As farmer myself reading through the comments I think it’s important to understand that as a public we have demanded and have a desire for cheep food. It doesn’t matter if you are plant based or a meat eater all farms are under huge financial pressure to produce cheap food all year round! Which as the tragic effect of pushing farms down more of a factory route just to survive. Which I personally hate to see. I think the fact is we need as consumers to take greater care of where we purchase our food & it certainly should be worth paying substantially more for.
Are you going to pay your workers substantially more wages so they can afford to pay substantially more to stay alive? You gonna pay substantially higher taxes to pay for the higher wages and higher food costs for the poorest citizens? You gonna pay substantially higher grain and hay prices to raise your bougie beef? No the bigger issue isnt what the consumer pays but the fact we've allowed a handful of companies to control our entire food ecosystem . They own the chicks and the grain and the seed and the processors and feedlots and distributors. Farmers shouldn't get pennies on the pound while ibp and Tyson make dollars and price the end product out of reach of so many, while simultaneously supporting regulations that prevent any real competition under the guise of food safely and biosecurity. Theres zero reason a farmer shouldn't be able to direct farm sales so long as the meat is processed in a licensed state facility or by a certified person. No reason a state inspected butcher shouldn't be allowed to sell across state lines. Farmers were killing market ready animals during covid while local slaughter houses stood empty and people went without for weeks at a time. All due to red tape. People had money and desire.. farmers had stock and processors had capacity but everything ground to a halt because ibp and Tyson set it that way.
@@evil1by1 Small correction. The 'bougie beef' as you put it don't eat grain. Grassfed is the way to go for healthy food, and feeding grain to cattle shouldn't be permitted for human health.
@@dawn8542livestock are part of the farming package returning organic matter to the soil and using land that can’t grow arable crops your plant based nonsense is a pipe dream.
Let's not kid ourselves. At the end of our life someone driving a vehicle will be getting a phone call and we will also be put in the back and taken away..
But in the meantime, we have personal agency, can do what we chose to do, go where we chose to go and there are laws to protect our lives and well being to the highest extent possible. And we are generally speaking, cared for in our old age to enable us to end our lives peacefully, with as little pain as possible and our loved ones around us. That is most certainly not the case for the animals you eat and that I used to eat decades ago. Massive difference which belies the effort to diminish the brutality of the meat/dairy industry.
that why it should care about each chicken and cow to try to get it back to be alive and not get slaughtered , then is being surprised when they bring laboratory meat to replace the cruelty which happen in the farm so expect masive amount laboratory meat because i am not gonna accept criminality not even for food
One thing people may note is that the man collecting the dead animals is just answering questions on the fly and clearly just giving fast answers, I wouldn't take it as the explanation for the "big picture" and you can see that the interviewer was a burden on his day's work if anything 😂
Yeah, I just species were so privileged where we could see things like this is abuse when like you said in the wild life isn’t any easier than literally 1000 years ago how do you think we were living?
Seeing the knacker man's truck when I was a kid, always made my heart skip a beat. Even if it was going th the neighbours. Most Farmers don't like the suffering of their animals either, but if you have livestock, you also have deadstock.
@@lunchymunchy2984 ah yeah, sure. Like I stated, this happened while I was a child. But why don't you be all militant behind your keyboard like a righteous warrior.
As long as the animal has had a life without suffering and been cared for and also is dispatched quickly I don’t have a problem with the meat industry. Animals in the wild that have a natural death possibly suffer for weeks beforehand and are most likely eaten alive.
There’s a quality of life an animal can have in nature and under human care so long as they can still do all the things the can do in nature under human care than for all intents and purpose the animals are provided free food security from predators where they people which some people think they are they would be charged money and besides we ripped most of these species from nature and after generations of selective breeding they where domesticated and the only place the have in nature is as our livestock and even if vegans got there wish and the meat industry collapsed all those animals will require care to survive and new generations would have to be separated or the would just learn by example to rely on humans and then there’s the big question of where would the money and people required to make this happen come from?
if ur so hurt about it. go vegan and mind ur business... and ppl wonder why r we so sick today smh. veganism didnt even exist back then. except in times of famine. there was no grain feed nor polluted land. vegans end more insects than animal agriculture lol
A lot of people don’t realise how farmers feel about their livestock and when they lose stock it’s not just about the money. They’re putting so much time and effort to ensure their animals get the best care etc they can afford.
@@catherinehoy5548 So is your life, and your fathers life, your mothers life and all others human lives before you. If you don't care about money, or earning it, you could never have written your comment. How do I know? Because you would have had to pay to write it someway, somehow. If you think you are above earning money, go out into the wild and try to live there. Don't bring anything that you would have to pay or barter, or even trade for. Remember; barter is a form of payment. Payment, in any way shape or form is currency. Currency can only be earned. Therefore your point of being better than, or above farmers is narcissistic, and proves you are not, in fact, human.
For me the issue is not death, that is inevitable for all living creatures. Its about how we treat the animals and I believe many farming practices amount to cruelty. Of course nature is cruel but we have a choice and I choose to have no part of meat production and consumption.
What do you think will inevitably happen when you pay for someone to do it, while always choosing the cheaper option? I agree with you. No meat is the only solution.
Pretty simple solution by from a local producer, I'm not saying that they don't have animals die because that is also true. However the quality of life of their animals is much higher and they actually care about the animals they are not employees of a corporation those are their livelihood.
I am amazed how these 2 guys running a poultry and an abatoir are also philosophers, they show a high level of knowledge coupled with empathy towards the animals, definitely did not see this coming.
if any of this offends you I strongly advise you to research a woman named Temple Grandin. This woman has done much to make raising, transporting, and harvesting livestock more humane.
I think it would be much more problematic for the knackerman if he was not desensitized. Being desensitized is not the problem, it is the solution to a problem, the problem of being traumatized by all the death
@@nevertethered6386 you cannot have prevention though without not having farm animals - farm animals die, and when they die they need to be disposed of hygienically. There has to be a knackerman if there are to be animals on farms.
@@nevertethered6386 I eat meat, and dairy products, and eggs. To me, having knackermen who are desensitized to the death is better than prevention. If you are a vegan this wouldn’t be the case
The differeance between rural and urban peoples outlook is simply what they experience on the daily... City folk can't process death as realistically as rural folk.
I was brought up on a small holding where my parents bred chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits etc. I was taught that it was important that animals should always be killed humanely and that was that.
I love animals myself. The problem is animals die in nature. If you ever watch a documentary of animals out in the wild most predators don't treat their prey with dignity. They start eating while the animal is still alive. At least humans usually try to treat the animal with respect.
So because animals die in the wild, we should throw away our ethics? No, most people in these places do not treat animals with ANY dignity. They're products. They get treated as such i know it's just semantic, but I like to say "become vegan" because it implies a permanent change in your very being, not just something you try or do for a bit. Once you truly have become vegan, it's unthinkable to ever go back on that I tried that and my health suffered. My blood work went out of control and my doctor was upset. I still eat a large portion of vegs but have a small portion of meat and my health and blood work went back to normal.
heart breaking but I get it. my father never hid the processing from us as kids. not that he did a lot but he hunted. He was raised on a working farm and respected the animals he worked with and slaughtered. that's what it comes down to. respect. I agree with the need to close down the big slaughter houses. there is no need for an animal to suffer, travelling time and crowded conditions, no water or shade.. they suffer for our plates. there is a better way to do it. right now, there is no respect for the animals travelling to slaughter. as a side note, Canada is now shipping live horses overseas for slaughter, again, the conditions are foul and it's not something we as a country should in any way be proud of.
Small slaughter houses are no kinder than big ones because slaughter can never be a kind or respectful act. Simple way to stop the vast majority of this exploitation and violence - or at least your personal responsibility for it - is to go vegan. And that's as simple as putting different stuff in your shopping trolley each week. The choice is yours. It certainly worked for me. Celebrating ten years as a vegan on New Year's day. Best choice I ever made.
Personally , I've always seen hunted meat as being the most humane meat. That deer is out living its best life, and then, bam! lights out. Also, hunting supports wilderness, can’t grow deer in town. Very environmental. Hunting might be different in Europe tho. It’s also important to remember that farms in general cause massive deaths every time they plow, harvest, etc. so veg isn’t cruelty free .
I don't like hunting AT ALL. But I think you hit the nail right on the head there about the hunted animal having the better life then one raised in a large industrial farm.
@@t_rizerno, he didn’t. One raised on a farm wouldn’t have been bred and born in the first place. Stop looking for excuses just to make yourself feel better about the next time you have a dead animal on your plate.
Maybe we can say that we are so disconnected from farming from many generations not being on the farm and going to college has made people soft and weak and this is most definitely a 1st world problem there wouldn't be any kind of problem in a 3rd world country
Don't you feel remorse for your crimes against these innocent creatures? Don't you see that they love life like you and don't want to die? Don't you see how much they are afraid of dying and scream out of fear? Do you want someone to treat you and your family or loved ones like this? If you have an iota of compassion and conscience, stop this dirty work. (Eating meat is a crime
The attitude that they’re just “milking machines” is just so disheartening. Cows are not machines nor do they just continuously produce milk. They’re sensitive creatures who have strong bonds with each other and other beings, they love to play and to cuddle, they feel fear, happiness, and most likely love. Whenever I hear people speak of other animals in the way that this man did it reminds me of how easily humans are able to pick and choose of who they think is deserving of empathy and compassion and how it’s only a few more steps to apply that to people.
Unfortunately the modern dairy herd are just milking machines, they produce too much milk with a fair number having associated ailments. I would prefer cows that produce less milk and have a good life quality
This is it though. They’re not human. If you think human rights only apply to humans as only humans can give moral consideration, then this is fine. What gets me is the hypocrisy. If you kick a dog you’re a monster, but chucking chickens into an incinerator is fine. It’s a philosophical argument fundamentally - these farmers do not think animals are the same as humans. You disagree. But you think you’re so right that you believe you can pass moral judgement. The farmers don’t. But here’s one thing that is true: no animal, chicken, cow, lamb, horse, dog or cat will ever think the way you did when you wrote that comment. I’m not saying which side I agree with, but it’s not as simple and emotional as you’re making it out to be
@@jdshgaming3416 You don't have to accord non-human animals ALL the same rights as humans to at least notice and respect the fact that they are sentient and can suffer in a way that we would never want for ourselves or any human. That is where the moral consideration comes from. It's not from an accident of DNA. Farmers know that they inflict suffering as an inherent part of making their living. They know they are exploiting living sentient beings for nothing other than material gain. That's why we cannot pull out punches. Sure, they are very heavily indoctrinated to think that cows and pigs are somehow different to cats and dogs, but that doesn't take away from the horrible harm they inflict to make their living. Many slave holders thought that they were looking after black people when they enslaved them. It was still monstrous.
Even as a vegetarian I have nothing but respect for independent farmers. Its a thankless job, the profit margins are incredibly tight, and the rules are insane.
Death is such a small part of these animals lifes. If you want to improve their well being and actually make a difference focus on every other day of their life instead.
in the USA they've made it illegal to film any terrible conditions on farms. The whistleblowers can be put in prison....the conditions on the farms NEVER improve. Not for the workers on the farms either....they are often illegal, and kept in almost as bad conditions as the animals.
@@joeblogs6598 ppl demand cheap meat because about 40% of the population is really struggling. And it's the best, fastest way to get protein Those ppl CANNOT demand more expensive meat or then they would have none. Plus, many of the owners of the factory farms are driving around in Mercedes Benz SUV's and pickups....and have big houses and swimming pools. .....they don't want to spend more on the animals'.....or workers' conditions, because that would mean they couldn't get a new model of Mercedes every year. If it's a really big corporation, the company's chief officers also have yachts. cheers anyways
@@newshound2521 hee hee! is that sarsasm? The children of Medjugorje said that the USA would Never bring the world back to religion....they're all too rich.. All the best to you!
i call BS on this comment. not illegal to video with owner's consent. most of the smear videos seem to be videoed in foreign countries by PETA and others. american farms and processing plants have laws and rules to follow also both state and federal. so again i call bs on this comment. enjoy your break at your PETA office with a big mac combo.
The knackerman showed quite a bit of patience with Sprenger's one-note yammering. What else should be done as it concerns the humane dispatching and economical handling of that which is, well, now surplus to agricultural requirements? The entire segment is a bit precious, and it's nothing to do with the validity of the nature of the service that the knackerman provides.
I gave up meat 2 years a go due to my disgust at factory farming. I was impressed with the guy that ran the small abitior. I think smaller farms and meat consumption would be a move in the right direction.
My neighbor raises kobe (I believe) he does the slaughter in his backyard with a butcher when the time comes. When I hear one gunshot randomly a few times out of the year I know what's going on.
@Tony Paterson I don't think animals were meant to be in factory farms. I could be more at peace if there was a sustainable and respectful way of killing and processing animals for food. Similar to how the native Americans were
Ignorance is causing the needless suffering of animals being transported long distances to slaughterhouses. We need to bring the same "local" mentality to meat animals as we do to local produce
I still believe you should have to slaughter your own animals. This is coming from someone who hunts and has also seen humans die as well. I know the feelings that go with taking a life which makes me respect the food I eat and the life men lived before their time was up.
I don’t think my local farmer would be right happy if I went and shot one of his sheep. Also the only think wild around me is squirrel and fox, not the meatiest of animals.
I've understood where our food has come from since grade school. The problem seems to stem from the common person not knowing, or understanding how farms work, where they came from, and all the technology and leaps in farming have come along with it. Some of these people who dislike farming probably have never lived in a town where they can hunt for food.
Some people dont understand that farm animals really live a much better life than wild animals. Wild animals almost never die happily of old age like some uneducated people think. They get ripped to shreds and die slowly trying to fight their way out of a predators jaws. Those that dont die that way die even more slowly due to lack of water or food or die of disease/parasites. Farm animals (at least in free range farms how it SHOULD be done) live a life that wild animals dream of. They get to eat every day and go about their routine with few interruptions until they are killed quickly and painlessly. Of course there are some cruel farms out there that give real farmers a bad reputation but people need to see videos like this and other humane free range farm practices.
Its not how a dead animal is treated as like a dead human it cant feel anything. The real worry is how an animal is treated whilst alive. Almost all Farmers look after the welfare of their animals. They have a financial interested in looking after their livestock.
Are bull calves still removed from the cow when very young and sold for veal? I think this is (or was) an inhumane practice, as it's very traumatic for the mother! It's the true price we pay for milk.
Heifer calves are also removed what’s your point? Obviously the media tells you it’s traumatic but from first hand experience I’ve seen cows more interested in food and other cows than their actually calf
Dairy cows won't naturally wean a calf. This sets up replacement heifers with the extremely bad habit of continuing to drink milk from other cows long after adulthood which can actually damage udders to the point they don't work anymore. Dairy calves can spread diseases by nursing on multiple cows. There are many other reasons too. It's sounds 'so cruel' but the reasons are for the health and wellbeing of the whole herd. I hope veal is always available - it's the only thing our little rescue cat can stomach comfortably.
New calves have no meat value so they need to be raised for quite some time before they are used. So I believe they are sold to other farmers to grow out.
There's no mention of the mass producing of death to satiate market stability. Farmers are fined for under or overproducing livestock for the supply of supermarkets.
Man, I remember this video that was uploaded by some whistleblower or whatever that showed farmers basically sealing up a big pig warehouse and they pumped it full of steam and cooked them alive, when they opened it back up some were still alive and screaming so they killed them obviously, it was due to lack of demand, all they did was bury them next to the warehouse where they were killed in a big mass grave. All because it would have cost them money to keep them alive and feed them. Like, what the actual fuck?
I’m struggling to see when some of these people were actually sensitive or caring about animals? There’s tons of comments about these people being desensitised because of their job, but most people who care don’t last in these jobs. I am genuinely interested as to whether these farmers or drivers came into the job for animal welfare or just because they see these animals as ££££
As humans have evolved to the consciousness of controlling other beings they therefore beheld the responsibility of not atleast killing them for their products. Cooperation is the key and always have been for our evolution. So we have an option of mutualism rather than predation.
@@djayjp Well good for you personal choice but nature certainly isn't vegan and it's not the way we have evolved. I wish we could farm animals more humanely and would gladly pay extra for meat if the animal had a better life. Don't forget we all have to die eventually, I don't care if they eat me when I'm gone but I want to live a good life first.
Like most modern business...all the larger meat works thrive and smaller business falls by the wayside. Hence you get animals suffering on long trips from farm to slaughter house.....Big business wins, the animals and small business suffers.... I used to raise beef stock in small numbers....but only ever sold to the smaller local slaughter houses.....for less money...but in return one half of one of the animals was returned to me free of charge, and ready for me to butcher, pack and freeze down for my own family.... That way my animals raised with care, never suffered a journey on a stock truck for more than 20 kilometres.
"problematic." such a dumb world considering the realitiy of the world we live in. people are literally children living in a reality that is ALWAYS 18+ yall need to grow up
I did 3 years ago, glad I did. Very few people are actually this cruel when they took a good long look at what's going on and whether they want to contribute to it. I started out just cutting out beef, eventually you just don't miss it, then the next thing etc. 2nd year in and I was in the best shape of my life so not looked back 😎
I recommend watching 'Land of Hope and Glory (UK 'Earthlings' Documentary)' here on UA-cam. It won't be an easy watch but it will settle the question for you
You have to consume to live, it's how loving life works. If you're concern is to minimize your impact on the suffering of other living things, I recommend to look into sourcing your food locally, whether plant or animal. Just advice from someone who has been trying to do this for almost a decade.
i think most people are not interested in the morality of eating meat. So if you exclude that part of it and consider it a health and climate issue, it shouldn't really be so black and white. It's more realistic to get people to just eat less meat and make them think about things like steak or lamb as a luxury to have once in a while.
If there were less people in the world, i.e. population control, then there would be no market for industrialised meat production. Veganism, as stated by John Dutton, a tv drama (Yellowstone), but no less valid for that, saying more critters that live on and under the green fields are slaughtered in their billions to produce vegan food. Living things die all the way up the food chain, and get eaten. Vegan food production leaves the critters to rot in the fields...
So your willing to eat just lettuce and think of , say peas as a luxury. Oh, and as to the climate issue, I think we need more animals, not less to compensate for the mess scientists have made, between weather experiments and rockets, plus to many humans. When they say carbon zero, that includes getting rid of us too...
@@davidpalk5010not everyone is entitled to believe what you do. Animals are sentient creatures, but they are also resources for ALL other animals, including humans.
@@myblueheaven4424why do you think china has so many diseases we dont eat dogs and cats because they are street predators who consume other street animals which mire than likely carry disease. Why do you think you’re not supposed to eat bears they carry worms. Animals that eat other animals are more likely to transfer disease to people.
I work at a small abbitoir in b.c. I can't imagine working at a massive factory Slaughter facility. 3000 people on a shift on a Slaughter line where the machines never stop. Something that large sounds like a domain in Dantes inferno. Keep meat processing in your local communities.
I visited a huge chicken abbitoir in California, USA. Impressive to see but not pleasant working conditions. All those rails and conveyor belts screeching.
"Doesn't the entire culture pretend that death doesn't happen?" Exactly. This farmer nailed it. Remove humans from the sight of a carcass in a butcher shop, and we become desensitized to the significance of meat; remove humans from nature and we become whiny, weak and overly sentimental about the realities that have been part of life on Earth since long before we arrived. Of course there's nothing natural about factory farming, and I would love to see it done away with. But veganism? That's just vanity - a kind of anti-nature chauvinism which presumes that death and suffering themselves are evil, and would not occur in the absence of human folly. To sneer at a meat eater, one has to think oneself better than all of the other animals who eat meat, and than the natural world which created them.
The farmer was using 'death is innevitable' to justify killing animals long before they'd naturally die. If I killed puppies and used his excuse, nobody would be on my side.
In my experience this isn't true. Almost all vegans I know (quite a few) really don't mind eating the meat as such, their protest is solely about the methods used throughout the farming worlds. It is very old-fashioned and incorrect now to think that vegans & vegetarians 'don't eat meat'. Veganism now stands for 'not engaging with the animal-rearing and farming industries'. The eating of meat is almost irrelevant.
You can stop liking the smell of bacon. Took me about 25 years. I didn't stop because it tasted bad and would eat it to protect my health but there is plenty else to eat so I do.
To me the main problem is when farming becomes industrial, livestock become numbers and statistics. In an ideal world we would go back to how it was a hundred years to having family farms producing meat for the local butchers for local people to eat. Sustainability, traceability and as humane as possible.
I have a lot of respect for how honest everyone was in this video. And the thing is, I was not exactly pleased with all of the responses, but. Two things: 1, desensitization is a real thing that is incredibly hard to avoid and happens fairly quickly, so the less than savory attitudes of some of these guys are unfortunately completely normal. And 2, it is important that we don't demonize the kind of farming shown in this video, because while it's far from perfect, it's MUCH better than true, full scale factory farming. And if we call all industrial farming bad, and come after everyone in equal measure, all that will happen is that the little guys (smaller scale, free range, etc) will lose against us, but the big guys won't, and all we will be left with is the greater of two evils.
Some interesting, and very telling comments in this. The knackerman who says if people saw the worst of what happens they'd stop eating meat, the abattoir owner who says once an animal is unrecognisable after it's decapitated it becomes ok to eat. And the chicken farmer who complains that people are too disassociated from how their food is produced yet suggests that if he thought about the chickens he incinerates he would be able to carry on. Seems like even the ones defending their industry are affected by it despite trying really hard to repress those emotions. As a consumer, we'd either become desensitised to the violence or actually allow the violence to catalyse a change in our habits. Both outcomes infer that killing animals isn't something we should continue doing.
I don't think we as a species have any emotional attachment to animals. Any of us could cut the head off a fawn and feel very little in the way of sadness.
The chicken farmer never said people are disassociated from their food, he said they were disassociated from death, which is true, and he meant death of fellow humans as well.
This guy is emotionally naïve to the reality of what life is for a wild animal. (To be clear, I believe the life and slaughter of farm animals should be as humane as possible. Meaning: access to the outdoors, food, water, no cruel needless abuse and as fast of a death as possible.) - In reality, life in the wild is absolutely brutal. Nobody comes with a gun to finish off half dead animals in the woods. When a wild animal breaks a leg, gets infested with ticks.. and etc. it slowly dies of dehydration, hunger.. or it becomes prey for a pack of wolves ,coyotes or bears. Which will rip it apart in the most gruesome manor possible... Alive while being eaten, screaming out as a pack of small coyotes rip into whatever part of the animal they can. - That one farmer put it best when he talked about how we associate the life of a wild animal to that which we've seen in Disney movies.. : The animals of the forest living together as friends. Each with their own personality and quirks.
An important issue more people have to see. When i talk to people about when eating and using animal products it has to lead to their death, I always hear the same „Ohhh i cant deal with that - dont tell me about it!!!“.
I think it's important to take accountability of what we put in our shooping bag. Buying from local farms and cutting down consumption of meat, food in genersl is key. Fast food restaurants should be a treat not an occurrence. Little changes done by many can go along way to make a diffrence. It was a long time ago that we didn't know where our food came from or a long time where the animals we consumed were humanly killed.
The use of pesticides by farmers obtains farmers twice the incidence of ALL serious diseases compared to the general population. How much LESS serious disease would there be in the general population if those pesticides were banned? Herbicide, Insecticide, and fungicide. All in the food chain and the water supply.
@public.public And how much more disease and misery will there be once you've destroyed all of these inventions that allow modern farming to supply food at these prices?
Thank you. Very informative, and while unsettling you can see the care from the farmers and the abattoir. I’m sure while this will discourage meat eating it is also eye opening in light of those freakish American documentaries - here in the UK our animal welfare really is good.
@@globalist1990 i know nothing of the american documentaries he is talking of but if he changed american documentaries with chinese welfare i would say yes to your question.
I eat my vegetables and fruits when they're not "dead", I think. But none of my food has nor come from someone with a brainstem. Nor with eyes and a mouth.
Media reports highlighting animal cruelty are bound to nudge a proportion of viewers to cut their meat consumption and try meat-free dishes. And vegetarian & vegan substitutes for meat are now superb - in terms of taste & texture. Once the health benefits of meat-free diets are publicised more widely, the trend towards vegetarian & vegan living will become unstoppable!
The whole country used to be served by small abattoirs - until the Blair government decided that large, factory-style abattoirs were much more desirable. The Guardian was not a part of the fight to stop that change. Of course, since no one is interested in even recent history anymore, these facts lie unknown in the dusts of time.
Lions, tigers and all similar wildlife attack their prey and eat it whilst it is still alive. How CRUEL is that? Yet Attenborough and co seem to love watching it and showing you. Proper human meat production is ( or IS SUPPOSED TO BE ) instant death, or as near to it as possible. If the animals are kept humanely and well BEFORE slaughter this is nowhere near as cruel as in the wild. The wild animal kingdom is the worst, yet the greenies never seem to talk about it. Perhaps we can teach wildlife to eat tofu?
Lions and tigers and bears and other wild animals are doing that to survive, they also don’t have moral agency. Humans know the difference between right and wrong, they also have a choice. Some humans choose not to hurt animals by paying for someone to kill them, some don’t.
Most animals the you eat are not kept in good conditions, hence the countless undercover work from activists, they are also not slaughtered humanely, humane slaughter is an oxymoron, there is no such thing as slaughtering an individual that doesn’t want to die.
I agree with you and am all for eating meat, but actually Attenborough has said that they actually don’t show the footage of the animals being eaten alive because it’s too distressing. They show the kills, and the lions feeding on carcasses, but that scene of them eating a Buffalo while it’s still alive they won’t show
They have to desensitise themselves to be able to perform such actions. If it ceases to be a living, feeling, sentient being, then the associated guilt is lifted, and that's how it becomes easier to perform these "processes".
@@steelchampion it's not a human though. Snd if you're suggesting that humans are not superior to animals, then.... well, animals eat one another. No being can exist without taking the life of something else ultimately. Even if you eat plant based, you need to clear land, control pests, power factories, manufacture packaging etc. etc.
@@Lucy-no6yr Humans are animals and can experience emotional and physical stress in ways not too dissimilar to non-human animals, so yes my question still stands...
People need to understand where their food cones from. Yes it's not a pleasant thought but what goes on behind the closed doors of an abattoir is a necessary part of the process to feed the population.
A police detective that gets desensitized to seeing murders, now that's scary. Saying someone should see a problem with being desensitized to seeing dead animals? They're just animals, just because we shouldn't abuse them doesn't mean we have to weep at every dead one.
As farmer myself reading through the comments I think it’s important to understand that as a public we have demanded and have a desire for cheep food. It doesn’t matter if you are plant based or a meat eater all farms are under huge financial pressure to produce cheap food all year round! Which as the tragic effect of pushing farms down more of a factory route just to survive. Which I personally hate to see. I think the fact is we need as consumers to take greater care of where we purchase our food & it certainly should be worth paying substantially more for.
Are you going to pay your workers substantially more wages so they can afford to pay substantially more to stay alive? You gonna pay substantially higher taxes to pay for the higher wages and higher food costs for the poorest citizens? You gonna pay substantially higher grain and hay prices to raise your bougie beef?
No the bigger issue isnt what the consumer pays but the fact we've allowed a handful of companies to control our entire food ecosystem . They own the chicks and the grain and the seed and the processors and feedlots and distributors. Farmers shouldn't get pennies on the pound while ibp and Tyson make dollars and price the end product out of reach of so many, while simultaneously supporting regulations that prevent any real competition under the guise of food safely and biosecurity. Theres zero reason a farmer shouldn't be able to direct farm sales so long as the meat is processed in a licensed state facility or by a certified person. No reason a state inspected butcher shouldn't be allowed to sell across state lines. Farmers were killing market ready animals during covid while local slaughter houses stood empty and people went without for weeks at a time. All due to red tape. People had money and desire.. farmers had stock and processors had capacity but everything ground to a halt because ibp and Tyson set it that way.
@@evil1by1If you keep talking like that people might start to realise who our masters are...
@@evil1by1 Small correction. The 'bougie beef' as you put it don't eat grain. Grassfed is the way to go for healthy food, and feeding grain to cattle shouldn't be permitted for human health.
If people went plant based, the right farmers would get subsidies.
@@dawn8542livestock are part of the farming package returning organic matter to the soil and using land that can’t grow arable crops your plant based nonsense is a pipe dream.
Let's not kid ourselves. At the end of our life someone driving a vehicle will be getting a phone call and we will also be put in the back and taken away..
Hopefully when we fall over and struggling to get back on our feet, we won't have him put a bolt in our brain ?
@@GorgyPorgy65 That's what they do in UK care homes.
But in the meantime, we have personal agency, can do what we chose to do, go where we chose to go and there are laws to protect our lives and well being to the highest extent possible. And we are generally speaking, cared for in our old age to enable us to end our lives peacefully, with as little pain as possible and our loved ones around us. That is most certainly not the case for the animals you eat and that I used to eat decades ago. Massive difference which belies the effort to diminish the brutality of the meat/dairy industry.
@@GorgyPorgy65 hahaha for now
that why it should care about each chicken and cow to try to get it back to be alive and not get slaughtered , then is being surprised when they bring laboratory meat to replace the cruelty which happen in the farm so expect masive amount laboratory meat because i am not gonna accept criminality not even for food
One thing people may note is that the man collecting the dead animals is just answering questions on the fly and clearly just giving fast answers, I wouldn't take it as the explanation for the "big picture" and you can see that the interviewer was a burden on his day's work if anything 😂
For those who say "this stuff doent happen in the wild" just watch hienas eating alive a pregnant zebra
Yeah, I just species were so privileged where we could see things like this is abuse when like you said in the wild life isn’t any easier than literally 1000 years ago how do you think we were living?
@@Mptappin12 ah ok more than 1000 years ago wild nature was a kindergarden... 🙄
@@viarnay we’re in 2024 let that sink in
Hyenas also have to nourish themselves and provide for their offspring. We are no longer competing on the same level.
Hyenas also have to nourish themselves and provide for their offspring. We are no longer competing on the same level.
Seeing the knacker man's truck when I was a kid, always made my heart skip a beat. Even if it was going th the neighbours. Most Farmers don't like the suffering of their animals either, but if you have livestock, you also have deadstock.
i feel that its an important job though if your suffering and no ones gonna do anything just like putting a suffering pet down sometimes it is kinder
Grow plants then ... funny how no one likes an animals suffering but it’s fine for ‘stock’ that be the money
@@lunchymunchy2984 ah yeah, sure. Like I stated, this happened while I was a child. But why don't you be all militant behind your keyboard like a righteous warrior.
Some farmers are cruel to their stock
@@bevanbuckwheatshea5520 that's why I said "Most farmers." Have people in this comments thread lost the ability to read?
As long as the animal has had a life without suffering and been cared for and also is dispatched quickly I don’t have a problem with the meat industry. Animals in the wild that have a natural death possibly suffer for weeks beforehand and are most likely eaten alive.
There’s a quality of life an animal can have in nature and under human care so long as they can still do all the things the can do in nature under human care than for all intents and purpose the animals are provided free food security from predators where they people which some people think they are they would be charged money and besides we ripped most of these species from nature and after generations of selective breeding they where domesticated and the only place the have in nature is as our livestock and even if vegans got there wish and the meat industry collapsed all those animals will require care to survive and new generations would have to be separated or the would just learn by example to rely on humans and then there’s the big question of where would the money and people required to make this happen come from?
Suffering is a part of life. To live without it isn't living
@@PianoKwanMan That buddist bullshite applies to humans not cows mate
@@sv_sup6661 i believe it applies to anything with a soul. And cows have souls. I don't really care what any religion says, as an agnostic.
@Laggy88 true
I work on a dairy farm know what it’s like to lose a cow when they have to shot the animal it not nice to see the animal in pain
Tell me, what does your dairy farm do to Bobby calfs and dry in calf cows?
You have livestock you have dead stock it's inevitable someone's got to do it
not stock ... conscious fellow earthlings having their own unique life experience, none of whom want to die.
if ur so hurt about it. go vegan and mind ur business... and ppl wonder why r we so sick today smh. veganism didnt even exist back then. except in times of famine. there was no grain feed nor polluted land. vegans end more insects than animal agriculture lol
@@catherinehoy5548 If only they had respect for the lives of others. Chickens eat worms when they're omnivores and don't have to.
@keifer7813 But chickens are not on the same level of consciousness as humans. They don’t possess the same level of self awareness, abstract thinking.
A lot of people don’t realise how farmers feel about their livestock and when they lose stock it’s not just about the money. They’re putting so much time and effort to ensure their animals get the best care etc they can afford.
nope it's all about the money, stop kidding yourself.
Still cruel
@@catherinehoy5548 So is your life, and your fathers life, your mothers life and all others human lives before you. If you don't care about money, or earning it, you could never have written your comment. How do I know? Because you would have had to pay to write it someway, somehow.
If you think you are above earning money, go out into the wild and try to live there. Don't bring anything that you would have to pay or barter, or even trade for. Remember; barter is a form of payment. Payment, in any way shape or form is currency. Currency can only be earned. Therefore your point of being better than, or above farmers is narcissistic, and proves you are not, in fact, human.
@@Chtulhu1204 "So is your life" that's why people go vegan, farmers are just greedy that profit from suffering.
I hate that we live in a world where killing animals for food is shocking. It’s because we have an abundance of food.
Humans are omnivores. We eat meat and plants, that’s the deal.
@ConstantCreator2000 so then why so we end up with psychological damage when we slaughter animals?
For me the issue is not death, that is inevitable for all living creatures. Its about how we treat the animals and I believe many farming practices amount to cruelty. Of course nature is cruel but we have a choice and I choose to have no part of meat production and consumption.
What do you think will inevitably happen when you pay for someone to do it, while always choosing the cheaper option?
I agree with you. No meat is the only solution.
Global ist you can eat articisl meat, vegan meat, or just wait till the animal dies natural to eat it.
@@mainbrain6301 i will never eat artificial meat unless i make it myself.
Global ist why? Artificial meat isn't chemicals, it's just getting cells from animal and replicating it.
I'll have a steak in your honor my guy.
Pretty simple solution by from a local producer, I'm not saying that they don't have animals die because that is also true. However the quality of life of their animals is much higher and they actually care about the animals they are not employees of a corporation those are their livelihood.
I am amazed how these 2 guys running a poultry and an abatoir are also philosophers, they show a high level of knowledge coupled with empathy towards the animals, definitely did not see this coming.
I think that’s what is called being a psychopath
You are very ignorant to livestock farming and thats largely the problem
@@Lifter4life217 😂😂😂
What a complicated way to say “I didn’t know farmers could be intelligent”
@@sonicalex2536 mostly
empathic but yeah that too
if any of this offends you I strongly advise you to research a woman named Temple Grandin. This woman has done much to make raising, transporting, and harvesting livestock more humane.
Or we could just...not eat animals.
@@AnonkontelloAbsolutely 100%
I think it would be much more problematic for the knackerman if he was not desensitized. Being desensitized is not the problem, it is the solution to a problem, the problem of being traumatized by all the death
Sounds like you are trying to say that cure is better than prevention.
@@nevertethered6386 you cannot have prevention though without not having farm animals - farm animals die, and when they die they need to be disposed of hygienically. There has to be a knackerman if there are to be animals on farms.
@@nevertethered6386 I eat meat, and dairy products, and eggs. To me, having knackermen who are desensitized to the death is better than prevention. If you are a vegan this wouldn’t be the case
I thought the knackerman was professional and level headed. Someone has to do his job
The differeance between rural and urban peoples outlook is simply what they experience on the daily... City folk can't process death as realistically as rural folk.
I was brought up on a small holding where my parents bred chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits etc. I was taught that it was important that animals should always be killed humanely and that was that.
This was uncomfortable to watch, but not because of the animals... the interviewer sits wrong with me.
He does seem to be attempting to direct the people he's interviewing to his own narrative.
how what was bad
I love animals myself. The problem is animals die in nature. If you ever watch a documentary of animals out in the wild most predators don't treat their prey with dignity. They start eating while the animal is still alive. At least humans usually try to treat the animal with respect.
Yeah but breeding over 1 billion chickens every week isn’t natural. So your “but it’s nature” argument fails miserably.
So because animals die in the wild, we should throw away our ethics?
No, most people in these places do not treat animals with ANY dignity.
They're products.
They get treated as such
Humans don’t have to eat animals to be healthy, go vegan i know it's just semantic, but I like to say "become vegan" because it implies a permanent change in your very being, not just something you try or do for a bit.
Once you truly have become vegan, it's unthinkable to ever go back on that I tried that and my health suffered. My blood work went out of control and my doctor was upset. I still eat a large portion of vegs but have a small portion of meat and my health and blood work went back to normal.
heart breaking but I get it. my father never hid the processing from us as kids. not that he did a lot but he hunted. He was raised on a working farm and respected the animals he worked with and slaughtered. that's what it comes down to. respect. I agree with the need to close down the big slaughter houses. there is no need for an animal to suffer, travelling time and crowded conditions, no water or shade.. they suffer for our plates. there is a better way to do it. right now, there is no respect for the animals travelling to slaughter. as a side note, Canada is now shipping live horses overseas for slaughter, again, the conditions are foul and it's not something we as a country should in any way be proud of.
It's amazing how you just know everything. How exciting for you.
@@adamstjames4564are you actually complimenting him or are you being sarcastic?
@@Miscellaneous_master You need to check your email addresses more carefully. That isn't mine.
There’s a better way and that’s not doing it at all
Small slaughter houses are no kinder than big ones because slaughter can never be a kind or respectful act. Simple way to stop the vast majority of this exploitation and violence - or at least your personal responsibility for it - is to go vegan. And that's as simple as putting different stuff in your shopping trolley each week. The choice is yours. It certainly worked for me. Celebrating ten years as a vegan on New Year's day. Best choice I ever made.
Personally , I've always seen hunted meat as being the most humane meat. That deer is out living its best life, and then, bam! lights out. Also, hunting supports wilderness, can’t grow deer in town. Very environmental. Hunting might be different in Europe tho. It’s also important to remember that farms in general cause massive deaths every time they plow, harvest, etc. so veg isn’t cruelty free .
I don't like hunting AT ALL. But I think you hit the nail right on the head there about the hunted animal having the better life then one raised in a large industrial farm.
@@t_rizerno, he didn’t. One raised on a farm wouldn’t have been bred and born in the first place. Stop looking for excuses just to make yourself feel better about the next time you have a dead animal on your plate.
So what if you were living your best life, and then, bam! Lights out. Would that be “humane” (benevolent and compassionate?)
Things die so other things can live.
Maybe we can say that we are so disconnected from farming from many generations not being on the farm and going to college has made people soft and weak and this is most definitely a 1st world problem there wouldn't be any kind of problem in a 3rd world country
bro brazilians are completely desensitized to the death of people.
India, which is the 3rd world for you, has the largest vegetarian population ...
@@YogeshAghori-ru2fblmao 🤣 I hope the british vegans don't get the blame
Such a fantastic series, one of the best things ever to come out of the Guardian. Thank you, Richard.
RIP TEchnoblade
@@DTPxD TEchnoblade never dies
It is interesting
Don't you feel remorse for your crimes against these innocent creatures?
Don't you see that they love life like you and don't want to die?
Don't you see how much they are afraid of dying and scream out of fear?
Do you want someone to treat you and your family or loved ones like this?
If you have an iota of compassion and conscience, stop this dirty work.
(Eating meat is a crime
@@eleni-music3674 never a crime. It’s an industry that provides sustenance.
Filming all these animals that have died on the farm accidentally and saying it’s unusual. Imagine what it would be like as an undertaker
The attitude that they’re just “milking machines” is just so disheartening. Cows are not machines nor do they just continuously produce milk. They’re sensitive creatures who have strong bonds with each other and other beings, they love to play and to cuddle, they feel fear, happiness, and most likely love.
Whenever I hear people speak of other animals in the way that this man did it reminds me of how easily humans are able to pick and choose of who they think is deserving of empathy and compassion and how it’s only a few more steps to apply that to people.
Unfortunately the modern dairy herd are just milking machines, they produce too much milk with a fair number having associated ailments. I would prefer cows that produce less milk and have a good life quality
Absolutely! ✨
This is it though. They’re not human. If you think human rights only apply to humans as only humans can give moral consideration, then this is fine.
What gets me is the hypocrisy. If you kick a dog you’re a monster, but chucking chickens into an incinerator is fine.
It’s a philosophical argument fundamentally - these farmers do not think animals are the same as humans. You disagree. But you think you’re so right that you believe you can pass moral judgement. The farmers don’t.
But here’s one thing that is true: no animal, chicken, cow, lamb, horse, dog or cat will ever think the way you did when you wrote that comment.
I’m not saying which side I agree with, but it’s not as simple and emotional as you’re making it out to be
You don't have to accord non-human animals ALL the same rights as humans to at least notice and respect the fact that they are sentient and can suffer in a way that we would never want for ourselves or any human. That is where the moral consideration comes from. It's not from an accident of DNA.
Farmers know that they inflict suffering as an inherent part of making their living. They know they are exploiting living sentient beings for nothing other than material gain. That's why we cannot pull out punches. Sure, they are very heavily indoctrinated to think that cows and pigs are somehow different to cats and dogs, but that doesn't take away from the horrible harm they inflict to make their living. Many slave holders thought that they were looking after black people when they enslaved them. It was still monstrous.
Even as a vegetarian I have nothing but respect for independent farmers. Its a thankless job, the profit margins are incredibly tight, and the rules are insane.
Death is such a small part of these animals lifes. If you want to improve their well being and actually make a difference focus on every other day of their life instead.
Animal's do indeed have feelings, they feel joy, fear, happiness, depression and anger and they respond to love and kindness!
Yes that is acting out of their instinct.
Not true........
@@marcusmason3440 what exactly do you mean?
I think he means it's not the same with the ability to reason like humans. I agree
@@marcusmason3440how’s that?
in the USA they've made it illegal to film any terrible conditions on farms. The whistleblowers can be put in prison....the conditions on the farms NEVER improve. Not for the workers on the farms either....they are often illegal, and kept in almost as bad conditions as the animals.
That's because people demand cheap meat. If there is an economic demand for better conditions, then there will be a supply created for it.
@@joeblogs6598 ppl demand cheap meat because about 40% of the population is really struggling. And it's the best, fastest way to get protein Those ppl CANNOT demand more expensive meat or then they would have none. Plus, many of the owners of the factory farms are driving around in Mercedes Benz SUV's and pickups....and have big houses and swimming pools. .....they don't want to spend more on the animals'.....or workers' conditions, because that would mean they couldn't get a new model of Mercedes every year. If it's a really big corporation, the company's chief officers also have yachts. cheers anyways
Im shocked the USA would put the precious $ above all else
@@newshound2521 hee hee! is that sarsasm? The children of Medjugorje said that the USA would Never bring the world back to religion....they're all too rich.. All the best to you!
i call BS on this comment. not illegal to video with owner's consent. most of the smear videos seem to be videoed in foreign countries by PETA and others. american farms and processing plants have laws and rules to follow also both state and federal. so again i call bs on this comment. enjoy your break at your PETA office with a big mac combo.
You are what you eat, so the happier the food before death...and farmers don't get enough of anything - respect, compassion, money, or support.
Growing up on a farm, I can say our animals were humanely raised and processed. The meat was absolutely delicious!
You ate your friends?
@@t_rizer correct!
The knackerman showed quite a bit of patience with Sprenger's one-note yammering. What else should be done as it concerns the humane dispatching and economical handling of that which is, well, now surplus to agricultural requirements?
The entire segment is a bit precious, and it's nothing to do with the validity of the nature of the service that the knackerman provides.
I gave up meat 2 years a go due to my disgust at factory farming. I was impressed with the guy that ran the small abitior. I think smaller farms and meat consumption would be a move in the right direction.
You should try to find more local farms around your area if you can, trust me they are out there sadly not advertised enough
My neighbor raises kobe (I believe) he does the slaughter in his backyard with a butcher when the time comes. When I hear one gunshot randomly a few times out of the year I know what's going on.
I don't really understand why you'd be disgusted with factory farming if you have no problem killing animals anyway.
@Tony Paterson I don't think animals were meant to be in factory farms. I could be more at peace if there was a sustainable and respectful way of killing and processing animals for food. Similar to how the native Americans were
I'm glad you have given up completely, means I don't have to give up or cut down at all.
"doesn't the entire culture pretend that death doesn't happen?" - I think that was right on point.
Thank you to all on here for your honesty.
Back in the sixties when i was at secondary school we actually had a day trip to a slaughter house .Cant ever see that happening today !!
Our secondary school goes to the school for learning how to become a butcher.
I believe that in Denmark, schoolchildren visit an abattoir as part of their education so that they understand what meat production involves.
Wow, no wonder there are so many serial killers in first world countries.
After watching this , it hasn't really changed my opinion on eating meat
Why? Not intelligence enough?
@@ponnamy ? What does my decision to eat meat have to do with my intelligence?
@@ponnamy *intelligent
What would change your opinion?
@@ponnamy What does his decision to eat meat have to do with his intelligence?
Ignorance is causing the needless suffering of animals being transported long distances to slaughterhouses. We need to bring the same "local" mentality to meat animals as we do to local produce
I still believe you should have to slaughter your own animals. This is coming from someone who hunts and has also seen humans die as well. I know the feelings that go with taking a life which makes me respect the food I eat and the life men lived before their time was up.
I don’t think my local farmer would be right happy if I went and shot one of his sheep. Also the only think wild around me is squirrel and fox, not the meatiest of animals.
The farmer would probably appreciate your business though, and the meat tastes so much better, same as fresh veg.@@Dandodod1
I feel like you shouldnt eat meat if you cant handle where it comes from
AS OPPOSED TO $600-800
When u got 4kids 3 dogs, a cat a wife, & the strays ( kids friends) the kids bring home.
I've understood where our food has come from since grade school.
The problem seems to stem from the common person not knowing, or understanding how farms work, where they came from, and all the technology and leaps in farming have come along with it.
Some of these people who dislike farming probably have never lived in a town where they can hunt for food.
In the southern states of America chickens often die of heat exhaustion. They get ground up and put into animal feed.
That’s asking for trouble
very interesting and balanced reporting, not pro or con,, it is life and death , we all die.
14:26 "I'm not going to be thinking about it by tea time today otherwise you couldn't carry on could you" says everything right there
That guy is definitely a psychopath! 😖
@@originalunoriginal4055 explain a psychopath
I think that goes along with a lot of difficult jobs.
Some people dont understand that farm animals really live a much better life than wild animals. Wild animals almost never die happily of old age like some uneducated people think. They get ripped to shreds and die slowly trying to fight their way out of a predators jaws. Those that dont die that way die even more slowly due to lack of water or food or die of disease/parasites. Farm animals (at least in free range farms how it SHOULD be done) live a life that wild animals dream of. They get to eat every day and go about their routine with few interruptions until they are killed quickly and painlessly. Of course there are some cruel farms out there that give real farmers a bad reputation but people need to see videos like this and other humane free range farm practices.
7:45 "the cows know" is pretty deep ngl
Its not how a dead animal is treated as like a dead human it cant feel anything. The real worry is how an animal is treated whilst alive. Almost all Farmers look after the welfare of their animals. They have a financial interested in looking after their livestock.
Do you really expect the man to cry over every dead cow? He wouldnt be able to work....
Ah yes, the Guardian, just left of the Kremlin.
Are bull calves still removed from the cow when very young and sold for veal? I think this is (or was) an inhumane practice, as it's very traumatic for the mother! It's the true price we pay for milk.
Heifer calves are also removed what’s your point?
Obviously the media tells you it’s traumatic but from first hand experience I’ve seen cows more interested in food and other cows than their actually calf
The Bobby calves are removed from their mum and usually killed soon after
Dairy cows won't naturally wean a calf. This sets up replacement heifers with the extremely bad habit of continuing to drink milk from other cows long after adulthood which can actually damage udders to the point they don't work anymore. Dairy calves can spread diseases by nursing on multiple cows. There are many other reasons too. It's sounds 'so cruel' but the reasons are for the health and wellbeing of the whole herd.
I hope veal is always available - it's the only thing our little rescue cat can stomach comfortably.
New calves have no meat value so they need to be raised for quite some time before they are used. So I believe they are sold to other farmers to grow out.
There's no mention of the mass producing of death to satiate market stability. Farmers are fined for under or overproducing livestock for the supply of supermarkets.
Man, I remember this video that was uploaded by some whistleblower or whatever that showed farmers basically sealing up a big pig warehouse and they pumped it full of steam and cooked them alive, when they opened it back up some were still alive and screaming so they killed them obviously, it was due to lack of demand, all they did was bury them next to the warehouse where they were killed in a big mass grave. All because it would have cost them money to keep them alive and feed them. Like, what the actual fuck?
I've seen how it is in the meet industry and it's worst. Animals are not respected anymore
Are a Siberian husky in a small apartment respected , a dog in clothing , a animal kept alive because the owner can’t end its suffering
That's ok, neither are humans. How long do you think it will be before they start culling us! They have already said it's on the cards.
I’m struggling to see when some of these people were actually sensitive or caring about animals? There’s tons of comments about these people being desensitised because of their job, but most people who care don’t last in these jobs. I am genuinely interested as to whether these farmers or drivers came into the job for animal welfare or just because they see these animals as ££££
If money is what you're after, farming is not the way forward 😂
Pigs are smarter than dogs. I notice they didnt show pigs
As humans have evolved to the consciousness of controlling other beings they therefore beheld the responsibility of not atleast killing them for their products. Cooperation is the key and always have been for our evolution. So we have an option of mutualism rather than predation.
So we have to all be vegetarians then?
@@d9918 No, vegan.
@@djayjp Well good for you personal choice but nature certainly isn't vegan and it's not the way we have evolved. I wish we could farm animals more humanely and would gladly pay extra for meat if the animal had a better life. Don't forget we all have to die eventually, I don't care if they eat me when I'm gone but I want to live a good life first.
@@djayjp Nah, I´m staying with the meat
@@brantweiller based
If you have livestock you have deadstock.
Like most modern business...all the larger meat works thrive and smaller business falls by the wayside. Hence you get animals suffering on long trips from farm to slaughter house.....Big business wins, the animals and small business suffers....
I used to raise beef stock in small numbers....but only ever sold to the smaller local slaughter houses.....for less money...but in return one half of one of the animals was returned to me free of charge, and ready for me to butcher, pack and freeze down for my own family....
That way my animals raised with care, never suffered a journey on a stock truck for more than 20 kilometres.
"problematic." such a dumb world considering the realitiy of the world we live in. people are literally children living in a reality that is ALWAYS 18+
yall need to grow up
Bro, they are protesting when they in fact do eat meat. They have no question when eating it?
I'm having to ask myself some really difficult questions that I've been trying to avoid all my life
I highly recommend the film Earthlings.
I did 3 years ago, glad I did. Very few people are actually this cruel when they took a good long look at what's going on and whether they want to contribute to it. I started out just cutting out beef, eventually you just don't miss it, then the next thing etc. 2nd year in and I was in the best shape of my life so not looked back 😎
I recommend watching 'Land of Hope and Glory (UK 'Earthlings' Documentary)' here on UA-cam. It won't be an easy watch but it will settle the question for you
yeah, why on earth did you like google plus?
You have to consume to live, it's how loving life works. If you're concern is to minimize your impact on the suffering of other living things, I recommend to look into sourcing your food locally, whether plant or animal. Just advice from someone who has been trying to do this for almost a decade.
9:30 he's just described me. I must be a chicken.
Have you laid your egg today?
@@igorsiliano3655 I laid 5. Very fertile I am. Cluck cluck.
Mmm I like you
The guy with the bear head has a better understanding of factory farming than Joey Carbstrong
People: “Killing animals is so cruel and wrong”
Also people: “Hi, can I have a Big Mac”
Hasn't put me off meat in any way, shape or form.
This clip was polite and lacked depth of insight. Try watching Earthlings, Dominion & Pignorance.
i think most people are not interested in the morality of eating meat. So if you exclude that part of it and consider it a health and climate issue, it shouldn't really be so black and white. It's more realistic to get people to just eat less meat and make them think about things like steak or lamb as a luxury to have once in a while.
nah, I´m staying with meat
If there were less people in the world, i.e. population control, then there would be no market for industrialised meat production. Veganism, as stated by John Dutton, a tv drama (Yellowstone), but no less valid for that, saying more critters that live on and under the green fields are slaughtered in their billions to produce vegan food. Living things die all the way up the food chain, and get eaten. Vegan food production leaves the critters to rot in the fields...
So your willing to eat just lettuce and think of , say peas as a luxury. Oh, and as to the climate issue, I think we need more animals, not less to compensate for the mess scientists have made, between weather experiments and rockets, plus to many humans. When they say carbon zero, that includes getting rid of us too...
An Animal should never be shot in front of the other animals. These are intelligent beings .
An animal should never be shot at all. They are intelligent beings.
They do school trips in Denmark to this day.
@@davidpalk5010 shutup
@@robertjohnstanley LOL. There's no food chain in Sainsbury's. You have choices.
@@davidpalk5010not everyone is entitled to believe what you do. Animals are sentient creatures, but they are also resources for ALL other animals, including humans.
Is this supposed to shame me into eating veg?
no, just eat cats instead.
@@myblueheaven4424why do you think china has so many diseases we dont eat dogs and cats because they are street predators who consume other street animals which mire than likely carry disease. Why do you think you’re not supposed to eat bears they carry worms. Animals that eat other animals are more likely to transfer disease to people.
I work at a small abbitoir in b.c. I can't imagine working at a massive factory Slaughter facility. 3000 people on a shift on a Slaughter line where the machines never stop. Something that large sounds like a domain in Dantes inferno. Keep meat processing in your local communities.
I visited a huge chicken abbitoir in California, USA. Impressive to see but not pleasant working conditions. All those rails and conveyor belts screeching.
"Doesn't the entire culture pretend that death doesn't happen?" Exactly. This farmer nailed it. Remove humans from the sight of a carcass in a butcher shop, and we become desensitized to the significance of meat; remove humans from nature and we become whiny, weak and overly sentimental about the realities that have been part of life on Earth since long before we arrived. Of course there's nothing natural about factory farming, and I would love to see it done away with. But veganism? That's just vanity - a kind of anti-nature chauvinism which presumes that death and suffering themselves are evil, and would not occur in the absence of human folly. To sneer at a meat eater, one has to think oneself better than all of the other animals who eat meat, and than the natural world which created them.
There’s nothing natural about force breeding 77 billion animals a year for consumption. Veganism is vanity? On what groups do you assume that?
The farmer was using 'death is innevitable' to justify killing animals long before they'd naturally die. If I killed puppies and used his excuse, nobody would be on my side.
In my experience this isn't true. Almost all vegans I know (quite a few) really don't mind eating the meat as such, their protest is solely about the methods used throughout the farming worlds. It is very old-fashioned and incorrect now to think that vegans & vegetarians 'don't eat meat'. Veganism now stands for 'not engaging with the animal-rearing and farming industries'. The eating of meat is almost irrelevant.
@@timothyfountain3399 Im pretty sure vegans dont eat meat. Source: I'm vegan and have vegan friends.
You can stop liking the smell of bacon. Took me about 25 years. I didn't stop because it tasted bad and would eat it to protect my health but there is plenty else to eat so I do.
To me the main problem is when farming becomes industrial, livestock become numbers and statistics. In an ideal world we would go back to how it was a hundred years to having family farms producing meat for the local butchers for local people to eat. Sustainability, traceability and as humane as possible.
I have a lot of respect for how honest everyone was in this video. And the thing is, I was not exactly pleased with all of the responses, but. Two things: 1, desensitization is a real thing that is incredibly hard to avoid and happens fairly quickly, so the less than savory attitudes of some of these guys are unfortunately completely normal. And 2, it is important that we don't demonize the kind of farming shown in this video, because while it's far from perfect, it's MUCH better than true, full scale factory farming. And if we call all industrial farming bad, and come after everyone in equal measure, all that will happen is that the little guys (smaller scale, free range, etc) will lose against us, but the big guys won't, and all we will be left with is the greater of two evils.
Some interesting, and very telling comments in this. The knackerman who says if people saw the worst of what happens they'd stop eating meat, the abattoir owner who says once an animal is unrecognisable after it's decapitated it becomes ok to eat. And the chicken farmer who complains that people are too disassociated from how their food is produced yet suggests that if he thought about the chickens he incinerates he would be able to carry on.
Seems like even the ones defending their industry are affected by it despite trying really hard to repress those emotions. As a consumer, we'd either become desensitised to the violence or actually allow the violence to catalyse a change in our habits. Both outcomes infer that killing animals isn't something we should continue doing.
I don't think we as a species have any emotional attachment to animals. Any of us could cut the head off a fawn and feel very little in the way of sadness.
The chicken farmer never said people are disassociated from their food, he said they were disassociated from death, which is true, and he meant death of fellow humans as well.
Plant based meat is ultra processed food
Your meat is hormone and antibiotic pumped. What's your point?
Well as an farmer i can say it isnt.@@whoslistening
@p-kpp110 So your animals are not given antibiotics? Estradiol is in meat and dairy. Plant based has none of that.
This guy is emotionally naïve to the reality of what life is for a wild animal. (To be clear, I believe the life and slaughter of farm animals should be as humane as possible. Meaning: access to the outdoors, food, water, no cruel needless abuse and as fast of a death as possible.) - In reality, life in the wild is absolutely brutal. Nobody comes with a gun to finish off half dead animals in the woods. When a wild animal breaks a leg, gets infested with ticks.. and etc. it slowly dies of dehydration, hunger.. or it becomes prey for a pack of wolves ,coyotes or bears. Which will rip it apart in the most gruesome manor possible... Alive while being eaten, screaming out as a pack of small coyotes rip into whatever part of the animal they can. - That one farmer put it best when he talked about how we associate the life of a wild animal to that which we've seen in Disney movies.. : The animals of the forest living together as friends. Each with their own personality and quirks.
I'm glad the truth is being widespread. There is no "humane" way to kill a living sentient being that feels pain.
Hopefully you don't eat bread then...
@@ewangent what? lol
There is
@@KvngLxo wait... you didn't know that yeast is a living object.... also bacteria in yogurt is alive as well....🤣🤣💀💀💀
@@kookycoolauntkaryn5884 yeah but yeast dosent feel pain when u eat it lol
The fact someone is desensitised to something they see on a daily basis is logical. Ask a human rights lawyer about genocide cases
Yet the human rights lawyer fights for the rights for individuals who suffer.
@@MK-li2cd fair counterpoint.
Not convinced
Do you cry when not all of your seeds germinate or aren’t vigorous? ‘Tis the nature of things.
An important issue more people have to see. When i talk to people about when eating and using animal products it has to lead to their death, I always hear the same „Ohhh i cant deal with that - dont tell me about it!!!“.
Well unlike those people, I couldn't care less where my food comes from.. I'm aware that they die.. But it is what it is
@@lucifersgameroom9275 ok edgelord
@@truecrimerip7936 not really being an edgelord... Most people feel that way. They just don't care
@@truecrimerip7936 Thats not called being edgy but okay.
I am subbed to a few farmers. You got to make sure that you know that these animals are not pets but working animals serving a purpose.
Sandi Brock?
@@inannaliban Shes my main one.
This is not for the wets we have these days.
I think it's important to take accountability of what we put in our shooping bag.
Buying from local farms and cutting down consumption of meat, food in genersl is key.
Fast food restaurants should be a treat not an occurrence.
Little changes done by many can go along way to make a diffrence. It was a long time ago that we didn't know where our food came from or a long time where the animals we consumed were humanly killed.
The use of pesticides by farmers obtains farmers twice the incidence of ALL serious diseases compared to the general population.
How much LESS serious disease would there be in the general population if those pesticides were banned?
Herbicide, Insecticide, and fungicide. All in the food chain and the water supply.
And kills the wild birds, as the insects that they feed on are poisoned and have also become scarce. The birds ingest these pesticides too.
@public.public And how much more disease and misery will there be once you've destroyed all of these inventions that allow modern farming to supply food at these prices?
Excellent piece Richard, it definitely makes you thing about what we eat and how it's cared for..
@@eeth_121 who?…
Thank you. Very informative, and while unsettling you can see the care from the farmers and the abattoir. I’m sure while this will discourage meat eating it is also eye opening in light of those freakish American documentaries - here in the UK our animal welfare really is good.
Did you think they had a degree on welfare?
@@globalist1990 What do you mean?
Utterly delusional!
As a Canadian? Agreed.
@@globalist1990 i know nothing of the american documentaries he is talking of but if he changed american documentaries with chinese welfare i would say yes to your question.
£7.50 for a sheep? It’s €40 to get one lifted in Ireland, It’s long past time the knackers were subsided
Are we supposed to eat our food while it is alive???
I eat my vegetables and fruits when they're not "dead", I think. But none of my food has nor come from someone with a brainstem. Nor with eyes and a mouth.
Media reports highlighting animal cruelty are bound to nudge a proportion of viewers to cut their meat consumption and try meat-free dishes. And vegetarian & vegan substitutes for meat are now superb - in terms of taste & texture. Once the health benefits of meat-free diets are publicised more widely, the trend towards vegetarian & vegan living will become unstoppable!
Thats why ive been vegan for 16 years!
Big wow
WOW let me give u a medal - O
Whats a Vegan?
Back before it was trendy, or easy!! 👍
See some people just don't understand a job is a job somebody has to do it
The whole country used to be served by small abattoirs - until the Blair government decided that large, factory-style abattoirs were much more desirable. The Guardian was not a part of the fight to stop that change. Of course, since no one is interested in even recent history anymore, these facts lie unknown in the dusts of time.
Lions, tigers and all similar wildlife attack their prey and eat it whilst it is still alive.
How CRUEL is that?
Yet Attenborough and co seem to love watching it and showing you.
Proper human meat production is ( or IS SUPPOSED TO BE ) instant death, or as near to it as possible.
If the animals are kept humanely and well BEFORE slaughter this is nowhere near as cruel as in the wild.
The wild animal kingdom is the worst, yet the greenies never seem to talk about it.
Perhaps we can teach wildlife to eat tofu?
Lions and tigers and bears and other wild animals are doing that to survive, they also don’t have moral agency. Humans know the difference between right and wrong, they also have a choice. Some humans choose not to hurt animals by paying for someone to kill them, some don’t.
Most animals the you eat are not kept in good conditions, hence the countless undercover work from activists, they are also not slaughtered humanely, humane slaughter is an oxymoron, there is no such thing as slaughtering an individual that doesn’t want to die.
I agree with you and am all for eating meat, but actually Attenborough has said that they actually don’t show the footage of the animals being eaten alive because it’s too distressing. They show the kills, and the lions feeding on carcasses, but that scene of them eating a Buffalo while it’s still alive they won’t show
Why the name "Human Animal" in this context?
Sounds like anthropomorphizing to me.
because we are animals! And if you put us in a field with a pride of lions, who do you think will be dinner! (a lot slower than the other animals)
I assume the title is acknowledging the similarities between humans and other animals. It's not necessarily anthropomorphizing.
humans are animals, we have animal cells
@@blue_mtn4408 Don’t eat me! 😱
But,even if you have to kill them for food! WHY do they have to treat them with so much cruelty??!!
They have to desensitise themselves to be able to perform such actions. If it ceases to be a living, feeling, sentient being, then the associated guilt is lifted, and that's how it becomes easier to perform these "processes".
I didn't see any cruelty here tbh.
@@Lucy-no6yr If you replaced every animal you saw in this video with a human, would your comment be the same?
@@steelchampion it's not a human though. Snd if you're suggesting that humans are not superior to animals, then.... well, animals eat one another. No being can exist without taking the life of something else ultimately. Even if you eat plant based, you need to clear land, control pests, power factories, manufacture packaging etc. etc.
@@Lucy-no6yr Humans are animals and can experience emotional and physical stress in ways not too dissimilar to non-human animals, so yes my question still stands...
People need to understand where their food cones from. Yes it's not a pleasant thought but what goes on behind the closed doors of an abattoir is a necessary part of the process to feed the population.
If they stopped killing chickens for food, what would they do with the millions of chickens left over every day?
Have you had enough time to realise your question is a little silly?
A police detective that gets desensitized to seeing murders, now that's scary. Saying someone should see a problem with being desensitized to seeing dead animals? They're just animals, just because we shouldn't abuse them doesn't mean we have to weep at every dead one.
Abattoirs we have three different types, only one stuns the animal prior to death ?
When you've got live stock,you have dead stock to
He’s quite realistic.