You Have NEVER Seen Such Methodically EVIL Jungling! 👿 | The S+ Shaco Jungle Carry Build

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024


  • @virkayugameplay
    @virkayugameplay  3 місяці тому

    Thanks for watching! DREAM Higher, Climb FASTER 👉 : JUNGLE COURSES/Classes + FREE jungle improvement PDF, Coaching sign ups, Coaching VODs, Tier Lists and more at!

  • @madscientistshaco
    @madscientistshaco 3 місяці тому +12

    Thank you for reviewing my game! I wanted to add a few things regarding my build choice:
    I used to always build old Bork in my Shaco builds but ever since its nerfs I stopped doing so. This game was me experimenting and giving BORK another shot. I believe that BORK in this game is a fine choice as I am facing 3 Tanks and 2 adcs that build HP and also are able to build early armor items (frozen heart ez/ ninja tabi corki). But my build path for this could have been better. Usually rushing Profane is the best option. Youmus rush is fine but going profane second is a must usually. Buying 2 items that dont provide any haste makes it hard to go for plays sometimes.
    Profane->Bork->LDR is the best way to face tanks/bruiser comps. If I am facing squishier comps Profane->Youmus/Opportunity->Youmus/Opportunity->Seryldas->EON

  • @marsepain
    @marsepain 3 місяці тому +2

    Shaco is no evil, it's just a matter of perspective...

  • @ericnull3470
    @ericnull3470 3 місяці тому

    Bunch of "none advice" commentary in this video. "Always go for the best play"... lol. No shit. "Place boxes intelligently" also... no shit? Might as well just say "win the game" the whole time. Almost everything this guy says is useless and not actionable advice. Bet he reads the 48 laws of power every night.

  • @waffel2378
    @waffel2378 3 місяці тому +2

    The man the myth the legend Ekin getting recognized

  • @ROACH123_
    @ROACH123_ 3 місяці тому +2

    i actually think that BOTRK is the wrong item here, it is not his job to kil udyr and morde, especially since they have a lot of AOE damage and slows which counters shacos jukes pretty hard. Furthermore, in teamfights he is going to be picking off the squishies, which means that bork and its lifesteal is essentially useless. Fundamentally speaking only see lifesteal as useful for staying healthy while splitting or when you are auto-ing like crazy in a teamfight (think yone, draven, belveth), but as a jungler you have regen from camps. third item lord doms is also useless (outside of the crit) here as we already have a frontline yone (who has bork) and a frontline skarner (who can survive and dish out damage to the enemy tanks). In my opinion i think there is a flaw here with the choice of going lethality+anti tank with crit 4th item, when the team fights are not only so AOE heavy, but *the enemy tanky champs are nowhere near unkillable (think sett, mundo, briar, skarner). So many times the super fed shaco went in to kill the corki and left him with 30% hp, same with the ezreal,* this build only won the game because he was able to tempo the map and because yone/skarner were playing well, The shaco's teamfight effectiveness was miserable.
    Bork and profane helped with baron and the camps and flash farming waves for lane pressure and split push, but i think a better choice would have been as follows:
    I do think that collector/ghostblade was the right choice for the first item, and early dirk and boots is great.
    Second item would undoubtedly be profane, because he got his VERY late, and he was turbo fed, imagine if he wasnt given so many free kills? In most games as shaco you can expect to be fairly fed by 15 mins, but going a build like in this video is not only super greedy, but also inefficient in teamfights as i mentioned above.
    Third item would obviously be more crit, as corki and ezreal are having a HUGE impact in teamfights because they have 3 frontliners perma peeling. Skarner and yone are doing fine going blow for blow against the morde and udyr, so let them! Infinity edge is the obvious choice if you went collector first item, however if you went ghostblade first item, then collector as the crit option here is likely better, due to the execute passive and the fact that you lack additional crit to make real use of the infinity edge passive. Even with hail of blades, the chance of you getting multi crit in 3 auto attacks with 25% crit chance is quite low.
    4th item is Guardian Angel here, undoubtedly. The biggest drawback of playing AD shaco is that mid-lategame teamfights you become a suicide bomber (WHICH IS REALLY BAD IF YOU SOAKED 18 KILLS WORTH OF GOLD AWAY FROM YOUR TEAM), especially if the fight is on the back foot because you are behind. Once you Q in, you have no way to mitigate dying except your ult, or some help from your team, but generally you are getting picks EARLY in the fight, in order to create some macro pressure by making the enemy team 4v5 and have no ADC/APC/Assasin for the upcoming dragon/baron/lane push.
    While i agree with 90% of the ideology and gameplay/macro stuff in this video, i definately think that buying BOTRK and lord doms when you basically NEVER even auto attack the 3 tanks in a teamfight (except when its already won and youre cleaning up) is super int.
    I think it comes from this MENTALITY of *Square shaped block into square shaped hole style counterbuilding, rather than building to what your champion actually needs to amplify its meta-agency in the given scenario.* Too many people see 3-4x AD champs and they go "ahh yep, time to build plated steelcaps" and they dont really think much further. On most champs this may be fine, but on certain high impact carrys, if you build defensive items or anti tank items, when you are designed to perform a certain role in a teamfight it leads to games like this, *where the shaco is INSANELY fed, and he cannot even do his job at 1shotting the fucking corki or ezreal.* Dont get me wrong, counterbuilding is EXTREMELY important, and will win games due to 1-2 items countering someone, however there is a certain level of thought that has to actually go into counterbuilding. For example: A nasus sees there is 3 enemy tanks, does he build BOTRK and KRAKEN SLAYER? A caitlyn+senna sees there is a 5/0 mundo at 7 mins and the map is being tempo'd hard, do they build second item MORTAL REMINDER? or should they get a second item BOTRK?
    Counterbuilding isnt as simple as ABC = XYZ (ESPECIALLY with super niche kits like shacos), there is so much context that has to be taken into account when chosing how you are going to itemize against problematic enemies in this game, and i feel like although this shaco did well, he probably only spent 10-15 seconds choosing which items to pick, because he was obsessed with tempo, instead of actually making a meaningful choice based on what he can realistically contribute to these teamfights and the macro situation.
    But what do i know, right? Im not challenger. So just ignore this and continue on your day. Peace.

    • @Katakuri213
      @Katakuri213 3 місяці тому +1

      Can you repeat that again?

    • @amaterasu3325
      @amaterasu3325 3 місяці тому

      I mean I think the point would be that ezreal and corki are designed to be champs that can survive shaco pretty easily, due to their burst mobility. If you can't play for oneshots, which you can't really vs this comp due to the mobile carries + tanky bruisers. Bork is also really efficient this game, shaco can duel bruisers if he is reasonable ahead with a bork build - being able to do so really opens up his options. Options are shaco's most important need, as his worse matchups are ones that deny him options (i.e. invading champs with strong dueling (graves, kayn), champs you cant invade or duel and have strong objective clear (udyr, belveth), champions you cannot interact with or gank (i.e. akali leblanc))
      You said in most games that you'd build profane, because you can't expect to be ahead, which this guy does in most of these games. In this game, he was very fed, so he was focused on asserting pressure on the map over farming - bork was very efficient this game cause both carries build HP, as well as it being shaco's best item vs bruiser heavy comps (here there are 2 bruisers and a tank).
      Also idk if you are aware but LDR passive got removed, its just a really stat efficient item now with tons of armour pen. It's not a strictly anti-tank item. IE is pretty shit on shaco rn, almost always LDR 3rd regardless of builld. Most common cores are youmuu/profane/ldr vs squishy comp and your snowballing, profane/youmuu/ldr vs squishy comp and your not or vs a farming jungler you need to keep pace with, and profane/bork/ldr - which is a build you can go vs tankier team comps where adcs are not the priority (either strong dueling adcs (kalista, vayne, tristana) or adcs that aren't primary carries - (ezreal, corki, nilah)).
      Either way, this is his account
      Its very clear you are discrediting his ability to build his onetrick, while also not really understanding shaco builds at the same time. Collector is shit tier, as crit is not a good build on shaco. IE is also shit tier, and has a horrible build path for a champ centred around snowballing. His building ideology goes far enough to even consider factors around bork bypassing steelcaps reduction and rock solid passive. Your example with nasus is completely wrong, as his champ is already inherently anti-tank, does not require building damage stats to get damage, and requires other stats not provided by bork or kraken. Shaco uses all of the stats on bork, and the on-hit passive is very useful on a champ that does damage only through auto attacks. There is synergy with the lethality built, so the onhit does more damage, and the current health damage synergises well considering he can burst high HP targets quicker down to execute range. It's a really stupid comparison, because nasus is a champ that is much less item reliant than shaco, and hence has much more limited building options to reach an optimal build.

    • @JoeStacey-l5b
      @JoeStacey-l5b 3 місяці тому

      Quite the novel ur righting about a challenger choices

    • @ROACH123_
      @ROACH123_ 3 місяці тому

      @@JoeStacey-l5b Writing *

    • @ROACH123_
      @ROACH123_ 3 місяці тому +1

      @@amaterasu3325 my comparison with nasus was sarcastic, ofcourse nasus doesnt build those items.
      At the end of the day the video speaks for itself. He went in, tried to kill corki/ezreal, and he couldnt. He also barely contributed any auto attacks to the bruisers despite his bork choice.
      Regardless of what you are saying ON PAPER, the fact of the matter is: He was super fed, he couldnt do his job as an assasin by 1shotting the ADCs, and he barely used his bork.
      While i agree that most games as shaco its easy to get fed 3/0 5/0, and hence you can go for greedy builds, i also think that getting profane second is securing your lead by transitioning into being able to farm better and pressure the map with waveclear if needed, rather than just hoping you can 1 shot people in teamfights (which he couldnt even do as a 18/3 shaco???)
      In terms of item effectiveness, shaco is one of the ONLY assasins in the game that does not have AD damage on his abilities. Compare him to something like khazix, who builds youmous and opportunity because his abilities deal AD damage, so they benefit from lethality greatly. Shaco does not scale with lethality NEARLY as well as other AD junglers, which is why a 2-3 item kayn/rengar/khazix can 1 shot people, and meanwhile this 18/3 shaco cannot even 1shot anyone. The proof is in the video on how ineffective this build is. Furthermore he STOLE 18 kills worth of gold from his team and funneled it into a shit build.
      You say that IE and Collector are shit OBJECTIVELY, which i would agree is the case on nearly all the champs in the game, however with shaco he does not have the traditional kit of other champions. His kit, playstyle, and build path are quite niche, so you cant apply the same rules to him as other champs.
      The built-in bonus damage below 50% from profane and his E bonus damage synergize quite well with collector execute passive, and the crit synergizes with his auto attack assasin playstyle and kit. The infinity edge synergizes with his guaranteed crit, which has its base damage amplified by backstabs, meaning that raw crit damage, lethality and AD are the hardest scaling stats for him on his auto attacks. Since he doesnt expressly need to build a lot of attackspeed outside of actually farming the jungle due to hail of blades rune, he is pigeon holed into a niche where his ideal scenario is this:
      Backstab from invis applying bonus damage that is amplified by the crit on his Q, followed by 2 more auto attacks in rapid succession due to hail of blades, ideally these 2 auto attacks both crit, while also having bonus damage from lethality, lots of AD, and infinity edge crit bonus, while also trying to keep them as backstabs for bonus damage from his two shiv poison. After his 3 autos are finished, he throws his E to execute if they arent already dead, and perhaps a profane hydra active too. This scenario works best against squishy targets as he has not much else to offer in an extended fight unless he has attackspeed, and the ability to SURVIVE after coming out of invis.
      As demonstrated by this video, he could not participate in extended fights because not only did he fail at picking off the carries, which is his main job and the whole reason he vaccumed 18 kills worth of gold away from his team, but also he cant even get close to the bruisers due to morde/udyr insane AOE everywhere, and he will die in 0.1 seconds.
      If you are telling me that his performance could not be improved in this game by building more crit then i guess we have to agree to disagree. I didnt even bother to discuss udyrs build with frozen heart among other things because if it is not clear to you why his build is inferior in the scenario displayed in the video, theres no point discussing anything else.
      Part of the effectiveness of shaco is to kill someone before they can react, the fact that their enemy carries survived when they are getting engaged by a 18/3 assasin is fucking pathetic, and there is no other way to put it. Swap rengar into that scenario and suddenly half their team is evaporated in 2 abilities, because rengar players have an easy time deciding what to build, because rengar's kit is very easy to understand, and therefore easy to itemize.
      Am i saying this guy is bad at league of legends, or bad at shaco? Ofcourse not, im simply saying that DURING THIS PARTICULAR GAME, his build choice was not ideal. Why does that even matter? Well because someone (Virkayu) is making an educational video on youtube about the gameplay, and there are various points in the video where virkayu himself makes concerned facial expressions about some of the choices this shaco makes in this particular game. If we are teaching other people how to play the game well, obviously we dont want to teach them the wrong thing? And in my opinion, the build choice for this shaco game was the WRONG choice, and my wall of text explains why.
      *Using this EXACT same build in a different game could CERTAINLY be the perfect meta build*, perhaps against a kogmaw (who has zero mobility unlike corki/ezreal who can dash out if you dont 1 shot them with a full crit build), and against two bruisers that dont have insane perma-AOE around them preventing extended auto-attack based engages from shaco relying on BOTRK (think sett, trundle, camille, mundo, olaf, ornn, aatrox, chogath, sion) champs you can ACTUALLY auto attack with botrk and not die for free due to their 360 aoe passives (udyr R, and morde passive+Q).

  • @Gri777
    @Gri777 3 місяці тому

    12:40 how the fuck does shaco activate statik proc, this happened in LCK aswell, another champ proching a kai'sa's statik shiv

  • @kalmiakun1251
    @kalmiakun1251 3 місяці тому +2

    I love how you explain the game