I feel that these matches make us see the essence of soloQ. Being teamed up with players of such a low level that I don't understand why they are in highElo, being repeatedly screwed over in matches that I clearly could have easily won, and being the only sane thinker on the team, I am shaken up like a manic depressive. In the end, win or lose, I end up nodding off like an attending physician after 20 hours of cancer surgery. And then the dumb ally players are awarded LP and I get a chance to be matched up with them again.
as a singed otp from gm i can tell teemo is one of the worts matchup. Teemo just go swifties and u can't do shit in lane, he place antyproxy shrooms u can't do shit
swiftess + ghost works really well for me, and suddenly you can chase him outside the poison . they always start to roam when you do that .
I feel that these matches make us see the essence of soloQ.
Being teamed up with players of such a low level that I don't understand why they are in highElo, being repeatedly screwed over in matches that I clearly could have easily won, and being the only sane thinker on the team, I am shaken up like a manic depressive.
In the end, win or lose, I end up nodding off like an attending physician after 20 hours of cancer surgery. And then the dumb ally players are awarded LP and I get a chance to be matched up with them again.
I feel like games are longer in general this season
as a singed otp from gm i can tell teemo is one of the worts matchup. Teemo just go swifties and u can't do shit in lane, he place antyproxy shrooms u can't do shit
Why don’t you place anti proxy shrooms?
Singed tends to be an easy free kill if he gets to proxy and you do lvl 1 cheese.
i do use some of them but they dont really do that much, since any chase ends up in you losing waves and stacking a shutdown