Battle Brothers: Two-handed weapons

  • Опубліковано 1 тра 2024
  • Battle Brothers is a strategy/RPG developed by Overhype Studios. In this video I am discussing two-handed weapons and attributes of the brothers wielding them.
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  • @capablanca4984
    @capablanca4984 29 днів тому +1

    Very nice analysis. Brings a little more clarity to the 2 handed weapon choices in a very simple but extremly useful spreadsheet. Thank you for this!

  • @aylictal
    @aylictal Місяць тому

    Nevermind editted my post. I think all weapons have their warrants and it totally depends upon the bro. You stated that a hammer bro can skimp on melee def more than others due to reach advantage but I don't think thats the case so much. If I was to say a bro who could skimp on mdef more than the others it'd probably be the mace bro, because a stunned enemy cant swing anyway. Hammer bros need some of the highest stats in the game, with maybe cleavers needing more because disarming and swinging twice per round is ridiculously fatigue intensive.
    My weapon choice for bros are usually dependent upon fatigue. Highest -> Cleaver / High -> Hammer / Medium -> Mace or Dagger / Low -> Axe. Swords I dont bother other than early game. THey're the upgrade to spears when your bros start hitting 70-80 mark on atk where its not reliable enough to switch to the other weapons yet. Once they hit 80ish I switch them to what they'd be good with using based upon their fatigue. Flails are kinda in the same boat, I find them too unreliable. They can work in very specific cases but you need like a drunken brute trait then it gets hilarious of course but in reality the odds of finding something like that on a well starred bro are slim to none.

  • @cheezemansam9567
    @cheezemansam9567 2 місяці тому +2

    Greatswords are in a pretty poor place in terms of endgame fights. They are only better against non-armored foes if you are abusing the AoE. and against anything elite (Ancient Undead, Orc Warriors, Lindwurms, Barbarian Chosen) they do quite miserably compared to 2H Axes or Maces. Quite some time ago I made a script to simulate how many attacks it would take to kill a Chosen, and Greataxes are *substantially* ahead of Greatswords, with Swords taking slightly less than 2 more swings to kill on average. Although if you can find a good Armor% famed Greatsword, they preform really well.
    But it should be mentioned that farmable famed 2H axes exist in the form of Man-Splitters, which an absurd ~170 Primary att. dmg, and the fatigue costs still being below what you need for a Greatsword.

    • @ouwesoksgaming
      @ouwesoksgaming  Місяць тому +2

      I can make this video 2 hours if I also start to discuss what 2H weapons to use vs which enemies. Greatsword bro remains in reserve Vs Chosen and in Orc fights I keep him in the center dealing with Orc Young. Vs Ancient Undead it is pretty good since you can kill the pikeman in de backline with two times Split. Great sword shines vs Brigands and Nomad, where he can target those pesky ranged units before an Axe can and also Vs Beasts the Greatsword works pretty well. Greataxe is obv still the all round better weapon

  • @brazilac123
    @brazilac123 Місяць тому

    What is the op build in your opinion not using legendary weapons?

    • @ouwesoksgaming
      @ouwesoksgaming  Місяць тому

      I'd say the Dagger Duelist build I discuss in the 2H mace video

    • @aylictal
      @aylictal Місяць тому

      Dagger duelist is one of the cheapest early game builds that dominate harder than most any other build. Qatals are like 1400g which is worth every penny so long as you have a bro with good attack and some defense. Doesnt even need that much fatigue or init (135ish init is plenty). You can also shed one perk on them to get quick hands and pocket a 2h mace so you can daze your own targets and also have an option against heavily armored foes like orcs chosen and footmen. With dagger spec you can hit with mace swap and hit with deathblow in same turn.
      Late game though cleaver outshines it. Has highest damage and highest utility out of pretty much any weapon. If I could have every bro using only one weapon late game it'd be cleavers, not daggers. Problem with cleavers is it requires godlike bros to use. Needs high in matk, mdef, and fatigue, and enough hp and resolve to not fall over. Hard to find.

    • @brazilac123
      @brazilac123 23 дні тому

      @@aylictal So give me your 12 men optimal line up. No mods day 250. How many 2 hand mace? How many 2 hand axe and or 2H Hammer?

    • @aylictal
      @aylictal 21 день тому +1

      @@brazilac123 Depends on the bros you find man.
      I don't play gladiators which is limited to the 12 brothers only, so I have reserves.
      If I were limited to just 12, I'd run 2 archer/thrower hybrids, banner, 2 tanks preferably battleforged because I dodge all lindwurms anyway, then the rest dps. I no longer run fat neuts late game. If a brother has low fatigue, I'll run them as nimble 2h mace/qatalists with quickhands and daggerspec (no need for mace spec as 2h mace dazes everytime even without spec). If they have fatigue I'll run them either as 2h hammers or 2h cleavers. Cleavers need monster fatigue, so if he has 60ish fatigue after battleforged, i'll do him as hammer, if its over 70, or preferably 80 after heavy armor, then cleaver.
      If I had reserve brothers, then I'd have something like 4-5 archer/thrower hybrids, 2 banners, 3 tanks, then the rest dps. The more cleavers, the better. Having backup banner, backup tanks, and backup archers is nice in case they die, but thats the penalty to playing gladiators which is pretty harsh in comparison to other scenarios.
      As for your direct questions: I wouldn't ever run more than 2 hammers unless I found a bunch of 2h famed hammers then I'd maybe consider it. Also I don't run with axes unless I find a famed. They hit hard but they're too niche and have too little utility in comparison to maces, qatals, and cleavers. I've ran an axe duelist who was a gigachade once but its because of the famed axe I found as well as the brother who used it, but it was a very rare run.