  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
    Terrence Howard's interview on NPR, describing the Jehovah's Witnesses and their obligation to preaching from door to door.
    And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. Matthew 24 vs 14
    To find out about Jehovah's witnesses visit WWW.JW.ORG

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2 тис.

  • @dannym7887
    @dannym7887 9 років тому +46

    I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness ... I'm not baptized but I'm a unbaptized publisher ... When I was 12 my family stop being close to jws ... This began to get really hard with my family ... There was always fights ... Then I took it upon myself to bring my family back to Jehovah... It was hard honestly ... I was and still am trying to free myself from the temptations this world offers... But ever since my family came back to the Jehovah's witnesses we've actually have become a family again... The fighting stopped .... The brothers always mean well ... But everyone must understand we are not perfect ... We will make mistakes ... And I know in my heart that the Jehovah witnesses are the true religion ( and it's not a cult) please don't assume things if you haven't given it a chance ... I will get baptized soon ... Next time you see a Witness preaching ask for more information..... Please respect JWs like the way they respect you ....

    • @NoCoIntelPro
      @NoCoIntelPro 9 років тому

      It saddens me to see such a zealous young man deceived by a business under the guise of religion. You're a publisher because JW are a publication company. JW is a business.

    • @NoCoIntelPro
      @NoCoIntelPro 9 років тому

      +Sherlock Simpson those were some kind words... Sherlock. So, tell me do JW participate in government activities like stalking and psychological operations?

    • @themans3584
      @themans3584 9 років тому

      well say.

    • @edreynolds2819
      @edreynolds2819 9 років тому

      Good for you, Juan!

    • @NoCoIntelPro
      @NoCoIntelPro 9 років тому

      +Sherlock Simpson Here in Fontana California JWs do participate in psychological operations/stalking along with other criminals and corrupt government servants. JW are nice people. I have no idea why they would participate if they are neutral. That kind of thing is initiated by military, CIA, FBI and all the alphabet letter agencies. You follow me +Kevin Daniels who was on the other website I commented on. It's their way of patriotism. Just like the nazis. The community here don't have anything better to do but slave for the government to do bad things.

  • @gorgeouslady5612
    @gorgeouslady5612 10 років тому +32

    KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

    • @hagblay
      @hagblay 9 років тому

      Laddy why don't you join them? It is so easy to do. Just start going to all the meetings and everything you are suppose to do. But their is one thing a person should do. And that is to find out their history. They will not disguss their history. Their history is a sorry thing to behold.

    • @joelvinkle3986
      @joelvinkle3986 9 років тому +1

      John Newsome If you want to talk about history let's talk about Hitler being a Roman Catholic and Vladimir being an Orthodox and neither church revoking their status. What does that say? If you don't believe what others believe than just kill them them right? I think that's exactly what Christ taught in the bible.

    • @diamondgrant55
      @diamondgrant55 9 років тому

      lionofthetribe1 Sir, I don't know if you realize that basically everything you said is wrong. No Jehovah's Witnesses don't celebrate holidays, but each holiday especially Christmas is explained in the encyclopedia on how its not a legit holiday, but people don't care cause you get to benefit from sales at stores and gifts that you're given. You can not accurately say things about a religion you know nothing about, you can only get legit info from the source such as the witnesses themselves or their website which is filled with tons of information. Jehovah's Witnesses are able to do what they please with their lives based off what they feel is acceptable according to the Bible (each individual's opinion is different). Many do their own research and that's what people who come into the religion are encouraged to do because they can then see for themselves what the Bible says and why the religion is accurate. Also with the whole blood transfusion thing is more of a safety thing. Yes, it may "save" your life but there can also be risks and complications when receiving blood, we were made to be able to find natural ways to heal and survive that's why we often find out there are harmful side affects taking medications although they sometimes help. Jehovah's Witnesses are able to talk to whoever they please but to be careful not to allow the spiritual mind to possibly be influenced by things that may be unpleasing to God. You don't have to ask the elders anything, but you may ask them for counsel if you need encouragement or spiritual help. Jehovah's Witnesses are able and encouraged to study their own literature not only the watchtower, so one is able to understand and go to their Bible to know what they are learning. Jehovah's Witnesses go from door to door because in the Bible is says to, now you may look in any bible you choose to read Acts 5:42 and Acts 20:20 (or Matthew 24:14). Jehovah's Witnesses are able to completely think for themselves, do research and go from door to door whenever and for how ever long they please, that's if they want to cause some don't at all. I advice you to do actual research preferably from the witnesses themselves. Think about it this way if some one was going to say something or make accusations about you, you'd want them to get it from the source...you right? Now I meant no disrespect but I feel it's unfair to say things about something or someone you don't truly know about. Hope you take this into consideration.

    • @diamondgrant55
      @diamondgrant55 9 років тому

      lionofthetribe1 You would receive counsel but one would not be disfellowshiped. And you have free will to do what you want. People within the religion follow what they feel is acceptable according to the bible so no human being is directly telling anyone what to do. And you keep bringing up the watchtower which is mostly used as a study article. Many people probably wouldn't celebrate Christmas even if it was "acceptable". Also like I said Christmas is not a legit holiday it is the celebration of the Sun not The Son...you can find that in the encyclopedia as well as other true facts about many other holidays. If you haven't gone to the source to receive actual information everything you continue to say will be wrong and spoken in ignorance. Many people don't care about the true origin of holidays due to it being traditional for years but I rather have the facts.

    • @truesolutions1
      @truesolutions1 9 років тому

      didi grant My dear little sister. I am sure you mean well. The gentleman in the video did a very fine job of representing us. You, on the other hand should maybe brush up on your skills a little before you make public statements such as this one. This interview factually represents what Jehovah's Witnesses believe.

  • @jgcato
    @jgcato 8 років тому +70

    I respect his honesty very much. He speaks truth for sure! I hope to meet him and his family in the New World!

    • @ghosty8210
      @ghosty8210 Рік тому

      @FacelessBogeynew world order is a government not a religion 😂

  • @strongheart7371
    @strongheart7371 10 років тому +95

    He sounds very sincere. Hopefully someday soon he will make the decision to serve the one and only true God, Jehovah...

    • @alexadillo4406
      @alexadillo4406 10 років тому +1

      He said he will not, so he is wordly.

    • @strongheart7371
      @strongheart7371 10 років тому +4

      Only God knows, we can only hope he does.

    • @flymasterA
      @flymasterA 7 років тому +1

      I planted, Apollos watered, but Jehovah makes it grow.

    • @Dollsfromlondon
      @Dollsfromlondon 5 років тому +1

      Jehovah is amazing ❤️❤️❤️

    • @ance306
      @ance306 5 років тому +2

      Jehovah knows the heart and hes know u have to b committed to b known as a witness. I can say, for all who know the organization the Real truth can set u free . Theres know other faith with the Unity jw have🙏🙏

  • @christinasantiago8471
    @christinasantiago8471 8 років тому +49

    I was baptized 1990. It is heartwarming to hear so many that have been touched by Jehovah. When you think about all the wonderful gifts that Jehovah gives everyone for free. For example: the rain, sun, the moon, the birds, the 360,000 variety of vegetation, When you stop and think how complicated it would be for mankind to control. I end up saying "That's ok, Thank you Jehovah for all you do in the name of your son, Jesus".

    • @chrisdurant4627
      @chrisdurant4627 2 роки тому +1

      Nice one, read isaiah, cha, 40,v 15-17 we nobody are we,,, read that,

    • @rickybobby9886
      @rickybobby9886 2 роки тому

      You do not have to be a jehovahs to be touched by god. Jehovah loves all his people. Not just jehovahs witnesses. It's insulting that you call us "worldly".

  • @ymusic3941
    @ymusic3941 10 років тому +59

    He did a wonderful job, and he said exactly what the bible saids, even though he's not a Witness , Thank you Mr Howard for defending the truth, please send my Christian love to your family.

    • @JamesEzell
      @JamesEzell 9 років тому

      By their fruits you shall know them: www.google.com/search?num=100&newwindow=1&espv=2&q=jehovah%27s+witnesses+sex+abuse+cases&oq=jehovah%27s+witnesses+sex+abuse&gs_l=serp.3.2.0l3j0i22i30.8563.8563.0.11677.

    • @JamesEzell
      @JamesEzell 9 років тому

      Oh and let's see how Mr Howard would fit in the organization: www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2014/11/21/terrence_howard_like_bill_cosby_has_been_repeatedly_accused_of_violence.html
      Should bump him up to elder right after baptism. Regardless of what the society advises Google is your friend. Make sure of all things hold fast to what is true.

    • @adroitone1611
      @adroitone1611 7 років тому

      Hedonistic attributes show one's love; love for self or love for God. PhD indeed!

    • @flymasterA
      @flymasterA 7 років тому

      More proof your Phd is just a B.S., but 'piled higher and deeper". You are a slave to nicotine, with the many health hazards associated to yourself and to other second-hand breathers. Plus smokers STINK!!! So showing love to brothers would cause a smoker to quit - at a great benefit to everyone, even their pocketbook. And yet you would call wicked those who would help ones to quit. I hope everyone can see how sick and deluded you are. It's bad enough for you to smoke yourself, but to tell others God doesn't care if you slowly destroy the body he gave you, and harm those around you?
      Even worldly places have banned smoking. Can you take a hint, or is there smoke in your eyes and on your brain, excusing your nasty addicted works of the world?
      Of course Satan has your mind blinded to a demonic practice, so what would you know about pleasing God?
      But stop telling others that slow suicide by poison ingestion is OK by God. That's pure demonism and Antichrist.
      Do you think Jesus would walk around smoking cigarettes? (That's for You-tubers, not you)

  • @rosemariecroucher929
    @rosemariecroucher929 10 років тому +63

    A most encouraging witness given by Terence I pray that one day soon he will dedicate his life to Jehovah our Loving Heavenly Father :-)

    • @SpecialPioneerSmerf
      @SpecialPioneerSmerf 10 років тому +7

      Apparently Terrence Howard would make a fine witness with his assault charges, as we both know the WatchTower articles that tell women to stay with their abusive husbands.

    • @adroitone1611
      @adroitone1611 7 років тому

      Let him without sin cast the forst stone.

    • @selvianaumang677
      @selvianaumang677 3 роки тому

      Jehovah Witnesses also human being which is they also imperfect human being too.they can make mistakes.what you expect?to be perfect,then you perfect first before expecting someone else

    • @jeremiahtray5621
      @jeremiahtray5621 3 роки тому +1

      @@SpecialPioneerSmerf There was no question mark and clearly you're lying.

  • @DeniseRRipy
    @DeniseRRipy 8 років тому +110

    I think this is wonderful. I was raised a Witness went out in the world as a rebel and thought it was so cool to be the opposite. After almost twenty years I began to study again and got baptized in 2000. One of the best things I have done. Due to so much loss over two years I am not attending meetings. I love the truth. I am so sad I can't get out of it. My dear friends always come see how I am doing. He is where I learned understanding. At one of the assemblies there was a brother there who was smoking outside. I talked to another brother about it and he said to have understanding that it is very hard to stop smoking and there are slip ups. Especailly when you are exposed to it at work and public places. They have so much great love and understanding. Draw close to Jehovah and he will be there. No matter what. I need to start going again. Once the truth is in your heart it never goes away. Even a person goes out and lives a debauched life like me. You are always welcomed back, Jehovah is so loving and kind.

    • @ZandalariHero
      @ZandalariHero 8 років тому +5

      +DeniseRRipy Beautifully written!

    • @monkmonk6068
      @monkmonk6068 8 років тому +6

      Humble, and honest-hearted are YOU! Remember, JEHOVAH GOD is the most powerful force in the universe. HE shows HIS love toward us like a FATHER to his child. HE can and is always willing to help and support us no matter what. He wants us to succeed in doing what's right. JEHOVAH forgives in a great way! AND, you will "FEEL" it, when HE does.

    • @jasone0771
      @jasone0771 8 років тому +1

      denise go back Jehovah wants you to livehappily

    • @monkmonk6068
      @monkmonk6068 8 років тому +2

      Jason Ekstrand

    • @mojangranksupport3367
      @mojangranksupport3367 7 років тому +10

      Jehovah sees what's in your heart, not your past :)

  • @joecaruana5036
    @joecaruana5036 8 років тому +38

    Terrence, if I may. Pray to Jehovah God for strength, his help and for his holy spirit all the time. Thats the only way I even get through each day.
    None of us can get through with our own strengh. With only our own strength, Satan wears us down.
    But with Jehovah's power and our relying on him, we become unstoppable!
    - Isaiah 40:30,31.
    But to get it you got to really beg Jehovah. Thats my experience.

  • @SuperMcubed
    @SuperMcubed 11 років тому +3

    I've been disfellowshiped for two years now. Satan has put many obstacles before me. I'm a single mom of four. Hearing this really inspired me. I want to be reinstated. This world has nothing to offer me..Thanks!!

  • @Charles2012Music
    @Charles2012Music 10 років тому +33

    Wow this is amazing. Another way we can see Jehovah's force in action.

    • @djlaughz4080
      @djlaughz4080 10 років тому +8

      That is awesome. But just being one of Jehovah's Witnesses and also how you conduct yourself is a strong witness to others in itself.

  • @MrJohnboy0724
    @MrJohnboy0724 10 років тому +119

    Jehovah is a loving God! The only true God! My hope is that more people come and find the love that Jehovah has give me and my over 7 million brothers and sisters in the truth! And as always Praise Jah You People!

    • @timknight8826
      @timknight8826 10 років тому +17

      Nice post. Hopefully, he makes the commitment to serve Jehovah.

    • @alexadillo4406
      @alexadillo4406 10 років тому

      Tim Knight
      he will not unfortunately, because he is worldly and extremely corrupt, contrary to what he portrays in his documentary for the blind..

    • @mattparr3038
      @mattparr3038 7 років тому +15

      Alexa Dillo we cant make that judgement.. no matter how bad a person might seem in our eyes. jehovah knows the heart

    • @fairday2
      @fairday2 7 років тому +7

      Even when Jesus was being put to death the told the evil doer that he would see him in Paradise. He give opportunity, and many in prisons reform and get baptized. Never give up. 1 Cor. 6:9-11

    • @themans3584
      @themans3584 7 років тому +2

      Phdin+ That is wrong Paradise is reference to the garden of Eden. Luke 23:43. Jesus is not talking about the earthly Paradise.

  • @estherbellamio1161
    @estherbellamio1161 10 років тому +22

    beautifully explained :) May Jehovah, our loving father, give him the strength he needs to let that seed grow and blossom into a wonderful servant of Jehovah

    • @chum3192
      @chum3192 3 роки тому +1

      Charles taze russell (the dude who founded Jehovah Witnesses) was a 33° Freemason.
      To sum up what Freemasons are, they worship Lucifer. But it's not until they reach the 33° when they tell you that's who they worship. Freemasons are all about deception and lies. They communicate through symbolism hidden in plain sight.
      If you search up on Google "Zions Watchtower" and look to the upper left with the diagonal cross with the crown around it, and compare it with another google search :"Masonic Cross and Crown", then you'll know who Charles was really associated with. So it's no wonder why Charles wanted to deceive many people because that's his Religion (Freemasonry) is all about.
      there's an abundance of connections between Charles and Freemasonry such as his grave site right next to a masonic church and how his gravestone is a pyramid which is a Freemason symbol.

    • @R.Oates7902
      @R.Oates7902 2 роки тому

      The pyramid near Pastor Russell's grave was removed on Sept. 2, 2021!
      It had been a problem for the GB8 for years.
      " If you want to control the future, change the past."

  • @edreynolds2819
    @edreynolds2819 9 років тому +42

    That was an outstanding interview! It's sad that you will ONLY get a negative view of Jehovah's Witnesses from the media. This one exception slipped through due to Terrence Howard's fame.
    All the power to you, Terrence, to qualify as one of Jehovah's Witnesses!

    • @lionofthetribeofjuda
      @lionofthetribeofjuda 9 років тому

      can you explain to me this :
      1. Jehovah said he will raise Jesus from the dead - Acts 2 vs 32
      2. The Holy spirit said he raised Jesus from the dead - Romans 8 vs 11
      3. Jesus said he will raise himself from the dead - John 2 vs 19 to 21
      Please explain ?
      John 5:21
      For as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so also the Son gives life to whom he will.
      John 5 vs 23
      That all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.

    • @edreynolds2819
      @edreynolds2819 9 років тому +12

      lionofthetribeofjuda UA-cam is not the venue for a Bible study.
      If you are sincere about your questions, ask one of Jehovah's witnesses in your area to discuss it with you.

    • @lionofthetribeofjuda
      @lionofthetribeofjuda 9 років тому

      Ed Reynolds Are you serious - You tube is not the venue for a bible study ? who said the watch tower society ? Oh my who indoctrinated you with this false idea ?

    • @lionofthetribeofjuda
      @lionofthetribeofjuda 9 років тому

      Ed Reynolds Ed you really confuse me - you post video's such as Frank Turek defeating Christiopher hitchens in a debate and other Christians that do so. Yet not one of them would support watch tower theology. In fact they would all say the Watchtower theology falls outside of Christian Historical and orthodox theology and is not christian at all. So what you are doing makes no sense - please explain why you use Christains who do not support the watchtower society nor any Jehovah wittness teachings to support your views ?
      Is Frank Turek not decribed by your watchtoer society as a minister of satan ? So you use many ministers of satan to support your views ?
      For example here is a blog from Frank Turek - crossexamined.org/the-trinity-defended/

    • @robindore9582
      @robindore9582 3 роки тому +2

      MJ was tormented by the media mainly because he loved Jehovah he at one time served Jehovah with his mom and went door to door with her I found that amazing he always pray to God for guidance.

  • @gailregina2869
    @gailregina2869 10 років тому +37


  • @KingDomTruths
    @KingDomTruths  11 років тому +4

    Thank you, all thanks to Jehovah for giving us the privilage to witness about his Kingdom and His name. I pray that I remain in his love.

  • @sterlingmacktighthoward8019
    @sterlingmacktighthoward8019 8 років тому +36

    this is very encouraging, makes me proud to be one of Jehovah's witnesses :) you can do it Terrance H. Jehovah will help you to fight to do what is right

    • @suzanneracine7664
      @suzanneracine7664 7 років тому

      The Lord did all the preaching never went from door to door and not mentioned in bible

    • @mojangranksupport3367
      @mojangranksupport3367 7 років тому +6

      Jesus said to preach to every inhabitant land. So in most countries it will door-door

    • @annmutio9722
      @annmutio9722 6 років тому

      Sterling Howard true

    • @ellahabibi1854
      @ellahabibi1854 4 роки тому

      And you have the same second name too, I also do aswell lol

  • @efrainsanchez3432
    @efrainsanchez3432 7 років тому +45

    I'm proud to be JW

    • @rickybobby9886
      @rickybobby9886 3 роки тому +2

      Are you proud to shun?

    • @JamesSmith-no2cm
      @JamesSmith-no2cm 3 роки тому

      @@rickybobby9886 never take pride in shining.... The pride comes in welcoming them back...

    • @rickybobby9886
      @rickybobby9886 3 роки тому +3

      @@JamesSmith-no2cm I think you mean shunning?

    • @JamesSmith-no2cm
      @JamesSmith-no2cm 3 роки тому +1

      @@rickybobby9886 thanks for catching that... my phone doesn't always write what I tell it to...

    • @jeremiahtray5621
      @jeremiahtray5621 2 роки тому

      @@rickybobby9886 Maybe you should listen to the interview.

  • @wireuptv
    @wireuptv 11 років тому +2

    This was a very encouraging interview wow. I am dis-fellowshipped as well and has been since 2011. I actually attended the meeting the very next week where they announced my dis-fellowshipping because once I realized I did wrong my heart was broken and wanted to start coming back but I supported Jehovah's decision that day and I knew that I needed to get back on track. I love the organization and all that it stands for and am working hard to return. Thanks TERRENCE HOWARD for the interview.

  • @melissahernandez9767
    @melissahernandez9767 10 років тому +9

    My whole family is JW.. they have been in the truth all their lives... I am the only one not active... I dont know what Im waiting for... Im being foolish... This made me cry.. why people wait .... ??? What am I waiting for.....

    • @singlecellorganism13
      @singlecellorganism13 10 років тому

      It's hard Melissa, don't get too down on yourself, just set a goal and try to work towards it.
      You believe Jesus is the Messiah and Jehovah is God - you are already in the truth! The next step is to determine how you express that truth.

    • @mcortez951
      @mcortez951 10 років тому

      Every single person is different... Let Jehovahs guide your life..

    • @firstvoodoochild
      @firstvoodoochild 10 років тому

      what are you waiting for??? I don't know... but, don't wait too long....!!!!

    • @javonmorrisey3929
      @javonmorrisey3929 10 років тому

      Have you taken the leap? No pressure what so ever just wondering? I'm nosey lol. :)

  • @Bori-Domi-24
    @Bori-Domi-24 8 років тому +83

    Terrence has a good insight about us. Terrence Jehovah helped me to quit smoking he can help you too.At least go to the Kingdom Hall.

    • @EmpressOfWyoming58
      @EmpressOfWyoming58 8 років тому +6

      A lot of people quit smoking without being scared for their eternal lives.

    • @EmpressOfWyoming58
      @EmpressOfWyoming58 8 років тому +1

      Micah Milligan I know a lot of people who quit smoking and they quit without being afraid of being disfellowshipped or murdered by their heavenly father for failure to succeed at quitting. You only hang around JW's and you hear their propaganda. The truth is, if you only quit a "sin" because you are terrified of God or disfellowshipping, it does not mean you love anyone or hate sin. God is a lot smarter than that. He knows your motives. He's also a lot more loving than JW's portray him to be.

    • @EmpressOfWyoming58
      @EmpressOfWyoming58 8 років тому +1

      +Micah Milligan My brother in law, as well as some extended family members and friends are smokers. They are JWs who constantly "fall off the wagon" and smoke. BIL was always in trouble for sneaking and smoking. He was terrified of being disfellowshipped for smoking. My sister was always nagging him, "Jehovah's going to destroy you!" What happens if JWs displease Jehovah? They lose their eternal lives. Jehovah doesn't take prisoners. There is no in between. It's not that JWs are more successful at quitting smoking, they just sneak to do it.

    • @erickanyc8907
      @erickanyc8907 8 років тому +1

      +EmpressOfWyoming58 NOT ALL Jehovah Witnesses sneak and smoke.

    • @EmpressOfWyoming58
      @EmpressOfWyoming58 8 років тому +1

      Ericka NYC I would assume non smokers wouldn't sneak and smoke, so yes, I'd agree not all JWs sneak and smoke. Smoking JWs who've quit sneak around and do it at a bigger rate than non JWs. The simple reason is, they have a lot more to lose if they fall off the wagon. For something not mentioned in the Bible, they can be cut off from friends & family, even their parents and children. I've heard witnesses who do not smoke say they think this is extremely harsh.

  • @Mikeyvideos27
    @Mikeyvideos27 7 років тому +15

    Yes Jehovah is loving and merciful!

  • @michaeldynia5346
    @michaeldynia5346 3 роки тому +3

    Thoroughly enjoyed this interview. Was very candid and open about his life and admitted why he is not yet ready. May Jehovah bless his efforts to overcome the obstacles before him and join the rest of his family.

  • @xaxasabanate406
    @xaxasabanate406 8 років тому +5

    Bravo Terrence Howard. ..what you LEARNED from Bible study with JW has rooted and keepen' in your soul. We can see that the wisdom you Gardner from JEhovahs is in stored in your soul.

  • @christinasantiago8471
    @christinasantiago8471 8 років тому +10

    To be one of a witness of Jehovah, takes time. Jehovah is the one that reads our hearts. Jehovah is also very patient. It took me over 30 years to humble myself. Jehovah is still waiting for all to recognize him. It has been over 7,000 years. The time is close when the warning Jesus told his disciples to preach. So that today we can have faith and hope that Jehovah will bring complete destruction of Satan's world (disobedient people).Just take a deep look at creation and see how beautiful and creative and loving Jehovah is. I thank Him and his son, Jesus for permitting me to see the truth.

    • @chum3192
      @chum3192 3 роки тому

      Charles taze russell (the dude who founded Jehovah Witnesses) was a 33° Freemason.
      To sum up what Freemasons are, they worship Lucifer. But it's not until they reach the 33° when they tell you that's who they worship. Freemasons are all about deception and lies. They communicate through symbolism hidden in plain sight.
      If you search up on Google "Zions Watchtower" and look to the upper left with the diagonal cross with the crown around it, and compare it with another google search :"Masonic Cross and Crown", then you'll know who Charles was really associated with. So it's no wonder why Charles wanted to deceive many people because that's his Religion (Freemasonry) is all about.
      there's an abundance of connections between Charles and Freemasonry such as his grave site right next to a masonic church and how his gravestone is a pyramid which is a Freemason symbol.

  • @jennifercoats2891
    @jennifercoats2891 9 років тому +27

    Preach the Word how vital that all hear. Preach the word as this system's end draws near. This is not just the lyrics to one of our songs. This is the truth. Please listen before it is too late.

  • @veramatzkanin2419
    @veramatzkanin2419 7 років тому +34

    I just do not understand why people don't get it. It's clear from God's Word that the Witnesses are true servants of Jehovah.
    What an honor to be called a witness of Jehovah.

    • @flymasterA
      @flymasterA 5 років тому +4

      "The road to salvation is narrow and cramped, and few are the ones finding it..."

    • @thepsalms2806
      @thepsalms2806 4 роки тому

      Get over yourselves

    • @veratonnisen3639
      @veratonnisen3639 4 роки тому

      vera matzkanin I challenge you to go to Jason Zeldas videos , watch them all , and after you have watch them, tell me if you feel the same way. I just watch 7b on blood transfusion wow ?
      Love from a Christian in Canada Erik Tonnisen

    • @chum3192
      @chum3192 3 роки тому

      Umm... I use to be a Jehovah Witness until I actually did some research on the group.
      Charles taze russell (the dude who founded Jehovah Witnesses) was a 33° Freemason.
      To sum up what Freemasons are, they worship Lucifer. But it's not until they reach the 33° when they tell you that's who they worship. Freemasons are all about deception and lies. They communicate through symbolism hidden in plain sight.
      If you search up on Google "Zions Watchtower" and look to the upper left with the diagonal cross with the crown around it, and compare it with another google search :"Masonic Cross and Crown", then you'll know who Charles was really associated with. So it's no wonder why Charles wanted to deceive many people because that's his Religion (Freemasonry) is all about.
      there's an abundance of connections between Charles and Freemasonry such as his grave site right next to a masonic church and how his gravestone is a pyramid which is a Freemason symbol.
      The reason why the road is narrow is because most people don't read the Bible AND obey Jesus. Which is to repent (Turn from all your sins) and obey Jesus. But most people love their sins.

    • @ElliottBrandel
      @ElliottBrandel 3 роки тому

      @@chum3192 Wrong! ( in the Donald Trump voice😁) The cross and crown are long gone. The books Russell wrote are not used in teaching by witnesses because they are not accurate. He was a boldly exposed false Christian teachings such as the hell fire and the immortality of the soul. Jehovah’s Witnesses still expose these lies. The point im making is I and many others dont care if Russell was a freemason, I do not base my understanding of the Bible off his teachings.

  • @Larrylips924
    @Larrylips924 10 років тому +11


    • @christinefallica3609
      @christinefallica3609 10 років тому +3

      that is as it should be and how Witnesses of Jehovah are taught to answer, based solely on scriptures

    • @Larrylips924
      @Larrylips924 10 років тому +4

      I too study..it just shows that even those in entertainment knows Jehovah..

    • @simplyabbey139
      @simplyabbey139 10 років тому

      bible study.

  • @joshuaswenson9952
    @joshuaswenson9952 10 років тому +31

    I have to say, that's really awesome of him to use the scriptures in his answers. After all, that is what we do, basing our beliefs not in tradition, but firmly on what the Bible says. I really do hope he makes the commitment, he would make a wonderful brother.

    • @leeenababy
      @leeenababy 6 років тому

      josh the stampman stamper ikr just imagine him continuing his acting career but for Jehovah's organization :) that would be so encouraging to all and others who do not believe in the truth.

    • @ashleykennedy1838
      @ashleykennedy1838 5 років тому

      I knew of someone else who used scriptures for their answers...

    • @chum3192
      @chum3192 3 роки тому

      Charles taze russell (the dude who founded Jehovah Witnesses) was a 33° Freemason.
      To sum up what Freemasons are, they worship Lucifer. But it's not until they reach the 33° when they tell you that's who they worship. Freemasons are all about deception and lies. They communicate through symbolism hidden in plain sight.
      If you search up on Google "Zions Watchtower" and look to the upper left with the diagonal cross with the crown around it, and compare it with another google search :"Masonic Cross and Crown", then you'll know who Charles was really associated with. So it's no wonder why Charles wanted to deceive many people because that's his Religion (Freemasonry) is all about.
      there's an abundance of connections between Charles and Freemasonry such as his grave site right next to a masonic church and how his gravestone is a pyramid which is a Freemason symbol.

  • @gogreenmango
    @gogreenmango 11 років тому +1

    I cut bad habits and started attending meetings again. I moved in to my family's house again. I have my family with me now but i used to feel like I don't belong no where.. neither the world nor the organization. I somehow wanted to share my feelings with people like me.. It's encouraging to know that most of us want to go back to Jehovah and I am not alone. I am so touched right now. Thank you

  • @prejeanflorida
    @prejeanflorida 11 років тому +3

    Terrance I can relate. I was born and raised catholic and after being shared bible truths by Jw's I did convert. Raised my kids in the truth after a divorce and now I'm struggling to rekindle my relationship with Jah! My brother is of the annointed, and my daughter pioneers sometimes, my son is about to dedicate his life to Jah. I do plan to get it together before it's too late. Please don't give up. Keep fighting and praying to Jehovah. I will pray for you and please do the same for me.

  • @NidsRamirez
    @NidsRamirez 8 років тому +9

    Jehovah knows your heart mr. Howard if you are for him he will continue to attract you to his organization. Its nice to know your whole family are serving Jehovah, you will soon walk that path if you continue looking for Jehovah.

  • @warriorprince4890
    @warriorprince4890 9 років тому +8

    I hope Terrance finds Jehovah and comes and give his life to Jehovah.

    • @lionofthetribeofjuda
      @lionofthetribeofjuda 9 років тому

      can you explain to me this :
      1. Jehovah said he will raise Jesus from the dead - Acts 2 vs 32
      2. The Holy spirit said he raised Jesus from the dead - Romans 8 vs 11
      3. Jesus said he will raise himself from the dead - John 2 vs 19 to 21
      Please explain ?
      John 5:21
      For as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so also the Son gives life to whom he will.
      John 5 vs 23
      That all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.

  • @ur491
    @ur491 7 років тому +5

    Mr.TERRENCE HOWARD I am so moved by your interview You know the truth and you just needed one step closer to become a JW Thank to "The Amighty GOD Jehovah"!!!

  • @timothytorres3015
    @timothytorres3015 10 років тому +66

    To all you Jehovahs Witnesses (I am one) we need to remember that Jehovah will deal with them in his due time and that it is not our place do not argue with them please

    • @timothytorres3015
      @timothytorres3015 10 років тому

      Unfotunatley its true

      @HASIJOMAGNETON 10 років тому +1

      A thorough research of Jehovah Witnesses' teachings, beginning with Charles T. Russell to the present day, using their own publications, will reveal that they have on numerous occasions predicted that certain bible events would or had taken place on specific dates. Such research will also reveal, that not only did these events not take place as predicted, but that they changed their teaching relating to those dates when their initial prediction failed. By no means are the Jehovah Witnesses the only religion that have and is currently teaching false doctrines. But they are one of the many religious groups that claims that they are the only true religion. The bible teaches that there will be false christ, false prophets, and false teacher that would mislead many. In just a little over one-hundred twenty years, the organization that is now as Jehovah Witnesses/ Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, through it own teachings has revealed itself a false prophet that has misled many. 
      In the years before 1914, Charles Russell made a number of predictions but
      contrary to what the Society currently teaches, the outbreak of war in Europe was
      not one of them. The Witnesses (or Bible Students as they were then known),
      were fully expecting Armageddon, based on the predicted dates set forth in the
      literature by Charles Russell. Nothing that Brother Russell foretold came to pass.
      Not one single thing. We did not see the churches of Christendom fall, nor did
      we see the “end of the gentile nations”. In fact, the number of nations has tripled
      since 1914, so for at least 2/3rds of all the nations currently on earth this is their
      beginning----not the time of their end.
      1914 : Failed Watchtower Prophecy
      What the Watchtower said prior to 1914
      "The year A.D. 1878 … clearly marks the time for the actual assuming of power as King of kings, by our present, spiritual, invisible Lord - …" The Time is At Hand (1911 ed) p.239
      "But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble. Zion's Watch Tower 1894 Jul 15 p.226
      What the Watchtower claims it said prior to 1914
      "The Watchtower has consistently presented evidence to honesthearted students of Bible prophecy that Jesus’ presence in heavenly Kingdom power began in 1914." Watchtower 1993 Jan 15 p.5
      "Jehovah's witnesses pointed to the year 1914, decades in advance, as marking the start of "the conclusion of the system of things." Awake! 1973 Jan 22 p.8
      The contradictory statements above raise two critical questions:
      What did the Watchtower predict for 1914?
      Does the Watchtower honestly present its history?
      1914 is the pivotal date for the existence of Jehovah's Witnesses. It is currently explained as the date:
      1. The Last Days began
      2. Jesus started ruling in heaven
      3. The Gentile times ended
      1914 is the basis for the interpretation of the majority of other Bible prophecies. Most importantly, 3 ½ years after 1914 is when Jesus is said to have come to inspect and cleanse the Watchtower Society, resulting in Jesus choosing it to be the only organization he works though in our time, and the only means of salvation.
      The current understanding is significantly different to the teachings prior to 1914. Originally, the Watchtower believed:
      1. The Last Days began 1799
      2. Jesus Parousia started 1874
      3. Jesus started ruling in heaven in 1878
      4. The Gentile Times would end in 1914, resulting in
      5. End of Armageddon
      6. The fall of false religion
      7. The end of all governments
      8. The resurrection
      9. Paradise on earth
      The ability of the Watchtower to accurately foretell the meaning of 1914 is a great source of faith for Jehovah's Witnesses, unaware of what the Watchtower said prior to 1914, as nothing that Russell said about 1914 has come to pass. 1914 was to be the final of many dates for Russell, the conclusion of matters.
      Watchtower quotes prior to 1914
      Russell taught that Jesus invisible rulership began in 1874.
      "Our Lord, the appointed King, is now present since October 1874, A.D., according to the testimony of the prophets, to those who have ears to hear it: and the formal inauguration of his kingly office dates from Apr 1878, A.D." Studies in Scriptures Series IV (1897) p.621
      1874 to 1914 was described as the greatest time of trouble in human history, with 1914 to be the conclusion of the Last Days. Armageddon would begin, resulting in the wholesale destruction of all government and religion. Russell and his followers were to be raised to heaven and Jesus Kingdom would then be established as paradise on earth.
      "Now, in view of recent labor troubles and threatened anarchy, our readers are writing to know if there may not be a mistake in the 1914 date. They do not see how present conditions can hold out so long under the strain. We see no reason for changing the figures - nor could we change them if we would. They are, we believe, God's dates, not ours. But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble." Zion's Watch Tower 1894 Jul 15 p.226
      The following quotes during the lead up to 1914 show there could be no doubt as to what followers of the Watchtower Society were to expect.
      Armageddon ended
      "… the battle of the great day of God Almighty … The date of the close of that "battle" is definitely marked in Scripture as October 1914. It is already in progress, its beginning dating from October, 1874." Zion's Watch Tower 1892 Jan 15 p.23
      End of the "Time of Trouble"
      "The seventh trumpet sounds from Aug. 1840, until "the time of trouble," or day of wrath is ended. Hence, it doubtless ends with the times of the Gentiles, and this forty years of conquest; and therefore, sounds until A. D. 1914; at the end of which, Babylon the great, will have fallen, and the "dragon" be bound: that is, the nations will be subdued, and "the prince of this world cast out."" Three Worlds and the Harvest of This World (Barbour & Russell, 1877) p.27
      Religion Utterly Destroyed
      "The seventh trumpet sounds from Aug. 1840, until "the time of trouble," or day of wrath is ended. Hence, it doubtless ends with the times of the Gentiles, and this forty years of conquest; and therefore, sounds until A. D. 1914; at the end of which, Babylon the great, will have fallen, and the "dragon" be bound: that is, the nations will be subdued, and "the prince of this world cast out."" Three Worlds and The Harvest of This World (1877) p.143
      "A.D. 33, to A.D. 70 was 36 ½ years; and so from A.D. 1878 to the end of A.D. 1914 is 36 ½ years. And, with the end of A.D. 1914, what God calls Babylon, and what men call Christendom, will have passed away, as already shown in prophecy." Studies In the Scriptures - Thy Kingdom Come (1891) p.153
      "October, 1914, will witness the full end of Babylon, "as a great millstone cast into the sea," utterly destroyed as a system." Watch Tower 1911 Jun 15 p.190
      Harvest work complete
      "HARVEST" is a term which gives a general idea as to what work should be expected to transpire between the dates 1874 and 1914." Studies In the Scriptures - Thy Kingdom Come p.135
      "These, already examined, show that the close of 1874 marked the beginning, as the close of 1914 will mark the end, of this 40 years of harvest; while all the minutiae of the order and work of this harvest were portrayed in that of the Jewish age, its type." Studies In the Scriptures - Thy Kingdom Come pp.149-150
      Governments overthrown
      Studies In the Scriptures Series II - The Time Is at Hand (1889) pp.77, 78 claimed seven things would happen in 1914. Not one of these eventuated. The following statements are extracted from that list;
      1. "the disintegration of the rule of imperfect men. at that date the Kingdom of God, for which our Lord taught us to pray, saying, "Thy Kingdom come," will begin to assume control, and that it will then shortly be "set up," or firmly established, in the earth, on the ruins of present institutions."
      2. He whose right it is thus to take the dominion will then be present as earth's new Ruler; and not only so, but it will also prove that he will be present for a considerable period before that date;
      3. the last member of the divinely recognized Church of Christ, the "royal priesthood," "the body of Christ," will beglorified with the Head;
      4. Jerusalem shall no longer be trodden down
      5. Israel's blindness will begin to be turned away
      6. the great "time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation," will reach its culmination in a world-wide reign of anarchy
      7. It will prove that before that date God's Kingdom, organized in power, will be in the earth and then smite and crush the Gentile image (Dan. 2:34)-and fully consume the power of these kings."
      "True, it is expecting great things to claim, as we do, that within the coming twenty-six years all present governments will be overthrown and dissolved. In view of this strong Bible evidence concerning the Times of the Gentiles, we consider it an established truth that the final end of the kingdoms of this world, and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God, will be accomplished at the end of A. D. 1914. Be not surprised, then, when in subsequent chapters we present proofs that the setting up of the Kingdom of God is already begun, that it is pointed out in prophecy as due to begin the exercise of power in A.D. 1878, and that the "battle of the great day of God Almighty" (Rev. 16:14), which will end in A.D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of earth's present rulership, is already commenced. The gathering of the armies is plainly visible from the standpoint of God's Word." Studies In the Scriptures Series II - The Time Is At Hand (1889) pp.99, 101
      "we have seen that God has a set time for every feature of his plan, and that we are even now in this "Day of Vengeance," which is a period of forty years; that it began in October, 1874, and will end in October, 1914 [very shortly]." Studies In the Scriptures Series IV - The Day of Vengeance -pp.546, 547
      Jesus to start ruling the earth
      SETTING UP THE EARTHLY GOVERNMENT -- Not until the full end of Gentile Times (October, A.D. 1914) should we expect the earthly phase of God's Kingdom; for in giving a lease of dominion to the Gentiles until that date God made no mistake and his plans alter not. The earthly phase of the Kingdom of God when set up will be Israelitish; for such is God's engagement or covenant with Abraham and his natural seed. Even the chief favor, the spiritual Kingdom, was offered first to fleshly Israel, and would have been given to them if they had been ready at heart to receive it on the conditions attached to it-to suffer with Christ and afterward to be glorified with him." Studies In the Scriptures Series IV - The Day of Vengeance pp.624,625
      Earthly Resurrection to occur
      "And yet "Jerusalem must be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled;" hence, trodden down until A. D. 1914, when the day of wrath will be passed, and the resurrection and return of the "whole house of Israel" due." Three Worlds and The Harvest of This World (1877) p.166
      "The beginning of the earthly phase of the Kingdom in the end of A.D. 1914 will, we understand, consist wholly of the resurrected holy ones of olden time-from John the Baptizer back to Abel-"Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all the holy prophets." Studies In the Scriptures Series IV - The Day of Vengeance p.625
      144,000 All Resurrected to Heaven
      The 144,000, also known as the "body of Christ" or "the saints", were to all be in heaven by 1914, prior to the completion of Armageddon.
      "That the deliverance of the saints must take place some time before 1914 is manifest, since the deliverance of fleshly Israel, as we shall see, is appointed to take place at that time... Just how long before 1914 the last living members of the body of Christ will be glorified, was are not directly informed;..." Studies In the Scriptures - Thy Kingdom Come (1908 ed.) p.228

    • @xSharinganEyez
      @xSharinganEyez 10 років тому

      You are an idiot.

    • @timothytorres3015
      @timothytorres3015 10 років тому +1

      Daisy Rodrigues completley true

    • @timothytorres3015
      @timothytorres3015 10 років тому +1

      Vicki W we'll thabk you guys for understanding!

  • @kamwadapaul4771
    @kamwadapaul4771 10 років тому +15

    People will say all sorts of things about Jehovah's Witnesses, it is all out of ignorance, am one and we can only pray that you all get to know the truth. Yes every thing he said is true, we follow the bible strictly and do everything according to his will. We don't expect the entire world to come to the accurate knowledge of Jehovah but we do our best to spread it. So much was said about Jesus and eventually he was tortured and killed for doing his fathers will, on the same note, we don't expect the entire human race to be welcoming or willing to learn, but we pray that Jehovah shows us the deserving ones.

    • @hagblay
      @hagblay 9 років тому

      kamwada paul you said you pray that the world would come to accurate knowledge of Jehovah.You don't mean that. What you are really saying is to come to the accurate knowledge of the watchtower. To learn about this so called channel of God.People that are righteous already know about Jehovah.. But you want them to get the watchtower dogma into people. They fooled me back in 1972. I fell for that nonsense of the world ending in 1975. It never happened. That was 43 years ago.Its right around the corner, but 43 years ago. The light is getting brighter, I have heard that for 43 years. The wt is nothing but a good tap dancer.You people should stop thinking for God. Telling people that the world was going to end 7 times.When Jesus has already said "NO MAN KNOWS THAT HOUR, NOT EVEN JESUS KNEW BUT ONLY THE FATHER" So if Jesus said that then you people are going against God. Account for this statement of Jesus and 7 times the world was going to end.And don't tell me that the wt is not perfect. Because if they are not perfect then they should keep their dam mouths shut.

    • @hagblay
      @hagblay 9 років тому

      Accurate knowledge is coming to know all about the watchtower in Brooklyn. Getting to know how the orginasition is accurate knowledge. Don't ever forget that 1975 was just around the corner.

    • @junedobson5776
      @junedobson5776 6 років тому

      kamwada paul Hi, Have you found his name JEHOVAH ,it's in bible PSAMLS 83 v 18, , he the TRUE GOD of BIBLE, JESUS his the SON, he came to die for us all , soon he will come back kill all wicked people, do you know he reads heart , he the best thing that's happen to me, 45 years, I've know him I LOVE him , if I didn't have him I would want to die, they don't LIE they only LOVE, he says any one who calls on my name will be saved,❤️😇🇬🇧

    • @robertellis6413
      @robertellis6413 3 роки тому

      @@hagblay i don't mean to patronize. But those who oppose us I've seen multiple times, and they all completely miss the point. 1975 and the like just goes to show "..we are on the watch". I do feel yes that things like dates shouldn't be mentioned, quite rightly as you stare we do not know the day etc. But when statements come out and are not true just means we are human we an eagerness that sometimes overcomes us. It happened in Jesus day it will happen now. opposers pay too much attention to the human aspect of our religion. Don't. That's a big mistake, follow Jehovah, not man. We are imperfect people in a perfect faith.

  • @vanessapacheco3969
    @vanessapacheco3969 11 років тому +4

    Wow! So amazing! Jehovah will prevail in his heart.

  • @saddie63
    @saddie63 12 років тому +2

    Well said. I'm a unbaptised Jehovahs Witness and I will be getting baptized in Nov/Dec of this year and looking so forward to it...

  • @neaustinpower
    @neaustinpower 11 років тому +3

    I would love to see the film. Thanks Terrance Howard for speaking the truth.

  • @PatriciaHenry
    @PatriciaHenry 10 років тому +14

    Love this. We are not a cult. No one makes me love and serve my God Jehovah. If you really want to take in knowledge of what Jehovah teaches us you will not have any doubts about God's word and how we follow his commandments. See John 17:3. There are so many people in the bible who did not follow his commandments and as a result did their "own thing" and selfishly put us in a dying state of affairs.
    Did I mention Adam and Eve? Remember them??? DAaaaa!!! And they were not only the 1st humans who got disfellowshipped and they alienated themselves from the Almighty God because of their way of independent thinking that has resulted in what blessings for mankind? Untold misery and has led the catastrophic deaths of countless billions of people.
    I love God's promises in the bible for obedient mankind. See Revelations 21:3 and4. I am sticking to the true God Jehovah and his son our ransomer from all this mess and I await his Kingdom. Mankind's failures through any governments they theyve invented 're disgusting and not acceptable. Pure disasters. On the other hand God's promises for us are faithful and they will come true...........SOON!
    All the signs of the last days have come to fruition and if you cannot see that then I rest at peace knowing that God had said that faith in him is not a possession of all people. We go out to preach his word to everyone so that they can like in Noah's day, be warned so they can turn around and start to fear him and obey. Funny how people complain about their lot in life but are unwilling to make the necessary changes to live the best life possible. OH! well.

    • @noisey973
      @noisey973 10 років тому +1

      Thank you, Thank you, Thank you sister for this comment.. People just don't get it or see that we at the end.. Jehovah about to clean all this mess up..

  • @shaneequam1
    @shaneequam1 9 років тому +31

    Absolutely wonderful interview!!

    • @jashaniqueburt236
      @jashaniqueburt236 9 років тому +3


    • @chum3192
      @chum3192 3 роки тому

      @@1nails1 Charles taze russell (the dude who founded Jehovah Witnesses) was a 33° Freemason.
      To sum up what Freemasons are, they worship Lucifer. But it's not until they reach the 33° when they tell you that's who they worship. Freemasons are all about deception and lies. They communicate through symbolism hidden in plain sight.
      If you search up on Google "Zions Watchtower" and look to the upper left with the diagonal cross with the crown around it, and compare it with another google search :"Masonic Cross and Crown", then you'll know who Charles was really associated with. So it's no wonder why Charles wanted to deceive many people because that's his Religion (Freemasonry) is all about.
      there's an abundance of connections between Charles and Freemasonry such as his grave site right next to a masonic church and how his gravestone is a pyramid which is a Freemason symbol.

  • @JorgeluisOrtizBlas
    @JorgeluisOrtizBlas 8 років тому +7

    Am proud to have the opportunity to listen to another experience of those that have discovered a path of truth in which many people and even ex- JW can not except, they forget history, there not just stories. For all those that have not reached the commitment and dedication it takes to really be a servant of Jehovah, don't give! Keep on trying to live your life as, a Witness for his ways are true. I too, have family members that have excepted the truth. I have travel, and lived abroad, and have seen the good, bad, ugly, and terrible things man is capable of. People don't have a clue, of what many have to endure, in what we call third world places. The experiences and journey humbles once self, growing up with too many distractions, things and wars, and hate in this system. Catering ones belief just to be accepted is superficial. Their many rewards for those whom endure many trails, never stop praying, reading the bible,and keeping your heart open. Remember, Jehovah loves as all, but he is a God of Justice, and for all those assuming negativity towards those walking the path, and researching what you think you know about GOD, at the end they will Know the Truth, on judgement day, but it will be too later. I just wish you all, to be nice to one another, this is where we practice good qualities. It is written you cant serve two masters. To fear him is to have respect..... for he created all things!

    • @israelchavez3755
      @israelchavez3755 8 років тому

      well said

    • @xyz-rx1ot
      @xyz-rx1ot 7 років тому

      Geo O very encouraging I love hearing how Jehovah is everywhere even though he or others might not make a decision to serve Jehovah I love hearing the good new being preached all over in the inhabited earth ....

  • @kirekarevsk1
    @kirekarevsk1 9 років тому +1

    Very honest man. I'm a Witness and I don't think I could be that honest about all things in my life. We all sin and fall short, I think this guy will take his stand eventually and if not we'll see him in the resurrection.

  • @davidlujan298
    @davidlujan298 7 років тому +3

    Praise Jehovah! I greatly appreciate Terence Howard speaking honestly, from the heart! I pray one day he's granted the strength to overcome his fleshy desires. That he may firmly join the race for everlasting life, along with his siblings!!!

  • @trentmyers538
    @trentmyers538 8 років тому +5

    in regards to all the jokes about Jehovah Gods people the bible says of those who serve Jehovah " Do not sit in the seat of ridiculers' you will be happy Psalms 1:1. Love Terrence Howard who is a very knowledgeable Brother. Thank you sir for teaching the truth.

  • @MCmammajama
    @MCmammajama 10 років тому +8

    Kudos to Sean Mitchell. What a witness in high school!

  • @lehnhardtdevonek.8479
    @lehnhardtdevonek.8479 9 років тому +28

    I respect Terrence Howard. He knows who Jehovah is and he does not want to be a hypocrite He knows he has to put his worldly ways a side to serve Jehovah. Satan is pulling us in, but we must, I must hold fast to what is fine and Good.(Which is Jehovah)

  • @milanostar863
    @milanostar863 11 років тому +1

    I am shocked, this is a great interview. He is so knowledge with the bible and who is the true god. I could cry.

  • @cjthomas1000
    @cjthomas1000 12 років тому +1

    Terence thank you for giving us a witness in a postive way. Hope you become a witness. Thank you.

  • @mindyluong_
    @mindyluong_ 10 років тому +9

    Thank you jehovah luv u!!!

  • @pammarshall2702
    @pammarshall2702 8 років тому +17

    I have studied ALL religions. I have looked at ALL spiritual views and searched from age 8. I searched for 50 years. I am an analyst and take nothing at face value. I make choices based on research and study. Guess what??? Logically and intellectually it makes sense.
    Here is the algorithim:
    Living a life that the WORLD approves of = MISERY
    THEN IF living a life that JEHOVAH approves of =HAPPINESS AND FULFILLMENT
    THEN I choose to be happy and fulfilled. (Bonus--I get to live in paradise on Earth FOREVER)

    • @justmadeit2
      @justmadeit2 8 років тому

      Ha, your religion has changed their beliefs lots of times over the years, they had their believers thinking the end was coming in 1975, just look at old Awake magazines for proof of that. Go and research your history and read some old watchtowers. There is a scripture that warns against being a false prophet....They didnt used to allow vacines either, then they changed that. My point is that you will believe whatever you are told to believe. There is a huge coverup scandal in the witnesses too which is being investigated at the moment. The jws hierachy are always prophesing end times, and getting it wrong, always dangling the idea of armageddon in peoples faces. The world can be a bad place i agree, but study history.... its no worse than 500 years ago, look at some of the bad things that have gone on in the past, theres just a lot more people these days,now and a different set of problems.
      I genuinly believe that the jehovahs witnesses will believe whatever they are told to believe by the governing body. You believe that those 7 men in Brooklyn called 'the governing body' are gods representatives on earth !! Just remember, people in cults dont believe they are in a cult. I can recommend a book for you, please read Combatting cult mind control by Steven Hassan, it is not about the witnesses,. it is about how and why people follow cults and the methods an organistion will use to achieve their goals. Please give it a read.
      Your religion shuns people who are difellowshipped, another word for shunning is 'emotional blackmail'. How dare you treat people like that. Shunning your own family members. Is that what Jesus would do ? Rubbish, he wouldnt. You cherry pick what you believe, and ignore biblical passages that contradict your beliefs. You think that because some people like me expose your faulty beliefs, that that it is somehow proof that you are the right religion. Did you know that the jws were members of the united nations for 10 years ? Im not making this up, its on record. If witnesses are so confident in their beliefs then why are they so terrified to watch anything on here that might question whether what they believe is the truth? Because they have it drummed in to them that its apostasy. The Mormons are equally deluded in my opinion. Read that book that i mention, combatting cult mind control by steven hassan,

    • @pammarshall2702
      @pammarshall2702 8 років тому +1

      justmadeit2 I am not a 'religion.' I am a person. What I know, what I feel, what I believe comes from Jehovah, through His Son Jesus.

    • @janicehussock7735
      @janicehussock7735 8 років тому

      Pam, You are not being truthful. No one can study every religion on earth. Critical thinking skills and reading comprehension prove that the WTBTS lies, has lied.

    • @justmadeit2
      @justmadeit2 8 років тому

      Pam Marshall you didnt answer my points because you didn't read it all probably

    • @pammarshall2702
      @pammarshall2702 8 років тому

      justmadeit2 Please re-read what I said. Meditate on what I said. My source is Jehovah and Jesus.

  • @tklawah
    @tklawah 10 років тому +42

    Terrence said it all, Jehovah Witnesses are not cult. Just talk to one of them or visit the jw.org website.

    • @alexadillo4406
      @alexadillo4406 10 років тому

      ill pray for you... smh

    • @tklawah
      @tklawah 10 років тому

      Sorry for u..u couldn't live up to the bible standard.

    • @sxxxymilf
      @sxxxymilf 10 років тому +2

      I was raised in that brainwashing cult. I did a lifetime of research. YOU need to educate yourself and look outside of the societies information if you really want to know what you're talking about until then don't tell me about getting educated.

    • @sxxxymilf
      @sxxxymilf 10 років тому +1

      Google is a search engine in case you did not know. I'm sorry you did not learn critical thinking and do not know how to tell unbiased factual information from that which is slanted. I know the jw religion has discouraged getting too much association with worldly people by pursuing post high school education so I'm sure it's not your fault that you rely on them for all of your information :( so sad

    • @sxxxymilf
      @sxxxymilf 10 років тому

      Ok. I was in it for 30 years but what do I know...

  • @bambifox69
    @bambifox69 10 років тому +3

    This was very encouraging. I deeply connected with Terrance feelings. I'm glad to know that he is as Matthew 5:3 says "happy is the one conscious of their spiritual need". I hope he remembers that Jehovah is bigger than our own hearts and he sees that "secret person" of the heart. Terrance, YOU CAN DO THIS...Jehovah will help you. Taste and see...

  • @voyagesantigua6183
    @voyagesantigua6183 10 років тому +6

    He is right he has to make the changes first. It makes sense. It would be hypocritical of him to go from door to door telling other people to change their lives (e.g don't smoke because the bible says its not good for you) and then he is doing it. We have to practice what we preach.

  • @julianaleo631
    @julianaleo631 10 років тому +31

    From my end, Jaco...I am not here to argue about my faith, as it is my choice to believe the way I am believing. I was not raised a JW, it was a conscious choice I made when I was 16 years old. As far as I can see, being a JW has had more of a positive affect on my life, than any other religion I may have been involved with at one time or another. You can finger point all you want, but that wouldn't change my mind. I've seen what I need to see & the rest is based on my faith & learning about what's in God's Word. I'm not blind to the imperfections of people or organizations. Some are blantantly wrong... But I am not here to list all the variables. You do what you want...that is your choice. IF, and this is a BIG IF, I am wrong in my belief... I still would stick with it, because it has never hurt me. It's only provided the strong footing I need as a Human being to live a good clean and upright way of life. BUT - IF YOU ARE WRONG...well, only time will tell...and I'm not so sure I'd want to be on your side of the fence in any event. I did what I could to follow Godly principles - and I can sleep with a clean conscious. The rest is up to Jehovah to read my heart and my motives. When it all comes down to it, we all have to be accountable before God - not an organization. And who are you accountable to?

    • @noisey973
      @noisey973 10 років тому +7

      Thank you sister..wonderful comment..

    • @edreynolds2819
      @edreynolds2819 9 років тому

      Bravo, Juliana!

    • @JamesEzell
      @JamesEzell 9 років тому

      You should do a google search on Jehovah's Witness sex abuse cases and coverups. The Watchtower Society is embroiled up to their eyeballs in lawsuits and criminal cases where because of the rule of two they have allowed elders and overseers to keep their position even after being convicted. They have allowed shaming of the victims and they continued abuse of children in the congregation's. By their fruits you shall know them.

    • @julianaleo631
      @julianaleo631 9 років тому +2

      James Ezell - there isn't a faith on this planet that doesn't have some kind of abuse issue within their organization. JW's don't try to cover up anything. This is one aspect that is of high priority in their individual congregations - keeping the congregation clean of wrongdoing! In any event, where aspects of personal situations are involving legal situations - it is not up to the Elders to become legal representatives. This is not their role. They are there to shepherd the congregation - not be an attorney to each person.
      In cases where criminal cases come to light - again, they can not take sides. THAT is a personal issue, of the victim and perpetrator. And IF it was an Elder - again - this is a legal issue of the state and victim, attorney, etc. You have to have quite a bit of VALID information before you OR anyone for that matter, takes someone to trial. What one person says against another - needs solid proof. That is just common knowledge.
      I think you have a lot of nerve to accuse - unless you yourself was involved in a situation yourself. AND, in any event within a judicial committee - it also stands that CONFIDENTIALITY is Key. Client / Attorney confidentiality...ever hear of this?
      Say what you will...it's not being hidden if it's publicly made aware via court records.
      I personally have no clue to any of these dealings - and those that I am aware of - AND I AM aware of one case in particular. AGAIN, it's a confidential matter that IS respectfully not thrown to the wolves on the internet. I have attended a large number of congregations - and at no time, was child abuse a practice! NOR was IT condone, or ever treated in a Hush Hush manner.
      Say what you will...unless you can prove otherwise, you are just spreading more hearsay. ANd IF this was so secretive - why would legal information be allowed to surface unless it was allowed to become public knowledge?
      I know of one situation that was supposedly 'cover up'...and in that event, the person involved had made up the story to get someone in trouble - it was not a valid accusation.
      This happens a lot no matter what faith a person may have. And is not a valid enough reason to condemn an organization that is Highly regarded as being a clean and safe place to worship. Again, you will find this in many societies - but there are blatant situations (ie, the Catholic priest senarios)...which showed complete disregard and continued abuse cases, and it was proven for decades.
      JW's record is above all else, as clean as it can be - and is being handled In the best manner it can be, in each situation. But, how would you know? Or myself included?
      Unless of course, you are looking for more reasons to find some kind of condemnation...and in any event, you are being highly unreasonable. And I'm not hear to take offense. My 20 years of being with JW's has been without reproach.

    • @JamesEzell
      @JamesEzell 9 років тому

      Juliana Leo Why has this info come to light if it was being covered up? Because the victims are coming forward. Keep drinking the cool aid the Society is serving. simple google search www.google.com/search?num=100&newwindow=1&espv=2&q=jehovah%27s+witnesses+sex+abuse+cases&oq=jehovah%27s+witnesses+sex+abuse&gs_l=serp.1.3.0l4j0i8i30.1871.9900.0.17191.

  • @rcedvideos2975
    @rcedvideos2975 10 років тому +7

    one day i will be one of the Jehovah's Witnesses.. I need more study..

  • @lizpatino2974
    @lizpatino2974 11 років тому +13

    Jehovah god our luvin & protectin father

  • @jdnelson9114
    @jdnelson9114 7 років тому +2

    I am a baptized JW and am working towards being whole-souled in my worship ... I believe in my heart in Jehovah's mercy and the more I study, the stronger my faith is in the scriptural Truth ... and it does set one free. How blessed we are to see the world's chaos through God's lenses.

  • @MzHolliWudKitti
    @MzHolliWudKitti 11 років тому +1

    GOOD FOR YOU SISTER!!! I know someone who was raised in the truth and just got baptized in 10/2012! im so glad for all of us coming back! I was gone for over 7 years and i kan tell you from personal experience WE ARE WORTHY! I kant believe i wasted so much time out in the world and wasnt here 2b the one 2teach my daughter about Jehovah. But i know that Jehovah loves me and was just waiting for me to come back. I KANT WAIT! I hope to meet you one day!!

  • @latonyajordan4449
    @latonyajordan4449 7 років тому +8

    what a beautiful witness

  • @jampong8160
    @jampong8160 8 років тому +6

    I am looking forward when you finally accept Jehovah God in your life.

  • @lizpatino2974
    @lizpatino2974 10 років тому +5

    1 of my fave songz 4rm the song book is 98 cuz it clearly showz that we have 2 work hard 2 find the ppl that want 2 serve our heavenly father jehovah with a pure heart

  • @willajenkins5427
    @willajenkins5427 11 років тому +1

    I study with the Witnesses, and I will go no where else. I do follow and study the principles they are showing me. I KNEW this man was spiritual. Love your acting, and I have a deep respect for you.

  • @caviboo
    @caviboo 11 років тому +1

    I just love this, it really encourages me as a Witness to keep on going, that other people see the good. It reminds me of the kind of God i serve a loving God that will bless u immensely if u do the right thing.

  • @TheMyamicahVision
    @TheMyamicahVision 10 років тому +25

    Being a Jehovah's Witness means accepting true Christianity and the bible's teaching. Terrance knows that. Just listen to his content. He knows that he has to fully embrace the truth. It takes time to make changes.

    • @jimmylittle3190
      @jimmylittle3190 6 років тому

      Jehovah's clean Bible based religious organization is filled with humble and loving brothers and sisters. I am thankful that the truth of Jehovah's people was allowed to be presented.

    • @ronnieburgess8048
      @ronnieburgess8048 6 років тому

      @@jimmylittle3190 Only if the people today would just have a taste of what jehovah god has to offer its like no other

    • @ronnieburgess8048
      @ronnieburgess8048 6 років тому

      The unity of all himan beings around the world, jehovahs organization reaches well beyond the boudries of the united states the missionarys who travel to help the preaching work and need is greater knows these things

    • @ronnieburgess8048
      @ronnieburgess8048 6 років тому

      In due time jehovahs kingdom will rule, his son is a perfect ruler a ruler we need to control the new paradise and do away with this wicked system of things.

  • @almaott6135
    @almaott6135 9 років тому +63

    Please stop debating about which religion is right or wrong. Let's just share scriptural truths and let people decide for themselves who is right and who is wrong. Many people have been misinformed about and misunderstand Jehovah's Witnesses. We can clear up those misunderstandings and misinformation without debating. For those who would like to know about Jehovah's Witnesses, I encourage you to visit their "official" website: www.jw.org.

    • @Houston1VanHorn
      @Houston1VanHorn 9 років тому +1

      Alma Ott
      With all due respect, Alma, what you are encouraging others to do in order to find out the "facts" of what JW''s believe is no different from going to the Official Mormon website, or the Official Scientology website, or any other religion's website to find out the "truth" of what they believe. Every one of them will tell you that THEY have the "truth".
      The way to find out the "truth" is to read what they have to say and then SCRUTINIZE to find out if what they are saying is the "truth"!
      The problem with JW's (and others) is that they readily ACCEPT what they are being fed without questioning or scrutinizing.
      Those who have scrutinized the Watchtower Society no longer wish to be associated with it. Do a little scrutinizing of it yourself and you will see the obvious reasons why.

    • @almaott6135
      @almaott6135 9 років тому +15

      ~ I did tons of scrutinizing when I first started talking to Jehovah's Witnesses 42 years ago. I was raised in the Baptist Church, and when I was an adolescent, I started searching for the truth during which time I was open to exploring other religions and other beliefs. I read literature from different religions -- including Muslim, I read encyclopedias, I read different Bible translations, and the references in those translations.
      ~ In the meantime, I was also reading the Watchtower and Awake magazines, which I was ALWAYS impressed with, because unlike many religious leaders, they upheld Bible teachings and standards, even when other religions and their leaders were conforming to the world.
      ~ So, when I got grown and on my own, I welcomed the JW when they came to my home and offered me a free home Bible study. I still was not sure about them because there are so many different religions, all claiming to be right; but I was impressed by the fact that they answered my questions from the Bible -- and at that time, I was still using my King James Bible, so what I was learning came from my own Bible. I "prayerfully" compared what they were teaching me with what I already thought I knew and I continued to do my own research because I wanted to be sure that what I was learning was the truth. I also did research on the organization, and I found no fault with the organization and the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses.
      ~ I am convinced that I have found the truth; and that's why I am still one of Jehovah's Witnesses to this day.

    • @Houston1VanHorn
      @Houston1VanHorn 9 років тому

      Alma Ott
      That is great Alma! You stated in your first sentence that you scrutinized when you first started talking to JW's forty two years ago.
      But, more importantly, do you continue to scrutinize what they publish TODAY?
      The Bible says to continue pondering what one is being taught, checking it out to see if it is indeed true. I know for a fact that the WT Society discourages it's members from questioning what they are being taught, they are to accept it as FACT and as being from Jehovah God himself.
      Now, off hand I don't recall exactly what magazine I read that in, but I will find it when I get off from work later tonight, and I will be happy to share that with you if you would care to read it.
      Obviously I can't make your decisions for you, and you know that, but I do like to ask questions to JW's as it gives us both an opportunity to exercise our brains!
      Thanks for responding!

    • @Houston1VanHorn
      @Houston1VanHorn 9 років тому

      Alma Ott
      Acts 17:11 says that the Beroeans "received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so."
      Contrast that line of reasoning with what the Watchtower of 1981, Feb 15 page 19 writes under the heading DO WE NEED HELP TO UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE.
      Jesus disciples wrote many letters to Christian congregations, to persons who were already in "the way of the truth". But nowhere do we read that those brothers first, in a skeptical frame of mind, checked the Scriptures to make certain that those letters had Scriptural backing, that the writers really knew what they were talking about.
      If we have once established what instrument God is using as his "slave" to dispense spiritual food to his people, surely Jehovah is not pleased if we receive that food as though it might contain something harmful. We should have confidence in the channel God is using.
      Pretty slick, huh? Check out these other quotes:
      WT 5/1/1957 page 284:
      Do not criticize the Organization.
      WT 3/15/1986:
      Any questioning of the Organization reveals Satanic influence.
      WT 2/1/1952:
      We should meekly go along with the Organization.
      Oh, I could go on and on.
      Alma, please Do go back and scrutinize the Organization regarding whether a JW should question or scrutinize the Organization.
      Thanks Alma!

    • @almaott6135
      @almaott6135 9 років тому +7

      Houston1VanHorn Of course I scrutinize what they publish today. That's why I am convinced to this day that I have found the truth. Since you have scrutinized Jehovah's Witnesses so thoroughly, and since you are so certain that Jehovah's Witnesses are wrong, then tell me this: What is the right way to worship God, according to his word, the Bible?

  • @trgvtrgv9384
    @trgvtrgv9384 7 років тому +3

    Everything you say is so me. I believe in what they teach too and I too associate with them all my life but am not one. But what I have received from them I hold in my heart in a relationship with God.

  • @saylogg
    @saylogg 11 років тому +2

    Im so Happy for you brother,May "Jehovah" and his son always be with you.

  • @bernicejackson4902
    @bernicejackson4902 6 років тому +1

    Mr. Howard thank you for speaking the truth of Jehovah's promises. Thank you for taking out time from your very busy schedule to share your honest, heartfelt love you obviously have within for our Heavenly Father Jehovah. Beautiful family😊

  • @maryaustin4536
    @maryaustin4536 8 років тому +4

    Very well said Brother Caruana. And Terrence you made my day just by learning what you're doing in this video. Keep up the good work. And keep regularly excercising to get in the race for life. Isaiah 41:10. I know one day I'm going to hear the good news that you've become my spiritual brother!

    • @trustinthwerd8569
      @trustinthwerd8569 8 років тому

      +Mary Austin You stated: *I know one day I'm going to hear the good news that you've become my spiritual brother!*
      Actually, Terrence is already your spiritual brother.

  • @kathylewis1430
    @kathylewis1430 11 років тому +3

    Thank you for sharing this video. Terrence, knowing the Truth is one thing, but Jehovah blesses those who obediently bring their lives into harmony with his word of Truth. I'll continue to forward such information as this video to my 3 adult children, all of whom have left the Truth. The "world" is really beating them up and I'm so hoping they will return to Jah while they still have the opportunity, as the end is fast approaching.

  • @kweatherbee55
    @kweatherbee55 10 років тому +3

    Thank you for this, I was on the outside for 30 years. I understand the struggle to follow the crowd as it were and go against what you know in your heart is the right path. I didnt have the conviction to quit pagan holidays and now am paying dearly for the lie. Someone once said, "if it was easy, everyone would be doing it" they werent talking of the truth but it sure does fit.

  • @diancoleman1623
    @diancoleman1623 9 років тому +1

    Love this!! Thank you Terrence Howard for explaining what I could not!! Thank you!!

  • @Daniel-nr8fr
    @Daniel-nr8fr 12 років тому +1

    Great interview. Brothers this is why we need to pray to Jehovah for more time to preach, their are still many open hearted people that need more time to make change's in their lives as well as people who havent heard the good news yet!
    Greetings from Mexico

  • @minervaguajardo9136
    @minervaguajardo9136 10 років тому +3

    Never give up Terrance

  • @theBBshow-dk7bb
    @theBBshow-dk7bb 10 років тому +6

    i'm only 10 and i respect the JW.

  • @vondzellblack4302
    @vondzellblack4302 10 років тому +26

    Thank you Jesus!!!!! somebody knows the truth thank you terrence howard I do not believe in pagan holidays myself .

    • @arrellehnisrael8229
      @arrellehnisrael8229 10 років тому

      Hello sis! I know what JWs believe and practice as I've been associated with them since I was born. An obstacle for me was the doctrine not the people or anything like that.
      JWs believe that in 1914 Christ began his heavenly rulership. But lets see what the bible says:
      IN RELATION TO 1914
      Matthew 28:18- "Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All AUTHORITY HAS BEEN GIVEN ME in HEAVEN AND on the EARTH.+ 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations,+ baptizing them+ in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit...".
      See how easily man's wisdom of 1914 is rebuked by the wisdom of the Most High God. Authority was given Christ waaaayyyy before 1914.
      JWS Believe that the Israelites/Jews were rejected by God. Lets see what the bible says:
      Romans 11:1-3 " I ask, then, God did not reject his people, did he?+ By no means! For I too am an Israelite, of the offspring* of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin. 2 GOD DID NOT REJECT HIS PEOPLE, whom he first recognized..."
      JWs believe in a spritual Israel but what does the bible say:
      Romans 9:1-5 I am telling the TRUTH IN CHRIST; I am not lying, as my conscience bears witness with me in HOLY SPIRIRT, 2 that I have great grief and unceasing pain in my heart. 3 For I could wish that I myself were separated from the Christ as the cursed one for the sake of MY BROTHERS, MY RELATIVES ACCORDING TO THE FLESH, 4 WHO ARE ISRAELITES!. TO THEM BELONG THE ADOPTION AS SONS+ AND THE GLORY AND THE COVENANTS+ AND THE GIVING OF THE LAW+ AND THE SACRED SERVICE+ AND THE PROMISES.+ 5 To them the forefathers belong,+ and from them the CHRIST DESCENDED ACCORDING TO THE FLESH.+ God, who is over all, be praised forever. Amen.
      So you see spiritual Israel is also fleshly Israel. The blood the spirit and the water....all 3 MUST be in agreement. (1 John 5:7,8) So if you're an Israelite this truth I am speaking will bear witness with your spirit. Then you will become a real truth seeker...and Christ will teach you.
      JWs TEACH the Laws are done away with. Lets see what the bible says:
      Matthew 5:17-19 Do NOT think I came to destroy the LAW or the PROPHETS. I came, NOT to destroy, but to fulfill.+ 18 Truly I say to you that SOONER HEAVEN and EARTH PASS AWAY THAN FOR ONE STROKE OF A LETTER TO PASS AWAY FROM THE LAW until all things take place.+ 19 WHOEVER, therefore, BREAKS ONE OF THE LEAST COMMANDMENTS and TEACHES OTHERS TO DO SO WILL BE CALLED LEAST IN RELATION to the Kingdom of the heavens. But whoever DOES THEM and TEACHES THEM will be called great in relation to the Kingdom of the heavens.
      I am doing them and I am telling you to do them. Christ proved it can be done. His sacrifice means no longer can we cleanse our sins with animal sacrifices but our lives, a human sacrifice, is a valid wage for sins. THE OTHER LAWS ARE STILL IN EEFECT. For example:::“You heard that it was said: ‘You must not commit adultery.’+ 28 But I say to you that everyone who keeps on looking at a woman+ so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart(Matthew 5:27, 28)
      Romans 3:31 Do we, then, abolish law by means of our faith?NOT AT ALL! On the contrary, WE UPHOLD LAW.
      There are so many more scriptures that I can show but if you are really seeking truth, God and not seeking acceptance to an organization Christ will teach you the rest just keep seeking.
      We have been given a new way to reach people and it's online. Luke 10:7 "...Do not keep transferring from house to house....."
      Most cults fear there members going on the internet and finding out the truth about their organization. Don't be afraid. A house built on sand will not stand.
      ...and besides.
      Acts 7:47, 48 / 17:24-27
      ....However, the Most High does not dwell in houses made by human hands."
      "The God who made the world and all the things in it, being, as he is, Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in handmade temples; nor is he served by human hands as if he needed anything, because he himself gives to all people life and breath and all things. And he made out of one man every nation of men to dwell on the entire surface of the earth, and he decreed the appointed times and the set limits of where men would dwell, so that they would seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us...”
      I know you think you have the truth but use discernment,test the inspired statements. Don't just stay in a bubble like Mormons and Catholics and Baptists and Protestants and 7Day Adventists etc...They also have a worldwide brotherhood of multicultural members who say we have the truth. They have loving atmospheres and they also engage in preaching work contrary to popular witness beliefs. The Watchtower and tract society mean well but so did Peter....
      Matthew 16:22, 23 At this Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying: “Be kind to yourself, Lord; you will not have this happen to you at all.”+ 23 But turning his back, he said to Peter: “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me, because you think, not God’s thoughts, but those of men.”
      I hope you are not offended but enlightened. I hope your pride doesn't get in the way and I hope find the real truth which belongs to Spiritual Israelites according tothe flesh.
      All of the above info is from the NEW WORLD TRANSLATION OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES.

    • @vondzellblack4302
      @vondzellblack4302 10 років тому

      I have family and friends that's JWS too but when you tell family and friends to say away from other love one's i see something wrong with that but thank you for your comments .

    • @antoniagaines6611
      @antoniagaines6611 7 років тому +1

      One thing I don't like about my religion is when they tell me not to associate with anyone unless they are Jehovah Witness. To me, that is elitist, prejudice, bigoted, ignorant and wrong. There are good people in ALL religions!!!

    • @maureenlabra7649
      @maureenlabra7649 7 років тому

      Antonia Gaines, I know it seems elitist and prejudice, etc. to you but it is actually a protection to you. I have made many mistakes thinking I could make all my decisions myself and choose my associates wisely. We cannot rule ourselves, look around. Jehovah, our creator knows what's best for us. Like any good parent he gives us rules, not because he doesn't want us to have any fun, but to protect us from any possible harm. It is not hard to fall into bad habits. The safest place is with people who follow the same path as you, and that even is no guarantee.

    • @arrellehnisrael8229
      @arrellehnisrael8229 7 років тому

      2.5 billion people are following the same path. JWs just have little tweaks here and there to the doctrine but it's all the same.

  • @akaxju66er
    @akaxju66er 11 років тому +1

    The example the young Witness lived, left an impact on Terrence. What a wonderful experience. It seems like Terrence has a good teacher. He was able to defend the truth in this interview. Great upload.

  • @AccountOutOfService
    @AccountOutOfService 11 років тому +2

    I'm so touched by this. How wonderful of Mr. Howard to stand up & confess his opinion & appreciation towards a rather controversial religion. I too was raised knowing Jehovah & have been studying for years but never grew strong enough to make a full dedication. Satan does his work well. But this video really made my day. :)

  • @coachevy2851
    @coachevy2851 10 років тому +4

    Love this interview. Thank you Howard...hope to bump into you at a convention. You encouraged me much. May Jah's kingdom rule forever and eva:)

  • @GloucesterLGB
    @GloucesterLGB 8 років тому +28

    Dear Brothers and Sisters,
    From time to time I end up following some link to a UA-cam or Facebook page like this and find the comments section laced with anti-Witness slurs, accusations, and even downright slander being responded to by well-intentioned friends who feel they are making a defense of the good news. (Phil 1:7,16)
    I see many of you drawn in and spending a great deal of effort trying to respond to false accusations.
    Please consider first the words of the Daily Text for Sept 12, 2016 before deciding to make a reply to negative comments on internet forums. As tempting as it might be to want to set things straight, it is never appropriate to attempt to vindicate Jehovah's name by stooping to Satan's methods. (1Pet 3:9-15) Much of what you or I would try to convey is not only going to not be accepted by them, but doesn't even have enough basis in common with them to make sense to them. (1Cor 2:11-16)
    If you were to know the faceless individuals hiding behind the anonymity, you could almost guarantee that those who are inclined to spend time making such negative and at times even hateful comments against you and our life of worship, have their own agendas and motivations. There may be a few who are sincere in their beliefs. Others give evidence by their words and their tone that they are seeking to condone their own choices in their lives by finding fault with us, our worship, our beliefs, and if possible Jehovah himself. (2Cor 4:4)
    Keep in-mind that the Apostle Paul was such a man. (Acts 8:3, 9:1-2) If your objective is to enlighten opposers, in accord with Paul's example, it is noteworthy that none of the Christians he mistreated is ever credited with being part of Paul's readjustment - that was left to Jesus direction. (Acts 9:3-16) Have faith that the Bible says that it is God who draws people to Him. (John 6:44) If someone is 'rightly disposed', trust in God to insure that they will not be overlooked for salvation because we chose to heed the advice found in 2Timothy 2:23-26.
    The strongest testimony of the correctness of our own course as Jehovah's Witnesses is the very real personal relationship that we have with our Heavenly Father Jehovah - through prayer and how we have each seen how He has answered us personally in concert with our association with His organization. It was through that organization that we learned to get to know the God who called us. (John 6:37,44) We are in a better position than our detractors, who often just repeat unjustified claims they have heard read or seen, to recognize the real tangible positive effect that our association with Jehovah's Witnesses has had on our lives, how well everything we are taught harmonizes with the Scriptures, and the good 'fruitage' it has borne in our lives and others around us who are sincerely putting forth the effort to make the Truth their own.(Matt 5:48)(1Cor 6:11)(2Cor 10:4)
    As for former Witnesses who have left the path of life, there is almost certainly a thread of self-justification running through their complaints and accusation. Having been disfellowshipped myself, I know this personally for a fact. The Scriptures address this as well at 2Pet 2:22. Can there really be any credibility among those who failed to continue to suceed in applying what they've learned and turned away? (Luke 8:12,44) There is almost always some important personal detail that such ones seem to omit that is at the root of their crusade to attack God's people. (1Pet 4:3-4)
    I have been associated with Jehovah's Witnesses for over 40 years. I was baptized in the late 1970's, inactive for a period and was even disfellowshipped for almost 14 years before I came to my senses and returned to the Truth. I have had plenty of time and exposure outside of the influence of Jehovah's organization to see the contrast between the world of those who malign God's people, and those who walk in the way of the Truth. I am neither indoctrinated nor brainwashed. I am not on the Governing Body or on some commitee for the defense of Jehovah's Witnesses - just a blue-collar 'nobody', in the way the world would estimate my value. (1Cor 1:26-31)
    In the end, time will tell who is right and who is wrong. (Matt 25:31-46)
    We accept that everyone will not be convinced that we have the Truth. It is enough that we understand clearly and go on making sure of the hope we have within us. The appropriate channels for applying the preaching, teaching, and defending the Good News of the King and his Kingdom are available to us without resorting to becoming overly embroiled in time-wasting online arguments with those who are not asking sincere questions, or seeking answers to address their doubts. Better to spend our time in the ministry, family worship, prayer, or personal study of the Bible. (Eph 5:15-16)(1Thes 5:16-22)(Phil 1:10)
    This time spent interacting with commenters online is also 'association'. (1Cor 15:33) Therfore, it would be proper to ask ourselves individually, "Would I spend time trying to 'correct' someone like this in the ministry or would I apply Jesus words at Luke 9:5 or Matthew 10:14? This is not a judgement or failing to defend our faith, simply a wise admonition from Jesus as to how to best spend our time. Something worth considering. In harmony with my own advice, I composed this one single reply in defense of our true faith that I will simply cut&paste wherever it seems appropriate, and ignore any reply as a waste of time. (1Pet 4:7)
    Those fault-finders do not have any better alternative. (John 6:68) The very attitude that permeates their comments shows what sort of thinking and life they are advocating - not one of peace, love, harmony, and Christlike personalities. (John 3:19) We know our Master and where we belong. (John 10:14,27) Just keep doing what you know is right and use discernment in dealing with people who challenges. (Matt 10:16)
    Matthew 7:6 makes it clear with sufficiently strong language that we should be discriminating with our efforts.
    May Jehovah continue to bless all of your ongoing efforts to serve Him and the interests of His Kingdom.

    • @lanaplays-robloxandmore5628
      @lanaplays-robloxandmore5628 8 років тому +4

      i love this comment long as it may be.....true servants of Jehovah do not. need to fight....Praise JAH you people!!!!!

    • @jhennessyde-la-fuente7193
      @jhennessyde-la-fuente7193 8 років тому +4

      Very well said!

    • @latonyasmith683
      @latonyasmith683 8 років тому +3


    • @arrellehnisrael8229
      @arrellehnisrael8229 8 років тому

      You stated: *true servants of Jehovah do not. need to fight.*
      The bible disagrees with you.
      1 Peter 3:15 *always ready to make a defense before everyone* who demands of you a reason for the hope you have
      James 4:7 Therefore, subject yourselves to God; *but oppose the Devil* and he will flee from you.
      Proverbs 28:1 *The wicked flee* when no one pursues them, But the righteous are as confident as a lion
      Ephesians 6:14-17 *Stand firm*, therefore, with the belt of truth fastened around your waist, wearing the breastplate of righteousness
      *having your feet shod in readiness* to declare the good news
      *take up the large shield of faith, with which you will be able to extinguish all the wicked one’s burning arrows.*
      Also, accept *the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit*, that is, God’s word
      Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is alive *and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints from the marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart.*
      The problem is YOU JWs use your own words and not God's word to prove all things. That is why when others come with disagreement... you run, because only the wicked flee in those situations and that is according to scripture... TRUE SERVANTS OF JEHOVAH DEFEND THE WORD TILL DEATH.

    • @jbretne7
      @jbretne7 8 років тому

      You, forget thought that not all are at the same Level of Spiritual Growth..... Not Even You.... For If You were ... You would not be "Stumbling Others"
      (Philippians 1:9, 10) 9 And this is what I continue praying, that your love may abound still more and more with accurate knowledge and full discernment;
      10 that you may make sure of the more important things, so that you may be flawless and not stumbling others up to the day of Christ;
      (Romans 14:19-22) 19 So, then, let us pursue the things making for peace and the things that build one another up.
      20 Stop tearing down the work of God just for the sake of food. True, all things are clean, but it is detrimental for a man to eat when it will cause stumbling.
      21 It is best not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything over which your brother stumbles.
      22 The faith that you have, keep it to yourself before God. Happy is the man who does not judge himself by what he approves.

  • @israelramos6741
    @israelramos6741 8 років тому +27

    jehovah will help you...

    • @WoWNimblybimbly
      @WoWNimblybimbly 8 років тому

      Phil. 2:13 It is you that should be helping if God is in you.

    • @simonsweeting2542
      @simonsweeting2542 8 років тому

      +Ariana Estudillo what do you mean justin bieber anyway what do you mean

  • @wimpy999
    @wimpy999 11 років тому +1

    What a great interview. I hope you manage to make whatever adjustments you need to Terence as you speak of the Truth so positively. Made me realise why I keep going with it even though it is hard.

  • @annavogt826
    @annavogt826 10 років тому +1

    This young brother Terrence knew in school did what the Bible says of Christians -that we can win people over by our conduct. I hope Terrence makes a stand for Bible truth before it's too late.

  • @jashaniqueburt236
    @jashaniqueburt236 9 років тому +18

    I ❤ jw.org
    P.S im a JW

  • @OnyxMoonSign
    @OnyxMoonSign 10 років тому +19

    To everyone who says that Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in Jesus, or deny Jesus, God, the Gospel, or whatever....I guarantee that you are repeating words that your preacher told you or that some apostate told you. You have never spoken to a REAL Jehovah's Witnesses that said such nonsense. Only FAKE Jehovah's Witnesses, or apostates, or your bishop, deacon, preacher, or whatever told you that.
    Would you go to your doctor and ask him to fix your car? Would you go to your mechanic and ask him for a prescription for allergies? No! That doesn't make sense. So why go to someone who is not a Jehovah's Witness to tell you what they believe in? Talk to a REAL Jehovah's Witness and find out the Truth.

    • @alexadillo4406
      @alexadillo4406 10 років тому

      Your babbling incoherently... Jw's do not believe in the trinity, and say jesus is not god, rather the son of god. they believe in jesus, the gospel etc.. just their interpretation is warped.. but thats jmo

    • @OnyxMoonSign
      @OnyxMoonSign 10 років тому

      To kiwi....post an unaltered scanned image of the literature cover, copyright page, and the exact page itself and highlight the sentence where it says "Jehovah's Witnesses are an anti-Christian cult".

    • @OnyxMoonSign
      @OnyxMoonSign 10 років тому

      1. a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
      2. an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers: the physical fitness cult.
      3. the object of such devotion.
      4. a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.
      5. Sociology . a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols.
      1. a body of persons adhering to a particular religious faith; a religious denomination.
      2. a group regarded as heretical or as deviating from a generally accepted religious tradition.
      3. (in the sociology of religion) a Christian denomination characterized by insistence on strict qualifications for membership, as distinguished from the more inclusive groups called churches.
      4. any group, party, or faction united by a specific doctrine or under a doctrinal leader.
      According to these definitions every religion is a cult/sect. So, if Jehovah's Witnesses are, then so are Baptists, Catholics, Buddhists, Seven Day Adventists, Presbyterians, Protestants, Hindu's, Amish, Mennonites, Lutherans....if you believe in God and have "a system of religious worship YOU TOO ARE IN A CULT or a SECT!" Think about that the next time you call any religion that you are not a member of a cult.

    • @johnthreesixteen316
      @johnthreesixteen316 10 років тому

      Hello friend. True Christians believe Isaiah 9:6. Christians believe in the deity of Christ. JW's and muslims don't.

    • @lydiam6384
      @lydiam6384 10 років тому +2

      Ok so I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and I am telling you that we do believe in Jesus. That God sent his son to die for us. Jesus is the reason way we stop
      at your doors. We are trying to obey Jesus example by telling others the good news of the kingdom and the hope for the future. We are not there to change your beliefs but to give you encouragement during a time where we see so much suffering in the world we live in today. Feel free to believe whatever you want but please make sure you know the whole story.Thanks for your time and enjoy your day.

  • @travishardy7322
    @travishardy7322 8 років тому +98

    I know for a fact Jehovah Witnesses are the REAL religion and others are threaten by them.

    • @nB-we9ws
      @nB-we9ws 8 років тому +3

      agree 👍🏻👍🏻

    • @arrellehnisrael8229
      @arrellehnisrael8229 8 років тому

      Who are the people Jehovah first recognized?

    • @bbuttercup7204
      @bbuttercup7204 7 років тому

      Travis Hardy I am not threatened anymore. Have you looked at your 2009 jw songbook, back cover? joy to the world, the Lord is cum plus.google.com/108298048799308660380/posts/a78We43TXX4?_

    • @travishardy7322
      @travishardy7322 7 років тому

      Beth B fact is you're threaten by the truth. Or else you wouldn't be on here.

    • @arrellehnisrael8229
      @arrellehnisrael8229 7 років тому +1

      ***** I'm on Mormon youtube channels too. I'm also on black church sites WAYYYYY more than any JW youtube video.
      Perhaps I'm more threatened by TD JAKES than by your organization... maybe TD JAKES is the truth. Just go to any TD JAKES youtube video and I bet you find me there disproving him... because I disprove of ALL liars.
      Go check out TD JAKES videos if you dare... and look for my comments.

  • @cynthiabakerwoodard
    @cynthiabakerwoodard Рік тому +2

    Who knew? This was a great interview. Very authentic man. Struggling but getting there. Praying.

  • @aerminsar
    @aerminsar 12 років тому +1

    He was always my favorite actor & to know about him & his relation with witnesses makes me really happy...this is very encouraging. & I hope that one day he will become a witness. I love this & thanks for posting it :)

  • @lochraven21286
    @lochraven21286 11 років тому +6

    In answer to someone about going 'door to door'. The spelling is taken directly from that translation.
    Acts 20:20 How I kept back nothing of these things that are beneficial, not to inform you, and to teach you in public, and from house to house. ACV
    Acts 20:20 while I did not hold back from telling YOU any of the things that were profitable nor from teaching YOU publicly and from house to house. NWT
    Acts 20:20 And how kept back nothing that was \profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publickly and from house to house. RNKJV
    with respect

    • @chum3192
      @chum3192 3 роки тому

      Charles taze russell (the dude who founded Jehovah Witnesses) was a 33° Freemason.
      To sum up what Freemasons are, they worship Lucifer. But it's not until they reach the 33° when they tell you that's who they worship. Freemasons are all about deception and lies. They communicate through symbolism hidden in plain sight.
      If you search up on Google "Zions Watchtower" and look to the upper left with the diagonal cross with the crown around it, and compare it with another google search :"Masonic Cross and Crown", then you'll know who Charles was really associated with. So it's no wonder why Charles wanted to deceive many people because that's his Religion (Freemasonry) is all about.
      there's an abundance of connections between Charles and Freemasonry such as his grave site right next to a masonic church and how his gravestone is a pyramid which is a Freemason symbol.

  • @Saintsfanalways
    @Saintsfanalways 10 років тому +6

    Thats why it is the narrow path because just like he said, he just is not ready to give up the things required to give up. Some people want their cake, and eat it too, and think if there is a religion who rejects you because of your life style that they are against you, and are a bad religion for not taking you as you are, but thats just not the case. No one is perfect, and everyone on the face of the earth falls short of Gods expectations every single day, but there are things that we CAN control like smoking, or our morals, or excessive drinking, and even if it seems hard to even control these we can seek His assistance in helping us kick these habits in order to transform our lives to lead down the right path. We will always have hurdles, but until we decide its time to cross them, (which will have to be a repetitive thing since men are inclined to sin) then we are outside looking in. There is no "once saved always saved" pass card that alot feel they have. You have to continually try to do what is right in the eyes of Jehovah God. As James 2:17 says..."faith, if it does not have works, is dead in itself".

    • @sdr6702
      @sdr6702 10 років тому +3


    • @arrellehnisrael8229
      @arrellehnisrael8229 10 років тому

      Hello BROTHER! I know what JWs believe and practice as I've been associated with them since I was born. An obstacle for me was the doctrine not the people or anything like that.
      JWs believe that in 1914 Christ began his heavenly rulership. But lets see what the bible says:
      IN RELATION TO 1914
      Matthew 28:18- "Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All AUTHORITY HAS BEEN GIVEN ME in HEAVEN AND on the EARTH.+ 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations,+ baptizing them+ in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit...".
      See how easily man's wisdom of 1914 is rebuked by the wisdom of the Most High God. Authority was given Christ waaaayyyy before 1914.
      JWS Believe that the Israelites/Jews were rejected by God. Lets see what the bible says:
      Romans 11:1-3 " I ask, then, God did not reject his people, did he?+ By no means! For I too am an Israelite, of the offspring* of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin. 2 GOD DID NOT REJECT HIS PEOPLE, whom he first recognized..."
      JWs believe in a spritual Israel but what does the bible say:
      Romans 9:1-5 I am telling the TRUTH IN CHRIST; I am not lying, as my conscience bears witness with me in HOLY SPIRIRT, 2 that I have great grief and unceasing pain in my heart. 3 For I could wish that I myself were separated from the Christ as the cursed one for the sake of MY BROTHERS, MY RELATIVES ACCORDING TO THE FLESH, 4 WHO ARE ISRAELITES!. TO THEM BELONG THE ADOPTION AS SONS+ AND THE GLORY AND THE COVENANTS+ AND THE GIVING OF THE LAW+ AND THE SACRED SERVICE+ AND THE PROMISES.+ 5 To them the forefathers belong,+ and from them the CHRIST DESCENDED ACCORDING TO THE FLESH.+ God, who is over all, be praised forever. Amen.
      So you see spiritual Israel is also fleshly Israel. The blood the spirit and the water....all 3 MUST be in agreement. (1 John 5:7,8) So if you're an Israelite this truth I am speaking will bear witness with your spirit. Then you will become a real truth seeker...and Christ will teach you.
      JWs TEACH the Laws are done away with. Lets see what the bible says:
      Matthew 5:17-19 Do NOT think I came to destroy the LAW or the PROPHETS. I came, NOT to destroy, but to fulfill.+ 18 Truly I say to you that SOONER HEAVEN and EARTH PASS AWAY THAN FOR ONE STROKE OF A LETTER TO PASS AWAY FROM THE LAW until all things take place.+ 19 WHOEVER, therefore, BREAKS ONE OF THE LEAST COMMANDMENTS and TEACHES OTHERS TO DO SO WILL BE CALLED LEAST IN RELATION to the Kingdom of the heavens. But whoever DOES THEM and TEACHES THEM will be called great in relation to the Kingdom of the heavens.
      I am doing them and I am telling you to do them. Christ proved it can be done. His sacrifice means no longer can we cleanse our sins with animal sacrifices but our lives, a human sacrifice, is a valid wage for sins. THE OTHER LAWS ARE STILL IN EEFECT. For example:::“You heard that it was said: ‘You must not commit adultery.’+ 28 But I say to you that everyone who keeps on looking at a woman+ so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart(Matthew 5:27, 28)
      Romans 3:31 Do we, then, abolish law by means of our faith?NOT AT ALL! On the contrary, WE UPHOLD LAW.
      There are so many more scriptures that I can show but if you are really seeking truth, God and not seeking acceptance to an organization Christ will teach you the rest just keep seeking.
      We have been given a new way to reach people and it's online. Luke 10:7 "...Do not keep transferring from house to house....."
      Most cults fear there members going on the internet and finding out the truth about their organization. Don't be afraid. A house built on sand will not stand.
      ...and besides.
      Acts 7:47, 48 / 17:24-27
      ....However, the Most High does not dwell in houses made by human hands."
      "The God who made the world and all the things in it, being, as he is, Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in handmade temples; nor is he served by human hands as if he needed anything, because he himself gives to all people life and breath and all things. And he made out of one man every nation of men to dwell on the entire surface of the earth, and he decreed the appointed times and the set limits of where men would dwell, so that they would seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us...”
      I know you think you have the truth but use discernment,test the inspired statements. Don't just stay in a bubble like Mormons and Catholics and Baptists and Protestants and 7Day Adventists etc...They also have a worldwide brotherhood of multicultural members who say we have the truth. They have loving atmospheres and they also engage in preaching work contrary to popular witness beliefs. The Watchtower and tract society mean well but so did Peter....
      Matthew 16:22, 23 At this Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying: “Be kind to yourself, Lord; you will not have this happen to you at all.”+ 23 But turning his back, he said to Peter: “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me, because you think, not God’s thoughts, but those of men.”
      I hope you are not offended but enlightened. I hope your pride doesn't get in the way and I hope find the real truth which belongs to Spiritual Israelites according tothe flesh.
      All of the above info is from the NEW WORLD TRANSLATION OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES.

  • @daranokes3906
    @daranokes3906 10 років тому +4

    Terrence I hope you come to know Jehovah in the way of a best friend. You are already preaching about His Kingdom. Make up your mind to stop smoking. Yes, it is hard. But isn't any fight worth winning? I had to stop. I actually looked at the tiny little sticks and broke them to pieces and said "you have no control over me" you will not take away my everlasting life. Jehovah will give you a sense of calm. And He will reward you with blessings that you are yet to see until you do make the truth your own. The blessings of Jehovah.. that is what makes rich and he adds no pain with it. Proverbs 10:22

  • @supehero22
    @supehero22 10 років тому

    There's nothing stopping you Mr.Howard....Jehovah's love extends to us all....we welcome you brother!

  • @robertquaintance838
    @robertquaintance838 11 років тому +2

    This young brother gave a thorough witness. Good job brother!

  • @barrycoyne5855
    @barrycoyne5855 8 років тому +4

    We as Jehovah's witnesses believe what the bible says, that Jesus is the son of God, the first creation of God, and we believe that as the son he is not Almighty God, who's name is Jehovah, we believe the whole bible Is the word of God, and so we call ourselves Jehovah's Christian Witnesses, hope this clears that up for you

  • @avalonpark1574
    @avalonpark1574 7 років тому +3

    Terrence did a movie about JW, his first wife is a JW

  • @laurenbreazeale797
    @laurenbreazeale797 9 років тому +4

    I wish I could tell him he does have a chance to become one of us!!!😳

  • @samuelosei-kusi5875
    @samuelosei-kusi5875 10 років тому +2

    Thank God for gradually revealing the truth to Terrence.Listening to the video and how Terrence explained the Bible truth,i hope and pray for him for God to help him quit the smoking habit and the selfishness that is stumbling him from being a Witness. All am saying is to Terrence is that, he should keep on associating with the witnesses and with this i know that sooner, through Gods help,he would surely become a witness. He is really on track.

  • @mayleebond711
    @mayleebond711 11 років тому +1

    Thank you for bringing praise to Gods word ...your very humble and show such a deep respect for the Bible, I wish you success in your struggles...remember we all fall....the key is getting up( proverbs24:16)........

  • @oneworldkingdom
    @oneworldkingdom 9 років тому +3

    As one of JWs, we do not suffer from what the world suffers. All of this racism and confusion, I'm glad to be protected as one of God's people. Its not easty, but faith will help you to endure till the end.