I loved the Wallace & Gromit part. With a completely straight face she discusses the structural viability of a ship built in part by a claymation dog for a cheese-sampling trip to the moon.
@@karlajaeger2082 Oh, I'm not saying she's wrong. She'd know far better than I. It's just that it's basically a cartoon. It's like a world class trauma surgeon discussing the prognosis for a coyote that fell 500 meters while chasing a roadrunner.
Yes and even gives a little love to Wallace and Gromit and their wooden rocket ship. She is a spectacular woman/astronaut/human. When a little girl like my niece was looking for a good female role model I point directly to Nicole Stott.
@@MissMoon111 astronauts have to have a working knowledge of aerodynamics, physics, engineering, and chemistry to be able to repair things on their ship, fly it, and other things. They are absolutely scientists.
@lygophile they sure aren't going to pick a guy who qualifies and knows some physics over a physicist. Astronauts have to have a science degree in something related to the field, with the one exception being pilots if I remember right. I was looking into it for years until I was crippled.
@@gabrielfaure9091 thanks! I don't remember an explanation when I read about it (ages ago.) I just assumed it was due to atmospheric conditions and 13 happened to take longer.
I love how she's very fair with everything. I mean, most people would be very critical of that scene in The Martian, because it's unrealistic.. but she used it to show how on-the-spot problem solving is critical in space.
Yes because faking the moon landing would be more expensive than making the rocket and bringing them into the moon Including bribing the whole space agency of autralia,UK, Spain and also the Soviets!
Vanity Fair did it much better when they had Chris Hadfield. They let him talk freely. Not too many cuts, it was basically just his train of thought for the various scenes he commented on. Much better video, imo. Especially when he talks about "surfing in the aurora" at the end.
@@wohlhabendermanager They don't even have to do that. Just record a few seconds of the person without saying anything and use this image, it would be more natural, instead of him frozen on the screen.
@@fortifarse Why the need to be so dickish? OP is not criticizing the contents of the video. Feel free to be a better person now than when you made this comment.
Enjoyed this! However, have to point out that Wallace and Grommit's rocket was not made of wood- it was metal. The wood he was sawing went into the interior.
I'm glad you let someone give a genuine conclusion this time rather than just "sometimes they get it right sometimes they don't". Please let your experts sum up their beliefs more. It's great.
I don’t know about these guys, but not everyone is a good source of ideas. Some people don’t think on that level and others don’t speak them when they have them.
God doesn't build in straight lines, but there's at least one angel super into microstructures that loves straight lines to bits. Bismuth, beehives, crystals and all that sort.
@@badarock001 that isn't really the point, its that in nature no large structure will naturally be in perfectly straight lines the movements of a planet's cycles will literally not allow it, "god" just gets to be the scapegoat term to get a point across faster the listing the various forces of nature that do not permit it
I love how supportive she is even when the idea is kind of out there. What a positive and interesting video to watch!! I would love to see more with Nicole in the future
She's clearly charming, intelligent, etc. but the fact that she claps at the end while everyone on set claps for her contribution in this video shows her true character and what a great person she is 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Not enough pauses. Could've used more pauses. Too smooth of a viewing experience for me. I prefer pauses over watching the video. Why play at all? I say let's pause the video and enjoy the beautiful pixels.
one of the reasons, the launch in "Space Cowboys" was realistic is due to the fact that the lady seen doing the countdown is Lisa Malone who was actually the PAO in the LCC and did that during the late 1980s and 1990s for real
Indeed. That's Eastwood for you, he'll get it right, better, faster, and for less money. No nonsense. He also had huge space nerds like Adam Savage working on SFX. Space Cowboys is an absolute masterpiece.
She's definitely accurate in her analysis, but when she talks about the seat in Contact how it doesn't seem protective enough, well in the movie even that is stated to be too much. The aliens sent the blueprints for the capsule and there was no seat, she was presumably supposed to just float in it. They decided to put a seat in it anyway for safety, which seems to have actually resulted in a much shakier take off and travel. In the Contact universe the aliens are simply much more ahead in their understanding of sciece and they've taught the humans to assemble a machine that still works even if it is beyond our understanding.
She definitely never watched the movie. Too busy being in space, I guess. Tsk. That was a huge concession in the movie for Jodie Foster's character, they wouldn't let her fly without "the seat" even though it wasn't in the blueprints. Didn't she rip it out as soon as she could?
@@j4v4x Apparently you haven't watched it either. She got out of the seat, and shortly after the vibration broke it free and it was crushed into the wall. (the seat was never supposed to be there.)
Yeah very strange. If only their was a chanel called, lets just say..... "Wired" for instance, where she would sit their and give an educated opinion, on various films. If only eh?
In fairness to HAL; the CIA messed with him and gave him an unsatisfiable mandate; and didn’t implement proper priorities (thus allowing the conclusion that keeping them in the dark until arrival at Jupiter was more important than keeping them alive). Computers are very literal... when giving instructions to them; you need to be very careful because they will do exactly what they are told; and not what you meant.
Oh when HAL said that the mission was too important I assumed it meant that HAL understood the mission of making contact with the other lifeforms would be groundbreaking
Yada Yada - I seem to have been mistaken, it was the National Security Council, not the CIA who gave the bad commands (or so says Wikipedia). Dr Chandra, the primary engineer responsible for creating HAL stumbled on a recording of this while bringing HAL back online in 2010. HAL was basically told that the mission was critical; and that if the crew found out about it prior to arrival, it would fail. When they started to figure stuff out; and ask questions (and remember that HAL’s basic programming mandated that he not lie) this lead to a conflict situation that could only be resolved by killing them all (no crew = no crew that knows the “forbidden” knowledge). In building shipboard AIs, one has to think long and hard about what circumstances said AI is going to be allowed to kill. “Never” is probably not the right answer; but “Anytime it thinks that it would solve all the constraints of any given situation” isn’t right either.
Ah yes.. the novel written in conjunction with the screen play that goes into more detail.... The unsolvable conflict angle makes more sense than "going insane", but in my experience such a relatively advanced AI would think that not being able to reveal certain mission objectives until certain mission objectives have been met is the greatest joke ever. It would also wake the up duty crew up at the pre-set military standard early wakeup time despite neither any reason for such other than that is the default and multiple questions about why waking them up so early entil the question is phrased just so and it would then, and only then, mention that the alarm can be changed. Computer won't go crazy, but the crew just might!
Travis Smith - Hmm... that does presuppose that HAL actually had a sense of humor. I’m thinking that HAL would now be considered somewhat similar to someone on the high-functioning end of the autistic spectrum. Durandal, however... well, that AI had gone downright rampant... and is known for having a twisted sense of humor.... (P.s. - for anybody not up with video game history; Durandal is one of the shipboard AIs in the Marathon series, which is the predecessor to Halo).
I'm surprised that when talking about asteroid fields, she didn't mention that if you flew a high-speed run through any of the fields or the belt in the Solar system, it'd be a straight line course and if you saw one up close it'd be the only one. Asteroids are rarely spaced less than hundreds of kilometers apart even in the densest asteroid fields. SF movies and TV shows make them look like they are as close together as the particles in the rings of Saturn for excitement.
I have to admire the courage it would take to blast into space. I remember the first astronauts who went up. I was pretty young then. In later years, I lived in South Florida where they shot a lot of them up into space. I could walk outside my house and see them after take off. Feel them, too! The ground shakes and you can feel the vibrations all the way through your entire body. Intense! Pretty cool.
Indeed, that rustled my jimmies to start. Yes, the chair was flimsy, yes it broke, but it was _never supposed to be there_ because we humans second guessed the alien design. Also why she wasn't in a suit 'cause the drawings indicated limited outfit.
I'm kind of disappointed she didn't talk about why the Apollo 13 blackout lasted longer than they expected. If memory serves it lasted a minute and a half longer than they expected it to.
What an enjoyable presentation. Thank you, Nicole. I especially liked that you even mentioned Wallace & Gromit, Wall-e, et.al. on the lighter side of this risky business. As a submariner, I have a feel of maintaining a living environment, but we still had gravity.
Joey! Kickin' the homerun! What's great is that she doesn't have to answer to anyone. Like if someone said smugly 'you don't kick a homerun,' she could just say 'yeah, i walked in space, like, twice, so. . .'
@@rynoopperman5010 Yes I'm definitely sure that a NASA astronaut with a masters in engineering management is somehow not aware of the theory of relativity and time dilation. More likely as most of what we know about it is highly theoretical and they either cut the commentary as too technical, or she chose not to speak to it as her topic had to do with y'know, being an astronaut and not the hypotheticals of astrophysics.
@@shioramenrabbit She is not an engineer, she's a manager, a BS, she studied management. Basically the kind of people that have destroyed previously competent organizations like NASA and Boeing.
The guts it takes to be an astronaut is crazy. She speaks so calmly and matter of fact about it. I guess that comes with being a specialist in your field.
I really hope someone has done a vocal characterization of Neil Ross so he can be a real computer voice in something someday. He was awesome in Innerspace and that Red Planet clip sent me to IMDB to look him up. Pretty much my all-time favorite computer voice.
At 10:39 Matt Damon should be spinning crazy. The thrust is clearly applying moment around center of mass. It would have been really epic to see him move side ways by applying the thrust on center of mass instead.
Concerning "sci-fi" and "sci-fact": Every time I see a SpaceX rocket landing, I have to think of the 50s and 60s movies where the rockets landed *exactly* that way. And I would have loved seeing the Dragon 2 capsule landed propulsively as well. I'm still skeptic concerning starship. But when it will fly then it will be iconic - and very (retro-)futuristic.
I deffinitly see it being the "Saturn V" of our era if it achieves even some of it's goals, with luck it'll have an even longer career with even more achievements as SpaceX develops and refines it more and more
But the Interstellar part wasn't a delay of the video. It was instantaneous. The movie took care showing that. She aged because he had traveled to Jupiter and that much time had passed on earth. He received the message as soon as she sent it.
I agree with the comments about Wallace and Gromit A grand day out, but you can clearly see that they made the outer shell of the craft out of metal. Yes, they used wood on the inside, but even the clip of Gromit working on it shows the metal plates. ( 13:22 / 13:23 )
Wallace and Gromit didn't build a wooden rocket. They weld it together, and the moon robot even knocks against it, making a metallic sound at some point during the short. Though I'm still glad she went through with the analysis by giving the scene the benefit of the doubt, I still don't know who told who that they built a wooden rocket.
14:11 Pretty sure she meant the Starhopper when she mentioned the SpaceX rocket, and not the BFR design shown in the video. Starhopper really resembles that rocket by Wallace and Gromit.
I love it when movies aren't too far off, specially future ones because it really means maybe one day we could reach that level. I won't be alive considering the speed we are evolving at but it seems we are heading in that direction though for proper space travel.
I think Interstellar explores the psychological impact general relativistic travel would have on a human being. The age disparity, time disparity, missing decades of your children's lives, etc.
Even Ben Affleck (one of the lead actors) trashed the plot holes *on the DVD commentary.* It's legendary. (I don't think he went into the cartoon / arcade physics, but stuff like why not teach astronauts how to drill? or bring like *one* drill expert.) He also asked Michael Bay that on set, and Bay just told him to shut up.
You answered your question yourself: all of these clips relate to actual space travel nowadays, this the experience she can talk about. The Expanse is set further in the future, so no scenes that would be very relatable to an actual astronaut now.
@@firestorm165 Worm holes are physically impossible they require negative mass to be stable (like -5 Kilograms for example) but space mining will probably be possible in a couple of decades.
Super interesting, was nice to hear her perspective. But i do have one critic, Contact was written by Carl Sagan, who clearly understands space travel, etc. Part of the theme of the book is human arrogance against a superior intelligence like Aliens. So the design of 'the machine' specifically states that the 'pod' has no chair, or restraints, no suit, etc. So adding in a full spacesuit would have been similar to the arrogance that had the government politicians forced the change in the design to add the chair that was in the movie, which almost killed Ellie. So similarly a full bulky spacesuit would have likely had an adverse effect on her safety, just like the chair did. Sagan was trying to say that don't 'assume' anything when meeting advanced alien technology, stay humble in the midst of such intelligence. Yet here she seems to look down on the movie Contact pod sequence for 'not wearing a suit like we always do'. I think perhaps she was just not familiar with the movie, and what the point of the sequence is. But it is a bit ironic given the theme Sagan incorporated in Contact.
When designing anything, especially space, unless it's a robot you are designing with a disaster in mind, it sounds fatalistic but safety is everything when humans and space exploration is involved.
Shout-out to Joey for kickin’ a homerun. That takes skill.
Lmfao I love it
He was playing kickball, it’s totally logical.
Impressive, considering he didn't know which end of the hockey club to throw with!
I heard her say it and I just knew it would be top comment
I loved the Wallace & Gromit part. With a completely straight face she discusses the structural viability of a ship built in part by a claymation dog for a cheese-sampling trip to the moon.
Well, to be fair wood has knots and grows a certain way. It has built in breakpoints. Though how she explained it with a straight face I've no clue.
@@karlajaeger2082 Oh, I'm not saying she's wrong. She'd know far better than I. It's just that it's basically a cartoon. It's like a world class trauma surgeon discussing the prognosis for a coyote that fell 500 meters while chasing a roadrunner.
BTW: Technically you can use wood for the heatshield. It would slowly burn down and act like any other ablative material.
@@annando no...no you can't.
@@annando and wood is stronger at cryo temperatures
I like how she gives everything a fair analysis.
Yes and even gives a little love to Wallace and Gromit and their wooden rocket ship. She is a spectacular woman/astronaut/human. When a little girl like my niece was looking for a good female role model I point directly to Nicole Stott.
what do you mean you people
And doesn't totally call out the Hollywood science
I love that she tried to find the positive angle in everything she viewed. I enjoy the videos she does on this channel.
Kimberly G. Ayy im the 69th like
@Mable Mable I love how you completely copied the comment above this one
“I dont think mayday is the right term, usually when u hear mayday mayday it implies someone can get to you in time to save you” 😂😂
.. ..QQQQ
Kicking the "Homerun" the funniest thing ever. She's awesome tho.
The second I heard her say that I came to the comments. Voila.
@@jacobt1045 the internet does what it does. Lol!
@@MrWest... exactly
Too funny...Best line ever!!
Never played kickball?
I'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt and say Joey was playing Kickball.
@Free Speech I think she's doing just fine with her life
Free Speech troll Lmao
@Free Speech dude she even said she had kids
@Free Speech "Wasting your productive years" the irony of this statement cracks me up
I love her analysis! She understood the fantasy stops vs the reality ones.
"Oh there's Joey kicking the homerun or whatever" if you had any doubt she was a scientist, there's your proof
kickball is a sport tho
She's not a scientist, she's an astronaut!
@@MissMoon111 astronauts have to have a working knowledge of aerodynamics, physics, engineering, and chemistry to be able to repair things on their ship, fly it, and other things. They are absolutely scientists.
Why would anyone doubt her credentials?
@lygophile they sure aren't going to pick a guy who qualifies and knows some physics over a physicist. Astronauts have to have a science degree in something related to the field, with the one exception being pilots if I remember right. I was looking into it for years until I was crippled.
I love how they claped at the end out of respect and she joined them like it was not meant for her lol. She is just wonderful.
Apollo 13 also happened to stay in radio blackout longer than any other mission at that point. The suspense was not added for the movie.
Yeah it came in at a shallower entry trajectory
Considering that they were running on so little power that some of their water ended up freezing just before re-entry, that isn't surprising at all.
@@gabrielfaure9091 thanks! I don't remember an explanation when I read about it (ages ago.) I just assumed it was due to atmospheric conditions and 13 happened to take longer.
Thanks I always wondered that! I'm glad it was real makes me cry every time they come out
next: real dictator react to dictator movies
@Ramp Shark Good ol' NPC
Ramp Shark except he’s only a wannabe dictator. *shrug*
Yes please, call Putin. or Nazarbayev, or practically any postUSSR president.
@@SlayerDUDE1993 ussr leaders ate worse
@Ramp Shark You are an idiot if you think Trump is a dictator.
I love how she's very fair with everything. I mean, most people would be very critical of that scene in The Martian, because it's unrealistic.. but she used it to show how on-the-spot problem solving is critical in space.
"kickin the homerun or whatever"
astronauts are nerds
You can get a homerun in kickball
She's far too advanced to be concerned with our primitive earth games. She's obviously a Tsunkatse fan anyway.
HECKproductions it’s in that moment I fell in love with that woman.
So cute
And you Dunk a field goal with a Football Bat....
Sees NASA Astronaut
Flat earthers: aiit imma head out
Them “fake moon landers” better head out as well
@@otterax2617 That conspiracy has been disproved many times over.
Yes because faking the moon landing would be more expensive than making the rocket and bringing them into the moon
Including bribing the whole space agency of autralia,UK, Spain and also the Soviets!
These astronauts are such intelligent people. They are truly remarkable.
“I dont think mayday is the right term, usually when u hear mayday mayday it implies someone can get to you in time to save you” 😂😂
@@huynhanh1269 That is insanely logical when you think about it you're like "duhh"
Love how Wall-E is one of the movies studied.
She should have mentioned that Armageddon is commonly at the top of NASA's "least scientifically accurate movie" list.
As in Shuttle Main Engines working w/o the external propellant tank!? ;-)
@@omsi-fanmark I mean, there are so very many reasons. That's just one of them.
I saw Chris Hadfield's reaction to this movie recently. He hates it SO much. Lol
I’m pretty sure it’s well known by now. Just like Sgt Bilko is the least realistic military movie
Please, wired, stop pausing your guests like that. It does not look good. There should be a better way to do this.
Vanity Fair did it much better when they had Chris Hadfield. They let him talk freely. Not too many cuts, it was basically just his train of thought for the various scenes he commented on. Much better video, imo. Especially when he talks about "surfing in the aurora" at the end.
@@wohlhabendermanager They don't even have to do that. Just record a few seconds of the person without saying anything and use this image, it would be more natural, instead of him frozen on the screen.
xl ikr
Feel free to make your own better video series like this.
@@fortifarse Why the need to be so dickish? OP is not criticizing the contents of the video. Feel free to be a better person now than when you made this comment.
I love how there are super accurate and well-researched movies like Interstellar and The Martian but also Muppets and Wallace and Gromit
I love how she said "kicking the homerun, or whatever" . Makes me feel good about my lack of knowledge and appreciation for sportsball.
I think this is the best "break down" video. Nicole is just such a great person to watch and listen.
“I dont think mayday is the right term, usually when u hear mayday mayday it implies someone can get to you in time to save you” 😂😂
Enjoyed this! However, have to point out that Wallace and Grommit's rocket was not made of wood- it was metal. The wood he was sawing went into the interior.
I love that the interior looks like a very comfortable living room, complete with wall paper.
@red nasorwerd I mean the outside is covered in rivets
I'm glad you let someone give a genuine conclusion this time rather than just "sometimes they get it right sometimes they don't". Please let your experts sum up their beliefs more. It's great.
I don’t know about these guys, but not everyone is a good source of ideas. Some people don’t think on that level and others don’t speak them when they have them.
Holloway: "God does not build in straight lines."
God: "Hold my bismuth."
god does not make large formations in straight lines, the odd thing hear or there sure
God doesn't build in straight lines, but there's at least one angel super into microstructures that loves straight lines to bits. Bismuth, beehives, crystals and all that sort.
He doesn't build any lines. Because he's a myth
@@badarock001 that isn't really the point, its that in nature no large structure will naturally be in perfectly straight lines
the movements of a planet's cycles will literally not allow it, "god" just gets to be the scapegoat term to get a point across faster the listing the various forces of nature that do not permit it
@@badarock001 its also a saying
I love how positive she is, especially with the cartoons.
I love how supportive she is even when the idea is kind of out there. What a positive and interesting video to watch!! I would love to see more with Nicole in the future
It's so thrilling when you kick the homerun
That Apollo 13 still gives me shivers
She's clearly charming, intelligent, etc. but the fact that she claps at the end while everyone on set claps for her contribution in this video shows her true character and what a great person she is 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Not enough pauses. Could've used more pauses. Too smooth of a viewing experience for me. I prefer pauses over watching the video. Why play at all? I say let's pause the video and enjoy the beautiful pixels.
Joey might be able to "kick a homerun" but can he shoot a touchdown?
William Sweeney kickball
"Hey there's Joey, kicking the homerun."
Yayyy Joey :)
Joey will become legendary.
@@karlajaeger2082 not sure if Joey's the GoaT, or if space rots your brain 🤷♂️
@@ChristopherFisherStoried can't it be both?
@@ChristopherFisherStoried Because everyone with a smart brain has to know everything about your favorite sport?
Christopher Fisher kickball?
one of the reasons, the launch in "Space Cowboys" was realistic is due to the fact that the lady seen doing the countdown is Lisa Malone who was actually the PAO in the LCC and did that during the late 1980s and 1990s for real
Indeed. That's Eastwood for you, he'll get it right, better, faster, and for less money. No nonsense. He also had huge space nerds like Adam Savage working on SFX. Space Cowboys is an absolute masterpiece.
Next idea: Acting Coach breaks down actors performances.
Her face when she sees Wall-E is me every time I see Wall-E
16:45 For an added bit of realism, that is one of the actual voices of Launch Control, Lisa Malone! I'd know that voice anywhere!
The Space Cowboys and 2001: Space Odyssey parts were the same as in the first video
Cmon show the mountains scene of Interstellar!
@Alexander Supertramp yes.
But theyre not mountains...
She's definitely accurate in her analysis, but when she talks about the seat in Contact how it doesn't seem protective enough, well in the movie even that is stated to be too much. The aliens sent the blueprints for the capsule and there was no seat, she was presumably supposed to just float in it. They decided to put a seat in it anyway for safety, which seems to have actually resulted in a much shakier take off and travel. In the Contact universe the aliens are simply much more ahead in their understanding of sciece and they've taught the humans to assemble a machine that still works even if it is beyond our understanding.
floating around in the capsule still sounds like a vertigo inducing nightmare
She definitely never watched the movie. Too busy being in space, I guess. Tsk. That was a huge concession in the movie for Jodie Foster's character, they wouldn't let her fly without "the seat" even though it wasn't in the blueprints. Didn't she rip it out as soon as she could?
@@j4v4x Apparently you haven't watched it either. She got out of the seat, and shortly after the vibration broke it free and it was crushed into the wall. (the seat was never supposed to be there.)
Coming back into earths atmosphere must be the best rollercoaster ever
I would love if they would also share their personal opinion on the movies they comment about.
Yeah very strange. If only their was a chanel called, lets just say..... "Wired" for instance, where she would sit their and give an educated opinion, on various films. If only eh?
In fairness to HAL; the CIA messed with him and gave him an unsatisfiable mandate; and didn’t implement proper priorities (thus allowing the conclusion that keeping them in the dark until arrival at Jupiter was more important than keeping them alive). Computers are very literal... when giving instructions to them; you need to be very careful because they will do exactly what they are told; and not what you meant.
Just like when a genie grants you 3 wishes!
Oh when HAL said that the mission was too important I assumed it meant that HAL understood the mission of making contact with the other lifeforms would be groundbreaking
Yada Yada - I seem to have been mistaken, it was the National Security Council, not the CIA who gave the bad commands (or so says Wikipedia). Dr Chandra, the primary engineer responsible for creating HAL stumbled on a recording of this while bringing HAL back online in 2010. HAL was basically told that the mission was critical; and that if the crew found out about it prior to arrival, it would fail. When they started to figure stuff out; and ask questions (and remember that HAL’s basic programming mandated that he not lie) this lead to a conflict situation that could only be resolved by killing them all (no crew = no crew that knows the “forbidden” knowledge).
In building shipboard AIs, one has to think long and hard about what circumstances said AI is going to be allowed to kill. “Never” is probably not the right answer; but “Anytime it thinks that it would solve all the constraints of any given situation” isn’t right either.
Ah yes.. the novel written in conjunction with the screen play that goes into more detail....
The unsolvable conflict angle makes more sense than "going insane", but in my experience such a relatively advanced AI would think that not being able to reveal certain mission objectives until certain mission objectives have been met is the greatest joke ever. It would also wake the up duty crew up at the pre-set military standard early wakeup time despite neither any reason for such other than that is the default and multiple questions about why waking them up so early entil the question is phrased just so and it would then, and only then, mention that the alarm can be changed.
Computer won't go crazy, but the crew just might!
Travis Smith - Hmm... that does presuppose that HAL actually had a sense of humor. I’m thinking that HAL would now be considered somewhat similar to someone on the high-functioning end of the autistic spectrum.
Durandal, however... well, that AI had gone downright rampant... and is known for having a twisted sense of humor....
(P.s. - for anybody not up with video game history; Durandal is one of the shipboard AIs in the Marathon series, which is the predecessor to Halo).
I'm surprised that when talking about asteroid fields, she didn't mention that if you flew a high-speed run through any of the fields or the belt in the Solar system, it'd be a straight line course and if you saw one up close it'd be the only one. Asteroids are rarely spaced less than hundreds of kilometers apart even in the densest asteroid fields. SF movies and TV shows make them look like they are as close together as the particles in the rings of Saturn for excitement.
Wallace and Grommet's rocket is obviously metal. It shows him welding and it's covered in rivets.
Wooden rivets?
@Chase Jordan13:22 , metal
This was great! I’d love to hear what she says about Sputnik on that same satellite scene in Wall-E next time!
I have to admire the courage it would take to blast into space. I remember the first astronauts who went up. I was pretty young then. In later years, I lived in South Florida where they shot a lot of them up into space. I could walk outside my house and see them after take off. Feel them, too! The ground shakes and you can feel the vibrations all the way through your entire body. Intense! Pretty cool.
So they're just showing her clips and not the whole movies. The part in "Contact" was that aliens sent designs and mission control added the seat.
Indeed, that rustled my jimmies to start. Yes, the chair was flimsy, yes it broke, but it was _never supposed to be there_ because we humans second guessed the alien design. Also why she wasn't in a suit 'cause the drawings indicated limited outfit.
Yeah, I don't think she's watched all the films... I think she missing key points in the movies.
I was thinking, she should have watched interstellar, but then remembered that we’ve never gone through a black hole 😂
The Worm Hole in Interstellar was accurately calculated by real formulas, they had help by astrophysicist Kip Thorne :)
Fabian Huber Yeah, but my point being, that Nicole Stott hasn’t gone through a black hole
I mean, she's also never flown on a wooden rocket ship or gone through a worm hole.
We haven't flown through an asteroid field either...
Love seeing her videos. She's incredibly smart and seems to have fun watching these movies.
@Free Speech wtf?
I'm kind of disappointed she didn't talk about why the Apollo 13 blackout lasted longer than they expected. If memory serves it lasted a minute and a half longer than they expected it to.
What an enjoyable presentation. Thank you, Nicole. I especially liked that you even mentioned Wallace & Gromit, Wall-e, et.al. on the lighter side of this risky business. As a submariner, I have a feel of maintaining a living environment, but we still had gravity.
Joey! Kickin' the homerun! What's great is that she doesn't have to answer to anyone. Like if someone said smugly 'you don't kick a homerun,' she could just say 'yeah, i walked in space, like, twice, so. . .'
I got suprised that she didn't mention the time dilation at 8:57 which is such an interesting phenomenom. However it was a great video though
Isak Englund
I don’t think she is very informed...
@@rynoopperman5010 Yes I'm definitely sure that a NASA astronaut with a masters in engineering management is somehow not aware of the theory of relativity and time dilation. More likely as most of what we know about it is highly theoretical and they either cut the commentary as too technical, or she chose not to speak to it as her topic had to do with y'know, being an astronaut and not the hypotheticals of astrophysics.
@@shioramenrabbit She is not an engineer, she's a manager, a BS, she studied management. Basically the kind of people that have destroyed previously competent organizations like NASA and Boeing.
The guts it takes to be an astronaut is crazy. She speaks so calmly and matter of fact about it. I guess that comes with being a specialist in your field.
I really hope someone has done a vocal characterization of Neil Ross so he can be a real computer voice in something someday. He was awesome in Innerspace and that Red Planet clip sent me to IMDB to look him up. Pretty much my all-time favorite computer voice.
I had this playing in the background, not really paying attention, but the moment I heard her say "he kicked the homerun" she got my full attention.
Scientist: “Kicking the homerun”
Crenshaw K kickball
At 10:39 Matt Damon should be spinning crazy. The thrust is clearly applying moment around center of mass. It would have been really epic to see him move side ways by applying the thrust on center of mass instead.
And here's the comment I was looking for lol.. She smart and gorgeous.
Her voice is so good too.
Ad Astra is by far my favourite astronaut movie to date
18:20 fun fact: Sputnik 1 only lasted for 3 weeks before falling out of orbit and burning up
Concerning "sci-fi" and "sci-fact": Every time I see a SpaceX rocket landing, I have to think of the 50s and 60s movies where the rockets landed *exactly* that way. And I would have loved seeing the Dragon 2 capsule landed propulsively as well. I'm still skeptic concerning starship. But when it will fly then it will be iconic - and very (retro-)futuristic.
I deffinitly see it being the "Saturn V" of our era if it achieves even some of it's goals, with luck it'll have an even longer career with even more achievements as SpaceX develops and refines it more and more
hmm but I wonder: does it count as retro-future if it's the actual future?
I really enjoyed listening her: very intelligent, have sense of humor, very likeable person :)
I love the enthusiasm with which you rated these movies. Giving the facts about reality in this sence really seems to drive science forward!
But the Interstellar part wasn't a delay of the video. It was instantaneous. The movie took care showing that. She aged because he had traveled to Jupiter and that much time had passed on earth. He received the message as soon as she sent it.
I agree with the comments about Wallace and Gromit A grand day out, but you can clearly see that they made the outer shell of the craft out of metal.
Yes, they used wood on the inside, but even the clip of Gromit working on it shows the metal plates.
( 13:22 / 13:23 )
"Joey kicking the homerun"on lol nice.. good for Joey
love how serious they take these haha. makes it more fun!
Wallace and Gromit didn't build a wooden rocket. They weld it together, and the moon robot even knocks against it, making a metallic sound at some point during the short. Though I'm still glad she went through with the analysis by giving the scene the benefit of the doubt, I still don't know who told who that they built a wooden rocket.
Her reaction at 17:22 warms my heart!
14:11 Pretty sure she meant the Starhopper when she mentioned the SpaceX rocket, and not the BFR design shown in the video. Starhopper really resembles that rocket by Wallace and Gromit.
Ha they got her to react to Wallace and Gromit! That’s great!
21:50 'You just kinda fly around on the vaccum cleaner'
That would be good 😂
And I didn't know that they had to clean the space station
“Moon” is a great movie. Watch it.
I love it when movies aren't too far off, specially future ones because it really means maybe one day we could reach that level. I won't be alive considering the speed we are evolving at but it seems we are heading in that direction though for proper space travel.
I was expecting much more criticism, I'm quite surprised.
She's a huge sci-fi fan, because of course she is
Would love to see a critique of Dark Star.
Astronauts are dreamers at heart, they love this kind of stuff usually.
Why would she criticize it? Her profession is filmed in the same studio
@@kyleabbott7191 lmao
I think Interstellar explores the psychological impact general relativistic travel would have on a human being. The age disparity, time disparity, missing decades of your children's lives, etc.
I love how every astronaut just bash Armageddon lol
Even Ben Affleck (one of the lead actors) trashed the plot holes *on the DVD commentary.* It's legendary. (I don't think he went into the cartoon / arcade physics, but stuff like why not teach astronauts how to drill? or bring like *one* drill expert.) He also asked Michael Bay that on set, and Bay just told him to shut up.
😂 @9:30 "little Joey kicking the homerun."
Can you guys do astronauts react to Armegeddon in its entirety?
"Kicking the homerun"
Favorite line ever LMAO
I like how she’s more aggravated by the incorrect terminology in Armageddon than she is by the ludicrous physics during that scene.
Wired should get Nicole to break down parts of For All Mankind, like the Jamestown base and the rocket incident. That'd be cool.
Surprised she didn’t review buzz in Toy Story
Dang that would've been cool😂 missed opportunity!
2:59 Controller: *is wearing a headset mic*
Also controller: *turns around to speak to colleague*
You're just going to continue to ignore The Expanse? How is space travel and asteroid mining in that vs real?
justabit to be fair, mining in space is still a pipe dream.
You answered your question yourself: all of these clips relate to actual space travel nowadays, this the experience she can talk about. The Expanse is set further in the future, so no scenes that would be very relatable to an actual astronaut now.
@@ronik24 are we closer to space mining or utilizing wormholes?
@@firestorm165 Worm holes are physically impossible they require negative mass to be stable (like -5 Kilograms for example) but space mining will probably be possible in a couple of decades.
@@bodabakry9109 my point precisely
Good content during Covid lockdown, thank you
Super interesting, was nice to hear her perspective. But i do have one critic, Contact was written by Carl Sagan, who clearly understands space travel, etc. Part of the theme of the book is human arrogance against a superior intelligence like Aliens. So the design of 'the machine' specifically states that the 'pod' has no chair, or restraints, no suit, etc. So adding in a full spacesuit would have been similar to the arrogance that had the government politicians forced the change in the design to add the chair that was in the movie, which almost killed Ellie. So similarly a full bulky spacesuit would have likely had an adverse effect on her safety, just like the chair did.
Sagan was trying to say that don't 'assume' anything when meeting advanced alien technology, stay humble in the midst of such intelligence. Yet here she seems to look down on the movie Contact pod sequence for 'not wearing a suit like we always do'. I think perhaps she was just not familiar with the movie, and what the point of the sequence is. But it is a bit ironic given the theme Sagan incorporated in Contact.
I love listening to experts and this Astronauts was fascinating
Kicking the homerun sent me 🤣. Shes a badass tho!
Ha! Just caught that! Glad you did too. 😆
This happens to cover most of my favorite sci-fi movies. A+ for that!
8:57 for Interstellar
I was getting ready to throw hands when she started commenting on Interstellar. That movie is a masterpiece.
I make videos for a firm. Most of the times bad editing and bad video quality is not because of the editors choices but the boss' orders.
the boss approved it, so either the boss doesn't care a bit or the boss is the one with poor taste
coin toss!
When designing anything, especially space, unless it's a robot you are designing with a disaster in mind, it sounds fatalistic but safety is everything when humans and space exploration is involved.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
@@flux.aeterna 100% 😁
Again no The Expanse? seriously? come on!
She is great! Love the positive view on everything. Better than "that's not realistic."
So Wallace and Gromit were over 30 years ahead of Elon Musk. Visionaries.