Where there heck did it put that long ass tool . ..one side for long tools n one side for shorter tool ? Confused ..hmmm magazine couldnt hold that ..I'd like to see how that works
Can't you see that firstly the B-axis head takes the boring bar from the space above the Sub-spindle and then a special head is clamped from the tool magazine on the left side?
Where there heck did it put that long ass tool . ..one side for long tools n one side for shorter tool ? Confused ..hmmm magazine couldnt hold that ..I'd like to see how that works
Can't you see that firstly the B-axis head takes the boring bar from the space above the Sub-spindle and then a special head is clamped from the tool magazine on the left side?
job satisfaction right here
what a beast!
Perfect .
nice machine
no sound crapy demo bit like their fanuc style controlers and service just shithouse
Just like your spelling and grammar.