They Sustain Us: Food Sovereignty on the Onondaga Nation

  • Опубліковано 4 чер 2021
  • The recording of the Ska•noñh-Great Law of Peace Center and the Erie Canal Museum for a virtual discussion with Onondaga Nation Farm Supervisor, Angela Ferguson, about the many ways in which the Onondaga Nation is achieving food sovereignty.
    Angela is a member of the Onondaga Nation Eel Clan. She has been the Onondaga Nation Farm Crew Supervisor since 2015. The farm is responsible for all aspects of food sovereignty within their community, including: planting, harvesting, seed preservation, foraging, medicine gathering, traditional food preparation, butchering wild game, bee keeping, food distribution, and community/Elder meal preparation. Angela is also one of the Braiding the Sacred Organizers. They have gathered hundreds of Indigenous Corn Growers together to share knowledge from respected elders, seed sharing, & planting methods.
    The talk is a part of the Erie Eats Foodways Project and is a part of our collaborative series on Exploring Indigenous Foodways Along the Erie Canal. This series has received generous support from the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor, Indigenous Values Initiative, and the American Indian Law Alliance.