Your cards are all wonderful! Glad you’re getting over Covid. I’ve had it three times. The first was the worst and lasted forever, or so it seemed, the second I didn’t even realize I had it until my granddaughter tested positive so we tested and came up positive, the third was just about a month ago and I’m still coughing.
Cute cards TFS 🌹
Very nice Christmas cards.
Your cards are all wonderful! Glad you’re getting over Covid. I’ve had it three times. The first was the worst and lasted forever, or so it seemed, the second I didn’t even realize I had it until my granddaughter tested positive so we tested and came up positive, the third was just about a month ago and I’m still coughing.
Hello I’m new to your channel. Love all the cards you made. Thank you for showing the build a plaid BetterPress plates.
Beautiful cards, Jackie! Love that little cardinal!