Yet there are still groups of Chinese people, particularly those in Taiwan who worship US and Japan as their God. They are after freedom and human rights which are left for them on the floor. With virtually every country suffering from high inflation, China is perhaps the only country where costs of living still remain most affordable and a relatively better quality of living standard despite lower income than the West.
No taiwan do much better !!!
Yet there are still groups of Chinese people, particularly those in Taiwan who worship US and Japan as their God. They are after freedom and human rights which are left for them on the floor.
With virtually every country suffering from high inflation, China is perhaps the only country where costs of living still remain most affordable and a relatively better quality of living standard despite lower income than the West.
American are still awaiting for the return of the Spaceliner after spending 65 days at the ISS.😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
啊哟,能不能说一下多少人诶? 给个链接sir?
設備老舊和環境清潔是兩回事, 東西用久了本就會變的陳舊, 但環境呢??? 髒成那樣卻沒人打掃真的很不應該, 紐約市府失職