Shops can open from Monday 15th June…

  • Опубліковано 19 жов 2024
    The Government has confirmed that any shop can re-open from Monday provided it follows guidelines designed to halt the spread of the coronavirus. We know that many stores in and around Dartford plan to open soon and we’ve been helping many of them get ready.
    Little by little, many of the restrictions that have impacted on our daily lives are being slowly lifted but it’s important to recognise that whilst the Coronavirus may be in retreat - it certainly hasn’t gone away.
    Seeing our local shops open again is an important step towards getting back to normal, but things are far from normal yet.
    Throughout this Covid-19 outbreak, we’ve tried to provide leadership and take some big decisions when they needed to be made. I’m enormously grateful to the many residents and businesses who have got in touch to thank us for our efforts. Since the outbreak began we have reached out to 47,000 households to offer help, practical support , emergency food packages or advice to local people ( One better-than-expected success was distributing thousands of puzzle books to elderly folk facing weeks of lonely lockdown at home ). Your words and thanks have been hugely appreciated by the DBC team.
    We have also mobilised to provide grants worth more than £12million to thousands of local small businesses to help them through these unprecedented days.
    We have tried to respond to every challenge …. but this isn’t a race.
    The people of Dartford have been absolutely brilliant so far but helping our businesses, traders and street markets re-open is a big challenge and we don’t want to wipe out all the good work that has been done.
    Our plan is to help High Street retailers and traders open safely and that means making sure shoppers and shop staff are able to follow NHS guidelines. When we are certain that’s being achieved - and only then - we will phase in the return of the Thursday and Saturday street markets. No-one wants to see markets back more than us but we will only do so when it’s completely safe.
    Shopping in our High Streets and retail centres may be a little different at first. Social-distancing is just about the most important way to limit the spread of the virus and that means stores may have to limit the number of customers they can serve. That, of course, may mean queues.
    But, let’s face it. British people are probably the best in the world at queuing and this is our chance to shine !!
    Washing your hands frequently is also important so please do so before you set off, as soon at get home and once again after you’ve unpacked everything. We know it’s not easy when you’re in the town centre so we have provided free sanitising stations for you. You will also find council staff and contractors in the High Street ready to help you. They are not there to enforce but to offer advice and help if you need it.
    Finally, It would be wonderful if the amazing community spirit and acts of kindness that have characterised our town’s response to Covid-19 so far, now focus on the local traders and businesses that have been hit so hard. Like many townsfolk, they have had a tough time too and they need our support more than ever. When you’re out and about shopping please be kind, be patient and be understanding. Above all, remember to follow the guidelines and be safe.
    That’s the way our brilliant small traders will get back-in-business.
    Council Leader Jeremy Kite.