Thanks for watching! As mentioned in the intro you can pick up my in depth support guides (written entirely by me) at the link below!
5:55 Important obscure detail on the 2nd clear, the raptor super clear. It's actually counterproductive to use smite on the respawned krugs and clear them too quickly. Here, Broxah kills the big krug at ~4:29, but your jg pet treat 'spawns' at ~4:31. Because he misses this treat before recalling, he's down an extra 20g and has to wait an extra 10 seconds for his classic dark seal + fated ashes purchase. So rather than speed up his path, the smite actually slowed him down overall. For pretty much every applicable champ on this clear, I recommend learning it with the first smite on the red buff, not krugs, for optimal overall speed, and then dont use smite on the respawned krugs. This way you should secure that extra treat gold (its possible to still clear too fast on diana and udyr, so careful of that), and you should still be able to reach your respawned wolves about right on time, without that extra smite use.
IT's jungler here, I got a cool one Rogue. Late invade raptors against champs that like to start at that camp. The idea is a lot of the champs that like to start raptors are usually weak early so you can push them off easily putting them massive behind. You've probably seen it in some of our games.
There's a really cool alternative invade strategy that my challenger coach mentioned to me a while ago that wasn't on here. It goes something like this.. If you are the blue team and you'd start by invading the enemy red warding raptors before you finish it, do krugs, then path back to your blue. This will have the enemy jungler arriving to his raptors when you're doing blue, they will then likely do them, realize their camps are gone and 9 times out of 10 they will gank top or mid. With knowing this in mind you go to counter gank whatever lane they try to gank at, and if they do a 3 camp into gank you can pivot into clearing down. Severely limits the enemies options and most of the time has them play right into your hand. Good map and lane state awareness is required for this path to work so a bit of practice and skill will be necessary for optimal results.
In a team match this won’t provide you with a lead. You will have someone in position to see the invade and the other jungler should just match the blue side red jungle quadrant. In this case you’re just initiating a vertical clear. Which works really well if you want to apply all your pressure to the top side of the map and dive top. GM+ players will know what to do in this situation, but I’ve seen diamond and even master junglers make mistakes in these scenarios so it does work in lower elo.
literally 10/10 times the enemy jungler will rush to your red buff because it's obvious you're doing blue , just recall after doing his side and run to your red , but you might need your laners to have prio if you can't fight him
Your game knowledge and tutorials are superb! I just subscribed to your Patreon! I'm aiming for Grandmaster on ADC this year and those kind of videos is just what I was looking for
Red -> raptors -> gromp -> for a fast lvl 3 with red buff. This takes 2 minor caps of the map, instead of only one in a normal x2 buff+gromp clear. If there is no gank available, you can start a reverse clear.
@@CoachRogue Also it is the fastest lvl 3 with red buff clear. Good for when you really need to gank early. But I find getting to level 4 is a bit awkward compared to other clears, so I would only do it on junglers that don't like krugs any way and want to do a lot of fighting/ganking at level 3 instead of farming. Another plus for the clear is that the raptors are off the map, which is the easiest camp to counter jungle. So you remove that option for the enemy jungler when you are on the other side of the map fighting
Enemy raptors -> gank mid -> your raptors -> your red. Wokrs on champions with very strong lvl2 ganks great in low elos, could be good in high elo. Note, for you to hit lvl 3 from red you need to tax 3 meelee minions of xp(ranged minions give half as much xp) Enemy raptors -> killing enemy jungler on buff. Works only in low elo, but should br very good. and you can do the same thing with wolves and blue. Your champion needs to clear wolves faster than they clear the buff
This might be the greast jg education vid ever thank you so much. This answered so many of my questions and simplified what was a super daunting task lmao.
Another option to counter the raptors clear is to do a full clear without the crab and using 2 smites, so when u finish u instantly back and buy two long swords. Then u invade his raptors and you should win that fight basically everytime unless mid is under tower or enemy supp is roaming. Timing is pretty tight tho
Lovely video! Helps tons with refreshing on the topic. One specific path (an invade) you didn't mention (I don't remember who came up with this originally): Hecarim - Raptorts -> Wolves -> enemy Raptors invade. The very first thing you need to know: Does the enemy jungler start at their blue buff, and with their clear speed, will they arrive in the bush besides their Raptors before or after 3:32? If they arrive before 3:32, it is best not to do this invade (it's possible, yet can get rather tight). Best is to do this invade whilst your jungler still has their ward. I will explain why later. The pathing: --- 1.1 Start on your Raptors, do not use smite. Take W second. Will the enemy jungler clear their 3 top camps and arrive in the bush besides their Raptors before or after 3:32? If they arrive before 3:32, go to step 1.2. If not, continue on to step 2. 1.2 If you think the enemy jungler is getting a leash that can make them arrive in the bush before chickens before 3:32, then just opt into taking your Krugs -> Red -> Full clear. If your bot and mid have prio you can still contest bottom Scuttle & look for kill. Or you can look to steal the Scuttle or take it if the enemy jungler messed up their camp kiting or is wasting time bot, after which you can take the top Scuttle -> your Raptors -> Krugs -> recall. If you are not able to contest the bot Scuttle or find it too risky, you can always run top river to take top scuttle for free, given the enemy jungler is most likely bot river, after which you take your Raptors -> Krugs -> Back. You will have a gold, xp and tempo lead on the enemy jungler (unless if your bot decided to fight, get low hp and die to a bot pathing enemy jungler gank). A bit more elaboration on the 3:32 timing window: With this invade, as long as the enemy jungler arrives in the bush besides their Raptors at ~2:32, they will not have spotted you. If the enemy clears faster than this, it might get really tight, and thus too dangerous. 2. After taking your Raptors, take your Wolves. Smite the big Wolf as you kite it downwards. After Wolves, run towards the enemy Raptors. Take the enemy Raptors and preferably if you have a ward, place your ward. There are 2 options here for ward placement. If you want to be sure of which direction the enemy jungler paths in, then place your ward so that you can see the enemy jungler when they walk out of the bush next to Raptors, and so that you can see if they walk into their redbuff alcove. If you want to make sure you have an easier time getting the kill for if they try to take their red, then place the ward in the bush below the red buff. This is the safer option if you want to make sure the enemy used their abilities before you engage them (in case they take red from inside the bush), to make sure your E charge hits the enemy and not the buff and also not wasting 1 auto attack worth of time for having to run into the bush to get vision. If you placed your ward to be able to see which direction the enemy jungler goes in, you can see which direction they are walking in whilst you are walking towards Krugs. If you place your ward in the bush below ref buff, you can see if they go take their red or not. Is the enemy jungler moving to their red buff? If yes, see step 3. If no, see step 2.1. Extra info on the smite: If you smite the big Wolf, you arrive to hit the first enemy chicken with your q at ~2:14. You kill the enemy big Raptor, and with it the camp, at ~2:28. You will kill it at or just past the first wall of the red's alcove. If you hold your smite for the big enemy Raptor, you arrive to hit the first Raptor at ~2:20. You are able to kill the camp at the same time if you play it very well, yet usually maybe 1 second slower. Yet this is very dangerous because there is the danger that some of the small chickens reset before you can kill them, which tells the enemy jungler you are in their jungle. And if you do take 1 second longer, this gives the enemy jungle a bigger time window to spot you. It's not worth the risk, so smite your big Wolf. 2.1 If the enemy jungler moves towards your blueside jungle, you can look to chase them and collapse them with your mid and bot if possible, or you can take the enemy redbuff before looking for the kill. If you deem the situation too risky, you can always look to take the enemy red -> bot scuttle -> top scuttle -> Raptors -> Krugs -> back. Just like with 1.2, if you find contesting the scuttle too risk you can always skip the bot scuttle to take top scuttle instead before continuing your clear. If the enemy looks to move to your redside, same applies here. You can decide to chase them and collapse them with top and mid, or take the enemy red before looking for the kill, scuttles, or any other variation. If they skip their red and run to the Krugs, take the Krugs and get out by running to the right (unlock and use E of course). You can also look for a potential gank in case there is one available. Assuming no one ints with this massive info, you are ahead in gold, xp and tempo. 3. If you see the enemy jungler move to start their red buff, finish the enemy Krugs and unlock your E. Make sure you do not kite the Krugs to the left, because then the enemy wave might spot you. Once the enemy wave has passed, use your E to run up and engage the enemy. If you have a ward in the redbuff bush and the enemy is taking the buff from the bush, you can engage at a better time when the enemy has used most of their abilities. Make sure to use your Ghost for a massive increase in damage as well (you have the Nimbus Cloak rune, so you should get a further movement speed and thus dmg buff. Given you are running Phase Rush (which should be a given) your dmg will be even higher and it will be harder for the enemy to escape). At 3:00 your smite will be up again, so keep this in mind for if you need to steal the red buff. Regardless of if you get the kill or not, you can then take both scuttles -> your Raptors -> Krugs -> recall. Ghost has a lower cooldown than flash (Flash takes 1 minute longer than Ghost to come bacj up), so your lead becomes even more pronounced. If the enemy doesn't have flash, this should be a free kill 99% of the time. --- This invade is absolutely godly in low elo, because nearly all jungler are not good at kiting their camps. Which means that, even with a leash (even a big 2 man leash from the enemy bot at the enemy blue) you will almost always be able to pull of this invade. Yes, there is the danger that you are very deep in the enemy jungle, and that the enemy laners could rotate. Yet statistically speaking this invade is always worth it in low elo, and in my experience works like a charm in masters and lower as well. I've had this invade go wrong, 4 or 5 times that I can remember out of 100-150 times I did it. It's a calculated risk that in my personal experience is 100% worth it when you know you can take the enemy Raptors and be gone before the enemy jungler arrives.
Know where enemy jg starts, go to his other side and take all camps, then return to the side closer to his or if its high elo to your opposite side to prevent invades, then end with your last remaining side.
Ye can also plop a wars in river as youre leaving his quadrant. You can use pings to let your solo laners know if/when a counterinvade is coming so they can pick up a free kill even if they dont have hard prio.
I'm not a junglers but when I do get filled in jungle I always try this cheese and it often works: Check if enemy is guarding their blue side If they aren't, or if they are just guarding their blue buff and not projecting their power further, you can start enemy wolves. People expect a raptors cheese. Nobody expects a wolves cheese. If it turns out that enemy jg starts their blue and you have a ward, you can smite it away over the wall. It's also great if the enemy isn't at all in their blue side, because you just get to start the game with 3 of their camps. That said it can backfire horribly. So it's probably best as an "I got filled jg, and if I don't know what's going on, nobody's going to know what's going on" - clear.
Actually the last path full clear back into gank is so powerfull because you get huge item advantage on the ganked lane is insane, you could also switch to sweaper there. And the start raptor full clear is even stronger for delayed gank with a higher items value, and gives more options during the clear: at any point you can swith to a more classical path as long as you have a midlaner that accepts to ward the raptor side
I would like to see a dedicated video about stealth jnglers like Eve or Shaco. How to best optimize them to dominate the game and redner the enemy jngler useless, and tips on how to counter those strategies.
Nice video, a jgl path i really like in some situations is the Blaber clear if u wanna be there for bot/top lvl 3 if they are strong at that point. Recommend looking that up aswell :)
The comment about the 3 camp same side gank against a pesky Riven with ignite has me rolling. 😂 I did that last night as Elise and put an Irelia ahead enough to basically control top side.
This s*** is pure gold! It doesn't mention my favorite clear though which would specifically be done in solo queue. The top side two camp invade. I find this invade works really well because a lot of junglers will path bot side to their first camp and some top laners are either lazy or their matchup favors them camping top immediately. You can steal their buff and one camp then do your own full clear, doing the scuttle crab right after your wolves / raptors. Upside you steal away two of their camps and out level for neutral objectives. Downside, enemy will gank top and possibly mid. They usually also end up wasting a lot of their time walking to check their camps and your topside camps.
What i love about Rogue's videos is that he keeps it realistic. Saying downsides, and even showing examples where the 1 in a million event somehow happens when it's the only way for your plan to not work.
I am currently Iron and the main thing that would make a lot of the clears not as useful for me is that I generally don't clear that fast. So doing the the Shyvana 5min dragon path wouldn't be as good since I wouldn't be there when I'm supposed to. Naturally clear speeds can be practiced and improved. It's just the first thing that comes to mind.
i actually like starting bot red and take just that. the enemy starts blue and pass gromp and go to wolves. what i do is take only red and go blast cone in his face while he has half hp on wolves, if he get away he wastes so much time recalling cause if not he might die to the chickens hahaha ez kill. p.s. where the panth went? i saw him on the map when viego invaded
A while back a jungle path I took on WW was Buff+Buff+Gromp invade to fight at the 2nd buff of the other jungler Why dont you see this Route anymore? It still works and gives you Lvl 3
i used to do 3 camp same side gank acidentally in my low elo journey with warwick worked great, when i got into higher elo with him i realized its sht because my other jungle side was always farmed... so i wouldn't agree its bad in low elo and good in high elo 18:40
I watched your video on timers. It cut off at 30 min saying “macro doesn’t matter”. Can you please make a video about what to do after 30 minutes (for all roles)?
beginner shyvana main here, currently bronze 2, i'll try out the dragon clear if i remember to and let you know! it'll be at least a day before i play another game tho
Clear 1) What if enemy started on blue buff and none of these camps are up? Your team had no early game vision so you kinda just lucked into the Kindred pathing to bot, no?
Doesn't invade #1 only work if the enemy jungler doesn't start on blue buff (like the recommended path indicates)? I'd say this option isn't set up the same as the other invade paths.
I've managed to make starting on enemy wolf when red side, take their 3 camps top into a gank then head to my bot side to get my camps as the enemy tends to try and get them resulting in a kill. How awful does this become in higher elos?
The only path I didn't see was the one that my laners always tell me about, it allows me to be at grubs and drag at the same time and allows me to instantly be botside after ganking top. Anyone know that one?
The thing about these jungle routes is that they don't work for Ivern. It's really sad because I wanna learn that champion but every single jungle tutorial simply does not work for him. (I am a support main that wants a jungle pocket pick to when I get autofilled in jg)
Path 4 is inverted grub clear from when they first launched, Phylaris was the first place many of us learned about it:
Faster to get to blue than gromp, especially with the wall jump, plus sequencing the camps respawn more quickly isn't necessary as I'll be spending time on enemy raptors and will be late to respawns as a result anyway
I'm very confused with something Rouge. I've been trying the wolves clear into dragon, but somehow im always extremely late in comparison to the Shyvanna video. Like, sure, I'm using a different jungler (kha'zix) but the diference is EXTREMELY noticiable (getting to dragon at around 5:30 and unable to get to wolves on respawn). Is it just a skill issue with my clearing/kha'zix is just too slow clearing or has something changed with EXP since worlds?
Oh and ANOTHER THING. For some reason im not "exactly" level 5 when doing the grumps a second time. Instead, i am a very small amount of EXP AWAY from level 5 by the time I do the raptors a second time
@@drinkswatereThis, but unironically, and only if you can monetize. Get gud, then get paid playing league. That > having mediocre friends, family and dog shit job
3:04 okay I'll do this in my games !! You have been slain !! WHAT THE **** that video SUCKS !! BRO YOU LOST ME 82 LP !! Bro: what rank are you? Me: ... Iron 3 *Bro has left the chat*
Interesting. So when you mess up an invade it is sup gap. While every low ELO player who gets his head smashed in by Smurfs is told to improve his map awareness, vision control etc. or just get good. Interesting.
None of these paths actually matter. If your mechanics are superior, you can 1v1, 1v2 or 1v3 in almost any situation, unless enemy is so fed that they can win with just 1 auto attack. League is not a chess, this is 99% mechanical game.
Thanks for watching!
As mentioned in the intro you can pick up my in depth support guides (written entirely by me) at the link below!
5:55 Important obscure detail on the 2nd clear, the raptor super clear. It's actually counterproductive to use smite on the respawned krugs and clear them too quickly. Here, Broxah kills the big krug at ~4:29, but your jg pet treat 'spawns' at ~4:31. Because he misses this treat before recalling, he's down an extra 20g and has to wait an extra 10 seconds for his classic dark seal + fated ashes purchase. So rather than speed up his path, the smite actually slowed him down overall.
For pretty much every applicable champ on this clear, I recommend learning it with the first smite on the red buff, not krugs, for optimal overall speed, and then dont use smite on the respawned krugs. This way you should secure that extra treat gold (its possible to still clear too fast on diana and udyr, so careful of that), and you should still be able to reach your respawned wolves about right on time, without that extra smite use.
IT's jungler here, I got a cool one Rogue. Late invade raptors against champs that like to start at that camp. The idea is a lot of the champs that like to start raptors are usually weak early so you can push them off easily putting them massive behind. You've probably seen it in some of our games.
I love when the lvl 1 raptors fiesta turns into an all out brawl haha.
I didn't think to include it since late invading raptors isn't really a 'path'
@@CoachRogue lol yeah can't forget the 10 men raptors start. But that's fair point it isn't really a path but a cheese maybe?
I read this comment on 10 man raptor start last night, then woke up to the weibo BLG series game 2 where it came to fruition LMAO
There's a really cool alternative invade strategy that my challenger coach mentioned to me a while ago that wasn't on here. It goes something like this.. If you are the blue team and you'd start by invading the enemy red warding raptors before you finish it, do krugs, then path back to your blue. This will have the enemy jungler arriving to his raptors when you're doing blue, they will then likely do them, realize their camps are gone and 9 times out of 10 they will gank top or mid. With knowing this in mind you go to counter gank whatever lane they try to gank at, and if they do a 3 camp into gank you can pivot into clearing down. Severely limits the enemies options and most of the time has them play right into your hand. Good map and lane state awareness is required for this path to work so a bit of practice and skill will be necessary for optimal results.
this is the reason why you are supposed to ward the opposite buff every game.. this is where it come from
In a team match this won’t provide you with a lead. You will have someone in position to see the invade and the other jungler should just match the blue side red jungle quadrant.
In this case you’re just initiating a vertical clear. Which works really well if you want to apply all your pressure to the top side of the map and dive top.
GM+ players will know what to do in this situation, but I’ve seen diamond and even master junglers make mistakes in these scenarios so it does work in lower elo.
That is indeed the dream. Only works if the enemy lets you start on their jungle and has no information about it tho
literally 10/10 times the enemy jungler will rush to your red buff because it's obvious you're doing blue , just recall after doing his side and run to your red , but you might need your laners to have prio if you can't fight him
Very effective with Nocturne
Your game knowledge and tutorials are superb! I just subscribed to your Patreon! I'm aiming for Grandmaster on ADC this year and those kind of videos is just what I was looking for
Red -> raptors -> gromp -> for a fast lvl 3 with red buff. This takes 2 minor caps of the map, instead of only one in a normal x2 buff+gromp clear.
If there is no gank available, you can start a reverse clear.
This is both a 3 camp gank, and super clear at the same time god dayum
@@CoachRogue Also it is the fastest lvl 3 with red buff clear. Good for when you really need to gank early. But I find getting to level 4 is a bit awkward compared to other clears, so I would only do it on junglers that don't like krugs any way and want to do a lot of fighting/ganking at level 3 instead of farming. Another plus for the clear is that the raptors are off the map, which is the easiest camp to counter jungle. So you remove that option for the enemy jungler when you are on the other side of the map fighting
Enemy raptors -> gank mid -> your raptors -> your red. Wokrs on champions with very strong lvl2 ganks great in low elos, could be good in high elo. Note, for you to hit lvl 3 from red you need to tax 3 meelee minions of xp(ranged minions give half as much xp)
Enemy raptors -> killing enemy jungler on buff. Works only in low elo, but should br very good. and you can do the same thing with wolves and blue. Your champion needs to clear wolves faster than they clear the buff
This might be the greast jg education vid ever thank you so much. This answered so many of my questions and simplified what was a super daunting task lmao.
this is amazing only feed back is like how do we set up before first spawn to make sure we know where enemy starts.
Thank you a lot for the reverse clear. It was so obvious but I've been loking for a safe way to stop lvl 3 invades as an autofilled for a while now.
I asked my coach about this video and he spoke very highly of you!
Another option to counter the raptors clear is to do a full clear without the crab and using 2 smites, so when u finish u instantly back and buy two long swords. Then u invade his raptors and you should win that fight basically everytime unless mid is under tower or enemy supp is roaming. Timing is pretty tight tho
Such a great comprehensive guide. I can't wait to try some of these paths.
Absolutely phenomenal video im saving this for future reference
Very interested in adding the Razork Invade to my possible opens, thanks for the video
Lovely video! Helps tons with refreshing on the topic.
One specific path (an invade) you didn't mention (I don't remember who came up with this originally): Hecarim - Raptorts -> Wolves -> enemy Raptors invade.
The very first thing you need to know:
Does the enemy jungler start at their blue buff, and with their clear speed, will they arrive in the bush besides their Raptors before or after 3:32? If they arrive before 3:32, it is best not to do this invade (it's possible, yet can get rather tight).
Best is to do this invade whilst your jungler still has their ward. I will explain why later.
The pathing:
1.1 Start on your Raptors, do not use smite. Take W second.
Will the enemy jungler clear their 3 top camps and arrive in the bush besides their Raptors before or after 3:32? If they arrive before 3:32, go to step 1.2. If not, continue on to step 2.
1.2 If you think the enemy jungler is getting a leash that can make them arrive in the bush before chickens before 3:32, then just opt into taking your Krugs -> Red -> Full clear. If your bot and mid have prio you can still contest bottom Scuttle & look for kill. Or you can look to steal the Scuttle or take it if the enemy jungler messed up their camp kiting or is wasting time bot, after which you can take the top Scuttle -> your Raptors -> Krugs -> recall. If you are not able to contest the bot Scuttle or find it too risky, you can always run top river to take top scuttle for free, given the enemy jungler is most likely bot river, after which you take your Raptors -> Krugs -> Back. You will have a gold, xp and tempo lead on the enemy jungler (unless if your bot decided to fight, get low hp and die to a bot pathing enemy jungler gank).
A bit more elaboration on the 3:32 timing window:
With this invade, as long as the enemy jungler arrives in the bush besides their Raptors at ~2:32, they will not have spotted you. If the enemy clears faster than this, it might get really tight, and thus too dangerous.
2. After taking your Raptors, take your Wolves. Smite the big Wolf as you kite it downwards. After Wolves, run towards the enemy Raptors. Take the enemy Raptors and preferably if you have a ward, place your ward.
There are 2 options here for ward placement. If you want to be sure of which direction the enemy jungler paths in, then place your ward so that you can see the enemy jungler when they walk out of the bush next to Raptors, and so that you can see if they walk into their redbuff alcove.
If you want to make sure you have an easier time getting the kill for if they try to take their red, then place the ward in the bush below the red buff. This is the safer option if you want to make sure the enemy used their abilities before you engage them (in case they take red from inside the bush), to make sure your E charge hits the enemy and not the buff and also not wasting 1 auto attack worth of time for having to run into the bush to get vision.
If you placed your ward to be able to see which direction the enemy jungler goes in, you can see which direction they are walking in whilst you are walking towards Krugs.
If you place your ward in the bush below ref buff, you can see if they go take their red or not.
Is the enemy jungler moving to their red buff? If yes, see step 3. If no, see step 2.1.
Extra info on the smite:
If you smite the big Wolf, you arrive to hit the first enemy chicken with your q at ~2:14. You kill the enemy big Raptor, and with it the camp, at ~2:28. You will kill it at or just past the first wall of the red's alcove.
If you hold your smite for the big enemy Raptor, you arrive to hit the first Raptor at ~2:20. You are able to kill the camp at the same time if you play it very well, yet usually maybe 1 second slower. Yet this is very dangerous because there is the danger that some of the small chickens reset before you can kill them, which tells the enemy jungler you are in their jungle. And if you do take 1 second longer, this gives the enemy jungle a bigger time window to spot you. It's not worth the risk, so smite your big Wolf.
2.1 If the enemy jungler moves towards your blueside jungle, you can look to chase them and collapse them with your mid and bot if possible, or you can take the enemy redbuff before looking for the kill.
If you deem the situation too risky, you can always look to take the enemy red -> bot scuttle -> top scuttle -> Raptors -> Krugs -> back. Just like with 1.2, if you find contesting the scuttle too risk you can always skip the bot scuttle to take top scuttle instead before continuing your clear.
If the enemy looks to move to your redside, same applies here. You can decide to chase them and collapse them with top and mid, or take the enemy red before looking for the kill, scuttles, or any other variation.
If they skip their red and run to the Krugs, take the Krugs and get out by running to the right (unlock and use E of course). You can also look for a potential gank in case there is one available.
Assuming no one ints with this massive info, you are ahead in gold, xp and tempo.
3. If you see the enemy jungler move to start their red buff, finish the enemy Krugs and unlock your E. Make sure you do not kite the Krugs to the left, because then the enemy wave might spot you. Once the enemy wave has passed, use your E to run up and engage the enemy. If you have a ward in the redbuff bush and the enemy is taking the buff from the bush, you can engage at a better time when the enemy has used most of their abilities.
Make sure to use your Ghost for a massive increase in damage as well (you have the Nimbus Cloak rune, so you should get a further movement speed and thus dmg buff. Given you are running Phase Rush (which should be a given) your dmg will be even higher and it will be harder for the enemy to escape).
At 3:00 your smite will be up again, so keep this in mind for if you need to steal the red buff.
Regardless of if you get the kill or not, you can then take both scuttles -> your Raptors -> Krugs -> recall. Ghost has a lower cooldown than flash (Flash takes 1 minute longer than Ghost to come bacj up), so your lead becomes even more pronounced. If the enemy doesn't have flash, this should be a free kill 99% of the time.
This invade is absolutely godly in low elo, because nearly all jungler are not good at kiting their camps. Which means that, even with a leash (even a big 2 man leash from the enemy bot at the enemy blue) you will almost always be able to pull of this invade.
Yes, there is the danger that you are very deep in the enemy jungle, and that the enemy laners could rotate. Yet statistically speaking this invade is always worth it in low elo, and in my experience works like a charm in masters and lower as well. I've had this invade go wrong, 4 or 5 times that I can remember out of 100-150 times I did it. It's a calculated risk that in my personal experience is 100% worth it when you know you can take the enemy Raptors and be gone before the enemy jungler arrives.
dont care about low elo lol
Amazing vid, loved the detail and breakdown of the reasoning behind each clear besides just throwing it up!
This was a great guide. More jungle stuff! I just started playing this game
love your videos, because you often talk about things that I wouldn't have thought about
It made me smile when you started reading what is better on lvl 2 kha'zix
LMFAO I've been exposed
I have watched karasmai play a lot and while he only plays kayn this is very good intel. There are so many ways to play it. Thanks for sharing.
Know where enemy jg starts, go to his other side and take all camps, then return to the side closer to his or if its high elo to your opposite side to prevent invades, then end with your last remaining side.
Or even recall before taking your last side, then you check it and if its not stolen you do it, if it is you invade his side camps into a gank
Ye can also plop a wars in river as youre leaving his quadrant. You can use pings to let your solo laners know if/when a counterinvade is coming so they can pick up a free kill even if they dont have hard prio.
This goes so crazy. Thank you sir!
I'm not a junglers but when I do get filled in jungle I always try this cheese and it often works:
Check if enemy is guarding their blue side
If they aren't, or if they are just guarding their blue buff and not projecting their power further, you can start enemy wolves.
People expect a raptors cheese. Nobody expects a wolves cheese.
If it turns out that enemy jg starts their blue and you have a ward, you can smite it away over the wall.
It's also great if the enemy isn't at all in their blue side, because you just get to start the game with 3 of their camps.
That said it can backfire horribly. So it's probably best as an "I got filled jg, and if I don't know what's going on, nobody's going to know what's going on" - clear.
hell nah, another MASERCLASS
Thanks for the content! Part time autofill jungler so this is crazy helpful
Jungle Chess Opening Explained - Sicilian Defence vs Bird's Attack
Actually the last path full clear back into gank is so powerfull because you get huge item advantage on the ganked lane is insane, you could also switch to sweaper there. And the start raptor full clear is even stronger for delayed gank with a higher items value, and gives more options during the clear: at any point you can swith to a more classical path as long as you have a midlaner that accepts to ward the raptor side
I would like to see a dedicated video about stealth jnglers like Eve or Shaco. How to best optimize them to dominate the game and redner the enemy jngler useless, and tips on how to counter those strategies.
Very informative. Just I was looking for. Thanks
Nice video, a jgl path i really like in some situations is the Blaber clear if u wanna be there for bot/top lvl 3 if they are strong at that point. Recommend looking that up aswell :)
The comment about the 3 camp same side gank against a pesky Riven with ignite has me rolling. 😂 I did that last night as Elise and put an Irelia ahead enough to basically control top side.
I also sometimes like to start at raptors or wolves clear one quadrant and then base and pick up a darkseal into an instant gank
This used to be really popular but for a Doran's blade when it was buffed! Not a huge fan of the clean anymore tho
There is a 'mini' super clear with gank window if you start enemy Raptors->Full clear->Gank->Normal 2nd clear. Downside is you are late for scuttle.
This shouldn't be free and available like that tbh. Big props for this educational content.
#4 seems like a variation on the clear Phylaris was doing for grubs when they spawned at 5 minutes
Fantastic vid. I hope it doesn't become useless next season XD
a kayn taking a blue and gromp :D rofl these clips were gold
Banger video man big approve
Well I suppose I just have to sub, that was an amazing video. Thanks a lot!
This s*** is pure gold!
It doesn't mention my favorite clear though which would specifically be done in solo queue. The top side two camp invade. I find this invade works really well because a lot of junglers will path bot side to their first camp and some top laners are either lazy or their matchup favors them camping top immediately.
You can steal their buff and one camp then do your own full clear, doing the scuttle crab right after your wolves / raptors. Upside you steal away two of their camps and out level for neutral objectives. Downside, enemy will gank top and possibly mid.
They usually also end up wasting a lot of their time walking to check their camps and your topside camps.
I do this almost every time I'm on red team. It works so well especially if the enemy jungler isn't as experienced.
What i love about Rogue's videos is that he keeps it realistic. Saying downsides, and even showing examples where the 1 in a million event somehow happens when it's the only way for your plan to not work.
I am currently Iron and the main thing that would make a lot of the clears not as useful for me is that I generally don't clear that fast. So doing the the Shyvana 5min dragon path wouldn't be as good since I wouldn't be there when I'm supposed to.
Naturally clear speeds can be practiced and improved. It's just the first thing that comes to mind.
i actually like starting bot red and take just that. the enemy starts blue and pass gromp and go to wolves. what i do is take only red and go blast cone in his face while he has half hp on wolves, if he get away he wastes so much time recalling cause if not he might die to the chickens hahaha ez kill.
p.s. where the panth went? i saw him on the map when viego invaded
Is there a guide for Ivern jg?
Edit: thanks for the content
A while back a jungle path I took on WW was Buff+Buff+Gromp invade to fight at the 2nd buff of the other jungler
Why dont you see this Route anymore? It still works and gives you Lvl 3
i used to do 3 camp same side gank acidentally in my low elo journey with warwick worked great, when i got into higher elo with him i realized its sht because my other jungle side was always farmed... so i wouldn't agree its bad in low elo and good in high elo 18:40
You're a genius! I feel like I have the intellect of a challenger player but stuck in bronze HAHAHAHAHA
Awesome video
I watched your video on timers. It cut off at 30 min saying “macro doesn’t matter”. Can you please make a video about what to do after 30 minutes (for all roles)?
Thanks i will tey.
what jungle clear do you think works best for ekko?
raptors clear with fiddle is the best
best vid ever
beginner shyvana main here, currently bronze 2, i'll try out the dragon clear if i remember to and let you know! it'll be at least a day before i play another game tho
update: first game went badly because i started wolves on red side only realizing halfway through that i'd finish on grubs once i was done
good clears but you should do casual insted of amazing, its like if everything is amazing nothing really is amazing
So what are ways to know were the enemy jungler is starting?
Are there timings for wards?
If you are doing a super clear and running to your raptors just after scuttle, doesn’t that just negate the raptor invade clear ?
Clear 1) What if enemy started on blue buff and none of these camps are up? Your team had no early game vision so you kinda just lucked into the Kindred pathing to bot, no?
Doesn't invade #1 only work if the enemy jungler doesn't start on blue buff (like the recommended path indicates)? I'd say this option isn't set up the same as the other invade paths.
but the shyv clear only works if their jungler paths away from the scuttle on your blue side?
I've managed to make starting on enemy wolf when red side, take their 3 camps top into a gank then head to my bot side to get my camps as the enemy tends to try and get them resulting in a kill. How awful does this become in higher elos?
Would Vi work well on Razork Invade??
Hey can you explain why on the wolf start dragon clear when he goes back to the blue he clear blue first and not gromp pls ?
The only path I didn't see was the one that my laners always tell me about, it allows me to be at grubs and drag at the same time and allows me to instantly be botside after ganking top. Anyone know that one?
20:08 how do you clear after the gank after you took blue gromp red?
The thing about these jungle routes is that they don't work for Ivern. It's really sad because I wanna learn that champion but every single jungle tutorial simply does not work for him. (I am a support main that wants a jungle pocket pick to when I get autofilled in jg)
for the first clear how do you know the jgler is starting top side and not bot side?
Path 4 is inverted grub clear from when they first launched, Phylaris was the first place many of us learned about it:
don't remember the video exactly, but there was a time when you did only one grub for the xp...funny times
Does path #4 work for Vi? Silver here
Why did you do blue before gromp in path 3?
Faster to get to blue than gromp, especially with the wall jump, plus sequencing the camps respawn more quickly isn't necessary as I'll be spending time on enemy raptors and will be late to respawns as a result anyway
I have no idea if it only applies to smurfing, but I never do drakes in low elo, because I can do better stuff in this time and snowball
I want to try the wolfs in to dragon clear with udyr. He got his clear just recently nerfed but i still think it will be viable. Any one has tried?
Nice paths. Too reliant on laners to be close to consistent in lower elo.
I'm very confused with something Rouge. I've been trying the wolves clear into dragon, but somehow im always extremely late in comparison to the Shyvanna video. Like, sure, I'm using a different jungler (kha'zix) but the diference is EXTREMELY noticiable (getting to dragon at around 5:30 and unable to get to wolves on respawn). Is it just a skill issue with my clearing/kha'zix is just too slow clearing or has something changed with EXP since worlds?
Oh and ANOTHER THING. For some reason im not "exactly" level 5 when doing the grumps a second time. Instead, i am a very small amount of EXP AWAY from level 5 by the time I do the raptors a second time
Do junglers really need a leash, and isn't needing a leash griefing your top or bot lane?
Best path? Uninstalling league
No. It’s dedicating all your free time to league and destroying your relationship with friends and family for league. All hail the league of legends.
@@drinkswatereThis, but unironically, and only if you can monetize.
Get gud, then get paid playing league.
That > having mediocre friends, family and dog shit job
Uninstalling league is good for bronze players, great for gold players, but bad for masters and above (because what else do they got going for them).
Unless they fix the Smurf problem - might be the best way to go.
Good one bro
3:04 okay I'll do this in my games !!
You have been slain !!
WHAT THE **** that video SUCKS !!
Bro: what rank are you?
Me: ... Iron 3
*Bro has left the chat*
Then autofill jungler gank lvl 2 and mid afk
Now do lane swaps
I released that video today mate haha
What even is the point of grading the paths when almost all of them are "amazing"? Some of them are definitely stronger than others
Interesting. So when you mess up an invade it is sup gap. While every low ELO player who gets his head smashed in by Smurfs is told to improve his map awareness, vision control etc. or just get good. Interesting.
None of these paths actually matter. If your mechanics are superior, you can 1v1, 1v2 or 1v3 in almost any situation, unless enemy is so fed that they can win with just 1 auto attack. League is not a chess, this is 99% mechanical game.
such a good video