Graduate programs: MSc Tourism and Hospitality

  • Опубліковано 15 гру 2016
  • University of Guelph’s MSc in Tourism and Hospitality Management examines the economic, cultural and social principles that will shape tomorrow’s tourism and hospitality industry. Watch MSc graduate, Lena Liang, as she shares her research and graduate student experience at the University of Guelph alongside Director of the School of Hospitality, Food and Tourism Management, Statia Elliot.
    00:00 - 00:01
    [The video opens with title slide featuring College of Business and Economics logo and program name MSc Tourism + Hospitality.]
    00:01 - 00:37
    [Cut to medium shot of Statia Elliot speaking in an outdoor setting. Camera angles alternate as she speaks.]
    Statia Elliot: The Master's of Science program in Tourism and Hospitality is a very specialized program. It's a niche program, very much focused on research. It's very suited for individuals that want to carry on perhaps in a career in academia. Many go on to consider their PhD, which we also have here at the University of Guelph. It makes us unique as a university in Canada to have that depth of curriculum. A lot of our students also have an interest in going on to a career in research in hospitality and tourism, and really our program will prepare them for that like no other program.
    00:37 - 00:52
    [Cut to footage of University of Guelph sign, followed by medium shot of Lena Liang speaking outside of Macdonald Hall’s main entrance.]
    Lena Liang: Our master's program is designed for a two-year program, it varies depending on how you control your time, so it's a very flexible program. You don't have to take up to two years or you don't have to take three years to finish it. If you can do it, you can do it right away.
    00:52 - 02:05
    [Cut to Statia Elliot.]
    Statia: We bring in a small cohort each year, and they're in very small classroom settings, which gives them access to world renowned faculty and those faculty are actually the professors who are teaching the courses. [Cut to outdoor shot of Macdonald Hall.] The first year of their program they're undertaking course work, three courses in the fall, three in the winter, very focused on tourism who are experts in the area. The second year of the program they're undertaking their own research, and it can be a research program that's very much focused on their individual area of interest. This gives them the ability to customize and delve really deeply into a subject that they're very passionate about. We've had students study topics from the appeal of Airbnb, to studies comparing hotel pricing in Canada and China, to a student who looked at the issues around terrorism and its impact on travel these days, [Visuals cut to two photos of student in the Arctic.] and we have a student who looked at the educational dimensions of Arctic cruising while on a cruise ship in the Arctic.
    02:06 - 02:56
    [Cut to footage of “Purchase habits of Airbnb customers” being typed into a search engine on a computer, followed by footage of Lena talking about her research.]
    Lena Liang: My research topic is on Airbnb and why people will purchase Airbnb. So people actually care more about the local experience rather than the price. We were expecting for the price to be more affecting people to purchase Airbnb. [Cut to brief outdoor shot of Macdonald Hall main entrance. Return to Lena.] The professors here are very insightful and they use lots of very insightful theories and concepts that we use in the tourism area. They also offer different office hours so we can go and visit them, and just talk to them to get some ideas of what they are doing right now for their research projects. I think that is very helpful for me in terms of finding different ideas to get to know this area more.
    02:57 - 03:05
    [Cut to Statia Elliot.]
    Statia Elliot: We're looking for students that have a real curiosity in understanding and researching hospitality and tourism.
    03:05 - 03:09
    [Fade to screen with College of Business and Economics logo.]