Ah, the memories... As a biz major in college back in the '60s I had taken up beginning piano (with a full class schedule I managed to get in 3 hours at my rented spinet nearly ever day) and had worked my way up to this piece, at least the first movement -- but not up to tempo of course. My instructor wanted me to play at the upcoming student recital, but, alas, it happened during a break in classes and I opted to head home, nearly two hours away, so I missed the recital. K. 488 will always be a part of me, and I am forever grateful that Mr. Mozart forever graced the music world as he did.
Ní fhreastalaím ar Ghaelcholáiste, ach mar sin féin bhí sé seo an-suimiúil! Grma. Tá sé suimiúil súil a chaitheamh ar an gceol ó thaobh na Gaeilge de :)
A little surprised the camera talent had not thought of a better view of the piano keyboard. I know we’re dumbing down the idea of the hero and soloist these days but it’s still a piano concerto.
Orchestral Exposition;
0:03 Subject A1
0:36 Subject A2
0:59 Subject B1
1:28 Subject B2
Piano Exposition;
2:05 Subject A1
2:34 Subject A2
3:04 Subject B1
3:34 Subject B2
4:16 Codetta
4:29 Subject C
4:52 Part 1
5:19 Part 2
6:12 A1
6:41 A2
7:10 B1
7:39 B2
8:12 C
8:55 A2
9:07 C
9:23 Cadenza
10:32 Coda
Mozart is the top of the musical tree
Ah, the memories... As a biz major in college back in the '60s I had taken up beginning piano (with a full class schedule I managed to get in 3 hours at my rented spinet nearly ever day) and had worked my way up to this piece, at least the first movement -- but not up to tempo of course. My instructor wanted me to play at the upcoming student recital, but, alas, it happened during a break in classes and I opted to head home, nearly two hours away, so I missed the recital. K. 488 will always be a part of me, and I am forever grateful that Mr. Mozart forever graced the music world as he did.
the joy on the conductors face throughout made me so happy
0:03 céad ábhar téama 1a
0:03 troitheán tonach sa vc/cb
0:12 / 0:14 seiceamh
0:14 tríú comhthreomhar idir veidhlín 1 & 2
0:15 scála ag dul suas le staccatto
0:17 gluaiseacht crómatach
0:17 leathdúnadh
0:18 céad ábhar téama 1a leathnaithe amach
0:18 - 0:26 clairnéid ag seinm píosa den motif
0:18 troitheán tonach sa basún & corn
0:35 dúnadh foirfe
0:36 céad ábhar téama 1b
0:36 anacrúis
0:36 nótaí athsheinnte sa tionlacan
0:37 - 0:42 sioncoipiú
0:45 / 0:47 seiceamh
0:57 leathdúnadh
0:58 dara ábhar téama 1c
0:58 anacrúis
0:59 / 1:03 seiceamh & gluaiseacht crómatach
1:06 / 1:08 seiceamh
1:12 leathdúnadh
1:13 dara ábhar téama 1c
1:13 anacrúis
1:26 dúnadh foirfe
1:27 dara ábhar téama 1d
1:28 tremolo i veidhlín 2 & víola / notaí athsheinnte sa vc/cb
1:32 sioncoipiú
1:34 séis bunaithe ar tríchordaí
1:38 - 1:43 ainteafeanúil / comhrá idir veidhlín 1 & (basún + clairnéid + flúit)
1:38 gluaiseacht crómatach
1:46 sioncoipiú
1:47 / 1:50 séis bunaithe ar trichordaí
1:55 dúnadh foirfe
2:03 dúnadh foirfe
Foilsiú Pianó
2:05 céad ábhar téama 1a
2:05 dord alberti
2:13 / 2:15 seiceamh
2:19 gluaiseacht crómatach & leathdúnadh
2:20 céad ábhar téama 1a
2:20 dord alberti
2:20 tionlacan ar TU
2:24 gluaiseacht leathcamán / ornaidiú (maisenotaí)
2:28 scálaí ag dul síos / suas
2:33 dúnadh foirfe
2:34 céad ábhar téama 1b
2:34 ceolfhoireann ag seinm
2:42 pianó ag seinm
2:43 scalaí
2:43 cordaí briste sa lámh clé
2:47 modhnú go E mór (ceannasach)
2:53 troitheán ceannasach sa vc/cb
2:54 gluaiseacht céimneach (scála) sa TU eile
3:02 leathdúnadh
3:04 dara ábhar téama 1c
3:05 bloc cordaí sa lámh clé pianó
3:18 leathdúnadh
3:19 dara ábhar téama 1c
3:22 / 3:26 / 3:30 ochtach briste sa pianó
3:33 dara ábhar téama 1d
3:33 troitheán tonach sa corn
3:35 dord alberti sa lámh clé pianó
3:45 - 3:50 ainteafeanúil / comhrá (uigeacht ilfhónach)
3:51 tripléadaigh
3:52 dord alberti
3:53 séis maisithe go mion
4:14 tríleach (ornaidiú)
4:15 dúnadh foirfe
4:16 céad ábhar téama 1b
Codetta ag baint úsáid as téama 1b mar ábhar
Gléas E mór ach le Dnádurtha scaptha = cruthú éiginnteacht
4:28 dara ábhar téama 1e
Uigeacht ilfhónach
4:38 tríleach
4:38 dúnadh foirfe
4:38 dara ábhar téama 1e ach le breachnuithe
4:49 tionlacan ó na TU
4:51 dúnadh foirfe
4:52 dara ábhar téama 1e (leagan de téama 1e)
4:52 gléas E mion
4:53 - 5:11 comhrá idir GU & (pianó + TU)
4:58 gléas C mór
5:07 gléas A mion
5:13 glèas D mion / F mór
5:16 gluaiseacht leathcamán sa tionlacan pianó
5:18 leagan de téama 1e
5:20 canóin (uigeacht ilfhónach)
5:31 ochtach briste sa pianó
5:33 tonach athsheinnte sa vc/cb
5:36 tonach fada sa lámh clé pianó
5:39 casadh
5:44 tonach athsheinnte sa corn
5:47 casadh
5:54 caidéinse gairid
5:54 / 5:55 / 5:57 casadh
6:00 tripléadaigh
6:00 gléas ag athrú go A mór
6:00 notaí fada sa tionlacan
6:02 séphléadach
6:10 gluaiseacht crómatach
Ní fhreastalaím ar Ghaelcholáiste, ach mar sin féin bhí sé seo an-suimiúil! Grma. Tá sé suimiúil súil a chaitheamh ar an gceol ó thaobh na Gaeilge de :)
@Gucci Crimson ciúnas tan
Великолепное исполнение чудесной музыки! Оркестр выше всяких похвал ! Браво! Пианист изумительно тонкий и одухотворенный!
That pianist flexed on us
A little surprised the camera talent had not thought of a better view of the piano keyboard. I know we’re dumbing down the idea of the hero and soloist these days but it’s still a piano concerto.
More of this Music on the Mainstream and we had a litte more of piece in the world.
Thank you for this piece of music especially when Mysin is at the piano. There a group of notes in the song that just send me somewhere🙏👎🙏❤️
Wonderfoul sounds 🎹🎶
Bravo, Mozart would say the pianist played it better than he and the orchestra was sublime. Bravo.
Ahhh... a new Mozart concerto, discovered recently. For flute, cello and piano. But - why no new KV number?
The players are enjoying and so am I, perhaps because the genie of the child prodigy is in possession of us, I believe so
I think I heard a C sharp in 9:58, a little mistake but it actually sounds pretty good
Do you think the musicians in Mozart time used to enjoy playing his music, as these musicians do?....
2:26 J. Haydn ???
That look at 10:07 though...
09:46 demanding!
Brunov Alvitz 3:12
Amen to that.
Who is listening this music because you are studying gcse music? 😂
Can I use this masterpiece for my video?
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Wat are all the instruments
lc mocks next week...
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