I admire Frank. His life has become such a rich tapestry of insane fantasies and lies, and people pay him for telling them his nonsense. A good conman is a sight to behold.
what a wasted life though, when he could be making money honestly using the same skills, it's like bad cops, you can still be a bully just bully the criminals not the auditors.
@@rembrandt972ify Not only that, but many innocent people have been targeted, and even spent decades in prison, or been m*rdered by the government, as a result.
It appears that Turek has never looked at the statue of David. I am amazed at how little of the world Turek has taken the time to look at and admire. Well, not really; he's a very limited man.
As an old man with no offspring, living in a country with a completely different culture, constitution, legal and school system, all I can say is Happy Christmas!
@@GodlessGranny tha cause of the say. Will no longer restricted 23: is in play. 😮 Positive energy for all. My late gift. Enjoy jalapenos regularly exposure everyone
i went to a UK state comprehensive school in the 70's, all state schools in the UK are christian, we had christian assembly every morning, with prayers and hymns, we had christian religious studies two hours a week, and i've been atheist all my 70 years. it doesn't always work, the brainwashing. i owe my entire life to my art teacher, art was also civics, we listened to music, the beatles, stones, captain beefhart, we talked politics and drugs and sex and since i left school in 1970 at 16 i've worked as an artist of one kind or another (culminating in feature film effects) and it's all down to mister holt, the art teacher. and i've always been atheist, or if you like, i never got fooled by gods. art teachers are supposed to be rebels, not god fearing shills for the almighty.
Same here, and I got taken to church from the year dot and, as soon as I was able to properly understand the words of the bible, I found it illogical and offensive, and couldn't believe in their psychotic gods if you paid me to. I was deliberately late the last 2 years of school and avoided to hypocritical bullshit of chapel, I just couldn't take it any more, but was disgusted to learn a year or 2 ago that one of my previous students got detention (aged 17) for missing it. Re RE, our teacher was a YEC (the first one I remember meeting, and he was a supercilious ephebophile) and I don't remember anyone taking his nonsense seriously, and was a bit surprised, as a late teenager, when some people in our year came out as christian.* * There is, of course, no such thing, but I didn't know that then.
You know, the real damning thing here for that poor idiot lady is, Frank Turek _himself_ tanked her "case" when she gets sued for breaking the law. Him. He did it. By telling her _how to break the law and get away with it_ as he thinks she could, that lady wouldn't just get a slap on the hand for an oopsie-doodle but instead would get smacked with malice aforethought. I wish I could get in touch with that woman. I might not respect her in any way, shape, or form, but I absolutely despise stupid people being taken advantage of.
Christian math: how many people did God kill in the OT? Christian physical: how God create the universe from nothing? Christian biology: What is the smallest seed? Christian history: how many women visit Jesus tomb? Christian chemistry: how did Jesus turn water into wine? Christian geology: how did Noah return kangoru to Australia?
Funny thing here is that Frank closes with what he should have opened with. which is pointing her to an organization that (he purports) actually knows about these things. Frank's ego won't allow him to admit that there are things that he does not know. Thus, everything he said prior to the last thing.
Christians are so cute when they think they can teach their religion to kids and not have Christian parents be up in arms. Do they forget that they disagree with most churches teachings? That Mormons and Catholics all claim to be Christian? Turek carefully walks the line of "secular" Christianity so as not to offend most of his audience every time he opens his mouth.
I also started getting a tiny bit of art history around that age, though it certainly increased in middle school. I also remember getting very brief biographies of some artists and musicians (mostly European, of course) in reading class starting around third grade. I specifically remember learning about Da Vinci, Picasso, and Monet, as well as Mozart, Debussy, and-- for a change of pace-- Dizzy Gillespie from stuff we covered in reading class. They were mostly teaching us reading comprehension with that, but in doing so we inherently also learned about the people.
@ that’s extremely cool. Since I made this comment, have been thinking about the differences in education between different areas and the long term effects of being more culturally literate. Glad you enjoyed a well rounded education!
My problem with art history was that it was at 18.00, in a darkened room (to show the slides) and the lecturer had a droning voice, so I fell asleep a lot, and, as a result, know very little about it.
@@riseofdarkleela Most of my pupils know staggeringly little about the world, or history, outside of the subjects they are studying and, of course, unless it was vocational, quiz them in a year or 2 after their A' levels or degrees, and they can remember precious little, anyway.
I agree. I am and was an Atheist all my life and was forced to attend Catholic school. All it did was enforce my critical thinking skills when religious BS was talked about. BTW, I got the highest mark in religion on graduation and told the teacher that I wrote what he wanted to read and hear.
I’ve a question. I was raised in a Catholic home, but not Catholic school. I had CCD once a week on Wednesday nights. But I consider myself a life long atheist. I never believed what my mom said or what we were being “taught” at CCD. We went to church every Sunday and of course all the holidays and my mom went to nursing homes and the like to hand out communion to those who couldn’t go to church. Did you ever believe? Were you always skeptical over god and religion? I just remember thinking that none of this made any sense and when I questioned my mom her anger would come out. I realized this was an area I could not bring up. I remember being 9 or 10 and my mom would drop me off for confession. What could I confess? I was 9! So I started making up lies to say in confession! Then I thought well if I’m lying about sins isn’t that a sin? This is nuts. So then I’d just hide until the last person confessed. It seems so crazy to me now, that even as a child I could see the craziness.
@@trishayamada807 I was always skeptical and more so as I got older. My dad was an Atheist and mum was on the fence until I retired and had time to spend with her to convince her of the rubbish of religion which she accepted. My two kids are Atheists and two teenage grandkids of three.
my infant school (first grade on?) was a billet for american airmen during the second world war and one of the guys had painted EXACT reproductions of van gogh paintings directly onto the walls, now covered with glass to preserve them, i learned about impressionism right from 6 years old.
9:02 I just assumed that the reason she didn't want to show artistic nudity was that she didn't wanna get in trouble; I didn't even consider the possibility that she herself was against it. Wouldn't surprise me though
Even if there isn't an administrative rule against it, kids are going to go home and tell their parents/guardians about how they saw boobs in school and then the parent gets all bent out of shape and it's the next thing you know the Venus de Milo is labeled porn.
Thanks for talking about the legality of proselytizing! And what contexts it is legal an not, with a much understanding of the law than this guy. You used to be lawyer, right? Or did you just go to school for it
She wants to waste tax payer money by taking a wage for a job as an art teacher and then dilute the curriculum with her own agenda which has nothing to do with art. 🤬
She wants to turn an art class into a private religious school. She's so dumb she's taking a pay cut voluntarily. She'd make more money in a *_real_* fake school.
5 днів тому
You me like pushing her trans views and special pronouns??
I do remember my elementary school art teacher showing us slides of some famous paintings as examples of the techniques we were learning. Some of them probably did have religious themes, but that's not what we talked about in class. We talked about the artists' use of color, light and shadow, composition, etc, at a level we could understand. I didn't take art in high school, so the first class I took where the subjects of the pieces we were looking at was part of the discussion was college freshman level art appreciation. She definitely can't do that in public elementary school.
I think Frank is dissembling in this Q&A session. My grandfather - on my Mom's side - did Christian art for his Sunday school classes, however the 2 pieces of his work I have are, a coffee mug with Santa on it, and a covered bridge. I do have a bible he owned full of margin notes he used for his sermons. My grandmother, on my Mom's side, was a Deist. She believed in a God, but not necessarily that it was the Christian God. Both of my parents were evangelical young earth creationists who believed that Christianity should be in charge of the government. I found out that many of my family were 7th Day Adventist, though my parents were Baptist. I did not learn about art history in my art class. We were learning about different art techniques such as oil painting, ceramics, water color, etc. If a teacher is using art to to teach religion, they are violating your rights.
On the art teacher asking about clothed figures in art, the public school might have rules against artistic nudity. I get that it's a bit silly, but there it is.
a quick reminder that the first amendment conflicts with the first commandment "thou shalt worship whoever you want" so technically you can't be christian AND american.
A couple of things: 1, the commandment was given to the jews and dont rule out other gods. In fact the wording points to other gods actaully existing. 2. Christianity breaks the 1st commandment even if you accept the trinity. As the commandment is clear that only God is to be worshipped not subparts which the Father Jesus and the Holy spirit are.
I disagree strongly fly that parents have a right to raise their children however they want. Many religious expressions are mentally, emotional and often physically abusive.
lol, i've been saying "all i do is scribble" for years, "all you have to do is scribble" people get told they can't draw when anyone can make marks, just do it, it's getting what's inside OUT is what is important, not whether it's photo real. and if you still want photo real, you can use AI now! that's seven art schools talking.
I had a Lt in the guard with me who was super Christian, always proselytizing ☹️ spent his time working on his Sunday sermon while he was supposed to be working on army stuff. And he was a shit officer anyhow. He finally got “asked” to not renew his enlistment. If he would have been a Chaplin, he still would have sucked
Frank also thinks he's a philosopher, physicist, biologist, geologist, astronomer, and master debater. I wouldn't even allow the latter as his debate style is "gotcha-fu" instead of convincing people with arguments, evidence, or any kind of good reason.
11:29 Should she show images of the Crucifixion? There are loads of Renaissance paintings on that particular gruesome image. I wonder what the teacher would tell the children about that...
Frank Turek is asked about a question regarding faith in the classroom (particularly the *teacher's* faith which is *not* where the conversation about faith in the classroom should center) and he hears an opportunity to proselytize and potentially violate civil law. Remind me again who's this supposed great apologist is?
As an art major with two BAs, I learned a lot about art with very minimum Christian/religious influence by the institution - only a few mentions in the books and a few mentions according to certain eras heavily influenced by religion at the time. I brought Christianity occasionally because some of my favorite, and hated/controversial, pieces are religiously inspired. Even in the course of my art classes in a Catholic school through 9th grade did I face a lot of Christian art influence. We did study it in history classes, where it was appropriate!
We do have a right to tell children and adults their faith is wrong, misguided, or immature. What we don't have is a right to use the force of the state to do so, to be a legal authority of the state to tell tell them that as that authority. I agree that there is a time and place and a way, but I'm not going to treat a child like someone else's property and just shrug my shoulders if they ask.
Hot damn, turns out I've been worshipping at the altar of the javajavaking for a long time now. Then again, I do work in the bastion of faith for the javajavaking, being a java programmer as a profession.
Some Christians see classic artwork with nudity in it as pornographic and will withdraw their family from a school if it's displayed to their children.
I found most theists aren't willing to actually talk about their religion for very long with me because as soon as the topic comes up I will usually mention I am an atheist and then the conversation goes downhill from there, most aren't used to any pushback on their beliefs and the vast majority haven't actually examined their beliefs or why they believe. I've concluded that most theists are just happy to operate in echo chambers and will not engage with anyone who does not feel as they do.
GG is a treasure. She is so thoughtful and articulate that it is a shame she doesn't have ten times the number of subscribers. People seem to think Turek is a good apologist, but he is clearly nowhere as intelligent as Godless Granny. And as a side comment, Turek being a "good apologist" is a very dubious bit of praise on my part. 😟
Yakko Warner: We like painting naked people! Just from your Viced Rhino merch I know I like you and I'm subscribing. By the way, Viced has some new Gary the Gay Unicorn merch.
@@GodlessGranny Cool. Anyway, the reason I referenced the scene from _Animaniacs_ with Mike and the Sistine Chapel ceiling is we have some evidence that children raised with an appreciation of such art as the Ceiling and David, and The Birth of Venus by Botticelli, and Cupid Complaining to Venus by Cranach, yada yada Aphrodite of Melos by Alexandros are less likely to be drawn to more erotic depictions of nudity in adolescence. (They still will be, because humans. Stop trying to look at my browser history and I won't look at yours.) Also, given the scandals of child sex abuse coming to light in so many demoninations [typo, but sic because demon], it seems terribly hypocritical of a Christian art teacher to be offended by nudity in Christian art, especially since her doctrine claims we only invented clothing after The Fall.
That it has come to this suggests to me that the christians are genuinely frightened of becoming irrellevant. We've got some hard derp on the way and some hard years to deal with, but they have shown their belly and boy is it a soft one.
On the plus side, if Ms Art Teacher does cross the line with her students and some of the parents decide to sue, they might enter into evidence a video clip that Frank Turek kindly published. He really isn't very bright, is he?
Hey GG, just a pro tip about your mic: That mic is a front-address, not a top-address, so you want to speak into the front of the grill, not the top of it. It shouldn't be pointed at you like a bullet, but the front facing you so you can see the entire front side. Keep up the good content!
I get into some cosmology in my AP Calculus classes but I’m very careful not to attribute a cause or creator of the universe. If the kids say it, that’s their right.
If you're going to teach about one religion in a classroom, you should have to teach about all of them (or as many as can reasonably fit, anyway). I love world religions classes. I think they're a great tolerance builder and a good place to engage in respectful discussion. A world religions through art class sounds so rad, too. I wish that was this teacher's goal.
0:42 There was a time when people in Western civilizations followed one of the age-old rules of conversation: you didn't talk about religion, politics or sex in polite company. (You can add money to that list. Bragging about how much or whining about how little you had was considered vulgar. You just didn't do it.) However, the buybull is very clear about religious worship. It wasn't a thing to be practiced in public with a preacher talking to his congregation. You were supposed to go into your room, close the door and worship in private. (Matthew 6:6) Religion, especially the Christian religion, was supposed to be a private matter. Why else do people talk about having a "close, personal relationship" with their god?
Turek somehow invented that hell is just some kind of oblivion, the absence of god... that's one thing I like about his delusions... he seems to be the living proof of the fact that these religious types just make it up as they go along...
I've only taken a couple art classes in college but it would be pretty easy to explain art through using mostly Christian art. Christian symbology is everywhere and a lot of it due to its historical significance is considered important by secular society.
When frank speaks he only speaks about what he knows. He does not care if it is a lie, or that he is caught in a lie. As long as he can tell you that you are wrong about anything that is not jesusism. I could say things that I feel about frankie, but I made a promise not to speak ill of other peoples (flawed) beliefs. Peace
You can teach about religion in public schools, but you can't teach religion. We read bible stories in my high school world lit class, alongside myths and sacred texts from ancient Greece and Rome, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, and some African and American Indigenous cultures. When the piece we were reading came from a faith that most of us wouldn't be familiar with, we learned what some of the basic tenets and practices of that faith were for context. Of course we read plenty of secular literature as well; the religious texts were just mixed in as an important part of the cultures they came from. Likewise, in both world history and US history, we talked about the predominant religious beliefs of particular times and places, and how they impacted that society; in fact, I would argue that you can't not talk about religion in a history class. But as soon as a public school teacher starts talking about their own religion as if it is the correct one that their students should follow, they are breaking the law. And again, that was in high school. We were old enough to understand the difference between being told, "This is what some people believe or believed" and "This is what you must believe". With elementary aged kids, you have to be far more careful.
Why does she have.time? The art instruction I got many long years ago was crap. It seems to be still the same - if you can't intuitive yourself, you're out of luck.
The lady must really think her teaching ability to be bad if she thinks the best way to help the kids is by trying to push her religion onto them. If she really thinks her teaching kids has less worth than her religion purhaps she should look for a new job.
Asking a Christian who wants to talk about his faith to stick to what they know??? Prosecution!!!! Really, you are asking waaaaay to much from these people. Oh, and Turek can take his opinion to stick it where his g0d didn't put any light.
I kind of laugh when believers say they want to spread the gospel to non believers. In a sense, that's fine. However, if you look at the history of Christianity including Christianity today, believers have always been finger-pointing and continue to finger-point each other for not being true Christian. And these arguments mostly come straight out of their clear, infallible and inerrant standard, the bible. ^^ So clearly there is no uniform clear gospel message that leads to salvation. Believers do not know what it is. They cannot agree amongst themselves.
You look at the history of christianity spreading the gospel, it was with weapons of war. If you didn't totally agree with them, they would send you off to talk to god directly.
The trouble with all American anti apologists is that they always pivot to the constitution. Fair enough, but it would be nice to hear universal arguments. Perhaps i should look out non American youtubers
Considering the advice he's giving has been found by our SCOTUS to be a violation of the children's rights, don't you think addressing the children's rights is the proper way to handle this particular situation?
As an attorney I’m looking forward to this.
I admire Frank. His life has become such a rich tapestry of insane fantasies and lies, and people pay him for telling them his nonsense.
A good conman is a sight to behold.
what a wasted life though, when he could be making money honestly using the same skills, it's like bad cops, you can still be a bully just bully the criminals not the auditors.
He’s not a good conman, he’s a bad conman - it’s just that the people that come to him want to be deceived.
I have often heard Frank give advice that would get one fiired.
@@HarryNicNicholas Even criminals have rights. The police shouldn't decide who deserves to be bullied.
@@rembrandt972ify Not only that, but many innocent people have been targeted, and even spent decades in prison, or been m*rdered by the government, as a result.
It appears that Turek has never looked at the statue of David. I am amazed at how little of the world Turek has taken the time to look at and admire. Well, not really; he's a very limited man.
Frank doesn't care if she gets fired. He's rich, and he doesn't listen to anyone who isn't himself.
its worse than that. For Frank, it is better if she gets fired, as he can use her story to radicalize other Christians and take *their* money
i've said it before and i'll say it again, frank is nothing more than a carnival barker. buy his snake oil.
Nah, it's overpriced even if it's on sale at $0.01.
I will not, good Sir, even if he was paying people to take it!
As an old man with no offspring, living in a country with a completely different culture, constitution, legal and school system, all I can say is Happy Christmas!
Happy Christmas
@@GodlessGranny tha cause of the say. Will no longer restricted 23: is in play. 😮
Positive energy for all. My late gift. Enjoy jalapenos regularly exposure everyone
@@raya.p.l5919 And don't forget about the carrots.
happy "satan can go anywhere jesus can" holiday!
@andreasplosky8516 I don't forget no then.
When you have religion EMBEDDED in you and you are EMBEDDED in religion, you get a Frank Turec.
Frank was already looking through his big box of apologetic bullshit before she asked her question. He could take a course on active listening.
i went to a UK state comprehensive school in the 70's, all state schools in the UK are christian, we had christian assembly every
morning, with prayers and hymns, we had christian religious studies two hours a week, and i've been atheist all my 70 years. it doesn't
always work, the brainwashing.
i owe my entire life to my art teacher, art was also civics, we listened to music, the beatles, stones, captain beefhart, we talked politics and drugs and sex and since i left school in 1970 at 16 i've worked as an artist of one kind or another (culminating in feature film effects) and it's all down to mister holt, the art teacher. and i've always been atheist, or if you like, i never got fooled by gods.
art teachers are supposed to be rebels, not god fearing shills for the almighty.
me too although we ignored it regarding it as a useless chore we had to endure
Same here, and I got taken to church from the year dot and, as soon as I was able to properly understand the words of the bible, I found it illogical and offensive, and couldn't believe in their psychotic gods if you paid me to.
I was deliberately late the last 2 years of school and avoided to hypocritical bullshit of chapel, I just couldn't take it any more, but was disgusted to learn a year or 2 ago that one of my previous students got detention (aged 17) for missing it.
Re RE, our teacher was a YEC (the first one I remember meeting, and he was a supercilious ephebophile) and I don't remember anyone taking his nonsense seriously, and was a bit surprised, as a late teenager, when some people in our year came out as christian.*
* There is, of course, no such thing, but I didn't know that then.
You know, the real damning thing here for that poor idiot lady is, Frank Turek _himself_ tanked her "case" when she gets sued for breaking the law. Him. He did it. By telling her _how to break the law and get away with it_ as he thinks she could, that lady wouldn't just get a slap on the hand for an oopsie-doodle but instead would get smacked with malice aforethought.
I wish I could get in touch with that woman. I might not respect her in any way, shape, or form, but I absolutely despise stupid people being taken advantage of.
Frank usually thinks he is a philosopher. But, no matter what fantasy world he lives in, he is still a fool.
What if he, also, doesn't believe a word of it, but regards it as an easy way to make money out of willing fools?
Christian math: how many people did God kill in the OT?
Christian physical: how God create the universe from nothing?
Christian biology: What is the smallest seed?
Christian history: how many women visit Jesus tomb?
Christian chemistry: how did Jesus turn water into wine?
Christian geology: how did Noah return kangoru to Australia?
christian business: Did you pay your tithings?
@@danwhite1198 Or: Did you pay your taxes?
@@Mark_Agamotto1313_Smith Yes; unlike church criminals who pay no taxes!
Funny thing here is that Frank closes with what he should have opened with. which is pointing her to an organization that (he purports) actually knows about these things. Frank's ego won't allow him to admit that there are things that he does not know. Thus, everything he said prior to the last thing.
One isn't "hiding their faith" when one genuinely doesn't have one.
Faith is personal. Keep it to yourself.
Frank is a colossal, egomaniacal, narcissist. He doesn’t seem to have a clue how far off base he is. I feel sorry for his family.
The woman is super narcissistic thinking she has something to offer these kids to “help them.”
I’m increasingly losing patience with these Karen-type women thinking they have the right to go around and tell people what to do and think
She's so unsophisticated and blunt in her approach, it wouldn't be surprising if she starred in 30 people's deconversion stories before retirement.
Christians are so cute when they think they can teach their religion to kids and not have Christian parents be up in arms. Do they forget that they disagree with most churches teachings? That Mormons and Catholics all claim to be Christian? Turek carefully walks the line of "secular" Christianity so as not to offend most of his audience every time he opens his mouth.
Mike, these are the same Christians who cry persecution & legit think there's a war on Christmas.
Personally, if any of my teachers tried pushing any sort of religion on me I would be disgusted and disappointed. This is not okay.
"I can't believe Frank is that thick" - Really GG? Really?? 😉
she doesn't even need to change professions... religious private schools have art programs, which presumably include faith discussion
Once again an apologist proves that he is dishonest.
When I was an art docent at my kid’s elementary school, I did teach a smidge of art history to the third graders.
That's wonderful!
I also started getting a tiny bit of art history around that age, though it certainly increased in middle school. I also remember getting very brief biographies of some artists and musicians (mostly European, of course) in reading class starting around third grade. I specifically remember learning about Da Vinci, Picasso, and Monet, as well as Mozart, Debussy, and-- for a change of pace-- Dizzy Gillespie from stuff we covered in reading class. They were mostly teaching us reading comprehension with that, but in doing so we inherently also learned about the people.
@ that’s extremely cool. Since I made this comment, have been thinking about the differences in education between different areas and the long term effects of being more culturally literate. Glad you enjoyed a well rounded education!
My problem with art history was that it was at 18.00, in a darkened room (to show the slides) and the lecturer had a droning voice, so I fell asleep a lot, and, as a result, know very little about it.
@@riseofdarkleela Most of my pupils know staggeringly little about the world, or history, outside of the subjects they are studying and, of course, unless it was vocational, quiz them in a year or 2 after their A' levels or degrees, and they can remember precious little, anyway.
I agree. I am and was an Atheist all my life and was forced to attend Catholic school. All it did was enforce my critical thinking skills when religious BS was talked about. BTW, I got the highest mark in religion on graduation and told the teacher that I wrote what he wanted to read and hear.
I’ve a question. I was raised in a Catholic home, but not Catholic school. I had CCD once a week on Wednesday nights. But I consider myself a life long atheist. I never believed what my mom said or what we were being “taught” at CCD. We went to church every Sunday and of course all the holidays and my mom went to nursing homes and the like to hand out communion to those who couldn’t go to church. Did you ever believe? Were you always skeptical over god and religion? I just remember thinking that none of this made any sense and when I questioned my mom her anger would come out. I realized this was an area I could not bring up. I remember being 9 or 10 and my mom would drop me off for confession. What could I confess? I was 9! So I started making up lies to say in confession! Then I thought well if I’m lying about sins isn’t that a sin? This is nuts. So then I’d just hide until the last person confessed. It seems so crazy to me now, that even as a child I could see the craziness.
@@trishayamada807 I was always skeptical and more so as I got older. My dad was an Atheist and mum was on the fence until I retired and had time to spend with her to convince her of the rubbish of religion which she accepted. My two kids are Atheists and two teenage grandkids of three.
my infant school (first grade on?) was a billet for american airmen during the second world war and one of the guys had painted EXACT reproductions of van gogh paintings directly onto the walls, now covered with glass to preserve them, i learned about impressionism right from 6 years old.
I find Frank to be creepy and disgusting.
I learned how to draw a scuba diver in first grade. It stayed on the fridge till after i graduated. thanks art teacher.
At least Frank is consistent. What a jerk!
Consistently a douche.
The Mona Lisa is always following you with her eyes.
.. so it's reasonable to believe god always follows you with his eyes.
9:02 I just assumed that the reason she didn't want to show artistic nudity was that she didn't wanna get in trouble; I didn't even consider the possibility that she herself was against it. Wouldn't surprise me though
Even if there isn't an administrative rule against it, kids are going to go home and tell their parents/guardians about how they saw boobs in school and then the parent gets all bent out of shape and it's the next thing you know the Venus de Milo is labeled porn.
Thanks for talking about the legality of proselytizing! And what contexts it is legal an not, with a much understanding of the law than this guy. You used to be lawyer, right? Or did you just go to school for it
Yes, I am a lawyer.
She wants to waste tax payer money by taking a wage for a job as an art teacher and then dilute the curriculum with her own agenda which has nothing to do with art. 🤬
She wants to be "Frank's little helper" , but she has an art's degree.
She wants to turn an art class into a private religious school. She's so dumb she's taking a pay cut voluntarily. She'd make more money in a *_real_* fake school.
You me like pushing her trans views and special pronouns??
Yeah, I agree, if kids in a math class had a test on pronouns that would be weird. Keep it apples to apples.
"You me"😂 get educated.
How is it possible that an Art teacher does not know how the ceiling of the Sixtine chapel looks like?
All that the artwork there is missing is "God" saying "Pull my finger, Adam."
And on the eighth day, he created the winds. 😂😂😂
Why? Almost all 'christians' don't know what is in the bible.
She seems like a crayons and chalk kind of art teacher.🤔
I do remember my elementary school art teacher showing us slides of some famous paintings as examples of the techniques we were learning. Some of them probably did have religious themes, but that's not what we talked about in class. We talked about the artists' use of color, light and shadow, composition, etc, at a level we could understand. I didn't take art in high school, so the first class I took where the subjects of the pieces we were looking at was part of the discussion was college freshman level art appreciation. She definitely can't do that in public elementary school.
Your Segway to stop talking about sex was to mention a rabbit trail. Rabbits? Bad choice of words
How many times have I heard that "This country began declining when they took prayer out of schools"? 🙄
Ahhh Frank! A legend in his own mind.
Drawing ,for me anyway, is more about learning how to observe everything around you
They say that cooking is the 7th art, so maybe The Last Supper?
I think Frank is dissembling in this Q&A session. My grandfather - on my Mom's side - did Christian art for his Sunday school classes, however the 2 pieces of his work I have are, a coffee mug with Santa on it, and a covered bridge. I do have a bible he owned full of margin notes he used for his sermons. My grandmother, on my Mom's side, was a Deist. She believed in a God, but not necessarily that it was the Christian God. Both of my parents were evangelical young earth creationists who believed that Christianity should be in charge of the government. I found out that many of my family were 7th Day Adventist, though my parents were Baptist. I did not learn about art history in my art class. We were learning about different art techniques such as oil painting, ceramics, water color, etc. If a teacher is using art to to teach religion, they are violating your rights.
Frank also thinks he's not brain dead. 😄
On the art teacher asking about clothed figures in art, the public school might have rules against artistic nudity. I get that it's a bit silly, but there it is.
a quick reminder that the first amendment conflicts with the first commandment
"thou shalt worship whoever you want" so technically you can't be christian AND american.
A couple of things:
1, the commandment was given to the jews and dont rule out other gods. In fact the wording points to other gods actaully existing.
2. Christianity breaks the 1st commandment even if you accept the trinity. As the commandment is clear that only God is to be worshipped not subparts which the Father Jesus and the Holy spirit are.
It's not Fran's fault. He doesn't have enough faith to be an atheist. LOL
I love how you spin his spin around again.😂
I have plenty of faith to be an atheist. Zero!
@@goofusmaximus1482 I refer to the book he coauthored: "I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist".
Frank Turek is a preacher, what do you expect...
I disagree strongly fly that parents have a right to raise their children however they want. Many religious expressions are mentally, emotional and often physically abusive.
A conman through and through.
Only someone who thinks for themselves can see through his lies and dishonesty.
You're welcome!
lol, i've been saying "all i do is scribble" for years, "all you have to do is scribble" people get told they can't draw when anyone can make marks, just do it, it's getting what's inside OUT is what is important, not whether it's photo real. and if you still want photo real, you can use AI now! that's seven art schools talking.
I had a Lt in the guard with me who was super Christian, always proselytizing ☹️ spent his time working on his Sunday sermon while he was supposed to be working on army stuff. And he was a shit officer anyhow. He finally got “asked” to not renew his enlistment. If he would have been a Chaplin, he still would have sucked
Frank also thinks he's a philosopher, physicist, biologist, geologist, astronomer, and master debater. I wouldn't even allow the latter as his debate style is "gotcha-fu" instead of convincing people with arguments, evidence, or any kind of good reason.
11:29 Should she show images of the Crucifixion? There are loads of Renaissance paintings on that particular gruesome image. I wonder what the teacher would tell the children about that...
Err, Granny, Frank don't think.
Great job, Granny 😊😊
Thank you 😁
Frank Turek is asked about a question regarding faith in the classroom (particularly the *teacher's* faith which is *not* where the conversation about faith in the classroom should center) and he hears an opportunity to proselytize and potentially violate civil law. Remind me again who's this supposed great apologist is?
As an art major with two BAs, I learned a lot about art with very minimum Christian/religious influence by the institution - only a few mentions in the books and a few mentions according to certain eras heavily influenced by religion at the time. I brought Christianity occasionally because some of my favorite, and hated/controversial, pieces are religiously inspired.
Even in the course of my art classes in a Catholic school through 9th grade did I face a lot of Christian art influence. We did study it in history classes, where it was appropriate!
Frank does not think that he is a con artist! There is money to be made selling the "Buybull."
I can't even draw a credible stick-figure.
We do have a right to tell children and adults their faith is wrong, misguided, or immature. What we don't have is a right to use the force of the state to do so, to be a legal authority of the state to tell tell them that as that authority.
I agree that there is a time and place and a way, but I'm not going to treat a child like someone else's property and just shrug my shoulders if they ask.
Your Java Java King sounds a lot like the monkey king from Buddhist folklore. Except giving the monkey king coffee is a really bad idea
Eh, if we ignore the harsh look from the eyes, i see a smile at 17:19. :-)
Now I have that bit from "George of the Jungle" playing in my mind.
Hot damn, turns out I've been worshipping at the altar of the javajavaking for a long time now. Then again, I do work in the bastion of faith for the javajavaking, being a java programmer as a profession.
Some Christians see classic artwork with nudity in it as pornographic and will withdraw their family from a school if it's displayed to their children.
I found most theists aren't willing to actually talk about their religion for very long with me because as soon as the topic comes up I will usually mention I am an atheist and then the conversation goes downhill from there, most aren't used to any pushback on their beliefs and the vast majority haven't actually examined their beliefs or why they believe. I've concluded that most theists are just happy to operate in echo chambers and will not engage with anyone who does not feel as they do.
I love you, Granny!❤
GG is a treasure. She is so thoughtful and articulate that it is a shame she doesn't have ten times the number of subscribers. People seem to think Turek is a good apologist, but he is clearly nowhere as intelligent as Godless Granny.
And as a side comment, Turek being a "good apologist" is a very dubious bit of praise on my part. 😟
0:30 For some it is a non-existent part of their lives. We are the fortunate ones.
Yakko Warner: We like painting naked people!
Just from your Viced Rhino merch I know I like you and I'm subscribing. By the way, Viced has some new Gary the Gay Unicorn merch.
I know, I saw.
@@GodlessGranny Cool.
Anyway, the reason I referenced the scene from _Animaniacs_ with Mike and the Sistine Chapel ceiling is we have some evidence that children raised with an appreciation of such art as the Ceiling and David, and The Birth of Venus by Botticelli, and Cupid Complaining to Venus by Cranach, yada yada Aphrodite of Melos by Alexandros are less likely to be drawn to more erotic depictions of nudity in adolescence. (They still will be, because humans. Stop trying to look at my browser history and I won't look at yours.) Also, given the scandals of child sex abuse coming to light in so many demoninations [typo, but sic because demon], it seems terribly hypocritical of a Christian art teacher to be offended by nudity in Christian art, especially since her doctrine claims we only invented clothing after The Fall.
That it has come to this suggests to me that the christians are genuinely frightened of becoming irrellevant.
We've got some hard derp on the way and some hard years to deal with, but they have shown their belly and boy is it a soft one.
Hide our faith? Are you insane!
On the plus side, if Ms Art Teacher does cross the line with her students and some of the parents decide to sue, they might enter into evidence a video clip that Frank Turek kindly published.
He really isn't very bright, is he?
Hey GG, just a pro tip about your mic: That mic is a front-address, not a top-address, so you want to speak into the front of the grill, not the top of it. It shouldn't be pointed at you like a bullet, but the front facing you so you can see the entire front side. Keep up the good content!
All glory to Coffee Monkey
I get into some cosmology in my AP Calculus classes but I’m very careful not to attribute a cause or creator of the universe. If the kids say it, that’s their right.
If you're going to teach about one religion in a classroom, you should have to teach about all of them (or as many as can reasonably fit, anyway). I love world religions classes. I think they're a great tolerance builder and a good place to engage in respectful discussion. A world religions through art class sounds so rad, too. I wish that was this teacher's goal.
Ninja turtles reference got me 🤣🤣
All hail the Java Java King! 🐵☕️
0:42 There was a time when people in Western civilizations followed one of the age-old rules of conversation: you didn't talk about religion, politics or sex in polite company. (You can add money to that list. Bragging about how much or whining about how little you had was considered vulgar. You just didn't do it.) However, the buybull is very clear about religious worship. It wasn't a thing to be practiced in public with a preacher talking to his congregation. You were supposed to go into your room, close the door and worship in private. (Matthew 6:6) Religion, especially the Christian religion, was supposed to be a private matter. Why else do people talk about having a "close, personal relationship" with their god?
Turek somehow invented that hell is just some kind of oblivion, the absence of god... that's one thing I like about his delusions... he seems to be the living proof of the fact that these religious types just make it up as they go along...
I've only taken a couple art classes in college but it would be pretty easy to explain art through using mostly Christian art. Christian symbology is everywhere and a lot of it due to its historical significance is considered important by secular society.
Granny, ooooh, I want a JavaJavaKing t-shirt now!!
When frank speaks he only speaks about what he knows. He does not care if it is a lie, or that he is caught in a lie. As long as he can tell you that you are wrong about anything that is not jesusism. I could say things that I feel about frankie, but I made a promise not to speak ill of other peoples (flawed) beliefs.
If she doesn’t know about the nudity on the Sistine Chapel ceiling, she’s not much of an art teacher!
I had the same thought.
Elementary school art mostly isn't art history though
@ If she has a BA in Art Education, no matter wha the level, she took Art History. It’s part of the curriculum.
I'd love to be there and ask him if a muslim teacning in a public school can take his advise
I'm terrible at drawing too.
You can teach about religion in public schools, but you can't teach religion. We read bible stories in my high school world lit class, alongside myths and sacred texts from ancient Greece and Rome, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, and some African and American Indigenous cultures. When the piece we were reading came from a faith that most of us wouldn't be familiar with, we learned what some of the basic tenets and practices of that faith were for context. Of course we read plenty of secular literature as well; the religious texts were just mixed in as an important part of the cultures they came from. Likewise, in both world history and US history, we talked about the predominant religious beliefs of particular times and places, and how they impacted that society; in fact, I would argue that you can't not talk about religion in a history class. But as soon as a public school teacher starts talking about their own religion as if it is the correct one that their students should follow, they are breaking the law.
And again, that was in high school. We were old enough to understand the difference between being told, "This is what some people believe or believed" and "This is what you must believe". With elementary aged kids, you have to be far more careful.
Why does she have.time? The art instruction I got many long years ago was crap. It seems to be still the same - if you can't intuitive yourself, you're out of luck.
The lady must really think her teaching ability to be bad if she thinks the best way to help the kids is by trying to push her religion onto them. If she really thinks her teaching kids has less worth than her religion purhaps she should look for a new job.
Who is this Frank guy? Does he have a last name?
Asking a Christian who wants to talk about his faith to stick to what they know???
Really, you are asking waaaaay to much from these people.
Oh, and Turek can take his opinion to stick it where his g0d didn't put any light.
I kind of laugh when believers say they want to spread the gospel to non believers. In a sense, that's fine. However, if you look at the history of Christianity including Christianity today, believers have always been finger-pointing and continue to finger-point each other for not being true Christian. And these arguments mostly come straight out of their clear, infallible and inerrant standard, the bible.
^^ So clearly there is no uniform clear gospel message that leads to salvation. Believers do not know what it is. They cannot agree amongst themselves.
You look at the history of christianity spreading the gospel, it was with weapons of war. If you didn't totally agree with them, they would send you off to talk to god directly.
The trouble with all American anti apologists is that they always pivot to the constitution. Fair enough, but it would be nice to hear universal arguments. Perhaps i should look out non American youtubers
Considering the advice he's giving has been found by our SCOTUS to be a violation of the children's rights, don't you think addressing the children's rights is the proper way to handle this particular situation?
Where does Granny get her truth from?
What does "her truth" even mean?
@@marknieuweboer8099 that which has convinced her to espouse atheism
My advice? Eat less. Get some exercise.
apologetics 101: School teacher talks about sin. Student brings up that its a sin not to take care of your body the way she does. Teacher quits.
I hope everyone here will discover the true meaning of life.❤
@@RichWoods23 That is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, everything... Now, what is the question.
@@alanhilder1883 Let me consult my ZX Spectrum AI. It might take a while.