The Resurrection of Jesus and the Sign of Jonah

  • Опубліковано 26 лип 2024
  • Why do the first Christians believe that Jesus was raised?
    There were three major reasons that the early Christians gave for believing the Resurrection:
    1. The empty tomb
    2. The appearances of the risen Jesus
    3. The fulfillment of Scripture
    The problem with number 3, the fulfillment of Scripture, is that there is no explicit prophecy in the prophets that says that the Messiah will be raised on the third day, yet many of the New Testament writers say that Jesus was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. So what exactly are they talking about?
    The answer is in the book of Jonah, which Jesus himself alludes to in Matthew 12 when he says “for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:40). So why does Jesus allude to Jonah as a sign of his resurrection?
    There are two reasons. The first is that if you read the book of Jonah carefully you will notice that Jonah died in the belly of the fish, so it was his corpse that was spit out on dry land and brought back to life. The second reason is because Jonah’s preaching lead to the conversion of the entire wicked, pagan city of Nineveh.
    If you remember this when looking at Jesus, you will see that like Jonah, Jesus died and was resurrected and brought back to life on the third day. But even more than that, the proclamation of the Gospel brought about the eventual conversion of the entire Roman Empire, not just one pagan city.
    So what is the Sign of Jonah? It’s not just a miracle of the Resurrection, it's the miracle of the conversion of the pagans.


  • @TheJewishCatholic
    @TheJewishCatholic 4 роки тому +25

    If I ever converted to Catholicism, it would be because God would use this man to do it. (I’m a Jewish believer in Yeshua (Jesus))
    EDIT: I’m Catholic now 😁

    • @TheJewishCatholic
      @TheJewishCatholic 4 роки тому +3

      @@jeannemiller6786 I’ve heard that. I’m really looking into that. It’s so tough to agree with many things but I’m trying to educate myself before claiming anything.

    • @marccrotty8447
      @marccrotty8447 4 роки тому +1

      Messianic Me TV. So glad that you can at least consider joining the Catholic Faith. This is a big step and for many it is difficult. Those that I know who have say it was a gradual process. There are typically certain Catholic beliefs that take study and prayer to accept. I am certain that you have your own list. Read orthodox Catholic books such as G.K. Chesterton, Hiliarie Belloc, Augustine, Aquinas, Frank Sheed and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Shalom!

    • @SaintCharbelMiracleworker
      @SaintCharbelMiracleworker 4 роки тому +5

      Catholicism is not a Gentile religion. It is the religion of faithful Jews into which Gentiles have been made acceptable. It is the Church started in Matthew 16 when Jesus appoints Holy Apostle Saint Peter to lead His Church by giving him the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven (see Isaiah 22). The role of Peter and his Successors is to feed, watch over and guide Christs sheep until His return.
      Many people including protestants look at Catholic rituals and have no idea what Catholics do and why. They don't recognise or understand what they are seeing because the roots, beliefs, practices and traditions of Catholicism stems directly from "ancient Judaism". It's ancient, it's not from 2008, 1980s, 1580s, 1180s or 180AD - it's more than 2000years old and it's not entertainment, the priest/pastor is not meant to be the focus, he is merely the facilitator.
      Peter went on to become the first Bishop of Rome, his first two Successors as Bishops of Rome Linus and Clement are mentioned in the New Testament. Clement was ordained by Peter and Linus by Paul and the rest is history. Granted the first few Bishops of Rome did not have a cathedral because following Jesus was illegal in the Roman Empire, hence the public slaughter of christians. Thousands were martyred for the faith. The faith was underground during Peter, Linus and Clements time but in their correspondence with other christian communities, Peter is acknowledged as the leader, first amongst equals.
      *Pope Francis is the documented Successor of Peter.
      *The Eastern Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew is the documented Successor of St Andrew, the brother of Peter.
      *The Coptic Patriarch, Pope Tawadros is the documented Successor of St Mark who wrote the Gospel of Mark and was ordained by Peter who he travelled with on his missions and parted company in Rome. Mark went onto Egypt.

  • @MDkid1
    @MDkid1 5 років тому +78

    This is why I love Brant Pitre. He explains things in such a logical way, with such clarity and with captivating typology that anyone can get it. He makes the study of the bible so much more fascinating and interesting and applicable to both scholar and non-scholar alike.

    • @CatholicProductions
      @CatholicProductions  5 років тому +4

      Agreed. Thanks for contributing with your comment!

    • @kerenstar13
      @kerenstar13 4 роки тому +2

      Thank you for expressing my thoughts about Dr. Pitre ☺️

    • @alixsaansom
      @alixsaansom 7 місяців тому

      He is lying because he said jonah was a dead but when some one died how can he seek or how can he talk i know why he is tricking you because he wants to say jesus was dead as jonah 😂 plz just listen again and again. One time he said jonah was about to die so did jonah diet or was a live ?

    • @hepmukhim997
      @hepmukhim997 6 місяців тому

      He was Dead​@@alixsaansom

    • @alixsaansom
      @alixsaansom 6 місяців тому

      @@hepmukhim997 show me where?

  • @Maryorra
    @Maryorra 5 років тому +46

    Oh my gosh, I never knew Jonah died in the belly of the whale. This is Brilliant! Thank you Jesus for giving us such amazing Bible scholars.

    • @alixsaansom
      @alixsaansom 6 місяців тому

      He was not dead but he was about to die because of the conditions?

    • @mariodasilva1457
      @mariodasilva1457 6 місяців тому

      ​@@alixsaansomwhat do u not understand abt scriptures? To go to hades, u have to die.

    • @alixsaansom
      @alixsaansom 6 місяців тому

      @@mariodasilva1457 what are u talking about tell me where jesus said i died?

    • @levrai944
      @levrai944 6 місяців тому +1

      @@alixsaansomman you Protestants will deny EVERYTHING. Someone can lay out a very plausible and very accurate statement and you’ll STILL deny it because you “don’t feel” that it’s right. Especially when it’s a Catholic making a statement. The man is a biblical scholar and has dedicated his life to understanding the Bible

  • @ArizonaWillful
    @ArizonaWillful 5 років тому +82

    Brant is a gift to us. I wish we were related. Imagine how fascinating holidays would be with Brant at the table. LOL

    • @CatholicProductions
      @CatholicProductions  4 роки тому +16

      Brant is hilarious as much as he is intelligent. So while your head would be exploding, you'd be bursting at the seams too ;-). Have had enough experiences at meals with him to see that two-fold pattern :-).

    • @kyrianpaul2992
      @kyrianpaul2992 4 роки тому +6

      I am praying that God gives me such wisdom as he gave Brant. Honestly, he is so blessed with the wisdom of God

    • @johnmcmahon1989
      @johnmcmahon1989 4 роки тому

      @@CatholicProductions I'll I'll iui io oil il I'll i iui i I'll oiiii I'll>o I'll iioi I'll I'll I'll ii5i I'll iui o iui>ii it is I'll it iiiiiio I'll ii I'll ii>>>oil I'll I'll oi oil il I'll pi il ioo kill i I'll oil ii I'll oil I I'll I it il I'll o il I'll ii I'll i I'll iui iui I I'll I I'll ii I'll oi>oi I'll I'll I'll I'll ii I'll p I'll pp it iui I'll I'll iui I'll look I'll I'll i I'll I I'll ioipi iui iui il iiiii I'll I'll oil il I'll ip iui I oil io iui oi I'll I'll ii I'll u il point I'll I'll 5pipi I'll I'll iui il IHOP I'll i I'll u>p I'll I IHOP I'll pop il I I'll uoi I'll p oil il I'll I'll I'll I'll iui i io oil po I'll I'll I'll olp I'll IHOP oolp I'll I'll ii I'll up il iip I'll I'll>I'll oi I'll I I'll I'll pI'll pop I'll I'll op iui ii I'll oi iui il I'll io ii io il il il il oil il I'll p I'll it il il io iui iou iui il I'll I'll pp I'll I'll oil il I'll oi i it I io iui il I'll iui il I'll it p oi i I'll poi iui iI'll it I I'll I I'll I'll ip I'll iui it I iui I I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll I I'll I'll out il iui u iou oi I'll iou il I iui il I'll oil too oil oil it il iopipi I'll pip il I'll iui p I'll I'll oil pp I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll u il I iui o il iiii oi iui i io il oi p il iui pI'll I'll I'll I'll opioid I'll opioid io il ii il pii il it oil il it olp il il ipp I'll iui il I'll iloilo il p oil il I'll p I'll I'll i I'll I'll I'll o il I'll I I'll I'll I'll i I'll I'll I'll io it il il iui il up iui il io I'll I'll I'll I'll ooi I'll o oi I'll I'll I I'll I'll p I'll kill iou oil iui op I'll iou IHOP 5p oil pi il il il iui il 5 I'll i I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll>io I'll I'll i I'll io I'll I'll i I'll u il I'll i I'll io I'll ip I'll u oil il I'll iloilo oil o il IP iou il il il il il il il il il il ii iui io il il il il oil il io il il il io p io io o il il iui pp IHOP oil il IP oi i I'll opi io I I'll it oil il il ipi it IP oil il o il il iui il I I'll IP oil io I'll I'll I'll I'll p>>I'll iI'll pi io il il il il i I'll ii oi piio iui ii IHOP IP p iou il uo oil olp I I'll it it il io it il I I'll iui ppIP I'll I'll IP I'll ii iui o oil IP I'll iui>I'll I have IP i IP I I'll io I'll IP I'll IHOP I iui IP i IP I'll pIP it pip IHOP I'll oilio I'll I'll ii I'll p it p iui i it io io I I'll IP IP I'll iou il il i I'll IHOP I I'll o il il 5 IP I it io il il il il IP p IHOP I'll I'll I IP iou io IP I'll ip I'll o il olp ioiuo il i IP IP p it il I IHOP I'll pp>I'll oip>I IP olp p I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll IHOP i oil it p and p il il IP I'll p it IP p il p il i oil il i olp>y IHOP IP pp iui ioiuo p il it>I'llit o il IP I'll pi il iip io ii>IPI'll oil I io il il iio oil pI'll I'll I'll IP iui il p oilio IHOP i I'll I'll iiiii>pI'll I'll I'll I it it>iipp I'll u il p iui o il pi oil il it io I IP I I'll I I'll I'll it IHOP I'll iui io I'll ip I'll I'll IP p oil iiuip I'll IP I'll iui oil io>iio ii il il IP p>IP u iiuip il il il il p il p out p IP IP iui ipi it iui i oi I iiuip IP iiuip il il iip oil>iiiiii I'll oil iip ipI'll iou iou iou io i I'll pi il il iio I'll iio I'll spoil IP>i iiuip p iip i IPI'llititIP oil iip ippI'll pop ioiuo il UO ioio I'll IP I'll>pI'll IP I'll>I I'll pipooi it iip>I'll I iiuip il pi il I I'll I I'll it iii iio iip ipo oil il IP íppi ipi o>I'll I'll iui it iip i>I IP o il op iui po>>oil I I'll>I'll oipi iio ouI'll p iip iui p IP p il iip I'll oIP>iiuip i oil iui o oil o il oilio iiuip I IP I'll I'll IP I'll>I'll I'll I'll oil poil p iip l io iiuip ppioii I'll I'll iui oi IP I'll iui il it I UO iou il iiuip ipi I have il ipi iui piiu I'll IP oil oil il iui oil iip IP I I'll I'll I'll I'll iui oil pi il I'll ii iui iipi>I'll u io il il iui i IP I'll iiii I'll>ipi I'll ipi I'll I I'll iio I'll UO o il p>I I'll I IP p>iiuip ooi il il il ipi IP IP ip>I'll I'll IP pi iip i>it I'll I'll p IP iui ipi I'll iui il ui iiuip il po IP p il oil i>I'll IP I'll IP I'll I'll i IP IP ii Y>iui ìI'll iippip>iiuip I'll itoh you il il il i olp il oil il il il i I'll iu>I I'll IP iiuip oIP pp il I il I iui il iI'll I IP iui iui I I'll I'll IP I'll i I'll IP IP p il p>iui ipi il it iiuip i iio iiuip p il il oilil l il oi it it iip il ii il pip oil iip>I'll i iui il io iio il>i I'll ipI'll I'll>>ii I'll iI'll ioi iui>p>I'll ii il iip io il iip io it lpi iou p il iip ipp iiuip ui o iiuip I it i>oiI'll i I'll iui iip ii>p it>ii>>ioi iiuip il il iui>iui I'll iì IP I'll iii IP ip6i I'll I'll i>I'll>I'll it

    • @annjose8039
      @annjose8039 3 роки тому +2

      If only I could be so blessed by the Lord to have such companions to sit around and share meals with!!

    • @ologedan4759
      @ologedan4759 2 роки тому

      @@kyrianpaul2992 Ask and you will receive. I believe God has a special gift for everyone. Listening to Brant opens my eyes to scripture. I get a similar effect listening to Fulton Sheen. Its the magnificance of God. 2 amazing speakers, both animating scripture unbelievably well. Maybe you will be next. 🙏🏾

  • @JohnnyRay920
    @JohnnyRay920 5 років тому +58

    It's such a tragedy that the, once Christian, western societies of the U.S. and Europe have reverted back to paganism and atheism. Lord have mercy!

    • @kemartucker3653
      @kemartucker3653 4 роки тому +1

      Why didn't he disccus the fact that Friday evening to Sunday morning isn't 3 days and 3 nights??

    • @sageseraph5035
      @sageseraph5035 4 роки тому +2

      Probably because it’s not easy to simply explain. It has to do with Jewish phrasing. Basically 3 days and 3 nights to ancient Jews meant the same as on the third day. There’s an example of this in Esther.

    • @bwoutchannel6356
      @bwoutchannel6356 Місяць тому

      @@kemartucker3653it actually is three days

  • @insight856
    @insight856 5 років тому +15

    Now I feel inspired to ask Jonah and the men of Nineveh for their intercession of converting the modern pagans in my town!

  • @SuhailaAlFraiheen
    @SuhailaAlFraiheen 4 роки тому +15

    Praise God. I'm not Catholic, but thank you for speaking the Truth that the modern Christian Church has shamefully hidden.

    • @stephenpaulwilson
      @stephenpaulwilson 3 роки тому +5

      Come home 🙏 praying for you from Liverpool England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 💋

    • @josephzammit8483
      @josephzammit8483 2 роки тому +1

  • @Residbuz1
    @Residbuz1 3 роки тому +6

    What a remarkable gift you have been blessed with Dr. Pitre. So engaging. Such a remarkable teacher..

  • @rosiegirl4751
    @rosiegirl4751 4 роки тому +6

    Wow...just plain old wow! Dr. Pitre, you not only give this simple housewife a wealth of your hard earned scolorly give me a true understanding of my bible..thank you!

    • @sliglusamelius8578
      @sliglusamelius8578 3 роки тому

      "Simple housewife?" You're not simple, your brain is a complexity beyond comprehension. Praise God?

  • @eastmidlandsdrivewaysjohn6940
    @eastmidlandsdrivewaysjohn6940 5 років тому +32

    Absolutely great talk and my wife and myself just love listening to your videos that you posted god bless you

    • @CatholicProductions
      @CatholicProductions  5 років тому +4

      Thanks for commenting! Appreciate the kind words and glad it was beneficial.

  • @lorraineklimek1677
    @lorraineklimek1677 2 роки тому +2

    I love how Dr. Pitre explains Scripture - questions I had but never knew the answer.

  • @bettythorsen8131
    @bettythorsen8131 5 років тому +10

    As a woman who is 70 baptized 3 years ago confirmed and first communion. Our church has done the bible study from you as to why we go to church. This has given me a new and wonderful meaning and understanding. With many of your Productions, I have a clearer understanding of the Bible. Thank you, God Bless You

  • @sabukurian3353
    @sabukurian3353 3 роки тому +3

    Indeed, Spirit filled talk. May the good Lord continue to bless you

  • @jennifer8090
    @jennifer8090 4 роки тому +20

    There is no doubt that you have been anointed with the fire of the Holy Spirit.

  • @funsutton
    @funsutton 5 років тому +20

    Just to add something to this. I've been taught that the sign of Jonah was also the warning that Jonah gave Nineveh, that the city would be overthrown (in 40 days) if they didn't repent. Jesus said the sign of Jonah would be for this "evil and adulterous generation", and 40 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus, Jerusalem was overthrown.

  • @MLeoM
    @MLeoM 4 роки тому +9

    EXTRAORDINARY! As everytime!!
    Dr. Brant Pitre was born for this!!
    Wow! How well he explains everything.....
    *I don't get it! I don't get it at all!!! Why doesn't this channel get MILLIONS of views!!*

    • @MLeoM
      @MLeoM 4 роки тому +2

      Add: God Bless him and his team! May God give you all long life!

  • @noeltan1455
    @noeltan1455 5 років тому +17

    Fantastic, 5 stars, A-class talk. Beautiful exegesis on that short segment on Matthew and Jonah! ✝️🙏
    Shared with my friends. We are so blessed to be able to listen to such a talk, freely and accessibly even though we're thousands of miles away.
    Love, from Singapore.

    • @CatholicProductions
      @CatholicProductions  5 років тому +1

      Thanks Noel. God bless you. We appreciate the comment.

    • @Msc762
      @Msc762 3 роки тому

      This channels is a blessing to us .

  • @donaldcaga5962
    @donaldcaga5962 5 років тому +7

    Thank you, Dr. Pitre. Your talk is always mind-blowing.

  • @cliffbarber1642
    @cliffbarber1642 10 місяців тому

    This moved me tears. Thank you so much Dr. Picture.

  • @gottrance4631
    @gottrance4631 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you very much for this, I have been reading to the Bible lately and this passage of Jesus left me wanting to
    Understands what he meant, I thank God I found this.

  • @fernvarias9473
    @fernvarias9473 3 роки тому +3

    Thank you! This is an answer to one of my daily prayers to “ seek and find Jesus everyday”. Great info to prove Jesus resurrection.

  • @CPATuttle
    @CPATuttle 2 роки тому +1

    The book of Jonah verses analogy was great!

  • @praveenUFO
    @praveenUFO 4 роки тому +3

    Great preaching sir... God speaks with you...praise God

  • @alexristovski9673
    @alexristovski9673 2 роки тому +1

    Good Bless you Dr Pitre, thank you so much for all you teach me 🙏.

  • @isiraojiebenedict4705
    @isiraojiebenedict4705 4 роки тому +3

    God bless you Dr. Brant. Thanks so much.

  • @loreerudd3630
    @loreerudd3630 4 роки тому +4

    This is the most wonderful revelation of Jesus’ meaning. Thank you so much.

  • @adelaidawallaert287
    @adelaidawallaert287 4 роки тому

    The greatest theologian, Dr. Brant Pitre that I ever have listened to. May God bless you always as you continue to impart your knowledge to us, especially Catholics.

  • @Louis.R
    @Louis.R 4 роки тому +1

    René Girard explains the Jonah story perfectly as a sacrificial crisis, with Jonah having himself sacrificed for the disobedience that the sailors thought "caused" the storm, but Yahweh, being a radically different type of Lord than their pagan gods, redeems Jonah and tells him now to do what he was first called by God to do.

  • @mrsandmom5947
    @mrsandmom5947 5 років тому +1

    The videos are amazing

  • @paulhill7726
    @paulhill7726 4 роки тому +3

    Lets preach them the sign of Jonah again!

  • @kaylemoine1571
    @kaylemoine1571 Рік тому

    I enjoy your teaching so much. So logical.

  • @junelledembroski9183
    @junelledembroski9183 4 роки тому +1

    Wow! I did not ever read it that way! That’s amazing

  • @elizabethmathew9730
    @elizabethmathew9730 2 роки тому +2

    This was a great revelation

  • @R.C.425
    @R.C.425 Рік тому

    Great video

  • @judykarl5348
    @judykarl5348 Рік тому

    Incredible speaker. I could listen to his teachings all day.

  • @emekamarcel
    @emekamarcel 2 роки тому +1

    This is one of the most eloquent presentations of the Resurrection of my Lord Jesus.

  • @praveenUFO
    @praveenUFO 4 роки тому +2

    I love his preaching..God bless him more and more..praise be to Jesus

  • @jamesm5462
    @jamesm5462 5 років тому +1

    Five thumbs up!

  • @chriss229
    @chriss229 3 роки тому


  • @danielyoung0351
    @danielyoung0351 Рік тому


  • @mulipolatuuumataafatiufeaa4964

    Great Dr Brant

  • @armmkm
    @armmkm Рік тому +1

    It was a large FISH not a WHALE.
    There are linguistic reasons and theological reasons for FISH over WHALE.

  • @lvlc5
    @lvlc5 5 років тому +1

    Fantastic talk. Wish I have found you earlier... this is very true yet some jews were stubborn and still dont believe him.

  • @cliffbarber1642
    @cliffbarber1642 10 місяців тому

    “The blood of those martyrs is the seed of the Church.” I do believe this and its why I’m so happy to be a Catholic.

  • @kaylemoine1571
    @kaylemoine1571 Рік тому

    Thank you.

  • @mic.m.erohubie3897
    @mic.m.erohubie3897 3 роки тому

    Nice perspective

  • @humphreyobanor866
    @humphreyobanor866 4 роки тому +2

    God bless you Dr Brant.

  • @sherryleblanc1818
    @sherryleblanc1818 4 роки тому +1

    Brandt Pitre has illuminated the Bible for me more than any Catholic school education, homily or Bible study I’ve taken. His explanations are so enlightening, on target and easy to understand. He has truly blessed and enriched my faith !

  • @mosesramdeen2352
    @mosesramdeen2352 5 років тому +1

    Very profound

  • @marysalmond5273
    @marysalmond5273 5 років тому +1

    Amen. Alleluia!

  • @katkat2340
    @katkat2340 4 роки тому +3

    Wonderful , inspiring and full of truth . Thank You 🙏🏽

  • @christopherkennedy2415
    @christopherkennedy2415 3 роки тому +2

    The connection between the men of Nineveh and the conversion of many in history is a profound association to make indeed, but to assert from the words of Jonah that Jonah was dead in the belly of the fish appears somewhat influenced by a veiled naturalism. Jonah's words: "You brought up my life from Sheol in the context would naturally speak to the belly of the fish given that sheol's varied meanings all boil down to the realm associated with death.

    • @Ekim1740
      @Ekim1740 Рік тому

      well, when God brought Jonah back from the dead will that be a more of miracle than being alive inside a fish?

  • @39knights
    @39knights 5 років тому +6

    Not a fan of Micheal Rood (one of those self-proclaimed jewish-christian groups) but I like the way he presented the Jonah narrative much the same way. This was years ago and he said that Jonah died and was resurrected but he added the background that the people of Ninevah were worshippers of the fish-god Dogon. So when Jonah's ashen ghost-like bleached body (from being in the fish's stomach acid) was spit upon the beach by a giant fish among these fish-god worshippers; and then comes to life before them: no wonder they took him seriously.

    • @SuhailaAlFraiheen
      @SuhailaAlFraiheen 4 роки тому

      Chuck Misler as well. But long before these...was the early church. But here is what is VERY interesting; to this day, the Jews celebrate Yom Kippur, The Day of Repentance to commemorate the repentance of Ninevah because Moses (via God) commanded them to do so. But why? I know why... ;) Why should the JEWS celebrate this event? Ask yourself, in this event, who had the BIGGEST TAKE AWAY? ....The Ninevites right??? They were Gentiles... Ask yourself, why in the entire story of Jonah there was only one Jew...and by all appearances, he never why do the Jews celebrate it? I can tell you but it's good for you to meditate only it ;) BUT for me, here is the deeper question...why do us Christian Gentiles NOt celebrate it?!😬 Again, remember he said the early church did believe Jonah died and resurrected...but he didn't tell you that the early church also did celebrate it. This is because they understood the significance of it. It was not until the reformation that it was marginalised and later ridiculed. Satan works overtime to corrupt the truth.

    • @elisabethseaton6521
      @elisabethseaton6521 4 роки тому +1

      I think I heard Jordan Peterson speak about that, too

    • @marccrotty8447
      @marccrotty8447 4 роки тому

      @@SuhailaAlFraiheen You must understand that this is a Catholic presentation. The truth of Jonah is accepted by the Church and not marginalized, as you say. The Reformation was the fruit of a heretical, fallen away Catholic Priest. The divisions it produced are contrary to the Bible and the High Priestly prayer of Jesus in John 17. Three times He prayed for Christian unity. That alone shows the absolute necessity to submit one's mind and will to the Church Magisterium. Read the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Discover what we actually believe. Come join us, we need your zeal.

    • @SuhailaAlFraiheen
      @SuhailaAlFraiheen 4 роки тому

      @@marccrotty8447 I appreciate your comments, and to be clear, when I say, "marginalised", I mean that since the reformation *most* Christian churches teach that Jonah did not die...which is contrary to what the Hebrew says...and actually even in the English. The modern church dismisses it as "Poetical Speech". But for me, from a Christian perspective, I don't see anything in conflict with Scripture in what was stated in this video. I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater just because he's Catholic. I feel he did very thorough research. I have researched comments made by Martin Luther that later in his life show, shockingly, that he became very anti-Semitic... Fearfully so. He (like Mohammed) expected the Jews to accept his message...and when the Jews did not, he became bitter. I very much appreciate the work ML did in liberating the truth of the Gospels to the uneducated masses, held captive and abused by the Catholic church. I do believe he is Saved, but I do also believe he is "man" and you... But regardless the faith, position, or past contributions, God's Word in Scripture trumps all... I will not listen to the words of a man over the writing of God's Words. In fact, to do so, would be to be guilty of what Christians accuse Catholics of. The modern Christian church has a 68% failure rate with youth/young adults leaving the church. I firmly believe it is because we have diluted the Scriptures and lost our fear of God from the teachings of the (original) early church, before Catholicism. I am not in favor of the teachings of man...but God only. If Jesus said for us to do foot washing...but we don't in the consolidated modern American church... Why? Because we think we're too good for that (pride) and it's "unsanitary" (lack faith)?...Then I feel we need to be cautious about pointing fingers at how other faiths pick, choose, and cherry pick their Scriptures...when modern Evangelicals,...and alllll the other modern Christian churches since the reformation do too...hence, the heartbreaking falling away we are seeing. ML's feelings on the book of Jonah were concerning (to say the least)...He didn't really accept it. I would encourage you to research it. It is eye-opening and reminds us to follow His Word (Jesus), not the Pope, or Martin Luther. But I am thankful for any positive comments they may make in supporting the infallible Word of God...I feel the speaker in this video has accomplished that at a far greater level than Martin Luther himself... Let God be the Judge...and He will.

    • @marccrotty8447
      @marccrotty8447 4 роки тому +1

      @@SuhailaAlFraiheen Thank you for your several comments. You are a thoughtful person. When Jesus ascended to Heaven, he left behind 11 Apostles and no (New Testament) Bible. They formed the preaching, evangelizing Church prescribed by Jesus. The Church is to be as another Christ with her doctrine, jurisdiction, Sacraments and worship. The Church is a visible society "built upon the foundation of the Apostles, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone" (Eph 2:19-22). We need the unity of the Church to live the life of Christ. Come join us.

  • @toto-ke4ws
    @toto-ke4ws 5 років тому

    Hi ! would you please share with us the date and place where you preached this sermon ?

  • @robertmiller5258
    @robertmiller5258 4 роки тому +2

    Anyone who has seen the remains of the colossal pagan temple of Baalbek can testify to the extraordinary power of Christianity in reducing this extraordinary building to nothing

  • @pcm7315
    @pcm7315 4 роки тому +1

    He is able to open my eyes to a more precious view of the scriptures.

  • @gilsonbicudo
    @gilsonbicudo 3 роки тому +1

    Prof Pitre,
    I don't get the day-night counting, though.
    From Friday 3pm to Sunday morning we don't have three days and three nights.

  • @JGAstaiza
    @JGAstaiza 4 роки тому

    Great lecture on Jesus' teachings using Torah. To take into account: many people are converting to other religions as well and thruth is not a matter of majorities.

    • @SaintCharbelMiracleworker
      @SaintCharbelMiracleworker 4 роки тому

      There can only be one Fullness of Truth and Catholic/Orthodox Christianity holds that. Other confessions and faiths hold some truths as well.

  • @mosaic.emom1234
    @mosaic.emom1234 5 років тому +1

    That's why the rich man begged Abraham to send somebody from the dead to his family, like Jonah who came from the dead

  • @matthewbuckley1148
    @matthewbuckley1148 4 місяці тому

    I love what he says about Jonah but also would like to know what CatholicProductions would have to say in response to Jimmy Akin's recent critique of the idea Jonah died?

  • @yssunjoko
    @yssunjoko 3 роки тому

    isn't there also a linkage between our Lord's resurrection with the prophecy of Ezekiel?

  • @teddyyoung32
    @teddyyoung32 4 роки тому

    I agree Arizona

  • @kerenstar13
    @kerenstar13 4 роки тому +2

    Let's help in the Church's evangelization by disseminating the teachings of Dr. Brant Pitre by forwarding his videos 🌈

  • @bartee807
    @bartee807 4 місяці тому

    Amazing. Just one question…
    Jesus’ body and soul separated? His body was in the tomb a soul in Sheol?

  • @eugengolubic2186
    @eugengolubic2186 4 роки тому +1

    I read the Book of Jonah (at this moment tomorrow) and I was confused when I read this. Dr. Pitre just confirmed my scepticism.

  • @kellyjackson3352
    @kellyjackson3352 Рік тому +1

    Since Jesus was crucified on Friday and rose Sunday morning, he was deceased only two nights, Friday night & Saturday night, he rose Sunday morning. For him to be dead for three nights he would’ve had to rise on Monday morning.
    Could you please explain the three nights to me thank you .

    • @houstonwilson8383
      @houstonwilson8383 Рік тому

      It's important to note that the Bible never actually states what day of the week Jesus was crucified on. The belief that it was Friday is because Jesus was crucified the day before a Sabbath, and the weekly Sabbath was Saturday. However, specific holy days would also be a Sabbath no matter what day of the week it was. Personally I think Jesus was crucified on a Wednesday before a special Sabbath on a Thursday, buried after sundown, and rose on Saturday. By Jewish standards of the time, this would be considered Thursday night, Thursday, Friday night, Friday, Saturday night, and Saturday, three days and three nights that Jesus was buried.

  • @sunilpereira4683
    @sunilpereira4683 3 роки тому +1

    i wish we have a couple of persons like him in this world

  • @xaviervelascosuarez
    @xaviervelascosuarez 5 років тому

    What about Psalm 16:10: "you will not suffer your holy one to see corruption"? Isn't that considered a prophecy for the resurrection?

    • @grahamking3600
      @grahamking3600 5 років тому

      also was known in LEV that an offering would be considered corrupted after 3 days, which even implied that the res would happen before 3 days..

    • @kenechukwuaniagboso4583
      @kenechukwuaniagboso4583 4 роки тому +2

      CCC by John Paul II line 627

  • @patriciacz8622
    @patriciacz8622 2 роки тому

    What a remarkable illumination of the story of Jonah and beyond. It has always bothered me to learn the Bible in fragments. Dr. Pitre's exposition connects the past to the present and makes it all so much more coherent. I am very grateful for your presentations.

  • @Oneffunes
    @Oneffunes 4 роки тому

    .oneffunes. Matthew 20:16 So the last shall be first, and the first last. As Jonah was conscious while in the unconscious so shall the spirit of truth be in the structure of Alpha and Omega.

  • @Quis_ut_Deus
    @Quis_ut_Deus 3 роки тому

    Yes but what kind of fish of the mediterranean sea can swallow an entire man or eat it completely to vomit him later?

  • @4laughz
    @4laughz 3 місяці тому

    Someone with a brain tells me in simple math how did this well spoken dude miss the FACT that from Friday night to Sunday morning you cannot find 3 days and 3 nights. Not even close!!!

  • @kemartucker3653
    @kemartucker3653 4 роки тому

    Why didn't he disccus the fact that Friday evening to Sunday morning isn't 3 days and 3 nights??

    • @SaintCharbelMiracleworker
      @SaintCharbelMiracleworker 4 роки тому +1

      In ancient Judaism, days/nights were counted differently. The word to describe it is "onah." In relation to the average day, it meant the period of day vs. night.
      A day began at sunset, or with the night onah. The last half of the day, during daylight, was the day onah. Even though day and night last for different durations throughout the year, they still equal one onah. (9 hours of sun in winter, or 13 hours of sun in summer is the same onah.)
      So, Jesus was “dead” during the Friday “day onah” - Saturday “night onah” - Saturday “day onah” - Sunday “night onah” and Sunday “day onah” since it was dawn when He rose. One could look at it as 3 periods of day and night onahs. To the Jews, when Jesus died about 3pm Friday, by sunset Friday he was considered dead for two days. By sunset Saturday, he was dead three days. If he arises Sunday morning, he arises on the third day.
      Also remember that to the Jewish mind back then, it took 3 days for the spirit to leave the body before it was considered undeniably dead. This is why Jesus waited until the third day before visiting Lazarus; so that all there would know Lazarus was dead and that He was raised from the dead, rather than simply “healed” by Jesus were He to have raised him before three days expired.

  • @realSeanMcMahon
    @realSeanMcMahon Рік тому

    What about Hosea 6:2? That speaks of the third day also. Jonah surely isn’t the only prophecy of the 3rd day

  • @ricklannoye4374
    @ricklannoye4374 2 роки тому

    What really happened between the evening Jesus of Nazareth was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane and, just a few days later, is said to have risen from the dead?
    In just a few weeks, Christians all over the world will be celebrating a holy week, marking the suffering and death of Jesus, and then celebrating his triumphant resurrection.
    For most Christians, though the exact theology about his death/resurrection is somewhat murky, the idea that Jesus conquered death is a sign they, too, will one day live again after they die, either by surviving as a conscious soul that goes to a pleasant spirit realm called Heaven, or that they, themselves, will also one day physically rise from the dead just as Jesus did...or for a significant number of those Christians often called Evangelicals, who say it will be both, beginning with a Rapture!
    How, though, can we be sure, as so many Christians seem to be, that Jesus really did come back from the dead? There are, after all, more than a few historical researchers who doubt he even existed!
    There have been numerous attempts to make the case for Jesus' resurrection purely from the narratives found in the Canonical Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. One that had been very popular among Neo Evangelicals just a few decades ago, argued Jesus had to have risen again, because it could not have been his disciples who moved away the stone from his tomb for, if they had, and they subsequently secreted away his dead body, there is no way they would have gone on to spread the news of his resurrection, at great personal risk, knowing all the while it was all a big lie!
    On the other hand, might there be some other explanation why his disciples, in just a matter of days after his public execution, became completely convinced he was alive again...and not only that, but it had been God's plan all along?
    After decades of intensive research, pouring over the biblical narratives and using the very best methods of textual and contextual scholarly criticism, I believe we can know, with as much certainty as is historically possible, what really happened to Jesus and his followers that fateful, final week of Jesus' life, and what really happened in the following days, weeks, years, decades and centuries ever since, leading to well over a 2 billion people in the world today professing faith in him and his message...even though, many of them may have it completely wrong!
    Rick Lannoye, author of The Real-Life Jesus, What Jesus of Nazareth Was Really Like and What He Really Stood For

  • @TempleofChristMinistries
    @TempleofChristMinistries 5 років тому

    It doesn't necessarily mean that Jonah was dead, yet he knew he was near death at very least, what is interesting is this, that a man was found in the belly of a whale, he was unconscious but he was alive, and this was in the 20th century, sometime early 20th century I think.

    • @minorityvoice9253
      @minorityvoice9253 5 років тому +2

      So you read scripture? He said he was in sheol

  • @Msc762
    @Msc762 3 роки тому

    Some people interpret the 3 days and 3 nights as 72 hrs so this preacher said Jesus died on a Wednesday

    • @astutik8909
      @astutik8909 2 роки тому

      3 days and 3 nights is correct. A late wednesday 3 pm and Jesus dies. The confusion and error lies in the understanding of sabbath. That week there was 2 sabbaths. A seventh day sabbath, and a passover sabbath. Both sabbaths have a preparation day the day before. The first day of hebrew feast days like passover and the feast of tabernacles etc is considered as a sabbath. But these are not to be confused with a seventh day sabbath. The 10 commandments were written by the finger of God. This is separate from the law of moses. In the new testament, the new covanant, the law of moses is done away with, but the 10 commandment are eternal. When Paul mentions sabbaths in colossians and elsewhere, he is referring to the ceremonial sabbaths that are part of the law of moses, not the 7th day sabbath. Read Leviticus 16 v 31. This is also a sabbath, but not a 7th day sabbath. Leviticus 23 v 32 " it shall be unto a sabbath of rest".. again, not a 7th day sabbath, but still called a sabbath. Its best to read these books in their entirety for correct context. The passover is kept 14th day in the hebrew month Abib, regardless of what actual day it falls on. So sometimes it could be on a 7th day sabbath, or any other day. When Jesus kept the passover with the apostles, its a cetemonial sabbath, then he is crucified the next day at 3pm, the very same time the jews would have been preparing the slain lambs for their passover. Its amazing. Jesus was in the sepulchre a full 3 days and 3 nights rising before sunrise sometime on sunday morning. This we know from the gospels, so we just have to count backwards. The sabbath throws everyone off track, because few are aware that the passover is also considered a sabbath. Mary and the others rested on the saturday 7th day sabbath, according to the commandment as recorded in Luke 23 v 56. It is a mind bender when you first start trying to work it out, but just keep going thru all the gospel accounts. Each gospel has little bits of extra information. We also know the apostles continued to keep the sabbath. Even in Isaiah 66 v 23, the whole chapter concerning the end times, verse 23, " and it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another (month to month) and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship me, saith the Lord. Hope this helps.

  • @jonathantinnely5107
    @jonathantinnely5107 5 років тому +1

    I would have to disagree with your claim that the only reference to Christ's Resurrection in the Old Testament is that of Jonah, since St. Peter in his sermon on the day of Pentecost cites Psalm 16:8-11 in Acts 2:25-28 as foreshadowing the Resurrection.

    • @minorityvoice9253
      @minorityvoice9253 5 років тому

      Th wts new testament.

    • @TF80s
      @TF80s 5 років тому +3

      Wow that Psalm really does sign post the resurrection, doesn't it? doesn't leave much to the imagination at all. I don't think Dr. Brant really said that the only reference to the resurrection is that of Jonah..he only states that Jesus said that the only sign he will give this wicked generation is that of Jonah.

  • @brianhendricks4356
    @brianhendricks4356 2 роки тому

    I have a question.. just as Jonah was in the belly of the earth for three days and three nights, so shall the son of man be in the earth three days and three nights. how do I explain that Jesus was only in seol for three days and two nights? There may a simple answer, please help me out?

    • @matthewaislabie7354
      @matthewaislabie7354 2 роки тому

      Not sure, but it is likely that you probably would not like the honest answer

    • @andrewferg8737
      @andrewferg8737 Рік тому

      @@matthewaislabie7354 "you probably would not like the honest answer" ----???

    • @matthewaislabie7354
      @matthewaislabie7354 Рік тому

      @@andrewferg8737 Because the answer involves deviating from Church "tradition" of Friday Crucifixion and a Sunday resurrection. People can't believe that this is wrong. Kind of like they can't believe Jesus wasn't born at Christmas time. The Catholic scholars know, (for sure). But the average Catholic is treated like a fool in his/her own Church, and so the traditional Friday-Sunday thing keeps getting repeated and blindly followed. They know all to well they are repeating falsehoods. But they will repeat the spin to your face. Telling themselves whatever they need to.
      No wonder Jesus had such Hash words for the corrupted religious Leaders of his day. They did a similar thing.

  • @35TheDarkknight
    @35TheDarkknight Рік тому

    Most of the people i talk to about scripture dont know Jonah died protestant or catholic.

  • @leanderfoster3465
    @leanderfoster3465 4 роки тому

    Show how important for us to repent

  • @jeffreyerwin3665
    @jeffreyerwin3665 7 місяців тому

    In 1 COR 15 St. Paul noted that only a limited number of people were allowed to withness Jesus in resurrection. But the Sign of Jonah is for a generation, which means, in Jesus' time, all of Israel. Therefore, the resurrection cannot be the sign of Jonah because Jesus did not parade his resurrected body all around Israel dispaying his fatal wounds. If that problen is somehow overlooked then one runs up against Mark 8 where Jesus empatically says that no sign from heaven would be given to Israel.
    Finally, we have Jesus definitine of the what the Sign of Jonah was for first century Israel in Luke 11. Here Jesus says that the only sign that Israel would receive was the sign of his ministry.
    For these several reasons, Jesus' resurrection CANNOT be the sign of Jonah.
    Also to be noted is that whenever Jesus predicted his resurrection, he did NOT define that event as the Sign of Jonah.

  • @aspeelee8323
    @aspeelee8323 5 років тому

    “They went in and did not find the body.” WHY did they go to the tomb???

    • @JonineBlackshear
      @JonineBlackshear 5 років тому +3

      Aspee Lee To anoint the body with burial oils

    • @bthongni55
      @bthongni55 5 років тому +1

      Jesus was buried hurriedly because the sabbath was approaching fast. So spicing could not be done.

  • @ilovecatsijustlovecats3944
    @ilovecatsijustlovecats3944 Рік тому

    Conversion to Catholicism or protestantism??

  • @andrewaitken6923
    @andrewaitken6923 4 роки тому

    Jonah is the Dove and the sign of the dove is given by God when John baptises the world with Jesus, the Son of God, the Spirit of Truth, the Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.
    1-23 John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet: “I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord.’”
    Isaiah 40-3 A voice of one calling: "Prepare the way for the LORD in the wilderness; make a straight highway for our God in the desert.
    Matthew 17-11-13 Jesus replied, “Elijah does indeed come, and he will restore all things. But I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but have done to him whatever they wished. In the same way, the Son of Man will suffer at their hands.” Then the disciples understood that He was speaking to them about John the Baptist... I think Matthew muddles the prophets a bit... and also the story of Jonah...

  • @QuTeBug
    @QuTeBug 4 роки тому +1

    I have a question? Jesus says 3 days and 3 nights? But he died on Friday and was risen on Sunday early, so that’s 2 nights...??? Can someone explain

    • @hamartian
      @hamartian 4 роки тому

      Exactly, I've got the same problem here.

    • @QuTeBug
      @QuTeBug 4 роки тому

      @@hamartian I don't have any doubts to the truth that Christ did rise from the dead on the 3rd day..I know there's an explanation..just looking for one

    • @SaintCharbelMiracleworker
      @SaintCharbelMiracleworker 4 роки тому +1

      @@hamartian In ancient Judaism, days/nights were counted differently. The word to describe it is "onah." In relation to the average day, it meant the period of day vs. night.
      A day began at sunset, or with the night onah. The last half of the day, during daylight, was the day onah. Even though day and night last for different durations throughout the year, they still equal one onah. (9 hours of sun in winter, or 13 hours of sun in summer is the same onah.)
      So, Jesus was “dead” during the Friday “day onah” - Saturday “night onah” - Saturday “day onah” - Sunday “night onah” and Sunday “day onah” since it was dawn when He rose. One could look at it as 3 periods of day and night onahs. To the Jews, when Jesus died about 3pm Friday, by sunset Friday he was considered dead for two days. By sunset Saturday, he was dead three days. If he arises Sunday morning, he arises on the third day.
      Also remember that to the Jewish mind back then, it took 3 days for the spirit to leave the body before it was considered undeniably dead. This is why Jesus waited until the third day before visiting Lazarus; so that all there would know Lazarus was dead and that He was raised from the dead, rather than simply “healed” by Jesus were He to have raised him before three days expired.

    • @brackguthrie9470
      @brackguthrie9470 2 роки тому

      @@SaintCharbelMiracleworker You are really stretching it. I can see where in the Jewish reckoning, Friday was day one, Saturday was day two, and Sunday was day three. But it never makes the claim in the New Testament that Jesus was in the tomb for three days AND three nights. That could not have happened.

    • @SaintCharbelMiracleworker
      @SaintCharbelMiracleworker 2 роки тому

      @@brackguthrie9470 Read my post again. I never make the claim it was "3nights" as the western world defines it. I say it was "3 onah nights" as defined by first century jewish time/day keeping, different method which counted the hours of the day differently. We can't apply modern western societal norms to a middle eastern culture or setting which the Bible is set in.

  • @samsonyombon217
    @samsonyombon217 Рік тому

    How many days really did Jesus's death counted and how many nights counted? Isn't this a prophecy for Jesus himself, he'll not die?

  • @johnsantaniello281
    @johnsantaniello281 2 роки тому

    Jesus was only dead 2 nights?

  • @michaelfabella369
    @michaelfabella369 4 роки тому

    Any one who had been thrown out into the sea in the mids of the storm, then swallowed by a huge sea creature and into its stomach for a number of days and nights. Who would have not fainted the least out of physical exhaustion? Clearly verses didnt indicate absolute death from the said event.

  • @lovemamahouse
    @lovemamahouse Рік тому

    If a person wobbled by a fish that person will die. That's normal. What's not normal if that person is alive then that is miracle. In the first day, Jonah didn't die after being eaten by a fish but in the first day for Jesus the Christian said Jesus is dead. So Jesus said like the miracle of Jonah, The Christian said unlike Jonah. Who's speaking the truth? Jesus or the Christian?

  • @crossthered
    @crossthered 4 роки тому

    I used to think the sign of Jonah means Gods will united with the human will.

  • @lukewagner8871
    @lukewagner8871 4 роки тому

    Matthew 12:39-45 KJVS
    [39] But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: [40] For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. [41] The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here. [42] The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here. [43] When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. [44] Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. [45] Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.
    The sign was given specifically to the wicked generation of when Jesus walked the earth. It is directly applicable to that generation. There has been difficulties over the years trying to prove that Jesus was in the tomb a full three days and nights. But if we view these statements Jesus made in light of 2Pe 3:8, of a day being a thousand years long, you can see additional meaning and perhaps the true meaning of the prophecy. Jesus states he will be in the heart of the earth for three days and nights. Jesus is the seed that falls into the ground and dies in order to bring forth fruit. Jonas was sent to bring a Gentile city to repentance. The sign of Jonas to that wicked generation, shows when in the next 3,000 years, that generation will come up in judgement. After the gentiles are brought into repentance. At the end of the thousand year kingdom there will be the white throne judgment where all the Gentiles will be judged. The Queen of the south, Sheba, will come up in judgment with that wicked generation that rejected Jesus. Now this certainly was a slap in the face of those Jews listening because they held Gentiles in disdain but it also told them that they would have no part of the glorious Kingdom of God. Now it took me awhile to understand Mt 12:43-45, Jesus was the Passover lamb and before Passover every household swept the houses out making sure no yeast or leaven was in the house. The house was Israel and Jesus healed and cast out demons and the house was clean but not for long. Seven more demons worse than the first entered in. If you ever have read the accounts written by Josephus of the Jewish-Roman war, you can more easily see the analogy of seven demons worse than the first entering the house of Israel.

  • @leonardocanepa8318
    @leonardocanepa8318 4 роки тому +2

    He is a Genius or the Holly spirit is acting clearly on this man.

  • @Lizaisback
    @Lizaisback 2 роки тому

    Yes I appreciate this sermon even it was just a outtake of it. But there is one question I have: don't you pray as a Catholic to Mary?

    • @row1landr
      @row1landr 2 роки тому +2

      What you have to understand is that the word "pray" means to "ask". It does not mean to "worship".
      To worship, means to give all glory, sacrifice, praise and thanksgiving to a deity.....A God.
      As Christians, we believe in one true God, the God of the living. We are all a part of the Body of Christ. Just because we suffer a physical death, doesn't mean we are no longer a part of the Body of Christ. In regards to
      "praying" to Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, or, other angels and Saints, it is absolutely no different than you asking me to pray for you. Protestants think that it is wrong to have someone as an intercessor, someone to intercede for them , on their behalf when praying (asking) Jesus to help them with something, like health, school, work, finances, relationships etc.
      Jesus says there is no way to the Father, except through Me.
      Catholics believe this....
      However, we can most certainly speak and pray to straight to Jesus, but the Saints also lead us to Jesus. We don't have to go through the Saints to get to Jesus, but they can assist in leading us to Him and they can directly speak to Him on our behalf. If you are having surgery and you ask your friends to pray for you, I am intercede on you behalf. I am "asking" Jesus to help you get through surgery and heal. I am asking Him for YOU, not for me....I'm not the one who is sick.
      You need to learn more about the ancient Jewish history and culture. You have to remember that in Jesus's time ,there was a kingdom, a dynasty of sorts. The Davidic Kingdom lasted down through the centuries.
      Think of England....
      There wasn't a government like we have in the United States.
      There were Kings, and Queens, and Stewards and houses of parliament, etc.
      When Jesus taught His followers, He spoke in terms that they could understand and relate to.
      Jesus taught about the "Kingdom", His Kingdom.
      His most inner circle recognized Him as the true King. The King of Kings. And so, as down through history (think of Solomon and his mother Bathsheba), the Queen mother was highly regarded and ruled at the right hand of her son. It is often noted that the King rarely denied any request of his mother. If the King was married, had an actual Queen , she sat upon a throne to his left. The Queen mother was higher than her.
      So, if you believe that Jesus is the King of Kings, then you have to believe that His Mother is Queen. The Queen Mother. It only makes sense that we ask Mary to intercede for us with our prayers. In Revelations, it speaks of the angels and Saints bringing up our prayers to God through the smoke of incense.
      The Saints are people who led very Holy lives and it does us good to try to immulate them and to try to live Holy lives like they did. They are in heaven with Jesus. They can talk and converse with Jesus. It is so wonderful to know that they can "ask" Jesus to help us with our needs.
      It is certainly so comforting to know that Mary, the Queen of Heaven, the Queen Mother can approach her Son, on our behalf.
      It is so very simple, logical, and historical and biblical, that this is how it should be.
      And another thing, kings had/have a right hand man, so to speak.
      A Steward, a Vizier, a prime minister. In our country, we have a vice president.
      You can see, back through history and in the Bible, the "office" held by people and how this position related to the King. Joseph was second to Pharoah. When Ester exposed Namen to the King, Namen was killed and her cousin Mordecai took his place as second to the King. Our folklore and fairytales hold this position also. Jafar was the Vizier to Jasmines
      father. Lord Denison was the Steward of Gondor.......wait for it.........
      So, when Jesus tells Peter
      You are the rock and on this rock I will build my Church...
      Jesus is making Peter the Steward of the earthly Kingdom until Jesus returns. The term Pope
      (English) just means PaPa, Father, leader, head, as in head of the house, the overseer, the one in charge. And, ofcourse it makes sense that Peter have successors, as there always had been in the ancient hiarchial structure of any kingdom.
      There is an unbroken line of annointed bishops from the present Holy Father, the Pope, all the way back to Peter.
      I hope you can understand this. I did my best to explain it all to you. God bless.

    • @Lizaisback
      @Lizaisback 2 роки тому

      @@row1landr so you are asking a dead person? This is nothing that God demands from us. Better to say He forbids to talk to the dead.

    • @row1landr
      @row1landr 2 роки тому +1

      @@Lizaisback God does not forbid this..... He forbids Necromancy.....
      Necromancy is a "two way" discussion with the dead. (Like when people try to call on the dead in a saiance)
      Or, like when King Saul went to the witches of Endore to contour up the spirit of the prophet. Because Saul did this, called upon the prophet who appeared to him, God took the Kingdom away from Saul.
      Asking the Saints for prayer is "ONE WAY"
      communication....and this is fully biblical, as you will see in the old Testament.
      Oh...., but wait.....
      Protestants took out some books , so then, you may not have the full knowledge of the truth....

    • @row1landr
      @row1landr 2 роки тому +1

      @@Lizaisback also, Jesus says nothing can separate us from Him, not even death. After we die, physically, we are still a part of the Body of Christ. Our soul/spirit is alive in heaven.

    • @Lizaisback
      @Lizaisback 2 роки тому

      @@row1landr the apocryphal books are written after the book of revelation which is the last book of the Bible. So they do not belong to the Bible at all and all doctrine written in the apocryphal book need to be rejected. We do not ask angels for help nor pray to them and do not ask Mary who was a person like me and you, with sins, for help nor pray to her. And yes she is dead and yes we do not consult the dead ones at all. We only come to Jesus the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Nothing more, nothing less. Repent. You are in Sin. Repent now.

  • @artemisapaulina29
    @artemisapaulina29 4 роки тому

    They were converting until Pope Francis came into scene and starting preaching that DIFFERENT RELIGIONS WERE WILLED BY GOD!!

  • @jeffreyerwin3665
    @jeffreyerwin3665 Рік тому

    Mark 8 "Truly I tell you, no sign [from heaven] shall be given to this generation."
    Jesus' resurrection cannot be the Sign of Jonah without breaking scripture, but the miraculous images of his corpse on the Holy Shroud might be that sign.

  • @peterjongsma2754
    @peterjongsma2754 5 років тому +2

    Jesus fulfilled the promise to Jacob.We live in the ancestral age of Leah and Rachel.Leah is The Ten Commandments. Rachel is Grace. The Apostles are linked to the Twelve Tribes of Israel.We are adopted into Israel by The Blood of Christ Son of The Father and Son of Jacob.
    Rachel hid the Ancient Gods and Jacob buried them under a Tree.
    Jacob's name means He Supplants.
    Christianity Supplants Judaism.
    Promise Fulfilled.

  • @305Lfx
    @305Lfx Рік тому

    If you look at elements of the old testament there's a preconfiguration of the crucifixion narrative... moses lifted up the serpent in the desert...
    And jonah and the whale is thusly a preconfiguration of the resurrection of the christ figure...

  • @andrewaitken6923
    @andrewaitken6923 4 роки тому

    From the Hebrew name יְשַׁעְיָהוּ (Yesha'yahu) YAH is salvation", from the roots יָשַׁע (yasha') meaning "to save" and יָה (yah) referring to the Hebrew God. Isaiah is one of the four major prophets of the Old Testament, supposedly the author of the Book of Isaiah.

  • @arnoldmaglalang5522
    @arnoldmaglalang5522 4 роки тому

    Sheol in Hebrew and Hades in Greek. Sounds like purgatorium in Latin. And hell is another word. Gehena. 1 Peter 18 19 Before Jesus ascended to heaven he went and preach to imprison spirits that can not be hell which is Gehena it is Sheol in Hebrew Hades in Greek realm of the dead soul. Translated in Latin purgatorium. In English it is purgatory