Hey great job. I have a friend who has been building gasifiers since the early eighties. He lives in southern Wisconsin and based on what little I see with your gasifier you did an excellent job. We have a 75k 3 phase generator I hope to hook up to a gasifier by summer, and do a similar set up. As far as being a waste of time or any of the other negative comments I see, don't let them get to you just keep up the good work..
You are offering an invaluable service to the people. I've been watching several of your videos the past several days... Thanks for doing what you do! Peace
you all are missing the point. he is trying to get things in a way where he can get OFF THE GRID> I.E> not depending on the companies to support his homesteed
Well, you'd need parts for the generator for maintenance. Oil.. And an engine on wood gas wears out pretty quickly, since it's dirty fuel. So I guess true off grid living, would be living without electricity, and without a car in the end.
I like what the guys building for the technology. But most of the people I see doing this haven't really reduced their load necessity. I mean I could build a solar setup for 2 to 4,000 that would do everything and then some. A buddy of mine build a system for under $500 that supplied the electricity his trailer needed. And he had a fridge and a computer. What I'd like to see someone do is use the heat from the biogas reactor to heat one structure. a home or a greenhouse. And then use the generators liquid cooled access Heat to heat one place with the generator BTUs and exhaust. And another structure or Greenhouse with the liquid coolant. Moreover realistically with a below ground geothermal Greenhouse design. There would be almost no energy needs. The system would essentially Supply a surplus of energy and heat. Perhaps a biogas production manure digester for excess Heat. Sorry if I'm having an Urza moment.
I kept looking to see where the wood goes & where the fire was burning but didn't see it. I've never seen anything like this and I'm intrigued. I'd love to see another video where you start by putting the wood into the what ever, lighting it, and so on from the beginning. This is fantastic!
Attention tree huggers: What he forgot to mention is that he is using it to charge an electric car and he only uses fallen trees, you can wipe your tears away.
This is what I find so funny is I heat with wood. Some people actually think I cut green trees down for firewood.. Its like nooo.. I find dead trees that stupid bugs or disease or flood killed. Never need to cut green trees.
@GoatHollow The condensor unit is outside and the heat strips are in the air-handler inside- I call it a toaster since that is what it looks like a huge toaster oven. Anyway they pull about 10Kw all at once! I am disconnecting them asap! Thanks for watching!
I bet if the the ones in the comments criticizing his work if their from Texas, Oklahoma,Louisiana wouldn't mind to have this right about now. That's a neat way of fueling Sir!
@northernboy68 You are not being rude and I want you to know that I cannot feedback on lines because the transfer switch will not allow me to. It is a make or break switch I got from the power company that is designed for this situation. I have done it all to code and feel confident that no one will get hurt.
I am a carpenter, and the idea of powering a saw mill with the tailing scraps is genius. I hope you use that electricity to power the saws and nailers to make the enclosure : )
Fantastic i had a smile ear to ear when it was running on wood. You did a very nice job setting up your panels and the generator, once you put a roof over it all that's left is cutting the wood. I'm very impressed with this setup. Thank you for sharing it with us.
@infowick Excellent questions!! And you just made another project for me! I use the outdoor boiler to preheat my veggie fuel for the diesel generator but I haven't thought about running a heating zone out to that building. I haven't had a problem starting the wood gas generator on cold days but a lil heat wouldn't hurt. Thanks!
@Iam1uglyguy Since this is the first time loading the generator I do not know the fuel consumption rate. I will be testing and posting a (pounds of wood per Kw/hr ) number after I do a lot of runs. I really can't give you an accurate answer but the rule of thumb is that it takes 3 lbs to produce 1 Kw.
In rural Washington, saw mills, shake mills, furniture makers, all have lots more wood than needed, defects, too short, etc. My neighbor's shake mill also saws figured maple electric guitar blocks, and tosses most of the tree-no market for plain-'hobby wood'. Old growth cedar is sawn into acoustic guitar wood,3/32"-1/8" or??, kiln dried to 5% moisture. 20 % cracks or oozes sap-toss it. He has about 3/4 acre waste pile, everyone is appreciated when they remove any of it. Tree services + landscapers will often pay to dump perfectly usable logs,(+compost, mulch, orphan plants,) to prepare for next job. Contact them and save them $100-maybe even charge them $20-$25 to give you fuel!
I have a few questions. 1. How large of a chunk of wood can you put in the burner? 2. how long of a burn do you get from a full load? 3. do you have to let it cool down between fillings? 4. issues with gumming up the motor with tar or other things? Thanks.
my 4 acre off the grid retirement project just got yet another inspirational boost! keep on with the innovations and keep looking for ways to harness all of the energy from your labors! you mentioned an underground segment for your exhaust....have you considered a cistern filled with stone for thermal mass and used oil (veggie or motor) as the transfer medium? you can store heat in the cistern for days at relatively high temps. (400-500* range) and then harvest it through exchange as needed..
Bravo my friend! Well done! W as jumping around when you got the truck going. And I was just as excited to see the homestead operate on the gasofied gen. Excellent work! ~Wolf
I think you are way ahead of me. I trying something on a much lower scale. Same idea but way smaller. Im basically just trying to run my house 120v items. Mainly the fidge, freezer, small window unit ac, and lights for emergency use.
I love your place and the work you've done with it...I wish I could find an affordable place out in the country like that! I live on a small lot with a decent home and hope to use some of your ideas to modify it for emergencies and auqaponics, thanks for your videos.
@jimhuntermj21 Yep its loud. No muffler, no building. I had to prove it would all work and now onto silencing. I didn't want to bury it so now its time for a buried exhaust and a baffled , louvered flow of air. I will be pointing the fan towards 200 acres of dense woods. The muffler for this thing is so big and heavy that I need to mount/ hang it from the building and then I will duct that exhaust under ground. I needed the 20 kw to run the machine shop and welders plus the house.
It's not only a awesome day, it's allso a awesome installation! Im acually realy impressed! The only drawback is the noise. Make it less noisy and you get 10/10 points :)
@PatriotEke emergency heat strips in my airhandler/heat pump ( when they come on they pull ~ 10kw !!!! ) I could run them if it was a gradual increase but when they come on the gasifier cannot produce enough gas quick enough to meet that demand.
awesome is not the word man. that is great in a lot of ways. tons of info and it helps to prove some of the suppression of technology that relies us on other garbage. God bless you and your family
When going off grid, I know that the red and black wires main switch has to ne turned to the off position. But what about the white common wire ? After turning off the main and thus going off grid, when I connect my generator to the house, is there still a danger that electricity could travel thru the white wire and potentially injure a lineman ?
@DeleteMeOnline All I know is that it is to our local codes so in case I decide to net meter this baby I should pass their inspection. My power company will allow 100Kw a day ( 5 hr run for me) to be dumped on the grid. I just want to get a nickel back each month form the power company but also be able to have electricity any time I need it.
Man love what you’ve got going here! I’m jealous! Something to keep in mind, since the power grid is synchronous and you’re running an AC gen, you’d likely need a huge rectifier and an inverter before they let you connect it. Whatever you do don’t connect an AC gen directly to the grid because if they are out of phase there will likely be major damage to your generator.
Wood is a solar storage cell. Great test and along with your other accomplishments, including solar, any imaginative person could see your positive contribution; the ability to convert local resources into useful work; especially since the generators, motors, pumps etc. are already manufactured. .
Good call on the wood being a solar storage cell! Deep stuff! Great food for meditation! As a professional arborist, I will be meditating on that sometimes, as I take a break, up in a tree. Gotta have food for thought, since I often don't get down for (physical) lunch....
@@GoingtoHecq The hope is to utilize our resources in a mindful way which I agree is at odds with the greedy nature of most people who don't live with the Earth in a symbiotic fashion.
There are two generators sitting on that pad. The green one is a "gas" fuel genset (most "gasoline" engines can run on gasoline, natural gas, or propane), and there is a blue generator there as well (not running), which is the diesel genset.
@landlockedviking I bought a prototype unit from victorygasworks a year ago. They blessed me with an awesome price and I jumped on it. IT is extremely well built and is all hand tig'd . I have welded a lot of stainless and know there was a lot of hrs put into this gasifier. My system is more than 20 times more cost effective than a 20Kw solar system but I do have to prepare the wood. But I can run it any time of the day rain or shine.
that is awesome. My CR-V solar generator can run a small camp or maybe even a small cabin off gas/electric if backfeeding but the whole farm? you got me beat.
I have a diesel system for exactly that purpose. I usually run it parallel to the grid, but the control is programmed to have grid power intake at zero, when it runs. It runs when I need the "waste" heat for something. I only have an "island" switch if the grid is down... which has not happened during now 4 years of operation. Wood gas would be great but I don't have enough trees on my property to feed it this way.
Good vid like the setup just got done watching more of your vids , Plant a couple acres of poplar and you be set for when you need to run woodgas between your other sources of off grid power
I think people need to realize this stuff is awesome regardless if he is a doomsday prepper. I am skeptical of all doomsday philosophy myself but this man, is living the dream!! I am a fellow prepper, not so much thinking the worlds gonna crash around my ears, I just realized that making your own energy is beneficial and helps avoid being part of a monopolistic society. Don't be so dependent on energy you didn't create or harvest.
This is my goal to power the place with woodgas. Ive bought a couple 500 gallon propane tanks to compress and store the gas where its ready to go any time. Ive got a pair of ford 300 i6 s as well just need a good gen head. Ill get there eventually.
.....you've probably looked into it. For others who are reading anyway :- my understanding is that the propane tanks are rated to 20 atmosphere as a safety margin but never operate at more than about 5 atmosphere cos propane and butane liquify at at those lower pressures easily so that 5 atmosphere can enable storage of 250 volumes of gas or a bit more . Carbon monoxide fuelgas doesn't liquefy at the low pressures so that compression of carbon monoxide to 5 atmosphere stores only 5 volumes of the gas . So 500 gallons is a good practical volume of gas to store at 5 atmosphere , I wouldn't contemplate smaller tanks .The hydrogen that's also produced as a result of moisture in the wood or damp or humid air could be something to look into because hydrogen embrittlement of steel can be a concerning factor .
Shalom Aleichem. I was in Florida 40 or so yrs ago and saw a guy driving down the road in a pickup with a weird contraption in the bed with hoses running over the cab an into the engine compartment. He pulled into a shopping center an I had to ask'em what the setup was and he was happy to show it to me. I was amazed that this contraption was running his vehicle off wood and roadside trash. However at that time fuel was around $0.50 per gallon an it wasn't cost effective. Scoot ahead to now with the price of fuel skyrocketing ($2.90-$3.05 per gallon) around here in Virginia. It'd be nice if you could post the plans in how you built the unit an it's cost. I'd like to build one for my home generator and possibly for my gas truck (have a gas & diesel truck). Ratson haba b'shem YaHuah
Holy cow, even if it runs 50% horsepower on the wood gas, that's enough to handle basic lighting needs for a block of dozens of houses, and 3-4 full homes with refrigeration, central air, the works! My Lister with spark conversion on woodgas will only put about 1400-1500 watts
Great video . I've been thinking about a wood Gasifier myself just need a little more research and time to build it . Old technology in the modern world , good work .
hi engineer775, i know this may sound stupid but did you design and build that gasifier? i have recently built my own and hope to get to your level. i have not got as far as running any motors, working on my filter but i have questions about setup. so far when i try to flare my gas it will only stay lit at low volumes at large volumes i have to use a pilot light to stay lit. i would love to talk to someone with alot more knowledge than i have. if you have the time could you plz help me out?
5:26 is that little over 1.3 Amps? so 120 x 1.3 = 156 watts How high can you load that up before it chokes and stops? Surely that generator can supply a good 5kW?
Thanks Engineer for a great video. Do upi think it would be a good idea to add an NRG reservoir (Battery Bank) to store the produced electricity and take the initial load off the generator?
Great setup! About how much did it cost to get to this point of your system to power everything on woodgas? Have you calculated how long until you breakeven and your setup has paid for itself? I'm just learning about this and am wondering about how much cost is involved so I can have a comparison figure to go by to decide when I can afford to put together my own system.
Wonder what the rating is on the genny running off woodgas, doubt it's the same output as the same genny running on the fuel it was originally designed for.
God bless you ❤ Thank you for that impressive video. Not sure if you have all the components marked down that you used ? Like generator , gasifier , etc ? Thank you so much
What you mean by emergency strips.. And you should see if your farm will run on the generator for a few days. I'm trying to do the same thing at the farm I live at
Great job! I have been interested in making a steam generator. There's nothing out there for information. I wonder if it has been done? What are you're thoughts on this?
How many pounds of wood do you have to burn per hour to keep the generator running? I am about to build a cabin way back in the sticks, and I need a generator like this
You could build a large enough static gasifier in a shed about 100 yards from ur main property and just bulk the hopper up with a mass load and have ur generator in the shed and try to get a accurate feed for a whole days electric if u needed it also bible the gas thru a water bath with added chemical like dish soap to break the tar up.if using gas to cook on .
@engineer775 I have always wanted to do transfer switch. Can you tell me where you got it? This would allow me to use a non sine wave inverter from a battery bank.. Not sure if you could do this too but when the generator is over producing you could be charging batteries that then run and inverter that feeds back through the same switch after the generator is turned off? But they mention auto switches here and a inverter needs to be a grid tie type but if I am manually off grid who cares right?
Hey...just saw this and thought that if you search for this vid ( Kunzel Wood Gasification ) it would help you understand a little more about wood energy in Europe. Not that everyone should just start to use wood, but having as many sourses for energy as possible is probably the next step towards a better planet.
@KevinDR1987 yes it is possible to store it in a pressure container but it requires a compressor that can handle flammable gas. Compressors used to refill propane tanks would work. a typical air compressor would self destruct because the flammable gas would wash the cylinder wall lubrication down. There is also a possibility of sparks and unintended ignition with an unrated compressor.
Hook up a row of high voltage caps on it.. Go to an HVAC store and get 10, 630 volt 20 uf motor start caps and put those between the generator and the load.. This would help with any lag..
What z the cost of woodmizr generator for power production??all green leaves, wood waste ,even paper waste able to be burnt to produce steam or hot air to give force on turbine or power blades inside the generator
Hey great job. I have a friend who has been building gasifiers since the early eighties. He lives in southern Wisconsin and based on what little I see with your gasifier you did an excellent job. We have a 75k 3 phase generator I hope to hook up to a gasifier by summer, and do a similar set up. As far as being a waste of time or any of the other negative comments I see, don't let them get to you just keep up the good work..
Where in southern Wisconsin?
Contact info for the Wisconsin gasification manufacturer?
You are offering an invaluable service to the people. I've been watching several of your videos the past several days... Thanks for doing what you do! Peace
people who are criticizing your work really need to do some more research on the efficiency of wood gasification.
Wow. I've been daydreaming about a homestead like this, and here it is! This guy actually made it!
you all are missing the point. he is trying to get things in a way where he can get OFF THE GRID> I.E> not depending on the companies to support his homesteed
Well, you'd need parts for the generator for maintenance. Oil.. And an engine on wood gas wears out pretty quickly, since it's dirty fuel. So I guess true off grid living, would be living without electricity, and without a car in the end.
@@Skoda130 I like live by stream run small generator last decades good to go 👍👍
@@Skoda130 Casting aluminum for parts is a cinch
and he is failing.....sory I told the truth.
I like what the guys building for the technology. But most of the people I see doing this haven't really reduced their load necessity.
I mean I could build a solar setup for 2 to 4,000 that would do everything and then some.
A buddy of mine build a system for under $500 that supplied the electricity his trailer needed. And he had a fridge and a computer.
What I'd like to see someone do is use the heat from the biogas reactor to heat one structure. a home or a greenhouse.
And then use the generators liquid cooled access Heat to heat one place with the generator BTUs and exhaust.
And another structure or Greenhouse with the liquid coolant.
Moreover realistically with a below ground geothermal Greenhouse design. There would be almost no energy needs.
The system would essentially Supply a surplus of energy and heat.
Perhaps a biogas production manure digester for excess Heat.
Sorry if I'm having an Urza moment.
I kept looking to see where the wood goes & where the fire was burning but didn't see it. I've never seen anything like this and I'm intrigued. I'd love to see another video where you start by putting the wood into the what ever, lighting it, and so on from the beginning. This is fantastic!
Congratulations on success with the gasifier running the whole show.
Attention tree huggers: What he forgot to mention is that he is using it to charge an electric car and he only uses fallen trees, you can wipe your tears away.
This is what I find so funny is I heat with wood. Some people actually think I cut green trees down for firewood.. Its like nooo.. I find dead trees that stupid bugs or disease or flood killed. Never need to cut green trees.
@@lovetofly32 They don't know s*** they think food cones from grocery store .
@@fishfire_2999 LMAO! Thats exactly what my dad always used to say!!😆😆😆
I think you Caught some of them on the way down.😂
@GoatHollow The condensor unit is outside and the heat strips are in the air-handler inside- I call it a toaster since that is what it looks like a huge toaster oven. Anyway they pull about 10Kw all at once! I am disconnecting them asap! Thanks for watching!
I bet if the the ones in the comments criticizing his work if their from Texas, Oklahoma,Louisiana wouldn't mind to have this right about now. That's a neat way of fueling Sir!
@northernboy68 You are not being rude and I want you to know that I cannot feedback on lines because the transfer switch will not allow me to. It is a make or break switch I got from the power company that is designed for this situation. I have done it all to code and feel confident that no one will get hurt.
I am a carpenter, and the idea of powering a saw mill with the tailing scraps is genius. I hope you use that electricity to power the saws and nailers to make the enclosure : )
Fantastic i had a smile ear to ear when it was running on wood. You did a very nice
job setting up your panels and the generator, once you put a roof over it all that's
left is cutting the wood. I'm very impressed with this setup.
Thank you for sharing it with us.
You sir, are my hero.
Near total freedom from the electronic/oil grid.
And an awesome 'farm name' to boot!
Maranatha, indeed!!!
@infowick Excellent questions!! And you just made another project for me! I use the outdoor boiler to preheat my veggie fuel for the diesel generator but I haven't thought about running a heating zone out to that building. I haven't had a problem starting the wood gas generator on cold days but a lil heat wouldn't hurt. Thanks!
We have a Woodmizer LT40 sawmill that we are trying to figure out how to rig it up to run off of its own wood waste with a gasifier...
That would be really cool!
Apparently would work really well with the units ive seen. It would have to ve extremely dry wood though.
Kudos!! I too am making very slow progress @ getting away from gasoline & the grid (miles to go). Thanks for the encouragement.
That is quite an Accomplishment to be proud of ! A nicely crafted and sturdily built system. What an inspiration! :D
Add a few capacitors on the line to cushion the heavy loads.
Yes, ultracapacitors
Eng775, YOU ROCK! What an awesome set up! Genius combining the fuel source from the wood gas vehicle to run the gen. Thanks for sharing. -FSC
@Iam1uglyguy Since this is the first time loading the generator I do not know the fuel consumption rate. I will be testing and posting a (pounds of wood per Kw/hr ) number after I do a lot of runs. I really can't give you an accurate answer but the rule of thumb is that it takes 3 lbs to produce 1 Kw.
In rural Washington, saw mills, shake mills, furniture makers, all have lots more wood than needed, defects, too short, etc. My neighbor's shake mill also saws figured maple electric guitar blocks, and tosses most of the tree-no market for plain-'hobby wood'. Old growth cedar is sawn into acoustic guitar wood,3/32"-1/8" or??, kiln dried to 5% moisture. 20 % cracks or oozes sap-toss it. He has about 3/4 acre waste pile, everyone is appreciated when they remove any of it.
Tree services + landscapers will often pay to dump perfectly usable logs,(+compost, mulch, orphan plants,) to prepare for next job. Contact them and save them $100-maybe even charge them $20-$25 to give you fuel!
@astrialkil I agree. But there was no muffler on it! Straight Pipe! So obviously this is worse case from the noise level!
Nice job mate. Have you considered charging a battery bank with an inverter? It may overcome the slightly low cycles and abrupt load on the system.
I get the feeling that I stepped into the middle of a series. I would be curious to know how much the project cost beginning to end.
I have a few questions. 1. How large of a chunk of wood can you put in the burner? 2. how long of a burn do you get from a full load? 3. do you have to let it cool down between fillings? 4. issues with gumming up the motor with tar or other things? Thanks.
If you watch MrTeslonian videos he shows you how to capture and refine the tar in the same system to produce oil and gas
A major milestone Engineer! Congratulations.
my 4 acre off the grid retirement project just got yet another inspirational boost! keep on with the innovations and keep looking for ways to harness all of the energy from your labors! you mentioned an underground segment for your exhaust....have you considered a cistern filled with stone for thermal mass and used oil (veggie or motor) as the transfer medium? you can store heat in the cistern for days at relatively high temps. (400-500* range) and then harvest it through exchange as needed..
So would that be for hot water production for actual water usage every day or district heating for the winter or both?
I'm guessing in your scenario this is a heat battery....
@@phillyvoodoo yes, both.
Bravo my friend! Well done! W as jumping around when you got the truck going. And I was just as excited to see the homestead operate on the gasofied gen. Excellent work! ~Wolf
I think you are way ahead of me. I trying something on a much lower scale. Same idea but way smaller. Im basically just trying to run my house 120v items. Mainly the fidge, freezer, small window unit ac, and lights for emergency use.
I love your place and the work you've done with it...I wish I could find an affordable place out in the country like that! I live on a small lot with a decent home and hope to use some of your ideas to modify it for emergencies and auqaponics, thanks for your videos.
@jimhuntermj21 Yep its loud. No muffler, no building. I had to prove it would all work and now onto silencing. I didn't want to bury it so now its time for a buried exhaust and a baffled , louvered flow of air. I will be pointing the fan towards 200 acres of dense woods. The muffler for this thing is so big and heavy that I need to mount/ hang it from the building and then I will duct that exhaust under ground. I needed the 20 kw to run the machine shop and welders plus the house.
Emergency strips on a heat pump? Super milestone Bro. I have gas envy!!!
I have been looking into this, been trying to find the simplest way to do! Appreciate the video
Hey Scott, Great job man. I am still amazed by you. Keep it coming brother.
It's not only a awesome day, it's allso a awesome installation!
Im acually realy impressed!
The only drawback is the noise.
Make it less noisy and you get 10/10 points :)
@PatriotEke emergency heat strips in my airhandler/heat pump ( when they come on they pull ~ 10kw !!!! ) I could run them if it was a gradual increase but when they come on the gasifier cannot produce enough gas quick enough to meet that demand.
Stage the strips at 1.25kw with sequencers. . . Easy enough or still too fast?
awesome is not the word man. that is great in a lot of ways. tons of info and it helps to prove some of the suppression of technology that relies us on other garbage. God bless you and your family
When going off grid, I know that the red and black wires main switch has to ne turned to the off position. But what about the white common wire ? After turning off the main and thus going off grid, when I connect my generator to the house, is there still a danger that electricity could travel thru the white wire and potentially injure a lineman ?
@DeleteMeOnline All I know is that it is to our local codes so in case I decide to net meter this baby I should pass their inspection. My power company will allow 100Kw a day ( 5 hr run for me) to be dumped on the grid. I just want to get a nickel back each month form the power company but also be able to have electricity any time I need it.
Man love what you’ve got going here! I’m jealous! Something to keep in mind, since the power grid is synchronous and you’re running an AC gen, you’d likely need a huge rectifier and an inverter before they let you connect it. Whatever you do don’t connect an AC gen directly to the grid because if they are out of phase there will likely be major damage to your generator.
Awesome video!
Wood is a solar storage cell. Great test and along with your other accomplishments, including solar, any imaginative person could see your positive contribution; the ability to convert local resources into useful work; especially since the generators, motors, pumps etc. are already manufactured. .
Good call on the wood being a solar storage cell! Deep stuff! Great food for meditation! As a professional arborist, I will be meditating on that sometimes, as I take a break, up in a tree. Gotta have food for thought, since I often don't get down for (physical) lunch....
There is still the need to make sure it is used sustainably. Don't want to flatten your entire local forest.
@@GoingtoHecq The hope is to utilize our resources in a mindful way which I agree is at odds with the greedy nature of most people who don't live with the Earth in a symbiotic fashion.
thats not a crazy scene mate. a bit noisy but if it's going to save your life, crack on with it, BRILLIANT ! well done.
I would probably build a block building f
Around the genny to reduce the noise.... but AWESOME nonetheless!!!!
There are two generators sitting on that pad. The green one is a "gas" fuel genset (most "gasoline" engines can run on gasoline, natural gas, or propane), and there is a blue generator there as well (not running), which is the diesel genset.
@landlockedviking I bought a prototype unit from victorygasworks a year ago. They blessed me with an awesome price and I jumped on it. IT is extremely well built and is all hand tig'd . I have welded a lot of stainless and know there was a lot of hrs put into this gasifier. My system is more than 20 times more cost effective than a 20Kw solar system but I do have to prepare the wood. But I can run it any time of the day rain or shine.
Can you store the fumes from the wood gasifier to use at a later date in your generator? Great video by the way!
that is awesome. My CR-V solar generator can run a small camp or maybe even a small cabin off gas/electric if backfeeding but the whole farm? you got me beat.
I have a diesel system for exactly that purpose. I usually run it parallel to the grid, but the control is programmed to have grid power intake at zero, when it runs. It runs when I need the "waste" heat for something. I only have an "island" switch if the grid is down... which has not happened during now 4 years of operation.
Wood gas would be great but I don't have enough trees on my property to feed it this way.
Same chamber.
I will be spreading this video as far and wide as I am able.
During the wagon train era many moons ago that is what they used to burn for cookfires. As long as they're dry they would work perfectly.
Schematics please. Awesome
Fantastic!! Feb '21 bet a lot of people will pay attention now!👍👍
Lol, I thought the same thing!
Outstanding! And well-done! Sir as always thanks’ for taking the time to make this video! And I support this site. Thanks for the info.
Good vid like the setup just got done watching more of your vids , Plant a couple acres of poplar and you be set for when you need to run woodgas between your other sources of off grid power
I think people need to realize this stuff is awesome regardless if he is a doomsday prepper. I am skeptical of all doomsday philosophy myself but this man, is living the dream!! I am a fellow prepper, not so much thinking the worlds gonna crash around my ears, I just realized that making your own energy is beneficial and helps avoid being part of a monopolistic society. Don't be so dependent on energy you didn't create or harvest.
God's got us, why worry! I agree on the energy we can harvest!
Do you have a video that explains how you got fire wood to run the generator? Would love to see how it works. I plan to do something similar
This is my goal to power the place with woodgas. Ive bought a couple 500 gallon propane tanks to compress and store the gas where its ready to go any time. Ive got a pair of ford 300 i6 s as well just need a good gen head. Ill get there eventually.
.....you've probably looked into it. For others who are reading anyway :- my understanding is that the propane tanks are rated to 20 atmosphere as a safety margin but never operate at more than about 5 atmosphere cos propane and butane liquify at at those lower pressures easily so that 5 atmosphere can enable storage of 250 volumes of gas or a bit more . Carbon monoxide fuelgas doesn't liquefy at the low pressures so that compression of carbon monoxide to 5 atmosphere stores only 5 volumes of the gas . So 500 gallons is a good practical volume of gas to store at 5 atmosphere , I wouldn't contemplate smaller tanks .The hydrogen that's also produced as a result of moisture in the wood or damp or humid air could be something to look into because hydrogen embrittlement of steel can be a concerning factor .
My hat is off to you, sir! CONGRATULATIONS !
Shalom Aleichem.
I was in Florida 40 or so yrs ago and saw a guy driving down the road in a pickup with a weird contraption in the bed with hoses running over the cab an into the engine compartment.
He pulled into a shopping center an I had to ask'em what the setup was and he was happy to show it to me. I was amazed that this contraption was running his vehicle off wood and roadside trash.
However at that time fuel was around $0.50 per gallon an it wasn't cost effective.
Scoot ahead to now with the price of fuel skyrocketing ($2.90-$3.05 per gallon) around here in Virginia. It'd be nice if you could post the plans in how you built the unit an it's cost. I'd like to build one for my home generator and possibly for my gas truck (have a gas & diesel truck).
Ratson haba b'shem YaHuah
Holy cow, even if it runs 50% horsepower on the wood gas, that's enough to handle basic lighting needs for a block of dozens of houses, and 3-4 full homes with refrigeration, central air, the works! My Lister with spark conversion on woodgas will only put about 1400-1500 watts
I would like to run a generator on wood gas; and use that power for a 240v welder, thoughts?
Great video . I've been thinking about a wood Gasifier myself just need a little more research and time to build it . Old technology in the modern world , good work .
hi engineer775, i know this may sound stupid but did you design and build that gasifier? i have recently built my own and hope to get to your level. i have not got as far as running any motors, working on my filter but i have questions about setup. so far when i try to flare my gas it will only stay lit at low volumes at large volumes i have to use a pilot light to stay lit. i would love to talk to someone with alot more knowledge than i have. if you have the time could you plz help me out?
5:26 is that little over 1.3 Amps? so 120 x 1.3 = 156 watts
How high can you load that up before it chokes and stops? Surely that generator can supply a good 5kW?
You sir have my respect. Congrats and thank you for sharing.
Thanks Engineer for a great video. Do upi think it would be a good idea to add an NRG reservoir (Battery Bank) to store the produced electricity and take the initial load off the generator?
Great setup! About how much did it cost to get to this point of your system to power everything on woodgas? Have you calculated how long until you breakeven and your setup has paid for itself? I'm just learning about this and am wondering about how much cost is involved so I can have a comparison figure to go by to decide when I can afford to put together my own system.
Remember generators only last 2 years if run 5 hrs a day.
Wonder what the rating is on the genny running off woodgas, doubt it's the same output as the same genny running on the fuel it was originally designed for.
How much wood does it burn per hour to run the gen set? Do you burn wood pellets or shavings? Or dirty fuel chips like a paper mill?
" HEY ENGINEER 775 PRATICAL PEPPERS " nice truck i learned how to drive with one just like it THANKS-4-GOOD-VIDEO
have you disassembled and seen if there is a build up of creosote within the engine, thanks for the video Mike
God bless you ❤
Thank you for that impressive video.
Not sure if you have all the components marked down that you used ?
Like generator , gasifier , etc ?
Thank you so much
Are there plans on line to build the wood-gas generator? Thanks, Dave
absolutely. as long as the engines are gasoline based.
What you mean by emergency strips.. And you should see if your farm will run on the generator for a few days. I'm trying to do the same thing at the farm I live at
are you going to build another wood gas genrator just for the power system ,or just use the one on the truck universaly
Great job! I have been interested in making a steam generator. There's nothing out there for information. I wonder if it has been done? What are you're thoughts on this?
how many cu ft of wood per day
Hey...great work... More people need to learn these ideas...woodgas was used extensively after and during ww1 and ww2
I'm just curious as to know if that gas generator would run on bamboo. It would be so sweet if it could in a financial and logistics view.
Do you have to constantly adjust the valves due to fluctuations in wood and heat compacities? If so could you modify a pellet stove off this?
You need an AVR that operates for the voltage
I can't imagine having to listen to that all day.
Your me is Hollywood, In a SHTF , you're extinct pm day 18.am I giving him too much survival time guys?
Once he builds the bldg. around it he will knock an easy 50% or more if he does it right.
I need ti know more about the gasifier then the generator, HOW MUCH WOOD DOES IT TAKE PER HOUR.
excellent set up there. Thanks for sharing with us...
How many pounds of wood do you have to burn per hour to keep the generator running?
I am about to build a cabin way back in the sticks, and I need a generator like this
Looks like a Victory Gasworks unit
You could build a large enough static gasifier in a shed about 100 yards from ur main property and just bulk the hopper up with a mass load and have ur generator in the shed and try to get a accurate feed for a whole days electric if u needed it also bible the gas thru a water bath with added chemical like dish soap to break the tar up.if using gas to cook on .
@engineer775 I have always wanted to do transfer switch. Can you tell me where you got it? This would allow me to use a non sine wave inverter from a battery bank.. Not sure if you could do this too but when the generator is over producing you could be charging batteries that then run and inverter that feeds back through the same switch after the generator is turned off? But they mention auto switches here and a inverter needs to be a grid tie type but if I am manually off grid who cares right?
Hey...just saw this and thought that if you search for this vid ( Kunzel Wood Gasification ) it would help you understand a little more about wood energy in Europe. Not that everyone should just start to use wood, but having as many sourses for energy as possible is probably the next step towards a better planet.
thanks, where is a good place to get plans for a wood gassifier
how long does your gasifier run on a load of wood chips?
@KevinDR1987 yes it is possible to store it in a pressure container but it requires a compressor that can handle flammable gas. Compressors used to refill propane tanks would work. a typical air compressor would self destruct because the flammable gas would wash the cylinder wall lubrication down. There is also a possibility of sparks and unintended ignition with an unrated compressor.
Do ya have creek near by for additional power source
Hook up a row of high voltage caps on it.. Go to an HVAC store and get 10, 630 volt 20 uf motor start caps and put those between the generator and the load.. This would help with any lag..
so you did all that just in case?
Can you run a household gas stove on the gasifier?
Will it run your well pump and hot water hearer?
What z the cost of woodmizr generator for power production??all green leaves, wood waste ,even paper waste able to be burnt to produce steam or hot air to give force on turbine or power blades inside the generator
very very cool indeed,hope you get the value from this,you certainly put in the hours.thank you for the video
Hello where can I get plans to run a diesel engine it is a 7.3l idi from the early 90s? And I'm trying to run a farmal super c and super a of woodgass