Based on your knowledge, I have master degree in ICM from out side UK, to join the ICM CCT program, should I finish MRCP and acute medicine speciality exams FIRST? and what about the core training years, does my 4years internship counts, so I can join the program immediately or not?
الله يجزيك كل خير
جهد مشكور يا محمد.. ان شاء الله فى ميزان حسناتك
Based on your knowledge, I have master degree in ICM from out side UK, to join the ICM CCT program, should I finish MRCP and acute medicine speciality exams FIRST?
and what about the core training years, does my 4years internship counts, so I can join the program immediately or not?
Hi 👋 I was wondering whether you found the answer to your question as I'm thinking about the same thing too 🙂
عايز اتواصل مع الدكتور صاحب الفيديو ده
How to contact with you doctor, thanx alot.