Musical Genre: Bhojpurī "chatak matak" rasiyā. As sung by Ganesh Kirtan Group of Mendez Village, Sipara, Trinidad. 0. Pātar mor, karinhaiyā lehanavā, bhuī dole re. [Ab] (4) The skirt on my slim waist swings near the ground. (Ref) Ab bhuī dole, bhuī dole, bhuī dole re. (2) (Āṛāūī) Ab pātar mor, karinhaiyā lehanavā, bhuī dole re. (2) Now it is swinging, it is swinging; yes, it is swinging. The skirt on my slim waist swings near the ground. 1. (Ab, once) Sāsū ke dole, sasurvā ke dole. (4) Nanadī ke dole, karinhaiyā lehanavā, bhuī dole re. [Ab] (4)(Ref) Mother-in-law swings, father-in-law swings, my husband’s sister swings; the skirt on my waist swings near the ground. 2. (Ab, once) Jethā ke dole, jethāniyā ke dole. (4) Nanadī ke dole, karinhaiyā lehanavā, bhuī dole re. [Ab] (4)(Ref) Elder brother-in-law swings, his wife swings, my husband’s sister swings; the skirt on my waist swings near the ground. 3. (Ab, once) Devrā ke dole, devrāniyā ke dole. (4) Nanadī ke dole, karinhaiyā lehanavā, bhuī dole re. [Ab] (4)(Ref) Younger bother-in-law swings, father-in-law swings, my husband’s sister swings; the skirt on my waist swings near the ground. 4. (Ab, once) Saiyā` ke dole, savatiyā ke dole. (4) Nanadī ke dole, karinhaiyā lehanavā, bhuī dole re. [Ab] (4)(Ref) My husband swings, my co-wife swings, my husband’s sister swings; the skirt on my waist swings near the ground. 5. (Slow) Ab pātar mor, karinhaiyā lehanavā, bhuī dole re. The skirt on my slim waist swings near the ground. .
Pātar mor, karinhaiyā lehanavā, bhuī dole = Now it is swinging, it is swinging; yes, it is swinging. The skirt on my slim waist swings near the ground.
Very beautiful.
Wah reh dhol
Coming to a trini station soon..
Musical Genre: Bhojpurī "chatak matak" rasiyā. As sung
by Ganesh Kirtan Group of Mendez Village, Sipara, Trinidad.
0. Pātar mor, karinhaiyā lehanavā, bhuī dole re. [Ab] (4)
The skirt on my slim waist swings near the ground.
(Ref) Ab bhuī dole, bhuī dole, bhuī dole re. (2) (Āṛāūī)
Ab pātar mor, karinhaiyā lehanavā, bhuī dole re. (2)
Now it is swinging, it is swinging; yes, it is swinging.
The skirt on my slim waist swings near the ground.
1. (Ab, once) Sāsū ke dole, sasurvā ke dole. (4)
Nanadī ke dole, karinhaiyā lehanavā, bhuī dole re. [Ab] (4)(Ref)
Mother-in-law swings, father-in-law swings, my husband’s
sister swings; the skirt on my waist swings near the ground.
2. (Ab, once) Jethā ke dole, jethāniyā ke dole. (4)
Nanadī ke dole, karinhaiyā lehanavā, bhuī dole re. [Ab] (4)(Ref)
Elder brother-in-law swings, his wife swings, my husband’s
sister swings; the skirt on my waist swings near the ground.
3. (Ab, once) Devrā ke dole, devrāniyā ke dole. (4)
Nanadī ke dole, karinhaiyā lehanavā, bhuī dole re. [Ab] (4)(Ref)
Younger bother-in-law swings, father-in-law swings, my husband’s
sister swings; the skirt on my waist swings near the ground.
4. (Ab, once) Saiyā` ke dole, savatiyā ke dole. (4)
Nanadī ke dole, karinhaiyā lehanavā, bhuī dole re. [Ab] (4)(Ref)
My husband swings, my co-wife swings, my husband’s
sister swings; the skirt on my waist swings near the ground.
5. (Slow) Ab pātar mor, karinhaiyā lehanavā, bhuī dole re.
The skirt on my slim waist swings near the ground.
needed a drummer to make that dholak talk
is years i
kan iemand me helpen met de songtekst?
Hij bedoelt kleren werden duurder, mensen dragen minder kleren geen schaamte meer,
Pātar mor, karinhaiyā lehanavā, bhuī dole = Now it is swinging, it is swinging; yes, it is swinging.
The skirt on my slim waist swings near the ground.
fooking mono sound] pffff