@@colinhobbs7265 that doesn't count since it can be silenced off or played around by destroying it before playing anything, as for the hagatha scheme card, it is also in a similar situation whereby it's only gonna be a good option when you have had it in hand for 4-5 turns minimum meaning that if you can play a bunch of high health over statted minions early enough it's a dead card and essentially there's no aoe left in standard post rotation that can deal with these wider bigger boards anymore, mage might be the only class in the game now with that niche.
The main thing is DKs, Baku/Genn and Keleseth rotating out. That itself is such a breath of fresh air. If you werent running a deck that took advantage of either of those cards you were running a bad deck.
@@alexander9601 What are you talking about? Pretty much all clone priests run the Death Knight, it's almost mandatory for that deck. On HSReplay, the top 6 most played clone priest decks all run the DK.
Also, an additional note: The Mecha'thun combo for Druid does not require hitting Mecha'Thun with Dreampetal to win - You can also hit your Voodoo Doll and still pull off the combo.
Plus if you hit Mecha'thun it becomes a 6-mana combo as opposed to a 10-mana combo so you have 4 extra mana in which to dump out any extra cards before pulling off the final combo
I like this new format, of rating the whole deck at once. Way clearer! Any chance of another interactive arena draft? They were very informative and with the new drafting system the picks tend to be closer and more difficult.
If you have Stelladris in your deck, you are going to run Crystal Power, they should probably just be rated the same. Its smite and flash heal in one card when you no longer have naturalize, spellstone, or branching paths.
So much better than Toast's ratings. Not because I think the cards are analyzed better, but Trump's rating system is just so much better than Toast's. Toast is literally like, "this won't be in a good deck! 0/5 starts!" "This will be in a good deck! 5/5 starts!"
Trump actually is pretty alright at rating cards. People give him a lot of crap, but over the past couple expansions he's gotten most cards right on the money.
You don't have to run the full heal druid package... You will probably see a deck run double Crystal Stag and it's way to trigger will be double crystal power.
9:38 Jepetto Joybuzz Hunter OTK. Run Malygos and Windrunner hope you don't hit them early before playing Jepetto and run 2 rapid fires and 2 Arance shots to finish your opponent. You would basically be running spell hunter play everything on turn 9 and light your opponents face up to I believe 34 damage. P.S. I dont think this could actually work since hunter is losing some good spells and this would be more for the memes.
Too slow. 1 star. Play a 6 mana 3/4 which pulls a 2/2 which might pull an 8/8. It's an awful play for tempo that is honestly comparable to the witchwood 8 mana 4/4 that spawns a bunch of trees.
But youre triggering the deathrattle aswell. effectively making it a 6 mana 12/13 worth of stats if it dies, plus you get the ekstra 7/7 when the 2/2 dies. Dont know if value hunter overall is good enough, but that play seems like crazy value
i feel like this "group them up into their deck and rate them based off that" idea has sort of backfired, it made it seem like he didnt actually consider the cards individually or really think about where they would go beyond the specific archetype he thought up, the two biggest tells for this being crystal power and kirin tor tricaster crystal powers deal2/heal5 isa very powerfull effect and has absolutly no reason why it should be tied specificaly to "heal druid", pretty much any controling or combo based druid will want to run it as its both cheep removal in the early game and a way to survive burst in the late, it has a direct comparison to living roots (deal 2 or summon 2 1/1s) which saw a lot of play even in decks which didnt really use the 1/1 option much and kirintor tricaster is NOT a 3 star card, even if tempo/small spell mage does become a thing, tricaster is in a slot which is DIRECTLY competing with cosmic anomaly, and in that slot cosmic anomaly is the slightly better card, you will only consider running tricaster AFTER you have already put cosmic in the deck, and even then it will only be a "consider" running card another example of the "he didnt actually look at the individual cards" would be arcane fletcher, marked shot and rapid fire marked shot and rapid fire will also be good contenders to go into the spell hunter deck (however much i hate that deck its still a thing) and so are not tied specificaly to the "control spell power hunter" and arcane fletcher has basicaly no decks it works with, the deck it is run in must both be a deck with a lot of 1 cost minions AND a lot of spells, and even then its a fairly poor draw engine being only really worth it if you play it in conjuction with at least 2 1 cost minions to make it a 3/3 draw 2, but to have this lots of 1cost minions lots of spells deck and still have 1 cost minions in your hand come turn 6 when you can play them with fletcher seems so incredibly far fetched side note, while i dont actually disagree for the most part with the heal druid ratings i never like it when people say "its weak to silence" as an excuse for giving a card a bad rating LOADS of very powerfull cards are weak to silence, but they still see a lot of play because even if they are weak to silence, a lot of things are so if its getting silenced somthing else isnt AND they still have to actually run silence somthing a lot of decks dont actually do unless the "must silence" decks are rediculously prevelent lucentbark is weak to silence, but so was sherazin, and that still saw play despite being the MUCH weaker minion that was MUCH harder to get back
firstly, there is no way this wonderful control/combo druid will SUDDENLY appear in the next expansion, because the only reasonable combo card is Malygos and with the loss of the weapon it will be impossible to pull of. also, spell hunter is definitely not a thing anymore because not only they lost all their pay off cards (spellstone, 6-mana summon two beasts spell) but without dk control matchups will be impossible to win. and also you cant compare sherazin and lucenbark simply because sherazin was an okay tempo card (4 5/3) and it was mostly run not because of its effect while this 8 4/8 taunt guy is understatted for its cost.
Lucentbark does not compare well to Sherazin. Sherazin was a compliment to miracle rogue. It wasn't the win condition or had a deck based around it. If Lucentbark gets silenced you have to concede. You don't have another win condition like Edwin or 200 spiders.
@@ssspikesss "control" druid is never far out meta as the druid core set is very good for it, and if you remember "druidstone" (which you should as it wasnt long ago) the core druid set meant there were a dozen different druid decks that would have used crystal in the meta all at the same time spell hunter does lose a lot with the loss of the 6mana summon 2 and with the dk loss, but they were still around after the spellstone nerf and with the new cards in marked shot and the 6mana for 5/5rush they got some new power AND some incredible absolute endgame power with zuljin still around, you CANNOT underestimate how powerfull zuljin is if he pulls 4 secrets and 2-4 5/5 rushes out as for lucentbark he compared INCREDIBLY favorably to sherazin, no sherazin wasnt the be all end all of the deck, but neither is lucentbark, there are plenty of other strong cards in the deck, sherazin was absolutly run for the effect as a 5/3 for 4 is god NOT good, he was run purely because a miracle rogue could get him back a bunch of times and lucentbark comes back MUCH easier (healing 5 is easier then playing 4 cards in 1 turn) and as a 4/8 TAUNT he has immidiate effect the moment hes back up, you shouldnt brush that aside so easily as for the other guy who said "what if it gets silenced, you dont have another win condition" yes you do....you have plenty of other strong cards, lucent is 1 card in a 30 card deck and "what if it gets silenced" isnt an arguement against a strong card, "what if it gets silenced" applies to 9/10 good cardsbut they still see play because the enemy can only run 2 or so silences at most in his deck AND has to draw them, while you might run 5-6 things which "need" to be silenced obsidian statue is a card that is "weak to silence" yet pretty much every non combo priest ran it the arguement of "its weak to silence" holds basicaly no water at all
I tried doing my own card review on twitch, and a lot of my ratings matched up with yours, and I intentionally did mine before watching anyone else. We don't exactly see eye to eye on some archetypes, I think the heal druid is gonna be better than you rated it, but for the most part I seemed accurate! Yay for me! lol
Thank you for keeping your reviews short and in separate videos, I've seen other streamers talk for 2+ hours about all new cards and it just keeps me from even watching their stuff...
Hunting party is intended for Emeris boar deck, but it is insanely overcosted even for that meme deck. Also you can't tutor your boars anymore because tolvir warden rotates.
Have you considered other minions that summon minions for a deck with Khadgar? A fair-ish low stat card that summons a bigger creature can be a lot more impressive if it summons double. Probably isn't worth building a deck around a single legendary, however, though you might be able to tutor it out if it's the lowest cost creature in your deck.
Hey Trump, I feel like "small mage" cards are meant more as some type of combo deck. Using sorcerer's apprentice (not sure if there's a way to copy it after rotation) you can basically play 7-8 spells and refill with mana cyclone. It's still not that great, but it sounds like a lot of fun!
This new review format stresses me out! If you’re not intimately familiar with every card by name it’s a huge info dump all at once, with a lot of reading while you’re trying to listen to what he has to say
@Alexander Ceja for what 1 health minions? There is no odd paladin and most aggro cards have 2 or even 3 health. Unless you are running spell damage that card is beyond awful.
Is it worth pointing out that mana wyrm hasn’t actually gone anywhere? You only have to play one spell to make it worth playing. In small spell mage is paying 2 mana for the wyrm really that terrible?
I agree, you have Floop and Faceless to create copies of Lucentbark even if it gets silenced, you have 4 heal for 5 with Stalladris, more if you can fit Ancient of Lore, and with Potion Vendor, buffing the 1/2 lifesteal, Zilliax, and none of those re bad cards by themselves. The rest of the deck is just to support your heal package.
@@MegaAleksa95 cool okay. So your plan to win against combo is.... What exactly? The issue is that Lucentbark is a bad card by itself. Most of the heal cards are just bad lol
Well, they aren't going to see play in a competitive deck, so by his system, that makes them 1 star. They're cool cards, but too situational and a deck centered around them wouldn't be powerful enough.
I really like the idea of heal druid. It's just, I can't see any viable win condition. Crystal Stag is good but it's Rush not Charge so it has 0 aggro potential and while it is good value it's not the kind of value that builds up and overwhelms your opponent (like Jade Druid, Midrange Shaman, hell even Elemental Mage, C'Thun Druid, etc.). All your value is defensive minions and drawing cards which are themselves shitty heals. How do you kill your opponent? Beat him down with your shitty minions 2 at a time?
Wait. So let's say that you cast both Unleash the beasts and their "twinspell-less" copies. Then you play Zul jin. Do you get 4 5/5s AND 2 Unleashes in hand???
You'd get 4 5/5s if you cast all of them. 0 in hand though similarly to how things like Yogg work with Echo cards. You have to actually CAST the spell to get the copy to your hand. Most likely at least.
Trump ... mech hunter... nine lives..necromechanic combo... marked shot has also won games finding explosive trap or rat trap .. also ursatron turned out to be surprisingly good... drawing that zilliax. But ty for the reviews it's always fun to see when you were right and wrong.. I def understand the logic behind your ratings tho.. no one could really know until it's being played
You keep saying there was no new board clears printed but you're forgetting Hagatha's scheme. That in combination with Walking Fountain I think makes control shaman a force to be reckoned with.
Arcane fletcher looks like it would work in some midrange hunter deck that runs a bunch of 1 cost minions (not sure if such a deck exists) also. Crystal power also looks like a decent card by itself, disregarding any heal synergy. And I think conjurer's calling and especially power of creation are rated too highly, those just look like bad cards.
life weaver and potion vendor in the token deck could be a super value combo board full of buff possiblu woundant tokens 5 mana total to heal them all and refil hand
Even if heal druid doesn't turn out to work at all, Crystal Power and Crystal stag are still strong cards that you'd want to put in a lot of your decks
Heston Campbell how is it sloppy ? If anything the other way is sloppy because it doesn’t help you predict anything and it’s brain dead. “Wow, this card is great, 5 stars” doesn’t make it interesting. Making tougher calls seems more fun to me. Although i can see you saying it’s sloppy since it is much harder to rate this way
You know funny enough, I think blizzard moves naturalize into hall of fame just because skulking geist isn’t in standard format after the rotation, and people may start complaining about mechathun Druid again, and it’s not because their official saying that naturalize draw 2 mill effect is too powerful, counters either have to coexist or both vanished.
Im gonna try and make a tempo/summon deck, I chose not to get greedy with cards such as astromancer, and janalai with khadgar instead im gonna use unexpected results which will be boosted by celestial emissary or tricaster/4 3 guy , I hope to get value back with mana cyclone or potential burst damage, which will hopefully also be created by magic trick. I wouldn't say it necessarily has to be a control deck and I wont run kalycgos, highest card would be power of creation as a deperate last stand in case opponent isn't dead, well that's what im looking forward for the most cus I love mage. happy theory crafting guys
People still meming about trump reviews, but he's been mostly right the last few expansions, i mean not that its hard because of how trash the last few sets have been in terms of power level.
yeaaaaaaaaa i dont like grouping into "these all look like "blank" deck so they all get "blank" stars" i mean sure but id prefer a card break down not a break down of decks
Am I the only one who thinks Trump is getting a little lazy with the way he rates these cards? In fact he's not really rating cards, he's rating packages of cards based on the deck he thinks they'll go in. Sometimes he does a better job like with Mage, but with Hunter and Druid, it just felt like, "Oh, these cards will go in a good/bad deck therefore they're all good/bad" It just doesn't feel like he's putting much thought into it with this set.
Oh psychic scream is rotating. Then token themes sound a lot stronger since the opponent isn't shuffling 7 1/1s into your deck. Hunting party is just too low tempo but with stampede and deathstalker rexxar rotating I'm not sure how I'm supposed to generate value in that deck anymore. Stampede into springpaw, jeweled macaw, mole, or hunting mastif feels amazing right now. Cybertech chip sorta works but I think only in mech hunter, not beast hunter. I guess master's call is less conditional even if you can't play houndmaster. But it doesn't generate as much value as stampede. Stampede into 4 hunting mastiff shimmerfly is 5 randomly generated cards for 1 mana. A 5 mana tempo loss you have to play before emptying your hand sounds like suicide by comparison. This is probably too slow but if you chain simulacrum into mana cyclone you have an infinite value engine.
Dreamway guardians is not considered for just about any druid deck... why exactly? That card to me, is 4 stars and fits into just about any mold, current and future.
im actually glad tha hagathas scheme is the only aoe printed , maybe we can have minion combat this meta....Also dream way guardians would go in heal druid along with the 1 mana crystallizer from the old set , so its turn 1 crystallizer , turn 2 dreamway guardians , turn 3 lifeweaver and swing in with dream way guardians for 2 druid spells ….I cant believe trump ignored crystallizer as a 1 drop that deals damage to your hero that's exactly 5 damage , shame.....you can also play battlecry cards that summon minions with khadgar .
As usual, really liking Trump's analysis; he might not always be right, but his reasoning is generally sound and compelling. Absolutely baffled by three stars to Kirin Tor Tricaster, though. Nobody's going to play that trash card over Cosmic Anomaly.
"No AoEs printed this expansion"
Hagatha's Scheme cries in corner
Yup, but easy to overlook because it's like the only one?
and the 3/7 taunt deathrattle
@@TheFalseHuman and its really bad, especially drawing it
@@colinhobbs7265 that doesn't count since it can be silenced off or played around by destroying it before playing anything, as for the hagatha scheme card, it is also in a similar situation whereby it's only gonna be a good option when you have had it in hand for 4-5 turns minimum meaning that if you can play a bunch of high health over statted minions early enough it's a dead card and essentially there's no aoe left in standard post rotation that can deal with these wider bigger boards anymore, mage might be the only class in the game now with that niche.
you're a nerd!
Insert joke about crafting golden versions of all his 1 star ratings.
It's not reupload, it's twinspells.
Twin Video
@@theronerdithas2944 Twideo
Video after video and he still doesn't realize the 4-mana 4/3 from Boomsday that has Spell Damage +2 is not called Arcane Anomaly.
It's Cosmic Anomaly, for dupes like me who had to look it up
My life is a lie
Is this mandela effect ?
And now the 1 and/or 5 star memes can truly begin.
I think with the slew of 3 star ratings that should be the new meme. "Fence sitting Trump"
@@shards7992 I mean, it is the sensible position to take with so much uncertainty.
Def craft that golden nine lives 😂
Can't wait for Trump Reviews Trump Reviews in 5 months
Zillamon Animu can’t wait for trump to say he was wrong about control hunter with the new 5 mana spell.
Personally I'm more excited by the Trump Reviews Trump Reviews Trump Reviews in 9 months.
Nice work Trump! I actually really liked the way you analyzed these
Love the "rate by deck grouping" style.
I'm actually excited about an expansion. With the new arena rules and the power creep on the set in general this should be fun.
Thank you Blizzard!
The main thing is DKs, Baku/Genn and Keleseth rotating out. That itself is such a breath of fresh air. If you werent running a deck that took advantage of either of those cards you were running a bad deck.
@@ExOTiC1234 Cloning gallery? Most of them do not rum dk and they are all strong.
@@alexander9601 What are you talking about? Pretty much all clone priests run the Death Knight, it's almost mandatory for that deck. On HSReplay, the top 6 most played clone priest decks all run the DK.
Also, an additional note: The Mecha'thun combo for Druid does not require hitting Mecha'Thun with Dreampetal to win - You can also hit your Voodoo Doll and still pull off the combo.
you can but it needs an extra card in innervate because if you hit voodoo its an 11 mana combo between mechathun and crystal
@@gregsmw Or you could just Moonfire, like he says in the video
I mean yeah but you still need a Dreampetal so there isn't much of a difference either way
Plus if you hit Mecha'thun it becomes a 6-mana combo as opposed to a 10-mana combo so you have 4 extra mana in which to dump out any extra cards before pulling off the final combo
@@kaiboennighausen3526 The difference is that you don't need to save Innervate or Crystal Power, both of which you'd rather use with the Auctioneer
Speaking as someone who tried really, really hard to get Death Revenant to work: Having damaged minions on board is really really hard.
I really like this type of review with class cards being graded together based on themes. Hope it sticks around
I was more excited to see his new hair cut than seeing the new cards
StyStrow does he cut his own hair? That has to be what’s happening right lol?
I like this new format, of rating the whole deck at once. Way clearer! Any chance of another interactive arena draft? They were very informative and with the new drafting system the picks tend to be closer and more difficult.
If you have Stelladris in your deck, you are going to run Crystal Power, they should probably just be rated the same. Its smite and flash heal in one card when you no longer have naturalize, spellstone, or branching paths.
So much better than Toast's ratings. Not because I think the cards are analyzed better, but Trump's rating system is just so much better than Toast's. Toast is literally like, "this won't be in a good deck! 0/5 starts!" "This will be in a good deck! 5/5 starts!"
Trump actually is pretty alright at rating cards. People give him a lot of crap, but over the past couple expansions he's gotten most cards right on the money.
*token druid is a tier three deck
You don't have to run the full heal druid package... You will probably see a deck run double Crystal Stag and it's way to trigger will be double crystal power.
.... Which deck? O.o?
2:40 What about Hagatha’s Scheme?
also that warlock card, arcane blast + give your demons +1 attack
9:38 Jepetto Joybuzz Hunter OTK. Run Malygos and Windrunner hope you don't hit them early before playing Jepetto and run 2 rapid fires and 2 Arance shots to finish your opponent. You would basically be running spell hunter play everything on turn 9 and light your opponents face up to I believe 34 damage.
P.S. I dont think this could actually work since hunter is losing some good spells and this would be more for the memes.
Also..... You really gonna have two board clears on turn 8 vs token druid?
Well its stilll weak for 8 mana. So just make sure ur ahead on board.
I like how all the spell damage deck card art has someone holding a bow.
No mention of mechanical whelp with oblivitron? am i missing something?
Too slow. 1 star. Play a 6 mana 3/4 which pulls a 2/2 which might pull an 8/8. It's an awful play for tempo that is honestly comparable to the witchwood 8 mana 4/4 that spawns a bunch of trees.
But youre triggering the deathrattle aswell. effectively making it a 6 mana 12/13 worth of stats if it dies, plus you get the ekstra 7/7 when the 2/2 dies. Dont know if value hunter overall is good enough, but that play seems like crazy value
Trump: there are no AOE's printed this expansion
Hagathas Sceme: Am I joke to you?
Impferno: Am I joke to you?
Tunnel Blaster: Am I a joke to you, commenter?
impferno is definitely a joke XD
They will have to print an implotion someday
2:40 You forgot about Hagatha's Scheme.
I hope TrumpSC realizes this big omission in his re-review. :)
Crystal power + Gadgetzan is incredibly strong.
Especially when most of druid's armour gain disappears.
i feel like this "group them up into their deck and rate them based off that" idea has sort of backfired, it made it seem like he didnt actually consider the cards individually or really think about where they would go beyond the specific archetype he thought up, the two biggest tells for this being crystal power and kirin tor tricaster
crystal powers deal2/heal5 isa very powerfull effect and has absolutly no reason why it should be tied specificaly to "heal druid", pretty much any controling or combo based druid will want to run it as its both cheep removal in the early game and a way to survive burst in the late, it has a direct comparison to living roots (deal 2 or summon 2 1/1s) which saw a lot of play even in decks which didnt really use the 1/1 option much
and kirintor tricaster is NOT a 3 star card, even if tempo/small spell mage does become a thing, tricaster is in a slot which is DIRECTLY competing with cosmic anomaly, and in that slot cosmic anomaly is the slightly better card, you will only consider running tricaster AFTER you have already put cosmic in the deck, and even then it will only be a "consider" running card
another example of the "he didnt actually look at the individual cards" would be arcane fletcher, marked shot and rapid fire
marked shot and rapid fire will also be good contenders to go into the spell hunter deck (however much i hate that deck its still a thing) and so are not tied specificaly to the "control spell power hunter"
and arcane fletcher has basicaly no decks it works with, the deck it is run in must both be a deck with a lot of 1 cost minions AND a lot of spells, and even then its a fairly poor draw engine being only really worth it if you play it in conjuction with at least 2 1 cost minions to make it a 3/3 draw 2, but to have this lots of 1cost minions lots of spells deck and still have 1 cost minions in your hand come turn 6 when you can play them with fletcher seems so incredibly far fetched
side note, while i dont actually disagree for the most part with the heal druid ratings i never like it when people say "its weak to silence" as an excuse for giving a card a bad rating
LOADS of very powerfull cards are weak to silence, but they still see a lot of play because even if they are weak to silence, a lot of things are so if its getting silenced somthing else isnt
they still have to actually run silence somthing a lot of decks dont actually do unless the "must silence" decks are rediculously prevelent
lucentbark is weak to silence, but so was sherazin, and that still saw play despite being the MUCH weaker minion that was MUCH harder to get back
firstly, there is no way this wonderful control/combo druid will SUDDENLY appear in the next expansion, because the only reasonable combo card is Malygos and with the loss of the weapon it will be impossible to pull of. also, spell hunter is definitely not a thing anymore because not only they lost all their pay off cards (spellstone, 6-mana summon two beasts spell) but without dk control matchups will be impossible to win. and also you cant compare sherazin and lucenbark simply because sherazin was an okay tempo card (4 5/3) and it was mostly run not because of its effect while this 8 4/8 taunt guy is understatted for its cost.
Lucentbark does not compare well to Sherazin. Sherazin was a compliment to miracle rogue. It wasn't the win condition or had a deck based around it. If Lucentbark gets silenced you have to concede. You don't have another win condition like Edwin or 200 spiders.
Agree with you
@@ssspikesss "control" druid is never far out meta as the druid core set is very good for it, and if you remember "druidstone" (which you should as it wasnt long ago) the core druid set meant there were a dozen different druid decks that would have used crystal in the meta all at the same time
spell hunter does lose a lot with the loss of the 6mana summon 2 and with the dk loss, but they were still around after the spellstone nerf and with the new cards in marked shot and the 6mana for 5/5rush they got some new power AND some incredible absolute endgame power with zuljin still around, you CANNOT underestimate how powerfull zuljin is if he pulls 4 secrets and 2-4 5/5 rushes out
as for lucentbark
he compared INCREDIBLY favorably to sherazin, no sherazin wasnt the be all end all of the deck, but neither is lucentbark, there are plenty of other strong cards in the deck, sherazin was absolutly run for the effect as a 5/3 for 4 is god NOT good, he was run purely because a miracle rogue could get him back a bunch of times
and lucentbark comes back MUCH easier (healing 5 is easier then playing 4 cards in 1 turn) and as a 4/8 TAUNT he has immidiate effect the moment hes back up, you shouldnt brush that aside so easily
as for the other guy who said "what if it gets silenced, you dont have another win condition"
yes you do....you have plenty of other strong cards, lucent is 1 card in a 30 card deck
and "what if it gets silenced" isnt an arguement against a strong card, "what if it gets silenced" applies to 9/10 good cardsbut they still see play because the enemy can only run 2 or so silences at most in his deck AND has to draw them, while you might run 5-6 things which "need" to be silenced
obsidian statue is a card that is "weak to silence" yet pretty much every non combo priest ran it
the arguement of "its weak to silence" holds basicaly no water at all
I tried doing my own card review on twitch, and a lot of my ratings matched up with yours, and I intentionally did mine before watching anyone else. We don't exactly see eye to eye on some archetypes, I think the heal druid is gonna be better than you rated it, but for the most part I seemed accurate! Yay for me! lol
Thanks for using the pre-nerfed Jaina in the thumbnail.. brings back memories from a better time
Thank you for keeping your reviews short and in separate videos, I've seen other streamers talk for 2+ hours about all new cards and it just keeps me from even watching their stuff...
Hunting party is intended for Emeris boar deck, but it is insanely overcosted even for that meme deck.
Also you can't tutor your boars anymore because tolvir warden rotates.
Have you considered other minions that summon minions for a deck with Khadgar? A fair-ish low stat card that summons a bigger creature can be a lot more impressive if it summons double. Probably isn't worth building a deck around a single legendary, however, though you might be able to tutor it out if it's the lowest cost creature in your deck.
Hey Trump,
I feel like "small mage" cards are meant more as some type of combo deck. Using sorcerer's apprentice (not sure if there's a way to copy it after rotation) you can basically play 7-8 spells and refill with mana cyclone. It's still not that great, but it sounds like a lot of fun!
@Morphing Taxi that would be pretty nice yeah. Basically what storm is in mtg.
Isn't Deathrattle Hunter (not just Mech Hunter) a thing?
Credit card... *FIVE STARS*
It is neutral and fits every single deck,except budget decks...
Will definitely see play. Some might call it meta defining!
Love the new format!!!
This new review format stresses me out! If you’re not intimately familiar with every card by name it’s a huge info dump all at once, with a lot of reading while you’re trying to listen to what he has to say
Is janalai even good now without odd mage?
uh oh the next episode still isn't out and the expansion comes out tomorrow
Mirror Image works with Khadgar right?
Kind of a waste, but yeah, it works.
@@MunkyDrag0n I mean its OK 1 mana 4 0/2 taunts.
Trump: In fact, in this entire expansion there is NO AoE clear printed by the way.
Hagatha's Scheme: Am I a joke to you?
Tunnel Blaster: *fumes in the corner*
@Alexander Ceja for what 1 health minions? There is no odd paladin and most aggro cards have 2 or even 3 health. Unless you are running spell damage that card is beyond awful.
Keeper Stalladris is great in any deck. Good stats, cast a single choose one spell for great value.
Is it worth pointing out that mana wyrm hasn’t actually gone anywhere? You only have to play one spell to make it worth playing. In small spell mage is paying 2 mana for the wyrm really that terrible?
You are so very wrong about heal druid, every time the synergy is right in front of you and you just look at it and...nothing.
But it kinda... suck
I agree, you have Floop and Faceless to create copies of Lucentbark even if it gets silenced, you have 4 heal for 5 with Stalladris, more if you can fit Ancient of Lore, and with Potion Vendor, buffing the 1/2 lifesteal, Zilliax, and none of those re bad cards by themselves.
The rest of the deck is just to support your heal package.
@@MegaAleksa95 cool okay. So your plan to win against combo is.... What exactly?
The issue is that Lucentbark is a bad card by itself. Most of the heal cards are just bad lol
What about that 1 mana 1/3 deal 5 damage to yourself gain 5 armor?
why was this reuploaded?
Khadgar and Jan'alai combo sounds nice, but how will you get the 8 dmg from hp without it being odd mage?
use the spirit
What dragon package?
Nine Lives and Crystal Shag 1 Star.
Ok man, thank you for these triannual jokes.
Well, they aren't going to see play in a competitive deck, so by his system, that makes them 1 star. They're cool cards, but too situational and a deck centered around them wouldn't be powerful enough.
Perfect timing for a review ❤️
I'm not even playing HS at the moment, but these videos of trump are my favourite. You are the best Trump, giddy up.
I really like the idea of heal druid. It's just, I can't see any viable win condition. Crystal Stag is good but it's Rush not Charge so it has 0 aggro potential and while it is good value it's not the kind of value that builds up and overwhelms your opponent (like Jade Druid, Midrange Shaman, hell even Elemental Mage, C'Thun Druid, etc.). All your value is defensive minions and drawing cards which are themselves shitty heals. How do you kill your opponent? Beat him down with your shitty minions 2 at a time?
Like this way of doing the review. Nice work
Wait. So let's say that you cast both Unleash the beasts and their "twinspell-less" copies. Then you play Zul jin. Do you get 4 5/5s AND 2 Unleashes in hand???
You'd get 4 5/5s if you cast all of them. 0 in hand though similarly to how things like Yogg work with Echo cards. You have to actually CAST the spell to get the copy to your hand. Most likely at least.
Why the reupload?
Didnt show up in people's subscription boxes probably
It was a twinspell
Trump ... mech hunter... nine lives..necromechanic combo... marked shot has also won games finding explosive trap or rat trap .. also ursatron turned out to be surprisingly good... drawing that zilliax. But ty for the reviews it's always fun to see when you were right and wrong.. I def understand the logic behind your ratings tho.. no one could really know until it's being played
You keep saying there was no new board clears printed but you're forgetting Hagatha's scheme. That in combination with Walking Fountain I think makes control shaman a force to be reckoned with.
8:16 Springpaw?
Does life steal work with heal Druid ?
outro song?
Arcane fletcher looks like it would work in some midrange hunter deck that runs a bunch of 1 cost minions (not sure if such a deck exists) also. Crystal power also looks like a decent card by itself, disregarding any heal synergy. And I think conjurer's calling and especially power of creation are rated too highly, those just look like bad cards.
"There were no AOE clears printed in this expansion" *Hagatha's Scheme* "Only Hunter beast one drop shimmerfly" *Springpaw*
The only good replacement to dire mole. Springpaw already is played in midrange.
Theres also helpless hatchling which honestly doesnt seem too bad to run in beast hunter
Loewe Clown pretty sure that’s un’goro
@@kennethokubo3435 nah its rastakhan
@@loeweclown5576 oh right i mixed up helpless hatchling with the raptor hatchling.
life weaver and potion vendor in the token deck could be a super value combo board full of buff possiblu woundant tokens 5 mana total to heal them all and refil hand
Even if heal druid doesn't turn out to work at all, Crystal Power and Crystal stag are still strong cards that you'd want to put in a lot of your decks
Kalecgos not a 5 Star, the madman
Cool synergy idea for control shamans, spell caller into sunweaver = guaranteed 4 damage, all of which is on tempo
Sorry the correct name of the minion is storm chaser
8:11 lynx is still a card trump!
True but it doesn't feel good to waste a rush minion on turn 1.
Lynx is never a turn 1play, the rush waste is just so bad you never play it turn one.
@@yosh3301 tell that to all the mid range hunters that correctly play it on turn 1.
Currently we have better options. But sometimes it will just be the right play depending on your hand, deck, and opp.
@@bunnyman1400 It may be correct sometimes to play it on turn 1, but that's not what it's in your deck for. It's not a 1-drop.
i dont really like this way of rating the cards =/ your old way was pretty good
Totally agree. I think I prefer when he goes one by one, states stats/name/effect, rating, then describes why. This is a sloppy way imo.
Heston Campbell how is it sloppy ? If anything the other way is sloppy because it doesn’t help you predict anything and it’s brain dead. “Wow, this card is great, 5 stars” doesn’t make it interesting. Making tougher calls seems more fun to me. Although i can see you saying it’s sloppy since it is much harder to rate this way
Love the new grouping of cards, makes the whole set easier to picture! Much better review format!
Is it just me or is magic trick an actual photo of Trump?
day 657 of asking trump to cut his bangs
Shouldn’t Vreesa be three stars because she defines Spell Damage Hunter?
Not if spell damage hunter is terrible.
*Token Druid has highest winrate*
For future meme references, click: 11:24 .
I bet you Jens separated that moment and is now just waiting for him to lose in arena against that card.
Arena and constructed are very different. But yeah, it definitely might happen at some point.
You know funny enough, I think blizzard moves naturalize into hall of fame just because skulking geist isn’t in standard format after the rotation, and people may start complaining about mechathun Druid again, and it’s not because their official saying that naturalize draw 2 mill effect is too powerful, counters either have to coexist or both vanished.
Im gonna try and make a tempo/summon deck, I chose not to get greedy with cards such as astromancer, and janalai with khadgar instead im gonna use unexpected results which will be boosted by celestial emissary or tricaster/4 3 guy , I hope to get value back with mana cyclone or potential burst damage, which will hopefully also be created by magic trick. I wouldn't say it necessarily has to be a control deck and I wont run kalycgos, highest card would be power of creation as a deperate last stand in case opponent isn't dead, well that's what im looking forward for the most cus I love mage.
happy theory crafting guys
A little tip... Spellzerker is great with unexpected results and all the little damage spells. I happily run it in my wild even Mage
Theres token cards in witchwood and without defile only warrior can clear small minions, idk I see that like a good aggro deck.
Heal Druid might work because of neutral cards that have a "downside" of damaging yourself (Ornery Tortoise)
We'll have to wait and see.
.... So..... Heal druid that runs a two copies of a 3 Mana minion that's kind of bad? So they can hurt themselves enough to heal?
Here we go bois the most consistently accurate star ratings to prep for release date craft.
Where does Trump get these backgrounds? They're really sweet!
Like the new format. Think you may want to reevaluate those hunter cards, though.
People still meming about trump reviews, but he's been mostly right the last few expansions, i mean not that its hard because of how trash the last few sets have been in terms of power level.
yeaaaaaaaaa i dont like grouping into "these all look like "blank" deck so they all get "blank" stars" i mean sure but id prefer a card break down not a break down of decks
Will Kirin Tor Tricaster really see play over Cosmic anomaly though? I think that's the only card you rated wrong though. So good job Trumpo :)
@Morphing Taxi I agree, anomaly seems better to me. (That's why I asked the question in my post.)
Am I the only one who thinks Trump is getting a little lazy with the way he rates these cards? In fact he's not really rating cards, he's rating packages of cards based on the deck he thinks they'll go in. Sometimes he does a better job like with Mage, but with Hunter and Druid, it just felt like, "Oh, these cards will go in a good/bad deck therefore they're all good/bad" It just doesn't feel like he's putting much thought into it with this set.
yeah his old reviews were better.
Oh psychic scream is rotating. Then token themes sound a lot stronger since the opponent isn't shuffling 7 1/1s into your deck.
Hunting party is just too low tempo but with stampede and deathstalker rexxar rotating I'm not sure how I'm supposed to generate value in that deck anymore. Stampede into springpaw, jeweled macaw, mole, or hunting mastif feels amazing right now. Cybertech chip sorta works but I think only in mech hunter, not beast hunter. I guess master's call is less conditional even if you can't play houndmaster. But it doesn't generate as much value as stampede. Stampede into 4 hunting mastiff shimmerfly is 5 randomly generated cards for 1 mana. A 5 mana tempo loss you have to play before emptying your hand sounds like suicide by comparison.
This is probably too slow but if you chain simulacrum into mana cyclone you have an infinite value engine.
I'm sure simulacrum rotate out
so people are finally realizing that Unleash the Beast is insane ? it's the strongest card in the set IMO
Dreamway guardians is not considered for just about any druid deck... why exactly? That card to me, is 4 stars and fits into just about any mold, current and future.
Trump is going to do a video on how wrong he was about heal druid in a month.
New haircut pog
What? Reupload?
all right trump, now where are the other ones?
kalecgos my favorite card of the expansion
I don't think nine lives would EVER be a 1 star card. You can fit it in mid-range hunter for spider bomb tempo
Keeper Staladris will be in every Druid deck for the next two years. Already off to a bad start.
"No Aoe printed": Hagathas sceme, the bad start continues
@@danielson1722 hagathas scheme is only good in opening hand. Draw it on turn 4 while behind on board. Gonna go great for you.
danielson1722 wow you’re bitchy
im actually glad tha hagathas scheme is the only aoe printed , maybe we can have minion combat this meta....Also dream way guardians would go in heal druid along with the 1 mana crystallizer from the old set , so its turn 1 crystallizer , turn 2 dreamway guardians , turn 3 lifeweaver and swing in with dream way guardians for 2 druid spells ….I cant believe trump ignored crystallizer as a 1 drop that deals damage to your hero that's exactly 5 damage , shame.....you can also play battlecry cards that summon minions with khadgar .
As usual, really liking Trump's analysis; he might not always be right, but his reasoning is generally sound and compelling. Absolutely baffled by three stars to Kirin Tor Tricaster, though. Nobody's going to play that trash card over Cosmic Anomaly.
Is it just me? I think all but Hunter had a late game 1 turn end game?
Unnerfed Jaina in thumbnail
No warlock or rouge?