Aug 7 Wed - Why do I always want to have more?

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Aug 7 Wed
    Why do I always want to have more?
    Due to original sin, we all have a disordered desire for earthly possessions.
    Our life on earth is a journey towards love: love for God and love for all souls, whom we want to bring closer to God. However, because of original sin, our human will tends to prioritize self-love and seek personal satisfaction in material possessions, even if it goes against God's will.
    When our attraction to material things is properly ordered and controlled by reason, it can serve to meet the legitimate needs of human nature.
    However, often under the guise of these needs, we start desiring what is not appropriate. Therefore, we must always be cautious of the tendencies that can separate us from God. This is particularly important in today's society, where many people associate happiness with the use and enjoyment of material possessions.
    St. Josemaría wrote, "The battle we face is within ourselves, the battle of our passions. A vigilant soul constantly fights against occasions of sin or anything that weakens faith, erodes hope, or debases love. Let us not forget that sin, which the old theological masters defined as turning away from God and turning towards creatures, begins to infiltrate the soul through disordered attachments and a tendency to indulge in the pleasures of this world, to the point of forgetting about God and our purpose in life.
    Nowadays, there is a widespread tendency to make everything revolve around man. We live in a materialistic environment that disregards man's transcendent vocation and cruelly stifles the freedom of the individual or at least confuses freedom with permissiveness, all the while commercializing human desires. It is disheartening to see masses of people allowing themselves to be dictated to by a few individuals who impose their own doctrines, myths, and a completely secularized ritual."
    "We must fight against this tendency with the resources of Christian doctrine, through persistent and global catechesis..."
    "Remember that the internal struggle cannot be reduced to mere human asceticism. It is the natural consequence of the truths that God has revealed about Himself, our human condition, and our mission in the world. Without this internal battle, without sharing in our Lord's Passion, no one can truly follow the Master. Perhaps that is why we are witnessing this shameful stampede. Many people seem to think they can lead a purely worldly lifestyle while also following Christ - without the Cross and without suffering. However, this is only possible by fundamentally altering the message of our Redeemer, because a disciple is not above his Master; a disciple of Christ must be ready to deny oneself and lose one's life for the salvation of others."