Reminder: if the Space Marine does manage to win the fight, the Zealot will be warped out by the mini-gateway on their armor before a fatal injury is received and, if they are still in good fighting shape, they will be patched up, given a new set of armor, and warped back into the fight. Protoss technology is beyond insane, and it's only for game balance reasons that the Zerg and Terran forces stand a chance at all.
@@shleepzno amount of tech can let you hold out against the Swarm in lore even Raynor said so not to mention after losing to zerg rush they also lost their Golden Armada to Amon lol, took refuge in Shakuras, gets zerg rushed again, and had to overload the planet. Zerg shit on the Protoss so much that their entire population left is just the Spear of Adun.
Yeah even though in 40k lore the main killers of space marines are literally psykers or anything psychic in nature. They are are the main things that kill space marines and I'm a 40k fan saying this
Incredibly cost efficient too, space marines are selected from a young age assuming they have the right genetic match- then undergo surgery and mental conditioning and even then it’s not guaranteed they succeed those 50 years. For a zealot you just need 100 minerals and a powered warp gate
The 50 years part is utter bullshit btw. 50 years is the average life span of a space marine and they are considered veterans from that point. Their training is much much faster.
@@sarcasticlittleass you know space marines can live up and over 1,000 years old right? And if they are connected to a dreadnaught then that number can change to 10,000. Are you talking about marines from Starcraft? Cause they’re way different from a space marine
Fun fact about Zealots, ever seen a Protoss corpse ingame? That's because when a Protoss warrior is defeated and in a critical state, their entire body gets warped back to the Mothership in an instant, like as soon as it happens. This is how the Protoss gets such a reliable number of wounded warriors to pilot their Dragoons and Immortals.
What's not mentioned here is that Zealots have leg enhancements and are specifically trained in engaging ranged opponents by charging at them ridiculously fast. Also Zealots wear armour under their plasma shielding that could protect them from short bursts of bolter fire while their shields regenerate. They also have a considerable psionic presence that can mess with the heads of any human telepath. The Protoss are kinda ridiculous in terms of technology and power. Oh, also that Baneling that the Zealot runs into in the cinematic is filled with acid that can melt through several feet of reinforced steel and the plasma shield protected him against one, though not two.
I mean tbh the space marines go up agaisnt eldar which are practically the same but more squishy with no problems Its hard thou to actually figure out who would win like it'll be really close
@@datcheesecakeboi6745 do Eldar have personal shields? I don't actually know if they do. I also think that Protoss are more psychically powerful than Eldar, but I'm not sure.
@@rozmarinideas5340 i mean they are more squishy but i think they do have shields? Either way its kinda like An elder is to a zealot is like a spartan to a space marine if that makes sense Zealots are just elder but from the future (kinda lore wise the eldar get trippy af n confusing im more so using the tabletop not the full lore here)
@@datcheesecakeboi6745 Standard Eldar Banshees do not get personal shields yet have no problems getting in close to slaughter Space Marines. A Zealot, who has a weapon that ignores tensile strength (Psi-Blade) is gonna peel your average SM out of his armour.
@@datcheesecakeboi6745 ahahahahaha that's a good one, but now being serious, the eldar are nothing like the protoss, they don't have personal shields, neither is alog described as such in the material, they are psychic weaklings that characters from the imperium far outnumber a race that was supposed to be dominant in that field and they fucked up stronger than the protoss, on the other hand the protoss are not exaggerated with the unreliable narrative and even if they are few, the different factions they have have different upgrades so a zealot can fuck an astartes.
Against a standard boxnaught, it would be no contest for the Protoss, but against other patterns like the Leviathan or Contemptor with energy shielding and more advanced weapons, I think it would be a decent match
That would be a fair fight actually. Well, fair until the BT have their ships engage. 40K ships eat SC ships. A Battlecruiser is about the size of a civilian 40K cargo ship.
@williampg gois nothing can stand in the way of the god emperors chosen chapter!!!! No Xenos scum will be allowed to live in the presence of the god emperors light!
Ships? Protoss can make singularities aka black holes at will. And their ships are in fact ginormous. To say their ships are like functioning cities is pretty accurate. Now for the Terran Battle cruisers they highly vary, some like the Norad 2 are massive as hell. We just are used to the Hyperion which is a smaller but much faster battle cruiser designed for hit and run. And they do have the Yamato cannon, a long ranged weapon that could even smack apart the Protoss city ships so I would not underestimate them. Besides the Battle cruisers are the least of your worries the wraith fighters and science vessels will give you way more trouble.
For people who think this is wierd. Protoss technology is somewhere inbetween Tau and Necrons. And a Zealot is just the standard infantry of the Protoss.
I honestly think it's kind of Imperium and Necrons, the Protoss are more similar to the Imperium if you think about it.... They charge into battle, they both have and had golden ages where they got their OP tech from, they're kinda xenophobic, they both have dreadnoughts (dragoons/immortals), though the Protoss aren't exactly religious except for the Tal'darim but then again they have like the Aeldari/Krork standing
I think Librarians would struggle against an enemy who has mastered their abilities and can call on them without tempting The Warp. They'd need to be Gray Knight level to stand a chance.
It's a yes and no deal, you're combining two universes that function differently. Protos do not deal with the warp in the same way as 40k pychers do. And simply bashing them in a world where the warp exist can complicate things a lot for something alien to this universe. I think the best way to compare them is by looking at relative power and effectiveness--rather then a head on fight
Really the protoss are insanely busted. The only reason they don't entirely dominate the Starcraft universe is because they have small numbers after what amounts to civil wars while also dealing with other major threats. In a 1v1 with a space marine the marine doesn't even really have a chance, because while it isn't shown in game (for balance) in lore, when a zealot charges you, you can't even damage his shield, he becomes intangible. So he gets to run up to you completely invulnerable before you have to deal with a shield that can basically tank 30 Gau 8 Avenger rounds.... while his sword is basically guaranteed to slice you in two.
@@vanillaicecream2385 not actually sed it has a field that makes the cutting adage 1 atom in thickness that’s what allows it to cut so well it’s still hot as duck tho hence the lightning effect
@@vanillaicecream2385 Psi-Blades ignore tensile strength. No matter what he's hitting, the Zealot is gonna tear through it unless a power field can clash with it.
@@trajan4770 Warcraft was what was supposed to be a Warhammer game. GW turned Blizzard down after seeing they wanted 100% control over the plot so instead Blizzard turned it into Warcraft. Then later on StarCraft was made and that basically just became the equivalent for what 40k is to Warhammer fantasy.
@@CallsignYukiMizuki Well, Halo was originally supposed to be an RTS, i actually thought it was a rip-off when i first saw halo with the psi blades they had.
Old protoss main here. I think you're underselling the power sword. Its wrapped in a disintegration field. 40k is the opposite of the real world high end defense outclasses high end offense and everything is dialed up to 11. So the powersword can act like lightsabers and ignore most armor.
True, but they're still none the less pesky for your average marine. You have to use special energy weapons to breach them, or they'll simply nullify your first shots. And Protoss are similar to non-slanesh eldar in the sense that they have psychic powers and no limitation on their use. Canonically, protoss are all psykers and have battle-related psyker powers on top of their energy swords and shields. And their psionic powers are linked, so they get stronger with bigger numbers, similar to Orks. They are like a watered down version of grey knights. Your average marine is in serious trouble when fighting these badasses.
@@runtergerutscht4401 non slaneesh Eldar would be the Dark Eldar or Drukhari. And necrons also have tech on the level of the protoss. The imperium has fought quite literally everything
@@Hockabout55 non-slanesh eldar as in eldar before Slanesh got orgied into existance. And what point are you making here exactly? The necrons are way more advanced than the protoss so you're downplaying them here when they harness dead gods as batteries and can actually snuff out stars by hand. Protoss are far from that, even with their time-manipulating technology, warp travel and psionic bullshittery.
Yes but they'd never had to deal with energy shields this powerful on just a footsoldier. Terran Marines are weak compared to Space Marines BUT their guns are stupid powerful in-lore. Their caliber and firepower puts even Bolters to shame. They're essentially fully automatic anti-material rifles, and zealot shields can tank 30 rounds of them more or less. The Zealots themselves can tank some hits from it as well when the shield goes down. Undoubtedly it would take WAY MORE bolter rounds to breach the shields than just 30, which would give the zealots ample time to close the distance and go in for the kill.
Exactly what I was thinking or the custodes. I mean if Protoss are the elite warriors why isn’t it versus an elite of god emperor of mankind. It’s really weird how people make certain scenarios so one sided. It’s like if they put darth vader versus a librarian, a basic ass librarian. The elite of the elite of the Star Wars universe vs. a no name. It’s never the chapter leader or champion it’s always private has two decades of experience compared to Dante’s 1500 years. It’s annoying really I love the protoss especially dark templars but 40k will roffle stomp them into the ground especially after encountering tyranids (zergs on acid), the black crusades, the eldar (elfish Protoss), demons, and orkz, and yeah necrons but yeah a Protoss would have such an easy time. Haha
@@murderousraven5958 not to mention the sisters of silence, the grey knights, the custodes, hell even one of the Lucifer Blacks which are able to get within the guard of the alpha legion primarch one on one and delivered a very nasty blow TO A PRIMARCH
Look guys, in a fictional fight it’s hard to compare different universes together, and what they have to deal with when fighting the other, but in terms of the questions asked and answer given in terms of context. A elite human soldier in 40k can be seen as a regular space marine not a librarian or grey knight because they are elites taken from elites. Not trying to take sides but it’s like comparing rifles and you bring an LMG sure it’s a gun but it’s in a different category. P.s I don’t even know anything about the StarCraft universe, all I know is he is talking about a standard kit elite soldier in their respective race. Edit: about the topic of when universes vs, in the star craft universe there is no such thing as the warp so if they where to fight how would that impact the fight, if the 40k where in StarCraft universe would they be disconnected to the warp and thus any powers from it be unusable or if they can use it what would happened now that corruption of the warp is no longer there. In the flip side due to the protoss psychic link and decades of training and use of it would it be amplified by this new connection to the warp, since all there gear seems to be powered by there psychic powers then it too would be increased meaning there shield would be indestructible but there weapons would have even greater damage, and what if they fall to the corruption of the warp and become even more stronger. All I am saying is when comparing universe to fight you really can’t compare them equally because each one works differently and trying to explain what would happen when they cross into the other side either way would be to difficult. So now that my rant is over, how has your day been, has it been well? For me it’s not been the best 😅.
Yeah i think they would do some good until they reach bigger stuff. The stalker has a particle disruption gun and can teleport short distances at will. Or a dark templar who are permanently invisible and can also teleport at will.
"Wait, why are we here fighting their equivalent to standard infantry? We have our own standard infantry along with the astartes for God-Emperor's sake."
Thank you so much for doing a properly researched match up. And I've been saying for years that Protoss to 40k Marine is a far better matchup, as SC Marines are basically IG in Power Armour, so Sisters of Battle are probably the closest comparable unit in 40k.
@@madmank7881 Well, no, the only thing they really have in common is being psychic. The point is the SC races are not just cookie cutter copies of 40k races. Sure there might have been some initial inspiration going on, but the SC executions are quite different, like with their Marines for example. Protoss look nothing like Eldar and have a very different racial identity to Eldar.
@@madmank7881 *Checks my original post* Yep, seems that I do! I'm a fan of both settings, most the similarities between the two settings are superficial at best, in the actual execution they're quite different.
This is what Ive been saying this whole time! For the 40k fanboys obsessed with Starcraft, the Protoss are closer to the Astartes given that both take inspiration Roman Empire, insted of the Terrans because 90s graphics requires big shoulder pads for visual clarity
The Zealot is based on the Templar Order, and it is true that it was said by the developers that the shape of the marine was propitiated to improve visualization.
Queen of blades that can one shot a gigant mech capable of being seen from orbit and the biggest battle cruiser in existance. So you see, things dosnt need to be demons to be scary
@@gastoncoscia5031 until you realise how big 40k stuff actually is.ever herd of an apocalypse class Titan it leaves the planets atmosphere it’s that tall and it’s not a skinny boi like the Protoss stuff
someone actually psychic like the thousand suns could show up and even the playing field a bit as well or just fucking call the space sharks and call it a day
@@trajan4770 Source for the apocalypse titan’s size? As far as I can remember it was a one-off mention with it able to be seen from Orbit, not tall enough to leave atmosphere.
@@ambassadorofreee3859 high Templar can still communicate psionically even with the kala severed. Ik the game m8. Protoss in general are a psionic race. Most of them can still talk to each other across galaxies with just telepathic abilities. I never mentioned the kala
There where hundreds of protoss motherships. Each one a planet buster with dimensional recalling advanced shielding and a field wich cloaks all forces beneath it. Each one capable of messing with time to create chronal distortion fields or messing with space to create black holes. Introducing the protoss into 40k would be the equivalent of the black legion showing up but instead of having 1 super scary vessel named the planet killer wich the imperium was terrified of. They had 100 super scary vessels wich are stronger than the planet killer who don't rely on the weirdness of the warp to ftl who also make all their troops invisible and low-key immune to death because the second a protoss zealot is about to die they just get warped back into the infirmary. Imagine the black legion landing on cadia except every troop and every tank and all their titans are also completely invisible. It does not matter how small scale the protoss fleet is in 40k by 40k standards they are still quite scary. Especially considering they don't have abbadon the failure leading them
@@eiplays2768 look, I'm a starcraft stan (check my channel) but at BEST the Protoss would just "survive" in a permanent deadlock against the imperium. Also, unless you converted the entire golden armada to the Tal'Darim they just do not have the killer instinct to hack it in the 40k universe. beyond that, even if they did, like I said, it's a matter of scale. The imperium is infinitely larger than anything the protoss have ever faced, and they were defeated by the zerg capturing their homeworld (who are MUCH smaller scale an enemy). If protoss "victory" is survival? then sure, they can win any individual engagement against the imperium. If protoss victory is dependent on complete subjugation of the imperium? That would be impossible, even if they tried. If anything, from the SC universe, the Zerg would stand the best chance to conquer everything due to their viral nature and adaptability. They could match the 40k scale over time and eventually overwhelm it. But protoss? Their numbers don't even go into the billions in terms of warriors. Imperium troop numbers are so comically large they compete with particles in the known universe. And if the protoss can't fully defeat the terran, as divided as they are, they can't fully defeat the imperium
@@heliosjollywolf9552 golden age might stand more of a chance because they actually had numbers, but their arrogance at that time was also at its peak and it would lead them to make a lot of tactical blunders that would cost them too heavily. Think if Aldaris and the Conclave were the ones running the whole campaign against a foe about on par with a united Terran front that had troop numbers that rivalled particles in the known universe.
im not saying a military victory would happen. im saying that the protoss wouldnt be balled over and annihilated in a day like everyone thinks they would. the basic protoss zealot is lowkey an eldar aspect warrior with personal shielding. they can and would survive the setting. will they thrive? in my opinion no because no race in 40k is thriving aside from the orks. What will most likely happen is that the imperium after taking their first few skirmishes with the protoss will most likely leave them be as they can not afford to spare the resources and more importantly the man power to stop the protoss the same way the imperium cannot afford to wipe out the tau rn. the imperium while massive in size with comical amounts of troops is spread so thinly trying to fight wars with the other over 9 factions they simply do not have time to waste on the protoss. especially when the protoss are bringing fleets of ships that are on par with stuff like the planet killer or the vengefull spirit from the first and second gothic wars.@@jeffreywarf
If I remember correctly statecraft was originally going to be a 40k game but the licencing deal fell through so the races were changed just enough to avoid copyright
@@itambor Zerg are insectoids from starship troopers, and the marine (the Power armor really) also comes from that franchise. This gets thrown out a lot because by mostly coincidence the games have a fair bit in common, but it's been documented that the Warhammer game was Warcraft Orcs & Humans
''so a space marine bolter would be pretty good right?'' zealot casually eating a burst of bullets equivilent to that of an A-10's Gau 8 avenger autocannon
one thing your forget it's that protoss have a last "protection". a teleportation device wich is activated when the zealot is about to be killed. (it's why we see a blue "ghost" when they "die". So if they're teleport at the right time, they can go fight again. If not the remaining of their body and conscience is put inside a dragoon (or later, a stalker or an immortal).
@@yammoto148 one eldar would delete a a bunch of zealots, you're underestimating the speed and reaction time an Eldar is going to have over a zealot as well as weaponry. One harlequin would wreck 12 zealots
@@zachhogan7865 Not even close buddy. And besides Zealots its not like the Protoss don't have superior weapons, artillery, Archons, ships that can make black holes but yeah sure buddy. The fact that you think you can beat a race that has the force but on steroids is laughable to say the least.
@@yammoto148 the protoss don't lmaooo. The elder and the imperium burn world's and clusters for a hobby. A harlequins kiss would go through any armor, a power weapon also doesn't care about armor. You also have never actually read any of the lore on either side I see. This argument is already over
I feel like Protoss Zealots definitely have the edge, but Space Marines are typically strong enough to win enough of the time to make it an interesting fight.
@@ivanivanovitchivanovsky7123 Actually no, they transfer themselves into light to get in melee. So they effectively deepstrike and then immediately charge in at the speed of light, with their shields tanking the shots that reach them.
@@Dragonspirit223 they can’t do that for longer range and still get regularly killed by Zerg and Marines, so something tells me it’s either rare (which would make sense if it’s a hard skill to learn) or extremely taxing (might require a cool-down of sorts). It’s basically a cool trump but one they’ve never used in lore for us to analyse.
@@brayburell6814 aaand you have just shown me you don’t read any of the lore. Congrats. No, the shields won’t do jack or squat against a good burst of Bolter fire, Bolters are the ones that make Terran gauss rifles look like nerf guns, get it right. The Indomitus Crusade core book outright describes Astartes as wearing armour equivalent to a light tank, and this is in a universe where some examples of light tanks are using 105mm hyper velocity guns and armour that needs at minimum those guns to penetrate their armour with regular rounds. Even ignoring that, we’ve had Bolters consistently blowing people up when shot, punching holes in Astartes armour that can protect from autocannons, shoot fist sized or larger holes in metal, shoot right through heavily armoured APCs and IFVs, the list goes on. What’s the Gauss rifle do? Uh… miss half the time like in the first StarCraft cutscenes and trailers? Fail to instantly kill Zerglings that get killed by colonists with shotguns and mining lasers in “Broken Wide”? Like the best we’ve seen it do is blow up heads. Like cool, that’s still not even as strong as a Bolter.
well, im not super savvy on starcraft lore so im assuming that the standard is the non-augmented basic zealot and that cutscenes portray improved ones. It might be wrong of me to take in-game stuff as reference though, im not sure yet.
ok i read the zealots wiki... zealots that distinguish themselves in battle get leg augmentations and after broodwar some zealots are able to phase shift to close the gap between them and an enemy. So the standard fresh out of bootcamp zealot is basically the in game non augmented one.
@@Nacoleptic We'd have to discuss Protoss military economics. They are a dieing race. Iirc they don't age. "Out the bootcamp" isn't really a thing in their society. Let's just say both exist. Because what was the original question again?
@@clan741 Laughs in auramite being psychically resistant while the custodes absolutely demolishes the zealot and makes the zealots decades of training look like wasted time
@@dierdred_the_gray a space marine would still destroy a zealot lmao. The pretentious guy folding laundry has no idea of power level. Starcraft is an rts while 40k is a fleshed out universe, hell a few orcs would delete a zealot
I thought so as well until i realized hes using the lowest value space marine possible considering he doesnt take into account which chapter they are from and that had a drastic impact in itself, like the thousand suns are all psychic
@@alexhoughton3305 im not aware of if he was using the very most basic form of the protoss zealot for the fair comparison as far as i could tell he was just talking about space marines vs protoss and literally every space marine has a quirk of some kind from their chapter so i figured that is their base its just a choice of which chapter they are from, i wasnt aware they tend to just default to ultramarines, is it just do to the numbers? Or because they have no “special gift” from their gene seed
@@PuckCld as far as i'm aware, ultramarines are the standard for comparison due to them being the best known, most prevalent space marines, yeah. As far as the protoss zealots are concerned, their kit never diversifies in the games which is the only starcraft media i am personally familiar with so i'd say it's safe to assume that both loadouts are competitor standard.
@@alexhoughton3305 it seems reasonable for general matches like this but since thats the case it would seem equally reasonable to use any other chapter i don’t know a lot of people who play space marines and no one who plays Smurf’s tbh so from where I’m sitting its just because they have the best situation rn which isn’t a bad reason but its not great either. I think it would of been quite a bit more interesting to use a opponent who can mirror the protoss more fairly when theres chapters like a thousand sons who are just psychically adapt space marines(before being basically forced into chaos) lol
A zealot would win against a Space Marine short of a librarian 70% of the time and that's fact. >inb4 librarian enters the chat = A zealot is just a low ranking Templar, so having a Librarian showing up is also inviting either High or Dark Templar, which both would still win by absolutely melting the Librarian as soon as they arrive due to their energy feedback. >inb4 Zealot's psi tech goes out = The tech the Protoss use just amplifies and focuses their psi energy into a more physical form. They don't actually need it per se. >inb4 Zealot is only melee range = That's why the Space Marine only wins 30% of the time. They only have the closing window of removing a Zealot when they're outside of melee range, otherwise their armor is useless. Sorry, but the Protoss have this one.
Librarian vs protoss templar?? Colossus vs titan? Ultralisk vs a tyranid warrior?? Brutalisk vs a greater demon? Zeus mech vs a titan???? Immortal vs a dreadnaught?? Zealot vs an eldar warrior An archon or dark archon vs daemon prince? God look at all these possibilities cover them all pls
Collosus vs. titan is kinda bad as a matchup, collosi(for the most part) are specialized against infantry dealing large splash damage. A wrathwalker or reaver would stand more of a chance though titans are a really tough matchup for sc in general
@@dodojesus4529 i was just basing on size and similarities cause both stand at ridiculous height and are quite similar, revears are small and slow and can easily be gunned down by titans but considering the scarabs they have that can literally destroy any armor or shield yeah they kinda got a chance
Just imagine the protoss also having the rule "If everyone is OP, then no one is OP" BS, they would have the technology levels of the necrons mixed with the psychic prowess of the aeldari.
There is a bit more to Astartes than just being "tall super soldiers." They are orders of magnitude faster and smarter than any "regular" biological humanoids. They can react to supersonic bullets flying in midair, they can move to block your attack before your own brain has received confirmation from your arm muscles that you have begun swinging your weapon. They can instantaneously formulate highly complex battle tactics and carry them out as a group in the literal blink of a human eye, and this is before you make them angry. Normal humans are paralyzed in awe and terror at the mere sight of an Astartes simply walking around, known as transhuman dread, because that's what happens when you see an 8 foot tall meathead wearing half a ton of armor running circles around you like a ballerina, far faster than your human eye can even see, that is seemingly aware of your thoughts before you even think them, _without_ being psychic. Two Starcraft Marines, which are essentially untrained, unskilled criminals with refrigerators and miniguns bolted to them, can kill one Zealot. A single 40k space marine can probably kill thousands of Zealots, if not tens of thousands, and this isn't an exaggeration, because the purpose of Warhammer is exaggeration. No shot. They won't even touch the guy before they get turned to hamburger helper.
The purpose of 40k isn't exaggeration. It's unreliable narration. According to the designers, editors, and authors of the setting have gone on record saying that all of the events and feats in the books are distorted with legend, propaganda, myth, half-truths, rumors, and lies. Taking the fears at face value is not what the creators intended.
@@MarcusVance That's a moot point though, isn't it? We already know 40k isn't true, because it's a made-up fictional setting for a board game. What's the play here? Do we read the lore assuming that whart we're reading isn't true? How does that work? What are we left with, then? Literally nothing? If the current lore states that the Horus Heresy is unverifiable and unknown to 99.99999% of all in-universe factions and characters, do we assume that the Horus Heresy is lying to us, as readers? No, that's asinine. The creators made the lore unreliable because the 40k universe is far too large and convoluted for Games Workshop to curate, alongside the fact that they wanted to be homebrew-friendly without requiring a thesaurus for every single Bolter round that gets fired. That does not mean the lore literally doesn't exist and the entire universe a daydream that is unfolding inside Macaulay Culkin's head in Home Alone or something. The same thing applies to the Star Wars EU. Kotor and Kyle Katarn are both real characters and events that really did exist, regardless of how "verified" they are by Lucasfilm, because that's how stories work. If you have two regional variations of Little Red Riding Hood, that doesn't mean the Grimm brothers wrote the book as some kind of postmodern deconstruction of unreliable narration, you know? Plus, if there's one thing in the 40k lore that comes the absolute closest to being reliable in-universe, it would be the abilities and general characteristics of the Astartes.
Fiction is definitely not true. No arguing there. But when discussing that fiction (like we're doing), reliable narration means we can take events, feats, and more at face value. If Jim lifts X, we can know how strong Jim is. When discussing fiction, unreliable narration is a complex literary device. It can be used to obscure the truth, mislead, or highlight a specific point. It's written to not be taken at face value. In Halo, Spartans dodge bullets. Given that this is reliable narration, we can reasonably assume that in this fictional setting, Spartans can dodge bullets. In Warhammer 40k, Space Marines are sometimes shown dodging bullets. Given that this is unreliable narration, can we reasonably say that Space Marines can do that in their fictional setting? Look at your first comment. Given that unreliable narration is canon in 40k, is it reasonable to say that Space Marines can do... any of that? I think of it like "did your grandpa REALLY" catch a fish that big?" Or "is what that weeb says about the katana REALLY true?" It's definitely just fiction. But 40k is definitely a unique example of it.
@@MarcusVance As I've touched upon in my second comment, 40k is not _actually_ unreliable narration. Memento is unreliable narration. American Psycho is unreliable narration. 40k is not a mystery or a psychological thriller setting, which are typically the only types of story that use unreliable narration, because it has a useful narrative purpose when used in those genres. The point of "unreliable narration" in 40k is so that you can have different books by different writers that contain serious setting-level contradictions, like I said, just like the Star Wars EU. It's not "unreliable narration," it's inconsistent canon. The lung capacity of an Ultramarine is not "narration," it's a statistical fact, which happens to not be the same from edition to edition, or from book to book. That's not a writing technique, that's accepting a compromise because your setting is too big and you don't want to spend the rest of your life herding cats and fact checking fanfiction. The point being, you are just as right/wrong as I am if you choose the least overpowered depiction of 40k units when compared to me selecting the most overpowered, and your exact same "unreliable narration" argument can just as easily be used against the statistics you prefer, which is why I called it a moot point. Just because Astartes are depicted as being weaker in one piece of material does not mean that the stronger depictions in other material are now invalid. It doesn't mean anything, actually, except the fact that both are canon and therefore neither are incontrovertibly true. Most modern 40k enjoyers tend to like the more overpowered stuff because it's more fun, so, if we're going by popularity and general consensus(which I'm not saying we should), there is no debate to be had. All of that being said, again, the facts I've listed about the "official" Astrates Chapters are pretty agreed upon.
Nope. Here's something from the creators that might be of interest. *"Keep in mind Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 are worlds where half truths, lies, propaganda, politics, legends, and myths exist. The absolute truth which is implied when you talk about “canonical background” will never be known because of this. Everything we know about these worlds is from the viewpoints of people in them which are as a result incomplete and even sometimes incorrect. The truth is mutable, debatable and lost as the victors write the history… Here’s our standard line: Yes it’s all official, but remember that we’re reporting back from a time where stories aren’t always true, or at least 100% accurate. if it has the 40K logo on it, it exists in the 40K universe. Or it was a legend that may well have happened. Or a rumour that may or may not have any truth behind it. Let’s put it another way: anything with a 40K logo on it is as official as any Codex… and at least as crammed full of rumours, distorted legends and half-truths.."* - [Marc Gascogne, chief editor Black Library]( Yes, it is a convenient way to allow authors to do what they want with the IP. It is also unreliable narration where you can't take anything at face value. Theoretically yes, you could say that I'm just as wrong as you. But while you take the feats in the books as they're written, I look at those feats and compare them to the overarching setting and lore-while realizing that it should all be taken with a grain of salt. It's like if we were studying history together. You study WWII using only Nazi propaganda and think it's the truth. I'm looking at that propaganda, fully realizing that it's propaganda and looking at all other pieces at the same time.
The protoss would in general give the imperium a hell of a run for their money in a pound for pound throwdown. Protoss have TONS of firepower, but the zealots are also arguably the strongest troop melee option in either universe... Contested only by the Dark Templar who are also Protoss, and trade durability for stealth utility... There might be individuals who can fight Zealots and Dark Templar evenly in the 40k universe, but I'd wager that largely thanks to the prevalence of the impressive individual protoss shield barriers, they're the best comprehensive melee force, and I'm not even tossing in the Archons...
@@piercethroughheart5700 just because something is the best in one thing doesn't mean it is invincible. I didn't argue that the protoss were god tier, just that their melee prowess is top tier. What fkn tool would you use to fend off a charging swordmaster?
Sorry I want to correct one small detail, the bolter round is roughly the same diameter as a normal human first, tipped with adamantine, is self-propelled, and explodes on impact. Which is a little stronger than a Terran bullet. I may be wrong but last I checked they use bullets and guns similar to what we currently have
lore wise apparently, terran Gauss riffle shoot depleted uranium rounds at supersonic speed in small burst of 3 to avoid injuries and damage to the marine.
Gauss Rifles shoot depleted uranium rounds. They are very powerful at killing organic targets like Zerg but very ineffective against Protoss shielding. They usually need an EMP to get past that or a lot of Grakata.
Terran rifles shoot 50cals at about match 2 speed, and marines are like literaly a mf in a suit, half of them are prisioners who just get send in They have effective weapons and armor and sheer number
@@gastoncoscia5031 they shoot 8mm rounds. Bolters shoot close to 20mm rounds which are also AP and HE. That’s also not counting Space Marine the game having a .998cal Bolter as a regular Bolter.
@@ivanivanovitchivanovsky7123 they shoot uranium covered bullets at hipersonic speed, 30 bullets per second out of normaly a mag of 100 with variants of 500, and also they literaly have auto aim so they dont really miss bullets neither As the youtuber here said (its an anti tank minigun)
@@gastoncoscia5031 except that’s a bunch of rubbish and you know it. Auto aim? Rubbish, we literally see Marines missing all the time, even back in the Brood War trailer where marines miss a Zergling right in front of them. As for claiming they’re equivalent to 20mm autocannons, that’s also bunk. A Zergling gets killed by regular colonists with old shotguns, if the gauss rifle was akin to a 20mm autocannon, the Zergling would not require even a long burst to kill, except they always seem to require a fair few bullets to drop. The creator of the vid doesn’t know jack about either universe. If you want to argue that Gauss rifles are some 20mm autocannon equivalent based on one description that’s contradicted by every single lore showing, then if we do the same for 40k we end up with Bolters that can punk tanks following some lore scaling. Do you really want that? Because if you want to wank tf out of SC, we also wank tf out of 40k, then we end up with hypersonic Marines shooting rounds that defeats armour that can face tank Astartes throwing hands that rips up tanks. Don’t be silly.
@@mansoloraphyblacktemplar5908 how? a lot of these talking points don't seem too adequate a power sword can literally cut through anything its stated in the lore it can definitely cut through an energy shield
@@ghazskullmagoruktrakaproph887 same with ion blades zealots use they can also cut through anything and space marines don't have shield, and zealots can dash/teleport depends on what type of zealot, they are also more nimble and same with space marines thry are powered by faith
@@sleepisgood2936 well from I've seen a good comparison is the Harley Quinns they seem to be exactly like zealots on one on one a space Marine normally kills them but if there are multiple Harley Quinns space Marines are simply just done for
@@ghazskullmagoruktrakaproph887 idk about harlry Quins they seem to be more deadlier than zealots cause of their weapons, zealots are more like eldar/necron
If i know my sc lore. Zealots and high templar are the same thing. One focuses their psychic energy into a blade, the other focus on psychic attacks. Both can swap roles.
@@VoidTemplar they are two different sides of a coin from what I’ve read zealots are almost purely focused on psychical combat while high templars are focused on the ethereal psionic powers what I mean is zealots don’t project their psionic powers with how he says it appears that he believes that all Templar (zealots being lower Templar) can use stuff like psionic lightning while in melee combat
When he said space marines are 7 feet tall I knew he knew very little, the average marine is 7-9 feet tall and train for way longer than 50 years. Their whole life if war and combat training that never ends till death. He never mentioned the type of amo a bolter can fire and brought up energy shields as if it's some be all end all answer.
@@TrippxTrapp that's not even beginning to mention all the cybernetic enhancements implemented into space Marine physiology to easily counteract anything a protoss could dream of bringing to a fight.
@@SekturSwampThe enhancements wouldn't exactly help a space marine in this battle. They simply wouldn't have the firepower to take out the Zealot fast enough before the Zealot gets within melee range.
@@voidtempering8700 space Marines have enhanced muscles and tendons for strength and reaction speed to meet the speed of protoss, ability to spit venom, power weapons that far exceed protoss weapons, extensive and continuous training from age 8, and resistance to any psionic attacks. It gets even more stacked against the protoss with higher level marines, primaris Marines, or specialized trained marines
"Beyond 40k power swords." I dont know how you get better than splitting atoms from each other other than literally splitting the atoms and creating a nuclear explosion. Power swords literally dont "cut" anything, they just slice between atoms.
Um two rando condemned criminals can kill a zealot I'm pretty sure a space marine would have zero issues. Now a dark templar would probably run their fade
I mean, it kind of doesn't matter who pilots the terrain suit since it has auto air, pretty good one as well. Also, wasn't there a space marine who got killed when a peasant who stabbed him on the throat? Hard to tell, since in some books they're basically what the juggernaut is to us, and in others they're basically paper
@@robertwaimer9863 literally gets stabbed by spear from some random dude in the throat, there's loads of marines getting killed by random as shit such as the above example, in universe explanation is that anytime in space marine does some one man army shit its actually propaganda from the inquisition
the times we see a zealot die in the novel it is a couple fighting a squad of marines a couple of firebats that shoot plasma and two goliaths that was an even fight or ultrlaisk the size of a biotitan and still kill it. The idea of criminals is not to understand Earth technology, it carries an Ia that points unconsciously and those who are resocialized carry false memories that imprint knowledge. A resocialized person can remember using his equipment for 300 years even though he has only been on the job for one day.
Zealot meets baseline Grey Knight. Grey Knight sighs, calls a buddy or two, wipes out entire planet of Protoss. Nuff said. Suffer not the Heretic to live.
@@TFASplbtttt the zerg in general just wipe out the imperium. The obscene masses of humans becoming infested, every incoming ship being a planetary extiction scenario.
Yeah 30 shots from a Terran rifle, but you have to remember we talking about a bolter, and the fact they can output a shit ton of rounds in the matter of a couple seconds, close combat? Zealot wins, long range, space marine, at long range the zealot would get vaporized and I think they’d even struggle a decent amount in close combat too just since they both somewhat equal in power
A. Could you tell me what knife that is? B. Cutting atoms would lead to nuclear explosions. C. Are you thinking of power swords that cut through molecular bonds? Those are quite potent, but the Zealot psi blades are made of thought, not molecules. Not even atoms.
@@MarcusVance the basic Astartes combat knife has a mono-molecular edge that doesnt dull. Thats not how nuclear explosions work. Youd need more then just splitting the nucleus. Its also fiction so.. Also a weapon being made of thought makes it sound weaker, not stronger. Its like a conjured weapon.
Idk, a weapon made of thought that can "cut through almost any object regardless of density" seems pretty impressive to me. And one aspect of the fiction is that 40k is a setting where technology has been in regression for 10,000 years and has been veiled by religion. The simple act of flipping a light switch requires a lengthy ritual. They think guns have recoil because the machine spirit inside is angry at their target. When these people say "mono-molecular", what are the chances that it *really* is mono-molecular?
@@MarcusVance well that just sounds like Green Lantern level self hype. Is their mental state going to hinder it? Also while youre right, the standard issue combat blade actually is a rediscovered blueprint from the golden age of technology. So it was made well before the worship of the machine spirit. The argument is a space marine, not a member of the mechanicum. Any worship and prayer marines give is for the emporer, not the machines themselves.
I feel like it drastically depends on the space marine chapter because that factor does matter raven guard are known for stealth death guard are known for unending frontal sluggish assaults like all of the thousand suns are both space marines (now chaos space marines) AND psychic
To be fair, the reason why space marines would lose this is because after the emperor sat on the golder throne all manner of technology became scarce. Each space marine WOULD'VE been equiped with centurion armor on top of their space marine armor and should be wielding graviton guns and volkite guns. Now they're just power swords, chain swords and bolters.
Base to base, absolutely I agree. But where the argument gets more jaded is when you add different space marine chapters into the mix and what loadout of weapons each space marine is using. Plus don’t even get started on adding chaos space marines cause they get goated with chaos fückery with different weapons like sound based ones with Slaanesh and space aids ones based with Nurgle. But base to base I 100% whole heartedly agree
I think space marines take the cake, thr teeth on a chain sword are sharp enough to cut through atoms, their bolters shoot rocket propelled rounds that penetrate heavy armor and explode after piercing their target, they have superhuman reflexes and strength, they’re also 8-9 feet tall depending on the chapter, biologically designed to know no fear, and can tank much more damage to their physical bodies than a Protoss thanks to their biology.
Honestly I think this one would depend on which Marine chapter you're talking about for this one. Let's also not forget that Protoss are based on the Warhammer Eldar, who the Space Marines have held their own against before.
Marcus: basic loadouts Space Marine basic loadout according to Marcus: BOLTER. NOTHING ELSE(conveniently ignores the massive armament loadout of even the average tactical marine such as iron halos, volkites, plasma, power weapons, chain weapons, krak grenades, etc...all of which are likely to be in abundance) Literally any other IP: oh well he has ten guns, an energy shield, a respawn anchor, and the hand of god
Lol, no. A basic tactical load out is literally just a bolter, possibly another magazine for said bolter, few grenades, and a combat knife. Only support squads and up start to get things like Volkite, plasma or melta weapons and only things like assault marines ever even get chainswords, much less the power weapon he mentioned here.
Because Space Marines are way too jerked off, and need to realize as buff as they are they can die to many things. Protoss technology is somewhere inbetween Tau and Necrons. Necrons > Protoss > Tau. Protoss big weakness is they lack in numbers.
Have to call out a few points here: - melee vs ranged depends on the chapter.... Space Wolves are melee specialists, Raven Guard stealth etc.. - you cant compare starcraft sm weapons with warhammers due to their range of weaponry and ammo.... They have stuff vs everything... Plasma, Explosive, armor piercing... hell they have virus ammunition. Space Marines never stop their training and you have SM that are centuries old not being too rare. Dante is over 1500 years old.. And they do face enemies with similar shields and abilities... look at the Eldar.. Plus they have psykers too...
the starcraft ones have the benefit of being written years after gw settled on space marine lore which meant by the power ceiling was higher when the zealots came onto the scene
I love how he’s folding laundry like we’re friends just chitchatting
I love it
Could protoss zealots beat halo Spartans like the the Spartan II program Spartans like masterchief? I wonder 🤔
he's folding the laundry the same way Zeratul would fold Magnus the angsty teen
Then you got khornate chaos marines with swords hotter than the sun
What the hell are these captions
Is nobody gonna talk about how he’s just doing his laundry as he talks about two immensely powerful super soldiers battling to the death?
It makes you look smarter
Time effeciency man.
@@thehippie3610 an admirable trait
Why? We all still watched it lol
A protoss zealots are melee infantry no gene modification is done to them while space marines are heavy gene modified
Reminder: if the Space Marine does manage to win the fight, the Zealot will be warped out by the mini-gateway on their armor before a fatal injury is received and, if they are still in good fighting shape, they will be patched up, given a new set of armor, and warped back into the fight.
Protoss technology is beyond insane, and it's only for game balance reasons that the Zerg and Terran forces stand a chance at all.
The protons literally lost their homeworld and got saved by a cowboy bro
@@shleepz Well you can't fault them since those freaking zergs even the hydralisk can tank some terran high caliber bullets plus they spawn a lot
iirc the justification of the protoss losing is that they just don't have the numbers.
@@shleepzno amount of tech can let you hold out against the Swarm in lore even Raynor said so not to mention after losing to zerg rush they also lost their Golden Armada to Amon lol, took refuge in Shakuras, gets zerg rushed again, and had to overload the planet.
Zerg shit on the Protoss so much that their entire population left is just the Spear of Adun.
@@YoMamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa if Protoss were smart they would’ve just stayed in space and blasted the planet to oblivion
Ooh boy, he said 40K loses, here comes Buttermilk Bob to nerd rage all over you.
Yeah even though in 40k lore the main killers of space marines are literally psykers or anything psychic in nature. They are are the main things that kill space marines and I'm a 40k fan saying this
Incredibly cost efficient too, space marines are selected from a young age assuming they have the right genetic match- then undergo surgery and mental conditioning and even then it’s not guaranteed they succeed those 50 years.
For a zealot you just need 100 minerals and a powered warp gate
And the Zealots don't reallt die, they just become Dragoons or get warped back.
The 50 years part is utter bullshit btw. 50 years is the average life span of a space marine and they are considered veterans from that point. Their training is much much faster.
@@sarcasticlittleass you know space marines can live up and over 1,000 years old right? And if they are connected to a dreadnaught then that number can change to 10,000. Are you talking about marines from Starcraft? Cause they’re way different from a space marine
Yeah, they can just warp away any number of times with no way to block it, plus there's the purifiers who can just endlessly rebuild themselves
Yeah 100 minerals you get more bang for your buck! But would STILL NEED TO CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL PYLONS!
Primarus librarian enters the chat !
Suffer not the alien to live.
Photos immortal
I don't know their quote
Huh both of them start with a p
Protoss Archon: *Laughs in Psionic Fuckery*
Grey knight go brrrr
Dark templar Go *Warp*
Unless the warhammer character was named. Then he's an unkillable vehicle of wrath and plot armor
The zealot is being controlled by a Korean 😢
You forgot one huge advantage the marine would have: His undying faith in the immortal Emperor! I'd take that over any filthy xenos trickery any day.
Except the starcraft zealot has that same unyielding faith
@@F020-n7o Right? It’s literally in the name lol.
A faith even stronger than just for the worship over one emperor, a faith for the khala and their people.
Filthy xenos trickery.
dude is literally named "zealot" they're probably as pious as your local templar marine
Fun fact about Zealots, ever seen a Protoss corpse ingame?
That's because when a Protoss warrior is defeated and in a critical state, their entire body gets warped back to the Mothership in an instant, like as soon as it happens.
This is how the Protoss gets such a reliable number of wounded warriors to pilot their Dragoons and Immortals.
Stalkers as well, unless only wounded nerazine are used to make those.
Gonna be the smartass but yes, dragoons, immortals and stalkers. Id consider seeing those units dead as corpses
What's not mentioned here is that Zealots have leg enhancements and are specifically trained in engaging ranged opponents by charging at them ridiculously fast. Also Zealots wear armour under their plasma shielding that could protect them from short bursts of bolter fire while their shields regenerate. They also have a considerable psionic presence that can mess with the heads of any human telepath. The Protoss are kinda ridiculous in terms of technology and power.
Oh, also that Baneling that the Zealot runs into in the cinematic is filled with acid that can melt through several feet of reinforced steel and the plasma shield protected him against one, though not two.
I mean tbh the space marines go up agaisnt eldar which are practically the same but more squishy with no problems
Its hard thou to actually figure out who would win like it'll be really close
@@datcheesecakeboi6745 do Eldar have personal shields? I don't actually know if they do. I also think that Protoss are more psychically powerful than Eldar, but I'm not sure.
@@rozmarinideas5340 i mean they are more squishy but i think they do have shields? Either way its kinda like
An elder is to a zealot is like a spartan to a space marine if that makes sense
Zealots are just elder but from the future (kinda lore wise the eldar get trippy af n confusing im more so using the tabletop not the full lore here)
Standard Eldar Banshees do not get personal shields yet have no problems getting in close to slaughter Space Marines.
A Zealot, who has a weapon that ignores tensile strength (Psi-Blade) is gonna peel your average SM out of his armour.
@@datcheesecakeboi6745 ahahahahaha that's a good one, but now being serious, the eldar are nothing like the protoss, they don't have personal shields, neither is alog described as such in the material, they are psychic weaklings that characters from the imperium far outnumber a race that was supposed to be dominant in that field and they fucked up stronger than the protoss, on the other hand the protoss are not exaggerated with the unreliable narrative and even if they are few, the different factions they have have different upgrades so a zealot can fuck an astartes.
Now do Protoss Immortal VS Warhammer Dreadnaught please!
That would be fun to see
I mean the immortal win like no contest tho. Won't even take damage
Sorry my bad, the immortal would take like... 30 damage
@@amarumurga846 Hardened Shields FTW! (Can't believe they got rid of those in Legacy of the Void. Really would've helped against those hybrids.)
Against a standard boxnaught, it would be no contest for the Protoss, but against other patterns like the Leviathan or Contemptor with energy shielding and more advanced weapons, I think it would be a decent match
Black Templar: attempting and failing to withhold urge to purge for the emperor.
Protoss: why do I hear boss music?
That would be a fair fight actually. Well, fair until the BT have their ships engage. 40K ships eat SC ships. A Battlecruiser is about the size of a civilian 40K cargo ship.
@williampg gois nothing can stand in the way of the god emperors chosen chapter!!!! No Xenos scum will be allowed to live in the presence of the god emperors light!
Ships? Protoss can make singularities aka black holes at will. And their ships are in fact ginormous. To say their ships are like functioning cities is pretty accurate.
Now for the Terran Battle cruisers they highly vary, some like the Norad 2 are massive as hell. We just are used to the Hyperion which is a smaller but much faster battle cruiser designed for hit and run. And they do have the Yamato cannon, a long ranged weapon that could even smack apart the Protoss city ships so I would not underestimate them.
Besides the Battle cruisers are the least of your worries the wraith fighters and science vessels will give you way more trouble.
@@yammoto148 PURGE THE HERETIC
@@nicholasgicante9253 En Taro Adun
Angry Marine with power chair- Cursing intensifies
Zealots would stand NO chance
@@KendrickLamar87their chances of survival is -10.-10000
Bob the Zealot can take that angry marine on.
Idk why but I just pictured a Angry Marine cursing in Spanish as he turned to a Zealot.
For people who think this is wierd. Protoss technology is somewhere inbetween Tau and Necrons. And a Zealot is just the standard infantry of the Protoss.
I honestly think it's kind of Imperium and Necrons, the Protoss are more similar to the Imperium if you think about it.... They charge into battle, they both have and had golden ages where they got their OP tech from, they're kinda xenophobic, they both have dreadnoughts (dragoons/immortals), though the Protoss aren't exactly religious except for the Tal'darim but then again they have like the Aeldari/Krork standing
Now, what about a librarian
I think Librarians would struggle against an enemy who has mastered their abilities and can call on them without tempting The Warp.
They'd need to be Gray Knight level to stand a chance.
It's a yes and no deal, you're combining two universes that function differently. Protos do not deal with the warp in the same way as 40k pychers do. And simply bashing them in a world where the warp exist can complicate things a lot for something alien to this universe.
I think the best way to compare them is by looking at relative power and effectiveness--rather then a head on fight
Who is most powerful and who would win in a fight are questions with two different answers.
I'm not sure that an old lady working at the library could beat a Zealot
How about this, kaldor draigo can vs zealot equivalent
A Grey Knight VS a Zealot would be interesting
The angels may fall but the guard stands.
Protoss: no matter where you stand. I'll just glass you from orbit.
The planet will break before the Guard!
@@RandomPerson-tz7wk Exterminatus: "Allow me to introduce myself"
Inquisitor: *exterminatuses said planet * ●-● OK and
**Gray Knight goes Brrrrrrrrrrrrt!**
Really the protoss are insanely busted. The only reason they don't entirely dominate the Starcraft universe is because they have small numbers after what amounts to civil wars while also dealing with other major threats. In a 1v1 with a space marine the marine doesn't even really have a chance, because while it isn't shown in game (for balance) in lore, when a zealot charges you, you can't even damage his shield, he becomes intangible. So he gets to run up to you completely invulnerable before you have to deal with a shield that can basically tank 30 Gau 8 Avenger rounds.... while his sword is basically guaranteed to slice you in two.
A space marine would just be happy enough to fight the guy in melee, even if he loses.
Zelots really enjoy meleeing in the name of aiur
a power sword pretty much turns whatever it comes into contact with to jelly THEN the blade hits it
@@vanillaicecream2385 not actually sed it has a field that makes the cutting adage 1 atom in thickness that’s what allows it to cut so well it’s still hot as duck tho hence the lightning effect
@@vanillaicecream2385 the zealot swords do just about the same thing
Psi-Blades ignore tensile strength. No matter what he's hitting, the Zealot is gonna tear through it unless a power field can clash with it.
The Protoss is the coolest thing that’s come out of Blizzard.
Because it was meant to be a 40k game
@@trajan4770 big misconception
@@trajan4770 40k was only the inspiration. Tyranid-zerg, for example. But its just inspiration
@@trajan4770 Warcraft was what was supposed to be a Warhammer game. GW turned Blizzard down after seeing they wanted 100% control over the plot so instead Blizzard turned it into Warcraft. Then later on StarCraft was made and that basically just became the equivalent for what 40k is to Warhammer fantasy.
@@TmanTheTdog a really buzzare case of convergent Evolution, but after all StarCraft and Warhammer draw from the same sources
The Protos Zealots look like Sangheili in an even more fantastical setting.
Dont you mean the Sangheili looks like a Protoss? :p
You know StarCraft is older than halo
@@CallsignYukiMizuki Well, Halo was originally supposed to be an RTS, i actually thought it was a rip-off when i first saw halo with the psi blades they had.
@@WindiChilliwack lhalos is based in novel star hammer
@@drakolobo Oh? Learn something everything, now you got me hooked!
Old protoss main here. I think you're underselling the power sword. Its wrapped in a disintegration field. 40k is the opposite of the real world high end defense outclasses high end offense and everything is dialed up to 11. So the powersword can act like lightsabers and ignore most armor.
a pwer swors i near be a standar weapon and crossover work equa psiblade . are compaing with a basic troop
People keep bringing up energy shields like space marines have never had to deal with energy shields.
True, but they're still none the less pesky for your average marine. You have to use special energy weapons to breach them, or they'll simply nullify your first shots. And Protoss are similar to non-slanesh eldar in the sense that they have psychic powers and no limitation on their use. Canonically, protoss are all psykers and have battle-related psyker powers on top of their energy swords and shields. And their psionic powers are linked, so they get stronger with bigger numbers, similar to Orks.
They are like a watered down version of grey knights. Your average marine is in serious trouble when fighting these badasses.
@@runtergerutscht4401 and theres a version with a gigant axe and another that can become invisible and smack people in the face to stun them
@@runtergerutscht4401 non slaneesh Eldar would be the Dark Eldar or Drukhari.
And necrons also have tech on the level of the protoss.
The imperium has fought quite literally everything
@@Hockabout55 non-slanesh eldar as in eldar before Slanesh got orgied into existance.
And what point are you making here exactly? The necrons are way more advanced than the protoss so you're downplaying them here when they harness dead gods as batteries and can actually snuff out stars by hand.
Protoss are far from that, even with their time-manipulating technology, warp travel and psionic bullshittery.
Yes but they'd never had to deal with energy shields this powerful on just a footsoldier. Terran Marines are weak compared to Space Marines BUT their guns are stupid powerful in-lore. Their caliber and firepower puts even Bolters to shame. They're essentially fully automatic anti-material rifles, and zealot shields can tank 30 rounds of them more or less. The Zealots themselves can tank some hits from it as well when the shield goes down. Undoubtedly it would take WAY MORE bolter rounds to breach the shields than just 30, which would give the zealots ample time to close the distance and go in for the kill.
Zealots are like a Psyker Marine that can actually control their powers lol
I'm just going to call a librarian
It's gonna get stabbed to death
Exactly what I was thinking or the custodes. I mean if Protoss are the elite warriors why isn’t it versus an elite of god emperor of mankind. It’s really weird how people make certain scenarios so one sided. It’s like if they put darth vader versus a librarian, a basic ass librarian. The elite of the elite of the Star Wars universe vs. a no name. It’s never the chapter leader or champion it’s always private has two decades of experience compared to Dante’s 1500 years. It’s annoying really I love the protoss especially dark templars but 40k will roffle stomp them into the ground especially after encountering tyranids (zergs on acid), the black crusades, the eldar (elfish Protoss), demons, and orkz, and yeah necrons but yeah a Protoss would have such an easy time. Haha
@@murderousraven5958 not to mention the sisters of silence, the grey knights, the custodes, hell even one of the Lucifer Blacks which are able to get within the guard of the alpha legion primarch one on one and delivered a very nasty blow TO A PRIMARCH
@@clover8673 and I mean, we know of similarly psychic daemonhosts getting taken out by cadian karskins.
Look guys, in a fictional fight it’s hard to compare different universes together, and what they have to deal with when fighting the other, but in terms of the questions asked and answer given in terms of context. A elite human soldier in 40k can be seen as a regular space marine not a librarian or grey knight because they are elites taken from elites. Not trying to take sides but it’s like comparing rifles and you bring an LMG sure it’s a gun but it’s in a different category.
P.s I don’t even know anything about the StarCraft universe, all I know is he is talking about a standard kit elite soldier in their respective race.
Edit: about the topic of when universes vs, in the star craft universe there is no such thing as the warp so if they where to fight how would that impact the fight, if the 40k where in StarCraft universe would they be disconnected to the warp and thus any powers from it be unusable or if they can use it what would happened now that corruption of the warp is no longer there. In the flip side due to the protoss psychic link and decades of training and use of it would it be amplified by this new connection to the warp, since all there gear seems to be powered by there psychic powers then it too would be increased meaning there shield would be indestructible but there weapons would have even greater damage, and what if they fall to the corruption of the warp and become even more stronger. All I am saying is when comparing universe to fight you really can’t compare them equally because each one works differently and trying to explain what would happen when they cross into the other side either way would be to difficult.
So now that my rant is over, how has your day been, has it been well? For me it’s not been the best 😅.
Custodes aren't Space Marines.
@@justamoogle5268 He didn't say they were
Yeah i think they would do some good until they reach bigger stuff. The stalker has a particle disruption gun and can teleport short distances at will. Or a dark templar who are permanently invisible and can also teleport at will.
"Wait, why are we here fighting their equivalent to standard infantry? We have our own standard infantry along with the astartes for God-Emperor's sake."
@@CommissarChaotic because the dt sm matchup is just kinda sad
Thank you so much for doing a properly researched match up. And I've been saying for years that Protoss to 40k Marine is a far better matchup, as SC Marines are basically IG in Power Armour, so Sisters of Battle are probably the closest comparable unit in 40k.
Is not really equal because they're not based for space marines but instead the Eldar is the template they copied.
@@madmank7881 Well, no, the only thing they really have in common is being psychic. The point is the SC races are not just cookie cutter copies of 40k races. Sure there might have been some initial inspiration going on, but the SC executions are quite different, like with their Marines for example. Protoss look nothing like Eldar and have a very different racial identity to Eldar.
@@XaranAlamas you can't believe that
@@madmank7881 *Checks my original post* Yep, seems that I do! I'm a fan of both settings, most the similarities between the two settings are superficial at best, in the actual execution they're quite different.
@@XaranAlamas when did I ever say they were 1 to 1 in similarities, I just said that they have a similar template and you can't deny that .
I remember hearing that in lore they are extremely good at dodging incoming fire
Doing your chores while giving something else than spacemarines the win feels like throwing double shade at the warhammer fans.
Certified "my wife for Aiur" moment
The sheer amount of crying and whinging I see from 40k fans here is just sad.
The minute any other fictional universe can live for 5 seconds against them they seem to go on crying about it for some reason
You see when something like this happens we call in the librarians lol
Depens on the chapter...
True I was thinking from the blood ravens and if legions were allowed pre heresy 1000 sounds easy
OK so we have a solution for the zealot we need one for the high templars ,the dark templars , Immortals, archons (literal minature Stars ) .
Hmmm primarch perhaps?
All you need is the Adeptus custodies and a few grey knights problem solved
Also, zealots in lore are even way stronger. Since they are kinda FAST as sonic
There just eldar....
Like space marines literally deal with mf like this
Also white scars are also fast af
People get so upset when you remind them how often Space Marines die, there is only war.
This is what Ive been saying this whole time!
For the 40k fanboys obsessed with Starcraft, the Protoss are closer to the Astartes given that both take inspiration Roman Empire, insted of the Terrans because 90s graphics requires big shoulder pads for visual clarity
The Zealot is based on the Templar Order, and it is true that it was said by the developers that the shape of the marine was propitiated to improve visualization.
Yay! I wish more people would talk about StarCraft
Let me call the grey knights real quick
Queen of blades that can one shot a gigant mech capable of being seen from orbit and the biggest battle cruiser in existance.
So you see, things dosnt need to be demons to be scary
@@gastoncoscia5031 until you realise how big 40k stuff actually is.ever herd of an apocalypse class Titan it leaves the planets atmosphere it’s that tall and it’s not a skinny boi like the Protoss stuff
someone actually psychic like the thousand suns could show up and even the playing field a bit as well or just fucking call the space sharks and call it a day
@@trajan4770 Source for the apocalypse titan’s size? As far as I can remember it was a one-off mention with it able to be seen from Orbit, not tall enough to leave atmosphere.
@@TmanTheTdog it’s a modified empire class Titan
So, Space Marines fight and kill Psykers ALL the damned time and deal with enemies who have substantial tech advantages too.
And Zealots fight and kill enemies who are stronger, faster, better armed, and better armored than Space Marine Terminators all the time.
Protoss also have a connection to each other psychically. So they can instantly share information to each other across any distance
You clearly haven't played the Protoss campaign to it's conclusion buddy.
Tyranids and Eldar do that too
@@ambassadorofreee3859 I have
@@ambassadorofreee3859 high Templar can still communicate psionically even with the kala severed. Ik the game m8. Protoss in general are a psionic race. Most of them can still talk to each other across galaxies with just telepathic abilities. I never mentioned the kala
and space marines have comms but its a 1 on 1
The Dice will decide their fate. Not you.
He’s talking about in lore not on the tabletop
@@sethwilliams888 starcraft don't have wh40k lore in they lore, even for wh40k
@@mansoloraphyblacktemplar5908 what the fuck did you even mean to say?
Even if 1 zealot can beat 1 space marine, the protoss armada could not beat the imperium. It's not a matter of power, it's a matter of scale.
Depends are we talking current protoss or golden age? And all factions combined or just the templar?
There where hundreds of protoss motherships. Each one a planet buster with dimensional recalling advanced shielding and a field wich cloaks all forces beneath it. Each one capable of messing with time to create chronal distortion fields or messing with space to create black holes. Introducing the protoss into 40k would be the equivalent of the black legion showing up but instead of having 1 super scary vessel named the planet killer wich the imperium was terrified of. They had 100 super scary vessels wich are stronger than the planet killer who don't rely on the weirdness of the warp to ftl who also make all their troops invisible and low-key immune to death because the second a protoss zealot is about to die they just get warped back into the infirmary. Imagine the black legion landing on cadia except every troop and every tank and all their titans are also completely invisible. It does not matter how small scale the protoss fleet is in 40k by 40k standards they are still quite scary. Especially considering they don't have abbadon the failure leading them
@@eiplays2768 look, I'm a starcraft stan (check my channel) but at BEST the Protoss would just "survive" in a permanent deadlock against the imperium. Also, unless you converted the entire golden armada to the Tal'Darim they just do not have the killer instinct to hack it in the 40k universe. beyond that, even if they did, like I said, it's a matter of scale. The imperium is infinitely larger than anything the protoss have ever faced, and they were defeated by the zerg capturing their homeworld (who are MUCH smaller scale an enemy).
If protoss "victory" is survival? then sure, they can win any individual engagement against the imperium.
If protoss victory is dependent on complete subjugation of the imperium? That would be impossible, even if they tried.
If anything, from the SC universe, the Zerg would stand the best chance to conquer everything due to their viral nature and adaptability. They could match the 40k scale over time and eventually overwhelm it. But protoss? Their numbers don't even go into the billions in terms of warriors. Imperium troop numbers are so comically large they compete with particles in the known universe. And if the protoss can't fully defeat the terran, as divided as they are, they can't fully defeat the imperium
@@heliosjollywolf9552 golden age might stand more of a chance because they actually had numbers, but their arrogance at that time was also at its peak and it would lead them to make a lot of tactical blunders that would cost them too heavily. Think if Aldaris and the Conclave were the ones running the whole campaign against a foe about on par with a united Terran front that had troop numbers that rivalled particles in the known universe.
im not saying a military victory would happen. im saying that the protoss wouldnt be balled over and annihilated in a day like everyone thinks they would. the basic protoss zealot is lowkey an eldar aspect warrior with personal shielding. they can and would survive the setting. will they thrive? in my opinion no because no race in 40k is thriving aside from the orks.
What will most likely happen is that the imperium after taking their first few skirmishes with the protoss will most likely leave them be as they can not afford to spare the resources and more importantly the man power to stop the protoss the same way the imperium cannot afford to wipe out the tau rn. the imperium while massive in size with comical amounts of troops is spread so thinly trying to fight wars with the other over 9 factions they simply do not have time to waste on the protoss. especially when the protoss are bringing fleets of ships that are on par with stuff like the planet killer or the vengefull spirit from the first and second gothic wars.@@jeffreywarf
If I remember correctly statecraft was originally going to be a 40k game but the licencing deal fell through so the races were changed just enough to avoid copyright
This was definitely true of Warcraft originally being a Warhammer Fantasy game
Eldari = Protoss, Tyranid = Zerg, and Space Marines = Orks
Not StarCraft, but Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, the first game of the Warcraft franchise
Yes, it was supposed to be. Zerg are exactly Tyranids, Protoss are very changed Eldar, and the Terran Marines, well. They look almost the same
@@itambor Zerg are insectoids from starship troopers, and the marine (the Power armor really) also comes from that franchise.
This gets thrown out a lot because by mostly coincidence the games have a fair bit in common, but it's been documented that the Warhammer game was Warcraft Orcs & Humans
''so a space marine bolter would be pretty good right?''
zealot casually eating a burst of bullets equivilent to that of an A-10's Gau 8 avenger autocannon
one thing your forget it's that protoss have a last "protection". a teleportation device wich is activated when the zealot is about to be killed. (it's why we see a blue "ghost" when they "die". So if they're teleport at the right time, they can go fight again. If not the remaining of their body and conscience is put inside a dragoon (or later, a stalker or an immortal).
30k thousand sons entire the chat. With Elder in the next room.
The Protoss are better than the eldar in every way. They managed to take back their homes. Yet the Eldari? Yeah they're not doing to well
Protoss have Archons.
@@yammoto148 one eldar would delete a a bunch of zealots, you're underestimating the speed and reaction time an Eldar is going to have over a zealot as well as weaponry. One harlequin would wreck 12 zealots
@@zachhogan7865 Not even close buddy. And besides Zealots its not like the Protoss don't have superior weapons, artillery, Archons, ships that can make black holes but yeah sure buddy. The fact that you think you can beat a race that has the force but on steroids is laughable to say the least.
@@yammoto148 the protoss don't lmaooo. The elder and the imperium burn world's and clusters for a hobby. A harlequins kiss would go through any armor, a power weapon also doesn't care about armor. You also have never actually read any of the lore on either side I see. This argument is already over
I feel like Protoss Zealots definitely have the edge, but Space Marines are typically strong enough to win enough of the time to make it an interesting fight.
In melee sure. Zealots don’t have guns tho so they’re taking fat Ls when not being TPed into melee
@@ivanivanovitchivanovsky7123 Actually no, they transfer themselves into light to get in melee.
So they effectively deepstrike and then immediately charge in at the speed of light, with their shields tanking the shots that reach them.
@@Dragonspirit223 they can’t do that for longer range and still get regularly killed by Zerg and Marines, so something tells me it’s either rare (which would make sense if it’s a hard skill to learn) or extremely taxing (might require a cool-down of sorts).
It’s basically a cool trump but one they’ve never used in lore for us to analyse.
@@ivanivanovitchivanovsky7123 their energy shields would almost completely nullify bolters. Terran rifles make bolters look like nerf guns
@@brayburell6814 aaand you have just shown me you don’t read any of the lore.
Congrats. No, the shields won’t do jack or squat against a good burst of Bolter fire, Bolters are the ones that make Terran gauss rifles look like nerf guns, get it right. The Indomitus Crusade core book outright describes Astartes as wearing armour equivalent to a light tank, and this is in a universe where some examples of light tanks are using 105mm hyper velocity guns and armour that needs at minimum those guns to penetrate their armour with regular rounds.
Even ignoring that, we’ve had Bolters consistently blowing people up when shot, punching holes in Astartes armour that can protect from autocannons, shoot fist sized or larger holes in metal, shoot right through heavily armoured APCs and IFVs, the list goes on.
What’s the Gauss rifle do? Uh… miss half the time like in the first StarCraft cutscenes and trailers? Fail to instantly kill Zerglings that get killed by colonists with shotguns and mining lasers in “Broken Wide”?
Like the best we’ve seen it do is blow up heads. Like cool, that’s still not even as strong as a Bolter.
Zealots are also slightly phaseshifted and can "charge", which is like a Warpspider-teleport.
only when improved which is not a standard zealot
@@Nacoleptic I mean, not in the PvP game, but in the cinematics, fully fledged zealots do that all the time.
well, im not super savvy on starcraft lore so im assuming that the standard is the non-augmented basic zealot and that cutscenes portray improved ones. It might be wrong of me to take in-game stuff as reference though, im not sure yet.
ok i read the zealots wiki... zealots that distinguish themselves in battle get leg augmentations and after broodwar some zealots are able to phase shift to close the gap between them and an enemy. So the standard fresh out of bootcamp zealot is basically the in game non augmented one.
@@Nacoleptic We'd have to discuss Protoss military economics. They are a dieing race. Iirc they don't age. "Out the bootcamp" isn't really a thing in their society.
Let's just say both exist. Because what was the original question again?
A Protos zealot is like an eldar super soldier.
Considering the protoss were meant to be the eldar, as starcraft II was meant to be a 40k game, this makes sense.
*Laughs in Auramite*
Laughs in it getting sliced by psiblades
@@clan741 Laughs in auramite being psychically resistant while the custodes absolutely demolishes the zealot and makes the zealots decades of training look like wasted time
@@dierdred_the_gray laughs in no.
@@FWAKWAKKA laughs in custodes make space marines look like inept babies, zealots wouldn't be any better
@@dierdred_the_gray a space marine would still destroy a zealot lmao. The pretentious guy folding laundry has no idea of power level. Starcraft is an rts while 40k is a fleshed out universe, hell a few orcs would delete a zealot
Protoss live to be about 1 thousand, and the current leader is about 262, I think they got like 100+ years to train
Space marines can live well over a thousand years.
@@justinpurcell3717 especially if they persevered long enough to be put in a dreddie
@@justinpurcell3717 from what i know avrege marins live more or less 300
@@Shadow30. before they get killed in action not by old age
@@isaaclopez8472 yes
You know thisnis one of the actual line ups thats pretty solid.
I thought so as well until i realized hes using the lowest value space marine possible considering he doesnt take into account which chapter they are from and that had a drastic impact in itself, like the thousand suns are all psychic
@@PuckCld basic loadout compared to basic loadout is pretty standard. Most of these comparisons use an ultrasmurf with standard kit and abilities
@@alexhoughton3305 im not aware of if he was using the very most basic form of the protoss zealot for the fair comparison as far as i could tell he was just talking about space marines vs protoss and literally every space marine has a quirk of some kind from their chapter so i figured that is their base its just a choice of which chapter they are from, i wasnt aware they tend to just default to ultramarines, is it just do to the numbers? Or because they have no “special gift” from their gene seed
@@PuckCld as far as i'm aware, ultramarines are the standard for comparison due to them being the best known, most prevalent space marines, yeah.
As far as the protoss zealots are concerned, their kit never diversifies in the games which is the only starcraft media i am personally familiar with so i'd say it's safe to assume that both loadouts are competitor standard.
@@alexhoughton3305 it seems reasonable for general matches like this but since thats the case it would seem equally reasonable to use any other chapter i don’t know a lot of people who play space marines and no one who plays Smurf’s tbh so from where I’m sitting its just because they have the best situation rn which isn’t a bad reason but its not great either. I think it would of been quite a bit more interesting to use a opponent who can mirror the protoss more fairly when theres chapters like a thousand sons who are just psychically adapt space marines(before being basically forced into chaos) lol
Counterpoint: the space marine can pitch a large krak grenade at 200mph
the zealots would probably just show up, and then crack space marines open like giant metallic eggs.
"My life for Aiur."
Need more lesbian gas
A zealot would win against a Space Marine short of a librarian 70% of the time and that's fact.
>inb4 librarian enters the chat = A zealot is just a low ranking Templar, so having a Librarian showing up is also inviting either High or Dark Templar, which both would still win by absolutely melting the Librarian as soon as they arrive due to their energy feedback.
>inb4 Zealot's psi tech goes out = The tech the Protoss use just amplifies and focuses their psi energy into a more physical form. They don't actually need it per se.
>inb4 Zealot is only melee range = That's why the Space Marine only wins 30% of the time. They only have the closing window of removing a Zealot when they're outside of melee range, otherwise their armor is useless.
Sorry, but the Protoss have this one.
Librarian vs protoss templar??
Colossus vs titan?
Ultralisk vs a tyranid warrior??
Brutalisk vs a greater demon?
Zeus mech vs a titan????
Immortal vs a dreadnaught??
Zealot vs an eldar warrior
An archon or dark archon vs daemon prince?
God look at all these possibilities cover them all pls
Titan should clap especially if it’s a emperor class titan
Collosus vs. titan is kinda bad as a matchup, collosi(for the most part) are specialized against infantry dealing large splash damage. A wrathwalker or reaver would stand more of a chance though titans are a really tough matchup for sc in general
@@dodojesus4529 i was just basing on size and similarities cause both stand at ridiculous height and are quite similar, revears are small and slow and can easily be gunned down by titans but considering the scarabs they have that can literally destroy any armor or shield yeah they kinda got a chance
@@sleepisgood2936 reavers main strat is being low to the ground and firing before the titan notices
@@dodojesus4529 thats basically what i implied lol
Just imagine the protoss also having the rule "If everyone is OP, then no one is OP" BS, they would have the technology levels of the necrons mixed with the psychic prowess of the aeldari.
There is a bit more to Astartes than just being "tall super soldiers."
They are orders of magnitude faster and smarter than any "regular" biological humanoids. They can react to supersonic bullets flying in midair, they can move to block your attack before your own brain has received confirmation from your arm muscles that you have begun swinging your weapon. They can instantaneously formulate highly complex battle tactics and carry them out as a group in the literal blink of a human eye, and this is before you make them angry. Normal humans are paralyzed in awe and terror at the mere sight of an Astartes simply walking around, known as transhuman dread, because that's what happens when you see an 8 foot tall meathead wearing half a ton of armor running circles around you like a ballerina, far faster than your human eye can even see, that is seemingly aware of your thoughts before you even think them, _without_ being psychic.
Two Starcraft Marines, which are essentially untrained, unskilled criminals with refrigerators and miniguns bolted to them, can kill one Zealot. A single 40k space marine can probably kill thousands of Zealots, if not tens of thousands, and this isn't an exaggeration, because the purpose of Warhammer is exaggeration. No shot. They won't even touch the guy before they get turned to hamburger helper.
The purpose of 40k isn't exaggeration. It's unreliable narration.
According to the designers, editors, and authors of the setting have gone on record saying that all of the events and feats in the books are distorted with legend, propaganda, myth, half-truths, rumors, and lies.
Taking the fears at face value is not what the creators intended.
@@MarcusVance That's a moot point though, isn't it? We already know 40k isn't true, because it's a made-up fictional setting for a board game. What's the play here? Do we read the lore assuming that whart we're reading isn't true? How does that work? What are we left with, then? Literally nothing? If the current lore states that the Horus Heresy is unverifiable and unknown to 99.99999% of all in-universe factions and characters, do we assume that the Horus Heresy is lying to us, as readers? No, that's asinine.
The creators made the lore unreliable because the 40k universe is far too large and convoluted for Games Workshop to curate, alongside the fact that they wanted to be homebrew-friendly without requiring a thesaurus for every single Bolter round that gets fired. That does not mean the lore literally doesn't exist and the entire universe a daydream that is unfolding inside Macaulay Culkin's head in Home Alone or something. The same thing applies to the Star Wars EU. Kotor and Kyle Katarn are both real characters and events that really did exist, regardless of how "verified" they are by Lucasfilm, because that's how stories work. If you have two regional variations of Little Red Riding Hood, that doesn't mean the Grimm brothers wrote the book as some kind of postmodern deconstruction of unreliable narration, you know?
Plus, if there's one thing in the 40k lore that comes the absolute closest to being reliable in-universe, it would be the abilities and general characteristics of the Astartes.
Fiction is definitely not true. No arguing there.
But when discussing that fiction (like we're doing), reliable narration means we can take events, feats, and more at face value. If Jim lifts X, we can know how strong Jim is.
When discussing fiction, unreliable narration is a complex literary device. It can be used to obscure the truth, mislead, or highlight a specific point. It's written to not be taken at face value.
In Halo, Spartans dodge bullets. Given that this is reliable narration, we can reasonably assume that in this fictional setting, Spartans can dodge bullets.
In Warhammer 40k, Space Marines are sometimes shown dodging bullets. Given that this is unreliable narration, can we reasonably say that Space Marines can do that in their fictional setting?
Look at your first comment.
Given that unreliable narration is canon in 40k, is it reasonable to say that Space Marines can do... any of that?
I think of it like "did your grandpa REALLY" catch a fish that big?" Or "is what that weeb says about the katana REALLY true?"
It's definitely just fiction. But 40k is definitely a unique example of it.
@@MarcusVance As I've touched upon in my second comment, 40k is not _actually_ unreliable narration. Memento is unreliable narration. American Psycho is unreliable narration. 40k is not a mystery or a psychological thriller setting, which are typically the only types of story that use unreliable narration, because it has a useful narrative purpose when used in those genres. The point of "unreliable narration" in 40k is so that you can have different books by different writers that contain serious setting-level contradictions, like I said, just like the Star Wars EU. It's not "unreliable narration," it's inconsistent canon. The lung capacity of an Ultramarine is not "narration," it's a statistical fact, which happens to not be the same from edition to edition, or from book to book. That's not a writing technique, that's accepting a compromise because your setting is too big and you don't want to spend the rest of your life herding cats and fact checking fanfiction.
The point being, you are just as right/wrong as I am if you choose the least overpowered depiction of 40k units when compared to me selecting the most overpowered, and your exact same "unreliable narration" argument can just as easily be used against the statistics you prefer, which is why I called it a moot point. Just because Astartes are depicted as being weaker in one piece of material does not mean that the stronger depictions in other material are now invalid. It doesn't mean anything, actually, except the fact that both are canon and therefore neither are incontrovertibly true. Most modern 40k enjoyers tend to like the more overpowered stuff because it's more fun, so, if we're going by popularity and general consensus(which I'm not saying we should), there is no debate to be had. All of that being said, again, the facts I've listed about the "official" Astrates Chapters are pretty agreed upon.
Nope. Here's something from the creators that might be of interest.
*"Keep in mind Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 are worlds where half truths, lies, propaganda, politics, legends, and myths exist. The absolute truth which is implied when you talk about “canonical background” will never be known because of this. Everything we know about these worlds is from the viewpoints of people in them which are as a result incomplete and even sometimes incorrect. The truth is mutable, debatable and lost as the victors write the history…
Here’s our standard line: Yes it’s all official, but remember that we’re reporting back from a time where stories aren’t always true, or at least 100% accurate. if it has the 40K logo on it, it exists in the 40K universe. Or it was a legend that may well have happened. Or a rumour that may or may not have any truth behind it.
Let’s put it another way: anything with a 40K logo on it is as official as any Codex… and at least as crammed full of rumours, distorted legends and half-truths.."*
- [Marc Gascogne, chief editor Black Library](
Yes, it is a convenient way to allow authors to do what they want with the IP. It is also unreliable narration where you can't take anything at face value.
Theoretically yes, you could say that I'm just as wrong as you. But while you take the feats in the books as they're written, I look at those feats and compare them to the overarching setting and lore-while realizing that it should all be taken with a grain of salt.
It's like if we were studying history together. You study WWII using only Nazi propaganda and think it's the truth. I'm looking at that propaganda, fully realizing that it's propaganda and looking at all other pieces at the same time.
Starcraft protos zealot more like
Psychic Adeptus Custodes with 2 power sword and op shield :D
Thats more like zealot from aiur with psionic greataxe spear
Let's not forget the Zealot Charge
Nerazim centurions dont just charge. They effectively teleport to their target
@@thecommentguy9380 *teleports behinde you* nothing personal kid *stuns you*
That ability is so much fun in Campaign
@@thecommentguy9380 also they stun the target so the sm is in timeout while getting sliced
As a 40k fan, I am pleasantly surprised at this.
Yeah probably they can melee very well than us and our brother 😔
The protoss would in general give the imperium a hell of a run for their money in a pound for pound throwdown. Protoss have TONS of firepower, but the zealots are also arguably the strongest troop melee option in either universe... Contested only by the Dark Templar who are also Protoss, and trade durability for stealth utility... There might be individuals who can fight Zealots and Dark Templar evenly in the 40k universe, but I'd wager that largely thanks to the prevalence of the impressive individual protoss shield barriers, they're the best comprehensive melee force, and I'm not even tossing in the Archons...
@@V-stur dark templars also do much more damage. Shakuras has permanent cloak on their buildings and units
@@V-stur So how humanity of starcraft universe wins against them ?
@@piercethroughheart5700 just because something is the best in one thing doesn't mean it is invincible. I didn't argue that the protoss were god tier, just that their melee prowess is top tier.
What fkn tool would you use to fend off a charging swordmaster?
Love how he pits two factions against each other as the emperor sits on his chest and watch's .....goooooooood release your anger lol
Couldn't agree more now I want to see your take on the dark Templars versus various other assassins in the 40K
Sorry I want to correct one small detail, the bolter round is roughly the same diameter as a normal human first, tipped with adamantine, is self-propelled, and explodes on impact. Which is a little stronger than a Terran bullet. I may be wrong but last I checked they use bullets and guns similar to what we currently have
lore wise apparently, terran Gauss riffle shoot depleted uranium rounds at supersonic speed in small burst of 3 to avoid injuries and damage to the marine.
Bolter rounds are literally 12g frag rounds with a little extra spice.
Human fist? What? Depending on which lore you pick, they're either .70 caliber, or .998. That's twice the diameter of a modern-day 50 cal, at MOST.
Dude watching his other stuff I'm half convinced he makes these videos as a troll to bait people
Gauss Rifles shoot depleted uranium rounds. They are very powerful at killing organic targets like Zerg but very ineffective against Protoss shielding. They usually need an EMP to get past that or a lot of Grakata.
Forgot to mention SM bolter is a mini rocket launcher compared to the slugs Terran rifles use. Explosive mag dump
Terran rifles shoot 50cals at about match 2 speed, and marines are like literaly a mf in a suit, half of them are prisioners who just get send in
They have effective weapons and armor and sheer number
@@gastoncoscia5031 what prisoners what are u talking about Marines aren't prisoners
@@gastoncoscia5031 they shoot 8mm rounds.
Bolters shoot close to 20mm rounds which are also AP and HE. That’s also not counting Space Marine the game having a .998cal Bolter as a regular Bolter.
@@ivanivanovitchivanovsky7123 they shoot uranium covered bullets at hipersonic speed, 30 bullets per second out of normaly a mag of 100 with variants of 500, and also they literaly have auto aim so they dont really miss bullets neither
As the youtuber here said (its an anti tank minigun)
@@gastoncoscia5031 except that’s a bunch of rubbish and you know it.
Auto aim? Rubbish, we literally see Marines missing all the time, even back in the Brood War trailer where marines miss a Zergling right in front of them.
As for claiming they’re equivalent to 20mm autocannons, that’s also bunk.
A Zergling gets killed by regular colonists with old shotguns, if the gauss rifle was akin to a 20mm autocannon, the Zergling would not require even a long burst to kill, except they always seem to require a fair few bullets to drop.
The creator of the vid doesn’t know jack about either universe. If you want to argue that Gauss rifles are some 20mm autocannon equivalent based on one description that’s contradicted by every single lore showing, then if we do the same for 40k we end up with Bolters that can punk tanks following some lore scaling.
Do you really want that? Because if you want to wank tf out of SC, we also wank tf out of 40k, then we end up with hypersonic Marines shooting rounds that defeats armour that can face tank Astartes throwing hands that rips up tanks.
Don’t be silly.
“Space marines train for 50 years”
“Zealots train for decades”
😐is that not like the same thing?
Yeah but the protoss are more in melee than my brothers
@@mansoloraphyblacktemplar5908 how? a lot of these talking points don't seem too adequate a power sword can literally cut through anything its stated in the lore it can definitely cut through an energy shield
@@ghazskullmagoruktrakaproph887 same with ion blades zealots use they can also cut through anything and space marines don't have shield, and zealots can dash/teleport depends on what type of zealot, they are also more nimble and same with space marines thry are powered by faith
@@sleepisgood2936 well from I've seen a good comparison is the Harley Quinns they seem to be exactly like zealots on one on one a space Marine normally kills them but if there are multiple Harley Quinns space Marines are simply just done for
@@ghazskullmagoruktrakaproph887 idk about harlry Quins they seem to be more deadlier than zealots cause of their weapons, zealots are more like eldar/necron
If a Terran marine can kill it, a space marine can kill the shit out of it
You need at 2 marines to kill 1 zealot.
@@MrAerohank defeat the 3 Zealots you need 6 Firebats, a Goliath and a squad of Marines in novel and they still got losses
Love how he’s like they have psychic powers when the ones with psychic powers are the templars
Another example of how he doesn't actually know what he's talking about
@@thebro6204 but protoss have psychic powers, their warp saves them moments before death to re-use their bodies in constructs.
If i know my sc lore. Zealots and high templar are the same thing. One focuses their psychic energy into a blade, the other focus on psychic attacks. Both can swap roles.
@@VoidTemplar they are two different sides of a coin from what I’ve read zealots are almost purely focused on psychical combat while high templars are focused on the ethereal psionic powers what I mean is zealots don’t project their psionic powers with how he says it appears that he believes that all Templar (zealots being lower Templar) can use stuff like psionic lightning while in melee combat
A bog standard Zealot might be mistaken for a Pheonix Lord if it just showed up in 40k lol.
No it wouldn't
@@thebro6204 🤓
Zain zharr was able to cut through chaos termies like butter
This dude has a slim understanding of 40k and it shows
When he said space marines are 7 feet tall I knew he knew very little, the average marine is 7-9 feet tall and train for way longer than 50 years. Their whole life if war and combat training that never ends till death. He never mentioned the type of amo a bolter can fire and brought up energy shields as if it's some be all end all answer.
@@TrippxTrapp that's not even beginning to mention all the cybernetic enhancements implemented into space Marine physiology to easily counteract anything a protoss could dream of bringing to a fight.
@@SekturSwamp not to mention armor types the marines use as well as librarians
@@SekturSwampThe enhancements wouldn't exactly help a space marine in this battle. They simply wouldn't have the firepower to take out the Zealot fast enough before the Zealot gets within melee range.
@@voidtempering8700 space Marines have enhanced muscles and tendons for strength and reaction speed to meet the speed of protoss, ability to spit venom, power weapons that far exceed protoss weapons, extensive and continuous training from age 8, and resistance to any psionic attacks. It gets even more stacked against the protoss with higher level marines, primaris Marines, or specialized trained marines
I mean, seems like a very biased take, but hey, need to get those clicks. so fair play, you win this round sir, got me to watch X'D
Wait till he hears about Custodes
"Beyond 40k power swords." I dont know how you get better than splitting atoms from each other other than literally splitting the atoms and creating a nuclear explosion. Power swords literally dont "cut" anything, they just slice between atoms.
Psi Blades just ignore strength
Now do a Dragoon vs a Volkswagen Beatle.
Um two rando condemned criminals can kill a zealot I'm pretty sure a space marine would have zero issues. Now a dark templar would probably run their fade
I mean, it kind of doesn't matter who pilots the terrain suit since it has auto air, pretty good one as well. Also, wasn't there a space marine who got killed when a peasant who stabbed him on the throat?
Hard to tell, since in some books they're basically what the juggernaut is to us, and in others they're basically paper
I'd probably pick a squad of those crims against a squad of spacemarines any day spacemarines can't fight for shit they're morons
@@robertwaimer9863 literally gets stabbed by spear from some random dude in the throat, there's loads of marines getting killed by random as shit such as the above example, in universe explanation is that anytime in space marine does some one man army shit its actually propaganda from the inquisition
the times we see a zealot die in the novel it is a couple fighting a squad of marines a couple of firebats that shoot plasma and two goliaths that was an even fight or ultrlaisk the size of a biotitan and still kill it. The idea of criminals is not to understand Earth technology, it carries an Ia that points unconsciously and those who are resocialized carry false memories that imprint knowledge. A resocialized person can remember using his equipment for 300 years even though he has only been on the job for one day.
Zealot meets baseline Grey Knight. Grey Knight sighs, calls a buddy or two, wipes out entire planet of Protoss. Nuff said. Suffer not the Heretic to live.
Counter argument: High Templar Feedback
@@k0rf3on6 it's all academic. Once Kerrigan gets her hands on a hive fleet, it's all over
@@TFASplbtttt the zerg in general just wipe out the imperium. The obscene masses of humans becoming infested, every incoming ship being a planetary extiction scenario.
@@dodojesus4529 Burn them. Burn them all. Suffer not the Xeno, Infested, nor the Heretic to live. FOR THE EMPEROR!
That's a fair judgement ❤️
Yeah 30 shots from a Terran rifle, but you have to remember we talking about a bolter, and the fact they can output a shit ton of rounds in the matter of a couple seconds, close combat? Zealot wins, long range, space marine, at long range the zealot would get vaporized and I think they’d even struggle a decent amount in close combat too just since they both somewhat equal in power
"Theyre beyond 40k power sword levels"
Theres a literal knife that cuts through the atoms of any metal, and every marine is issued one.
A. Could you tell me what knife that is?
B. Cutting atoms would lead to nuclear explosions.
C. Are you thinking of power swords that cut through molecular bonds? Those are quite potent, but the Zealot psi blades are made of thought, not molecules. Not even atoms.
@@MarcusVance the basic Astartes combat knife has a mono-molecular edge that doesnt dull.
Thats not how nuclear explosions work. Youd need more then just splitting the nucleus. Its also fiction so..
Also a weapon being made of thought makes it sound weaker, not stronger. Its like a conjured weapon.
Idk, a weapon made of thought that can "cut through almost any object regardless of density" seems pretty impressive to me.
And one aspect of the fiction is that 40k is a setting where technology has been in regression for 10,000 years and has been veiled by religion. The simple act of flipping a light switch requires a lengthy ritual. They think guns have recoil because the machine spirit inside is angry at their target.
When these people say "mono-molecular", what are the chances that it *really* is mono-molecular?
@@MarcusVance well that just sounds like Green Lantern level self hype. Is their mental state going to hinder it?
Also while youre right, the standard issue combat blade actually is a rediscovered blueprint from the golden age of technology. So it was made well before the worship of the machine spirit. The argument is a space marine, not a member of the mechanicum. Any worship and prayer marines give is for the emporer, not the machines themselves.
Now to purifiers. They are stronger, uploaded minds, replicate after death. Basically necrons
I feel like it drastically depends on the space marine chapter because that factor does matter raven guard are known for stealth death guard are known for unending frontal sluggish assaults like all of the thousand suns are both space marines (now chaos space marines) AND psychic
Also depends on which zealot, aiur zealots maybe sentinels or dark zealots
@@sleepisgood2936 100%
Space Marines have something I like to to call the DoomSlayer factor where they're literally too angry to die
Except they die all the time.
That would only count for the angry marines who are the only chapter that uses the mighty power chair as weapon.
To be fair, the reason why space marines would lose this is because after the emperor sat on the golder throne all manner of technology became scarce.
Each space marine WOULD'VE been equiped with centurion armor on top of their space marine armor and should be wielding graviton guns and volkite guns.
Now they're just power swords, chain swords and bolters.
50 years vs decades? Wow what a difference
Ahh yes one trains for 50 years
The other trains for decades
That tells me a LOT
If it helps Zealots can live up to a millenium. They also constantly practice.
@@MaxMikescrool1 and space marines don't?
@@OmegaGamer04most die first
Base to base, absolutely I agree. But where the argument gets more jaded is when you add different space marine chapters into the mix and what loadout of weapons each space marine is using. Plus don’t even get started on adding chaos space marines cause they get goated with chaos fückery with different weapons like sound based ones with Slaanesh and space aids ones based with Nurgle. But base to base I 100% whole heartedly agree
Adeptus Custodes would like to have a word 😂
I think space marines take the cake, thr teeth on a chain sword are sharp enough to cut through atoms, their bolters shoot rocket propelled rounds that penetrate heavy armor and explode after piercing their target, they have superhuman reflexes and strength, they’re also 8-9 feet tall depending on the chapter, biologically designed to know no fear, and can tank much more damage to their physical bodies than a Protoss thanks to their biology.
Honestly I think this one would depend on which Marine chapter you're talking about for this one. Let's also not forget that Protoss are based on the Warhammer Eldar, who the Space Marines have held their own against before.
The laundry folding is such a power move lol
A librarian feels like a way better match up
Marcus: basic loadouts
Space Marine basic loadout according to Marcus: BOLTER. NOTHING ELSE(conveniently ignores the massive armament loadout of even the average tactical marine such as iron halos, volkites, plasma, power weapons, chain weapons, krak grenades, etc...all of which are likely to be in abundance)
Literally any other IP: oh well he has ten guns, an energy shield, a respawn anchor, and the hand of god
Lol, no. A basic tactical load out is literally just a bolter, possibly another magazine for said bolter, few grenades, and a combat knife. Only support squads and up start to get things like Volkite, plasma or melta weapons and only things like assault marines ever even get chainswords, much less the power weapon he mentioned here.
Lol anytime he brings up space marine vs anything else, expect the space marine to lose.
Because Space Marines are way too jerked off, and need to realize as buff as they are they can die to many things. Protoss technology is somewhere inbetween Tau and Necrons.
Necrons > Protoss > Tau. Protoss big weakness is they lack in numbers.
Based on everything that has appeared in this video, I have come to the conclusion that I’m not the only one who loves WH40k, Star Wars, and SC! Nice!
Have to call out a few points here:
- melee vs ranged depends on the chapter.... Space Wolves are melee specialists, Raven Guard stealth etc..
- you cant compare starcraft sm weapons with warhammers due to their range of weaponry and ammo....
They have stuff vs everything... Plasma, Explosive, armor piercing... hell they have virus ammunition.
Space Marines never stop their training and you have SM that are centuries old not being too rare.
Dante is over 1500 years old..
And they do face enemies with similar shields and abilities... look at the Eldar..
Plus they have psykers too...
Lmao, my boy just folding laundry mid vid.
the starcraft ones have the benefit of being written years after gw settled on space marine lore which meant by the power ceiling was higher when the zealots came onto the scene