Sett's (not) Dad & "Glory in Navori" followers interactions

  • Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
  • The Old Timer's interactions who must be Sett's hiding under the mask father interactions. Also interactions of other followers from Glory in Navori expansion


  • @RobertusOnGames
    @RobertusOnGames Рік тому +243

    The fact sett's non dad says "Tell him" when he dies pretty much just confirms it for me.

  • @xtra3547
    @xtra3547 Рік тому +214

    The fact the Old Timer calls Sett "BOY" like Kratos would call an arrogant Atreus just SCREAMS that he's his dad

    • @zhun9989
      @zhun9989 Рік тому +23

      He also says “Didn’t your Ma ever tell ya not to slouch” which really sells it for me because Sett ALWAYS calls his mom Ma

    • @grindingTogether
      @grindingTogether Рік тому

      wtb his grandfather , cuz he called himself "your elders" butmm somhow sett lore can grow

  • @omegaminoseer4539
    @omegaminoseer4539 Рік тому +270

    I love the relationship that Bull and Five-Punch Pablo share with Jack. They all love him and want him to have the chance to prove himself, regardless of what it cost them in terms of pride. All they admit is that they want him to have HIS time, just as they were Champions in their own day.

    • @pantheonsbakerys
      @pantheonsbakerys  Рік тому +59

      Judging by the lines they did lose their's limbs to him in a fight, but they still his buddies.

    • @lGranAdventures1
      @lGranAdventures1 Рік тому +19

      That's Bilgewater for ya

    • @maarv14
      @maarv14 Рік тому +1

      ​@@pantheonsbakerys 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

  • @Grizzybuzzy
    @Grizzybuzzy Рік тому +244

    Sett's (not) dad was actually voiced by Jason Spisak, the person who played silco in arcane. His voice is very iconic and recognizable

    • @Puunyamya
      @Puunyamya Рік тому +6

      WHAT!? STOP!! HE IS?! I THOUGHT he sounded familiar... oh no....

    • @alexwang3282
      @alexwang3282 Рік тому +3

      he also vioces over LOR vladmir as well.

    • @lordjohnmichaelevangelio7335
      @lordjohnmichaelevangelio7335 Рік тому +2

      I knew it! When he said "boy" it felt pretty familiar

  • @K1ZUN0
    @K1ZUN0 Рік тому +455

    If The Old Timer's a human, huge chance he's Sett's dad, if he's a vastayan then he definitely isn't.

  • @DeltaRed12
    @DeltaRed12 Рік тому +97

    I like the good mood Sett has, along with how nicely he treats his employees.

    • @verdadlumin7423
      @verdadlumin7423 Рік тому

      I mean... he is arrogant yes, but he is not an asshole. His momma taught him well after all, i'm 100% sure that if he did treated his employees as shit, they would snitch on his mom and she would come with all the 100% power of the migthy CHANCLA to punish her foolish little boy haha!.

    • @cronqvist5763
      @cronqvist5763 Рік тому +3

      Remember, he's not a bad guy at heart. He's just a product of the environment.

  • @purplepanda2199
    @purplepanda2199 Рік тому +152

    Setts not dad isnt just wearing a mask, he has a bodysuit on, you can see his midriff which is the same color as the skin under the mask, so he is human and likely setts dad

    • @bogarbustamante8322
      @bogarbustamante8322 Рік тому +13

      He isn't sett's dad, the card literally says setts not dad, if he was the card would be named setts dad

    • @thethalecress
      @thethalecress Рік тому +42

      ​@@bogarbustamante8322 udyr is definitely not udyr

    • @BeotkkotKR
      @BeotkkotKR Рік тому +21

      @@bogarbustamante8322 blitzcrank, is definitely not blitzcrank.

    • @thisislame2207
      @thisislame2207 Рік тому +21

      @@bogarbustamante8322 Definitely not Vel'koz

    • @TheNaper
      @TheNaper Рік тому

      @@bogarbustamante8322 Definitely Ahri's dad.

  • @riyuugin
    @riyuugin Рік тому +102

    3:03 Bilgewater folks gonna freak out by that line from him

    • @pantheonsbakerys
      @pantheonsbakerys  Рік тому +16

      Ahahahahah, best comment! Wish I heard it before, so I put certain character portrait here :)

    • @dannygoblin5579
      @dannygoblin5579 Рік тому +1


    • @sbb5548
      @sbb5548 Рік тому +6

      Pyke PTSD is real.

  • @BeanbonVG
    @BeanbonVG Рік тому +44

    Jack’s gang seems to really respect him, despite him dismembering them. I wonder how they’ll feel when kench finally comes to claim jack

    • @dongomcfallon3338
      @dongomcfallon3338 Рік тому +3

      Do kench and Jack have a deal?

    • @BeanbonVG
      @BeanbonVG Рік тому +4

      @@dongomcfallon3338 it sure seems like it. Kench’s emblem on jack’s hat, jack hums kench’s theme, they gave them new interactions

  • @cheekey7319
    @cheekey7319 Рік тому +16

    I just love how Sett treats his employees.
    He really is a good boss.

  • @diobrando6245
    @diobrando6245 Рік тому +9

    Dandy to Sett be like : "OH NO HE'S HOT!"

  • @luckyday5721
    @luckyday5721 Рік тому +27

    "I'M, un two tree fur, FIVE PUNCH PABLO!!!"

  • @giratinathe_distorter7480
    @giratinathe_distorter7480 Рік тому +10

    Everyone’s talking about sett’s dad, but Miel and Lani are a beautiful couple, love them

  • @notarealperson8956
    @notarealperson8956 Рік тому +10

    Kind of disappointed that his response to the "why do you let them call you that" isnt like his league one "they don't, its beast MAN bastard now"

  • @blackoutnine
    @blackoutnine Рік тому +16

    Watch Silco become an actual LoR champion with this one 👀

  • @bonesenaper6684
    @bonesenaper6684 Рік тому +15

    Dashing dandy is josuke confirmed

  • @Edgelordfosho
    @Edgelordfosho Рік тому +52

    I don't think its also a coincidence that if you put sett and the old timer side by side, even though he's not vastayan his mask and gauntlets make him resemble sett. May not be a lore reason necessarily but I think along with the internal name for the character - its a little bit of visual story telling from the writers/artists

    • @Terrordragonfly
      @Terrordragonfly Рік тому +6

      Also him beeing hunted by Noxus would also explain why he left Sett and his Mom and vanished without a trace

    • @morganjary
      @morganjary Рік тому

      whats his internal name?

    • @Edgelordfosho
      @Edgelordfosho Рік тому +1

      @@morganjary "Sett's Not Dad"

    • @cronqvist5763
      @cronqvist5763 Рік тому

      @@Terrordragonfly What's his debt though? Killing someone important in the pit?

    • @Terrordragonfly
      @Terrordragonfly Рік тому

      @@cronqvist5763 No one said anything about a debt? He's hunted by the Black Rose a noxian organisation led by LeBlanc who Samira works for.

  • @wahidlaaleg8315
    @wahidlaaleg8315 Рік тому +16

    Each one Jack s follower has more personalty then half of lol champions

  • @elclap5696
    @elclap5696 Рік тому +31

    I noticed that Master Bingwen assumed The Old Timer was fighting for Noxus. Isn’t it mentioned somewhere that Sett’s dad abandoned them for the Noxus fighting pit?

    • @someguyontheinternet1093
      @someguyontheinternet1093 Рік тому +1

      He is of noxian origin. other than that, we know nothing
      he just left

    • @hajnahortobagyi690
      @hajnahortobagyi690 Рік тому +5

      I belive Sett asumed he left to fight in diferent arenas for better money, but if this is really his dad then this sugjest that he was forced to abandone them, the fact that Samira is after him suport this teory, it seems like he got in trubel with noxus and needed to flee.

    • @demothiguillermo2059
      @demothiguillermo2059 Рік тому +3

      @@hajnahortobagyi690 considering his in game region is Ionia it could be because he didn't want to fight the Ionians

  • @nickotamallana1774
    @nickotamallana1774 Рік тому +9


  • @sashalishchyshyn5523
    @sashalishchyshyn5523 Рік тому +9

    Smooth mixologist is so cool imo

  • @vxtlmuwu
    @vxtlmuwu Рік тому +52

    Is it just me or does Not Sett's Dad sound like he's voiced by Silco's VA?

    • @ebott7456
      @ebott7456 Рік тому +3

      For me kinda sounds like Brimbstone VA from Valorant

    • @vxtlmuwu
      @vxtlmuwu Рік тому +4

      @@ebott7456 it’s similar but it ain’t him, Brim is voiced by Steve Blum who also voices Sub-Zero in MK, among others.

    • @High-LordHarza
      @High-LordHarza Рік тому +5

      It's definitely Jason Spisak, the voice of Silco and LoR's version of Vladimir, and Kid Flash in Young Justice among many other roles

    • @vxtlmuwu
      @vxtlmuwu Рік тому

      @@High-LordHarza appreciate the input, fellow man of culture

  • @muttproductions2536
    @muttproductions2536 3 місяці тому

    Gotta love Jack's entire crew. They're like one big dysfunctional family with their own quirks. Also, the fact that Pablo has to count how many tentacles he's got before declaring who he is has to be the best Champion entrance I've heard so far.
    "I'M-- *uh one two three four* FIVE PUNCH PABLO!"

  • @kubson7238
    @kubson7238 Рік тому +8

    Samira Is going to catch the old timer. I wonder what happens when sett finds out that he was his dad

  • @TrulyBS-QJ
    @TrulyBS-QJ Рік тому +2

    Mixologist sounds like theyd say "howdy y'all"

  • @jaggyd2862
    @jaggyd2862 Рік тому +3

    7:37 this guy better know how to play the Clarinet

  • @gravynavy516
    @gravynavy516 Рік тому +21

    It's definitely sett's dad, there's way too much being suggested

  • @gunsxgraal2786
    @gunsxgraal2786 Рік тому +3

    He's not voiced by Keith Silverstein, He's voiced by Jason Spisak, the voice actor of Silco and some other LoR characters.

  • @fr0stw0lf97
    @fr0stw0lf97 Рік тому +2

    Come on the old timer even has a mask with fake ears to hide the fact the he's human 😂

  • @senkyu1429
    @senkyu1429 Рік тому +5

    Dashing dandy looks like a lot of space dandy if you all remember the anime, and if you're asking if it's worth watching. It's a 8/10 rate must watch.

  • @razor8356
    @razor8356 Рік тому +67

    the chances of that sett's dad is pretty high considering their personality are seemingly a like ,but who knows
    Edit: also why does he have to hide his face ....hmm see?

    • @pantheonsbakerys
      @pantheonsbakerys  Рік тому +16

      His name and his lines has big point to it.

    • @razor8356
      @razor8356 Рік тому +1

      ​@@pantheonsbakerys they could be misleading us

    • @santahann1716
      @santahann1716 Рік тому +11

      This is my head canon, which is probably something reasonable (so I will just proceed to tell me about my theory)
      1. He wanted to be here, in Ionia with his wife and son
      2. He’s a noxian hunted by Black Rose
      3. So he need to leave his family without telling them (because LeBlanc intelligence system is really strong)
      4. And now he’s back but he couldn’t show his face (To Sett because of the reason I told earlier, and in general because he’s running from Black Rose such as Samira)
      And everything about him screamed dEfiNiteLy nOt Sett’s dad

  • @vee3558
    @vee3558 Рік тому

    He's dressed as a wolverine looking figure. Sett is inspired by a wolverine.

  • @ken-kenperez1465
    @ken-kenperez1465 Рік тому +2

    I hope you do all the other follower interactions in the old expensions.

  • @manuelnobile2070
    @manuelnobile2070 Рік тому

    Ciao Bro il tuo video mi è piaciuto molto e non vedo l'ora di vedere un altro video tuo Grazie a presto

  • @KnownRed
    @KnownRed Рік тому +13

    Its very unfortunate that my type is "people who could probably beat me up" cause these guys all seem *very* willing
    (also I think mixologist got the wrong flavor text, in case no one's said yet)

  • @cee_ves
    @cee_ves Рік тому +5

    7:04 League of legends confirmed first furry

  • @akali-chan93
    @akali-chan93 Рік тому

    Dashing Dany has josuke's hair fr fr

  • @j3ssthealien283
    @j3ssthealien283 Рік тому

    Okay is no one going to mention the fact that in death one he starts a sentence "tell him" but dies before he finishes. Gee I wonder who he's talking about.

  • @grindingTogether
    @grindingTogether Рік тому

    everyone say it s not his father , but wtb somoene that teached him how to fight or why to fight

  • @viktorkudriavtsev830
    @viktorkudriavtsev830 Рік тому

    06:13 Did she say "I'm more of a memer"?

  • @Jacob-uq8sq
    @Jacob-uq8sq Рік тому

    Where did you get the information about Old Timer's voice actor? Also, I believe Bingwen & Bout Security are both voiced by YongYea, but I may be mistaken.

    • @pantheonsbakerys
      @pantheonsbakerys  Рік тому +1

      I may be wrong but to me, him and Shen sound the same.

  • @giannisp.775
    @giannisp.775 Рік тому +2

    11:00 subtitles ? lmao

  • @delraxes
    @delraxes Рік тому

    The Pit Professional kinda looks like jax, is it possible that they are the same species?

  • @nikki-zeero3122
    @nikki-zeero3122 Рік тому +1

    what is the music on the second part of the video ? The first part is Sett's theme but cant remember the other part

  • @MrLeefgfg
    @MrLeefgfg Рік тому +23

    Love the bi interactions between every character

  • @Melatoniki
    @Melatoniki Рік тому +1

    He feels more like Yondu

  • @Rev1n0s
    @Rev1n0s Рік тому +12

    You probably don't want me here. But i would still like to talk about league champs in the comments if its ok. This is an apology.

    • @saitomovementset5137
      @saitomovementset5137 Рік тому +8

      I’m not sure why you’re apologising but I’d like to hear

    • @pantheonsbakerys
      @pantheonsbakerys  Рік тому +12

      I don't understand. Talk if you want. You can talk about anything you want. And I am happy to read your comments.

    • @A.Weirdo.I.Guess000
      @A.Weirdo.I.Guess000 Рік тому +2

      This cahnnel is still the right place to talk about league champs becouse LOR and LOL were still connected to each other. As long as you don't spam or doing some hate speech, you're comment is welcome here.

    • @Rev1n0s
      @Rev1n0s Рік тому +3

      Thanks beacues i was hoping to spread the idea of Seraphine and Sett becoming step siblings since both their parents are single (Sera's dad and Sett's mom)

    • @phamthanhker1619
      @phamthanhker1619 Рік тому +9

      ​@@Rev1n0s oh hell nah brah

  • @overwhelm876
    @overwhelm876 Рік тому +8

    Where’s Angel? Does she not speak or is this not all of it?

    • @rupertsnow3990
      @rupertsnow3990 Рік тому +1

      Yes she doesnt lol

    • @pantheonsbakerys
      @pantheonsbakerys  Рік тому +12

      nah, doesn't speak. Same as Inferna. I wish they did.

    • @riyuugin
      @riyuugin Рік тому +1

      Im confused about Angel. Was it a man or women, I still can't figure that out...

    • @yimkumerjamz1225
      @yimkumerjamz1225 Рік тому

      @@rupertsnow3990 samira speaks to Inferna tho. something like "interesting weapon" and "firesword thing"

  • @carlossanblas5807
    @carlossanblas5807 Рік тому

    What about old babs?

  • @TEO14444
    @TEO14444 Рік тому +6

    Bleachwater voice actors
    Girls 🇬🇧
    Boys 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  • @Kallen-J
    @Kallen-J Рік тому +6

    Honestly, they seem more like an than their father. It would also allow them to drag out the story longer without just saying there brothers there. They can always pull the whole "dad story" thing with having them help lead them to there actual father, which they may have more of a idea as there brother

    • @rafasilva1265
      @rafasilva1265 Рік тому +6

      Stop coping it is his dad riot always does this

  • @Crazieyboy15
    @Crazieyboy15 Рік тому

    Wait....Smooth Mixologist is a GUY?! ;-;

    • @johnjohnson3681
      @johnjohnson3681 Рік тому

      Why made you think that? You accidentally gaslit me as well, I thought I misunderstood her gender.

    • @Crazieyboy15
      @Crazieyboy15 Рік тому

      03:29 His card info refers to him as a “He”.😢

    • @pantheonsbakerys
      @pantheonsbakerys  Рік тому

      no no no, that's my mistake, I put wrong info

  • @daBunky
    @daBunky Рік тому +9

    sett's deadbeat dad is here i guess. expansion of the gay panic crises though dear lord. these men need someone to help them actually flirt.