5 Tricks For Organizing Your Workbag

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @stephanielewis6866
    @stephanielewis6866 Рік тому +6

    I know you have moved and is still running your business but I have really missed your content on this channel. Love your handbag organization videos.

  • @sonjabarteck6552
    @sonjabarteck6552 Рік тому +24

    I love your bag organizations. I never tire of them and go back and watch the over again. They are timeless for the different needs I find myself in. Would be interested in your current planner too. Love your organization❤. So inspiring

  • @RecruitingMaven
    @RecruitingMaven Рік тому +24

    I've been watching your bag organizational vids for 5 years. You have such great tips and after all this time, you've kept me organized...also, it's been so much easier to go from one bag to another fairly quickly. Thank so much Nikki!

  • @cathygough2624
    @cathygough2624 Рік тому +7

    Love the video I would love to see a planner walk through. I have missed your videos. Thank you.

  • @waynettetamashiro1309
    @waynettetamashiro1309 Рік тому +3

    Would love a video on how you organize your planner.

  • @cheryliwasaki7074
    @cheryliwasaki7074 Рік тому +18

    Hi Nikki, glad to see you back on U-tube.. I would love to see a walk thru of your planner. Thank you for all your great ideas.

  • @lifewithcarol3069
    @lifewithcarol3069 Рік тому +5

    I would love to see your planner walk through.

  • @pattimcclelland6635
    @pattimcclelland6635 Рік тому +8

    I have always LOVED organizing. Some of my family and friends thinks I'm crazy, but they love it when I help them. Thanks for helping people like us. Again, thanks for the tips.

  • @leeblessed7498
    @leeblessed7498 Рік тому +4

    Love the bag. No one can organize A handbag, like you. Great vlog. GOD BLESS.🙏🏽

  • @desertrat5543
    @desertrat5543 Рік тому +3

    That new logo is so clever and beautiful.

  • @janinetaylor9017
    @janinetaylor9017 Рік тому +4

    Hi Nikki ❤ the work Bag

  • @leewhitaker538
    @leewhitaker538 Рік тому +2

    ~ Please do a planner walk through.

  • @stephaniewilliams2292
    @stephaniewilliams2292 Рік тому +4

    Enjoyed this video and the bag! I would love to see a video of your planner setup.

  • @sharoncresenzi3016
    @sharoncresenzi3016 Рік тому +4

    I would love to see a planner video, love your new bag!

  • @libbiedark3970
    @libbiedark3970 Рік тому +4

    would love to go through your planner :)

  • @tvdavis
    @tvdavis Рік тому +5

    Love your videos! I wish I could carry a pretty bag like that for work. I use a backpack because I need to carry VERY heavy stuff (laptop, charger, BOOX electronic notebook, wallet, two cell phones, several government ID cards, personal protection device, a LOT of adapters, USB drives, keys, handheld radio…), and it ends up being too rough on the straps of a tote bag.

  • @cme6229
    @cme6229 Рік тому +1

    Yes please do a planner walk through.

  • @ktub3acc0unt
    @ktub3acc0unt Рік тому +10

    So happy to see you back again! My bags and purses have been organized for countless years since watching your long ago bag and purse videos. I can reach in without looking and grab what I need. Looking forward to more videos and yes, planner organization as well!!!

  • @johnnybigbutton
    @johnnybigbutton Рік тому +10

    Nikki, I adore your bag videos!!!! So thrilled to see this video posted ❤

    • @johnnybigbutton
      @johnnybigbutton Рік тому +1

      PS, would love to see your current planner setup!

  • @deenice5170
    @deenice5170 Рік тому +7

    I'm glad you're back with your bag organization videos. No one does it like you. You have clearly inspired other videos like these, but they can't duplicate your style and essence. ❤

  • @sophiaschellTransformed
    @sophiaschellTransformed Рік тому +3

    Would love to see your planner

  • @mommabear5059
    @mommabear5059 Рік тому +3

    Completely off topic, but I love that lip color you have on. Absolutely beautiful and flattering on you!!

  • @katrinascreationscrafting
    @katrinascreationscrafting Рік тому +4

    I really enjoy your bag organization videos. I would love to see an update on what your work life is like now that you have moved and what you are doing now. Best wishes.

  • @Loveofdecorating
    @Loveofdecorating Рік тому +2

    😂oh my goodness….. this is a GAME CHANGER!!
    Girl if only you could see my purse 👜 right now!!! 😅
    I have to save receipts for taxes etc… I have all kinds of clutter but it’s items I use daily …. Allergy/asthma meds…. Lotion for dry hands… odds and ends…. And it looks terrible!!
    This really inspired me to go buy some small bags to hold everything nicely 🎉❤

  • @deeroseg9737
    @deeroseg9737 Рік тому +6

    Thank you. I love this video. Would like to see how you organized your smaller planner. Did you get a small one for your home also?

  • @Lashlove16
    @Lashlove16 Рік тому +3

    I love your videos
    I try to make my bags look like yours but not always possible

  • @riddhisingh172
    @riddhisingh172 Рік тому +2

    Always inspiring and educating. Love it

  • @Jamison20
    @Jamison20 Рік тому +5

    Thank you Nikki! I was gifted a new rolling work bag for Christmas. I need to get the zip bags to help organize it better. Welcome back!❤😊

  • @Eyesis_1
    @Eyesis_1 Рік тому +3

    Yay! A bag video❣️ Thank you, Nikki🖤🩶

  • @annatecson6341
    @annatecson6341 Рік тому +7

    Lovely bag! I have been watching your content for years, and your bag organization videos have always been my favorite. I also ascribe to the organization with zip bags (I have a ton to go with different bags!). I also arrange my items in a way that is easy to see everything so I can get to them right away. All of which I learned from you 😊

  • @jeannebrinkman8889
    @jeannebrinkman8889 Рік тому +4

    Hoooray🎉 Your back❤
    Love to see your new planner organization.
    Thank you!!!!

  • @FashiondoneWright
    @FashiondoneWright Рік тому +5

    You are always spot on with your bag organization. Thank you 🌺🌺🌺

  • @marshaanderson9176
    @marshaanderson9176 Рік тому +2

    That's a nice bag

  • @emyangelph
    @emyangelph Рік тому +9

    Thanks for doing this again, Nikki. I love watching your bag organization videos. Take care 💕

  • @shari_rates
    @shari_rates Рік тому +2

    I miss these posts and all of your posts. Shari

  • @rss-ws3so
    @rss-ws3so Рік тому +3

    Love this! I no longer work outside of the home, but if I did......lol I love your work bags and handbag videos! My days are now filled with my grandchildren. Great video.

    • @kimcham9949
      @kimcham9949 Рік тому

      👍🏾 Blessed! 😊 Enjoy every *precious* moment! ❤

  • @minasnauna2646
    @minasnauna2646 Рік тому +3

    Yes please for the planner flip thru. Thanks for sharing. You have the best organization videos.

  • @gerryriddell577
    @gerryriddell577 Рік тому +7

    Got the cards Nikki, excited to use them. Love the new bag, so motivating!

  • @letiziaa.3794
    @letiziaa.3794 Рік тому +1

    10:26 Sempre bravissima!👏🏻

  • @momstuff3489
    @momstuff3489 Рік тому +4

    Is the link to the little dust ball cleaner in the details? I didn't see it.

  • @deemcclendon654
    @deemcclendon654 Рік тому +2

    Great video as always Nikki.

  • @sideanapondexter3379
    @sideanapondexter3379 Рік тому +1

    I’d love to see a flip through of your planner!!!

  • @robinharris9591
    @robinharris9591 Рік тому +2

    Hi Nikki glad to see you back. Those eyeglasses look very nice on you. What is the name of the frames?Have a great week.

  • @candylegedza3098
    @candylegedza3098 Рік тому +4

    ❤❤❤. I have a question. Do you car a purse and a work bag or just one or the other.

  • @DorethiaKelly
    @DorethiaKelly Рік тому +3

    This was super helpful, love the bag and the tips. I have a meeting tomorrow and am going to try it! 🧡

  • @terrywilkinson3930
    @terrywilkinson3930 Рік тому +3

    I enjoyed this video, Nikki. I like the idea of individual see thru bags. Looking forward to future videos. I would like to see a video on your planner organization

  • @cathyb6358
    @cathyb6358 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for doing this video and the video that you did on your at home channel. I have really missed your UA-cam videos, but understand you have to decide when and what kind of content you provide.

  • @preciousrose896
    @preciousrose896 Рік тому +2

    I would love help in creating an organizational system for a substitute teacher.

  • @theresaeisenhard8251
    @theresaeisenhard8251 Рік тому +3

    Hi Nikki!! I have this bag and I Love it!!! My husband got me the bag for Christmas too!!

  • @susievega3256
    @susievega3256 Рік тому +3

    Where can the cleaning ball be purchased?

  • @followupgaming148
    @followupgaming148 Рік тому +2

    So glad your back!!!! Love your new bag, and great organizing ideas.

  • @debrasams2362
    @debrasams2362 Рік тому +1

    So glad you are back. I look forward to watching and learning from you. I so enjoyed this one. I would also enjoy you doing a video on your planner.

  • @racheld.8364
    @racheld.8364 Рік тому +1

    I am excited for this bag video! My husband bought me a new bag recently and I am a little unsure about how to organize it. So, thank you. Also, I would Love a walk through of your planner.

  • @angelarobertson7004
    @angelarobertson7004 Рік тому +2

    Such a beautiful bag!

  • @LivngFabulously
    @LivngFabulously Рік тому +1

    Planner tour please!😊

  • @jenniferford2481
    @jenniferford2481 Рік тому +2

    I HAVE BEEN WAITING ON THIS!! I love the bag organization videos!!! My bag always ends up a hot d@mn mess. I love your tips. And my bag weighs 20lbs! Send help.

  • @ritacymbalista
    @ritacymbalista Рік тому +2

    Welcome back! So good to see you again. Yes, I would love to see a planner organizing video. I just checked out your website. The planning inserts weren't available when I was looking last year and it's good to see them back. I wanted to click on the image of some of the items however, it doesn't allow that. It only allows you to add to the cart. Just wanted to note that to you.

  • @karenefthemes9817
    @karenefthemes9817 Рік тому +3

    How did you get your monogram on the notebook? I don’t see that option when ordering.

  • @roxannelayton5972
    @roxannelayton5972 Рік тому

    Yes! Another planner video please!

  • @hehasrizenful
    @hehasrizenful Рік тому +2

    I have learned so much from you Nikki thank you❤❤

  • @momikal2238
    @momikal2238 Рік тому +3

    Do any of you use the bag as your purse? One bag instead of two? Thanks very much! Great video.

  • @torirobinson2382
    @torirobinson2382 Рік тому +2

    Love your videos! Any suggestions for some more economical bags?

  • @aliciakitts3193
    @aliciakitts3193 Рік тому +2

    Love it! I want a nice white planner that holds half letter size paper. Where can I find one?

  • @ALittleTouchofDiamond
    @ALittleTouchofDiamond Рік тому +5

    I have been following you since 2015 after my stroke. My family knows about at home with Nikki. I set my home up with all your tips and Aldo st work with Nikki. Anything I’m doing.. first thing I ask myself… What would Nikki do? 😊

    • @kimcham9949
      @kimcham9949 Рік тому

      👍🏾 Makes life so much easier, doesn't it? 😊

  • @katherineaustin2477
    @katherineaustin2477 Рік тому

    Love your videos
    I also love Kate spade bags and purses

  • @tonihlove5204
    @tonihlove5204 Рік тому

    I would love to see a video about your planner.

  • @beingkitschroeder2507
    @beingkitschroeder2507 Рік тому +2

    Your bag is beautiful!!!
    I have a Coach Tatum Carryall, in the largest size. Black with red interior. Matches well with my Burberry style laptop and pouch accessories. PS: I just ordered your card deck!

  • @gailluker4875
    @gailluker4875 Рік тому +1

    Thank you Nikki
    I'm so glad your back!
    Great practical afford ideas for bag organization!!

  • @Giovanni-o3h
    @Giovanni-o3h 9 місяців тому


  • @briannab5296
    @briannab5296 Рік тому +2

    Niiiiiice 😉

  • @Opalthompson
    @Opalthompson Рік тому +3


  • @jacquelinesbasketarrangeme4914
