Sequencing is intuitive - sequencing images in this way, is a language of which I too, am familiar. I enjoy how eloquent the resistance can be when using language with others- it’s a constant awareness of the sequencing of words as well. Fantastic.
A problem with the differentiation between “Whiteness” and “good white people I know and love”, between universality and specificity, is that the former category becomes the receptacle for the negative, and the latter contains the positive. This is too simplistic. “Whiteness” as a generalizing category contains both negative (alt-right white racists) and positive (white freedom riders). “Whiteness” is complexity. The problem is made more complex when we consider who is creating the category: whites defining what “Whiteness” describes, compared to BIPOC people defining what “Whiteness” describes; that is the category is impacted by the experiences of the group which is defining the category. “Whiteness” and “Blackness” contains the ideologies with which we are indoctrinated.
Arthur starts talking at 2:14
Sequencing is intuitive - sequencing images in this way, is a language of which I too, am familiar. I enjoy how eloquent the resistance can be when using language with others- it’s a constant awareness of the sequencing of words as well. Fantastic.
well said 💜
@@teeskyers thank you
waddap brocephalys
A problem with the differentiation between “Whiteness” and “good white people I know and love”, between universality and specificity, is that the former category becomes the receptacle for the negative, and the latter contains the positive. This is too simplistic. “Whiteness” as a generalizing category contains both negative (alt-right white racists) and positive (white freedom riders). “Whiteness” is complexity. The problem is made more complex when we consider who is creating the category: whites defining what “Whiteness” describes, compared to BIPOC people defining what “Whiteness” describes; that is the category is impacted by the experiences of the group which is defining the category. “Whiteness” and “Blackness” contains the ideologies with which we are indoctrinated.
very thought provoking, thank you for this
Allen David Wilson Deborah Rodriguez Deborah