AI-Powered Project Organization: Batch-Renaming in Premiere Pro with Automation Blocks and ChatGPT

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • download Automation Blocks for Premiere Pro at
    Unleash the power of AI in your Premiere Pro project organization! In this tutorial, we'll introduce you to a groundbreaking workflow that combines Automation Blocks with the cutting-edge AI capabilities of ChatGPT. Say goodbye to manual renaming struggles and hello to an AI-driven process that takes your project organization to new heights. Discover how to easily add prefixes or suffixes to project item names and harness the full potential of search & replace functionality. We'll dive into leveraging ChatGPT to generate complex regular expressions for seamless renaming with even the most intricate naming patterns. Join us as we revolutionize your workflow and elevate your project organization in Premiere Pro. Subscribe now for more AI-powered tutorials and productivity hacks!
    Let me show you how to rename many project items at once in Premiere Pro with Automation Blocks. And to make this boring topic super exciting, we will also use some artificial intelligence - So stay tuned!
    Here I have these concert items in my Premiere Pro project and they are actually jpgs. But somehow, probably since I renamed the items manually, they don't have a .jpg suffix anymore.
    I can fix this quickly with the "Append to Project Item Names" tool of the extension Automation Blocks. Here as "text after" I just enter ".jpeg", make sure my items are all selected and run the tool.
    If I entere the text "final" now - and note that I entered a space before the "final" - and run the tool again, you can see that this is also appended to the name , but before the suffix .jpg. This is because I have this option here enabled. If I would deactivate it, the "final" would be placed after the jpeg. You can also insert texts before the original name, but let's not waste any time and instead show you also the tool "Search and Replace in Project Items Names".
    The basic function is very obvious here, too. You can for example search for "final" and replace it by "v2" and all names update accordingly.
    By default, the tool only processes selected project items, but you can also uncheck this box to process everything in your project.
    Also, by default the search is case sensitive.
    Since reality is not always as easy as these simple examples, let's take a look at this super powerful option to allow regular expressions and see how we can use artificial intelligence to help us.
    Here I have some Adobe stock images and let's try to do some search & replace on those numbers here. So instead of searching for a fixed text, we search for a pattern, which matches all those numbers using regular expressions.
    If you know how to write regular expressions, great! If not, no problem - let's ask Chat GPT!
    We ask "Please give me a regular expression in JavaScript syntax which matches an underscore followed by any number".
    And here is ChatGPT's answer.
    This text between the two slashes is always the pattern we are looking for. But before we copy it, let's take a look at the explanation, to see if it is really what we need.
    Here it say, the pattern matches an underscore followed by a single digit. If you want to match more than one digit after the underscore, you can modify the expression to ... this.
    Ok, since we need more than one digit, we copy this one. Make sure to always copy only the part between the two slashes, without the slashes themselves.
    So we paste the pattern in the search box, select the first few images and make sure "allow regular expressions" is enabled. Now if we keep the replace text empty and run the tool, it matches all the numbers with leading underscores and removes them.
    Now let's say that we don't want to delete the numbers, but want to reuse our numbers in the replace text. For this, we need to store them in so called capturing groups. So let's ask ChatGPT to add those.
    "I want the version which supports multiple digits. Could you please put the number into a capturing group?"
    ChatGPT often generates sample code how to use the expression, but we can ignore that and again just copy the part of the expression between the two slashes.
    We paste it into the search field and if you compare the new pattern to the old one, you notice that it has those parentheses which put the digits into the capturing group. Since the pattern has only one pair of parenthesis, we only have one group, and this one can be accessed by $1.
    So if we enter as replace text "[$1]" for example, and run the tool, you can see that the digits are now placed in square brackets.
    With these clips here, I want to show you how to create regular expressions with ChatGPT based on examples.
    "Can you give me a regular expression in JavaScript syntax which matches strings like "ASC101H1" and "ASC103H2" and puts the numbers into capturing groups?
    And here is our result! So let's copy it to the clipboard.
    Since we have two capturing groups this time, we