hospitals as medical school faculty staff. Not all practice doctors are attending doctors, more like practicing doctors.
教授醫生 要研究 要教學 要門診 要開會 要外務 應該沒有空檔了吧
是的,国内人多,医生看病的人就多,做不到每个人都解释个 20 分钟啊!
国内医院主要是为了挣钱,多检查多赚钱, 中国医生的水平还是差