Thank you very much for sharing your recipe, the buns taste good! This was the first time I baked cocktail buns & it was a great success following your super clear instructions. (Honestly, I have never succeeded in baking any bread before. This is the first one. 😅)
Update:- I made these using your recipe a few hours ago. Had to tell u how awesome it is. Honest to gawd this is hands down the best recipe I have tried. Oh my have I tried and tested many.. my hubby was like this is super soft and fluffy . The poor guy has eaten so many over the last few weeks. This is hes says absolutely the best. The search for finding the perfect cocktail bun recepie has at last been completed. Thank you so so much.. 🤗 Its exactly the texture and softness and how it eats I've been looking for. I doubled the recipe and made suasage bun and they were just as good light and soft. Not at all heavy or doughy to eat. I'm made up.
Thanks for let me know. I am very happy to hear your feedback. Your appreciation is my motivation. It’s encouraged me a lot. I will try to share more recipes. Hope you enjoy my channel and find the recipe you want.
Hi I want to try this but want to know how much water or milk and weight for flour to make the water roux thanks. I can't find any of your previous videos on this. I know how to do water roux but just need to know the weights so I can try it on Monday. Thanks in advance
Hi Peli-Lin. Thanks for your watching. The water roux’s recipe is 25g flour with 125g water. You will get more than 100g water roux. I always made a bit more than I need. The moisture evaporation of cooking process is variable all the time. Just check the weight when you add it to the dough.
Thank you. Can't wait to try this tommorow. I've made it with strong bread flour which gives it a chewier texture. I've tried 80% bread flour 20% plain flour was better than all bread flour. I'm excited to try it with your all plain flour. Love experimenting. Please can u do pinapple bun one day 🤗
Thank you very much for sharing your recipe, the buns taste good! This was the first time I baked cocktail buns & it was a great success following your super clear instructions. (Honestly, I have never succeeded in baking any bread before. This is the first one. 😅)
Happy to know that. Hope you enjoy my video😊
Update:- I made these using your recipe a few hours ago. Had to tell u how awesome it is. Honest to gawd this is hands down the best recipe I have tried. Oh my have I tried and tested many.. my hubby was like this is super soft and fluffy . The poor guy has eaten so many over the last few weeks. This is hes says absolutely the best. The search for finding the perfect cocktail bun recepie has at last been completed. Thank you so so much.. 🤗 Its exactly the texture and softness and how it eats I've been looking for. I doubled the recipe and made suasage bun and they were just as good light and soft. Not at all heavy or doughy to eat. I'm made up.
Thanks for let me know. I am very happy to hear your feedback. Your appreciation is my motivation. It’s encouraged me a lot. I will try to share more recipes. Hope you enjoy my channel and find the recipe you want.
好詳盡的做法。 解答了我一直湯種的問題。 加油。 冀望有更多高質素的片。
多謝支持, 最近比較忙, 之後會有多d片關於湯種😊
感恩你的配方,第一次做都ok,但包底就過左火D,下次爐底溫度要調底D,個包鬆軟,但可能濕左小小,發酵無發得咁理,但都可以,原來用中筋麵粉,但我用了旦白質11.5 都ok.謝謝你
用高筋麵粉都可以整到,有d人會用高筋, 兩隻我都有試過,但係口感會有小小唔同,所以視乎你想鬆軟d定表皮有小小煙靭, 整包無絕對標準。
Hi I want to try this but want to know how much water or milk and weight for flour to make the water roux thanks. I can't find any of your previous videos on this. I know how to do water roux but just need to know the weights so I can try it on Monday. Thanks in advance
Hi Peli-Lin. Thanks for your watching. The water roux’s recipe is 25g flour with 125g water. You will get more than 100g water roux. I always made a bit more than I need. The moisture evaporation of cooking process is variable all the time.
Just check the weight when you add it to the dough.
Thank you. Can't wait to try this tommorow. I've made it with strong bread flour which gives it a chewier texture. I've tried 80% bread flour 20% plain flour was better than all bread flour. I'm excited to try it with your all plain flour. Love experimenting. Please can u do pinapple bun one day 🤗
Sure. Thanks for your recommendation. I put pineapple buns on my list.
宜個之前有諗過拍,但工作實在太忙,到宜家都未有時間做。 希望之後會得閒小小可以拍到
I like it, I will try to make it, thankyou
個餡我用咗20g麵粉 加咗少少鹽 好好味😋 多謝分享
@@kitchendiary1735 還是不能像師傅你在盆上搓的光滑,很是失望呢☹️ 加了牛油後,大約多少分鐘together ?
係咪麵團溫度太高? 太高溫會好黏手
你好,剛剛整了這個雞尾包,好好食。 但做的時候非常濕,好黏手,請問可以減水還是減湯種?比較不太濕? 我已經用65g 水。 但還是很黏。
高筋粉會好小小,如果太痴手,再減少d水。 仲有可以全部mix好,放雪櫃半個鐘再搓,會易搞d, 溫度愈高愈痴手
唔用湯種唔得, 港式包筋性太高反而唔好食,表皮會有d 煙un, 對我黎講,我鍾意好軟熟既麵包,所以用中筋加湯種。
保存2日左右啦,無防腐劑唔好放咁耐,特別天氣熱同溼度高既環境。 宜個包我試過整完冰左佢, 食時拎返出黎焗返熱都好鬆軟。
低溫發酵我都成日用,返工唔得閒就分兩日整, 但我都會加湯種。
可以用高筋,但高筋出黎表皮會比較煙un, 如果想鬆軟,中筋會好小小, 但想食有d煙un 高筋會好d, 但港式麵包對筋性要求無歐式包/吐司高,中筋都夠用
@@kitchendiary1735 哦,明白了,謝謝你的解答喔!真的好詳細呀!謝謝🙏
Hello, 我係新手,衹整過幾次面包,知道湯種係其中一個方法整包,想問如果我用200g高筋粉做主面團, 咁湯種嘅份量應該係幾多呢? 喺主麵糰裏面嘅液體量又係幾多呢? 湯種嘅液體量計唔計入去主麵團嘅液體量㗎? 唔好意思,因為係新手,所以好多問題呀! 請賜教😀
其實我今朝都做咗雞尾包, 我係用冷藏發酵法,都幾好,不過唧嗰兩條粉條就有啲問題,我掃完蛋汁灑完芝麻就唧果兩條粉條,但一唧出來就流落個pan度,成唔到條狀,所以焗完成品係冇咗果兩條toppings。請問知唔知邊度出咗問題呀?
你整方包,要視乎你個食譜係點樣而去改, 原食譜所有材料總和*20% 就係湯種份量。 淨係得麵團話唔到你知幾多液體,有d食譜水份60%,有d 75%都有。
唧出黎流落個pan度,似牛油熔左,正常打起既牛油,唔加任何野都唔會係液體咁。 所以要留意返牛油狀態。
第二次做效果好好多,但覺得咸左小小,請問如果減一半 鹽分會否影響麵團發酵和質感。
@@kitchendiary1735 感恩你的回覆,感恩你的真誠分享🥰🥰🙏🙏💖💖
我未試過, 可以試下,原理上可以,air fryer 只係發熱上面,有把風扇既焗爐,但要留意會唔會上色太快,始終太近發熱線
我未試過, 可以試下,原理上可以,air fryer 只係發熱上面,有把風扇既焗爐,但要留意會唔會上色太快,始終太近發熱線
謝謝你 ☺☺☺
雞尾包要求麵粉既筋性無歐式包咁高,中筋麵粉都做到出黎, 會鬆軟d, 用高筋都整到,但表皮會煙韌小小, 視乎你想要咩口感而決定用咩麵粉。
我喜歡鬆軟啲 謝謝
程序和份量、temperature 跟足,但發酵兩次都不會漲泡?
你有無檢查過酵母活性? 如果兩次都無發脹,好可能係酵母已經失去活性
I like it, I will try to make it, thankyou