this is such an unexpected and amazing reunion i had no idea i needed to see onf reunite with youngbin and kookheon but now that i have it it'll live rent free in my mind for the rest of the year. the way onf got so happy to see their friends again,,, i just love everything about this
I'm wondering why ONF is so comfortable with the 2 guys, it turned out they are in M9 too. Gukheon was one of my favorites in M9 but because his name was written differently and I didn't see him for a long time, I didn't recognize him 😅
I think they changed some things up in the script because Sanghae's last name here is Lee (Lee Sanghae basically means weird) but in the drama it's Kwon* Sanghae.
@@deuljae Sorry I meant Kwon Sanghae. When the Inssa oppa guys were talking about the characters, they said "Lee Sanghae" and they edited Kwon Sanghae over the name on the character descriptions. I think Seungjun(? I think) also mentioned that they changed the name. So maybe Jihu's age was originally 20 years old and then they changed it to 77 liner lol. Who knows but I guess we will see if that's his real age or not later this week :D
ONF will be coming back with their 1st Full Album, 'My Name', on February 24 with the title track, Beautiful Beautiful. Please support our precious boys and help us get them their first win on music shows. They have released a pre-release song, 'My Name Is', along with music video on their channel (ONF OFFICIAL). It's a song the members wrote themselves, introducing the members and is a great guide to ONF, please listen to it a lot! We hope y'all become Fuses (fandom name) too. 💛 Edit: The MV Teaser for Beautiful Beautiful has been released and everything about it screams high quality unlike anything you've ever seen, please check it out along with their instragram feed (wm_onoff) too! See you on Feb 24 for their offical music video and comeback!
@@yhamzie9913 Yes its him hehe. I'm rewatching Mixnine rn so they are clear in my mind. Tho I first met Yongbin through I Can See Your Voice then Pd101s2. I think Gukheon is also in PdX101??
this is such an unexpected and amazing reunion i had no idea i needed to see onf reunite with youngbin and kookheon but now that i have it it'll live rent free in my mind for the rest of the year. the way onf got so happy to see their friends again,,, i just love everything about this
This was so funny 😂
I love how charismatic all ONF members are ❤️ thank you for treating our boys so well
onf really are reaction kings when the snacks were showed too their excitement couldn't be contained 😂
@@angiesantana4438 uui9louýcxj
Hdarte 9yccuyuy70
@@nermineelmahraji9956 hhtdssz344rcv662
@@angiesantana4438 Grey mxncjgg kxkttjJtjgjgy
@@meryammeryam5861 de axjzjUzoz9dudududura
I love seeing the harmony behind the scenes, it shows that everyone had a great time filming the drama ❤️
*i swear the more mixnine people meet each other the more chaotic they get*
1:56 원래 권상해가 아니라 이상해였구나!!
10:07 적게 일하고 많이 버시네ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
오랜만에 온앤오프랑 국헌님 용빈님 같이 있는 모습 보니까 너무 반갑네요! 완전 케미 팡팡
이번 편은 서로 친한 분들이랑 만나서 더 재밌었던 거 같아요😆
미니코너(?) 맛따라길따라도 웃기고...
인싸오빠 파이팅💛
it's funnier bcs they know onf personally lol😂
Yes the mixnine friends
Phktjghhyhgvyvkninpkkijuhuhuhhuhygexjikjbj0fdrcyhijijfuhjhujjkkk kkolokookj
프듀 때 국헌 님 응원했었는데!!!! 온뿌랑도 친하셨군요 ㅋ꙼̈ㅋ̆̎ㅋ̊̈ㅋ̌̈ㅋ̄̈ 실친이었다닝!! 만났을 때 텐션 장난아님ㅋㅋ
Just watched this today and didn't know that ONF were reunited with Kookheon and Youngbin💕 No wonder they're this chaotic xD
GUYS WHY THIS SCENE IS SO CUTE ? All of them are so cute .. Inssa oppa , ONF , and Boreum Byeol I love you all
국헌이랑 온앤오프분들이랑 친한거 너무 좋아요ㅠㅜㅜ 앞으로도 활발한 친목 이어가시길!!!
6:49 E-Tion and his obsession with muscles
👈 ٩ ٦ ققفدللاافل ب٤٥ بلف
I came to watch this for ONF, but Yong Bin and Kook Heon are very funny, and I already saw all Inssa Oppa videos where they appear ksdkfjsdk
친해서 티키타카 잘되는 거 너무 웃김 아ㅠ
Aww..nice to see them cute..
Yong-bin company flexing their black van! (Actually a Mercedes Benz G-wagen.)
온앤오프 사랑한다ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 비하인드 원했는데ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
I'm wondering why ONF is so comfortable with the 2 guys, it turned out they are in M9 too. Gukheon was one of my favorites in M9 but because his name was written differently and I didn't see him for a long time, I didn't recognize him 😅
👌 😘💜💓💔
inssa oppa and onf so funny and chaos 😂😂
하...... 태준이 모습을 하구 생글생글웃는이창윤을보다니.. 좋다..♥ 태준이 저렇게 창윤이처럼 웃는거(?)처음봐,, 비하인드 맛 좋다... 감삼다
@@berfinozbey7194 ama çok
This is one of the best channel from my subscription😂😂 💜💜
Ahh it seems like they visited when "can i step in" in shooting process for episode 8. taejoon with that cardigan
김국헌 처음뵙겠습니다래 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아 웃겨ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 광고주 설정에 너무 최선을 다한다ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
That's cute to see them reunion ♥️♥️
J-US and Kookheon my fave 😭😭😭 as expected they're still so close
아 온옾이들과 믹나동기시구나..! 진짜 케미ㄱㅇㄱㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
어디서 이렇게 미친놈(좋은뜻)들만 골라서 찍었지… 매 회차 웃겨서 죽으
1:56 jihu is supposed to be a 20 yo?? or did he lied to them?? bc they never helped him find yeonah or what??
I think they changed some things up in the script because Sanghae's last name here is Lee (Lee Sanghae basically means weird) but in the drama it's Kwon* Sanghae.
@@raspberryzz nah they still kept his name kwon sanghae in the drama too
@@deuljae Sorry I meant Kwon Sanghae. When the Inssa oppa guys were talking about the characters, they said "Lee Sanghae" and they edited Kwon Sanghae over the name on the character descriptions. I think Seungjun(? I think) also mentioned that they changed the name. So maybe Jihu's age was originally 20 years old and then they changed it to 77 liner lol. Who knows but I guess we will see if that's his real age or not later this week :D
@@raspberryzz yeah thats prob more like it
울 온옾이들 사랑한다 내가
This will be fun for sure haha
Thanks all for the hard work
It's always fun to watch friends seeing each other during their work ^^
썸네일만 봐도 귀요미들...*(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*ଘ
oh my gwad.. this is 11 minutes of chaotic hahahahaha
구커니 친구들 만나쪄!!
6:42 💡💡💡
온옾이랑 같이있는 모습 오랜만에봐도좋네 역시 형들이좋구나
김국헌 광고주님ㅠㅠㅠ 너무 훈내난다요💛💛💛
국헌이와 용빈님 미모는 날이 갈수록 빛난다!!😁
오늘도 신나고 재밌는 인싸오빠!! 들어가도 될까요도 기대할게요ㅎㅎㅎ
Mix 9 them 💕💕💕
아ㅠㅠㅠㅠ광고주 김국헌 오늘 또 저세상 텐션과 저세상 드립 진짜 웃겨 죽겠다ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Beeeen turkum
B oo🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 bat
@@habibislam556 k*vzkkc,kzk,zkzkzk@kz:88:,8(0(00:@8:::8:8@0:0::0:0:08$0@#8@#8-(((0(.7@@880""0":0"@@@#0"8@.@.@#:((80
10:07 제이어스 개웃김 진짜
I always support you guys :-) fighting !!!!
인싸오빠가 최초공개를 배우다니..
Ahhh Yongbin Kookheon and onf so good
@@lifarohman8932 ععععععع.عععععع.ععع.عع.ع.عععع.ععععععع.عع.ععع.ع.عععععععع..ععع.ععع.ععععععع.عععععععع.عععععععع.عع..عععععععععععععععععععععععععع.ععععععععععععععععععععععععععععععع.ععععععععع.ععع.ععع.ععععععععععععععععععععععع.عععععععع.ع..ههه.ع.عن. عع.عععععع.ههه.ععععععععع.ععععععععععععععععع.ععععحععع،عععععع
오 어디서많이본 분 같던데하니까 오 김국헌님이시구나!!!
시즌5 퇴사오빠ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
they are always make me laugh 😁
꺄 우리 온옾 등장ㅠㅡㅜㅜㅠ
ONF never disappoints when it comes to reacting 😂😂
this will be fun 💕
오내노푸의 인맥은 어디까지 일까..✨
비오브유 님들도 흥하시길☺️
아니.... 이분들 익숙하다싶더니 믹* 동기분들 아녀..?? 인싸오빠로도.. 활약중이셨군요..!
이 말 하고 싶었어요... 믹* 같이 출연해서 친한거라고 ㅎㅎ
퓨즈지만 믹*에서 국헌님 호감이었어요
You can tell they are really close.
@@miladhana6943 اايعخليفعيغعا
احب باي اس😍😍😍😘🤩
@@miladhana6943 ghoul oil I oil lull O'Higgins O'Higgins love O'Higgins O'Higgins
They're so cute hahaha thank you for this!
영상 너무 짧아. 국헌이 열일했다. ~~
파이브때도 계속 나와줘~~
맛따라 길따라 그리고 지마켓 홧팅.
The mixnine kids are at a reunion😂😍 Yongbin meet MK yuhuuu my biaass list💕
친한형아들만나서 신났네 구커니ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Didn't even realize INSSAOPPA employed PX101/M9 alumni!
It seems like a reunion hahaha
오늘도 티키타카 귀여운 국헌용빈ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
김국헌 존잘이네
헐 구커니 빨머 시절이네!!!!
ONF will be coming back with their 1st Full Album, 'My Name', on February 24 with the title track, Beautiful Beautiful. Please support our precious boys and help us get them their first win on music shows. They have released a pre-release song, 'My Name Is', along with music video on their channel (ONF OFFICIAL). It's a song the members wrote themselves, introducing the members and is a great guide to ONF, please listen to it a lot! We hope y'all become Fuses (fandom name) too. 💛
Edit: The MV Teaser for Beautiful Beautiful has been released and everything about it screams high quality unlike anything you've ever seen, please check it out along with their instragram feed (wm_onoff) too! See you on Feb 24 for their offical music video and comeback!
용빈씨 블루컬러가 너무 잘어울려용ㅎㅎ
최초공개 감사합니다! 진짜 만나자마자 온망진창ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 촬영 비하인드도 좀 부탁드립니당 그래서 저 프로필은 어디서 볼 수 있다구요? 왜 승현, 백호, 인국이만 안가르쳐주셨는지... 승현이는 그나마 좀 보긴 했는데 우리 어사즈 아예 안보여주셔서...
뜽두니 등장부터 엠께에 재영이 합류하니 오디오 차고 넘치고 물리고 난리구요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ재잘재잘 귀여워죽것네 내새꾸들💓
맛따라길따라,,,😅떡볶이에 꽂힌 국헌 광고주님
판교?? ㅋㅋㅋ 두분 드립 어디가 끝인가요🤭
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ이번화 너무웃겨요
국헌이 맛따라길따라 어떻게 짓게된건지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
구콩이 인싸오빠 ㅎㅇㅌㅎㅇㅌ🐰💛
MIX9 MINI REUNION 😻 Kookheon & Yongbin with ONF!!
오늘도 퓨즈는 어리둥절...
Omg, I'm having Mixnine flashback.. 😭
Owww, they're so cute;;;;
벌써 재밌겠다
빨머 이뽀💦
So cute. 💗💗💗 Kim kookheon with #Onf
훈남광고주 김국헌씨 맛따라 길따라 고정코너 됐으면🤭
인싸오빠에서 국헌이 텐션 너무 좋아❤
Its Yongbin and Gukheon from Mixnine right! Hope they remember each other then it'll be a fun reunion.
they do look how happy ONF was at seeing them lol
That's Gukheon from my MYTEEN? (I'm not sure with the group's name but is it reallly him?)
@@yhamzie9913 he is b.o.y member right now
@@yhamzie9913 Yes its him hehe. I'm rewatching Mixnine rn so they are clear in my mind. Tho I first met Yongbin through I Can See Your Voice then Pd101s2. I think Gukheon is also in PdX101??
@@722Mil oh, I see.. thanks for the info :)
용빈이 너무 사랑스럽...💕
👀 yazzzz finally mixnine boys??? 🖤🌹
친구 올만에 봐서 신났어ㅎㅎ귀엽다
This well be fun hahaha very good
إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى
النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا
عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا ﷺ
I just realized they're all from mix9 like 7minute into the video 😅
One question: Does still Yongbin use his name as Yongbin? He updated his naver profile with a new name...
Música escucha música x fa
N español
1:55 으응? 옆집남자가 20살이야?? 77년갱 아니구?