You can't make a scarecrow that looks like Nyx. Any lumber tall enough for that wouldnt be able to hold up all the metal plus it'll just attact Bansai's
Honestly i dont find the "tall female" jokes funny as Im a 6 foot 7 in man so "tall" women are still just short from my perspective. Especially since my younger sisters are 6 foor 2 and 6 foot 3.
You can't make a scarecrow that looks like Nyx. Any lumber tall enough for that wouldnt be able to hold up all the metal plus it'll just attact Bansai's
Speedy reading makes it so much funnier. Speedy and Side know each other so we'll 😂.
Just finished the "Best of Side 2024" and now a video pops up? Boy howdy, we're in for a treat!
Just a silly misspelling is all. My king
I speak for us all when I say? We miss you king and hope you are doing well!!!
Thanks king! I’ll be back Sunday!
Nice groupy
why nyx always a debbie downer?
That's what my boyfriend calls me.... :(
Lotta really shallow innuendo jokes with this group.
Honestly i dont find the "tall female" jokes funny as Im a 6 foot 7 in man so "tall" women are still just short from my perspective. Especially since my younger sisters are 6 foor 2 and 6 foot 3.