2 : 102. *And they followed whatever Satans recited concerning Suleiman’s kingship, and Suleiman didn’t disbelieve. But the Satans disbelieved by teaching mankind sorcery, and what was sent down upon two Angels Harooth and Marooth in Babylon. Both of them didn’t teach anyone unless they said: “Indeed, we are only a trial, so you don’t disbelieve!” Then they were learning from both of them a trick (sorcery) which was able to separate the lady from her husband. And yet they don’t harm anyone with it except with Lord Allah’s Permission. And they were learning what was harming them and not benefiting them. And verily they knew that anyone who purchased it, he had no share in the Hereafter. How wretched is what they have purchased for themselves with it if they were having the Knowledge.* Satan had spread gossips that the kingship of Prophet Suleiman existed using witchcraft like sorcery and magic. Suleiman’s supernatural powers were bestowed by Lord Allah, whereas sorcery is taught by Satan. When the people of Babylon were involved in such kind of sorcery taught by Satan to fulfill their desires, Lord deputed two Angels Harooth and Marooth for teaching sorcery as a trial. They didn’t teach anyone except by saying: “Indeed, we are only a trial, so you don’t disbelieve!” The people who learned sorcery from Angels utilized it to discord the wife from her husband and thereby they involved in illegal sexual relations. None can harm anyone without the Lord’s Permission. Adhikr is the Lord’s Permission as told in verses 10: 100 and 33: 46. That means if anyone utilizes Adhikr as the Safeguard against all disasters, calamities, evils, diseases, and Hellfire, nothing can harm him. But the aimless and heedless Fujjar by rejecting Adhikr are purchasing the bodily and worldly life instead of the Hereafter, and thereby they are purchasing the Hellfire instead of Paradise. Lord taught through His Messenger that those who are involved in the sorcery will not get even the smell of Paradise. Those who are involved in sorcery, are not believing in Adhikr which is sent upon Messenger Muhammad as told in verse 16: 44. There are Satans among men and Jinns as told in verses 6: 112 and 114: 6. Satan has no authority upon believers who are entrusting upon the Lord with Adhikr as told in verse 16: 99. Today none can become a believer until he transforms his Jinn soulmate into a believer with Adhikr as told in verses 43: 36-39. No sorcery and temptation shall affect the human devil hypocrites because the Lord has already killed them. It is told in verse 19: 83: “Satans are deputed to disbelievers to fulfill their ambitions”. It is told in both verses 6: 43 and 27: 24 that Satan has made disbelievers’ acts attractive to them. It is told in verse 58: 10: “Indeed, conspiracy is from Satan to cause grief among the believers, but he can’t do any harm to them except with Lord’s Permission”. If anyone utilizes Adhikr as Balance and Insight, he can see that the worst creatures Fujjar are involved in sorcery, black magic, bloodshed, cheating, and all such mischievous activities. If they are having the Real Knowledge Adhikr they would never follow in satanic footsteps. See explanation 2: 85; 4:51-52, 79 and 7: 201-202. *From Adhikr - the Best Interpretation of Lord’s Book* www.straightpathonline.com
The Qur’an is the word of God, which was revealed to mankind in order for them to enter into the religion of Islam, because the Qur’an explains to you all the stories and all the miracles that scholars could not understand had it not been for the Book of God. Hasten your acceptance of Islam before you leave this world because it is a test and this world is not a home for man. God created us in the sky, and because of our father Adam and our mother Eve, who broke the words of God and ate from the tree of paradise that God warned them about, and after what God knew about them, He sent them to earth, and after that the prophets began to come to explain to man that there is one God who is God. 🌺
To me in my opinion I would say during the reign of Babylon, Jin was committing crime against the people of that time, so no one could find a solution to the Jin problem, so Allah sent the Two Angels to teach the people how to assess or control the Jinns,but it was said to them not to practice it because it could bring harm to their faith, that was the disclaimer they said.
quran isnt based on our opinions and magic can never help against the jin only prophet sulaiman peace be upon him could control jins no other human could or can do it
Why have the nasheed playing in the background? It adds nothing to the narration especially as you are reciting Qur'an while it is playing which isn't good.The subject matter doesn't need this kind of support and it's at the least very distracting and at worst disrespectful.
In Bangladesh,🇧🇩 many people are believed that Allah gives human virtue into harut and marut and gives them human face while sending to earth. They fall in love with one women as well as teach her a process by which angle can go from earth to upper worlds. So other angels make her into a planet which is venus. And harut, marut locked up in a wells and will be there unless kiyamat happens.
Angels cannot disobey Allah, their commands are not to interfere with humans other than giving them teachings about magic with a disclaimer that they will enter hellfire.
What you are referencing is other accounts of the same story however written through or told through the lens of Talmud and other Verdic influences. The story with the woman is not stated in the Quran nor any verified refrences
You shouldn't even be entertaining the idea of "sinning fallen angels" or" tested angels" because that idea completely opposes the Quranic verses that state two facts about Angels: Complete obedience to divine orders & absence of free will.
Wait. I believe in magic or more like I know that there is said power out there but I have no interest in gaining/learning/using it but I still believe it exists. That doesn't constitutes as Kufr, right?
rather than believe, i just kinda get how it works by using either evil djinns or satan. they might can do something using whatever might God's create them with, but if God didn't allowed it, whatever they do will result in nothing. so... does this considered as believe in magic? or just believe there's another God's creation with something human didn't have? 🤔🤔🤔 there's one of a moment where i was always have doubt about something magical from people claim they got it after practicing dzikr. because we didn't know if it was truly gift or just djinns trying to mess up. but, someone also told me, the difference between the two was, do you become prideful of your gift? do you aware you're gifted? the dzikr itself was for you to always remember, to ask whatever you want, which, if Allah allowed, you'll be blessed with "protection". so, it's not to show off, rather, to protect one self from the harm of magic user (hence, if God's didn't allowed it, it result in nothing).
I should clarify when it was mentioned not to believe in magic, those magic items are not to be believed in as they are not Allah so we trust in Allah and not a rabbit's foot for example but is magic out there, yes and Wil not always work but sometimes they do in small ways through jinn so that people commit kufr
why u r keep telling quran? in that time there was no Quran.right? in my opinion 19:36 this bible story is false. because even Saytan wasnt an angel. angels will never betry Allah. and i dont think they will ever think like this.its kind of questining Allah 's power.also angels would never sent back to earth in form of human.its also disrespectful.in my opinion.it also doesnt go with Allah swt 's pride. only human and djin can think like this.
This is just opinion which has no ground. I do believe that these people are the hanunakis or alien coming from another planet to earth. Check Bill Carson mentioning this, including the bones found in the industan valley which are corps that was destroyed by a war between great been. It is even mention in the tablet that these being teach magic ✨ and many other things. As we know angela doesn't disobey God according to the Quran. These two being cannot be angels or we have to accept the falling angels.
@@awakenedsightyoure wrong, its liks how gabriel being send by Allah to teach scripture for any prophets. he do by Allah permission, and any other task.. as harut marut, his task is that.. teaching sihr/magic as a test for human, they can using magic to ppl without Allah permission. As you know Marut is actually Amar Utu aka Marduk.. which is babilonian God back then. Marduk is God of Magic etc.. so you know they are the same Angel or persona..i just doubt about harut, either he is Hadad or even a different entity back then.. like Amurru/Amrit.. and his wife which is Asherat.. either Asherat is Harut is unknown..
Look, the condition for learning sihr is disbelief, kufr by doing shirk. Sihr will only work if you've given up paradise forever, a'uzu billah. So you're going to hell forever if you die in that state. What do you gain? -something which will bring NO use to you at all, but it can possibly harm people with some sort of sickness. Do you get the clue? It's just a fitna which we should avoid by all cost. Imagine giving up paradise by betraying GOD just to make people sick.
It's should telling the origin story of magic first, about Two Angels (Harut Marut) that sent to Babel to informed and teached mankind the reality and knowledge of magic, so mankind would have info or data about magic, and hopely wouldn't deceived by it especially by the jinns and satan who using it. It's more likely the angels sent there so humanity would have info to develop self defense against magic. Not completely clueless. Revealed the info and knowledge about magic it self have certain level of damage, that's why the angels said that what they informed (magic) is a trial, and human shouldn't go further more after magic because it will give more harm to humanity. The two angels also informed all the consequences and the disadvantages of learning magic. However, some of people still tempted to learn magic and they crossed the lines, and these people are the first mages. The damages to humanity because of these mages (that later being corrupt) is so severe, and The Babel then also need to be destroyed. The tower basically the magic facility, you can tell how much inhuman and evil research there that made God wrath at it. Then, years goes by, in the era of Solomon (Prophet Suleiman PBUH). The Prophet was given by God the strength, charms, knowledge, power, and wealth to rule over human, animals, even the jinns. Prophet Suleiman also blessed by ability to control the wind, which is basically a moving energy (or energy flows). The problem is the slandering, character assasination, and black campaign against The Prophet Suleiman PBUH, before he rules, whenever he rules, even after he rules. Coming not only from human kind, and the jinns kind. One of the slander, saying that he is sorcerer who learned and committed black magic. Which is not true, because The Prophet Suleiman's power is coming from God's divinity. He was blessed by God. Even nowadays, we could see like there's fine line between people who were give by God given talent (in Prophet Suleiman's case, he also The God's choosen prophet).
Why he keeps saying sulaiman sulaiman sulaiman as if talking about a random person??? You should mention the name of a prophet of Allah swt with respect by saying sulaiman alaihe Salam.
Hey people of yesterday Your attention please... Let's talk about Salvation Who's is the author of Salvation.? Thousands and thousands of books ? Even the false prophets beheaded due to false teachings, All was books for history itself but in the most important matters of one soul where do you get such sanvation.?
Salvation Comes From Allah, The Author Of It All..Lord Of The World's, Creator Of The Heaven's And Earth....There Is Only One God...Allah Is The Supreme Being!
it sounds like the christian jesus story of becoming a man and going to earth becouse jezus wanted to know how it is to be human. could it be that romans and greeks somewhere copied that from some story about two angels becoming humans in order to know how it is to be human and just applied that to jezus. remember that bible is a collection. a collection of what ? exactly
Babylon=71 baby=30 quran=71 hazrat maryam=71 math=42 madina=42 surah 2 ayet 30 then surah 2 ayet 56 see the translation from quran in your language torat=74 muhammad=74 english=74 the end of time earth quake 2005 in kashmir= 79. 8-10-2005= 8+1+2=115 qurah have total 114 surah its a alert=56 From god to his people torat zaboor anjeel and quran total 4 books if we belve total 4 books and 124000 messenger then we are muslim so your question is why babylon chosen IRAQ=45+27=72 surah jinn=47 so zubaidah what allah want he do he dont want any permision god give a brain to think and solve the mystries so 58=40+13=53 surah 53=5×3=15 and 5+3=8= surah 15 ayet 8 =???? Find in quran now see flood in pakistan why ????? Almost 70 % country under flood eartquake also coming
Quran was not revealed at that time it was Zubur. Please correct your mistakes. This is another reason I don't listen to Yasir Qadiri he also promotes praying and offering to Kubur... May Allah SWT protect us all from such fitna.
@Rehan Shaikh hate is a very strong word I said another reason I don't like Yasir Qadiri perhaps you should have asked what are other reasons then I would tell you that he promotes shirk . Anyway Allahu Aalam
@@i8nm3gpyes and he hid the books so nobody would get in touch with it. THE DEVIL has told people lies after his death. Do you want to believe what Satan says? He just wants to see us in hell since he's got crazy!
There's more bibles than you can count on your fingers, and all of what is considered Canon and kept secret. A lot of things were changed by Uthman in the Quran also, since hafsa wrote it
I don't know the proper mafhoom of that verse but: Allah says, He's responsible and guardian of Qur'an, not a single zair (ِ ) or zabar (َ ) can be changed in Qur'an, like it happend to the books revealed on previous Prophets/Messengers of Allah e.g (Bible)
Even the angels who did not maintain their high rank but forsook their habitation, he has reserved for the judgment of the great day with eternal bonds in darkness. SO also Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which, like them, committed fornication and indulged in other flesh, are set as examples and suffer the punishment of eternal fire. Jude 1:5-7 I strongly warn whoever hears the prophetic words of this book: whoever adds anything to these words, God will bring to him all the calamities described in this book. Revelation 22:18-19 the Koran adds something from the Bible. The Bible is holy and perfect. These two angels resemble the writing in the Epistle of Judas. The Koran gets the plagues because it denies the Son of Man and takes away other parts of the Old Testament and New Testament. You have to pray that God will take you out of this. This is darkness... and not a wholesome teaching. This leads to school squabbles, gossip, evil suspicions, etc I wish the Muslims get out. That has to be threatening? 🙏 the path to light leads through Jesus Christ the Son of Man
Please pray for me and my family going through tough time
May Allah make it easy for you and your family.
May Allah bless you and your family with abundance of your heart desires Ameen
May Allah bless you and your family with abundance of your heart desires Ameen
May Allah grant u and ur family ease
Thank you for allowing us to translate this video into another languages. I'm gonna translate this into malaysian language. Thank you so much❤
JazakAllah kheir
2 : 102. *And they followed whatever Satans recited concerning Suleiman’s kingship, and Suleiman didn’t disbelieve. But the Satans disbelieved by teaching mankind sorcery, and what was sent down upon two Angels Harooth and Marooth in Babylon. Both of them didn’t teach anyone unless they said: “Indeed, we are only a trial, so you don’t disbelieve!” Then they were learning from both of them a trick (sorcery) which was able to separate the lady from her husband. And yet they don’t harm anyone with it except with Lord Allah’s Permission. And they were learning what was harming them and not benefiting them. And verily they knew that anyone who purchased it, he had no share in the Hereafter. How wretched is what they have purchased for themselves with it if they were having the Knowledge.*
Satan had spread gossips that the kingship of Prophet Suleiman existed using witchcraft like sorcery and magic. Suleiman’s supernatural powers were bestowed by Lord Allah, whereas sorcery is taught by Satan. When the people of Babylon were involved in such kind of sorcery taught by Satan to fulfill their desires, Lord deputed two Angels Harooth and Marooth for teaching sorcery as a trial. They didn’t teach anyone except by saying: “Indeed, we are only a trial, so you don’t disbelieve!” The people who learned sorcery from Angels utilized it to discord the wife from her husband and thereby they involved in illegal sexual relations. None can harm anyone without the Lord’s Permission. Adhikr is the Lord’s Permission as told in verses 10: 100 and 33: 46. That means if anyone utilizes Adhikr as the Safeguard against all disasters, calamities, evils, diseases, and Hellfire, nothing can harm him. But the aimless and heedless Fujjar by rejecting Adhikr are purchasing the bodily and worldly life instead of the Hereafter, and thereby they are purchasing the Hellfire instead of Paradise.
Lord taught through His Messenger that those who are involved in the sorcery will not get even the smell of Paradise. Those who are involved in sorcery, are not believing in Adhikr which is sent upon Messenger Muhammad as told in verse 16: 44.
There are Satans among men and Jinns as told in verses 6: 112 and 114: 6. Satan has no authority upon believers who are entrusting upon the Lord with Adhikr as told in verse 16: 99. Today none can become a believer until he transforms his Jinn soulmate into a believer with Adhikr as told in verses 43: 36-39.
No sorcery and temptation shall affect the human devil hypocrites because the Lord has already killed them. It is told in verse 19: 83: “Satans are deputed to disbelievers to fulfill their ambitions”. It is told in both verses 6: 43 and 27: 24 that Satan has made disbelievers’ acts attractive to them. It is told in verse 58: 10: “Indeed, conspiracy is from Satan to cause grief among the believers, but he can’t do any harm to them except with Lord’s Permission”. If anyone utilizes Adhikr as Balance and Insight, he can see that the worst creatures Fujjar are involved in sorcery, black magic, bloodshed, cheating, and all such mischievous activities. If they are having the Real Knowledge Adhikr they would never follow in satanic footsteps. See explanation 2: 85; 4:51-52, 79 and 7: 201-202.
*From Adhikr - the Best Interpretation of Lord’s Book*
The Qur’an is the word of God, which was revealed to mankind in order for them to enter into the religion of Islam, because the Qur’an explains to you all the stories and all the miracles that scholars could not understand had it not been for the Book of God. Hasten your acceptance of Islam before you leave this world because it is a test and this world is not a home for man. God created us in the sky, and because of our father Adam and our mother Eve, who broke the words of God and ate from the tree of paradise that God warned them about, and after what God knew about them, He sent them to earth, and after that the prophets began to come to explain to man that there is one God who is God. 🌺
In time of Sulayman ( a.s ) what he is book ?
Why can’t you not believe in magic if magic is real? How can you not believe in magic if Allaah says the shayyateen taught people magic
This is about Grand Grimore. ( Book written in the raign of King Solomon ) Anybody got any idea about Necronomican ( The Book Of Dead )
To me in my opinion I would say during the reign of Babylon, Jin was committing crime against the people of that time, so no one could find a solution to the Jin problem, so Allah sent the Two Angels to teach the people how to assess or control the Jinns,but it was said to them not to practice it because it could bring harm to their faith, that was the disclaimer they said.
quran isnt based on our opinions and magic can never help against the jin
only prophet sulaiman peace be upon him could control jins no other human could or can do it
Why have the nasheed playing in the background? It adds nothing to the narration especially as you are reciting Qur'an while it is playing which isn't good.The subject matter doesn't need this kind of support and it's at the least very distracting and at worst disrespectful.
Brother please swalu alehim Allah (SWT) SULEIMAN (AS)IBRAHIHIM ?( AS) SWALU ALEHIM ❤❤❤
Is it true that we can’t worship our ancestors and family members in the after life because it’s necromancy?
So why are the angels being punished if they were test to the people of Babylon?
They are not being punished and they are not hanging in any well. It's a fabricated story which was spread through Israiliyat.
In Bangladesh,🇧🇩 many people are believed that Allah gives human virtue into harut and marut and gives them human face while sending to earth. They fall in love with one women as well as teach her a process by which angle can go from earth to upper worlds. So other angels make her into a planet which is venus. And harut, marut locked up in a wells and will be there unless kiyamat happens.
Angels cannot disobey Allah, their commands are not to interfere with humans other than giving them teachings about magic with a disclaimer that they will enter hellfire.
What you are referencing is other accounts of the same story however written through or told through the lens of Talmud and other Verdic influences. The story with the woman is not stated in the Quran nor any verified refrences
You shouldn't even be entertaining the idea of "sinning fallen angels" or" tested angels" because that idea completely opposes the Quranic verses that state two facts about Angels: Complete obedience to divine orders & absence of free will.
Wait. I believe in magic or more like I know that there is said power out there but I have no interest in gaining/learning/using it but I still believe it exists.
That doesn't constitutes as Kufr, right?
Please listen to the 18 minute mark you will find your answer. Any belief and magic is considered disbelief.
rather than believe, i just kinda get how it works by using either evil djinns or satan. they might can do something using whatever might God's create them with, but if God didn't allowed it, whatever they do will result in nothing. so... does this considered as believe in magic? or just believe there's another God's creation with something human didn't have? 🤔🤔🤔
there's one of a moment where i was always have doubt about something magical from people claim they got it after practicing dzikr. because we didn't know if it was truly gift or just djinns trying to mess up. but, someone also told me, the difference between the two was, do you become prideful of your gift? do you aware you're gifted? the dzikr itself was for you to always remember, to ask whatever you want, which, if Allah allowed, you'll be blessed with "protection". so, it's not to show off, rather, to protect one self from the harm of magic user (hence, if God's didn't allowed it, it result in nothing).
We believe in magic but it is haram to seek it. Don't associate with any magic including emblems that store it as that is kufr.
I should clarify when it was mentioned not to believe in magic, those magic items are not to be believed in as they are not Allah so we trust in Allah and not a rabbit's foot for example but is magic out there, yes and Wil not always work but sometimes they do in small ways through jinn so that people commit kufr
@hkballer13 One thing you said is right.
Magic is afterall an 'intersection' between the world of man and the world of jinn
They r a TRAIL!!
*trial as in test
very annoying background noise
why u r keep telling quran? in that time there was no Quran.right?
in my opinion 19:36 this bible story is false.
because even Saytan wasnt an angel. angels will never betry Allah. and i dont think they will ever think like this.its kind of questining Allah 's power.also angels would never sent back to earth in form of human.its also disrespectful.in my opinion.it also doesnt go with Allah swt 's pride.
only human and djin can think like this.
Bro Quran talk about history of Suleiman
Babylon is DEFINITELY NOT older than Indus Valley
This is just opinion which has no ground.
I do believe that these people are the hanunakis or alien coming from another planet to earth.
Check Bill Carson mentioning this, including the bones found in the industan valley which are corps that was destroyed by a war between great been. It is even mention in the tablet that these being teach magic ✨ and many other things.
As we know angela doesn't disobey God according to the Quran.
These two being cannot be angels or we have to accept the falling angels.
@@awakenedsightyoure wrong, its liks how gabriel being send by Allah to teach scripture for any prophets. he do by Allah permission, and any other task.. as harut marut, his task is that.. teaching sihr/magic as a test for human, they can using magic to ppl without Allah permission.
As you know Marut is actually Amar Utu aka Marduk.. which is babilonian God back then. Marduk is God of Magic etc.. so you know they are the same Angel or persona..i just doubt about harut, either he is Hadad or even a different entity back then.. like Amurru/Amrit.. and his wife which is Asherat.. either Asherat is Harut is unknown..
Is selling of soul means performing magic ?
Look, the condition for learning sihr is disbelief, kufr by doing shirk.
Sihr will only work if you've given up paradise forever, a'uzu billah.
So you're going to hell forever if you die in that state.
What do you gain?
-something which will bring NO use to you at all, but it can possibly harm people with some sort of sickness.
Do you get the clue? It's just a fitna which we should avoid by all cost.
Imagine giving up paradise by betraying GOD just to make people sick.
@@Abdu-l-Jalil jazakallah brother
Yes. And you got scammed. Just like selling your kidney to buy Iphone, and then new Iphone keep coming.
Please tell the background sound/nasheed names ? Please?
will it benefit you in your grave?
Wait, there were no Jews until after Prophet Jacob pbuh. How could this be before Prophet Ibrahim pbuh but dealing with the Jews and the two angels?
It's should telling the origin story of magic first, about Two Angels (Harut Marut) that sent to Babel to informed and teached mankind the reality and knowledge of magic, so mankind would have info or data about magic, and hopely wouldn't deceived by it especially by the jinns and satan who using it. It's more likely the angels sent there so humanity would have info to develop self defense against magic. Not completely clueless.
Revealed the info and knowledge about magic it self have certain level of damage, that's why the angels said that what they informed (magic) is a trial, and human shouldn't go further more after magic because it will give more harm to humanity. The two angels also informed all the consequences and the disadvantages of learning magic.
However, some of people still tempted to learn magic and they crossed the lines, and these people are the first mages. The damages to humanity because of these mages (that later being corrupt) is so severe, and The Babel then also need to be destroyed. The tower basically the magic facility, you can tell how much inhuman and evil research there that made God wrath at it.
Then, years goes by, in the era of Solomon (Prophet Suleiman PBUH). The Prophet was given by God the strength, charms, knowledge, power, and wealth to rule over human, animals, even the jinns. Prophet Suleiman also blessed by ability to control the wind, which is basically a moving energy (or energy flows).
The problem is the slandering, character assasination, and black campaign against The Prophet Suleiman PBUH, before he rules, whenever he rules, even after he rules. Coming not only from human kind, and the jinns kind.
One of the slander, saying that he is sorcerer who learned and committed black magic. Which is not true, because The Prophet Suleiman's power is coming from God's divinity. He was blessed by God. Even nowadays, we could see like there's fine line between people who were give by God given talent (in Prophet Suleiman's case, he also The God's choosen prophet).
Im sure they came with a disclaimer, maybe the scholars know? 😂
Why he keeps saying sulaiman sulaiman sulaiman as if talking about a random person??? You should mention the name of a prophet of Allah swt with respect by saying sulaiman alaihe Salam.
Hey people of yesterday
Your attention please...
Let's talk about Salvation
Who's is the author of Salvation.?
Thousands and thousands of books ? Even the false prophets beheaded due to false teachings,
All was books for history itself but in the most important matters of one soul where do you get such sanvation.?
Salvation Comes From Allah, The Author Of It All..Lord Of The World's, Creator Of The Heaven's And Earth....There Is Only One God...Allah Is The Supreme Being!
U Must Know Your Past (History), In Order To Know Your Future (Present)!...
im experiencing the wierdest thing right now. why has the like button on this video disappeared ? only the dislike button is open ?
it sounds like the christian jesus story of becoming a man and going to earth becouse jezus wanted to know how it is to be human. could it be that romans and greeks somewhere copied that from some story about two angels becoming humans in order to know how it is to be human and just applied that to jezus. remember that bible is a collection. a collection of what ? exactly
I wish they have not bought it in this world..........my people (everyone)would had a better life in this world and after ..
Not One Leaf Falls From A Tree Without The Permission Of Allah!
I am waiting for an answer to WHY Babylon is chosen. Topic differs from content
Babylon=71 baby=30 quran=71 hazrat maryam=71 math=42 madina=42 surah 2 ayet 30 then surah 2 ayet 56 see the translation from quran in your language torat=74 muhammad=74 english=74 the end of time earth quake 2005 in kashmir= 79. 8-10-2005= 8+1+2=115 qurah have total 114 surah its a alert=56 From god to his people torat zaboor anjeel and quran total 4 books if we belve total 4 books and 124000 messenger then we are muslim so your question is why babylon chosen IRAQ=45+27=72 surah jinn=47 so zubaidah what allah want he do he dont want any permision god give a brain to think and solve the mystries so 58=40+13=53 surah 53=5×3=15 and 5+3=8= surah 15 ayet 8 =???? Find in quran now see flood in pakistan why ????? Almost 70 % country under flood eartquake also coming
@@samiurrehman5746 you ok?
The emphasis is on WHY HARUT AND MARUT CAME...to babylon is additional information
The human depiction withe wings is not right @magnificent Islam plz edit it out.
It might connect to the 72 demons of Solomon.
Quran was not revealed at that time it was Zubur. Please correct your mistakes. This is another reason I don't listen to Yasir Qadiri he also promotes praying and offering to Kubur... May Allah SWT protect us all from such fitna.
What are you talking about?
@@chkh007 if cannot understand I can't make you.
Allah revealed the whole story to Nabii Muhammad SAW through the Quran. Same as the story of Adam AS.
@Rehan Shaikh hate is a very strong word I said another reason I don't like Yasir Qadiri perhaps you should have asked what are other reasons then I would tell you that he promotes shirk . Anyway Allahu Aalam
@@fareedakhtar3059can you please provide factual evidence for this claim?
Sulaiman and his armies destroyed the city of babylon and he acquired the magic spells scriptures.
Where do you get this information from
@lfaizaanl it's obvious. All you have to do is use your brains because everything is in front of you.
@@i8nm3gpyes and he hid the books so nobody would get in touch with it.
THE DEVIL has told people lies after his death.
Do you want to believe what Satan says? He just wants to see us in hell since he's got crazy!
There's more bibles than you can count on your fingers, and all of what is considered Canon and kept secret. A lot of things were changed by Uthman in the Quran also, since hafsa wrote it
Are you converted and Caucasian ?
Bro what 😂
@@BiggieDark exactly lmao
I don't know the proper mafhoom of that verse but: Allah says, He's responsible and guardian of Qur'an, not a single zair (ِ ) or zabar (َ ) can be changed in Qur'an, like it happend to the books revealed on previous Prophets/Messengers of Allah e.g (Bible)
Even the angels who did not maintain their high rank but forsook their habitation, he has reserved for the judgment of the great day with eternal bonds in darkness. SO also Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which, like them, committed fornication and indulged in other flesh, are set as examples and suffer the punishment of eternal fire. Jude 1:5-7 I strongly warn whoever hears the prophetic words of this book: whoever adds anything to these words, God will bring to him all the calamities described in this book. Revelation 22:18-19 the Koran adds something from the Bible. The Bible is holy and perfect. These two angels resemble the writing in the Epistle of Judas. The Koran gets the plagues because it denies the Son of Man and takes away other parts of the Old Testament and New Testament. You have to pray that God will take you out of this. This is darkness... and not a wholesome teaching. This leads to school squabbles, gossip, evil suspicions, etc I wish the Muslims get out. That has to be threatening? 🙏 the path to light leads through Jesus Christ the Son of Man