How Founders Manage Culture - Rich Lyons, BS 1982

  • Опубліковано 30 тра 2023
  • Featuring:
    Rich Lyons, BS 1982 Associate Vice Chancellor for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, UC Berkeley
    Certain principles are fundamental for leading culture in institutions regardless of setting - we will review those. Startups present a number of specific challenges, including rapid changes in people-scale, focus on survival, and dependence on founder idiosyncrasies, among others. We will discuss wisdom passed on by founders, and also by the funders of those founders (e.g., Ben Horowitz's book, "What You Do Is Who You Are"). The session concludes with a set of take-aways that should serve you no matter your setting, since project work and new initiatives even in larger companies can benefit from the same wisdom that founders have distilled.