Canada Russia 1972

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2007
  • The final game...Would this be the same country if they had lost that game? ...I think not.
  • Спорт


  • @MrLCLM
    @MrLCLM 14 років тому

    Since 1976 there have been 11 hockey tournaments where every country has sent the best players they have. Canada has won 7: Sweden 1, Czech Republic 1, USA 1, and USSR/Russia 1. That should tell you who the best hockey country is.

  • @jowabro
    @jowabro 14 років тому

    I was just watching clips of the US team beating Russia in 1980. Everybody was referring to that semi-final as "the greatest sports moment ever." I was embarrassed so I left. Watch it for yourself; half the arena is fucking whistling, and you can't tell if they're going to the gold medal game or if an exhibition game just ended in a 0-0 tie.

  • @Sedalb
    @Sedalb 15 років тому

    We just like it rough in Canada... nothing a little contact can't fix.

  • @stubs96
    @stubs96 15 років тому +1

    Russia did beat Canada in 1974, the series in 72, Canada was the better team, the games that Russia won were from a combination of poor officiating, over confidence on Canada's part and no conditioning. Team Canada's players hadn't played together and were coming of their summer vacation and were in poor condition. Russians did earn respect after this series, I may be biased but I still think Canada has the best hockey with Russia a close second.

  • @Lockhart2000
    @Lockhart2000 12 років тому

    I think yes.

  • @zudah369
    @zudah369 14 років тому

    @juzu4me i just said that there were no russian players in that..but thats not cuz russian players are bad,if black hawks had some russian players,they'd still be a great team.and why would they suddenly not have great players in the world hockey summit?they do have great players.just cuz they azrent in the,right now halak is the best golie in the nhl,with more than 100 more saves than second place...he JUST got into the nhl hes.. been playing hockey with world hockey teams for years

  • @zudah369
    @zudah369 14 років тому

    @lindsman68 by hitler breaking the molotov-ribbentrop agreement,that made russia pretty mad,and if russia did not fight hitler in that war,it would not have been attention in history class

  • @clayman1919
    @clayman1919 14 років тому


  • @zudah369
    @zudah369 14 років тому

    kay i love canada,but russia beat us a couple weeks ago forget bout the olympics already

  • @12345JJBB
    @12345JJBB 14 років тому

    @starving4thecup Eh, many more from Canada

  • @zudah369
    @zudah369 14 років тому

    @lindsman68 no srry,im from like alot of different places then russia,i didnt grow up in russia either,i dnt htink i should study the history of my entire family tree..and im pretty sure a world war is something alot of people actually remember,and russia stopping germany didnt stop a world war?well germany was the capital of the nazi world,when that fell,the rest of national nazism followed.and russia fought in one of the bloodiest battles in history,stalingrad,which opened the gates to germany

  • @RyeAndSuits99
    @RyeAndSuits99 15 років тому

    lol I'm canadian and there are so many things wrong with this comment

  • @tonybenn1000
    @tonybenn1000 14 років тому


  • @whitlol
    @whitlol 14 років тому


  • @Briere486
    @Briere486 14 років тому

    ké ta yeule

  • @zudah369
    @zudah369 14 років тому

    @lindsman68 i never said that they themselves "stopped world war II" i said they did a heck of alot more then canada,and if russia didnt breach germany it wouldnt have been possible,so don;t call me stupid,this started with me saying that canada should just shut up and give some respect to russians over HOCKEY

  • @DgtlDiva
    @DgtlDiva 14 років тому

    hey Sanyo -- if you're gonna comment on a Canadian sport have the decency to speak ENGLISH

  • @JackTheNoober
    @JackTheNoober 12 років тому

    Russia? More like Soviet Union?

  • @Kuest98
    @Kuest98 15 років тому

    bon bon bon ... on se battera pas parce qu'on est pas d'accord sur quelques points ! Arrete d'insulter le monde et de mettre des commentaires aggressifs et tout va être reglé ! On est les deux plus grands pays de hockey et quand meme que tu me mette des -1 a mes commentaires ca m'empechera pas de dormir ... tu m'as l'air d'une personne plutot amère entk :-(

  • @zudah369
    @zudah369 14 років тому

    @juzu4me.olympics 2006 ussr had more gold alot of those canadian players have lower stats then say ovechkin..many russian players have better stats than canadian players.its the team,not the rrussian players on the team and if you're going to count for gold medals other than hockey,russia is second place for most medals.Canada isn't even in the top 10.Ha whiney soviets?ya Russia has made a much larger impact to the world than canada,ya know stopping world wars and stuff under their own command..

  • @zeromanjj
    @zeromanjj 15 років тому

    Чё вы мелете, никак не пойму. Пишите по-русски, или по английски, в крайнем случае. Впрочем, ничего важного в своем очередном комментарии вы все равно не напишете... Мы всегда побеждали вас, мы вас побеждаем, и мы будем вас побеждать - вот и все ответы на ваши комментарии...

  • @rushrules65
    @rushrules65 14 років тому

    Agree: Babcock a complete loser: if they had a better coach th eCanadian team would have beat the Russians and US twice what they did.

  • @zudah369
    @zudah369 14 років тому

    @lindsman68 how am i a traitor? im from russia,canada,finland,england,ireland and germany..dnt call me racist,im just stating that you should stop thinking that canada is the best country in the world and russia is the worst

  • @zeromanjj
    @zeromanjj 15 років тому

    You guess wrong, canadian. It looks like, you did not understand, that all you write in your "pretty good commentary" is канадская чушь...

  • @ballssssssssssssssss
    @ballssssssssssssssss 15 років тому

    Your a fool if you think russia is better...They have 2-3 players max...canada has more depth then any team in the world...The olympics are ours

  • @Kuest98
    @Kuest98 15 років тому

    and before you say ... I know that your not communist anymore. History give you a bad name that you dont really deserve. Our country is not better then your but we beat you in 1972 period ! You show us that hockey was not only a rude and physical sport ... but roughing is part of the game as is it in american football !

  • @JackTheNoober
    @JackTheNoober 12 років тому

    yeah blablablabla back in the days... Its different story nowdays. Nobody cares aboute the past its all aboute the current.