You are very hardworking and organized. You definitely understand how much you have to put in to get what you want. Also thank you for treating us viewers the same way as your kiddos. Very nicely made vlog.
I have no clue how I ended up here lol, but as someone who graduated high school last year, I just wanted to let you know that I really wish I’d had a teacher like you throughout my schooling! I can tell you love your job and care about your students, and that really makes all the difference in the world to use who go through school. Thanks for everything you do, hope you know that having such a positive attitude can really have a great effect on how kids look back on their earlier years of schooling, I’m sure most will look back and have great things to say about their time with you!
Thank you for the book recommendations, PD and picture. I have loved using the one graphic organizer! It has made my talking time during instruction less and student active engagement increase.
Hi. From Argentina. Great vid. I wanna know how did u do the pattern of the sticky notes. Did u use power point or any specific program? Which is the meassurement of the square of tbe sticky notes? Can u do a tutorial? A very detail one pls. Happy teaching. Miss Miriam from Argentina
I found it at Target in their ‘Back to School’ section. I’ve looked online and at their store locally, but I haven’t been able to find the exact one again. 😰
You are very hardworking and organized. You definitely understand how much you have to put in to get what you want. Also thank you for treating us viewers the same way as your kiddos. Very nicely made vlog.
I have no clue how I ended up here lol, but as someone who graduated high school last year, I just wanted to let you know that I really wish I’d had a teacher like you throughout my schooling! I can tell you love your job and care about your students, and that really makes all the difference in the world to use who go through school. Thanks for everything you do, hope you know that having such a positive attitude can really have a great effect on how kids look back on their earlier years of schooling, I’m sure most will look back and have great things to say about their time with you!
You’re amazing!!!!!! Wished my kids were in your class...for their ENTIRE schooling...all the way until grad school!
Thank you for the book recommendations, PD and picture. I have loved using the one graphic organizer! It has made my talking time during instruction less and student active engagement increase.
Love this!! Thank you for always sharing your experience and tips!!
I love your videos! Would it be possible, if your schedule permits, for you to post a video of how you lesson plan in Schoology?
Hi. From Argentina. Great vid. I wanna know how did u do the pattern of the sticky notes. Did u use power point or any specific program? Which is the meassurement of the square of tbe sticky notes? Can u do a tutorial? A very detail one pls.
Happy teaching.
Miss Miriam from Argentina
At 1:48.... where did you get the metal insert used to hold file folders for your rolling cart? 😊
They are the inserts for a standard filing cabinet. I think we bought them off of Amazon. Trent cut them down to size.
The Lettered Classroom thank you for the prompt reply! What a genius idea!
Where did you get your world map from? I'm on the hunt for one just like it.
I found it at Target in their ‘Back to School’ section. I’ve looked online and at their store locally, but I haven’t been able to find the exact one again. 😰
Dearest Bridget
Where did you get those books from cos I need them.
I tried to order them but couldn't.
I added them all to my Amazon store in the description. I pretty much buy all of my books there. 🥰
Can you tell me what keyboard you used with your I pad?
I just use the Wireless Apple Keyboard. I think it’s the 2nd generation.
What do you use for you lesson planning?
I use my Digital Planner on my Tablet.
Hello my friend
Jesus loves you!!
Way to much work! You need to simplify and take care of yourself and your family!