The Secret of Happiness (Matthew 9:2) - C.H. Spurgeon Sermon

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • A sermon delivered by C.H. Spurgeon, Thursday evening, May 2nd 1872.
    Spurgeon tells us here that there is one fundamental secret to all happiness: to be forgiven by God. He shows that a person can endure any trial if he or she knows that they are at peace with God through Jesus Christ.
    Read by: Gavin Childress
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  • @mikemccormick9667
    @mikemccormick9667 2 дні тому +2

    Amen and Amen! 🙏♥️🙏

  • @geraldyoshida6821
    @geraldyoshida6821 2 дні тому +1

    Try becoming as a little child and believing God's word as it is written. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Salvation is based on God's word and not our feelings. Our feelings are constantly changing.

    • @ClifRonczka
      @ClifRonczka День тому

      We need to consider what becoming like children means?!?! Jeremiah 17:9 mentions deceitfulness of the heart. Maybe the heart of children is not as deceitful????! Even Spurgeon, as dedicated as he appears or appeared to be, was subject to deceit of the heart. Or so it seems, in that recorded in at least one of his sermons he refers to his 'feelings'. However, my 'considered' 'feelings' are that Spurgeon's 'feelings' would have been more appropriate in every way than are my 'feelings'. Is it possible at Romans 9:22 "What if God, desiring to show his wrath and make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, 23 in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy.....", was given us to contemplate regarding what possibly today is considered traits which are inherited or possibly at times referred to as instinct or possibly ingrained bad habits?!?! Or maybe even heart felt wishes or desires? Maybe need to consider in Proverbs about child rearing too. Are the hearts of children formed or trained to be less 'deceitful' but later due to our own evil desires corrupted. Spurgeon could not anticipate today's technology and all the implications thereof. Some religions shun technology and possibly for good reasons.

  • @mvshtaq
    @mvshtaq День тому

    Psalm 37
    23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. 24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand. 25 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. 26 He is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed.

  • @RepentfollowJesus
    @RepentfollowJesus 2 дні тому +1

    I was raised on guilt trips. I have repented, believe, baptized, love good preaching, know a lot of the bible. But i still have guilt over my sinful life i wallowed in for decades. I no longer wallow in it. I dont want it. But i feel so guilty i have often doubted my salvation. I feel like Paul. A female chief of sinners. Maybe the enemy just torments me. Any thoughts?

    • @jty1999
      @jty1999 2 дні тому +1

      I know that feeling. In a way, it's a good reminder of our depravity. But it's even better to rejoice in the forgiveness we've received. It is good to remember, but better to be freed. Lean on God and remember that you have received the gift of salvation because of how much he loves you. Whatever you suffer and regret now, remember that there is something - someone - far better than all of it, waiting for you at the end of this race.
      Read Eph. 2:12-13.

    • @cakensteak
      @cakensteak 2 дні тому +1

      You are on the right road. He will wash your guilt away in waves of blinding light. Trust in The Lord, in His perfect timing. It's my experience that repentance takes hard work and long times of chaos. Yet always The Holy Spirit opens my eyes and gives grace through forgiveness, humility, and hope. All the best!

    • @catherinechristian9091
      @catherinechristian9091 День тому +1

      Whenever enemy torment you or remind you of your sins tell outloud "I am forgiven child of God . Righteous , Glorious child of God. " I recommend divine exchange sermons of derek prince.

    • @ClifRonczka
      @ClifRonczka День тому

      Good replies and realize the Bible is written to beings created in the image of a very powerful and intelligent God. We are likely as complex as our creator in many ways and the Bible is also complex can not be understood without the guidance of the Holy Spirit and contemplation on our part. Set your self evaluation aside and admit that on your own your desires are not for the kingdom of heaven and ask that you be given at least some resolve and desire to pursue the kingdom of heaven. Praying can even be when you are about to fall asleep as you will find recorded about David in the Bible. Or at least he was praying while in bed and maybe going to sleep. There are 31 chapters in the book of proverbs and 31 days in a month. One chapter a day forever and you might find verses that lead to other parts of the Bible that speak to you. After maybe six or eight months you might get a better evaluation of how you got to where you are and focus more on where you should place your hopes and desires and what vision you should have for yourself. See Proverbs 29:18 and possibly to verse 27. PS Learning to understand the two great commandmentsa at Mark 12:28-34 and really make them part of your life is a vision you might work towards. Also John 14:2-6 we are told of a place being prepared for us and then in the 21st chapter of the Revelation we are told of a new heaven and new earth and the most fantastic city, new Jerusalem. Sounds to me like the rooms mentioned in the 14th chapter of John are incredibly large rooms where we will be living in new Jerusalem. This is a vision to contemplate!!!!!

    • @SpurgeonSermonSeries
      @SpurgeonSermonSeries  День тому

      This Spurgeon sermon may help:

  • @kitty-rp7bg
    @kitty-rp7bg День тому

    Amen 🙏 ❤😂