I bought a TI Datamath like those when I was at college. It had 4 NiCd batteries and a charger transformer. 50 years later, I have bought a TI nspire CXii CAS, because I always wanted a programmable graphical calculator.
Wow, gone are the days when one received a personally signed letter (8:27) from the Head of Calculator Division with an invitation to collect call for additional assistance. Nice!
I know you mean well with a bench mark,but for me there is certain calculators that fancy my needs.The Casio FX 2.0 has a algebra tutor mode that shows you step by step.It has dozens of templates(ax+bx=cx)just plug in for a,then b and c and solve for the variable,etc..The casio class pad 330 and class pad 2(color )only have assistance mode which is Manipulate equations.I do not like that.So the Casio FX wins the Competition.Then there the Ti Nspire cx cas which can sovle cubrics,but the Ti 89 can not do.(AX3 + BX2 + CX + D = 0)for example and then there is wolf amp alpha which is online,shows step by step and solves Quartic Equations y= ax^4+ bx^3+ cx^2+ dx+ e for which no graphing calculator will solve.I hope you see my point.
I bought a TI Datamath like those when I was at college. It had 4 NiCd batteries and a charger transformer. 50 years later, I have bought a TI nspire CXii CAS, because I always wanted a programmable graphical calculator.
My dad has a Datamath just like that. It is still working well. He likes it as it's the only calculator he's know where the % does what he expects :)
Wow, gone are the days when one received a personally signed letter (8:27) from the Head of Calculator Division with an invitation to collect call for additional assistance. Nice!
I had the TI 2500 my freshman year in college, in fall of 1972. It cost $99, which is $600 plus today.
polar to rect coord. Its the thing my jot sci calc is slowest at
Integral of e^x^3
I know you mean well with a bench mark,but for me there is certain calculators that fancy my needs.The Casio FX 2.0 has a algebra tutor mode that shows you step by step.It has dozens of templates(ax+bx=cx)just plug in for a,then b and c and solve for the variable,etc..The casio class pad 330 and class pad 2(color )only have assistance mode which is Manipulate equations.I do not like that.So the Casio FX wins the Competition.Then there the Ti Nspire cx cas which can sovle cubrics,but the Ti 89 can not do.(AX3 + BX2 + CX + D = 0)for example and then there is wolf amp alpha which is online,shows step by step and solves Quartic Equations y= ax^4+ bx^3+ cx^2+ dx+ e for which no graphing calculator will solve.I hope you see my point.
Thanks for the post. The FX 2.0 is something I'll certainly consider looking at in the future.
i really enjoy ur videos, very informative
Christ on a bike! You cant complain about battery comp. They are beautiful.
I say, old chap. You used the word "chuffed" at 8:03. A very British word :-)
Duracell alkaline batteries can leak without giving you any notice in advance.
Mayur all batteries can do that.
They are better known as Duraleaks :-)
datamath ti-2500 is the version 3
Vintage TI-30 and TI-1200