I'm a straight white old guy ( l don't mind being labeled if it's accurate) . Years ago l attended a church in a large CA city, shortly after it became a reconciling church. Word got around and gay people started showing up. In 8 years that sleepy old church had doubled in size, including about 3 dozen gay couples. They offering free breakfast on Saturday, free lunch on Sunday, and the LGBTs were some of its biggest supporters. One Sunday we had several of our gay members get up and tell the stories of how their former churches had treated them. It was heartbreaking. These folks had wanted to attend church for years, but had quit after being ridiculed and shunned. Then they found a new home because of one pastor's courage. No such thing as gay Christians? I've seen them visiting the sick, feeding the hungry, comforting the greif-stricken. Shame on any preacher who says otherwise.
God created us all and God is love, who they love is irrelevant. I cannot believe that God cares who you love, only that you love. Straight old lady :)
As a straight old black guy (who collects all sorts of labels because contradictions can be fun), this makes me smile. Christians (and non-Christians) following the examples of Christ (whether they know it or not) always does.
God created a universe so complex and interconnected that our greatest minds barley can grasp it's genius Do you think a being of such infinite power loses sleep cus the male hairless monkeys love each other Homophobia is both a insult to the greatness of the creator and the logic of man
I'm an "old white guy" too. I left my church and won't return to church again because of the hypocrisy of these false Christians who judge and condemn gay people or anyone else. They are full of spite an vitriol and I just have no interest in being around them. I'm non-religious now, but I believe in God and do my best to live a good life. I pray quietly when I'm alone and avoid most conversations about religion because it's too often heart breaking how far from "Love one another as I have loved you" we've gotten as a society.
We need 10000000000000 more preachers like you who Preach the truth. Those hypocrites are the reason I developed a profound hatred for all so called Christians. At age 51 I finally found my way back and stopped being angry at God because of people like you. People who are not afraid to preach love, compassion, and truth. Please keep posting videos. I really really need them.
For so many of my gay friends and others this ship of God's rejection has sailed; I myself stopped talking to God (after I wrote an actual letter to God detailing why I couldn't be in relation to him,) and many many years later I got real and honest with my sexuality, (gay) and understood Jesus to wamts a relationship with me.
Well said exactly God is the judge and we are all guilty BUT also can be saved by his grace and not by the law or works. Yes we are not the judge but he judges righteous on by faith . It's a crazy illogical thing but God did it so we can't boost in us only in him
After last night's Thanksgiving dinner with my family, which was warm and comfortable and safe, I returned to the cocoon of my own home. A replay some of the short exchanges: my youngest son's in-laws are full on Fox News Watchers. Have been for years. This year he and his wife and son fled. What has been a relatively benign swapping of holidays between the two groups has now become so uncomfortable especially for my son that he simply couldn't face being around them. But what really struck me is that he makes a direct correlation between that marination of their brains in disinformation and deliberate media manipulation and their Christian beliefs. As if they're somehow one and the same. I'm a bit of an outlier because I have taken up the mantle of spiritual exploration after my mother's death. She was a little bit hard to sit down with because she had really strong opinions about stuff. I laugh about it now but at a certain point it was pretty painful. Her investment in being correct was an obvious obstacle to reaching people‐- not in her opinion of course😊. But you see where I'm going here, after my partner's death I felt drawn to community. That's perfectly understandable I was feeling isolated and grief-stricken. So Retreats and online meditation and connecting with gentle people. What's not to like? Well, that's the rub. To come back to your remarks, what is a through line is the sense that folks haven't put in the work they have not gone through to chapter 2 as it were. Doesn't really matter whether you're talking about the Bible or krishnamurti or Eckhart Tolle or Rupert Spira, just fill in the blank. The answer for me is that there is no answer. Just the acknowledgment that we're all in this together and that there are no barriers and that this supposition that there are somehow rules for me and rules for you and rules for them. I can laugh now, but the separation is where the pain is. I don't believe there is any separation. We are all one and as such, you judge me you judge yourself.
They dont understand. Jesus died for the sinner not the righteous. Jesus did not come to condemn anyone. Accept all people and pray for their redemption. BREAK every chain, set captives free
Sounds like the people you are speaking about see Jesus as politically conservative. Jesus came not to give us what we deserve but give us a way to change our hearts so we can be God's. Not by governance or force but by imitating and following his example. Unfortunately, folks like to "own" Jesus, put him in their pocket to use him for their politics and power. Jesus knew very well that his teachings and doings would cause families and friends to oppose each other, all because they can't accept his radical gospel.
Because it’s not in the Bible, just like you can’t be a Christian and be a Republican isn’t in the Bible. Jesus didn’t get involved in politics. He had more important things to do, and a short time to do it.
We all struggle in lots of areas self definitely included that's why 100% of Christians require a constant flow of his grace through faith. That's for sharing you are no different to us non gay people . Be encouraged Gods love is just insane and 1 area is not any worse or better than another. Don't swallow the lie
Thank you for being brave enough to share! I have all kinds of respect for gay Christians. Many leave the church when they come out, and often leave God in the process. But people like you give me hope! I love your community so much, especially because I know some of you. And Jesus loves you! Don’t let anyone ever tell you different!
I am now 75 years old. I realized I was gay very early at about 8 or 10 years old. Fortunately, my mother was a strong Christian and we always attended church and I believed. I have always believed in Jesus the Christ, and I have pursued a deep and meaningful relationship with Him as my Lord and Savior all my years. my greatest pain, other than losing loved ones to death, was the harsh treatment that I have received in so many churches during my life. I fully understand that there is little reason for a heterosexual Christian to deeply research scripture to discern God's will concerning those of us who are gay. the Biblical research goes so deep and requires research into original languages and the evaluation of writings by biblical scholars - clearly an undertaking that the average person would have little reason to pursue; it took me 2 years. What is difficult to understand is the hatred and malice I have seen in the conduct of my fellow Christians through the years.
Nobody should have treated you horribly, but have you not read 1 Corinthians 5 ??? The Apostle Paul teaches there that if a congregation member is caught up in sin. They are to be talked to and then cast out if they refuse to repent of it......... As well Jesus taught in Matthew 7:21-23. That it doesn't matter if you claim His name and/or even do works in His name. If a person continues to willfully sin, then He will tell them, "I never knew you".......... You still have time to repent !!!
How many people have taken thier lives when churches and church families use this to justify thier hated of them. Of othering them? How many people have left the church because of this? Thank you, Rev, for putting all this in perspective.
@@stultusvenator3233 But, I have long said that religion is a tool, whose use is determined by the heart of the user. It is often used for aid and comfort to those with emotional issues. Did you know that the Quran forbids suicide, and attacking non-combatants? So that means it forbids those 'suicide bombing attacks'.
@@yurei8 Good people do good & Bed people do bad BUT to really do evil requires religion. I and many don't care about the platitudes of these fictional literature it is what They DO support and cover for that matters. Every time someone like you quotes such a verse then someone else can point to another one sanctioning by interpretation the opposite. Don't try to bullshit me- The Quran has 123 verses that call for fighting and killing anyone who does not agree with the statement, “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet.” Jews and Christians are specifically included among such “infidels.” The Quran’s Sura 5:33 says about infidels, “They shall be slain or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off.” Sura 9:5 says, “Slay the infidels wherever you find them ... and lie in wait for them ... and establish every stratagem (of war against them).” Sura 47:4-9 promises paradise to whoever cuts off the head of an infidel. There are, of course, other verses that call Muslims to lead a peaceable life, but the underlying theme in the Quran is that there never can be true peace until everything is submitted to Allah. Thus violence to that end is justified.
@@yurei8 A tool of control and oppression. Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. -- Lucius Seneca
@@stultusvenator3233 Yes it is a tool. But tools are used according to the intentions and hearts of the users. People can be murdered by hammers, as an example. But it is not the fault of the hammers. I use my religion, to look at my life with broader philosophical ideas, such Love, charity, etc. Religions have been used to found universities, charity hospitals, homeless shelters, etc. I personally am part of denomination, which is part of broader movement called "New thought Christianity" We accept the major world religions as different paths to the same life life goals. But let me leave you with this; Jesus said, "My peace I give unto you." So when you see Christian' denominations that are not at peace. they are missing the mark. Today, there are many calling themselves Christians, but they are way off the mark, and giving the entire religion a bad name.
Having faith isn’t supposed to be a sword or a shield, it’s not a tool of war. Faith is the strength in your arms that allows you to use all of the tools that you need to use.
I am an Evangelical Christian in a small Southern town, I have a gay son, he is and always will be my son, I am love him and love his partner he is another son to me. I have no illusions to what my church thinks about gays, Christ knows the heart of people, we think others sins are bigger than our sins. We are all saved by grace and not of ourselved, it is the gift of God.
We are all sinners. We all must fight against our flesh every day. Every hr if necc'ry. Hate the sin, not the sinner & alla that. We are all born with our own particular proclivities. Some stronger & more intense than others. The question is - What do we DO with our sin? It's not about what the church says, it's about what our 3rce Holy God COMMANDS. & HE commands that we give our sin over to him-his yoke is easy. He commands that we genuinely repent: & go & sin no more. We are not even to let sinful THOUGHTS linger, so we're not tempted to let our thoughts turn into actions. JESUS commands that we ask his forgiveness daily, let him light our path & intentionally avoid situations that might temptation us to sin...whatever the sin is-whether sexual activity outside the bounds of BIBLICAL marriage, or lying, gossiping, slander, or any of the others this preacher man read from Paul's letter. The more we practice avoiding sinful actions & lean not on our own understanding-but trust in the Lord to guide our path- the easier & better it gets. "Love is Love"??? Love doesn't always mean accepting practices/behaviors/ lifestyle choices. I'll leave it at that. I'm sure it hits diff & deeper when it's your own dearest loved one. ❤🙏
It is a very vexed question . My rebuttal is : Christ’s overarching message was ‘ LOVE ONE ANOTHER ‘ Some ‘ christians ‘ have l ost sight of this in their zeal against one or two ‘ sins ‘ to the exclusion of all else . And whatever happened to ‘ judge not .’ ?!
Good for you being more moral than you religion & bible. The cognitive dissonance must be difficult, dump the whole nonsense and just be a better person.
@@stultusvenator3233 I believe in the teachings of Christ, and His call to love our neighbors as our selves. I go to a small church where we all know each other, I love those people, they just haven't had the opportunity to know gay people, seeing them only at a safe distance, I may have thought just like them, I was always uncomfortable when they would be harsh with gays, when my son came out I became much more understanding and compassionate. They are blinded by their prejudices, but Christ taught love, and I believe Him. Your kindness helped me with a difficult day in front of me today. Thank you.❤
That's a far more generous, and intelligent, reading of those verses of Romans than most American Evangelical preachers are willing to allow. Thank you!
I’ve spent many many hours searching through my heart and in prayer when my daughter came out to her father and I. I kept my cool in the conversation and told her that I loved her the same and she would always have my support to be herself, but after she left the house I just sobbed. She had many queer friends, and I never spoke against it. They were the supportive, loving, and uplifting kind of friends that brought out the best of each other. The kind of friends any person could be so blessed to have as their own. But when my daughter came out to us my heart broke. I saw my hypocrisy, my othering of her friends in my heart without even realizing it. It was okay for them, but not for my daughter. I had said in the past that there was no commandment that said “thou shall not be gay,” but that there was plenty to say about how you should and should not treat other people. It wasn’t in my heart though. My struggle was actually with myself, and I was so ashamed. I’ll be honest, I never went to Romans, but that message was what God put in my heart, and I am better for it. Thank you for sharing this message, and I pray that it will work in the hearts of others.
@@kenswims I think our testimony is about more than just how we came to be saved, but also should include the milestones in our walk with Him. If our relationship with the Lord stagnates, then so does our understanding of our relationship as Christ seekers with the world around us. My three children are all atheists, and it makes me sad, but I can’t bring them to Jesus by beating them over the head with scripture. This was another milestone in my walk, recognizing that I must simply be respectful, salt and light, and be ready to have conversations if they have questions. Coming to Him is a choice that they must make for themselves in their own time.
@@AbidingHopeMentalHealthCoach I have found over the years that by opening up and sharing the things that I have struggled with, such as this one, or stories of my own mental health struggles, or other subjects that are stigmatized, then I take away its power over me. Even more, if my candid openness results in just one person making a choice to open their hearts, or to change their minds about harming themselves or getting help, that’s worth every uncomfortable moment sharing my stories. And boy oh boy do I have a lot of stories, lol.
Yeah, well he didn’t cover verse 32 very well. I don’t think it fit his narrative. Some preachers like to tickle ears. You may want to look at it again. My neighbor went through the same, but it was his son. The Bible says plenty about both homosexuality and how to treat others. Keep in mind Paul wasn’t just talking about homosexuality in Romans one. We can hate the sin, but love the sinner. May the Holy Spirit give you strength and discernment!
Thank you Rev Ed... My aunt was one of the first openly gay women anywhere around this deep red part of ohio..she was ridiculed and beaten a couple of times darn near to death just for existing...she was a good woman and a God loving person...wish she could've heard this message! I miss her😢
I bet you anything her first hour in heaven Jesus had a a wail of a time just bear hugging her while telling her those bigots don’t speak for Him or His Father. I’m sure of it. “Last will be first and the first last” and “tax collectors and prostitutes entering the kingdom ahead of priests” and super religious people. These verses boom so much louder than the verses of Paul. And as this guy says at 15:14 this isn’t even the point of Paul’s verses
@chanseking6552 She was ridiculed - there is bløød on the hands of everyone who ignores the idea of anti-ribald policy courtchangewørdpresscømslashanti-ribald-policy
Yeah love your neighbor but hate your loved ones Luke 14:26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple."
This was the most powerful message Ive ever recieved. Right into my heart, and MY Grandfather was a Southern Baptist Minister in Texas, bless his heart. I realized mid teens that their message wasn't my message. ❤ Thank you.
I often wonder why many Christians feel like their attention should be on us exclusively when there's hundreds of pastors and supposed believers who are caught hurting children sexually. I've brought this up a dozen times and i always get laugh reacts. One person had the audacity to say child molestation is preferable to drag shows.
the original Greek and Hebrew texts, the word that is now translated to 'homosexual' actually accurately translates to 'pedophile; or 'boy In my understanding, the Old Testament said man shall not lay with boy. It wasn’t translated to homosexual until the new testament.
The retort to that is that child molestation often leads to self harm and addictive behavior later. Drag shows don't. The claim about self harm and addictive behavior is from interviews in the Spotlight movie, and from one example from decades ago I can't remember details of. The self harm and addiction were an obvious generalization from what was in Spotlight. They didn't offer statistics about this.
Dear lexiheart, How frustrating and scandalous it is to get reactions like that! Do these people know what they are saying? What is so horrible about drag shows? Nobody is encouraged to hate or harm anyone. In fact we all laugh and have a good time. I, personally, am amazed by drag queens. If you have ever seen a magician performing, don't you wonder, "How did he do it?". We are amazed. Drag queens can dress up and not only be convincing as women but are beautiful, too. It seems magical. Then they dance and sing in their own voices. And then they're really funny. No harm, just fun.
Rev Ed, As a gay man I thank you for this message and thank you for lifting me up. I have had it to the eyebrows with the judgement of others. God bless you.
Your being uplifted by this message says a ton about the kind of wonderful human being and child of God that you are. May your spirit be continually on a path of ascension.
Preaching to people, causing them to hate, and resent, and detest certain people, are actually causing their congregation to sin AGAINST GOD. For God is Love!!!
True, but preaching to people, causing them to to over look sin, to call evil good and good evil and God is all love and no wrath are actually causing their church to do the same.
Wow. You literally changed my entire view on Roman's Chapter 1. I was beat up on by family my entire life since i was a young child because i can not change being gay. Decades of being hated and self hate, all explained in this video. Thank you.
I hope it's all right if I say to you that no one is more moved by your words than God himself. I'm sure it's what he's always wanted for you. Look for signs of his closeness as the days go forward. And thank you for opening up the way you have
In 2020, someone wrote an open letter to Dr. Laura because of her biblical views on homosexuality, it is often my go to. What is a fair price to sell my daughter, my neighbor is working on the Sabbath, should I stone him or call the police to do it. I'm sure you have seen it as it often makes the rounds. You can not pick and choose which bible rules to follow and what not to follow, if you insist on taking the bible literally that is. In the show The West Wing, President Bartlett did a take on it, was probably the first time I heard it, and although it had me rolling with laughter, it also had me thinking.
Idw2 start an argument w/u or anyone else but the laws/commandments you cited do not carry over to the N.T. If the law doesn't carry over to the N.T. it doesn't apply per the new covenant. Sexual sin, incldg LGBTQ+. As shown in Romans, AND Matthew AND other Holy scripture. It's not that one is gay, it's the active on-going, unrepentant lifestyle of sex outside the covenant of Holy Matrimony. One man & one woman. As far as "They gossip...etc., " That's true. If one is a gossip, liar, theif as an unrepentant lifestyle, they are in trouble, too. If their sin doesn't grieve one's heart & bring them to repentence, one cannot be a Christian. It doesn't add up. It's like saying a vegetarian can eat meat & still be a vegetarian.
Rev Ed, I'm so glad that I found you on You Tube! This is the message I have been trying to get through to my Christian friends for a long time! I've been looking for a Christian teacher that I can follow because I can't find one near me who actually teaches that God IS love. Thank you for being just who I need. God bless you
Fortunately you came in my feed this morning for this message. As soon as I left home I left the Church because of my “orientation”. Are they wondering why more and more young people are turning their backs on the church?
rev ed, you are awesome! you are not stumbling, you do not use the holy books to prove your opinions, you use the holy books to form your opinions. and we love you for your honest mirroring of Christ. you are indeed a true servant and give me hope 🙂
My former pastor and her wife are not doing anything shameful by being married to each other. They're decent folks. All those male pastors, on the other hand, who're having affairs or worse with the women and girls in their congregation ought to be ashamed of themselves at the very least. And some really should be in jail.
They are -- the Bible specifically says that marriage was created by God as a holy matrimony between [M] and [W] so that He could bless their lineage. How are your pastor and her wife going to have a lineage?
@@eliscanfield3913 There is no such thing as "cis", only what God intended. If you're buying into the corruption of the body (ergo a [M] cannot ever have working ovaries, so he can never become a [W]) then that explains a lot.
Thank you for this. It is very timely and much appreciated. My grandson is a trans-boy and is going through hell both at school and at church. The parishioners have fractured themselves (yep, self inflicted) into pro and anti groups and both are being nasty. They are careful not to do it in earshot of my grandson but the kids are more than happy to share household conversations. Fortunately the minister is fully supportive of my grandson. I forwarded this video to him. Thank you, again.
Dear Rev Ed Travis, Thank you for your moving message. I hope many will hear it. I fear, it is too late for millions of gay people who have left the church and will not return. I, for one, did return, but l found l must put aside the judgementalism toward gay people because I need God in my life. I could not get over the storm Pope Francis created when he would not condemn gays, saying,"Who am I to judge?" Perhaps the Holy Father read Romans I and ll while many other Catholics need to.
I've been so busy this month, I finally have time today for a Rev. Ed marathon. Each of your sermons touches my soul and I deeply appreciate each one. Thank you and God Bless!
@@margaretjones7954 he preaches the love of God, he preaches the Bible, naturally you are entitled to believe that this is wrong. For most of us he gives us hope, he reconciles us with Christianity that so often is used as a bludgeon to attack and to control people.
@@margaretjones7954 you gotta admit there’s something in the Bible somewhere that tells not to judge. Our cause as Christians is to love, God does the judging with his infinite wisdom. Until a person draws their last breath…. It’s between him and the good Lord. Until they do draw their last breath God is still writing their story, stop trying to steal God’s pen.
Invoking the no true Scotsman fallacy doesn’t work. Christian churches and practicing Christians can’t be swept away because you don’t agree with their hate based beliefs. They say you aren’t true Christians because you don’t follow the same hate based messages they get from the same book you adhere to. If the Bible is the divinely inspired word of an omnipotent benefactor why is his word so confusing as to leave two diametrically opposed philosophical outlooks as to the message it try’s to convey. An all loving god……..by what metric?
@ParanormalEncyclopedia nonono, it's okay to hate those people because God hates those people! (This is heavy sarcasm, just in case some people can't tell)
@@jbfrancis2000 You just implied that God Himself is not the head of the church. Because same-sex sex IS prohibited by His very Word. He loves us, but He hates sinful behavior.
I'm an lifelong atheist, but my parents are Evangelical Christian and Catholic. They vote Democrat and believe in diversity and are pro-choice, but they are very disapproving and concerned about the LGBTQ+ community. I just came out to my mom as a panlesbian and it took her a while to get used to it, but she told me to not tell my dad because he's more religious than my mom. I'd love to show them your videos because they are a breath of fresh air from all the Trumper Christian videos and might even change their mind about the queer community. Keep up the good work Rev Ed!
You are the most Jesus like preacher I have come across other than my previous vicar Guy Donagan Cross! I’m in the uk. I miss him since he moved but coming across your channel has helped me enormously. Thank you for really understanding the word of God.
I'm transgender female, and I constantly have "Christians" come up to me and judge me as a sinner without even knowing me. I know that my God does not judge and Jesus loves me unconditionally.
I am sorry you feel that way, because God will most certainly judge you. He states it over and over again. You don't get to write your own book. I didn't make up the rules, He did, but all of us must follow them. I'm not judging you but there is one who will. You should really study the word and find out for yourself because it is far too important to think falsely that God will not judge you for what you are doing. I'm just shouting out a warning to someone who is laboring under false pretenses. I am praying for you.
@@Polyphemus47 have you considered the alternative. I'm afraid you don't get to make the call, but if you are in the wrong position on this, you will have a very difficult eternity. Please take the time to discover the love of God. He is pure love, and has given us only two commandments. Love God with all your heart soul strength and mind and love your neighbor as your self. None of these has anything to do with sex. But the first one is the most important . You aren't loving God with all your heart if you are involved in sin...any sin
Rev Trevor's, I'm going on 73, I've prayed since I was in my teens to make me 'normal'. My Mom was a Catholic, she sent us to Sunday school, she gave us the basics, we were baptized, confirmed, etc., but I never conformed, my straight sister never did either, but because of my Mom, we both returned to Jesus! I still struggle with who I am & pray that the Lord accepts me, I know Jesus died for all of us, but the seen world shouts a different reality to us, thank you ❤
Remember that Paul had that issue he kept complaining about... Remember God accepted Paul just the way Paul was... now consider that some believe Paul was deep in the closet. So, accept that God does accept you just the way you are.
Toni, the sin is not in the temptation, but the act. Homosexual sex is sin, but it sounds as though you have been struggling with it your entire life. If you have faced your sin, confessed it to God and repented, you are in good shape. I also had my temptations (we all have) but what God desires is that we turn to Him to overcome our sin, whatever it might be. I am 75 years old and just this year have overcome the sin I have struggled with since 5 years old. It is a struggle, it isn't easy, but with God's help it can be done. Never cease to fight and trust Jesus.
@@Plethorality Yep. People make a lot of money from other people by telling them what they want to hear and giving them justification for thinking that way. It helps when they can reassure them that being smug about other people going to hell is OK.
Thank you so much, Reverend Ed, for this message. I spend quite a bit of time watching political news, which can be very stressful. When I feel down or discouraged I appreciate the loving kindness with which you deliver your messages. When I am exhausted from all the hatefulness, cruelty, judgement, hypocrisy & spite I see going on in the politics of my country, I can go to your content for some peace. Its so reassuring to hear you affirm the lessons & beliefs I find the most important as a Christian. The kindness, respect, charity & grace we are supposed to offer each other aren't lost after all & I can breathe a sigh of thankfulness. So, much appreciation to you for the content you create. 🙂❤️
I am no longer a Christian, but I have to tell you how impressed I am with your message. If more people representing Christianity were like you, there would not be the flight away from the church that we see today. I am a big fan of Jesus. Even if I don't believe in his divinity, I follow the precepts of his teachings in my life. Keep up the good work.
I stopped being a Christian, when the "Christians" started such awful extremism and the blatant taking over of our government to spread hateful messages. My dad was a pastor... And I just can not include myself in their group - when they seem to have lost the message so badly. I mean... Jeffery Dahmer died a Christian, right? And yet... Gay people can't be Christians? Unreal... Unacceptable. Thank you, Rev Ed! ❤️
If all you believe in is Jesus then you have nothing. It’s His Divine Character is what you need. You have Chosen to go to Hell. You’re smart enough to read on your own. Start Again With The 4 Gospels. But, Start with John the last of the Gospels.
We Christians are always quick to draw lines delineating those who are in and those who are out. And we are always careful to put ourselves inside the line and those other people - the pariahs du jour - outside the line. But Jesus stands with those outside the lines we draw.
I have tried for years not to judge people and honestly I am getting pretty good at it. But I cannot contain my desire to judge the trump family. I am sure the lord will be pissed- I will pray about it. 💙 love your talks!
I use to feel the same. I would suggest using a word other than judgement. Instead of judging them, just "discern" that their lives and actions have little value to your spiritual growth. Judgement requires some form of action, whether that be mental or physical action, against them - justice. Discernment allows you to just walk away from such negativity and continue on your spiritual path without needing to find some form of justice for their behavior. Cheers!
Thank you, Rev. Ed. I've been a Christian for nearly 50 years (I'm a straight white Brit living in Germany) and have never heard this text set in context and preached like this before. I always had the feeling that something was wrong with the usual (American-influenced) teaching on this text, but now the text makes perfect sense. Your words also make it possible to see other texts in a different light, e.g. Romans 6:1. This is the reason for the widely perceived hypocrisy in churches and for "Christian Nationalism" - I would almost say that you can't be a Christian nationalist and a Christian 😊. This evening there's a meeting of independent church members in Munich to discuss the topic of "Homosexuality and the church", so your talk came just in time for that. With the usual kind of teaching on this subject (and others) the church is doing itself a disservice - and dragging Christ through the mud in the process. Thanks muchly for showing that we can do better, and God bless!
Having lived and traveled extensively in Europe and Asia, I found your wording about the American influence on that scripture to be spot-on. I've been recognizing that influence for decades when it comes to scripture, social interactions, cultural norms and much, much more. Thank you.
💙 Thank you. I value your online ministry 💙 Short story ~ The last time I attended church was with my sister & my dearly departed mother on a long ago Mother’s Day. It was a special occasion in more than one way. My mother was a bit of a recluse, agoraphobic. But that day was a good one for Momma. The sermon started out so beautifully. But. Not 3 minutes in his choice of words n thoughts said I was condemned and not welcome. I remained in my seat for my mother. I left knowing I would not return 😢
Dear User-zh9, Perhaps you might consider a local Parrish that is accepting of gays. Not only that but there are whole denominations that do. Episcopalians, Congregationals, Lutherans (except Missouri Synod) and soon the United Methodists are accepting. The Metropolitan Community Church is made expressly for gays. There are many Catholic parrishes whose pastors are accepting but I doubt they advertise. I left the Church for 30 years and have returned because I need God in my life. Please do what you think is right for you l only give suggestions. Thank you.
@@DickyMorin Thank you for your reply, and in such a timely manner. I sit peaceful on my patio,the wind blessing me at every turn. Gentle tears rest in the corner of my eyes. Thank you for the role you play here by your comments. Every word was exactly what and how I needed to hear it.
@user-ds8no1ro2q I know it's not them same thing, but.... I was "church shopping" and attended a Presbyterian church. The topic was divorce. When the pastor basically said that I am going to burn in hell for being divorced. I looked into the eyes of my impressionable ittle boy and saw that he was crushed. Needless to say, we never attended a Presbyterian church again. However, I did not give up. We joined a Lutheran church where we were accepted.
Thank you! Reverend Ed. Your guidance rings true in my heart. I hope your meetings all went smoothly and the rest of your day. These talks you share really get me off to a better start to my day. Juuuuust right:)
I have seen several articles that discussed medical studies regarding "cause" of homosexuality. It has something to do with lack of sufficient testosterone receptors in males or lack of sufficient estrogen receptors in females to receive them while in the womb. Then you also have to consider the number of people who are born as intersex are as common as natural redheads. It's possibly more complicated than a choice. When you consider all of this, Paul's message when reading the entire letter is even more important. As my mother told me when I was a child after I told her someone else was doing something that I thought was bad, worry more about your own business and less about other people's business.
Those endocrine essays are pure conjecture, if you actually look at he conclusions they found that those hypotheses could not be replicated and had nothing to do with testosterone/estrogen levels given a number of clam buffet connoisseurs had much lower levels of testosterone they estimated to alter their behaviour.
@Billy-bc8pk At this point in my life, I just accept that I don't know what the answer is. If it's something that I don't necessarily see eye to eye with, but it is not affecting me personally, I just do my best to be accepting, respectful, and kind. I'm not going to judge. I would not want to cause someone to decide not to be comfortable in my fellowship or in the church.
@@larryh7760 There is a very hard scientific answer in neurophysiology. I, unfortunately, cannot break down to you the intricacies of it because YT does not allow for that, but if you lack discernment and actually want wisdom and understanding, absolutely pray about it. I may be able to direct you to some literature that may also help.
THANK YOU THANK YOU for this video !!!!! I feel the same way and so appreciate the love and point of this video !!!! My husband sent this to me and we are incredibly thankful
Love you Brother! This is brilliant! You encourage me so very very much! I too feel totally blessed by your message. I also take to heart what you say about this desire maybe many of us have to ‘other’ people and to keep them out of our little in groups. I thank you for reminding me that God clearly tells don’t judge others. I take to heart the reminder given me in scripture that the Grace of God is what I should be living by and sharing with others. I totally accept that none of us are perfect, we all have faults, we all sin, we all fall short of the glory of God but God doesn’t give up on us and his patience is infinite, his love never ending.
I may not say this in the best way possible, but hopefully you get the idea of what I’m trying to say. As a Christian I have always felt that, part of what Jesus, the Disciples and Paul taught was how we should conduct our lives as Christians. However, the other big message was that we all need to just focus on getting ourselves right with God and not worrying about what others are doing and how they’re living their lives (i.e., let him with no sin cast the first stone, etc.). Of course you are to be there to help and support your fellow Christian and anybody wanting to find a relationship with God. But you are not supposed to be judging other people, you are supposed to be focusing on living your best Christian life.
Thank you, Rev. Ed. We did a study at Church “What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality.” All about these clobber verses. I have passed on my copy of the book to a good friend of mine. She is planning on passing it on after reading. Getting the word out, one person at a time. Great video!
Being gay is not a choice. God created us this way. With that comes both gifts and burdens, but Jesus Christ is our Lord. Dear Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God have mercy on me, a sinner.
I am a straight white man and a coach in a water sports club. I have a gay friend of 20 years who is a fellow coach. She is loved and respected by everyone who knows her. Being gay does not mean a person is evil.
Straight woman from NC, and I am glad to hear what you have to say. There is a while Lotta otherin' going on in the church right now, we which is why I no longer attend. I will love God and all of my fellow humans, but I fjnd no fellowship in a church that is so conditional with their love and exceptance
Your spot on Thanks Rev Ed, Don't Judge,You also show reading the the full text of a Bible verse is important, not nit picking what you want to hear....We need to stop the the Labels and just see ourselves as people.. God bless 🕊️
The only answer to Christians condemning anyone for anything is that God said to Paul "My Grace is sufficient". ANYONE who is searching for God should be welcomed, no MATTER WHAT. His Grace is sufficient.
Last June, I came across a parked truck with these two verses scrawled onto its back window (which was an unsightly mass of text). I found the first piece of paper I could and left a note under their windshield saying, "Your hermeneutic is bad, and you should feel bad. Own your bigotry instead of hiding behind an appeal to Paul."
@@johndeatherage8873 One more post, and then I’m done. If he had his truck parked in his own driveway, than I would totally agree with you. But, if he was parked in a public place, then he would have been forcing the people who walked by to read it, and they should have the right to respond.
Thank you. This is very interesting and clarifying. By the way, I am no longer a Christian but I enjoy listening and learning from your videos. When you end them with your prayer, I try to clear my mind and receive your act of kindness with an open heart. May you always find God beside you. May you feel God’s love and patience … and plenty of God’s laughter for your humor.
I came across this as we’re being hit by a pretty severe thunderstorm. Exactly right after 3:28 “and his entire congregation cheered loudly”… came a thunderous roar that shook the walls and the brightest flash of lightning pouring through the windows. Safe to say, the hairs on my neck stood up, and somehow I can feel in my bones… only He will cast judgement upon the hateful and upon those that cast stones at our fellow brothers and sisters. Only He can open the doors of paradise to those that have endured discrimination, oppression, injustice, and suffering. I stand and support the LGBTQ+ community and see them for who they are: God’s children.
As with several times before... Thank You. Thank you for your clarity, scholarship, and fullness of understanding of the pilgrimage that is Christianity.
This is only the third of your videos I have watched but I already want to know who decided to divide the bible into chapters and verses? Because you're right about that allowing bigots to cherry pick individual sentences and twist them out of context. You have an unusual way of preaching that gets through to people. Please continue to be a blessing.
The best Christian I have ever known was an eccentric, lesbian Christian. She not only saved my life, she saved many other man and beasts. She lived it. She was an amazing human with well developed, morals and ethics. Sometimes she was taken advantage of, but this not stop her from carrying on. I leave the judgment and punishment to Source. We could stand for more people like her.
I am a hard line Christian, I put the direct teachings of Christ above all dogma I absolutely know there are gay Christians I also totally reject the claims of piousness of evangelical idolators and their repugnant corporatist oneism
I’m not Christian, I’m actually a Wiccan priestess, but I’ve come to enjoy watching your videos. From one clergy member looking to uplift humanity to another, I appreciate your work.
Thanks for the talk Rev. I am an Atheist who was raised Catholic. I am subbed to your channel because I always appreciate your take and your message. I am also the father of a trans child and have found so much hate in the world of Christianity being propagated the modern political right. For folks who claim to be Xtian I don't know how many truly read and understand the message of Christ. It's nice to see someone else refer to Romans 2. FYI - I found me way here years ago through www.youtube.com/@BeauoftheFifthColumn . Thank you for doing what you do.
Atheist here too, and gay. I enjoy his videos, positive, calming, make me feel good, hopeful. I wouldn't have such a negative view of Christians if more of them were like him.
Why do ppl get so offended and get on the defense so much for those who practice homosexuality and don’t have the same energy for fornicators and other stuff that is mentioned in those same texts? I’ve always wondered that.
Thank you Reverend for your focus on revealing the truth of Chapter 1 & 2. So many of us are so judgemental of others yet fail to look at our own sins and repent asking for forgiveness. Being raised Calvinistic I did hear much against the glbtq+ community, yet was also taught that we need to be kind to one another....treat others with the respect we desire for ourselves. Hating the sin but loving the sinner is what our Lord wants us to do. Trying to force others to comply to our will and doctrine only pushes them away even more. I firmly believe the only way to bring a person to Christ is through example, not war, threats, degradation or violence of any type (mental, physical or spiritual). Living a life based on Christs teachings is the only thing that will bring others to him.
I'm a straight white old guy ( l don't mind being labeled if it's accurate) . Years ago l attended a church in a large CA city, shortly after it became a reconciling church. Word got around and gay people started showing up. In 8 years that sleepy old church had doubled in size, including about 3 dozen gay couples. They offering free breakfast on Saturday, free lunch on Sunday, and the LGBTs were some of its biggest supporters.
One Sunday we had several of our gay members get up and tell the stories of how their former churches had treated them. It was heartbreaking. These folks had wanted to attend church for years, but had quit after being ridiculed and shunned. Then they found a new home because of one pastor's courage.
No such thing as gay Christians? I've seen them visiting the sick, feeding the hungry, comforting the greif-stricken. Shame on any preacher who says otherwise.
God created us all and God is love, who they love is irrelevant. I cannot believe that God cares who you love, only that you love. Straight old lady :)
As a straight old black guy (who collects all sorts of labels because contradictions can be fun), this makes me smile. Christians (and non-Christians) following the examples of Christ (whether they know it or not) always does.
@@JenniferGermain-rb2xg Amen.
God created a universe so complex and interconnected that our greatest minds barley can grasp it's genius
Do you think a being of such infinite power loses sleep cus the male hairless monkeys love each other
Homophobia is both a insult to the greatness of the creator and the logic of man
I'm an "old white guy" too. I left my church and won't return to church again because of the hypocrisy of these false Christians who judge and condemn gay people or anyone else. They are full of spite an vitriol and I just have no interest in being around them. I'm non-religious now, but I believe in God and do my best to live a good life. I pray quietly when I'm alone and avoid most conversations about religion because it's too often heart breaking how far from "Love one another as I have loved you" we've gotten as a society.
We need 10000000000000 more preachers like you who Preach the truth. Those hypocrites are the reason I developed a profound hatred for all so called Christians. At age 51 I finally found my way back and stopped being angry at God because of people like you. People who are not afraid to preach love, compassion, and truth. Please keep posting videos. I really really need them.
Big facts! ❤️
For so many of my gay friends and others this ship of God's rejection has sailed; I myself stopped talking to God (after I wrote an actual letter to God detailing why I couldn't be in relation to him,) and many many years later I got real and honest with my sexuality, (gay) and understood Jesus to wamts a relationship with me.
Sooo true! Prayers.
@@BillyPilgrim70 he teaches half truth. He is a politician. Wake up.
Great message to start my day. My bottom line is that judging others is not my job
Well said exactly God is the judge and we are all guilty BUT also can be saved by his grace and not by the law or works. Yes we are not the judge but he judges righteous on by faith . It's a crazy illogical thing but God did it so we can't boost in us only in him
Judge no one but you have a responsibility to preach/share the gospel. You are the light of the world, shine your light into the darkness
After last night's Thanksgiving dinner with my family, which was warm and comfortable and safe, I returned to the cocoon of my own home. A replay some of the short exchanges: my youngest son's in-laws are full on Fox News Watchers. Have been for years. This year he and his wife and son fled. What has been a relatively benign swapping of holidays between the two groups has now become so uncomfortable especially for my son that he simply couldn't face being around them. But what really struck me is that he makes a direct correlation between that marination of their brains in disinformation and deliberate media manipulation and their Christian beliefs. As if they're somehow one and the same. I'm a bit of an outlier because I have taken up the mantle of spiritual exploration after my mother's death. She was a little bit hard to sit down with because she had really strong opinions about stuff. I laugh about it now but at a certain point it was pretty painful. Her investment in being correct was an obvious obstacle to reaching people‐- not in her opinion of course😊. But you see where I'm going here, after my partner's death I felt drawn to community. That's perfectly understandable I was feeling isolated and grief-stricken. So Retreats and online meditation and connecting with gentle people. What's not to like? Well, that's the rub. To come back to your remarks, what is a through line is the sense that folks haven't put in the work they have not gone through to chapter 2 as it were. Doesn't really matter whether you're talking about the Bible or krishnamurti or Eckhart Tolle or Rupert Spira, just fill in the blank. The answer for me is that there is no answer. Just the acknowledgment that we're all in this together and that there are no barriers and that this supposition that there are somehow rules for me and rules for you and rules for them. I can laugh now, but the separation is where the pain is. I don't believe there is any separation. We are all one and as such, you judge me you judge yourself.
I have people where I live saying ‘you can’t be a Christian and also be a democrat’, never read that in the Bible
They dont understand. Jesus died for the sinner not the righteous. Jesus did not come to condemn anyone. Accept all people and pray for their redemption. BREAK every chain, set captives free
Sounds like the people you are speaking about see Jesus as politically conservative. Jesus came not to give us what we deserve but give us a way to change our hearts so we can be God's. Not by governance or force but by imitating and following his example. Unfortunately, folks like to "own" Jesus, put him in their pocket to use him for their politics and power. Jesus knew very well that his teachings and doings would cause families and friends to oppose each other, all because they can't accept his radical gospel.
Do not allow others to lay out how you live and think...Don't let them control your life's narrative.
Because it’s not in the Bible, just like you can’t be a Christian and be a Republican isn’t in the Bible. Jesus didn’t get involved in politics. He had more important things to do, and a short time to do it.
Well, I do tend to think you can't be a Christian and a MAGA-ite too.
I am gay. And I am Christian. I believe Jesus died on the cross for us. I struggle daily in every aspect of it, but I will never change my faith.
We all struggle in lots of areas self definitely included that's why 100% of Christians require a constant flow of his grace through faith. That's for sharing you are no different to us non gay people . Be encouraged Gods love is just insane and 1 area is not any worse or better than another. Don't swallow the lie
God made you perfect just the way you are
Then why are we told to repent?
@@gdod25 because people lean on their own understanding. As he was preaching that the letter should not be taken out of context.
Thank you for being brave enough to share! I have all kinds of respect for gay Christians. Many leave the church when they come out, and often leave God in the process. But people like you give me hope! I love your community so much, especially because I know some of you. And Jesus loves you! Don’t let anyone ever tell you different!
I am now 75 years old. I realized I was gay very early at about 8 or 10 years old. Fortunately, my mother was a strong Christian and we always attended church and I believed. I have always believed in Jesus the Christ, and I have pursued a deep and meaningful relationship with Him as my Lord and Savior all my years. my greatest pain, other than losing loved ones to death, was the harsh treatment that I have received in so many churches during my life. I fully understand that there is little reason for a heterosexual Christian to deeply research scripture to discern God's will concerning those of us who are gay. the Biblical research goes so deep and requires research into original languages and the evaluation of writings by biblical scholars - clearly an undertaking that the average person would have little reason to pursue; it took me 2 years. What is difficult to understand is the hatred and malice I have seen in the conduct of my fellow Christians through the years.
There is no excuse for hatred and malice in a Christian. They're false - wolves in sheep's clothing.
I'm sorry for all that pain you didn't deserve. The Lord loves you, and you will find glory, love and complete acceptance in heaven💖
@@Stillwater23-q5r Exactly this. Well said.
As a Christian I find it sad that people limit gods love and our love towards others.
Nobody should have treated you horribly, but have you not read 1 Corinthians 5 ???
The Apostle Paul teaches there that if a congregation member is caught up in sin. They are to be talked to and then cast out if they refuse to repent of it.........
As well Jesus taught in Matthew 7:21-23. That it doesn't matter if you claim His name and/or even do works in His name. If a person continues to willfully sin, then He will tell them, "I never knew you"..........
You still have time to repent !!!
Thank you for inviting us to continue reading in entirety and not cherry picking.
How many people have taken thier lives when churches and church families use this to justify thier hated of them. Of othering them? How many people have left the church because of this? Thank you, Rev, for putting all this in perspective.
Yes in modern times it is certainly a path to waking up to the evils of religion and getting out. Makes a better world.
@@stultusvenator3233 But, I have long said that religion is a tool, whose use is determined by the heart of the user. It is often used for aid and comfort to those with emotional issues.
Did you know that the Quran forbids suicide, and attacking non-combatants? So that means it forbids those 'suicide bombing attacks'.
Good people do good & Bed people do bad BUT to really do evil requires religion.
I and many don't care about the platitudes of these fictional literature it is what
They DO support and cover for that matters.
Every time someone like you quotes such a verse then someone else can point to another one sanctioning by interpretation the opposite.
Don't try to bullshit me-
The Quran has 123 verses that call for fighting and killing anyone who does not agree with the statement, “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet.” Jews and Christians are specifically included among such “infidels.”
The Quran’s Sura 5:33 says about infidels, “They shall be slain or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off.” Sura 9:5 says, “Slay the infidels wherever you find them ... and lie in wait for them ... and establish every stratagem (of war against them).” Sura 47:4-9 promises paradise to whoever cuts off the head of an infidel.
There are, of course, other verses that call Muslims to lead a peaceable life, but the underlying theme in the Quran is that there never can be true peace until everything is submitted to Allah. Thus violence to that end is justified.
A tool of control and oppression.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.
-- Lucius Seneca
@@stultusvenator3233 Yes it is a tool. But tools are used according to the intentions and hearts of the users. People can be murdered by hammers, as an example. But it is not the fault of the hammers. I use my religion, to look at my life with broader philosophical ideas, such Love, charity, etc. Religions have been used to found universities, charity hospitals, homeless shelters, etc. I personally am part of denomination, which is part of broader movement called "New thought Christianity" We accept the major world religions as different paths to the same life life goals.
But let me leave you with this; Jesus said, "My peace I give unto you." So when you see Christian' denominations that are not at peace. they are missing the mark. Today, there are many calling themselves Christians, but they are way off the mark, and giving the entire religion a bad name.
So many seem to use their faith as a sword, rather than a shield to protect themselves and others. Thank you for this reflection.
Great way to express it! Put away your swords, folks! Live Aloha! 🌴🤙
That was so well put!!!
@@DianaEve65 Agree! Words as pictures! And I've felt those swords. EEEK
Having faith isn’t supposed to be a sword or a shield, it’s not a tool of war. Faith is the strength in your arms that allows you to use all of the tools that you need to use.
I am an Evangelical Christian in a small Southern town, I have a gay son, he is and always will be my son, I am love him and love his partner he is another son to me. I have no illusions to what my church thinks about gays, Christ knows the heart of people, we think others sins are bigger than our sins.
We are all saved by grace and not of ourselved, it is the gift of God.
We are all sinners. We all must fight against our flesh every day. Every hr if necc'ry. Hate the sin, not the sinner & alla that. We are all born with our own particular proclivities. Some stronger & more intense than others.
The question is - What do we DO with our sin?
It's not about what the church says, it's about what our 3rce Holy God COMMANDS. & HE commands that we give our sin over to him-his yoke is easy. He commands that we genuinely repent: & go & sin no more.
We are not even to let sinful THOUGHTS linger, so we're not tempted to let our thoughts turn into actions. JESUS commands that we ask his forgiveness daily, let him light our path & intentionally avoid situations that might temptation us to sin...whatever the sin is-whether sexual activity outside the bounds of BIBLICAL marriage, or lying, gossiping, slander, or any of the others this preacher man read from Paul's letter.
The more we practice avoiding sinful actions & lean not on our own understanding-but trust in the Lord to guide our path- the easier & better it gets.
"Love is Love"??? Love doesn't always mean accepting practices/behaviors/ lifestyle choices.
I'll leave it at that. I'm sure it hits diff & deeper when it's your own dearest loved one. ❤🙏
It is a very vexed question . My rebuttal is : Christ’s overarching message was ‘ LOVE ONE ANOTHER ‘ Some ‘ christians ‘ have l ost sight of this in their zeal against one or two ‘ sins ‘ to the exclusion of all else . And whatever happened to ‘ judge not .’ ?!
Good for you being more moral than you religion & bible. The cognitive dissonance must be difficult, dump the whole nonsense and just be a better person.
@@stultusvenator3233 I believe in the teachings of Christ, and His call to love our neighbors as our selves. I go to a small church where we all know each other, I love those people, they just haven't had the opportunity to know gay people, seeing them only at a safe distance, I may have thought just like them, I was
always uncomfortable when they would be harsh with gays, when my son came out I became much more understanding and compassionate.
They are blinded by their prejudices, but Christ taught love, and I believe Him.
Your kindness helped me with a difficult day in front of me today.
Thank you.❤
@@Anabee3 Homosexuality is not a sin. Homophobia probably is.
Thank you, Reverend Ed. You help me to be a better Christian 🙏 bless you and your family. Praise Jesus 💛
That's a far more generous, and intelligent, reading of those verses of Romans than most American Evangelical preachers are willing to allow. Thank you!
I’ve spent many many hours searching through my heart and in prayer when my daughter came out to her father and I. I kept my cool in the conversation and told her that I loved her the same and she would always have my support to be herself, but after she left the house I just sobbed. She had many queer friends, and I never spoke against it. They were the supportive, loving, and uplifting kind of friends that brought out the best of each other. The kind of friends any person could be so blessed to have as their own. But when my daughter came out to us my heart broke. I saw my hypocrisy, my othering of her friends in my heart without even realizing it. It was okay for them, but not for my daughter. I had said in the past that there was no commandment that said “thou shall not be gay,” but that there was plenty to say about how you should and should not treat other people. It wasn’t in my heart though. My struggle was actually with myself, and I was so ashamed. I’ll be honest, I never went to Romans, but that message was what God put in my heart, and I am better for it. Thank you for sharing this message, and I pray that it will work in the hearts of others.
Your humble, honest and compassionate words put tears of joy in my heart. God is surely very moved by what you wrote.
Thank you for being so brave to share your struggle. Your story will inspire many, I am sure.
@@kenswims I think our testimony is about more than just how we came to be saved, but also should include the milestones in our walk with Him. If our relationship with the Lord stagnates, then so does our understanding of our relationship as Christ seekers with the world around us. My three children are all atheists, and it makes me sad, but I can’t bring them to Jesus by beating them over the head with scripture. This was another milestone in my walk, recognizing that I must simply be respectful, salt and light, and be ready to have conversations if they have questions. Coming to Him is a choice that they must make for themselves in their own time.
@@AbidingHopeMentalHealthCoach I have found over the years that by opening up and sharing the things that I have struggled with, such as this one, or stories of my own mental health struggles, or other subjects that are stigmatized, then I take away its power over me. Even more, if my candid openness results in just one person making a choice to open their hearts, or to change their minds about harming themselves or getting help, that’s worth every uncomfortable moment sharing my stories. And boy oh boy do I have a lot of stories, lol.
Yeah, well he didn’t cover verse 32 very well. I don’t think it fit his narrative. Some preachers like to tickle ears. You may want to look at it again. My neighbor went through the same, but it was his son. The Bible says plenty about both homosexuality and how to treat others. Keep in mind Paul wasn’t just talking about homosexuality in Romans one. We can hate the sin, but love the sinner. May the Holy Spirit give you strength and discernment!
Thank you Rev Ed...
My aunt was one of the first openly gay women anywhere around this deep red part of ohio..she was ridiculed and beaten a couple of times darn near to death just for existing...she was a good woman and a God loving person...wish she could've heard this message! I miss her😢
God give you comfort. She sounds like someone l would have loved to meet...maybe later in heaven!
I bet you anything her first hour in heaven Jesus had a a wail of a time just bear hugging her while telling her those bigots don’t speak for Him or His Father. I’m sure of it. “Last will be first and the first last” and “tax collectors and prostitutes entering the kingdom ahead of priests” and super religious people. These verses boom so much louder than the verses of Paul. And as this guy says at 15:14 this isn’t even the point of Paul’s verses
@@minui8758 🙏🏻💙
I can visualize your aunt smiling and beaming from heaven as she reads your words.
@chanseking6552 She was ridiculed - there is bløød on the hands of everyone who ignores the idea of anti-ribald policy courtchangewørdpresscømslashanti-ribald-policy
Love your neighbor... Followers of Jesus.... Thank you Brother Ed
Yeah love your neighbor but hate your loved ones Luke 14:26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple."
This was the most powerful message Ive ever recieved. Right into my heart, and MY Grandfather was a Southern Baptist Minister in Texas, bless his heart. I realized mid teens that their message wasn't my message. ❤ Thank you.
I was just thinking the exact same thing, and seeing your comment.
I am speechless. 🙏🏻
So much to unpack in this simple sermon. 🙏🏻
The question is which one is God’s message?
I often wonder why many Christians feel like their attention should be on us exclusively when there's hundreds of pastors and supposed believers who are caught hurting children sexually. I've brought this up a dozen times and i always get laugh reacts. One person had the audacity to say child molestation is preferable to drag shows.
the original Greek and Hebrew texts, the word that is now translated to 'homosexual' actually accurately translates to 'pedophile; or 'boy
In my understanding, the Old Testament said man shall not lay with boy. It wasn’t translated to homosexual until the new testament.
The retort to that is that child molestation often leads to self harm and addictive behavior later. Drag shows don't.
The claim about self harm and addictive behavior is from interviews in the Spotlight movie, and from one example from decades ago I can't remember details of.
The self harm and addiction were an obvious generalization from what was in Spotlight. They didn't offer statistics about this.
@@dustinhardy2952yup... funny how that works, ain't it?
Edit: especially for the ones usually reading it out...
@@dustinhardy2952yup... funny how that works, ain't it?
Dear lexiheart, How frustrating and scandalous it is to get reactions like that! Do these people know what they are saying? What is so horrible about drag shows? Nobody is encouraged to hate or harm anyone. In fact we all laugh and have a good time. I, personally, am amazed by drag queens. If you have ever seen a magician performing, don't you wonder, "How did he do it?". We are amazed. Drag queens can dress up and not only be convincing as women but are beautiful, too. It seems magical. Then they dance and sing in their own voices. And then they're really funny. No harm, just fun.
Rev Ed,
As a gay man I thank you for this message and thank you for lifting me up. I have had it to the eyebrows with the judgement of others. God bless you.
Your being uplifted by this message says a ton about the kind of wonderful human being and child of God that you are. May your spirit be continually on a path of ascension.
Thank you for reminding us that we need to focus on our many daily sins and not judge others. 💙💙💙
Missus here: Thank You Rev!! I have been trying to make these points to folks for years!
Preaching to people, causing them to hate, and resent, and detest certain people, are actually causing their congregation to sin AGAINST GOD. For God is Love!!!
True, but preaching to people, causing them to to over look sin, to call evil good and good evil and God is all love and no wrath are actually causing their church to do the same.
I’m not even Christian and I listen to you. I do appreciate your words 🌹
Wow. You literally changed my entire view on Roman's Chapter 1. I was beat up on by family my entire life since i was a young child because i can not change being gay.
Decades of being hated and self hate, all explained in this video.
Thank you.
I’m so very sorry you went through that, I can’t imagine how horrible that must’ve been for you💔
Im so sorry, you are loved..
I hope it's all right if I say to you that no one is more moved by your words than God himself. I'm sure it's what he's always wanted for you. Look for signs of his closeness as the days go forward. And thank you for opening up the way you have
Thank you Rev. Trevor, that is the most sensible interpretation of Romans I've heard yet.
In 2020, someone wrote an open letter to Dr. Laura because of her biblical views on homosexuality, it is often my go to. What is a fair price to sell my daughter, my neighbor is working on the Sabbath, should I stone him or call the police to do it. I'm sure you have seen it as it often makes the rounds. You can not pick and choose which bible rules to follow and what not to follow, if you insist on taking the bible literally that is. In the show The West Wing, President Bartlett did a take on it, was probably the first time I heard it, and although it had me rolling with laughter, it also had me thinking.
Idw2 start an argument w/u or anyone else but the laws/commandments you cited do not carry over to the N.T. If the law doesn't carry over to the N.T. it doesn't apply per the new covenant.
Sexual sin, incldg LGBTQ+. As shown in Romans, AND Matthew AND other Holy scripture.
It's not that one is gay, it's the active on-going, unrepentant lifestyle of sex outside the covenant of Holy Matrimony. One man & one woman.
As far as "They gossip...etc., " That's true. If one is a gossip, liar, theif as an unrepentant lifestyle, they are in trouble, too. If their sin doesn't grieve one's heart & bring them to repentence, one cannot be a Christian. It doesn't add up. It's like saying a vegetarian can eat meat & still be a vegetarian.
Rev Ed, I'm so glad that I found you on You Tube! This is the message I have been trying to get through to my Christian friends for a long time! I've been looking for a Christian teacher that I can follow because I can't find one near me who actually teaches that God IS love. Thank you for being just who I need. God bless you
Fortunately you came in my feed this morning for this message. As soon as I left home I left the Church because of my “orientation”. Are they wondering why more and more young people are turning their backs on the church?
I'm not a Christian. Thank you for trying to raise the consciousness of people.
rev ed, you are awesome! you are not stumbling, you do not use the holy books to prove your opinions, you use the holy books to form your opinions. and we love you for your honest mirroring of Christ. you are indeed a true servant and give me hope 🙂
❤❤❤ Spot on! Thank you again 😊
"Pull the plank out of thine own eye."
Hear hear
My former pastor and her wife are not doing anything shameful by being married to each other. They're decent folks. All those male pastors, on the other hand, who're having affairs or worse with the women and girls in their congregation ought to be ashamed of themselves at the very least. And some really should be in jail.
They are -- the Bible specifically says that marriage was created by God as a holy matrimony between [M] and [W] so that He could bless their lineage. How are your pastor and her wife going to have a lineage?
@@Billy-bc8pk Same way my husband and I needed to. IVF. Duh.
Even cis-het couples can't always make babies naturally.
@@eliscanfield3913 That still required a man. Ergo, the pastor and her wife will never have a lineage, which is the point.
@@Billy-bc8pk And then there's what my grandparents did when they never had a child who lived. Adopted.
@@eliscanfield3913 There is no such thing as "cis", only what God intended. If you're buying into the corruption of the body (ergo a [M] cannot ever have working ovaries, so he can never become a [W]) then that explains a lot.
Thank you for this. It is very timely and much appreciated. My grandson is a trans-boy and is going through hell both at school and at church. The parishioners have fractured themselves (yep, self inflicted) into pro and anti groups and both are being nasty. They are careful not to do it in earshot of my grandson but the kids are more than happy to share household conversations. Fortunately the minister is fully supportive of my grandson. I forwarded this video to him. Thank you, again.
@@carlaeskelsen Thank you. I don't understand the message but it didn't have any angry emojis so thank you.
Dear Rev Ed Travis, Thank you for your moving message. I hope many will hear it. I fear, it is too late for millions of gay people who have left the church and will not return. I, for one, did return, but l found l must put aside the judgementalism toward gay people because I need God in my life. I could not get over the storm Pope Francis created when he would not condemn gays, saying,"Who am I to judge?" Perhaps the Holy Father read Romans I and ll while many other Catholics need to.
I've been so busy this month, I finally have time today for a Rev. Ed marathon. Each of your sermons touches my soul and I deeply appreciate each one. Thank you and God Bless!
Thank you Ed. Chapter 2!
Every time I hear your message I feel so blessed that you are here to share your message with me. You are so blessed to have such a gift.
Wow, thank you
Agreed. I’m often doing chores while listening to Rev. Ed, and sometimes, out of the blue, I blurt out “I love you, Reverend Ed!” 😂
@@amybrown6540i bet you do
Its easy to love someone who goes along with the world. I feel empathy for brother ed. Hes wrong.
@@margaretjones7954 he preaches the love of God, he preaches the Bible, naturally you are entitled to believe that this is wrong. For most of us he gives us hope, he reconciles us with Christianity that so often is used as a bludgeon to attack and to control people.
@@margaretjones7954 you gotta admit there’s something in the Bible somewhere that tells not to judge. Our cause as Christians is to love, God does the judging with his infinite wisdom. Until a person draws their last breath…. It’s between him and the good Lord. Until they do draw their last breath God is still writing their story, stop trying to steal God’s pen.
I believe there's no such thing as an anti-gay Christian. If you're anti-gay, you're not practicing Christianity.
Very very well said!
Invoking the no true Scotsman fallacy doesn’t work. Christian churches and practicing Christians can’t be swept away because you don’t agree with their hate based beliefs. They say you aren’t true Christians because you don’t follow the same hate based messages they get from the same book you adhere to. If the Bible is the divinely inspired word of an omnipotent benefactor why is his word so confusing as to leave two diametrically opposed philosophical outlooks as to the message it try’s to convey. An all loving god……..by what metric?
They cherry pick the Bible. Sure it says hating your brother is murder (1 john 3:15) but apparently it's ok when you really really hate people.
@ParanormalEncyclopedia nonono, it's okay to hate those people because God hates those people!
(This is heavy sarcasm, just in case some people can't tell)
@@jbfrancis2000 You just implied that God Himself is not the head of the church. Because same-sex sex IS prohibited by His very Word. He loves us, but He hates sinful behavior.
My husband and I used to attend a "gay church". I felt God's presence. The people were kind and welcoming to us, unlike some "straight " churches. ❤
I'm an lifelong atheist, but my parents are Evangelical Christian and Catholic. They vote Democrat and believe in diversity and are pro-choice, but they are very disapproving and concerned about the LGBTQ+ community. I just came out to my mom as a panlesbian and it took her a while to get used to it, but she told me to not tell my dad because he's more religious than my mom. I'd love to show them your videos because they are a breath of fresh air from all the Trumper Christian videos and might even change their mind about the queer community. Keep up the good work Rev Ed!
You are the most Jesus like preacher I have come across other than my previous vicar Guy Donagan Cross! I’m in the uk. I miss him since he moved but coming across your channel has helped me enormously. Thank you for really understanding the word of God.
I'm transgender female, and I constantly have "Christians" come up to me and judge me as a sinner without even knowing me. I know that my God does not judge and Jesus loves me unconditionally.
My philosophy: If there was a god that condemns people for loving, that's a god I'd want nothing to do with.
I am sorry you feel that way, because God will most certainly judge you. He states it over and over again. You don't get to write your own book. I didn't make up the rules, He did, but all of us must follow them. I'm not judging you but there is one who will. You should really study the word and find out for yourself because it is far too important to think falsely that God will not judge you for what you are doing. I'm just shouting out a warning to someone who is laboring under false pretenses. I am praying for you.
@@Polyphemus47 have you considered the alternative. I'm afraid you don't get to make the call, but if you are in the wrong position on this, you will have a very difficult eternity. Please take the time to discover the love of God. He is pure love, and has given us only two commandments. Love God with all your heart soul strength and mind and love your neighbor as your self. None of these has anything to do with sex. But the first one is the most important . You aren't loving God with all your heart if you are involved in sin...any sin
@@davidsherman2103 Thanks for your concern.
Rev Trevor's, I'm going on 73, I've prayed since I was in my teens to make me 'normal'. My Mom was a Catholic, she sent us to Sunday school, she gave us the basics, we were baptized, confirmed, etc., but I never conformed, my straight sister never did either, but because of my Mom, we both returned to Jesus! I still struggle with who I am & pray that the Lord accepts me, I know Jesus died for all of us, but the seen world shouts a different reality to us, thank you ❤
Remember that Paul had that issue he kept complaining about... Remember God accepted Paul just the way Paul was... now consider that some believe Paul was deep in the closet. So, accept that God does accept you just the way you are.
And always remember that the world shouts a lot of baloney. A lot.
God knows our hearts. Based on what you have shared, it shows that you love Him. He certain loves you no matter what.
Toni, the sin is not in the temptation, but the act. Homosexual sex is sin, but it sounds as though you have been struggling with it your entire life. If you have faced your sin, confessed it to God and repented, you are in good shape. I also had my temptations (we all have) but what God desires is that we turn to Him to overcome our sin, whatever it might be. I am 75 years old and just this year have overcome the sin I have struggled with since 5 years old. It is a struggle, it isn't easy, but with God's help it can be done. Never cease to fight and trust Jesus.
Let God judge each person’s sins and condemn no one. Just love others-that’s what your Brother and loving Father asked us to do.
How did the gift of His Grace become a social club?
It didn't. They traded it for one, just as they traded their country for a red hat.
When you can make money from it.
@@Plethorality Yep. People make a lot of money from other people by telling them what they want to hear and giving them justification for thinking that way. It helps when they can reassure them that being smug about other people going to hell is OK.
idolatry in many forms
Thank you so much, Reverend Ed, for this message. I spend quite a bit of time watching political news, which can be very stressful. When I feel down or discouraged I appreciate the loving kindness with which you deliver your messages. When I am exhausted from all the hatefulness, cruelty, judgement, hypocrisy & spite I see going on in the politics of my country, I can go to your content for some peace. Its so reassuring to hear you affirm the lessons & beliefs I find the most important as a Christian. The kindness, respect, charity & grace we are supposed to offer each other aren't lost after all & I can breathe a sigh of thankfulness. So, much appreciation to you for the content you create. 🙂❤️
I am no longer a Christian, but I have to tell you how impressed I am with your message. If more people representing Christianity were like you, there would not be the flight away from the church that we see today. I am a big fan of Jesus. Even if I don't believe in his divinity, I follow the precepts of his teachings in my life. Keep up the good work.
I stopped being a Christian, when the "Christians" started such awful extremism and the blatant taking over of our government to spread hateful messages. My dad was a pastor... And I just can not include myself in their group - when they seem to have lost the message so badly. I mean... Jeffery Dahmer died a Christian, right? And yet... Gay people can't be Christians? Unreal... Unacceptable. Thank you, Rev Ed! ❤️
So Jesus saying slaves obay your masters even the evil ones is goid ?
If all you believe in is Jesus then you have nothing. It’s His Divine Character is what you need. You have Chosen to go to Hell. You’re smart enough to read on your own. Start Again With The 4 Gospels. But, Start with John the last of the Gospels.
Well said Dale, your right on the money.
Well your opinion about God’s Word doesn’t mean anything. It’s His Word and His Truth. So if you Die Without His Word You Go To Hell.
We Christians are always quick to draw lines delineating those who are in and those who are out. And we are always careful to put ourselves inside the line and those other people - the pariahs du jour - outside the line.
But Jesus stands with those outside the lines we draw.
I have tried for years not to judge people and honestly I am getting pretty good at it. But I cannot contain my desire to judge the trump family. I am sure the lord will be pissed- I will pray about it. 💙 love your talks!
You're not the only one who struggles with that, I can tell you honestly! We *both* need to pray!!😅
@@denisemayosky1955 @nathenalocke I share the struggle with you both. 🖖🏻
I’m also struggling! 😳 I do pray about it.
Like Ahab and Jezabell producing a large family. Trump inc.
I use to feel the same. I would suggest using a word other than judgement. Instead of judging them, just "discern" that their lives and actions have little value to your spiritual growth. Judgement requires some form of action, whether that be mental or physical action, against them - justice. Discernment allows you to just walk away from such negativity and continue on your spiritual path without needing to find some form of justice for their behavior. Cheers!
Thank you for this message. I’ve thought a lot about this topic. Your message clarified what I have been thinking.
Thank you! I just came across your video! Great explanation! Keeping it real!
Thanks for this. What a powerful reminder of what Christ really brings to us, or can bring to us, if we leave our own agendas behind and truly listen.
Thank you, Rev. Ed. I've been a Christian for nearly 50 years (I'm a straight white Brit living in Germany) and have never heard this text set in context and preached like this before. I always had the feeling that something was wrong with the usual (American-influenced) teaching on this text, but now the text makes perfect sense. Your words also make it possible to see other texts in a different light, e.g. Romans 6:1. This is the reason for the widely perceived hypocrisy in churches and for "Christian Nationalism" - I would almost say that you can't be a Christian nationalist and a Christian 😊. This evening there's a meeting of independent church members in Munich to discuss the topic of "Homosexuality and the church", so your talk came just in time for that. With the usual kind of teaching on this subject (and others) the church is doing itself a disservice - and dragging Christ through the mud in the process. Thanks muchly for showing that we can do better, and God bless!
Having lived and traveled extensively in Europe and Asia, I found your wording about the American influence on that scripture to be spot-on. I've been recognizing that influence for decades when it comes to scripture, social interactions, cultural norms and much, much more. Thank you.
💙 Thank you. I value your online ministry 💙
Short story ~ The last time I attended church was with my sister & my dearly departed mother on a long ago Mother’s Day. It was a special occasion in more than one way. My mother was a bit of a recluse, agoraphobic. But that day was a good one for Momma. The sermon started out so beautifully. But. Not 3 minutes in his choice of words n thoughts said I was condemned and not welcome. I remained in my seat for my mother. I left knowing I would not return 😢
Dear User-zh9, Perhaps you might consider a local Parrish that is accepting of gays. Not only that but there are whole denominations that do. Episcopalians, Congregationals, Lutherans (except Missouri Synod) and soon the United Methodists are accepting. The Metropolitan Community Church is made expressly for gays. There are many Catholic parrishes whose pastors are accepting but I doubt they advertise. I left the Church for 30 years and have returned because I need God in my life. Please do what you think is right for you l only give suggestions. Thank you.
@@DickyMorin Thank you for your reply, and in such a timely manner. I sit peaceful on my patio,the wind blessing me at every turn. Gentle tears rest in the corner of my eyes. Thank you for the role you play here by your comments. Every word was exactly what and how I needed to hear it.
@user-ds8no1ro2q I know it's not them same thing, but....
I was "church shopping" and attended a Presbyterian church. The topic was divorce. When the pastor basically said that I am going to burn in hell for being divorced. I looked into the eyes of my impressionable ittle boy and saw that he was crushed.
Needless to say, we never attended a Presbyterian church again. However, I did not give up. We joined a Lutheran church where we were accepted.
Thank you! Reverend Ed. Your guidance rings true in my heart. I hope your meetings all went smoothly and the rest of your day. These talks you share really get me off to a better start to my day. Juuuuust right:)
I have seen several articles that discussed medical studies regarding "cause" of homosexuality. It has something to do with lack of sufficient testosterone receptors in males or lack of sufficient estrogen receptors in females to receive them while in the womb. Then you also have to consider the number of people who are born as intersex are as common as natural redheads. It's possibly more complicated than a choice. When you consider all of this, Paul's message when reading the entire letter is even more important. As my mother told me when I was a child after I told her someone else was doing something that I thought was bad, worry more about your own business and less about other people's business.
Those endocrine essays are pure conjecture, if you actually look at he conclusions they found that those hypotheses could not be replicated and had nothing to do with testosterone/estrogen levels given a number of clam buffet connoisseurs had much lower levels of testosterone they estimated to alter their behaviour.
@Billy-bc8pk At this point in my life, I just accept that I don't know what the answer is. If it's something that I don't necessarily see eye to eye with, but it is not affecting me personally, I just do my best to be accepting, respectful, and kind. I'm not going to judge. I would not want to cause someone to decide not to be comfortable in my fellowship or in the church.
@@larryh7760 There is a very hard scientific answer in neurophysiology. I, unfortunately, cannot break down to you the intricacies of it because YT does not allow for that, but if you lack discernment and actually want wisdom and understanding, absolutely pray about it. I may be able to direct you to some literature that may also help.
Mother Nature knows what she's doing.
The true message of Jesus. Love and not hate. This post is beautiful.
Let me not separate myself from God by judging others. ❤❤❤
A term I have come to appreciate; To define, is to confine.
Difference between being a loving Christian and a Pharisee Christian
CINO Christians in Name Only
Thank you so very much for that message, Rev. Trevors. It sure did help me a whole lot. God bless, and have a great day.
THANK YOU THANK YOU for this video !!!!! I feel the same way and so appreciate the love and point of this video !!!! My husband sent this to me and we are incredibly thankful
Love you Brother! This is brilliant! You encourage me so very very much! I too feel totally blessed by your message. I also take to heart what you say about this desire maybe many of us have to ‘other’ people and to keep them out of our little in groups. I thank you for reminding me that God clearly tells don’t judge others. I take to heart the reminder given me in scripture that the Grace of God is what I should be living by and sharing with others. I totally accept that none of us are perfect, we all have faults, we all sin, we all fall short of the glory of God but God doesn’t give up on us and his patience is infinite, his love never ending.
I may not say this in the best way possible, but hopefully you get the idea of what I’m trying to say. As a Christian I have always felt that, part of what Jesus, the Disciples and Paul taught was how we should conduct our lives as Christians. However, the other big message was that we all need to just focus on getting ourselves right with God and not worrying about what others are doing and how they’re living their lives (i.e., let him with no sin cast the first stone, etc.). Of course you are to be there to help and support your fellow Christian and anybody wanting to find a relationship with God. But you are not supposed to be judging other people, you are supposed to be focusing on living your best Christian life.
I think your wording as well as your message are being well-recieved by anyone who reads the wise words you wrote. Thank you.
You really gotta do a collab with "medias touch network" on the Christian nationalism
I watch Midas Touch also , love that channel and I just found this one . ❤
Thank you Rev, it is very painful to hear ugly things that churches say. Thank you for adding clarity for all who have compassion.💖
Thank you, Rev. Ed. We did a study at Church “What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality.” All about these clobber verses. I have passed on my copy of the book to a good friend of mine. She is planning on passing it on after reading. Getting the word out, one person at a time. Great video!
What a wonderful message. Thank you for shining light on the TRUTH and the DEPTHS of GODS LOVE FOR ALL. ❤️
"Judge not, that you be not judged." Matthew 7:1
THANK YOU for this! This has been so confusing, conflicting, etc. With my whole heart, THANK YOU.
Thank you for the reminder this morning, Rev. Ed. I'm going to keep "Remember Roman's, chapter 2" as a daily mantra! ⚘
Being gay is not a choice. God created us this way. With that comes both gifts and burdens, but Jesus Christ is our Lord. Dear Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God have mercy on me, a sinner.
I am a straight white man and a coach in a water sports club. I have a gay friend of 20 years who is a fellow coach. She is loved and respected by everyone who knows her. Being gay does not mean a person is evil.
Bravo and kudos to you Reverend Ed.... This is, IMHO, your finest sermon.
Straight woman from NC, and I am glad to hear what you have to say. There is a while Lotta otherin' going on in the church right now, we which is why I no longer attend. I will love God and all of my fellow humans, but I fjnd no fellowship in a church that is so conditional with their love and exceptance
Wow! I'm going to save this and share it! Thank you!!!
Your spot on Thanks Rev Ed, Don't Judge,You also show reading the the full text of a Bible verse is important, not nit picking what you want to hear....We need to stop the the Labels and just see ourselves as people.. God bless 🕊️
you read 1 corinthians 6 chapter kjv judgement by the saved gods daved people can judge
To "define" a person is to confine a person.
The reason more people don’t understand the word is because it’s being taught without inspiration.
This is inspired. Thank God!
It's somehow always "those people" who are going to hell. Not the people in this group.
Thank you for all your work, it helps me alot
The only answer to Christians condemning anyone for anything is that God said to Paul "My Grace is sufficient". ANYONE who is searching for God should be welcomed, no MATTER WHAT. His Grace is sufficient.
Pastor Ed, I have had a real change in my perspective by watching this!
Thank you.
Last June, I came across a parked truck with these two verses scrawled onto its back window (which was an unsightly mass of text). I found the first piece of paper I could and left a note under their windshield saying, "Your hermeneutic is bad, and you should feel bad. Own your bigotry instead of hiding behind an appeal to Paul."
Thank you for teaching me a new word, hermeneutic. I had to google it. Very glad I did & very grateful to you for having to do so! 🥰
So you invaded someone else's private property?
Well, the guy with the scrawled verses was intending to impact everyone that saw it, so he should have expected responses, shouldn’t he?
@wiseolsoul invading his truck, which is his private property, shows a immature response that can't handle disagreement.
One more post, and then I’m done. If he had his truck parked in his own driveway, than I would totally agree with you. But, if he was parked in a public place, then he would have been forcing the people who walked by to read it, and they should have the right to respond.
Thank you. This is very interesting and clarifying.
By the way, I am no longer a Christian but I enjoy listening and learning from your videos. When you end them with your prayer, I try to clear my mind and receive your act of kindness with an open heart. May you always find God beside you. May you feel God’s love and patience … and plenty of God’s laughter for your humor.
I came across this as we’re being hit by a pretty severe thunderstorm. Exactly right after 3:28 “and his entire congregation cheered loudly”… came a thunderous roar that shook the walls and the brightest flash of lightning pouring through the windows.
Safe to say, the hairs on my neck stood up, and somehow I can feel in my bones… only He will cast judgement upon the hateful and upon those that cast stones at our fellow brothers and sisters. Only He can open the doors of paradise to those that have endured discrimination, oppression, injustice, and suffering.
I stand and support the LGBTQ+ community and see them for who they are: God’s children.
Your message is OUTSTANDING!! Thank you.
As with several times before... Thank You.
Thank you for your clarity, scholarship, and fullness of understanding of the pilgrimage that is Christianity.
This is only the third of your videos I have watched but I already want to know who decided to divide the bible into chapters and verses? Because you're right about that allowing bigots to cherry pick individual sentences and twist them out of context. You have an unusual way of preaching that gets through to people. Please continue to be a blessing.
Thank you Rev Ed. I hope more people hear this. 🙏
The best Christian I have ever known was an eccentric, lesbian Christian. She not only saved my life, she saved many other man and beasts. She lived it. She was an amazing human with well developed, morals and ethics. Sometimes she was taken advantage of, but this not stop her from carrying on. I leave the judgment and punishment to Source. We could stand for more people like her.
I really like the clarity you bring to the word of God, thank you
I thought the clobber verse was 2:1- “because you, the judge, are doing the same things”
Great sermon! I think maybe, when people start quoting the Bible as a basis for their moral supremacy, we should ask them to, “keep reading.”
So nice to see such a reasonable thoughtful balanceed message.
I am a hard line Christian, I put the direct teachings of Christ above all dogma
I absolutely know there are gay Christians
I also totally reject the claims of piousness of evangelical idolators and their repugnant corporatist oneism
I’m not Christian, I’m actually a Wiccan priestess, but I’ve come to enjoy watching your videos. From one clergy member looking to uplift humanity to another, I appreciate your work.
Thanks for the talk Rev. I am an Atheist who was raised Catholic. I am subbed to your channel because I always appreciate your take and your message. I am also the father of a trans child and have found so much hate in the world of Christianity being propagated the modern political right. For folks who claim to be Xtian I don't know how many truly read and understand the message of Christ. It's nice to see someone else refer to Romans 2. FYI - I found me way here years ago through www.youtube.com/@BeauoftheFifthColumn . Thank you for doing what you do.
Atheist here too, and gay. I enjoy his videos, positive, calming, make me feel good, hopeful. I wouldn't have such a negative view of Christians if more of them were like him.
I will have mercy, and not sacrifice. Go, and find out what that means. Love and Peace!
I never saw Romans like that. Thank you, that's a really helpful insight.
Why do ppl get so offended and get on the defense so much for those who practice homosexuality and don’t have the same energy for fornicators and other stuff that is mentioned in those same texts? I’ve always wondered that.
Amen and AMEN
Rev Trevor’s, you are a breath of fresh air. Thank you
Funny, Rom 1:29 - 31 sounds like it's talking about Donnie boy.
Dear Eric Johnson, It's too bad Donny boy doesn't read even though he says the Bible is his second favorite book.
Thank you for pointing that out I will definitely reading Romans chapter 2
Thank you Reverend for your focus on revealing the truth of Chapter 1 & 2. So many of us are so judgemental of others yet fail to look at our own sins and repent asking for forgiveness. Being raised Calvinistic I did hear much against the glbtq+ community, yet was also taught that we need to be kind to one another....treat others with the respect we desire for ourselves. Hating the sin but loving the sinner is what our Lord wants us to do. Trying to force others to comply to our will and doctrine only pushes them away even more. I firmly believe the only way to bring a person to Christ is through example, not war, threats, degradation or violence of any type (mental, physical or spiritual). Living a life based on Christs teachings is the only thing that will bring others to him.