Do Ambiverts Exist? | Personality Psychology - Jung, MBTI, Five Factor Model

  • Опубліковано 23 жов 2023
  • A discussion on what ambiversion is within the context of a few personality psychology models.


  • @tanovany
    @tanovany 8 місяців тому +19

    Omg what a smol cute baby🥺🫶🧸

  • @Tified967
    @Tified967 8 місяців тому +5

    Awww what a beautiful baby boy! Congratulations! ❤. I've been typed by CPT as a social ambivert indeed as this pertains to ENFJs this is quite 'the norm' as ENFJs convergent FeSe is very specific & discerning as opposed to the breadth of the ESFJs FeNe. To top this off I'm a divergent TiNi subtype which pushes me more into social introversion as I spend most of my time navigating TiNi convergence internally. I think people need to remember that Jung didn't refer to I & E as it is conceptualised in the big 5 model but rather how we take in information: whether proactively or reactively & of course we all do both. Most people tend to overestimate their degree of social introversion however & I believe as does CPT research that most people gravitate more towards the ambiverted spectrum. Indeed you can have an ENFJ that is more socially introverted than an INTP for example as we shouldn't conflate the terms and of course contingent upon subtype, like myself a cognitive extrovert can be more introverted as it pertains to cognition & social introversion...indeed I can happily go weeks without speaking to people. I too am a philosophy graduate & postgraduate researcher in psychology 😊. Fundamentally I think CPT has done a fantastic job in exploring & building upon Jung's work & I believe in time they'll be quantitive studies that will support the high abstraction. It's also worth noting that in CPT for an ENFJ Fe and Ti exist on an inextricable axis (my Fe & Ti are rated as 50/50 such that I have a very fluid axis) & Fe doms have the most fluid axis generally according to CPTs research thus the external & internal are both equal composites of the psyche for myself, indeed I'm generally mistaken for being an INTP or INTJ by MBTI subscribers. Furthermore Ni is the ENFJs authority function & it can be argued that it plays therefore a more prominent role in the psyche than it does for Ni dominants as Ni effectively 'sets the agenda' & indeed TiNi (abstract cerebral theorisation) is what's coined 'the bedrock' of our cognition. It's also worth noting as per network theory that we all utilise all of the cognitive pairings which is context dependent & thus introversion& extroversion are incrementally 'dipped into' over short discrete periods, again which is context dependent (dependent on type & subtype some networks are easier to access than others; for me that would be ISTP, INTJ, ENTP & ISFJ predominantly). I believe that the big 5 has its place albeit it isn't a dynamic system that really captures the nuances of i social variation across shorter time periods. I agree that extremes or I or E are perhaps indicative of a less fluid & developed cognitive map. Apologies for the tangent but i thought I'd add another level of nuance to this interesting discussion 😊. Ps I score as an INTJ on the official MBTI step 2 test and have a high degree of self awareness indeed my FeSe pairing was rated as lower in conscious magnitude than my TiNi as a divergent subtype. I therefore think intratype variation can have an impact on one's level of I or E. As with yourself I score highly on assertiveness but not generally on other big 5 facets of E (note CPT doesn't utilise big 5 definitions for I & E but rather say what FeSe, NeFe etc represent in themselves as a functional pairing). Apologies for digressing; I thought this may be familiar to you as I've seen you being interviewed with Harry before on Joyce's channel. Good luck with your little man going forward; just remember it does get easier (we had a terrible time with cows milk intolerance the first 6 months & a lot of sleepless nights!).

  • @d.3935
    @d.3935 8 місяців тому +6

    Couldn’t focus on what you were saying cuz I was so focused on the baby 🥹

  • @bobs2809
    @bobs2809 8 місяців тому +5

    Congratulations on your beautiful son!

  • @tengdayz2
    @tengdayz2 8 місяців тому +6

    I like your explanation. I agree that people's identities are an expression within a range of their affinities and values. Regulation without over or under expression keep us in the better parts of our ranges instead of the worse parts. Congrats on being a papa and giving your son a cool name.

  • @berritanner3250
    @berritanner3250 8 місяців тому +2

    Nero looks so happy to be nestled against his Dad ❤ Good video on ambiverts. I am very far on the introvert side, but many people think of me as being extroverted. Really it’s because I’ve developed strategies to deal with people and situations better.

  • @TheGreatCalsby
    @TheGreatCalsby 8 місяців тому

    Thank you so much for covering this topic Chris (and so quickly after I asked it in your last video)! And a wonderful way to meet Nero too. All the best!

  • @nickolaszissimos1189
    @nickolaszissimos1189 8 місяців тому +1

    Yeah, I would say I am a true extroverted introvert. I am an introvert but I have extroverted qualities. I actually feel you are correct, people can be ambiverted but are still either introvert or extrovert. I always told people, they could consider me ambiverted but I am a true introvert. Looks like from what you have said, I am right about that. I love you INTJs, you guys have impeccable explaining skills (unlike me). Also, your son is quite cute, he'll probably grow up to become and amazing man. I just hope he avoids the brainwashing.

  • @aceofdatabase
    @aceofdatabase 8 місяців тому

    Thoughtful video 🤔 thanks.

  • @BNL07604
    @BNL07604 8 місяців тому

    Awww! Congratulations!!

  • @mauritsbol4806
    @mauritsbol4806 8 місяців тому

    Also makes sense that adhd makes you more stuck into your personality. If your short term memory slots are restricted, you will have less space to when for example receiving (perceiving) a new idea, to remember (perceiving) an old idea. This exacerbates behavior

  • @bellhula1535
    @bellhula1535 3 місяці тому

    Makes sense ampiverts are most common,are on the healthier spectrum.

  • @enigma104
    @enigma104 8 місяців тому +1

    Can you do a video on how marijuana affects personality or some type of weed related video

  • @mauritsbol4806
    @mauritsbol4806 8 місяців тому

    Hey, little bit of an entp here. If you need something interesting, try to see how adhd and personality overlap. I firmly believe that my adhd has causal effect or is causally effected by my brain functioning. Therefore i have become more extroverted (according to jung’s definition of extroversion), and my sister has become more extroverted because of her adhd i believe. Now that brings the question, if normal people are like 1 sd away, adhd may get it like 90th percentile territory. Also, to what extent is the subconscious effected by adhd. I am all trying to solve that sort of stuff. Doing an economics bachelor right now, but am trying to solve that through behavioural econ. But i have too many ideas like these so this one’s for you haha.

  • @morganamarianana3088
    @morganamarianana3088 4 місяці тому

    would you say your content is made for high Te users?

  • @oceanah7317
    @oceanah7317 8 місяців тому

    I'm just here for the da baby 😩😊😍

  • @Lizology
    @Lizology 8 місяців тому


    • @Lizology
      @Lizology 8 місяців тому

      That baby is looking out of a window in spaceship and absorbing psychology via reverberations.

  • @adrienne9757
    @adrienne9757 4 місяці тому

    Sweet... your baby looks just like you

  • @bernardthefourth
    @bernardthefourth 8 місяців тому

    Thanks for the video. Ambivert is an introvert with some developed social skills and interest. Congrats on the baby!

  • @HDQuakelive
    @HDQuakelive 8 місяців тому

    Everyone is an ambivert in the same way everyone is technically ambidextrous. While most of us are considered either left or right handed, but we still use both hands for many things and many things require both hands but for certain things like writing we tend to only use one side. Everyone has an internal world, everyone has an external world, many things require us to be in both worlds simultaneously while other things you can just be totally in one side. The category we put people in either with handedness or personality type tells us which side they rely on/use the most/most comfortable with when doing an activity.
    Also haven't watched the video yet, just wanted to write this first xD

    • @Tified967
      @Tified967 8 місяців тому

      The irony is I'm typed as a divergent ENFJ TiNi subtype by CPT and therefore I'm much more comfortable with my introverted domain as my TiNi is rated as higher in conscious magnitude than my FeSe. I wouldn't be deemed as an ENFJ in MBTI owing to the ubiquitous stereotypes & the generally misequating the depth of the ENFJs FeSe with that of the broad scope of the ESFJs FeNe...indeed in MBTI I'm often typed as an INTJ.

  • @leggi_bois4eva
    @leggi_bois4eva 8 місяців тому


  • @bellhula1535
    @bellhula1535 3 місяці тому


  • @cosmicyoke
    @cosmicyoke 5 місяців тому

    They don’t exist.