What kind of Muslim they are it's not peace be upon him it's not Christian where u can convert the language it's صل اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلّم and no matter where ever u born what ever language u speac Namaz many Days and the blessing on Prophet saty in Arabic language😠
@@funjoyknowledge3304In prophet's time, he has not changed any convert's name unless it is against thauheed. Some names like Abdul Kaaba ( slave of kaaba) were changed.
Tbh, I never hated Islam, but I must admit I knew nothing about it. And after reading and studying it, I saw in my heart that Islam has what I believed from forever. But knowing Muhammad life was a key change, and now I'm going towards my shahada
Islam has a PR problem. It is attacked and depicted very negative everywhere. The rich gulf nations that swim in blood and oil money should do one thing for Islam, and that is financing quality media, like movies about Islam and the prophet Mohammed saws so the masses so they can know of Islam from its own sources, instead of political and media sources. Movies are easy to digest for the masses, and if the interest kicks in, one might be interested enough to pick a book or two and actually read about Islam. But instead, these rich gulf countries throw away their bloodmoney and oil money in nonsense.
I just converted from a Christian to a Muslim today! May Allah work in our hearts Edit: it’s been over a year since I made this comment and a lot of people have been asking me how I have been. Alhamdulillah I am still a Muslim, and I don’t plan on being anything else. I’m doing great right now and I have gained so much knowledge over the past year, and I’m becoming a better Muslim as the time goes by. May Allah bless you all
I just cried hearing his story. I am born Muslim, but I can admit that people who revert to Islam taste its sweetness and beauty more than people who are born muslims, Subhanallah.
exactly it doesnt matter if youre born muslim or not we all have to find islam ❤️ subhanallah thats a humbling thing for us cuz otherwise there wouldnt be as much reverts because they would never be ‘good enough’
*Who explains to us why the Koran says Christians believe God has a biological son!* To all Muslims! Son of God means NOT SON! What is called the son of God is the word of God = god himself! Which has nothing to do with a child (son)! Thus, the Son of God is incarnated as the human Jesus and the human Jesus is therefore referred to as a son, which does not mean a son!
Hebr 1,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, *by whom also he made the worlds;* as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
My sister converted to Islam and asked to to do Ramadan with her. And just by doinh ramadan I can already feel a change in my soul. Inshallah I will become Muslim one day.
Dear read my comment carefully. If U really want to find the right path then first of all delete your all memories about other religions and then read the life of Prophet * Muhammad (PBUH ) and then must read the Quran * and then compare it with any religion you want . you will definitely find the right way inshallah. ❤
@@emmaschmidt4774 I don't want a god that grew in the uterus of a woman. I don't want a god that forgives every sin and i don't want to read a book that says that Eva ate the fruit first and than gave it to Adam. I don't want a god that dosn't care if i cover myself with a hijab or don't. I want Justice, i want rules and i wanna pray, fast and cover myself. If you are happy with your religion than i'm happy for you. It's just not mine and thankfully Allah ta ala guidet me to Islam. Allhamdullilah
This is actually in the Quran not his word . And that’s the ayah from the holy Quran. ﴿أَفَلَم يَسيروا فِي الأَرضِ فَتَكونَ لَهُم قُلوبٌ يَعقِلونَ بِها أَو آذانٌ يَسمَعونَ بِها فَإِنَّها لا تَعمَى الأَبصارُ وَلكِن تَعمَى القُلوبُ الَّتي فِي الصُّدورِ﴾ [الحج: ٤٦] 46. Did these people who reject what the Messenger (peace be upon him) brought not travel in the land, to see the remains of these destroyed cities, so that they would reflect with their minds to take heed and so that they would to accept their stories to learn from them? It is established that blindness is not blindness of eyesight, but rather the blindness which is destructive is blindness of insight, where such a person does not reflect or take lessons . -------- This is another translation: 👇 46) So have they not traveled through the earth and have hearts by which to reason and ears by which to hear? For indeed, it is not eyes that are blinded, but blinded are the hearts which are within the breasts.
I’m a Latin American person living in the USA , I was born into a Christian family like most Latinos , at the beginning when I found out about Islam I thought was a crazy religion full of crazy people , until one day on UA-cam playing random videos while I was at work , the call for prayer sounded through my headphones and my body got paralyze , to me was the most amazing thing ever heard in my entire life , I didn’t even know what It was or what was this person saying , but it brought me a peace that I never experienced, at night when I got home I came straight to back to investigate what was this about , it took me weeks of research because like I said I didn’t know anything about Islam , until one day I decided to go to a mosque and take my shahada , I won’t lie I was afraid of been rejected because the fact I was latino , but the brothers made me feel like a part of a big family , it’s been 4 years since I reverted and I’m a happy proud Colombian Muslim .
My search for islam started with me watching islamophobic content from Christian apologits like David wood, Nabeel Quareshi... when I was about 14-16....but when I got older and started questioning things, I started watching content from the other perspective and SubhanAllah it made so much sense. I took my Shahada in November 2022 and may Allah keep my heart firm on this Deen! I started off disliking Muslims, but little did I know the plan Allah had for me...Allah is the Best of Planners indeed. Sometimes I feel like crying...I don't who will read my comment but may Allah bless you my brothers and sisters and may we meet one day in Jannah InshaAllah!!!
Why are you still so unfufilled and unhappy if islam is true over Christianity. Research your faith, do not let society and family stop you from following the Truth!
I reverted 2009, when i was secondary school, my parents started suspecting, i lied to them, until i finished my school, 2015 i was kicked out of my home for the same reason of being muslim, but alhamdulillahi no we are getting along, on 23rd of dec this year will be my wedding day, pray for me
I was born in a Hindu family and i grew up as a Hindu. i accepted islam in 2020. I can now confidently say that i feel more motivated and happier than ever after accepting islam ❤
I was a christian. 5 years ago when I was in 9th std I converted to islam...my family is still christian..I haven't told them yet... I'm a secretly practicing muslim... I hope someday I'll reveal it to my parents afte settling in my life...
Inshallah you will be able too tell them without facing any problems. And I want to congratulate you at converting at such a young age, it's an amazing thing Mashallah
I recommend telling your family that your muslim, because then you would feel relieved. Imagine your parents wont have a problem if your loving men (at least i do think your men), but have a problem you being muslim. You can even explain why and stuff, but i heard that in islam it aint like that good to keep a secret like this, it mostly depends, but in a case like this its better to tell. I was born into islam, but I wonder how it feels like if you convert to islam. just tell them theyre the ones who raised you
@@yaraidk No, you should never tell this to your parents unless you become financially independent. Also, the problems it might bring could also be greater than the relief you would feel after telling them this.
Subhanallah, I'm also a reverted religion from Christianity to Islam , and I'm so grateful to ALLAH for guiding me this perfect&monotheistic religion , alhamdulillah
@@fedesetrtatio1 When you're talking to a Christian.. Q: Who is God? A: Jesus Q: Is Jesus the son of Mary? A: Yes, Q: Who is God? A: Jesus God Jesus was born from the mother he created (Mary) Q: Is Jesus a born son? A: Yes, Q: Who is his father? A: God Q: Who is God? A: Jesus God Jesus is the father of God Jesus and the creator of the mother he was born from hes the son of his wife Q: Is Jesus the servant of God? A: Yes, Q: Did Jesus die on the cross? A: Yes, Q: And for whom did he go up? A: To God God Jesus was crucified & ascended to God Jesus Q: Is Jesus a Messenger? A: Yes, Q: Who sent him? A: God Q: Who is God? A: Jesus God Jesus was the messenger of God Jesus. God sends himself as a Messenger of himself Q: Did Jesus pray when he was alive? A: yes, Q: Whom was he praying for? A: For God Q: Who is God? A: Jesus God Jesus worships God Jesus himself Q: Does God have a beginning? A: No Q: So who was born on December 25th? A: Jesus Q: Who is God? A: Jesus God Jesus is eternal before everything but he was born in 25th Dec Q: Where is God? A: In heaven Q: How many Gods are there in heaven? A: God is only one. Q: Where is Jesus sitting? A: He is sitting on the right of God. Q: Is Jesus a God? A: Yes Q: So how many Gods are there in heaven? A: Only one God Q: Where is Jesus? A: He is sitting to the right of God. Q: So how many gods are there in heaven? A: Only one god. Still Q: Is Jesus a God? A: Yes Q: So who many seated gods are there? A: Only one God? Q: Where is Jesus? A: He is sitting next to the god. Q: How many gods are in heaven? A: Only one. Q: Are they sitting on the same chair? A: These words are understood only by the one who has the holy spirit. God sacrificed God to God in order to save God's creation from God. God prayed to God for help but God didn't help God, and God killed God with help from humans. And that God is a father of himself and the mother of himself and the son of mother he created at the same time. He is also eternal but his birthday is...
@@fedesetrtatio1 we aren’t worshipping a man made god. We’re worshipping the one and only creator ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 All what you said wasn’t true and there was no proof. Go get a verse from the Quran that says that or keep your mouth shut. “ when I was studying Islam” nah you never did.
I was an atheist all my life and I used to hate Islam. The ultimate expression of Allah's mercy was to open my heart to Islam, despite the hatred, despite the rejection Islam caused me, I thank Allah who gave me the strength to be humble before Him.
Not necessarily you have to have many wives. Also, Quran teaches that if you cannot do justice with all the wives, do not marry more than one. Most Muslims have only one wife. It's mostly a cultural thing to have more than one wife. Read the Quran, you'll get a more clear picture. And did you not listen what brother Joram said about other prophets. May ALLAH guide you/
I was Christian for 26 years and I reverted to Islam last 2018. I'm a muslimah for almost 5 years now. Alhamdullilah. I will live and die as a muslimah. This religion gave me direction, peace and happiness. Taught me how to be patient and let me see life and after life in a different perspective that I didn't find before becoming a muslimah.
Damn that’s cool and really nice to hear. I’m 17 and getting into it now these last 3 days. Got any tips for me haha? Also, you ever heard of youtuber Hamza? He is also reading the Quran and stuff as his family is Muslim. I really like him and have been watching him for a while. He is a really good youtuber (He does self improvement).
@Daniel Sung Salaam brother. May Allah continue to guide you. I'd suggest searching up Mufti menk who has amazing guidance videos. Also if you like debates etc. Watch Dr Zakir Naik or Muhammad hijab. ❤️ 🤲🏻 Ramadan Mubarak to all. May Allah forgive alll our sins and continue to do right until the day we leave this dunya.
@Darcy Lea For starters, one shouldn't be blasphemous towards another religion. I'm not going to go into a huge debate etc with you because frankly I don't have time and each to their own grave. However, in the bible it states that God is eternal yet you say 'jesus' apparently died for your sins. How can Jesus be God then? A bit of a contradiction. Jesus was a prophet and he did not die on the cross. He was taken to heaven alive. There was a really old Bible found a while back that kind of said the same thing. The bible has been changed over the years. Peace & blessings to all 🤲🏻
I'm a converted muslim from hinduism to islam, and every time I watch a revert podcast, I feel my decision was absolutely right and feel so proud to be converted muslim !! Asshadu allah ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna muhammadur rasoolAllah♥️
@@Yes-u5x Thats taking it out of context. It means planner that verse says planner. but some evil kafirs decided to take it all out and relate it to a synonym called it deceiver. lmao Jesus was just a man like me and you. He said only God knows the hour neither the son nor the spirit. Your God is one. not 3 bro.
As a revert i had a similar experience. I didn't know much of Islam until i went to college. It was hard for me to tell my family who are Christians that i was Muslim but Alhamduillah when he mentioned that people should read the life of Prophet Muhammed(pbuh) i cried. What an incredible story.
@@proudhindugirl4115 These all have explanations that you can find online, for example: #1 she wasn't that young it's been debunked #4 physicality is only allowed in extreme circumstances, say if a wife tries to hurt her children #5 is about Muslim soldiers who would leave Islam and relay information to enemies and get the Muslims (who were fighting the evil pagans who enslaved people and so on) #6 isn't saying women in general are devils, it's just saying that the devil can take on the form of a woman and lure men into cheating...
@@azam3404 ab tumne kabhi Quran aur Hadith nahi padhi toh main kya karu lol ro baith kar... Kafir nark mein jalenge... Nafrat tumhara Quran sikhata hai mere bhai 🙂
I am Christian. My son just told me that he reverted himself to Islam. I was shocked, just because I was wrong in my beliefs. After his logical explanation, I was interested in what Quran says and started to watch videos..... and I really believe that's what I believe, myself too. It's reality. The world should be much purer with Muslims beliefs. Witnessing where the world is heading to, I'm thinking to revert too. I would feel closer to God.
Mashallah, May Allah bless you and help keep on the right path (Sirat Mustakeem), and I agree Islam is a wonderful religion. The religion of Adam up until the last Prophet, Muhammad Peace and Blessings Upon Him. Many people's ignorance about the religion in the West stops them from becoming Muslim, also on many occasions they end up confusing the people portraying a bad image with the religion itself. If all Muslims followed the Quran and the Sunnah as their way of living, this planet would be waaay more peaceful and coherent. May Allah Bless you and Barak Allah Feek
@@Vyansya hi there. No major update. Let me tell you this. I’ve never been a church guy, but I am the one who’s praying every single evening and sometimes during the day too. Well, I just stopped doing the cross when I pray. As I said. I believe just in one GOD. Also my son insist to convert to his (new) religion. What can I say?… I totally believe, but I think (as I told him too), I am too old to be able to make major changes in my life style. I eat pork when I have, I drink a beer or two (even I never get drunk, because I find it disgusting), etc. But I have a question for you. Do you think if I convert (revert) to Islam…. and I still continue to eat pork or drink a beer, is a bigger sin than it’s considered now?
I’m really enjoying this interview! My upbringing was Catholic, but at 16, I converted to Christianity. By the time I turned 25, I began to question my beliefs and ventured into New Age practices and occultism. Now, at 34, my quest for truth has intensified. I’m reevaluating the Christian doctrines instilled in me, exploring different denominations, and contemplating the rift between Cessationists and Continuationists. Recently, a dear friend from Pakistan gifted me a copy of the Holy Qur’an, and it’s been a profound journey of discovery. Engaging with it has prompted me to dive deeper into introspection and reexamine the beliefs I’ve held. 💯
Allah says "O MANKIND, EAT from whatever is on earth [that is] LAWFUL AND GOOD and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, SATAN IS to you a CLEAR ENEMY." Satan only ORDERS YOU TO EVIL and IMMORALITY AND TO SAY ABOUT ALLAH WHAT YOU DO NOT KNOW" Qur'an Majeed 2.168-169
Why are you still so unfufilled and unhappy if islam is true over Christianity. Research your faith, do not let society and family stop you from following the Truth!
@yusu messiah your understanding of Islam is totally wrong, 90% of the questions are not related to islam, and shows that you don't actually know about it, i would suggest to change your sources. like for example question 22... just asking such question totally shows your knowledge about the quran and islam. just read the quran read more about islam from a reliable source. and while reading from the quran you have to check the real unchanged arabic quran for meanings hope you the best
@yusu messiah excuse me brother,but Islam doesn't allow prostitution , how u even came with it ,???? Also which verse is incomplete???? Perhaps u didn't understand the translation. Read original version
I find these types of experiences of converts to Islam more useful to those who are already Muslims. The experiences and the internal mental struggle they came through during their journey give more insights into Islam that Muslims themselves may well be unaware of. Thank you brother Joram.
@@Yes-u5xAyah al-Imran (The Family of Imran, The House of Imran) 3:54. And the disbelievers made a plan ˹against Jesus˺, but Allah also planned-and Allah is the best of planners. And they [the unbelievers] plotted [against Jesus] but God caused their schemes to fail, for God is the best of all plotters. . . . You people always doing hard to stop and manipulate islam, but let me tell you , it's your misunderstanding that you will misguides people by wrong translations. , half cuts ayats. , and self made things, , You should read the full verse , the actual translation , and Quran is not the words of man , these words are of our Creater Allah Almighty , and you better research on it before showing your ignorance , and i will suggest you to watch Dr Zakir Nayek and your all doubts and question will be solved
I became Muslim 12 years ago in the midst of reading the Dutch politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s books, alhamdulillaah. I’m from a practicing white Christian American background. Islam is the greatest gift I’ve ever known.
Islam is the way for humans regardless of what era you was born, we are the nation of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, its the last message till the end of time and the Quran is our miracle and it makes sense because now the world is connected like never before so Allah from his mercy has promised in the Quran that he will preserve it and protect it till the end alhamdullah as muslims we love all the prophets
@@Yes-u5xseems like you got your Islamic degree from Walgreens University. Qur’an 3:54 is وَمَكَرُواْ وَمَكَرَ ٱللَّهُۖ وَٱللَّهُ خَيۡرُ ٱلۡمَٰكِرِينَ (54) And they [i.e., the disbelievers] planned, but Allāh planned. And Allāh is the best of planners. But nice try. And hey thanks for reminding me of that beautiful ayah it’s the one that fits perfectly in my original comment to support what I was saying 🌹
@@Yes-u5xWhat you’re saying makes no sense but if you are insistent on not opening your eyes you will not see. As Muslims we love and revere Jesus but we know that he is a prophet God sent to mankind, not God himself. We also know that on Judgment Day, the people that worshipped Jesus he will tell God, I am free of these people I did not tell them to worship me, I told them to worship you. Just because you’ve been told something your whole life doesn’t mean it’s true, nor does it mean you can’t investigate truth for yourself. Ask yourself, “how can God be 3?” “Why does God need me, who am I that God needs?” “Why would someone die for my sins- let alone God?” “Why would GOD lower himself into human form that defecates and needs sleep and food just to…..to what? Die for mankind????” Come on. How does any of this make sense? I’m happy to send you an English translation of the Qur’an as wherever you are getting your information from is not it babes. Be careful about switching up the Qur’an like you did, absolutely nothing good will come from it
I reverted from christianity to islam a month ago, I'll pray for you, may Allah make it easier for you sister/brother! you have 2.1 billion brothers and sisters!
I used to be a hindu then became an atheist but neither hinduism nor atheism made any sense to me. Researched thoroughly, found the truth and accepted Islam, Alhamdolillah !!!!
Surah 5:33 Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and spread mischief in the land is death, crucifixion, cutting off their hands and feet on opposite sides, or exile from the land. This ˹penalty˺ is a disgrace for them in this world, and they will suffer a tremendous punishment in the Hereafter.1 Surah 65:4 As for your women past the age of menstruation, in case you do not know, their waiting period is three months, and those who have not menstruated as well. Quran 9:29 Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, nor comply with what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden, nor embrace the religion of truth from among those who were given the Scripture,1 until they pay the tax,2 willingly submitting, fully humbled. Quran 4:34 Men are the caretakers of women, as men have been provisioned by Allah over women and tasked with supporting them financially. And righteous women are devoutly obedient and, when alone, protective of what Allah has entrusted them with.1 And if you sense ill-conduct from your women, advise them ˹first˺, ˹if they persist,˺ do not share their beds, ˹but if they still persist,˺ then discipline them ˹gently Rifa`a divorced his wife whereupon `AbdurRahman bin Az-Zubair Al-Qurazi married her. `Aisha said that the lady (came), wearing a green veil (and complained to her (Aisha) of her husband and showed her a green spot on her skin caused by beating). It was the habit of ladies to support each other, so when Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) came, `Aisha said, "I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women. Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes!"
It is very easy to refute Islam! Because the God of Islam does not know that according to Christianity God incarnated True love = the love of God! *God himself went to the cross for you out of love for you as a human being* Philippians 2:5-8
I took my shahadah when I was 23 years old 10 years ago on April 2014 on Ramadan. I was blessed to have a god father who was a Muslim and he guided me to Islam. Growing up, I used to always wonder what will happen after we die, and what is the true purpose of being alive. Was it to earn lots of money, take care of family and die? My parents were Chinese and the thing I heard the most from them was to study hard, earn lots of money and have a bright future. While growing up, I felt really stressful and in constant worry all the time due to the fear of lack of money for the future. I grow up in an environment where wealth status is everything and it was really stressful. Being a Muslim for 10 years, I can say life has been peaceful and wonderful. My wife embraced Islam 2 years ago Alhamdulilah and we’re having a 6 months old son right now. He is the only born Muslim in the family 😅 Thank you for interview as it inspires me to be a better Muslim and search for greater knowledge in Islam. Just ordered the green book that he mentioned in Shopee 😄
Why are you still so unfufilled and unhappy if islam is true over Christianity. Research your faith, do not let society and family stop you from following the Truth!
It's obvious that the Quran is not the words of God, but the words of fallible men Think about the question below. But first, I will preface the question with a couple points The Quran states that Allah does not have a son. But the Quran also states that Allah is all powerful, so he could have a son if he wanted to because he is all powerful If Allah wanted to, could Allah have a son all by himself? Or would Allah need a mate to have a son? Allah answers this question in the Quran, in chapter 6 verse 101. What's your answer?
I recently converted to Islam. I have never felt more at peace. Soon I will be marrying a Moroccan Muslim woman, and moving to her country. Allahu Akbar!
I'm crying. I felt same. Never considered the Islam for me, 10 yrs religion wasn't even a topic for me. It was one conversation which catched my attention. I asked questions I never got a answer for. I got told to read the holy Quran and I did. I was so exited in night I couldn't find rest. I was reading and lost all my doubts. One week I been struggling with myself. Should I convert? I found no rest, I wanted it so bad. And when I did and I woke up the next morning I felt so relieved, I felt so pure and so protected, like I never felt before. Ik I did everything right.
Yes, you should say your shahada, learn more about life of prophet Mohammad (may there be peace upon him) follow his sunnah as much as you can. We are born to worship only one God ; Allah Subahana Watala.!
It’s true that we are born to worship one God. Jesus is the way, the truth, and life! No one can be compared to His teaching and God’s promises being fulfilled in His physical form, the Messiah who didn’t just preached but died and rose again and His tomb is still empty. Because she’s God
Getting Used to it, every time i watch a westerner become a muslim. on this channel, i do, happiness for them, ( sorry i didnt enough to promote Allah's message, and in awe of how merciful He is. i had a lot of subscriptions on youtube, and today, i felt i need this kick to my faith and youtube didnt suggest any vid from here for a while..so i browsed all the channels in my list. and here I am.. ty for sharing,.. Always touching those stories, May Allah keep us on the right path as long as we live.
I am a born muslim from Bangladesh. The more I hear or read the story of a reverted muslim the more I curse my self for not reading Quran and not practicing islam properly. The truth is, i am learning islam from reverted muslim brothers and sisters. Thank you all and Alhamdulillah...
Brother, don't curse. I'm also Bangladeshi born muslim. Though I read the Quran from my young ages but never understood the meaning and became less attentive in my deen. Now with these revert videos, also videos of Dr. Zakir Naik, Dr Omar Suleiman I'm learning about our beautiful deen, knitting my heart with Islam. May Allah forgive us and always keep us steadfast with His given deen
I am a convert too brother. Subhanallah, Tear comes to my eyes when you are explaining about the first salah and im thinking of my unique moment. Alhamdullillah.
Hello i live in lebanon ...our society is so much entangled. Muslim christians. Many time i think i felt mini calls to become muslim for same reason he said. Plus there was dark forces mmaybe stoppinh any financial blockage which i suspect my doubt in christianity. What book beside qur2an inshould read. The one about his life of mohamad. Can u guide me.
@@Pianissimomusic I'm muslim myself often hear story about the Prophet (PBUH) from the internet/youtube while I'm driving etc, one story that really made me tear up was about The Prophet (PBUH) gave meals everyday to the blind homeless man that mocked him everyday, you can search it up. In my opinion, learn about Him (PBUH) first so you can clearly know why He (PBUH) has been loved for centuries and He is the chosen one.
We are all from different countries but feeling the togetherness of brotherhood...That's the teaching of Islam...Assalamualaikum to all my brothers and sisters..
Me too I was a Born Christian I knew nothing about Islam,I saw Muslims as bad people i was Islam as a bad religion God forgive me. I thought this way because I had no knowledge about Islam I heard what non Muslims said about Islam. But the came a period in my life that I was struggling with my mental health and I really needed God in my life. I ran first towards pastors, evangelist but couldn't find calm. But at that moment i though I had no hope, Islam came to me. at that time I had issues with sleeping and a Muslim friend adviced me to listen to the Quran and SUBAH ALLAH I felt calm in my soul and in my heart. Even though it took me time to become Muslim Alhaduliha I am Muslim will die Muslim ❤🤲
After a Thousand years still Prophet Muhammad (S.) 's History and qualities can convert a man from an Anti-Islam to a Strong believer. What a wonderful Man Muhammad (S.) Was ! How beautiful Islam Is ! Proud to be a Muslim 🖤. You're chosen by the Almighty , that's why he gave you a chance to become a Muslim and be the best version of you in this universe. Lots of love from Bangladesh 🖤
Just wait until he finds out Mohamed married a 6 year old, or when he finds out Mohamed married his own sons ex wife because apparently god told him to, or when he finds out he has to kiss the black stone because apparently it sent down from god lol, or when he finds out Mohamed killed 800 Jews in one day, or when he finds out the all mighty allah has a chin and hands just like humans, am sure he will leave 😂
@@lemonstrangler HEART: used as a metaphor for emotional states, reasoning and other meanings such as the center of places and things or the central point in an argument. There - even though I know you're being a smart-ass, eat the definition so you can say you learned something today.
I was raised Christian for decades when my mom reverted to Islam 10 years ago, and, little by little, she led us to the right path and taught us that there’s only one God, and that’s Allah. And I have never felt so at peace. Forever grateful that Allah chose us to find Islam. Alhamdulillah 🤲🏻
I admit I knew nothing about Islam and I’ve said a lot of horrible things about it that I always regret. I became pagan at age 19 and I’m now 42 I just recently took my shahada. I started reading the Quran and just felt like this is it and as soon as I took my shahada I’ve felt pure happiness ❤
@@2pacc it really does feel like that, I love praying, I love the help I’ve received from sisters at my local mosque I’ve never experienced so much kindness
Whenever I see a new Muslim, I just cry in heart because I feel bad about my sins and my forgetting Salah like a disbeliever, while these new believers are so faithful and trustful to Allah compared to me that I was practicing Islam for my whole life😖 Ya Rabb Maghfirah🤲🏽
@@thornados4969. In Salah we praise Allah, read the verse of the Quran, ask Allah to guide us on the right path and forgive our sins, forgive others and many more.
It is very easy to refute Islam! Because the God of Islam does not know that according to Christianity God incarnated True love = the love of God! *God himself went to the cross for you out of love for you as a human being* Philippians 2:5-8
Be an ex-atheist from Italy proud to be a Muslim for 3 years and inshallah I hope your message reaches as many people as possible 💪 Edit for all the people annoyed and trying to convince me to leave islam know you will waste your time safe
@@scorpyon5501 So you agree that Hadith is fake and so is your Islam, right? Because this is what your hadith says about every new born child... The Prophet (peace and blessings be him) said in a Qudsi Hadith, “Allah Almighty says, ‘I created all My servants hunafa’ (i.e. following the original religion of monotheism), then the devils misled them from their religion and forbade them from what I made lawful for them and commanded them to associate with Me that which I have not sent down any authority for.” (Muslim) The Prophet (peace and blessings be him) also said, “Every child is born with the fitrah, but his parents make him a Jew, Christian or a Zoroastrian.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim) You're not even a Muslim because you yourself don't believe Hadiths... hahahahahahah
Born and raised christian but for some reason I have always considered Islam looking to convert but I don't have guidance just watching videos to learn more ❤
Videos are a good start but also Find local mosques and maybe visit a local muslim store etc to ask for guidance and how to get in touch with the muslim community in your area.
Jesus Christ is Lord God. Cults often like to refer to things like the verse in Matthew 27:46 and as well, Timothy 2:5 to prove that Jesus was just a man. Many Christians struggle with this because they know He is God. These seem to teach that Jesus was only a man, but we know Jesus was both man and God. Look at Romans 1:1-4. If you'll notice, it says Jesus was born according to the flesh. He became a man with flesh and blood Hebrews 2:14. Jesus was the Son of God, which simply means Jesus was God. In John 10:33 The Jews wanted to stone Jesus because they said He was a mere man claiming to be God. Jesus was both man and God. Jesus would not have died a physical death unless He was a man with flesh and blood. He could not have lived a perfect, sinless life unless He was God, like it states in Hebrews 4:15. He was the perfect, holy lamb of God who physically died in order to forgive our sins. With that, when Jesus said Father why have you forsaken me. He was clearly implying that He felt separated from God the Father. This is because He was in the flesh. Isaiah 59:2 says, your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear. 1 Peter 2:24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross. 2 Corinthians 5:21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 1 Peter 3:18 For Christ also suffered once for our sins, the righteous for the unrighteous,to bring you to God. The flesh of God, Jesus Christ, personally took our punishment, was vicariously atoned for our sins in the darkness upon the cross. When that happened, He turned Himself away from His flesh because of all the sin. The full impact of this abandonment was realized by His flesh, resulting in an anguish cry outward, Father why have you forsaken me? In Luke 19:30-31 The Lord God Jesus Christ said, "Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, 'Why are you untying it?' say, 'The Lord needs it.' " And also in John 13:13 The Lord God Jesus Christ said, " You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord', and rightfully so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet." And when people say He did not call Himself God, in fact He did many times. I will give you a few instances. When Moses asks God for His name, so he will have an answer when the people of Israel ask. In Exodus 3:14 God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you." And in Exodus 3:15 God also said to Moses, "Say to the Israelites, The LORD, the God of your fathers - the God of Abraham, the God of Issac and the God of Jacob - has sent me to you". I could go on forever with these examples but I will keep it short and sweet for you. Now looking at Jesus. To start off, In John 4:25-26 Jesus literally states "I AM HE". And in John 6:35 through John 6:51 Jesus clearly states that He is God. Also John 8:12 Jesus clearly states that He is God. Also in John 10:9 Jesus clearly states that He is God. And as well in John 11:25-26 Jesus clearly states that He is God. And so obviously in John 14:6-7 Jesus literally calls Himself God. Also in John 15:5 He clearly states that He is God. Jesus has said many times that He is I AM and explained that He is God in the flesh. Even the demons called Him LORD. So yes, Jesus Christ is Lord God in the flesh. Those who have eyes let them see. Jesus Christ is Lord God. He is the Truth, the Way, and the Life. He is the ONLY key into Heaven. Islam is false religion led by a delusional narcissistic pedophile named Muhammad. And the quran isn't worth its weight in toilet paper. If you do not repent and seek forgiveness from the Lord God Jesus Christ, you will be tortured for eternity while you burn along side your precious Muhammad in Hell. In the name of the Lord God Jesus Christ may your eyes be opened.
I remember the first time I performed Isha prayer, in Arabic, after spending a month learning it properly. I literally had this weird, warm, fuzzy, goosebump-like sensation over my whole body the whole time, to the point that it brought me to tears...but they were tears of joy...i was overwhelmed with a feeling i had never felt before, but it filled every cell in my body with happiness. Al Islam is definitely a difficult path, but it is truly the most wholesome way to live your life🙏
Islam is the easiest way of life my dear brother. But our environment and surroundings make it feel difficult. Be strong stay connected to Allah. He is always there to help you. And listen you and fulfill your prayers and supplications. Be strong Allah is with you promising a beautiful life after this life for you.
@@umarlatif4251 A'salaamu Alaikum brother. I couldn't agree more, I feel that our surroundings are simply part of our test from Allah. When I first declared my shahadah I thought I was in for an easy ride and used to get disheartened when faced with heavy problems (family troubles, life troubles etc). These days (8 years after my conversion), I have come to appreciate the challenges Allah gives me, where at first they seem insurmountable and impossible to overcome, you realise that through faith and prayer, you can pretty much overcome anything and learn a great deal about life and yourself during the process. May Allah keep you for your kind words brother🙏
Part of the Quran being the Literal and true word of God is that anyone who comes in contact with it will be tremendously moved and overwhelmed . It is so convincing that the Quran is the word of Allah Almighty
I'm a born Muslim and I weirdly feel so proud of all of the reverts. You guys should know that you all are inspiration to many including born Muslims like me. May Allah keep us all steadfast on this right path.
Assalamualaikum brother ,there is none like born muslim , even ibrahim as was born to family who pray idols but he has accepted the and submitted to god and thats what muslim is.. submit is what makes us muslim not being born and in todays world many are ignoring quran and its words and just say i am muslim may allah guide everyone and make us remain in path of jannah
It's obvious that the Quran is not the words of God, but the words of fallible men Think about the question below. But first, I will preface the question with a couple points The Quran states that Allah does not have a son. But the Quran also states that Allah is all powerful, so he could have a son if he wanted to because he is all powerful If Allah wanted to, could Allah have a son all by himself? Or would Allah need a mate to have a son? Allah answers this question in the Quran, in chapter 6 verse 101. What's your answer?
@@benrose671 Your argument is flawed. He is all powerful and that is exactly why he feels no need for any children. He isn't like us. He is free from all needs, wants and desires. My answer to your question is Surah e Al Ahad. To be very honest, I don't have time nor energy to argue with you, it's obvious you just want a verbal battle with someone.
@saimaamin5212 It's not flawed at all. Why would you run from a simple question, based on what's written in the Quran? Can you help me understand this serious issue I see with what's written in the Quran? You don't think Allah could have a son if he wanted to? Is he not all powerful?
@@fedesetrtatio1 May ALLAH grant you understanding and guidance. I was born a Muslim. But I am extremely sincere, open-minded, and inquisitive. I would rage when I read somethings. But then the almighty would send me guidance because I would write to Him and cry to Him because I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted guidance. I know your struggles. May you find peace. He is your creator, He designed your fingerprints, He is closer to you than your jugular vein so call Him and He will guide you. And your Lord is with you, He will guide you.
@@fedesetrtatio1 lol read the context of that surah its easy to understand tha way, by the way the bible i read doesn't have the verse of trinity or book of god just changed by someone on my version.
I converted at 18 when I wanted to believe the Bible but couldn’t get answers to my questions, a Muslim brother noticed my name (birth name) Rashib and gave me paperwork and the Quran. All my questions where answered immediately. I’m 47 now Al-Hamdu-Lillah
You were duped into believing. You are misinformed and misguided brother. Jesus is the only way. If you do not worship and follow his teachings, you will go to hell.
*Who explains to us why the Koran says Christians believe God has a biological son!* To all Muslims! Son of God means NOT SON! What is called the son of God is the word of God = god himself! Which has nothing to do with a child (son)! Thus, the Son of God is incarnated as the human Jesus and the human Jesus is therefore referred to as a son, which does not mean a son!
Hebr 1,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, *by whom also he made the worlds;* as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
John 1,1 -3 + 14 confirms the creator of all creation became human! = YHWH! as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
@@Iris-vz1ydHangi dile sahipseniz o dilde bir Kur'an meâli ve Kur'ân tefsiri sipariş verebilirseniz veya bulabilirseniz çok iyi olur sizin için. Ardından da size yoldaşlık yapabilecek ve İslam'ı daha da tanımanızı sağlayacak Müslüman bir çevre edinerek işe başlayın. Eminim ki siz de Müslüman olacaksınız.
Very great interview! I'm half Dutch and also chosen Islam way 7 years ago and don't look back, only going forward and sharing my beautiful memories, I chose Islam because of love and that it's reality, she said to me Islam is beautiful, indeed it is, only if you listen to Allah. Inshallah
Hello i live in lebanon ...our society is so much entangled. Muslim christians. Many time i think i felt mini calls to become muslim for same reason he said. Plus there was dark forces mmaybe stoppinh any financial blockage which i suspect my doubt in christianity. What book beside qur2an inshould read. The one about his life of mohamad. Can u guide me.
@@Pianissimomusic Brother please talk to someone in your local neighborhood mosque, you call them or walk-in and tell them that you are interested in learning about Islam. They will welcome you with open arms.
@Faraz Ali 1. all of the commands or some of them? 2. All of his teachings or some of his teaching? And where are those available? Dear brother, my questions are with genuine concern and so I have no other motive...
@@eunuchpetsu all of the teachings as a God said in Qura'an "enter in Islam completely" If I say "in Qura'an all of teachings are available " you wouldn't believe I'll suggest you search and explore by yourself
"His life was the Quran, He was the living Quran in a way" Masha Allah. You are more Muslim than me born as a Muslim. Very wisely man. May Allah bless you brother.
I grew up in an atheist household. I was never content with the scientific answers I received for my important questions. My whole life I felt like there had to be more to this world, as soon as my mind was open to reading the Quran and I let Allah guide me, I knew Islam was the meaning of my life❤️ I took my shahada 2 days ago and seeing this video today made me cry, I’m so thankful for him Alhamdulillah 🙏🏼x
I was Christian for most of my life but I could never get onboard with worshipping Jesus especially when God was so clear to only worship him. I discovered Islam this week and it’s the first time I’ve felt peace
As we say in Islam, welcome back brother! we are all born with "fitra", so already muslims before coming to this world, but due to the circumstances where you are born, it could lead you to get far from Islam, while there's always a seed inside you (the fitra) asking you to find the water (the word of Allah) to let it grow inside you and relief you
May Allah grant you to be a very good Muslim. It is very important for all of us to know our Prophet Muhammad Mustafa completely. As we learn about his miracles and his life, people become enchanted. Islam is a very perfect and complete religion. Every question has an answer. It is very easy to find these answers. it should be part of our life❤
@@Conn458 Why does Islam attract more converts than any other religion? One major reason is that vIslam says: "refugees welcome" to those fleeing failing liberal social and religious institutions. Let me explain. Liberal secularists promote the idea that their norms for regulating marriage, family, and religion are ideal. Nevertheless, statistical data indicates that wherever a society is governed by liberal secular norms, people stop marrying, having children, and practising religion. Put differently, the liberal is fundamentally a hypocrite - despite what he or she might say, no liberal person is actually interested in being part of a liberal marriage, a liberal family, or a liberal religion. Matters are different when it comes to Islam. Muslims also promote the idea that their norms for regulating marriage, family, and religion are ideal. Moreover, statistical data indicates that wherever a society is governed by Islamic norms, it boosts marriage, birth rate, and religious practice. Put differently, the Muslim is actually interested in being part of a Muslim marriage, a Muslim family, and the Muslim religion. The current era is an era of refugees fleeing from liberalism. Liberal marriage, family, and religion have collapsed. As a result, refugees from liberal societies seek marriage partners abroad, and if they practice any type of religion , it is a non-liberal version whose centers are located abroad. Islam is the most obvious choice for them.
It's hurt me that there are many people don't know anything about Islam We as Muslims should spread this for all people as we could And welcome back my brother in Islam ❤
When he Said " He read the verse of the Quran 22:46 ( Its not the eyes that are blind but the heart) hitted me so hard💔... May Allah Bless U brother...
Do you know heart is also known as Little brain in science. Heart has neuron cells and own nervous system. Human skin remain alive for next day after death.
It's obvious that the Quran is not the words of God, but the words of fallible men Think about the question below. But first, I will preface the question with a couple points The Quran states that Allah does not have a son. But the Quran also states that Allah is all powerful, so he could have a son if he wanted to because he is all powerful If Allah wanted to, could Allah have a son all by himself? Or would Allah need a mate to have a son? Allah answers this question in the Quran, in chapter 6 verse 101. What's your answer?
When he said Quran fell off frm the shelf and the page opened was "its not rhe eyes that are blind its heart that is" bring tears of extreme happiness and love in my eyes ....May Allah bless you brother.....
What a beautiful video! I am a young Christian girl and even though I don't have any thoughts of converting to islam or whatever, I find these videos very interesting and also inspiring for myself, it clears out many misconceptions... I am very happy that all of you became happy by converting! We don't have to agree on everything just to respect each other... What a story! take care!
This interview made me cry. I'm a native arabic, born and raised as a GCC citizen where I can easily access Mecca whenever I want with no visa no restrictions, Allah gave me Islam in the easiest way, yet I'm this remiss !! and this guy took all the effort all these years to find out that Islam is the truth religion and had to collide with the community and with the whole world! May Allah give him strength to stay a Muslim and die a Muslim, Ameen
I felt that too i am from the GCC and i thank God i was born a muslim and never had to suffer to find the right religion or feel lost without a higher power.
True, we take things for granted and get used to the pleasure and lifestyle routine makes us barely feel the prayers (less khushoo')! When he described the praying (salah) i was like oh sometimes we don't feel this way due to the routine and life responsibilities (dunya).. I PRAY WE ALL BECOME AND STAY AS GOOD MUSLIMS.
6 weeks ago I was working on a job with a friend of mine who is a Muslim, I brought up religion and he asked me my religion, (catholic) although I never really practiced it as I found some things in Christianity I struggle accepting, he asked me who I think god is and is Jesus god in human form. I told him that’s my issue that I can’t comprehend properly and the creation of the universe and life. My response was that I internally believe that Jesus was sent to earth from God to spread a message to the people and personally I can’t explain my image of God because I’m not sure as it’s too hard for me to comprehend what Looks like as God can be anything and he could be something from a different dimension, I have no idea at all. He smiled at me and told me I am Muslim because my beliefs are Islamic. A month into my search for God now, many videos down and have just received my Quran and I can honestly say I have always been a Muslim and never known. All my questions now have answers and I feel this gigantic weight lifted from my shoulders, I am relaxed, feel safe, loved, at peace and my general daily fear about everything in life is diminishing and it is so amazing. I am so grateful for finding God, my fear of the future is also declining by the day as I learn more and more about Islam. Islam is incredible. Inshallah from Australia everyone and I hope anyone reading this finds the answers to life as I have and can feel the same warmth I have found in God
What a beautiful story mashallah. I’m a born Muslim but I definitely relate to how Islam quashes your fear of the future and just gives you the deepest peace alhamdulilah
That’s exactly how I felt all my life but I just had no exposure to the religion and our holy book. Subhan’Allah - we knew instinctively what was right all along. It’s actually very beautiful!
I believe a lot of ppl are like you. Not only Christians but from other religions too. They do believe in One God and stuff but really don't know the exact details of him and that is why it is important to talk about Islam. Maybe a lot of ppl would revert to Islam if they study about it but they really don't know about it ☹️
@@emmaschmidt4774 "And because of their (Jews) disbelief and uttering against Maryam (Mary) a grave false charge (that she has committed illegal sexual intercourse)And because of their saying (in boast), We killed Messiah (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), the Messenger of Allah, - but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but the resemblance of (Jesus) was put over another man (and they killed that man), and those who differ therein are full of doubts. They have no (certain) knowledge, they follow nothing but conjecture. For surely; they killed him not (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)But Allah raised him (Jesus) up (with his body and soul) unto Himself (and he is in the heavens). And Allah is Ever All-Powerful, All-Wise" [An-Nisa 156-157-158]
@@emmaschmidt4774"And because of their (Jews) disbelief and uttering against Maryam (Mary) a grave false charge (that she has committed illegal sexual intercourse)And because of their saying (in boast), We killed Messiah (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), the Messenger of Allah, - but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but the resemblance of (Jesus) was put over another man (and they killed that man), and those who differ therein are full of doubts. They have no (certain) knowledge, they follow nothing but conjecture. For surely; they killed him not (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)But Allah raised him (Jesus) up (with his body and soul) unto Himself (and he is in the heavens). And Allah is Ever All-Powerful, All-Wise" [An-Nisa 156-157-158]
I remembered he was one of most hated person by Muslim all over the world because of his anti Islam message. Despite all the death threats, hate that he received, I do believe that time, there are also lots of people who always make dua for Allah to grant him knowledge and light to see the truth. And Allah has answered those prayers.
".. make dua for Allah to grant him knowledge and light to see the truth." The Knowledge: Luke 1:77-79 To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins, Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us, To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. The Light: John 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. The Truth: John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Hebrews 6:4-6 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.@@blinoldluv
Hello paula i live in lebanon ...our society is so much entangled. Muslim christians. Many time i think i felt mini calls to become muslim for same reason he said. Plus there was dark forces mmaybe stoppinh any financial blockage which i suspect my doubt in christianity. What book beside qur2an inshould read. The one about his life of mohamad. Can u guide me.
@@fedesetrtatio1 it would be a waste of time! Why? Because yours is not a blindness of logic and intellect, it is a blindness of the Heart. We can go back and forth and “prove” to each other our convictions with no avail. Continue in YOUR faith and leave everyone out!
@@fedesetrtatio1 We believe in Abraham because of the Quran , Allah mean simply The God. Our proof is the Quran. Islam is the only religion that make sense.
When he said the Quran fell and his finger pointed at the verse that met whatever he was going through, I remembered my own experience. One day my dad was going through a lot of pain and I was very hurt by it, I didn’t know what to do but turn to Allah for help, so I went to pray and I did dua and told Allah to give me patience to go through this. After that I opened the Quran to read. Some of the first verses that I read said “O you who believe! Seek help in patience and prayer. Truly, Allah is with the patient.” and “And certainly we shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss and wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to the patient.” I broke down crying but in happiness this time, because truly, Allah is always with the believers.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW said: "In 3 situations, if you pray dua, it will definitely be accepted: 1) When your body starts shaking. 2) When you got fear in your heart. 3) When you got tears in your eyes." The prophet also said: "Whoever shares this knowledge, he will have a house in front of me in Jannah... ( AI - Bukhari)
Are you saved? Where will you go when you die? Heaven or hell? The Gospel, which means the Good News is the news that God Almighty, the Creator came in the flesh as Jesus Christ to take away the sin of the world. The one God is a trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Son came and laid down his own life to save ours. His sacrifice on the cross paid the price for our redemption with his own blood. On the third day he rose from dead and offers the gift of salvation and forgiveness to those that repent and trust in him. Although God's creation was created perfect, having no death, sickness and disease, the creation became corrupted through Adam and Eve in them disobeying God. In this rebellion the creation became fallen through the curse of sin and mankind became separated from God. This world is fallen, but God offers reconciliation to him through his provision at the cross. Ultimately God will restore his creation to perfection when he returns but those that reject his offer of redemption will remain condemned by their sins and go to hell. John 1:1,14 KJV In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and THE WORD WAS GOD. [14] And THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH, and dwelt among us, 1 John 3:8 KJV He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. Isaiah 9:6 KJV For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty GOD, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. John 1:10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and THE WORLD KNEW HIM NOT.
Took my shahada 23rd November 2018. Before I said I was a Christian because it was all I knew and didn't know anything about Islam but like many Christians, I didn't read the Bible, didn't go to church, couldn't understand the trinity thing and it was just really confusing. Al7amdulillah Allah SWT guided me to the truth. Before Islam I had really bad depression and anxiety but as soon as I took my shahada, it disappeared like a miracle. Subhanallah. Allahu Akbar ☝️
@@GRABA85 of course I have bad days and good days like everyone else but the bad days are much different now. I have an inner strength that comes from trusting in our creator and I never feel dispair, instead, I feel comforted and like everything will be OK. But before my body was in a constant state of anxiety, I had a super high pulse rate and my mind was constantly racing. That's gone completely now :)
I've been reading the Quran and I was talking to a Muslim brother today. He asked if I was a Muslim? I said "I haven't taken my Shahada yet. He said "You never know how much time you have, do it while you can." Then I come across this video and this guy has the exact same birthday as me. Day, month, year, exactly. Wow.
Subhanallah I just love reverts, they not only most interesting people but listening to their journey to Islam its just beautiful and inspiring, its eye opener to those seeking the truth.. alhamdulilah yarab❤❤❤❤❤❤
It's obvious that the Quran is not the words of God, but the words of fallible men Think about the question below. But first, I will preface the question with a couple points The Quran states that Allah does not have a son. But the Quran also states that Allah is all powerful, so he could have a son if he wanted to because he is all powerful If Allah wanted to, could Allah have a son all by himself? Or would Allah need a mate to have a son? Allah answers this question in the Quran, in chapter 6 verse 101. What's your answer?
Hamdoullah I memorized the Qur'an which is the biggest achievement I have done so far in my life. I carried out my graduation research project on Qur'aninc phonology in English studies, major linguistics. I am so proud of myself being a Muslim.
*Who explains to us why the Koran says Christians believe God has a biological son!* To all Muslims! Son of God means NOT SON! What is called the son of God is the word of God = god himself! Which has nothing to do with a child (son)! Thus, the Son of God is incarnated as the human Jesus and the human Jesus is therefore referred to as a son, which does not mean a son!
don't ever misguided into thinking we go into paradise because of our deeds.. nope, its because of Allah rahmah.. Because sahabah of the prophets, they're guaranteed heaven while they're still breathing, but they pray like they're worrying they will go into the flames..
I don’t know how many time I have to watch this video, I like this man and his history 🙏 may Allah guide us. Thanks the channel for all the efforts you do for the benefit of Islam
people who dont learn about islam, and just hear from media that islam is terrorist will believe that islam is terrorist. but people who learn will know that in islam we cannot hurt one another. all in quran is guide to be a better person.
@@seanmolloy9297 You will find out it if you can live to that time. If you read other signs of end time you will surely find similar things happening what was told by the prophet about 1400 years ago. To clear your concern and disbelief i have a little explanation of that hope it'll help you. Gog and Magog was trapped by the King Zulkarnayen. He trapped them with Iron and put Copper above it. And he trapped them between two mountains as far as i can remember. Copper reacts with air and become green over time. So we can't find it maybe because of trees jungle and greenery around us. And they(Gog Magog) try to break this everyday and stop the work when it's almost finished. They expect that they'll finish it the next day and goes to rest. But because of Allah's wish it(trap) becomes like it was before. One day Allah won't wish to make the trap like it was before and they will finally break it and will come out. I hope you find it helpful and to prove my logic you can see the statue of liberty 🗽 in New York, USA. It's made out of Copper and has become slightly green but it wasn't green when it was made and established. Maybe it'll become more green over time but Gog Magog was trapped thousands of years ago so i believe that the copper has become dark green and the environment has changed so much it has completely mixed with greenery or jungle. Or it can be under the surface and do you know that mountains aren't only in the surface it's root or bottom part remains under the soil surface. As I'm not a native English speaker there can be grammatical mistakes on my writing but i tried my best to keep it simple and understandable to you. Asking for your early forgiveness if you find any grammatical mistakes in it.
@@BrewBun @Nuruzzaman Bulbul contributed this garbage! - "You will find out it if you can live to that time. If you read other signs of end time you will surely find similar things happening what was told by the prophet about 1400 years ago. To clear your concern and disbelief i have a little explanation of that hope it'll help you. Gog and Magog was trapped by the King Zulkarnayen. He trapped them with Iron and put Copper above it. And he trapped them between two mountains as far as i can remember. Copper reacts with air and become green over time. So we can't find it maybe because of trees jungle and greenery around us. . I hope you find it helpful and to prove my logic you can see the statue of liberty 🗽 in New York, USA. It's made out of Copper and has become slightly green but it wasn't green when it was made and established. Maybe it'll become more green over time but Gog Magog was trapped thousands of years ago so i believe that the copper has become dark green and the environment has changed so much it has completely mixed with greenery or jungle......" The citizens of Gog and Magog - according to the drivel in the quran - are said to out number us humans by 100X. That means that there must be a TRILLION of them hidden away somehow, somewhere! Who would believe this garbage!??! The water supply alone would be impossible; let alone space, pollution and food supply issues! Again I'll say it. Religion is silly!
@@seanmolloy9297 I dont know about Christianity but it says this in Holy Quran, we call them Yajuj & Majuj evil cannibalistic tribes who used to once roam the earth causing bloodshed and destruction but they're gonna soon be let out by the will of God
That was the most most most beautiful interview of a revert ever!!! Period! He is so articulate well spoken and we can even see the light on his face... pure Noor =) So DIVINE. Congratulations!!!
They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper. Quran 4:89
I had a hardened heart. I knew nothing about the Prophet Muhammed(bpuh). I believe in one G-d, raised in a Protestant/Catholic family. I knew nothing about Islam, and formed my own opinion after 9/11/01, and knew what I was being "fed" by American television. I was a fireman. I worked forty minutes from ground Zero. I considered myself spiritual, but could never find or get answers to my questions regarding faith. I literally had not attended services in years, but prayed daily knowing that G-d protected me, and watched over me in trying times. I started my research on Islam, and read, and read, and read. I am finding more answers to my questions, and have realized that I want to be Muslim. My eyes will never forget what they have seen, but my heart is no longer hardened. This journey has raised questions, but I am finding answers. It has been very emotional, as I pray everyday, adjusting my days and evenings around prayer, not prayer around my days and evenings. I lost my younger brother yesterday. Prayers last evening and today have truly made me feel at peace with his passing. I am grateful for Allah, most gracious and merciful. I am looking forward to Shahada.
Try investigating a bit more on 9/11. There are more and more proofs that it wasn’t as it seamed. In the countrary how could a building fall from a plane? How could a plane pass all the security controls and land there? Etc etc
Dear, The only thing keeping me going on in life is Islam. If it weren't for Islam I would have killed myself a long time ago. I don't know how many times in a day I say Alhamdulillah for the blessing of Islam. I hope you also get strength from Islam brother.
Joram is one of my favorite muslim people right now. He has such a significant voice right now that he, himself, probably don't realize yet. May The Most High bless him
@yusu messiah you have a lot of prejudices and misconceptions regarding Islam. Why don't you take a journey of discovery like Joram did. Read Muhammad's history - get the book Joram suggested. It is a start. The comments section here is inadequate to cover all your queries
I watched a video of this Brother a month before. I saw how much rage and hate he had. But look our Brother right now. Such a calm person filled with Love. Wish you the best Brother🤲 Elhamdulillah❤️
@@soundheart4013 He said "he watched a video a month before" it means that, the video could be uploaded a lot of years ago but he watched it a month before.
I was practicing witch from age 14. Involved in witchcraft and Kabbalah. Then I learnt and learnt and then I came to the truth and light and peace..Shia Islam
Would you like to improve yourself in Islam and be part of the Towards Eternity team?
Why all these conveys don't have an islamic name, which is must. who took there oth!!! And had not changed there name
What kind of Muslim they are it's not peace be upon him it's not Christian where u can convert the language it's
صل اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلّم and no matter where ever u born what ever language u speac Namaz many Days and the blessing on Prophet saty in Arabic language😠
@@funjoyknowledge3304In prophet's time, he has not changed any convert's name unless it is against thauheed. Some names like Abdul Kaaba ( slave of kaaba) were changed.
Sorry pal I'm already there I'm atheist
Tbh, I never hated Islam, but I must admit I knew nothing about it. And after reading and studying it, I saw in my heart that Islam has what I believed from forever. But knowing Muhammad life was a key change, and now I'm going towards my shahada
Let us help you in taking your shahada brother. Reply to this message if you are interested 😊
Welcome brother, Mansha allah 🥰
Islam has a PR problem. It is attacked and depicted very negative everywhere. The rich gulf nations that swim in blood and oil money should do one thing for Islam, and that is financing quality media, like movies about Islam and the prophet Mohammed saws so the masses so they can know of Islam from its own sources, instead of political and media sources. Movies are easy to digest for the masses, and if the interest kicks in, one might be interested enough to pick a book or two and actually read about Islam. But instead, these rich gulf countries throw away their bloodmoney and oil money in nonsense.
MaashaaAllah, welcome brother..
Mashallah sister ❤
I just converted from a Christian to a Muslim today! May Allah work in our hearts
Edit: it’s been over a year since I made this comment and a lot of people have been asking me how I have been. Alhamdulillah I am still a Muslim, and I don’t plan on being anything else. I’m doing great right now and I have gained so much knowledge over the past year, and I’m becoming a better Muslim as the time goes by. May Allah bless you all
Alhumdulillah, may Allah bless you 🤍
May Allah reward you
Welcome to Islam broder ❤ Alhamdulillah
And in the holiest Month of them all, I wish you all the best, from the bottom of my heart. May Allah grant you what you heart desires
I just cried hearing his story. I am born Muslim, but I can admit that people who revert to Islam taste its sweetness and beauty more than people who are born muslims, Subhanallah.
exactly it doesnt matter if youre born muslim or not we all have to find islam ❤️ subhanallah thats a humbling thing for us cuz otherwise there wouldnt be as much reverts because they would never be ‘good enough’
Alhamdulillah, Allahu ekber
u clearly did not study islam the right way by muslim scolars so whatever u say is from your hateful point of view
*Who explains to us why the Koran says Christians believe God has a biological son!*
To all Muslims! Son of God means NOT SON! What is called the son of God is the word of God = god himself! Which has nothing to do with a child (son)! Thus, the Son of God is incarnated as the human Jesus and the human Jesus is therefore referred to as a son, which does not mean a son!
Hebr 1,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, *by whom also he made the worlds;*
as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
My sister converted to Islam and asked to to do Ramadan with her. And just by doinh ramadan I can already feel a change in my soul. Inshallah I will become Muslim one day.
take it slow
Insha Allah. May Allah guides you
Dear read my comment carefully. If U really want to find the right path then first of all delete your all memories about other religions and then read the life of Prophet * Muhammad (PBUH ) and then must read the Quran * and then compare it with any religion you want . you will definitely find the right way inshallah. ❤
May Allah guide you to the best way of life.
I grew up as an atheist and became a Muslima when i was about 19/20 years old. Now almost 20 years in Islam. Best time of my life❤
You will be princess in Heaven
@@fasihuzzaman5483 Barakallahu fikh. May Allah give all of us a beautiful place in Al Firdaus. Amin
@Status Editer Barakallahu fikh. Thank you for your kind words. May Allah blesses you and your family. Amin
True love = the love of God!
*God himself went to the cross for you out of love for you as a human being*
Philippians 2:5-8
@@emmaschmidt4774 I don't want a god that grew in the uterus of a woman. I don't want a god that forgives every sin and i don't want to read a book that says that Eva ate the fruit first and than gave it to Adam. I don't want a god that dosn't care if i cover myself with a hijab or don't. I want Justice, i want rules and i wanna pray, fast and cover myself. If you are happy with your religion than i'm happy for you. It's just not mine and thankfully Allah ta ala guidet me to Islam. Allhamdullilah
"It's not the eyes that are blind, but the hearts." mashaAllah
Exactly truth
The last non muslim that had this experience coincidentally open an ayat that response to his demand for a sign..
سبحان اللہ
This is actually in the Quran not his word . And that’s the ayah from the holy Quran.
﴿أَفَلَم يَسيروا فِي الأَرضِ فَتَكونَ لَهُم قُلوبٌ يَعقِلونَ بِها أَو آذانٌ يَسمَعونَ بِها فَإِنَّها لا تَعمَى الأَبصارُ وَلكِن تَعمَى القُلوبُ الَّتي فِي الصُّدورِ﴾ [الحج: ٤٦]
46. Did these people who reject what the Messenger (peace be upon him) brought not travel in the land, to see the remains of these destroyed cities, so that they would reflect with their minds to take heed and so that they would to accept their stories to learn from them? It is established that blindness is not blindness of eyesight, but rather the blindness which is destructive is blindness of insight, where such a person does not reflect or take lessons .
This is another translation: 👇
So have they not traveled through the earth and have hearts by which to reason and ears by which to hear? For indeed, it is not eyes that are blinded, but blinded are the hearts which are within the breasts.
I was born and raised as a Muslim, but this man is a better Muslim than me. I feel ashamed and motivated at the same time, Alhamdulillah.
In Quran Allah Says- he expects us to keep trying and do our best. So keep making Tauba and keep trying your best!👍
The fact that you get this feeling shows that your heart is pure
@@fineflairart4392 Alhamdulillah my friend. InshaAllah. May Allah bless you.
Great interview. I like how he expressed his prrspective.
Bro what ever u have done its between u and Allah so don't make 3 person a witness of ur Sins..
I’m a Latin American person living in the USA , I was born into a Christian family like most Latinos , at the beginning when I found out about Islam I thought was a crazy religion full of crazy people , until one day on UA-cam playing random videos while I was at work , the call for prayer sounded through my headphones and my body got paralyze , to me was the most amazing thing ever heard in my entire life , I didn’t even know what It was or what was this person saying , but it brought me a peace that I never experienced, at night when I got home I came straight to back to investigate what was this about , it took me weeks of research because like I said I didn’t know anything about Islam , until one day I decided to go to a mosque and take my shahada , I won’t lie I was afraid of been rejected because the fact I was latino , but the brothers made me feel like a part of a big family , it’s been 4 years since I reverted and I’m a happy proud Colombian Muslim .
Hamdulilah good for you brother...
May Allah keep us and you on the straight path
Welcome brother from Afghanistan
@@muhammaddin1357 sending my love to you as well !
Alhamdulillah welcome to the Deen of Allah brother. May Allah keep you and us steadfast upon the Truth
My search for islam started with me watching islamophobic content from Christian apologits like David wood, Nabeel Quareshi... when I was about 14-16....but when I got older and started questioning things, I started watching content from the other perspective and SubhanAllah it made so much sense. I took my Shahada in November 2022 and may Allah keep my heart firm on this Deen!
I started off disliking Muslims, but little did I know the plan Allah had for me...Allah is the Best of Planners indeed. Sometimes I feel like crying...I don't who will read my comment but may Allah bless you my brothers and sisters and may we meet one day in Jannah InshaAllah!!!
We are with you brother. We will meet in Jannah Insha Allah
You most welcome bro
Masha allah
Ma shaa Allah.amiin
I reverted to Muslim Last 8 Months ago Alhamdullillah🥺My tears drops when he said about the Holy Quran Surah 22
May peace be upon you, Gwen
mAsha Allah
May Allah grant you jannatul ferdous
This video actually made me cry !!. Allah guided this person and I pray Allah to guide me and everyone. O Allah, forgive all our sins, Aameen
It made me cry also , but not for the same reasons .!
Why are you still so unfufilled and unhappy if islam is true over Christianity. Research your faith, do not let society and family stop you from following the Truth!
I reverted on 30th March 2023. My parents are against it but I’m trying to explain them. I feel lucky that Allah chose me. Alhamdulillah 🤲🏽
alhamdulilah, Look up the video meaning of life by muslim spoken word, its a very good video to streghen your faith
May Allah keep strong your IMAN, Aameen. 🤲
@@fearfear3716 allahuma amin
Masha Allah, may Allah bless and make everything easy for you. 🤍
@@abdi2.094MashAllah Thankyou for recommending! It helped me alot :)
I reverted 2009, when i was secondary school, my parents started suspecting, i lied to them, until i finished my school, 2015 i was kicked out of my home for the same reason of being muslim, but alhamdulillahi no we are getting along, on 23rd of dec this year will be my wedding day, pray for me
May ALLAH (swt) ease your way, in whatever good things you are doing.
Inshallah Allah will help you
Masyallah, happy wedding day in December 2022
Alhamdulillah 🇧🇩❤️
MashAllah more power to you. You have been through a beautiful path it would have been difficult but MashAllah for your dedication
I was born in a Hindu family and i grew up as a Hindu. i accepted islam in 2020. I can now confidently say that i feel more motivated and happier than ever after accepting islam ❤
Masha Allah, may Allah bless you. 🤍
MaShaAllah borther ❤
That must have been a hard experience for you my Indian brother, you are very brave, respect and may Allah guide you in everything
Masha Allah, barakallahu fiikum
Ok now you can read the quran .When you need Help you can call christian prince he helps you to understand better
What a fantastic and well told story MA!
Allah Guides Whoever He Wills ✨
Indeed ☝️ sister
@ramsha sultan right 👍
what an arbitrary g0d
@@mrsnoo86 what an input! you're clearly so intelligent and not ignorant at all! i so admire you
@@xKamiiii thanks. and no such things as g0d or creator.
I was a christian. 5 years ago when I was in 9th std I converted to islam...my family is still christian..I haven't told them yet... I'm a secretly practicing muslim... I hope someday I'll reveal it to my parents afte settling in my life...
Inshallah you will be able too tell them without facing any problems. And I want to congratulate you at converting at such a young age, it's an amazing thing Mashallah
I recommend telling your family that your muslim, because then you would feel relieved. Imagine your parents wont have a problem if your loving men (at least i do think your men), but have a problem you being muslim. You can even explain why and stuff, but i heard that in islam it aint like that good to keep a secret like this, it mostly depends, but in a case like this its better to tell. I was born into islam, but I wonder how it feels like if you convert to islam. just tell them theyre the ones who raised you
May Allah help you
You must come out, allah is with you!
@@yaraidk No, you should never tell this to your parents unless you become financially independent. Also, the problems it might bring could also be greater than the relief you would feel after telling them this.
Subhanallah, I'm also a reverted religion from Christianity to Islam , and I'm so grateful to ALLAH for guiding me this perfect&monotheistic religion , alhamdulillah
Masha Allah.
@@fedesetrtatio1 no body can because trinity was, in and forever will cause confusion
Masha Allah 😊
@@fedesetrtatio1 When you're talking to a Christian..
Q: Who is God?
A: Jesus
Q: Is Jesus the son of Mary?
A: Yes,
Q: Who is God?
A: Jesus
God Jesus was born from the mother he created (Mary)
Q: Is Jesus a born son?
A: Yes,
Q: Who is his father?
A: God
Q: Who is God?
A: Jesus
God Jesus is the father of God Jesus and the creator of the mother he was born from hes the son of his wife
Q: Is Jesus the servant of God?
A: Yes,
Q: Did Jesus die on the cross?
A: Yes,
Q: And for whom did he go up?
A: To God
God Jesus was crucified & ascended to God Jesus
Q: Is Jesus a Messenger?
A: Yes,
Q: Who sent him?
A: God
Q: Who is God?
A: Jesus
God Jesus was the messenger of God Jesus. God sends himself as a Messenger of himself
Q: Did Jesus pray when he was alive?
A: yes,
Q: Whom was he praying for?
A: For God
Q: Who is God?
A: Jesus
God Jesus worships God Jesus himself
Q: Does God have a beginning?
A: No
Q: So who was born on December 25th?
A: Jesus
Q: Who is God?
A: Jesus
God Jesus is eternal before everything but he was born in 25th Dec
Q: Where is God?
A: In heaven
Q: How many Gods are there in heaven?
A: God is only one.
Q: Where is Jesus sitting?
A: He is sitting on the right of God.
Q: Is Jesus a God?
A: Yes
Q: So how many Gods are there in heaven?
A: Only one God
Q: Where is Jesus?
A: He is sitting to the right of God.
Q: So how many gods are there in heaven?
A: Only one god. Still
Q: Is Jesus a God?
A: Yes
Q: So who many seated gods are there?
A: Only one God?
Q: Where is Jesus?
A: He is sitting next to the god.
Q: How many gods are in heaven?
A: Only one.
Q: Are they sitting on the same chair?
A: These words are understood only by the one who has the holy spirit.
God sacrificed God to God in order to save God's creation from God. God prayed to God for help but God didn't help God, and God killed God with help from humans. And that God is a father of himself and the mother of himself and the son of mother he created at the same time. He is also eternal but his birthday is...
@@fedesetrtatio1 we aren’t worshipping a man made god. We’re worshipping the one and only creator ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 All what you said wasn’t true and there was no proof. Go get a verse from the Quran that says that or keep your mouth shut. “ when I was studying Islam” nah you never did.
I reverted to Islam from christianity early am of thanksgiving moirning!! 11/28/24🙌🏾
May Allah stand with you and grant you peace.
May Allah keep you steadfast brother
I was an atheist all my life and I used to hate Islam. The ultimate expression of Allah's mercy was to open my heart to Islam, despite the hatred, despite the rejection Islam caused me, I thank Allah who gave me the strength to be humble before Him.
Do your husband have many wives? (to new readers: please read all comments before you answer).
Masha Allah Sister
@@patrikpass2962 out of all the things you could ask 😶
@@ibrahimakhtar2327 Is there something wrong with the question?
Not necessarily you have to have many wives. Also, Quran teaches that if you cannot do justice with all the wives, do not marry more than one. Most Muslims have only one wife. It's mostly a cultural thing to have more than one wife. Read the Quran, you'll get a more clear picture. And did you not listen what brother Joram said about other prophets. May ALLAH guide you/
I was Christian for 26 years and I reverted to Islam last 2018. I'm a muslimah for almost 5 years now. Alhamdullilah. I will live and die as a muslimah. This religion gave me direction, peace and happiness. Taught me how to be patient and let me see life and after life in a different perspective that I didn't find before becoming a muslimah.
May Allah bless you. 🤍
Damn that’s cool and really nice to hear. I’m 17 and getting into it now these last 3 days. Got any tips for me haha? Also, you ever heard of youtuber Hamza? He is also reading the Quran and stuff as his family is Muslim. I really like him and have been watching him for a while. He is a really good youtuber
(He does self improvement).
@Daniel Sung Salaam brother. May Allah continue to guide you. I'd suggest searching up Mufti menk who has amazing guidance videos. Also if you like debates etc. Watch Dr Zakir Naik or Muhammad hijab. ❤️ 🤲🏻 Ramadan Mubarak to all. May Allah forgive alll our sins and continue to do right until the day we leave this dunya.
@Darcy Lea For starters, one shouldn't be blasphemous towards another religion. I'm not going to go into a huge debate etc with you because frankly I don't have time and each to their own grave. However, in the bible it states that God is eternal yet you say 'jesus' apparently died for your sins. How can Jesus be God then? A bit of a contradiction. Jesus was a prophet and he did not die on the cross. He was taken to heaven alive. There was a really old Bible found a while back that kind of said the same thing. The bible has been changed over the years. Peace & blessings to all 🤲🏻
Masya Allah Tabarakallah 🥰🥰 May Allah SWT always guide you to the Jannah way 😇😇 Aamiin
I'm Muslim....but ur story refresh my faith....nd tears in my eyes....may Allah bless u.ameen
Dont forge the sure 4:34, and dont interrupt when a muslim man is beating a muslim girl ;)
Amiin ya Robb
Really 😭
@yusu messiah ask Dr Zakir Naik if ur curious, but if it's just blind hate, you don't need to
The only true religion is bahai it complete islam, christian and jew, also East prophet like buddha visnu and shiva
I'm a converted muslim from hinduism to islam, and every time I watch a revert podcast, I feel my decision was absolutely right and feel so proud to be converted muslim !!
Asshadu allah ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna muhammadur rasoolAllah♥️
It is not the eyes that are blind , but the hearts. Subhanallah
@@Yes-u5xwell quran was not meant to read in english. You better watch the explanations before spreading the false.
@@Yes-u5x Thats taking it out of context. It means planner that verse says planner. but some evil kafirs decided to take it all out and relate it to a synonym called it deceiver. lmao Jesus was just a man like me and you. He said only God knows the hour neither the son nor the spirit. Your God is one. not 3 bro.
It is not the eyes that are blind , but the hearts.
Allah U Akbar
@@Yes-u5xwhich translation did you read exactly?
It’s not deceiver it’s planner
As a revert i had a similar experience. I didn't know much of Islam until i went to college. It was hard for me to tell my family who are Christians that i was Muslim but Alhamduillah when he mentioned that people should read the life of Prophet Muhammed(pbuh) i cried. What an incredible story.
@@proudhindugirl4115 Yawn. Quoting hadiths out of context is so 2014.
@@al.jibran dismissing stuff without fact checking is such a cliche Muslim move... Grow up my boi 😴
@@proudhindugirl4115 These all have explanations that you can find online, for example:
#1 she wasn't that young it's been debunked
#4 physicality is only allowed in extreme circumstances, say if a wife tries to hurt her children
#5 is about Muslim soldiers who would leave Islam and relay information to enemies and get the Muslims (who were fighting the evil pagans who enslaved people and so on)
#6 isn't saying women in general are devils, it's just saying that the devil can take on the form of a woman and lure men into cheating...
@@proudhindugirl4115 Kahaan se lati ho itni nafrat meri behen ? Ye wrong information ko copy paste krne se kuch nhi hoga 🙂
@@azam3404 ab tumne kabhi Quran aur Hadith nahi padhi toh main kya karu lol ro baith kar... Kafir nark mein jalenge... Nafrat tumhara Quran sikhata hai mere bhai 🙂
I am Christian. My son just told me that he reverted himself to Islam. I was shocked, just because I was wrong in my beliefs. After his logical explanation, I was interested in what Quran says and started to watch videos..... and I really believe that's what I believe, myself too. It's reality.
The world should be much purer with Muslims beliefs. Witnessing where the world is heading to, I'm thinking to revert too. I would feel closer to God.
Mashallah, May Allah bless you and help keep on the right path (Sirat Mustakeem), and I agree Islam is a wonderful religion. The religion of Adam up until the last Prophet, Muhammad Peace and Blessings Upon Him. Many people's ignorance about the religion in the West stops them from becoming Muslim, also on many occasions they end up confusing the people portraying a bad image with the religion itself. If all Muslims followed the Quran and the Sunnah as their way of living, this planet would be waaay more peaceful and coherent. May Allah Bless you and Barak Allah Feek
Mashaa ALLAH. Please if you want to know about Islam try to read Quran in English version. insha'ALLAH you will find mostly your answers.
@@PTI.Shorts I downloaded MUSLIM PRO app. Thank you 🙏
How are you? We need update!
@@Vyansya hi there.
No major update.
Let me tell you this. I’ve never been a church guy, but I am the one who’s praying every single evening and sometimes during the day too. Well, I just stopped doing the cross when I pray. As I said. I believe just in one GOD.
Also my son insist to convert to his (new) religion. What can I say?… I totally believe, but I think (as I told him too), I am too old to be able to make major changes in my life style. I eat pork when I have, I drink a beer or two (even I never get drunk, because I find it disgusting), etc.
But I have a question for you. Do you think if I convert (revert) to Islam…. and I still continue to eat pork or drink a beer, is a bigger sin than it’s considered now?
I’m really enjoying this interview! My upbringing was Catholic, but at 16, I converted to Christianity. By the time I turned 25, I began to question my beliefs and ventured into New Age practices and occultism. Now, at 34, my quest for truth has intensified. I’m reevaluating the Christian doctrines instilled in me, exploring different denominations, and contemplating the rift between Cessationists and Continuationists. Recently, a dear friend from Pakistan gifted me a copy of the Holy Qur’an, and it’s been a profound journey of discovery. Engaging with it has prompted me to dive deeper into introspection and reexamine the beliefs I’ve held. 💯
Allah says "O MANKIND, EAT from whatever is on earth [that is] LAWFUL AND GOOD and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, SATAN IS to you a CLEAR ENEMY."
Qur'an Majeed 2.168-169
MashaAllah May Allah guide you to the right path of Islam soon
Much love❤ and respect for you from Pakistan 🇵🇰
Why are you still so unfufilled and unhappy if islam is true over Christianity. Research your faith, do not let society and family stop you from following the Truth!
May Allah guide you to the truth. Becoming a Muslim will be the greatest decision in your life 🤍🤍🤍🤍
@@katya_velour785How so?
That Ayah 😭" It's not the eyes that are blind, but the heart " Even a single Ayah could change the life❣️
Allah u Akbar
That's why it is said, Quran is the miracle of miracles.
@@windows10dell77 Indeed
@yusu messiah your understanding of Islam is totally wrong, 90% of the questions are not related to islam, and shows that you don't actually know about it, i would suggest to change your sources.
like for example question 22... just asking such question totally shows your knowledge about the quran and islam.
just read the quran read more about islam from a reliable source. and while reading from the quran you have to check the real unchanged arabic quran for meanings
hope you the best
@yusu messiah excuse me brother,but Islam doesn't allow prostitution , how u even came with it ,???? Also which verse is incomplete???? Perhaps u didn't understand the translation. Read original version
I find these types of experiences of converts to Islam more useful to those who are already Muslims. The experiences and the internal mental struggle they came through during their journey give more insights into Islam that Muslims themselves may well be unaware of. Thank you brother Joram.
We Muslims who is born to Muslim family take the religion for grant and are ignorant towards non muslims. I agree 100% with what you’ve said
We Need esch others perspective
Exactly, I agree with you. I'm a Muslim by birth and I also frequently find myself taking the circumstances of my birth for granted.
@BAT THINK nah. Now you’re taking it to another way. We’re not saying Islam has changed. Don’t twist our words and try to deceive people now
Exactly. While listening, I started pondering into what Islam really is And the seerah that we hardly know of. May Aalh give us guidance amen sum amen
"Its not the eyes that are blind, but the hearts". This line... 😭😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🤲🏻🤲🏻 May all mighty Allah guide us ❤🤲🏻
*And say, "Truth has come, and falsehood has departed. Indeed is falsehood, [by nature], ever bound to depart."* ~Quran 17:81
Yes, literally I was weeping while listening to this. "Its not the eyes which are blind, but the heart"
But the word of God says our heart is deceitful. We can never follow or decide by our own limits. We need the truth with us to know the truth
@@Yes-u5xAyah al-Imran (The Family of Imran, The House of Imran) 3:54. And the disbelievers made a plan ˹against Jesus˺, but Allah also planned-and Allah is the best of planners. And they [the unbelievers] plotted [against Jesus] but God caused their schemes to fail, for God is the best of all plotters.
You people always doing hard to stop and manipulate islam, but let me tell you , it's your misunderstanding that you will misguides people by wrong translations. , half cuts ayats. , and self made things, ,
You should read the full verse , the actual translation , and Quran is not the words of man , these words are of our Creater Allah Almighty , and you better research on it before showing your ignorance , and i will suggest you to watch Dr Zakir Nayek and your all doubts and question will be solved
I became Muslim 12 years ago in the midst of reading the Dutch politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s books, alhamdulillaah. I’m from a practicing white Christian American background. Islam is the greatest gift I’ve ever known.
Ooh Ayn hersi Somalia 🇸🇴 Woman 👩 Is She Muslim Now or Christian
Islam is the way for humans regardless of what era you was born, we are the nation of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, its the last message till the end of time and the Quran is our miracle and it makes sense because now the world is connected like never before so Allah from his mercy has promised in the Quran that he will preserve it and protect it till the end alhamdullah as muslims we love all the prophets
@@Yes-u5xseems like you got your Islamic degree from Walgreens University. Qur’an 3:54 is وَمَكَرُواْ وَمَكَرَ ٱللَّهُۖ وَٱللَّهُ خَيۡرُ ٱلۡمَٰكِرِينَ
(54) And they [i.e., the disbelievers] planned, but Allāh planned. And Allāh is the best of planners.
But nice try. And hey thanks for reminding me of that beautiful ayah it’s the one that fits perfectly in my original comment to support what I was saying 🌹
@@Yes-u5xWhat you’re saying makes no sense but if you are insistent on not opening your eyes you will not see. As Muslims we love and revere Jesus but we know that he is a prophet God sent to mankind, not God himself. We also know that on Judgment Day, the people that worshipped Jesus he will tell God, I am free of these people I did not tell them to worship me, I told them to worship you.
Just because you’ve been told something your whole life doesn’t mean it’s true, nor does it mean you can’t investigate truth for yourself. Ask yourself, “how can God be 3?” “Why does God need me, who am I that God needs?” “Why would someone die for my sins- let alone God?” “Why would GOD lower himself into human form that defecates and needs sleep and food just to…..to what? Die for mankind????” Come on.
How does any of this make sense?
I’m happy to send you an English translation of the Qur’an as wherever you are getting your information from is not it babes.
Be careful about switching up the Qur’an like you did, absolutely nothing good will come from it
A kind reminder that even if your parents aren't Muslims, you should treat them with goodness.
I was born to a Pakistani Christian family and became a Muslim while I was in high school. Alhumdulillah ❤
MashAllah welcome to Islam❤
I hope you Allah gift you the ETERNAL PARADISE
I reverted from christianity to islam a month ago, I'll pray for you, may Allah make it easier for you sister/brother! you have 2.1 billion brothers and sisters!
*And say, "Truth has come, and falsehood has departed. Indeed is falsehood, [by nature], ever bound to depart."* ~Quran 17:81
Wow mashallah ❤
I used to be a hindu then became an atheist but neither hinduism nor atheism made any sense to me. Researched thoroughly, found the truth and accepted Islam, Alhamdolillah !!!!
alhamdulillah, welcome to islam
I’m happy for you 🤍🙏🏼
All of these comments have to be fake surely
@@LoneVocalistnot everything is fake. Even Amber Leibrock recently converted to Islam.
Alhamdulillah ❤
“His life was the Quran, he was the living Quran in a way”. Beautifully said ❤
Surah 5:33
Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and spread mischief in the land is death, crucifixion, cutting off their hands and feet on opposite sides, or exile from the land. This ˹penalty˺ is a disgrace for them in this world, and they will suffer a tremendous punishment in the Hereafter.1
Surah 65:4
As for your women past the age of menstruation, in case you do not know, their waiting period is three months, and those who have not menstruated as well.
Quran 9:29
Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, nor comply with what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden, nor embrace the religion of truth from among those who were given the Scripture,1 until they pay the tax,2 willingly submitting, fully humbled.
Quran 4:34
Men are the caretakers of women, as men have been provisioned by Allah over women and tasked with supporting them financially. And righteous women are devoutly obedient and, when alone, protective of what Allah has entrusted them with.1 And if you sense ill-conduct from your women, advise them ˹first˺, ˹if they persist,˺ do not share their beds, ˹but if they still persist,˺ then discipline them ˹gently
Rifa`a divorced his wife whereupon `AbdurRahman bin Az-Zubair Al-Qurazi married her. `Aisha said that the lady (came), wearing a green veil (and complained to her (Aisha) of her husband and showed her a green spot on her skin caused by beating). It was the habit of ladies to support each other, so when Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) came, `Aisha said, "I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women. Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes!"
yea its beautiful
صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم
It is very easy to refute Islam! Because the God of Islam does not know that according to Christianity God incarnated
True love = the love of God!
*God himself went to the cross for you out of love for you as a human being*
Philippians 2:5-8
I took my shahadah when I was 23 years old 10 years ago on April 2014 on Ramadan. I was blessed to have a god father who was a Muslim and he guided me to Islam.
Growing up, I used to always wonder what will happen after we die, and what is the true purpose of being alive. Was it to earn lots of money, take care of family and die?
My parents were Chinese and the thing I heard the most from them was to study hard, earn lots of money and have a bright future.
While growing up, I felt really stressful and in constant worry all the time due to the fear of lack of money for the future.
I grow up in an environment where wealth status is everything and it was really stressful.
Being a Muslim for 10 years, I can say life has been peaceful and wonderful. My wife embraced Islam 2 years ago Alhamdulilah and we’re having a 6 months old son right now. He is the only born Muslim in the family 😅
Thank you for interview as it inspires me to be a better Muslim and search for greater knowledge in Islam. Just ordered the green book that he mentioned in Shopee 😄
Why are you still so unfufilled and unhappy if islam is true over Christianity. Research your faith, do not let society and family stop you from following the Truth!
It's obvious that the Quran is not the words of God, but the words of fallible men
Think about the question below. But first, I will preface the question with a couple points
The Quran states that Allah does not have a son. But the Quran also states that Allah is all powerful, so he could have a son if he wanted to because he is all powerful
If Allah wanted to, could Allah have a son all by himself? Or would Allah need a mate to have a son?
Allah answers this question in the Quran, in chapter 6 verse 101. What's your answer?
Masha-Allah love from Bangladesh💖
All prayers for you ur wife and ur cute son ur son is so lucky to have parents like you who have chosen right path for him before his birth
I recently converted to Islam. I have never felt more at peace. Soon I will be marrying a Moroccan Muslim woman, and moving to her country. Allahu Akbar!
Allahu Akbar Alhamdulillah welcome to islam brother
God bless you
Great decision
May you always remain blessed. Subahan Allah
I hope peace and love be between you
I'm crying. I felt same. Never considered the Islam for me, 10 yrs religion wasn't even a topic for me. It was one conversation which catched my attention. I asked questions I never got a answer for. I got told to read the holy Quran and I did. I was so exited in night I couldn't find rest. I was reading and lost all my doubts. One week I been struggling with myself. Should I convert? I found no rest, I wanted it so bad. And when I did and I woke up the next morning I felt so relieved, I felt so pure and so protected, like I never felt before. Ik I did everything right.
why did you make me cry? May Allah heal every soul and give strength in faith. ameen
Yes, you should say your shahada, learn more about life of prophet Mohammad (may there be peace upon him) follow his sunnah as much as you can. We are born to worship only one God ; Allah Subahana Watala.!
It’s true that we are born to worship one God. Jesus is the way, the truth, and life! No one can be compared to His teaching and God’s promises being fulfilled in His physical form, the Messiah who didn’t just preached but died and rose again and His tomb is still empty. Because she’s God
I'm very happy for u sister and I pray that Allah gives u the courage and strenth to over come all ur fears ...Ameen I love u💗😘
Getting Used to it, every time i watch a westerner become a muslim. on this channel, i do, happiness for them, ( sorry i didnt enough to promote Allah's message, and in awe of how merciful He is. i had a lot of subscriptions on youtube, and today, i felt i need this kick to my faith and youtube didnt suggest any vid from here for a while..so i browsed all the channels in my list. and here I am.. ty for sharing,.. Always touching those stories, May Allah keep us on the right path as long as we live.
Honestly I am proud of his wife for supporting him like that i wish her heart accepts Islam the same way ❤️
Really. Ameen.
Lets hope its just religious for him and he doesnt force it on her
I am a born muslim from Bangladesh. The more I hear or read the story of a reverted muslim the more I curse my self for not reading Quran and not practicing islam properly.
The truth is, i am learning islam from reverted muslim brothers and sisters. Thank you all and Alhamdulillah...
Brother, don't curse. I'm also Bangladeshi born muslim. Though I read the Quran from my young ages but never understood the meaning and became less attentive in my deen. Now with these revert videos, also videos of Dr. Zakir Naik, Dr Omar Suleiman I'm learning about our beautiful deen, knitting my heart with Islam.
May Allah forgive us and always keep us steadfast with His given deen
I am ex Muslim and now I am atheist. Religion is a scam
The convertors are much religious than us, for their ways of thinking isnt shaped by tradition, but with true faith ❤
Don't curse yourself. Rely upon Allah, seek Allah's help and do your absolute best.
I am a convert too brother. Subhanallah, Tear comes to my eyes when you are explaining about the first salah and im thinking of my unique moment. Alhamdullillah.
Brother you are not converted you are reverted because in quran "it's say a person is born muslim it's there ancestors who guide them to that part
@@hajrakhatoon7459 Alhamdullilah bhai jaan
May allah bless you with hapiness ,good health and peace
Make you successful in this world and hereafter (akhira)❣️
Hello i live in lebanon ...our society is so much entangled. Muslim christians. Many time i think i felt mini calls to become muslim for same reason he said. Plus there was dark forces mmaybe stoppinh any financial blockage which i suspect my doubt in christianity.
What book beside qur2an inshould read. The one about his life of mohamad.
Can u guide me.
@@Pianissimomusic I'm muslim myself often hear story about the Prophet (PBUH) from the internet/youtube while I'm driving etc, one story that really made me tear up was about The Prophet (PBUH) gave meals everyday to the blind homeless man that mocked him everyday, you can search it up. In my opinion, learn about Him (PBUH) first so you can clearly know why He (PBUH) has been loved for centuries and He is the chosen one.
We are all from different countries but feeling the togetherness of brotherhood...That's the teaching of Islam...Assalamualaikum to all my brothers and sisters..
Walaikum Salam warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu
Aleyküm salam my sister
Walequm as salam
alaikum salaam
I took my Shahada August 4th mashallah
Welcome to the best decision of your life
Masha Allah
Me too I was a Born Christian I knew nothing about Islam,I saw Muslims as bad people i was Islam as a bad religion God forgive me. I thought this way because I had no knowledge about Islam I heard what non Muslims said about Islam. But the came a period in my life that I was struggling with my mental health and I really needed God in my life. I ran first towards pastors, evangelist but couldn't find calm. But at that moment i though I had no hope, Islam came to me. at that time I had issues with sleeping and a Muslim friend adviced me to listen to the Quran and SUBAH ALLAH I felt calm in my soul and in my heart. Even though it took me time to become Muslim Alhaduliha I am Muslim will die Muslim ❤🤲
May allah give you more n more happiness ❤
@@altaf0 Amen
Maa Shaa ALLAH You are the luckiest may Allah give you and every muslim strenth to be a good muslim ......
May Allah grant you the highest rank in jannah.
After a Thousand years still Prophet Muhammad (S.) 's History and qualities can convert a man from an Anti-Islam to a Strong believer. What a wonderful Man Muhammad (S.) Was ! How beautiful Islam Is ! Proud to be a Muslim 🖤. You're chosen by the Almighty , that's why he gave you a chance to become a Muslim and be the best version of you in this universe. Lots of love from Bangladesh 🖤
best of creation his pbuh character morals lifestyle will be the best till end of time
@@Reds786 I totally agree that he was/is/will be the best human of all time 🖤.
Peace and blessings be upon him
Just wait until he finds out Mohamed married a 6 year old, or when he finds out Mohamed married his own sons ex wife because apparently god told him to, or when he finds out he has to kiss the black stone because apparently it sent down from god lol, or when he finds out Mohamed killed 800 Jews in one day, or when he finds out the all mighty allah has a chin and hands just like humans, am sure he will leave 😂
Rahmatullil alamin
"Its not the eyes that are blind but the heart" MaáshaAllah!
there is no heart
@@lemonstrangler HEART: used as a metaphor for emotional states, reasoning and other meanings such as the center of places and things or the central point in an argument.
There - even though I know you're being a smart-ass, eat the definition so you can say you learned something today.
@@TheWatchmanWebsite Islam = false
Following only your emotions without the use of critical thinking leads to irrational and dogmatic thinking.
@@Pr0fane26 Oh I have put a lot of thought into this statement. Probably more than I should have. But in the end logic beats Islam.
I was raised Christian for decades when my mom reverted to Islam 10 years ago, and, little by little, she led us to the right path and taught us that there’s only one God, and that’s Allah. And I have never felt so at peace. Forever grateful that Allah chose us to find Islam. Alhamdulillah 🤲🏻
Where are you from?
Mashallah! Welcome to Islam, sister. May Allah reward your mother for leading you to Islam and may Allah reward you all with Jannah!
Good for you alhmoulilah
SubhanAllah..May Allah bless you 🤍
I admit I knew nothing about Islam and I’ve said a lot of horrible things about it that I always regret. I became pagan at age 19 and I’m now 42 I just recently took my shahada. I started reading the Quran and just felt like this is it and as soon as I took my shahada I’ve felt pure happiness ❤
“He found you lost and guided you”Mashallah, may your connection with Allah remain strong till the end 🤍
Love from Germany, I’m so happy for you, it’s like getting out of the darkness into light 💡
@@Rashhhh7 I was very lost and for a year I was getting such a pull to god and I found it confusing but I found where I should be and I’m so happy 😊
@@2pacc it really does feel like that, I love praying, I love the help I’ve received from sisters at my local mosque I’ve never experienced so much kindness
Welcome to the Ummah❤
It is not the eyes that are blind ,but the hearts. subhanallah
Surah 22, ayat 46
Whenever I see a new Muslim, I just cry in heart because I feel bad about my sins and my forgetting Salah like a disbeliever, while these new believers are so faithful and trustful to Allah compared to me that I was practicing Islam for my whole life😖 Ya Rabb Maghfirah🤲🏽
what you say in Salah?
@@thornados4969. In Salah we praise Allah, read the verse of the Quran, ask Allah to guide us on the right path and forgive our sins, forgive others and many more.
@@heknas4058 What words exactly you said in Salah? It should be arabic.
It is very easy to refute Islam! Because the God of Islam does not know that according to Christianity God incarnated
True love = the love of God!
*God himself went to the cross for you out of love for you as a human being*
Philippians 2:5-8
Be an ex-atheist from Italy proud to be a Muslim for 3 years and inshallah I hope your message reaches as many people as possible 💪
for all the people annoyed and trying to convince me to leave islam know you will waste your time safe
According to Islam, I was born a Muslim but the moment I read Quran and Hadith, I started hating Islam and then I left Islam.
@@enasnirercos7626 really? How many rakat is in Wudu then?
@@scorpyon5501 I don't know what is Rakat and Wudu.
@@enasnirercos7626 looooooooooooool u fake exmuslim, this is basic ahahah.
@@scorpyon5501 So you agree that Hadith is fake and so is your Islam, right? Because this is what your hadith says about every new born child...
The Prophet (peace and blessings be him) said in a Qudsi Hadith, “Allah Almighty says, ‘I created all My servants hunafa’ (i.e. following the original religion of monotheism), then the devils misled them from their religion and forbade them from what I made lawful for them and commanded them to associate with Me that which I have not sent down any authority for.” (Muslim)
The Prophet (peace and blessings be him) also said, “Every child is born with the fitrah, but his parents make him a Jew, Christian or a Zoroastrian.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
You're not even a Muslim because you yourself don't believe Hadiths... hahahahahahah
Born and raised christian but for some reason I have always considered Islam looking to convert but I don't have guidance just watching videos to learn more ❤
Before you turn your back on Jesus, go watch Chris Lasala's channel.
Watching vids is a great start ❤ Try read the Quran as well coz It was directly from God ^^
Videos are a good start but also Find local mosques and maybe visit a local muslim store etc to ask for guidance and how to get in touch with the muslim community in your area.
You can get any sort of guidance from me how may I help you ?
Jesus Christ is Lord God.
Cults often like to refer to things like the verse in Matthew 27:46 and as well, Timothy 2:5 to prove that Jesus was just a man. Many Christians struggle with this because they know He is God. These seem to teach that Jesus was only a man, but we know Jesus was both man and God. Look at Romans 1:1-4. If you'll notice, it says Jesus was born according to the flesh. He became a man with flesh and blood Hebrews 2:14. Jesus was the Son of God, which simply means Jesus was God. In John 10:33 The Jews wanted to stone Jesus because they said He was a mere man claiming to be God. Jesus was both man and God. Jesus would not have died a physical death unless He was a man with flesh and blood. He could not have lived a perfect, sinless life unless He was God, like it states in Hebrews 4:15. He was the perfect, holy lamb of God who physically died in order to forgive our sins.
With that, when Jesus said Father why have you forsaken me. He was clearly implying that He felt separated from God the Father. This is because He was in the flesh. Isaiah 59:2 says, your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear. 1 Peter 2:24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross. 2 Corinthians 5:21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 1 Peter 3:18 For Christ also suffered once for our sins, the righteous for the unrighteous,to bring you to God.
The flesh of God, Jesus Christ, personally took our punishment, was vicariously atoned for our sins in the darkness upon the cross. When that happened, He turned Himself away from His flesh because of all the sin. The full impact of this abandonment was realized by His flesh, resulting in an anguish cry outward, Father why have you forsaken me?
In Luke 19:30-31 The Lord God Jesus Christ said, "Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, 'Why are you untying it?' say, 'The Lord needs it.' " And also in John 13:13 The Lord God Jesus Christ said, " You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord', and rightfully so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet."
And when people say He did not call Himself God, in fact He did many times. I will give you a few instances. When Moses asks God for His name, so he will have an answer when the people of Israel ask. In Exodus 3:14 God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you." And in Exodus 3:15 God also said to Moses, "Say to the Israelites, The LORD, the God of your fathers - the God of Abraham, the God of Issac and the God of Jacob - has sent me to you". I could go on forever with these examples but I will keep it short and sweet for you.
Now looking at Jesus. To start off, In John 4:25-26 Jesus literally states "I AM HE". And in John 6:35 through John 6:51 Jesus clearly states that He is God. Also John 8:12 Jesus clearly states that He is God. Also in John 10:9 Jesus clearly states that He is God. And as well in John 11:25-26 Jesus clearly states that He is God. And so obviously in John 14:6-7 Jesus literally calls Himself God. Also in John 15:5 He clearly states that He is God. Jesus has said many times that He is I AM and explained that He is God in the flesh. Even the demons called Him LORD. So yes, Jesus Christ is Lord God in the flesh.
Those who have eyes let them see. Jesus Christ is Lord God. He is the Truth, the Way, and the Life. He is the ONLY key into Heaven. Islam is false religion led by a delusional narcissistic pedophile named Muhammad. And the quran isn't worth its weight in toilet paper. If you do not repent and seek forgiveness from the Lord God Jesus Christ, you will be tortured for eternity while you burn along side your precious Muhammad in Hell. In the name of the Lord God Jesus Christ may your eyes be opened.
I remember the first time I performed Isha prayer, in Arabic, after spending a month learning it properly.
I literally had this weird, warm, fuzzy, goosebump-like sensation over my whole body the whole time, to the point that it brought me to tears...but they were tears of joy...i was overwhelmed with a feeling i had never felt before, but it filled every cell in my body with happiness.
Al Islam is definitely a difficult path, but it is truly the most wholesome way to live your life🙏
Heartiest Congratulations Dear Brick Billi!
Please do make Duaa for us all!
Islam is the easiest way of life my dear brother. But our environment and surroundings make it feel difficult. Be strong stay connected to Allah. He is always there to help you. And listen you and fulfill your prayers and supplications. Be strong Allah is with you promising a beautiful life after this life for you.
A'salaamu Alaikum brother.
I couldn't agree more, I feel that our surroundings are simply part of our test from Allah.
When I first declared my shahadah I thought I was in for an easy ride and used to get disheartened when faced with heavy problems (family troubles, life troubles etc).
These days (8 years after my conversion), I have come to appreciate the challenges Allah gives me, where at first they seem insurmountable and impossible to overcome, you realise that through faith and prayer, you can pretty much overcome anything and learn a great deal about life and yourself during the process.
May Allah keep you for your kind words brother🙏
That’s what happens bro . When Allah’s words are recited , the eyes cry the tears and the body is full of goosebumps.
Part of the Quran being the Literal and true word of God is that anyone who comes in contact with it will be tremendously moved and overwhelmed . It is so convincing that the Quran is the word of Allah Almighty
"It's not the eyes that are blind, but the hearts." mashaAllah ❤❤❤
Allah Akbar such touchable comment
@@mohamedmahmed1954 it is Quran verse
same as in the bible.
unfortunalty all those books wirtten by old babylonian worshippers are written by man
لا الله الا الله محمدا رسوالله ....
I'm a born Muslim and I weirdly feel so proud of all of the reverts. You guys should know that you all are inspiration to many including born Muslims like me.
May Allah keep us all steadfast on this right path.
Assalamualaikum brother ,there is none like born muslim , even ibrahim as was born to family who pray idols but he has accepted the and submitted to god and thats what muslim is.. submit is what makes us muslim not being born and in todays world many are ignoring quran and its words and just say i am muslim may allah guide everyone and make us remain in path of jannah
It's obvious that the Quran is not the words of God, but the words of fallible men
Think about the question below. But first, I will preface the question with a couple points
The Quran states that Allah does not have a son. But the Quran also states that Allah is all powerful, so he could have a son if he wanted to because he is all powerful
If Allah wanted to, could Allah have a son all by himself? Or would Allah need a mate to have a son?
Allah answers this question in the Quran, in chapter 6 verse 101. What's your answer?
It's confusing that u watched this video and even felt the need to comment here. Why do all of this if it's lies? Why even waste the energy?
@@benrose671 Your argument is flawed. He is all powerful and that is exactly why he feels no need for any children. He isn't like us. He is free from all needs, wants and desires. My answer to your question is Surah e Al Ahad.
To be very honest, I don't have time nor energy to argue with you, it's obvious you just want a verbal battle with someone.
@saimaamin5212 It's not flawed at all. Why would you run from a simple question, based on what's written in the Quran? Can you help me understand this serious issue I see with what's written in the Quran?
You don't think Allah could have a son if he wanted to? Is he not all powerful?
I can appreciate the way this brother was guided. But for me it was reading a translation of Al Quran that made me accept Al-Islam.
I respect u a lot, may i ask if u followed a religion before islam and what it was?
Im also Muslim btw
@@fedesetrtatio1 May ALLAH grant you understanding and guidance. I was born a Muslim. But I am extremely sincere, open-minded, and inquisitive. I would rage when I read somethings. But then the almighty would send me guidance because I would write to Him and cry to Him because I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted guidance. I know your struggles. May you find peace. He is your creator, He designed your fingerprints, He is closer to you than your jugular vein so call Him and He will guide you. And your Lord is with you, He will guide you.
@@fedesetrtatio1 lol read the context of that surah its easy to understand tha way, by the way the bible i read doesn't have the verse of trinity or book of god just changed by someone on my version.
@@fedesetrtatio1 try and learn arabic, its 100000000000% worth it
I converted at 18 when I wanted to believe the Bible but couldn’t get answers to my questions, a Muslim brother noticed my name (birth name) Rashib and gave me paperwork and the Quran. All my questions where answered immediately. I’m 47 now Al-Hamdu-Lillah
masha'ALLAH.. Allahuma barik .. u r soo lucky 🥺❤
You were duped into believing. You are misinformed and misguided brother. Jesus is the only way. If you do not worship and follow his teachings, you will go to hell.
@@alanpadilla8793 Allah is the only and true way keep crying about it lol
@@alanpadilla8793 whatever you say applies to you only. Save your soul please.
welcome to islam brother 🤍
I converted to Islam at the age of 17 years, I have made my biggest decision, I am proud of my new religion Alhamdulillah
Masha Allah brother
*Who explains to us why the Koran says Christians believe God has a biological son!*
To all Muslims! Son of God means NOT SON! What is called the son of God is the word of God = god himself! Which has nothing to do with a child (son)! Thus, the Son of God is incarnated as the human Jesus and the human Jesus is therefore referred to as a son, which does not mean a son!
Hebr 1,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, *by whom also he made the worlds;*
as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
not the new relegion, Islam since Prophet Adam. U just revert to religion of Fitrah
John 1,1 -3 + 14 confirms the creator of all creation became human! = YHWH!
as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
My almost 60 circle friends reverted from Hinduism to Islam. May Allah bless them with high ranks.
Amin ya Rabb
Please can you link any material that helped you study islam
@@Iris-vz1ydHangi dile sahipseniz o dilde bir Kur'an meâli ve Kur'ân tefsiri sipariş verebilirseniz veya bulabilirseniz çok iyi olur sizin için. Ardından da size yoldaşlık yapabilecek ve İslam'ı daha da tanımanızı sağlayacak Müslüman bir çevre edinerek işe başlayın. Eminim ki siz de Müslüman olacaksınız.
Very great interview! I'm half Dutch and also chosen Islam way 7 years ago and don't look back, only going forward and sharing my beautiful memories, I chose Islam because of love and that it's reality, she said to me Islam is beautiful, indeed it is, only if you listen to Allah. Inshallah
MashaAllah 😊
Hello i live in lebanon ...our society is so much entangled. Muslim christians. Many time i think i felt mini calls to become muslim for same reason he said. Plus there was dark forces mmaybe stoppinh any financial blockage which i suspect my doubt in christianity.
What book beside qur2an inshould read. The one about his life of mohamad.
Can u guide me.
May God Bless you 🌷🙏
@@Pianissimomusic Brother please talk to someone in your local neighborhood mosque, you call them or walk-in and tell them that you are interested in learning about Islam. They will welcome you with open arms.
@@Pianissimomusic I thought you might enjoy watch these two videos as well.
"It's not the eyes that are blind, but the hearts" 😯😥 that was touching, may Allah Almighty bless you Brother, Ameen....
Dear brother, do u have the assurance of going to heaven?
Got goosebumps
@@eunuchpetsu Yes! If we follow God's commands and teachings of Prophets
@Faraz Ali 1. all of the commands or some of them?
2. All of his teachings or some of his teaching?
And where are those available?
Dear brother, my questions are with genuine concern and so I have no other motive...
@@eunuchpetsu all of the teachings as a God said in Qura'an "enter in Islam completely"
If I say "in Qura'an all of teachings are available " you wouldn't believe I'll suggest you search and explore by yourself
"His life was the Quran, He was the living Quran in a way"
Masha Allah. You are more Muslim than me born as a Muslim.
Very wisely man.
May Allah bless you brother.
He quoted سيدة عائشة aisyah prophet wife 😊
According to Islam, I was born a Muslim but the moment I read Quran and Hadith, I started hating Islam and then I left Islam.
@@n.m1729 Absolutely correct, the heart of the Muslims have become blind, they can't see humanity anymore, very sad.
I grew up in an atheist household. I was never content with the scientific answers I received for my important questions. My whole life I felt like there had to be more to this world, as soon as my mind was open to reading the Quran and I let Allah guide me, I knew Islam was the meaning of my life❤️ I took my shahada 2 days ago and seeing this video today made me cry, I’m so thankful for him Alhamdulillah 🙏🏼x
ما شاء الله ❤ الله يثبتك على دين الحق و يرزقك الفردوس الأعلى
Welcome to right path
I was Christian for most of my life but I could never get onboard with worshipping Jesus especially when God was so clear to only worship him. I discovered Islam this week and it’s the first time I’ve felt peace
As we say in Islam, welcome back brother! we are all born with "fitra", so already muslims before coming to this world, but due to the circumstances where you are born, it could lead you to get far from Islam, while there's always a seed inside you (the fitra) asking you to find the water (the word of Allah) to let it grow inside you and relief you
@@TafsirCoranEspanol Thank you brother!
May Allah grant you to be a very good Muslim. It is very important for all of us to know our Prophet Muhammad Mustafa completely. As we learn about his miracles and his life, people become enchanted. Islam is a very perfect and complete religion. Every question has an answer. It is very easy to find these answers. it should be part of our life❤
@@Conn458 Why does Islam attract more converts than any other religion? One major reason is that vIslam says: "refugees welcome" to those fleeing failing liberal social and religious institutions.
Let me explain.
Liberal secularists promote the idea that their norms for regulating marriage, family, and religion are ideal.
Nevertheless, statistical data indicates that wherever a society is governed by liberal secular norms, people stop marrying, having children, and practising religion.
Put differently, the liberal is fundamentally a hypocrite - despite what he or she might say, no liberal person is actually interested in being part of a liberal marriage, a liberal family, or a liberal religion.
Matters are different when it comes to Islam.
Muslims also promote the idea that their norms for regulating marriage, family, and religion are ideal.
Moreover, statistical data indicates that wherever a society is governed by Islamic norms, it boosts marriage, birth rate, and religious practice.
Put differently, the Muslim is actually interested in being part of a Muslim marriage, a Muslim family, and the Muslim religion.
The current era is an era of refugees fleeing from liberalism. Liberal marriage, family, and religion have collapsed.
As a result, refugees from liberal societies seek marriage partners abroad, and if they practice any type of religion , it is a non-liberal version whose centers are located abroad. Islam is the most obvious choice for them.
It's hurt me that there are many people don't know anything about Islam
We as Muslims should spread this for all people as we could
And welcome back my brother in Islam ❤
When he Said " He read the verse of the Quran 22:46 ( Its not the eyes that are blind but the heart) hitted me so hard💔...
May Allah Bless U brother...
Ong same
Do you know heart is also known as Little brain in science.
Heart has neuron cells and own nervous system.
Human skin remain alive for next day after death.
Its remember me mushaf and mehmal ibrahim
I cried after his experience and just came through with the emotions of the early period of Islam
It's so good how his wife supported him in every way. She sounds like a really good person & brave.
True. May Allah change her heart too n bring her to Islam n reunite them in Jannah. AAMEEN
no longer with us for a thousand years, yet still inspiring people, peace be upon him
Swallahu allahin wasalam!
It's obvious that the Quran is not the words of God, but the words of fallible men
Think about the question below. But first, I will preface the question with a couple points
The Quran states that Allah does not have a son. But the Quran also states that Allah is all powerful, so he could have a son if he wanted to because he is all powerful
If Allah wanted to, could Allah have a son all by himself? Or would Allah need a mate to have a son?
Allah answers this question in the Quran, in chapter 6 verse 101. What's your answer?
Allah can make and do anything he just need to say Kun means become or do then it will happen so what do you want to know more ?@@benrose671
When he said Quran fell off frm the shelf and the page opened was "its not rhe eyes that are blind its heart that is" bring tears of extreme happiness and love in my eyes ....May Allah bless you brother.....
I thought, only I cried. 🤝
I cried too
It brought tears to my eyes as well!!!
What a beautiful video! I am a young Christian girl and even though I don't have any thoughts of converting to islam or whatever, I find these videos very interesting and also inspiring for myself, it clears out many misconceptions... I am very happy that all of you became happy by converting! We don't have to agree on everything just to respect each other... What a story! take care!
The first word that sent to mohamed pbuh by God is "read" if we don't read we'll never know
May Allah guide you to the path of truth.. Take care yourself too
ان الله يهدي من يشاء فمن منهم ولن تندم
❤❤ we welcome you sister you can ask any questions you have about islam
@viktoriefilon. Go and live in a Muslim country,then make your mind up.
This interview made me cry. I'm a native arabic, born and raised as a GCC citizen where I can easily access Mecca whenever I want with no visa no restrictions, Allah gave me Islam in the easiest way, yet I'm this remiss !! and this guy took all the effort all these years to find out that Islam is the truth religion and had to collide with the community and with the whole world! May Allah give him strength to stay a Muslim and die a Muslim, Ameen
wallah, I am a Pakistani Muslim and this guy just refreshed the pride of being Muslim in me.
I felt that too i am from the GCC and i thank God i was born a muslim and never had to suffer to find the right religion or feel lost without a higher power.
True, we take things for granted and get used to the pleasure and lifestyle routine makes us barely feel the prayers (less khushoo')! When he described the praying (salah) i was like oh sometimes we don't feel this way due to the routine and life responsibilities (dunya).. I PRAY WE ALL BECOME AND STAY AS GOOD MUSLIMS.
@@LastOfGamers Amen 🙏
6 weeks ago I was working on a job with a friend of mine who is a Muslim, I brought up religion and he asked me my religion, (catholic) although I never really practiced it as I found some things in Christianity I struggle accepting, he asked me who I think god is and is Jesus god in human form. I told him that’s my issue that I can’t comprehend properly and the creation of the universe and life. My response was that I internally believe that Jesus was sent to earth from God to spread a message to the people and personally I can’t explain my image of God because I’m not sure as it’s too hard for me to comprehend what Looks like as God can be anything and he could be something from a different dimension, I have no idea at all. He smiled at me and told me I am Muslim because my beliefs are Islamic.
A month into my search for God now, many videos down and have just received my Quran and I can honestly say I have always been a Muslim and never known. All my questions now have answers and I feel this gigantic weight lifted from my shoulders, I am relaxed, feel safe, loved, at peace and my general daily fear about everything in life is diminishing and it is so amazing. I am so grateful for finding God, my fear of the future is also declining by the day as I learn more and more about Islam.
Islam is incredible.
Inshallah from Australia everyone and I hope anyone reading this finds the answers to life as I have and can feel the same warmth I have found in God
What a beautiful story mashallah. I’m a born Muslim but I definitely relate to how Islam quashes your fear of the future and just gives you the deepest peace alhamdulilah
@@sophiaalvi992❤Yes eternal peace😊
That’s exactly how I felt all my life but I just had no exposure to the religion and our holy book. Subhan’Allah - we knew instinctively what was right all along. It’s actually very beautiful!
I believe a lot of ppl are like you. Not only Christians but from other religions too. They do believe in One God and stuff but really don't know the exact details of him and that is why it is important to talk about Islam. Maybe a lot of ppl would revert to Islam if they study about it but they really don't know about it ☹️
So have you taken your shahadah then???
Goosebumps. I am a born muslim, struggling to strenthen my iman, and such videos do help
Listen quraan and hadith read qur'an insha Allah you'll be fine
@@Mss-rose-k thank you
*The ETERNAL GOD would do anything for you!!*
Even out of love for you he went to the cross as a human!!
Philippians 2:5-8
@@emmaschmidt4774 "And because of their (Jews) disbelief and uttering against Maryam (Mary) a grave false charge (that she has committed illegal sexual intercourse)And because of their saying (in boast), We killed Messiah (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), the Messenger of Allah, - but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but the resemblance of (Jesus) was put over another man (and they killed that man), and those who differ therein are full of doubts. They have no (certain) knowledge, they follow nothing but conjecture. For surely; they killed him not (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)But Allah raised him (Jesus) up (with his body and soul) unto Himself (and he is in the heavens). And Allah is Ever All-Powerful, All-Wise"
[An-Nisa 156-157-158]
@@emmaschmidt4774"And because of their (Jews) disbelief and uttering against Maryam (Mary) a grave false charge (that she has committed illegal sexual intercourse)And because of their saying (in boast), We killed Messiah (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), the Messenger of Allah, - but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but the resemblance of (Jesus) was put over another man (and they killed that man), and those who differ therein are full of doubts. They have no (certain) knowledge, they follow nothing but conjecture. For surely; they killed him not (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)But Allah raised him (Jesus) up (with his body and soul) unto Himself (and he is in the heavens). And Allah is Ever All-Powerful, All-Wise"
[An-Nisa 156-157-158]
I remembered he was one of most hated person by Muslim all over the world because of his anti Islam message. Despite all the death threats, hate that he received, I do believe that time, there are also lots of people who always make dua for Allah to grant him knowledge and light to see the truth. And Allah has answered those prayers.
".. make dua for Allah to grant him knowledge and light to see the truth."
The Knowledge:
Luke 1:77-79
To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins,
Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us,
To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the way of peace.
The Light:
John 8:12
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying,
I am the light of the world:
he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness,
but shall have the light of life.
The Truth:
John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
@@jesusisthechristthesonofgodyou do you
the death threats were from his colleagues and non-muslims, when he converted to Islam. see the full video. he explains it later
@@jesusisthechristthesonofgod 🤣🤣🤣Nice try. But l believe he had known this before he converted to lslam. So you are just wasting your time.
Hebrews 6:4-6
For it is impossible
for those who were once enlightened,
and have tasted of the heavenly gift,
and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God,
and the powers of the world to come,
If they shall fall away,
to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves
the Son of God afresh,
and put him to an open shame.@@blinoldluv
Thank you , am a new revert and experiencing alot of peace in my heart and mind . The struggles is real but insha'Allah soon all will be well
Hello paula i live in lebanon ...our society is so much entangled. Muslim christians. Many time i think i felt mini calls to become muslim for same reason he said. Plus there was dark forces mmaybe stoppinh any financial blockage which i suspect my doubt in christianity.
What book beside qur2an inshould read. The one about his life of mohamad.
Can u guide me.
@@Pianissimomusic Hi brother. Do you have TikTok? I will help you and send you books about Islam.
@@adnanalshaer99 Thank you , please help him
كتاب الرجل النبيل وكتاب بأنك الله إن كنت ستقرأ بالعربية
هداك الله للحق 🖤🖤
إن كنت تريد أي أسئلة فأنا أخوك من مصر وسعيد بمساعدتك 🖤🖤
Lmao 🤣🤣
I watched this video before I became a Muslim. And now I am a 2years old Muslim. Alhamdullilah
So proud of your humanity ❤️
May Allah bless, please make doa'a for Lebanon 🇱🇧 and Palestine 🇵🇸.
*"It's not the eyes that are blind, But the Hearts"*
I am Jonizar Serajib from Indonesia. So happy to learn Islam in English. Really helpful for me to teach Islamic terms for my pupils. Keep on inspiring
@@fedesetrtatio1 it would be a waste of time! Why? Because yours is not a blindness of logic and intellect, it is a blindness of the Heart. We can go back and forth and “prove” to each other our convictions with no avail. Continue in YOUR faith and leave everyone out!
@@fedesetrtatio1 We believe in Abraham because of the Quran , Allah mean simply The God. Our proof is the Quran. Islam is the only religion that make sense.
@@fedesetrtatio1 bro don‘t you got quora?
@Recharge Authentic Beauty love u Indonesia from indian muslim 💖🙏
If you want to learn Islam you can ask ustadz in Indonesia too, there are many many ustadz have learned Islam
When he said the Quran fell and his finger pointed at the verse that met whatever he was going through, I remembered my own experience. One day my dad was going through a lot of pain and I was very hurt by it, I didn’t know what to do but turn to Allah for help, so I went to pray and I did dua and told Allah to give me patience to go through this. After that I opened the Quran to read. Some of the first verses that I read said “O you who believe! Seek help in patience and prayer. Truly, Allah is with the patient.” and “And certainly we shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss and wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to the patient.” I broke down crying but in happiness this time, because truly, Allah is always with the believers.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW said:
"In 3 situations, if you pray dua, it will definitely be accepted:
1) When your body starts shaking.
2) When you got fear in your heart.
3) When you got tears in your eyes."
The prophet also said:
"Whoever shares this knowledge, he will have a house in front of me in Jannah... ( AI - Bukhari)
11:36"Its not the eyes that are blind,but the heart" That was the turning point subhan Aallah
Are you saved? Where will you go when you die? Heaven or hell?
The Gospel, which means the Good News is the news that God Almighty, the Creator came in the flesh as Jesus Christ to take away the sin of the world. The one God is a trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Son came and laid down his own life to save ours. His sacrifice on the cross paid the price for our redemption with his own blood. On the third day he rose from dead and offers the gift of salvation and forgiveness to those that repent and trust in him. Although God's creation was created perfect, having no death, sickness and disease, the creation became corrupted through Adam and Eve in them disobeying God. In this rebellion the creation became fallen through the curse of sin and mankind became separated from God. This world is fallen, but God offers reconciliation to him through his provision at the cross. Ultimately God will restore his creation to perfection when he returns but those that reject his offer of redemption will remain condemned by their sins and go to hell.
John 1:1,14 KJV
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and THE WORD WAS GOD. [14] And THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH, and dwelt among us,
1 John 3:8 KJV
He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
Isaiah 9:6 KJV
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty GOD, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
John 1:10
He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and THE WORLD KNEW HIM NOT.
@@jesusisgod2953 PRAISE THE GOD JESUS CHRIST ✝️🙏🙏
@@SagarDas-my3xy Das? Hindu right?
It was the most beautiful part bro
That's a heavy statement, not only for the unbeliver also for some of us who were misguided.
Took my shahada 23rd November 2018. Before I said I was a Christian because it was all I knew and didn't know anything about Islam but like many Christians, I didn't read the Bible, didn't go to church, couldn't understand the trinity thing and it was just really confusing. Al7amdulillah Allah SWT guided me to the truth. Before Islam I had really bad depression and anxiety but as soon as I took my shahada, it disappeared like a miracle. Subhanallah. Allahu Akbar ☝️
You wept so much that tears are pouring down and you are on the right track. Congratulations to you
Now you are just exploding with joy, I understand?
@@GRABA85 of course I have bad days and good days like everyone else but the bad days are much different now. I have an inner strength that comes from trusting in our creator and I never feel dispair, instead, I feel comforted and like everything will be OK. But before my body was in a constant state of anxiety, I had a super high pulse rate and my mind was constantly racing. That's gone completely now :)
Masha allah you tear is fulling my eyes I see here many incredible ,emotional stories
@@GRABA85 this is kind of dark comedy, but on the right track. 🤣🤣🤣
I've been reading the Quran and I was talking to a Muslim brother today. He asked if I was a Muslim? I said "I haven't taken my Shahada yet. He said "You never know how much time you have, do it while you can." Then I come across this video and this guy has the exact same birthday as me. Day, month, year, exactly. Wow.
I hope you have a straight path my friend if you want we can talk
SoubhanAllah the Sam year/month/day
That's probably a hint from our creator for you brother
Waouuh🤲🏻🌹🌹the sign
Co incidence.... Maybe not, maybe it's a sign from the Most Merciful, Our Creator.
Subhanallah I just love reverts, they not only most interesting people but listening to their journey to Islam its just beautiful and inspiring, its eye opener to those seeking the truth.. alhamdulilah yarab❤❤❤❤❤❤
I know right! ❤❤❤
It's obvious that the Quran is not the words of God, but the words of fallible men
Think about the question below. But first, I will preface the question with a couple points
The Quran states that Allah does not have a son. But the Quran also states that Allah is all powerful, so he could have a son if he wanted to because he is all powerful
If Allah wanted to, could Allah have a son all by himself? Or would Allah need a mate to have a son?
Allah answers this question in the Quran, in chapter 6 verse 101. What's your answer?
Hamdoullah I memorized the Qur'an which is the biggest achievement I have done so far in my life. I carried out my graduation research project on Qur'aninc phonology in English studies, major linguistics. I am so proud of myself being a Muslim.
May( Allah ) grant you Jannah Brother
Brother May Allah also gives us strength to do something for Islam. Allah will reward u in this world and afterlife insha Allah. Good job brother m
*The ETERNAL GOD would do anything for you!!*
Even out of love for you he went to the cross as a human!!
Philippians 2:5-8
Alhamdulillah. May Allah reward you.
*Who explains to us why the Koran says Christians believe God has a biological son!*
To all Muslims! Son of God means NOT SON! What is called the son of God is the word of God = god himself! Which has nothing to do with a child (son)! Thus, the Son of God is incarnated as the human Jesus and the human Jesus is therefore referred to as a son, which does not mean a son!
I have been a Muslim for 38 years, thanks for that beautiful lesson, even thou, I think I am good Muslim, a least I TRY TO BE..🙏🙏🙏
don't ever misguided into thinking we go into paradise because of our deeds.. nope, its because of Allah rahmah..
Because sahabah of the prophets, they're guaranteed heaven while they're still breathing, but they pray like they're worrying they will go into the flames..
You are Luckiest one love from Pakistan 💚🇵🇰
@@dumyaccount1679 💞💞💞
Mash Allah...keep trying, thats what we are expected to
I don’t know how many time I have to watch this video, I like this man and his history 🙏 may Allah guide us. Thanks the channel for all the efforts you do for the benefit of Islam
Same to me wallahi
what a man!! the amount of effort he went through searching for knowledge, unbelievable. huge respect.
people who dont learn about islam, and just hear from media that islam is terrorist will believe that islam is terrorist. but people who learn will know that in islam we cannot hurt one another. all in quran is guide to be a better person.
Where are the TRILLION people of Gog and Magog!??!
Religion is silly!
@@seanmolloy9297 You will find out it if you can live to that time. If you read other signs of end time you will surely find similar things happening what was told by the prophet about 1400 years ago. To clear your concern and disbelief i have a little explanation of that hope it'll help you. Gog and Magog was trapped by the King Zulkarnayen. He trapped them with Iron and put Copper above it. And he trapped them between two mountains as far as i can remember. Copper reacts with air and become green over time. So we can't find it maybe because of trees jungle and greenery around us. And they(Gog Magog) try to break this everyday and stop the work when it's almost finished. They expect that they'll finish it the next day and goes to rest. But because of Allah's wish it(trap) becomes like it was before. One day Allah won't wish to make the trap like it was before and they will finally break it and will come out. I hope you find it helpful and to prove my logic you can see the statue of liberty 🗽 in New York, USA. It's made out of Copper and has become slightly green but it wasn't green when it was made and established. Maybe it'll become more green over time but Gog Magog was trapped thousands of years ago so i believe that the copper has become dark green and the environment has changed so much it has completely mixed with greenery or jungle. Or it can be under the surface and do you know that mountains aren't only in the surface it's root or bottom part remains under the soil surface. As I'm not a native English speaker there can be grammatical mistakes on my writing but i tried my best to keep it simple and understandable to you. Asking for your early forgiveness if you find any grammatical mistakes in it.
@Nuruzzaman Bulbul contributed this garbage! - "You will find out it if you can live to that time. If you read other signs of end time you will surely find similar things happening what was told by the prophet about 1400 years ago. To clear your concern and disbelief i have a little explanation of that hope it'll help you. Gog and Magog was trapped by the King Zulkarnayen. He trapped them with Iron and put Copper above it. And he trapped them between two mountains as far as i can remember. Copper reacts with air and become green over time. So we can't find it maybe because of trees jungle and greenery around us. . I hope you find it helpful and to prove my logic you can see the statue of liberty 🗽 in New York, USA. It's made out of Copper and has become slightly green but it wasn't green when it was made and established. Maybe it'll become more green over time but Gog Magog was trapped thousands of years ago so i believe that the copper has become dark green and the environment has changed so much it has completely mixed with greenery or jungle......"
The citizens of Gog and Magog - according to the drivel in the quran - are said to out number us humans by 100X.
That means that there must be a TRILLION of them hidden away somehow, somewhere!
Who would believe this garbage!??!
The water supply alone would be impossible; let alone space, pollution and food supply issues!
Again I'll say it. Religion is silly!
@@seanmolloy9297 I dont know about Christianity but it says this in Holy Quran, we call them Yajuj & Majuj evil cannibalistic tribes who used to once roam the earth causing bloodshed and destruction but they're gonna soon be let out by the will of God
That was the most most most beautiful interview of a revert ever!!! Period! He is so articulate well spoken and we can even see the light on his face... pure Noor =) So DIVINE. Congratulations!!!
It's not the eyes that blind. But the heart. I hope more people embrace Islam. May Allah SWT guide us
11:39 "it is not the eyes that are blind but the hearts". I got goosebumps ❤️❤️❤️❤️
i got tears
Me too
They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper. Quran 4:89
Me too
@@aishaagyina hi
I had a hardened heart. I knew nothing about the Prophet Muhammed(bpuh). I believe in one G-d, raised in a Protestant/Catholic family. I knew nothing about Islam, and formed my own opinion after 9/11/01, and knew what I was being "fed" by American television. I was a fireman. I worked forty minutes from ground Zero. I considered myself spiritual, but could never find or get answers to my questions regarding faith. I literally had not attended services in years, but prayed daily knowing that G-d protected me, and watched over me in trying times. I started my research on Islam, and read, and read, and read. I am finding more answers to my questions, and have realized that I want to be Muslim. My eyes will never forget what they have seen, but my heart is no longer hardened. This journey has raised questions, but I am finding answers. It has been very emotional, as I pray everyday, adjusting my days and evenings around prayer, not prayer around my days and evenings. I lost my younger brother yesterday. Prayers last evening and today have truly made me feel at peace with his passing. I am grateful for Allah, most gracious and merciful. I am looking forward to Shahada.
I know it is hard for you. But be fast in taking shahada as you believe in Islam because life is short . الله يهدي قلبك ويصلحه❤
Try investigating a bit more on 9/11. There are more and more proofs that it wasn’t as it seamed. In the countrary how could a building fall from a plane? How could a plane pass all the security controls and land there? Etc etc
True love = the love of God!
*God himself went to the cross for you out of love for you as a human being*
Philippians 2:5-8
I am pretty sure you took your shahada by now so congratulations Brother and welcome to Islam
Dear, The only thing keeping me going on in life is Islam. If it weren't for Islam I would have killed myself a long time ago. I don't know how many times in a day I say Alhamdulillah for the blessing of Islam. I hope you also get strength from Islam brother.
Joram is one of my favorite muslim people right now. He has such a significant voice right now that he, himself, probably don't realize yet. May The Most High bless him
@yusu messiah you have a lot of prejudices and misconceptions regarding Islam. Why don't you take a journey of discovery like Joram did. Read Muhammad's history - get the book Joram suggested. It is a start. The comments section here is inadequate to cover all your queries
the message at the end was amazing as well❤
He looks sooo peaceful MashaAllah ! ❤ my husband is also a revert Muslim this is very touching
@click this link I’m originally Moroccan but I was born and raised in France and my husband is originally French.
@@LamyaKR My sister, pray for me to marry a religious man. I am from Algeria
@@lilalila1464 Allah y sa7al dearest sister
@@lilalila1464 you marry non religious man and convert him like this sister did
❤️ from India, sister
I am Muslim, but your story is refreshing for my own faith. May Allah help you in your journey here and after.
Proud muslim, Alhamdulillah
@@rayhannaufal4264 Fair tale, saltwater and sweetwater cant mixed? Yeah and air isnt there to breath lol. Sure there is a imagination. lol
@yusu messiah "Jesus Christ" in Christianity is considered as "Essa Aleh Salam" in Islam.
I watched a video of this Brother a month before. I saw how much rage and hate he had. But look our Brother right now. Such a calm person filled with Love. Wish you the best Brother🤲
I’m pretty sure he was Muslim before that month, which video are you referring to ?
@@soundheart4013 yes he has been muslim for years. He reverted years ago.
@@soundheart4013 Before he reverted he was doing speech in parliament about how Islam is bad for our society. I mean he was a total anti Islam
@@soundheart4013 maybe it’s an old video from before
@@soundheart4013 He said "he watched a video a month before" it means that, the video could be uploaded a lot of years ago but he watched it a month before.
Mashallah I'm filipino muslim from philippines I'm watching your vedeo to your content for way of islam
As a dutchman I am very happy to see him and hear his story. How amazing mashaAllah
I was practicing witch from age 14. Involved in witchcraft and Kabbalah. Then I learnt and learnt and then I came to the truth and light and peace..Shia Islam
@@kellysam2076 may Allah guide you to the straight path