I showed these to my friend, without telling him they were fake. He thought they were real and wanted to buy some, until I told him they were fake. These are very "dangerous fakes" indeed.
Those are very dangerous specially for new buyers and players as well. Thank you for sharing it. Maybe we can do an in depth comparison of these cards to the legit versions so we be able to share to audiences what the difference is. Hit me back, lets see what we can come up with. Thanks.
I showed these to my friend, without telling him they were fake. He thought they were real and wanted to buy some, until I told him they were fake. These are very "dangerous fakes" indeed.
Those are very dangerous specially for new buyers and players as well. Thank you for sharing it. Maybe we can do an in depth comparison of these cards to the legit versions so we be able to share to audiences what the difference is. Hit me back, lets see what we can come up with. Thanks.
Yeah could be a fun thing to do in the future 👍
yeah im gonna stick to Counterstrike skinz
Lmao, these are horrible. The borders are comical.
I promise there are better proxies than this.