The Headcovering #3: As Modesty, Liberation, And A Gateway To The Spirit's Power - Finny Kuruvilla

  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024


  • @margot_polo
    @margot_polo 3 роки тому +39

    This series blessed me. Thank you! When I first came to Christ, reading the Bible I was convicted right away as a baby Christian by 1 Cor. 11. Church members warned me against becoming legalistic and rigid etc. Turns out born again child-like-faith is worth much and The Holy Spirit truly does guide us in interpreting God’s Word. I want to please God, and if it may please Him, of course… bring on the cover.
    May God Bless you. And, thank you again for your thoughtful and in depth teaching, and posting so we all may seek and find 💗

    • @earnestlycontendingforthef5332
      @earnestlycontendingforthef5332 3 роки тому +2

      It was certainly not in the church assemblies as the commandment of the Lord forbade it..
      But the days of prophecies are now long over, as they are no new prophesies to tell of.

    • @JesusistheOnlyWay222
      @JesusistheOnlyWay222 2 роки тому +10

      @@earnestlycontendingforthef5332 where does Jesus forbid covering?
      Prophecy is alive and well. Father is speaking through many messengers and prophets to warn of the Tribulation coming to prepare and test the faithfulness of the Church.

    • @earnestlycontendingforthef5332
      @earnestlycontendingforthef5332 2 роки тому +1

      Women are forbidden to speak, teach, and preach in the church assemblies by the Lord's commandment. 1 Corinthians 14:33-38.
      And they must cover their heads to show their subjection to man when praying to God..

    • @dee4174
      @dee4174 2 роки тому +1

      This was my experience too. I think because women were teaching and in leadership they did not want to be convicted by my head covering. It was made very clear to me that I was not to continue the practice or influence others to do it!

    • @GodsWordisTruth-zg1jj
      @GodsWordisTruth-zg1jj Рік тому +1

      @@FA-God-s-Words-Matter Amen a well-researched essay. People should read this. I see it is not here so I will repost in part.
      If we follow those who subscribe to the doctrine of women wearing veils, then it can be argued that the most often cited verse is 1st Corinth. 11:5, which states:
      “But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven.”
      According to many of those who believe women ought to wear veils this verse supposedly implies that a woman’s uncovered head is a woman who does not wear a veil. Such a woman is either dishonoring God, their own physical head or her husband for failing to wear it which implies that they are in disobedience. Some have gone so far as to say it is a sin. Another assumption is that the woman being referred to already has long hair and since they conclude that the covering is a veil then it must be referring to an “additional” covering otherwise it would clash with verse 15 stating that God gave women long hair for a covering. Another conclusion is that women ought to be covered ONLY when praying and prophesying and for men to be uncovered, which would make it seem as though it were something that can be placed on or taken off like a veil. You’ve probably noticed by now it takes several assumptions to reach the conclusion that women ought to wear a foreign object on their heads, despite the lack of evidence.
      * Does the Bible really give a clear command that women should wear a veil?
      The first thing that everyone must understand when talking about this topic is that it DOES NOT use the word “veil” or “cloth” or any other physical headwear, as far as the KJV is concerned. It surely mentions that the woman’s head should be covered, and no one disputes this, but it does not say that it should be covered with a veil, a shawl, a bonnet, a cap, or any other specific headwear. Some will use the phrase “head covering” to claim that the passage refers to it when this phrase is not found in the verses within 1st Corinthians 11:1-16. One can find them separately but not together to mean a synthetic covering. Therefore, it would be disingenuous to say that it does. The passage includes the words, cover, covered, uncovered, and covering, but that does not mean we can translate this to mean specifically a veil, a shawl, a bonnet, a cap, or anything else similar. In fact, it would seem more like an adverb rather than a noun. Nevertheless, the word “cover” is unfortunately interpreted by head covering promoters to mean a veil above all other types of headwear, even if there is no evidence to prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt. To do so would mean that one is trying to read more into the verse than what is stated and is not truly seeking an exegesis of the Scriptures.
      Some have claimed that they are referring to a physical synthetic head covering because the Scriptures seem to indicate that there are two exclusive conditions to wear one and that is when a woman is either praying and/or prophesying. But does this interpretation stand up to logic?
      If we were to believe that under certain conditions a woman ought to wear a physical head covering, then it stands to reason that under OTHER conditions a woman should be able NOT to wear one. For example, if you are going to argue that a woman ought to wear a veil because the Bible claims there are two conditions, then it is logical to presume that any other condition would ALLOW them to be without one, like speaking in tongues, interpreting tongues, healing the sick, casting out devils, etc.
      Now if a head covering promoter should claim that there are MORE conditions, then they admit that there aren’t really “two” conditions thereby nullifying the two-condition argument.
      The reasoning behind why the “two-condition” argument is important for veil promoters is because if these words were actual conditions, then it would seem as though the covering were something that can be placed on or taken off. So even though it does not literally or EXPLICITLY say anything about putting on or taking off a veil. Veil promotors form this belief based on what they believe to be IMPLIED and not by a direct statement. Many people like to believe this because they ASSUME that praying and prophesying are two conditions instead of seeing them as mere examples.
      * Praying and prophesying were meant to be viewed as examples, not conditions…
      Now I can understand how someone can mistakenly conclude praying and prophesying as conditions in verse 5, on the surface, but once you read the rest of the verses in context one cannot reach that conclusion. If they were meant to be conditions, then why would Paul say in verse 7…
      “For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.”
      If the reason for men not to cover their heads in this verse is because he is the “image and glory of God,” then why assume Paul was saying that there were only TWO conditions in verse 4? Wouldn’t 7 override any supposed conditions? Shouldn’t that make you question that perhaps Paul was just giving a couple of examples? But let’s continue.
      Verses 8 and 9 give us another understanding that Paul must have been referring to praying and prophesying as examples because he adds the order of creation into the mix.
      “For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man. Neither was the man CREATED for the woman; but the woman for the man.”
      If Paul states that the creation order has something to do with the reason as to why women ought to cover (in long hair) and men to be uncovered (aka have short hair) then we can conclude that this doctrine must be bound in NATURE. That is to say that it must have taken place since the creation of Adam and Eve and BEFORE the manufacturing of veils or hats, and BEFORE the creation of churches, which is another reason why hair easily fits the mold.
      This is confirmed when reading verses 13 and 14 when Paul asks you to make an observational judgment that if it is comely (aka pleasant looking/attractive) for a woman to pray uncovered (in short hair) and that even NATURE teaches us that a man with long hair is shameful. The answer of which should obviously be no. Why would Paul ask you to think that something as unnatural as a woman without a hat would look unattractive and then say something as natural as long hair would look off on a man? Paul was saying that not being covered in long hair while praying looks especially uncomely and in the same breath he continues and says men with long hair also looks naturally wrong.
      * So Is the Covering Long Hair or a Veil? …..
      If we examine all the verses from verses 4 to 15 without bias, we should at least agree that at certain points the verses are referring to physical heads and hair. Now some have tried to argue that the covering is somehow Jesus or men (some erroneously add husband here as well). The reason is that they are intermingling the word head in verse 3 that refers to authority with the other word “head” that is being used to refer to the literal head of the human body. One can easily dismiss their interpretation because it wouldn’t make sense if we were to replace the word covering, covered or uncovered with Jesus, man or husband and that the context includes the idea of hair and the shaving and cutting thereof.
      So, do the words “covered,” “cover,” “uncovered” and “covering” refer to long and/or short hair or some kind of foreign head covering? Some will even say all the above, but if we carefully examine verse 15 we would be getting a clearer picture of what was being referred to in the earlier verses when it mentions these words.
      “But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her FOR a covering." KJV
      So if the covering is long hair, then the words “covered” or “cover” (which are synonymous with “covering”) should be understood as long hair as well. If that’s true, then to be “uncovered” would mean “short hair.” If so, then we can get a better picture of verse 4 when it says that it is shameful or dishonorable for a man to pray or prophesy with his head “covered.” Note the similarity of verse 4 to verse 14 that’s because they are both referring to being covered in LONG hair. Therefore there are no two coverings just one which Paul refers to as being covered which he means to be covered in long hair.

  • @sarahhostkoetter960
    @sarahhostkoetter960 2 роки тому +32

    Brother! Thank you! I just found your series. Thank you, thank you!!! Now I need to figure out how to submissively get my husband to accept Christ and be the head of our family. I am a new Christian. He and I have been married 12 years. Two kids, boy (8), girl (5). Pray for us?

    • @Dunderwifey
      @Dunderwifey 2 роки тому +5

      Praying for your family and that the Holy Spirit moves in your husbands life and leads him to the truth and the light that is Christ.

    • @JesusistheOnlyWay222
      @JesusistheOnlyWay222 2 роки тому +6

      Without a word, be a living witness:)
      1 Peter 3:1
      King James Bible
      Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;
      New King James Version
      Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives,

    • @sarahhostkoetter960
      @sarahhostkoetter960 2 роки тому +22

      Praise Jesus! My husband believes now!

    • @JesusistheOnlyWay222
      @JesusistheOnlyWay222 2 роки тому +2

      @@sarahhostkoetter960 haha!! HalleluYah!!

    • @NsanzeJimmy1
      @NsanzeJimmy1 Рік тому

      @@sarahhostkoetter960 Hallelujah 😂

  • @HofB
    @HofB 6 місяців тому +2

    What a beautiful breakdown of a VERY touchy subject from both women and men who view this as a subjugation of women. I have had women physically try to tear my covering off at church and men confronting me about why I’m doing this archaic belief. I am proud to be subject to my Lord and Savior and tell them if it’s good enough for His blessed mother, it is wise for me to pay attention and follower her beautiful example.

    • @randihubbard1352
      @randihubbard1352 5 місяців тому +2

      Those of us who cover our heads make Christians who don’t feel very convicted. Their demons are exposed by those actions. They feel less “religious” when we cover. It brings out an anger that isn’t at all righteous.

    • @robertmiller812
      @robertmiller812 2 місяці тому +1

      @@randihubbard1352 I don't think this is a fair assessment some people just do not interpret the verses as you do. Reading veils when there is no noun for this word yet read the word hair several times leading them to conclude that the passage is not about a man made covering but the one God gives like long hair as so stated in verse 15.

  • @kiraharris9246
    @kiraharris9246 Рік тому +2

    Holy Spirit lead me to cover my head since last March. This teaching has been such a blessing. Thank you for your obedience.

    • @matilda95.
      @matilda95. 4 місяці тому

      Do you know if we have to wear it all the time because we are to pray without ceasing?

  • @mtngirlbunny9290
    @mtngirlbunny9290 5 років тому +22

    I have never heard anything like this but so many things are connecting in my Spirit and why certain things have happened in my past....amazing teaching. Now to put into practice... Thank you.

  • @ladylibertyinexile2593
    @ladylibertyinexile2593 3 роки тому +14

    May God greatly bless you. I’ve veiled for decades. Your video message is an incalculable blessing!

    • @theskyisonfire
      @theskyisonfire 3 роки тому +1

      Hello! I'm 15 and I just heard about veiling and I cant stop thinking about it. I think I would like to try it out for a while but I'm nervouse (Im a really bad overthinker lol). Do you have any suggestions as to how to start and also, i was wondering, how has it affected you/made a difference in your life?

    • @dee4174
      @dee4174 2 роки тому

      @@theskyisonfire Have you tried it?

    • @lukasderlokomotivfuhrer7657
      @lukasderlokomotivfuhrer7657 Рік тому

      @@FA-God-s-Words-Matter Why are you trying to keep a sister from being veiled?

    • @Berean_with_a_BTh
      @Berean_with_a_BTh Рік тому +1

      ​@@lukasderlokomotivfuhrer7657 FA is just trolling. Collaborating with a couple of other trolls to deceive people and lead them away from what Scripture actually teaches. I've taken FA to task over this in other comments, pointing out that he never engages with Finny's exposition, which totally destroyed FA's claims on logical, grammatical and historical grounds.

  • @aprilk3705
    @aprilk3705 Рік тому +4

    This was an EXCELLENT series! Best argument I’ve heard on the matter by far! Makes so much sense. God has been working on me to surrender. This helps!

  • @heathererickson7669
    @heathererickson7669 6 років тому +13

    This series is very thorough and well thought out and studied. Thank you for sharing this!

  • @clarissesaunders7164
    @clarissesaunders7164 Рік тому +5

    My only comment is please don’t assume that there is only one way for a woman to cover her head. It saddened me to hear him say that in his opinion anything less than what his wife and the sisters in his congregation were doing must be a result of a sister being ashamed. I don’t do what they do, but I do cover my head every day using various coverings. And I am not ashamed of my head covering or why I do it. I gladly testify to others about my head coverings and when I am wearing a kippah - my hair covering brings so many opportunities to share my faith in a way that a hair covering similar to those sisters would not. As a black woman if my hair were covered similarly to theirs the assumption would actually be that I am muslim and not Christian at all. And I know that the Lord is pleased with my coverings because He has directed me to them.
    I encourage him to Proverbs 3:5-7.

  • @nanaagyeman4750
    @nanaagyeman4750 Рік тому +3

    Thans you so much. The part on angels now is so clear to me. I have been blessed. God bless you

  • @KathleenMcClendon824
    @KathleenMcClendon824 9 місяців тому +1

    Thank you so much for this series. It has helped me so much.

  • @GatheringJacob
    @GatheringJacob 3 роки тому +5

    Excellent three part series, thank you for your labor of love! The angels spoken of in the head covering passage is regarding Genesis chapter 6 and angels meeting with women. You have to realize that because it’s an important point to make in regards to your argument that head covering is for modesty, and that a woman has authority or power on her head When she covers her head and is not susceptible to the exploits of supernatural beings.

  • @WholeBibleBelieverWoman
    @WholeBibleBelieverWoman 6 років тому +9

    Wow. Thank you for this.

  • @thewatcher96
    @thewatcher96 3 роки тому +8

    Paul talks about head coverings in 1 Cor 11:3, his reasonings are based upon the divine hierarchy in Gen 1:26.
    Almighty God is first in status, rank, authority & power - then Christ over Man - then Man over Woman.
    Our relationship one to another must reflect the authority of this divine order.

    • @franceseskridge3475
      @franceseskridge3475 Рік тому

      And women, that is mothers, to have co-authority over their children with the husband's agreement....sorry there is not stronger bonding between mothers and children; seems so many young ones are often put away in the daycare centers.

  • @christinsongbird
    @christinsongbird 2 роки тому +5

    Learnin actual scripture and meaning here rather than at the churches. I’m sad that most of the churches in America are indeed in rebellion.

  • @franceseskridge3475
    @franceseskridge3475 Рік тому +2

    Thank you for this good message! I appreciate your research and intelligent presentation of this important teaching. It gives me such joy to see the obedient women who have both the long hair and the long covering, and it gives me such sorrow and regret to see the chronically ignorant, disobedient or indifferent women in a church setting. There is so little teaching in our churches on this subject; is it for the same reasons? Lack of understanding and courage are probably part of the picture. These coverings or lack thereof have such spiritual signifigance and the lack of their understanding and use has contributed greatly, in my opinion, to our present decline in individual, family. church and community well being; perhaps prayer for repentence would be remedial.

    • @whitney8822
      @whitney8822 Рік тому +1

      As a ministers daughter born and raised in the church I disagree with your comment. If people actually take the time to read the entire passage in Corinthians it states that the covering for the head is the hair. It does not state that the hair itself should be covered. Pharisees we’re overly into the outward appearance. My God judges the heart. How dare you call someone chronically ignorant…judge not lest you be judged….for all you know, you are entertaining angels and don’t even know it. If you want to do something, keep praying for the Christian community and the lost. Thank goodness Jesus did not judge the woman who washed his feet with her hair….I wonder if her head was covered. 🫶🏼

    • @Berean_with_a_BTh
      @Berean_with_a_BTh Рік тому +1

      ​@@whitney8822 It seems you haven't listened to Finny's 2nd lecture in this series, which demolishes the hair as a covering argument.

  • @blacksheepgirl
    @blacksheepgirl 6 років тому +13

    when i try to talk to women not command them, just talk about it, or just be around them sometimes they get so angry, I'm not trying to be mean to them, but yeah. :( I miss fellowship and hearing the word in church but i left.

  • @omololaaremu5050
    @omololaaremu5050 3 роки тому +5

    Good morning sir! I am so delighted to learn this topic. It validates the power of the rules of engagement,as alluding to military warfare. That actually is one way, the holy spirit caused me to visualise it mentally in the past. If I may ask, in relation to the topic, what are other rules similar to this, for a woman?

    • @SarahLee59525
      @SarahLee59525 3 роки тому

      1 Tim 2:9-12 and 1 Peter 3:1-6. Bless you.

  • @MZ-ms5bk
    @MZ-ms5bk Рік тому +4

    Very interesting and thought provoking, I grew up with ladies who cover and Do so myself.
    My question is in 2 if not all 3 you have mentioned how proud you are of the women in your congregation with how they cover. Biblically what is said about being proud?....pride is also the opposite of modesty. Just a thought.....

    • @sarahbean9052
      @sarahbean9052 Рік тому +2

      Maybe he means delighted. Just like Paul was delighted and had joy when hearing of the members of the churches doing well.

    • @marias6583
      @marias6583 Рік тому +1

      there are two different meanings of the word "proud" in the English language. He was not saying that he is arrogant/prideful about their church.

    • @clarissesaunders7164
      @clarissesaunders7164 Рік тому

      Pride is NEVER discussed in the Bible as a good thing. The Father NEVER says He is “proud” of the Son. He always says PLEASED. And our language should mimic His.

  • @davidchupp4460
    @davidchupp4460 2 роки тому +5

    Prayer without ceasing means that it’s something you always do. Not necessarily 24-7.

    • @lukasderlokomotivfuhrer7657
      @lukasderlokomotivfuhrer7657 Рік тому +1

      I doubt that something different was said. Only that women must use this covering at home too.

  • @sopowae2189
    @sopowae2189 3 роки тому +3


  • @WholeBibleBelieverWoman
    @WholeBibleBelieverWoman Рік тому +1

    I heard a Bible scholar recently who explained that the Moon is NOT reflecting the light of the Sun but has its own light. The person was using the King James Bible and said that you can tell this by the order of creation.

  • @Rica_Uhuru
    @Rica_Uhuru Рік тому +2

    It was a very interesting presentation. Thank you for sharing.
    I think 1 Corinthians 11 makes it clear that men should not cover their heads when they pray or prophesy and women should cover their heads when they pray or prophesy.
    However I don’t think the passage teaches that it should be the case at all time. Its is written when they pray or prophesy wheter they are at home, church or anywhere else.
    Think about it this way. If a woman should cover her head all the time because she should always be praying this would also mean that a man should never have his head covered because he should always be praying also.
    It is more than evident that we have an issue here right?
    Men wear all kinds of hats for various reasons on a day to day basis and it is not considered a sin. For example during winter a bald man will we wear a hat to insulate his head against the cold, a man that works in construction will and should were a helmet for safety purpose.
    If we agree that, unlike verses 4 and 5 explicitly state, 1 Corinthians 11 teaches women to wear head coverings at all time we are also saying men should not wear any at all times. The latter proposition is clearly not reasonnable thus makes of none effect this interpration.
    Finally, remember Gen 24:64-65?
    It’s Rebekah meeting Isaac for the first time. She saw him from a far of and ask the servant Eliezar who the man was. When she knew that it was Isaac then she put a vail or covering on. Question : why did she not have it on already? Wasn’t she in the presence of a man ( Eliazar) and other people ? Wasn’t she supposed to be praying without ceasing?
    The truth of the matter is praying without ceasing is not meant to pray every hours, minutes and seconds of the day which is impossible anyhow. It simply means to be perseverant in prayer. To have a life where prayer is something reccurent, something regular.
    I pray God may help us all understand His word by the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • @WendellRussell-n2v
    @WendellRussell-n2v Місяць тому

    This is a subject I've study for some time. You made comment about 11:16 that the early church commented on it, I'm interested in where I could fond that/those quotes from the early church. Thanks.

  • @earnestlycontendingforthef5332
    @earnestlycontendingforthef5332 3 роки тому +9

    Corinthians 11:6 is the key verse.
    If a woman has no covering while assembling or praying then her hair should be cut off. So hair and the
    the covering cannot be the same thing.
    Indeed, this is proven by the man not to have a 'covering' on his head
    when praying to God.
    If the hair was the 'covering' then he would have to cut off his hair
    each time before prayers, or of course, be bald.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 3 роки тому +4

      why do they use head covering and hair in the same sentence.....sounds like you are off, on this one....

    • @familyunity70
      @familyunity70 Рік тому +1

      What I got from this is women who have long hair don’t have to worry about wearing covering as the long hair is the covering; however, women bold, short hair, or with shaved hair should cover their heads as they are dishonoring God. 1 Corinthians 11:15 KJV - But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.

    • @robertmiller812
      @robertmiller812 2 місяці тому +1

      I would like to add my two cents here after reading this discussion. First of all I believe we should follow the teaching in 1st Corinthians 11. The main problem here is the misunderstanding of 1st Corinthians 11 altogether. I also have made an intense study of this passage, and the obvious conclusion is that Paul was referring to long hair being the covering.
      The first thing one should take notice is the lack of wording required to conclude that a veil is being referred to here. The word veil or cloth is not in the text if we read from the King James version. If you read from the “modern” versions then you might get that view but not from the Textus Receptus.
      I would like for you to reread the verses that allegedly refer to a veil which is 4-7 and 13. In those verses we read the words, cover, uncovered and not covered. According to scholars these are used as adverbs. Like if you were to say I am going to cover my feet. No one should be thinking of a veil just the action of being covered. What is missing in these verses are nouns that would prove the idea of veils. Since we should not be assuming anything we should be asking the question what is the thing that a woman should be covered WITH based on the passage ALONE? So if you do the math you would find that Paul refers to hair directly 3 times and then indirectly 4 times with the words shorn and shaven. So if there is no noun for the word veil or cloth yet there are 7 instances of idea of hair, then what are we to conclude? That Paul is referring to hair whether it be short or long.
      But the counterargument would be that Paul is allegedly telling women to put something on. But that is not exactly true it says a woman should be covered, but he is referring to long hair based on the surrounding verses. But what about that a woman ought to be covered when praying or prophesying? The assumption is a that Paul was referring to only two instances which is not true he was merely giving us two examples. This also applies to men about being uncovered. Evidence of this is written in the forgoing verses. Paul writes that men ought not to cover because he is the image and glory of God. And then Paul goes into how woman was made for man and is the glory of the man. So it would seem that man shouldn’t be covered at any time if he is the glory and image of God. Paul also mentions that the mere observation of a praying woman should make us note how uncomely (unappealing in appearance) for a woman to be uncovered. Paul states this in a way that it should be obvious to anyone that she looks off in verse 13. He does this again in verse 14 about how shameful it looks if a man has long hair. He says it this way…
      Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? KJV
      So this judgement that we should make is exclusively based on observation of an “uncovered” woman as well as a long haired man. Two consecutive questions both appealing to something innate or within us. Paul is in essence saying that it should be obvious to see that something is wrong or off.
      So how is it that for the women we are somehow to know within us that a woman would be unappealing in appearance without a manufactured veil? That does not seem logical especially since the word veil is never mentioned. Unless that is not what Paul is meaning but rather that if the woman was not covered in long hair (meaning her hair is short) doing something holy or godly LIKE praying or prophesying. I think most people can relate that looking at a woman with short hair does have an unappealing appearance. It naturally provokes head turns. And if there was any question Paul flat out states what he was talking about in verse 15.
      So the facts are that there no nouns to use as evidence of a veil. There is evidence that Paul was using praying and prophesying as examples. Paul appeals to nature and something innate within us to judge that being uncovered or covered (meaning having short hair or long hair) should be obvious to all. So this cannot make sense with a manufactured veil.

  • @roseglanzer5806
    @roseglanzer5806 3 роки тому +15

    Okay if woman ought to have their head covered at all times. Shouldnt men have their heads uncovered at all times likewise?

    • @michaelalbertjr.3230
      @michaelalbertjr.3230 3 роки тому +7

      It depends. We can wear a hat. Of course women can be uncovered but they always must be while praying, regardless of whether at home or assembly.

    • @earnestlycontendingforthef5332
      @earnestlycontendingforthef5332 3 роки тому +3

      Corinthians 11:6 is the key verse. If a woman has no covering while assembling or praying then her hair should be cut off. So hair and the
      the covering cannot be the same thing.
      Indeed, this is proven by the man not to have a 'covering' on his head
      when praying to God.
      If the hair was the 'covering' then he would have to cut off his hair
      each time before prayers, or of course, be bald.

    • @shon1906
      @shon1906 2 роки тому

      @@Cara96 it would be impossible to pray “all the time” per se. It more so means to do so extensively and frequently. IMO anyways

    • @Caleb-fm1hp
      @Caleb-fm1hp 2 роки тому +3

      Men wear hard hats and such for work. They should typically remove them if not needing protection from elements. Historically mens hats were never worn indoors. Even the military dress code says to remove your hat when you walk inside.

    • @lukasderlokomotivfuhrer7657
      @lukasderlokomotivfuhrer7657 Рік тому

      @@Caleb-fm1hp Absolutely. I know a brother who is a firefighter.

  • @dee4174
    @dee4174 2 роки тому +7

    Has this teaching caused anyone to start covering? If so, are there any testimonies of how this has impacted your Christian walk?

    • @SuperKathio
      @SuperKathio Рік тому +1

      Excellent question! I'm struggling with this.

    • @marias6583
      @marias6583 Рік тому +3

      I have been doing it for a couple years now (not all the time but I just now became motivated to take it a step further). And I have noticed a very supernatural thing about it, in that it actually changes my behaviour when I'm wearing a headcovering. It's completely supernatural. If I'm not wearing anything on my head I'm more likely to act in certain ways and say certain things that is perhaps a bit more reckless/worldly (questionable jokes and such), that when I'm wearing a headcovering there's no way I could bring myself to say those words or act in that way. You become more controled. And interestingly, I actually saw a video here on UA-cam where a girl said the same exact thing! She said it makes it easier for her to control her tongue. The same exact thing that I experienced! Goes to show that it's a very spiritual thing, not just something in the natural/physical.

    • @Blockishbookhead
      @Blockishbookhead Місяць тому

      I just started covering about a week ago. I had been feeling God prompting me and after finding and listening to this series, I felt compelled. I have felt less attacked by the enemy about my appearance and there has been more peace in my marriage.

  • @rtoguidver3651
    @rtoguidver3651 Рік тому +3

    If you want to cover something important, cover your mouth.
    James 3:6
    “And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.”

    • @tumipeele8174
      @tumipeele8174 22 дні тому

      I’m struggling with the teaching and would like you to please help me understand the following:
      1. What does “head” mean in 1 Corinthians 11:5 for a woman who is not married and who is not prophesying?
      2. what 1 Corinthians 11:6 means about it being “shameful” to be shorn. Shameful to whom?
      3. Please explain 1 Corinthians 11: 16?

  • @naomikersey4568
    @naomikersey4568 2 роки тому +3

    I see in different translation using "women" and others using "wife" for these verses. I am wondering what the best word is here. I have daughters and I am thinking about them.

    • @carriejesusislord14
      @carriejesusislord14 Рік тому

      The Greek word is gunne; which translates to wife or woman. Most translations use woman, except for esv which uses wife. Not sure how old your children are, but until they reach womanhood, I don’t see a biblical need for them to cover yet.🤷‍♀️ ,unless they want to, o you want them to start earlier.hope this helps, just my understanding,

    • @remsamhomestead
      @remsamhomestead Рік тому

      Based on the reasoning that this is a divine order, then it's not about husband and wife but man in leadership and woman in subjection. Such divine order and authority is not based on marriage relationship but church order where men have headship role and women have a subjective role not in the sense of superiority but divine submission

  • @deborahrhoades1577
    @deborahrhoades1577 2 роки тому +3

    This was even mentioned in God’s Not Dead:We the People. But they were wrong in their explanation of 1 Corinthiens 11. The pastor said it was so that single women felt as important as married ones. Marriage isn’t even mentioned in the passage.

  • @stingray4540
    @stingray4540 Рік тому +3

    I really liked your study so far, but I think you kind of went off the rails halfway through this series. You tried to use Europe somehow to prove your point, but it proves the opposite. They don’t find nudity as big of a deal as we do and we look at them as inappropriate, but to ancient Jews or even secular cultures we would be inappropriate. No one, except for a random fetish here and there, uses glimpses of women’s hair for their mental spank bank. Because hair is normal for us culturally. Same with the Amish. None of us Yankees see an ankle and get excited, but an Amish boy who hasn’t seen any part of a woman has a different experience. I don’t think modesty is a good or reasonable argument for this topic. The passage clearly speaks about prayer and prophecy and referred to head coverings as symbols of authority, not as items of modesty to keep men from lusting.
    It is impossible to cover a woman enough to hide her attractiveness from men. Except maybe the Muslims have the only clothing that can be considered modest. Not to mention that the angels are around us at all times, they see women changing, showering, if they are attracted to women, a head covering isn’t doing anything. Imagine walking in on a woman getting dressed and being like “oh, good, you’re wearing a hat, otherwise I might be turned on right now”…
    Also, I don’t think making it look nice is a trap either. Now if you are getting really extravagant and expensive with your head-covering, then it gets into immodesty, but there’s nothing to indicate that the headcovering can’t be fashionable or look good. Going down that road starts flirting with the same problems Amish have, and that’s a whole other discussion on false teaching.
    And yes, we should always be praying, but we aren’t praying 24/7, we have to devote our minds to daily life as well. As a man, I wear a hat a lot, and I pray throughout the day, and I always take my hat off. There’s no reason women can’t do the same in reverse. No need to wear a headcovering all day, but have one handy when you pray, or wear a hoodie that you can pull up when you’re praying.

  • @bella-bee
    @bella-bee 2 роки тому +2

    I’m just here because I’m thinking about this. I don’t mean to throw stones, and I get the creation aspect. But back then in the garden neither of them wore anything. What was Eve’s covering?

    • @remsamhomestead
      @remsamhomestead Рік тому

      The glory of God was their covering something that we don't have

    • @carnivoroushoneybee7862
      @carnivoroushoneybee7862 8 місяців тому

      They didn't wear clothes until they sinned and then were kicked out of the garden.

  • @elinorangelo4982
    @elinorangelo4982 Рік тому +2

    Do you celebrate the sabbath on Saturdays?

    • @lukasderlokomotivfuhrer7657
      @lukasderlokomotivfuhrer7657 Рік тому

      From my understanding, Anabaptists believe we can freely choose whether to observe Saturday and Sunday. That was the early church's belief. Refering to Colossians 2.

    • @clarissesaunders7164
      @clarissesaunders7164 Рік тому

      God said the sabbath is the seventh day of the week. That is Saturday. Man doesn’t get to arbitrarily change that. We rest every Saturday - don’t even get out of our pajamas.

    • @kennethcaldwell1651
      @kennethcaldwell1651 11 місяців тому

      Isn't the 7th day of the week Sunday? Most of us start our week on Monday. It is our first day of work for the week.

  • @jeannenabozny5675
    @jeannenabozny5675 Рік тому

    I have watched all three of this and will review. I needed clarification. I believe in head covering but my husband who has cooled in his faith, we have no church, seems uncomfortable on this. So I will cover when praying only. Not all the time.

    • @marias6583
      @marias6583 Рік тому +3

      I think the first and most important thing you need to do is start going to a church. Being disconnected from the body is a very bad thing, those Christians who aren't part of a church always get massive problems in their lives, trust me I've seen it.

    • @robertmiller812
      @robertmiller812 Рік тому +1

      I think the first step is to prove in the Bible whether what you felt was really from God. As you know the Bible will confirm or deny any doctrine. For example, does the Bible say that one ought to wear a foreign object like a veil or a hat? Based on which verse? Or does the Bible tell us that the covering it refers to is about long hair? As verse 1 Corithn 11:15 says so and the surrounding verses talk about hair in one way or another (shorn x2, shaven, Long hair x2). We should of course not set aside these words otherwise one would be able to easily say that we are not taking things in context. Do we go by feelings or what the words of God declare.

    • @GodsWordisTruth-zg1jj
      @GodsWordisTruth-zg1jj Рік тому +1

      Going to a church is not going to help anyone if they do not have a relationship with God and his son Jesus. Churches can fail God cannot.
      That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.
      This is true fellowship not some man-made division that the Bible says we should not participate in 1st Cor, 1:10-13

  • @SuhailaAlFraiheen
    @SuhailaAlFraiheen 5 років тому +5

    So many thoughts!... I brought this issue up at a small dinner with our pastor and a few members. I pointed out that many people claim that Paul was an extremist who hated women or he said it was cultural... Well, that becomes a linchpin for the entire BIBLE if we say that! My pastor said he didn't want to see the practice get lost in "form or function"... But I said...all spiritual practices can get lost in "form or function". It is between the heart of the individual and keep it honest...only God knows the heart. But my pastor did give a side story about how he and his wife differed on women in the pulpit....Bottom line was that he would listen to what she had to say, but in the end...he would stand firm with scripture that women in the pulpit would not be accepted. I think my pastor knows me well, and knows I always present the difficult he left the table before I could ask the next one, which was, "Are women in the pulpit form or function?" loool There was silence in the room and the topic got changed. I don't mean to be contentious, but I struggle with the dishonesty of the modern, especially American, church....who picks and chooses which commandments of God they feel fits their fashion! One further issue, Those of you who have chosen to cover, well done....but why are we not keeping the Sabbath? That commandment even made the top 10 list.
    Also, one small issue I hope Pastor Finny would investigate. Fallen angels are not demons. Demons seek embodiment...fallen angels set themselves up to be worshipped, ex: "Satan". Angels in Scripture always have bodies and I God did not create something as evil as demons. Reread the flood account. Meditate on Gen 6:11-12. Note: every time you see the word "flesh". Go back and read 6:1-4...especially that middle part that we skim over where it says, "...,and also afterward". That means that SOMEHOW these "mighty men" (Nephilim) return....but without flesh....because ALL flesh was destroyed. I hope you will investigate the idea that the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim are the more likely ones for whom we now call, "demons". The fallen angels have not been judged yet...and there is no indication in Scripture that the Nephilim have been judged yet either. Everyone also skims over Gen 3:15, which is the 1st prophecy in the Bible predicting the virgin birth (Seed is in the man...not the woman), BUT no one reads and takes serious the 2nd half of that sentence, the "seed of the serpent"! The serpent is Satan...who is his seed? Dare I say, "Nephilim"? And where (in whom) does this seed grow? Sorry to frighten anyone, but we need to think on the words of Jesus saying, "As in the Days of Noah..." And I'm thinking on God's orders through Paul in 1Cor 11. Genesis 6 tells us what was happening in the days of Noah. So when we read 1 Cor is convicting. And I suspect that the women of the early cultures and church didn't need to be told to cover because the horrors of the effects of Gen 6 were burned into the memory of what had happened. Tolkien (a close friend of C.S. Lewis), in Lord of The Rings, prophetically, and eerily wrote possibly in reference to the evils of world war, but he wrote, "The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth, I smell it in the air." "Much that once was, was lost, for now none live that remember it." "...Something things that should not have been forgotten were lost." "Darkness crept back into the forest of the world. Rumors grew of a shadow in the East. Whispers of a nameless fear...and ring of power besived. Its time had now come."
    I believe we maybe at the cusp of this fiction meeting fact, which I do believe (like his friend Lewis' writings) were influenced by the Bible.

    • @katiemurphy3601
      @katiemurphy3601 3 роки тому

      Thanks for sharing. Something to think about. But that's interesting... I never thought of where the souls of the nephilim went.

    • @davidchupp4460
      @davidchupp4460 2 роки тому +2

      Believers who are in Christ don’t keep the sabbath. Look at the Jerusalem conference what part of the law Gentile Christians were to keep.

    • @heidibrown997
      @heidibrown997 Рік тому

      @@davidchupp4460 look at vs 20,21 on chapter 15 in Acts. The letter was short, and yet they said Moses is taught in every synagogue every where. Sounds like they could easily learn more if they went to synagogues.
      Not here to argue, but it all comes down to this, if i KNOW God's will, am I willing to do it.

    • @davidchupp4460
      @davidchupp4460 Рік тому

      @@heidibrown997 of course. Look at the context of the early church. They were evangelizing the Jews. Jews went to the synagogues where they were taught about the scriptures. Nothing new here.

    • @clarissesaunders7164
      @clarissesaunders7164 Рік тому

      Followers of Christ do and should keep the sabbaths which is the 7th day of the week. We keep the sabbath every week.
      Regarding whether or not God created demons - it is helpful for us to come into acceptance and agreement with God’s sovereignty. God created ALL THINGS. Nothing was created without Him. So that will include demons.

  • @thespiritofwisdomandrevela9047
    @thespiritofwisdomandrevela9047 5 років тому +2

    Ya all need to read Watchman Nee's book on headcovering. It explains the why... Very interesting.

    • @mcanultymichelle
      @mcanultymichelle 3 роки тому

      Hi,please can you tell me were to find this book.

    • @thespiritofwisdomandrevela9047
      @thespiritofwisdomandrevela9047 3 роки тому

      @@mcanultymichelle livingstreams ministry has all his books... Iook forcWatchman Nee, not Lee.

    • @mcanultymichelle
      @mcanultymichelle 3 роки тому +1

      @@thespiritofwisdomandrevela9047 thank you so much.

  • @thegreergal
    @thegreergal Рік тому

    I’ve been wondering about the fallen angels saw the beauty of women and wondered if that was why we should cover. Not that more angels will fall but wondering if somehow that’s connected.

    • @thegreergal
      @thegreergal Рік тому

      thank you so much for you reply. I haven’t read the book of Enoch.
      What about the Hebrew word that we translate to giants. Heb. nephilim, fallen or mighty ones. How do you interpret that?

  • @danielleia
    @danielleia Рік тому +1

    8:01 You mentioned that women having the ability to prophesy is a gift that now includes women in this age... I'm confused, as there seems to have been women who prophesied before. Was not Anna (the widow at the temple who was there when Jesus was brought to be presented as an infant) described as a prophetess?

    • @marias6583
      @marias6583 Рік тому

      I think he meant this age as in New Testament time, as opposed to Old Testament times

  • @sarahbean9052
    @sarahbean9052 Рік тому +1

    I agree with all three videos! Thank you for making these. I cover all of my hair. I used to cover just my head and leave my hair down but left convicted. I have one question. Was it immodest/shameful for Mary to wash Jesus' feet? She used her hair. Wouldn't her hair be showing when washing his feet or did she use her veil to wash His feet? She humbled herself but humiliating and humbling oneself are different. No way would Jesus allow a woman to be "naked" in front of Him.

    • @remsamhomestead
      @remsamhomestead Рік тому

      Mary Magdalene was a prostitute whom Christ healed of 7 demons. At the wiping of Christ's feet, she was in transition to becoming a convert hence some things can be overlooked as in the days of ignorance. Remember when Simon the leper thought in his heart that Jesus did not know Mary to be a sinful woman else he could have not allowed her to do that, Christ in a very wise way rebuked Simon. Also the Hebrew woman's hair being her most glorious and coveted thing, it's was on the part of Mary to show how he valued Christ more than her glory hence this rather than being something to bring censorship actually was the most self humiliating act. No wonder Jesus had no problem with it

    • @lukasderlokomotivfuhrer7657
      @lukasderlokomotivfuhrer7657 Рік тому +1

      "I cover all of my hair. I used to cover just my head and leave my hair down but left convicted"
      Hello sister. I don't think this should lead in a debate. If you think it is better to cover all her hair, do it, but there is no clear commandment of such in Christ's. Only that all women must cover their hair whenever the pray, whether in public or at home. But I doubt it should result in a debate. It is a head covering, not a hair covering like Muslim women use. From what I have seen, the majority of Anabaptist and Mennonite ladies cover the back of their hair and let the front part be shown, and i doubt that brother Finny taught something different about this. So I doubt a woman would be "naked" if all of her hair weren't covered. So whether Mary used her hair or veil is not the issue.

    • @lukasderlokomotivfuhrer7657
      @lukasderlokomotivfuhrer7657 Рік тому +1

      @@remsamhomestead Amen.

    • @sarahbean9052
      @sarahbean9052 Рік тому

      One of the videos covers modesty and how the hair can be used in a vain way or cause one to lust. Obviously this has to do with one’s own heart. If your hair is a distraction to you and you are used to obsessing over your hairdo or maybe use it was a way to fit in or compensate for wearing a covering, then it may be best to cover the majority of ones hair so it does not distract ones attention from prayer and worship. He does cover modesty and men used to picture a women with just her fringes of her hair exposed. Such a little thing…and yet they used it to lust. Another heart issue. One can show their hair or part of it without anyone being tempted to lust. I got the implication because he mentioned that. He might think the majority of hair should be covered. Again, it’s always about one’s motive & heart. I think all types of head coverings are great but there is a trend towards being almost fully covered. There is no one way or right way.

    • @lukasderlokomotivfuhrer7657
      @lukasderlokomotivfuhrer7657 Рік тому

      @@sarahbean9052 I suppose we agree! God bless :)

  • @lukasderlokomotivfuhrer7657

    How one can use Romans 14 for something God clearly commanded is beyond my understanding.

  • @delmarfantab4137
    @delmarfantab4137 3 роки тому +4

    In the first session it was "proven" to not be a cultural thing. In this session it sure seems to imply that many cultures have practiced the head covering for thousands of years. Can Finny or someone comment here and connect/explain that?

    • @amandatowery9337
      @amandatowery9337 3 роки тому

      Yeah, I'm a little confused as well. I might need to go back over these videos and take notes lol Might just be human error on Finny's part, or some types of people or cultures could have been more rebellious despite the majority?

    • @jeanpaulgartier3404
      @jeanpaulgartier3404 3 роки тому +10

      If it is a practice that is held by different cultures then it is not cultural, but natural and common to the human condition.

    • @matthewbrown9029
      @matthewbrown9029 2 роки тому +3

      Actually, both points you made are correct. On one hand, the argument that Paul was attacking cultural trends amongst the Corinthians cannot be made because the obvious bridge back to creation and natural observance. On the other hand, which you mentioned in your second statement, head coverings was a part of many many many cultures throughout history. Actually, the vast majority of cultures held to this. That being said, this fact reinforces the idea that the argument against head coverings on the basis of it being a specific to the Corinth culture cannot be made.

    • @judithperesindo2187
      @judithperesindo2187 Рік тому +1

      I remember Finny cited specific examples of men covering their heads during worship in the first lecture. And Paul asking men to uncover their heads was counter-cultural. That is the counter-cultural element. As Matthew said, women have always covered their heads, and head covering was in no way limited to the Corinthian culture. It's always been common practice until humanity decided to change the order of things.

    • @marias6583
      @marias6583 Рік тому

      What he was saying is that it was not merely a cultural (as in optional) thing in Corinth, but God's command. And the fact that we see it reflected also in cultures is because it's in God's word and creation order. Hope that helps.

  • @deborahrhoades1577
    @deborahrhoades1577 2 роки тому +2

    Just by virtue of head covering not being the norm in the US, isn’t going to be a glaring thing when a woman chooses to be obedient?

    • @Blockishbookhead
      @Blockishbookhead Місяць тому

      I have started wearing a knit loose beanie hat that completely covers my head and hair and looks less out of the norm. I also felt like wearing a covering would draw unwanted attention. So far, my hat hasn’t been drawing attention.

  • @totallycaptured
    @totallycaptured 4 роки тому +5

    What about guys wearing hats, is that Biblical?

    • @JoshuaMSOG7
      @JoshuaMSOG7 3 роки тому

      Have you’ve found an answer?

    • @Caleb-fm1hp
      @Caleb-fm1hp 2 роки тому +1

      not if they are praying or worshiping

  • @sergehshadkam281
    @sergehshadkam281 3 роки тому


  • @Jaylilo
    @Jaylilo 2 роки тому

    Anna was a prophetess and she was under the OT law.

  • @jessicawalton9173
    @jessicawalton9173 Рік тому +1

    Hi, I know this video is older but I try to watch all of them. I have a question. So I am married to an unbeliever. I had fallen away when we met and we were married, I then renewed my faith. I asked him what he thought about if I covered my hair, I tried my best to explain it to him as an unbeliever. He said no that would be really weird. So now I feel like well what should I do? Respect my husband in this matter? Or wear a covering at church or when I feel I should? I'm pretty conflicted about this because I feel God has put it in my heart but my husband doesn't want me to. I wear a hat often as is because I am sensitive to the elements so I'm hoping I can find a compromise in this.

    • @robertmiller812
      @robertmiller812 Рік тому +4

      I think the first step is to prove in the Bible whether what you felt was really from God. As you know the Bible will confirm or deny any doctrine. For example, does the Bible say that one ought to wear a foreign object like a veil or a hat? Based on which verse? Or does the Bible tell us that the covering it refers to is about long hair? As verse 1 Corithn 11:15 says so and the surrounding verses talk about hair in one way or another (shorn x2, shaven, Long hair x2). We should of course not set aside these words otherwise one would be able to easily say that we are not taking things in context. Do we go by feelings or what the words of God declare.

    • @clarissesaunders7164
      @clarissesaunders7164 Рік тому

      Obey your husband and be a 1 Peter 3 wife and trust that God is sovereign and make no mistakes - including making you one flesh with an unbeliever.

    • @robertmiller812
      @robertmiller812 Рік тому +5

      Simply obey God (not some group or sect). Feelings are not a good source for obtaining the truth. 1st Corinthians 11 refers much about hair unfortunately too many people have made it seem that it is referring to a hat or veil. Does God really care about a hat? Given the context of the passages doesn't it seem more likely that he wants women to maintain their hair long? As we can read in verse 15? Does covering have to mean an object separate from the body? or can it mean hair which also has the properties of covering the head? People may point out the praying and prophesying part but those were just examples not conditions because if they were conditions then the opposite would be true in that in any other condition a woman does not need to wear a veil. But some might not like that obvious logic and claim it should be worn most of the time, but if that were the case then why would they mention there are two conditions. God wants us to learn that women maintain their hair long and men's short otherwise it wouldn;t look right.

    • @Mathetes1
      @Mathetes1 Рік тому +3

      @@robertmiller812 Paul clearly teaches women are to cover their heads when praying or prophesying. The Greek word used in 1 Corinthians 11:5-14 is different from the one he used in 1 Corinthians 11:15, clearly showing that the covering referred to in 1 Corinthians 11:5-14 is not her hair. Who are you to question: 'Did God say'?

    • @robertmiller812
      @robertmiller812 Рік тому +4

      @@Mathetes1 Paul preaches women ought to have their hair long and men short. So it makes sense to think that covering mentioned in verse 15 is long hair. Hair is mentioned in the surrounding verses. Therefore to be uncovered would mean to have short hair. It is simple logic.
      The main problem some sects have is the idea that the bible mentions covering to be something that has the properties to be taken off and put on. This is a misunderstanding. It does not directly say the covering is something that one puts on or takes off. People assume it says that just because it says something about having the head covered while praying and prophesying. If we take things within context Based on the context they were just two examples and were not be taken as conditional. If there were only two moments it would imply that any other condition should be true. Therefore, a woman can be without a covering if they were casting out demons, interpreting tongues, and so forth. But I assume many would not like this because it logical.

  • @leonscott543
    @leonscott543 Рік тому +1

    I strongly believe in Christian non-violence because murder is a sin. And hatred is a sin. If I can't tell you if something is connected directly to sin, I have to, as a disciple accept it as situational requiring wisdom to couch it in your church body's time and place. Again, we know what are sins. You absolutely can present yourself in a way that's a sin. But it's not the actual specific clothing or lack there of, it's the spirit in which you present yourself that matters and I think that is what Jesus would say. He let a woman wash his feet with her LONG HAIR. That's a perfect example of why this is situational.
    Another example of how clothing is situational. I don't wear a shirt at the beach. And I have no issue doing that because in 2023 in the west, people generally have adapted to numbing out their eyes for lust at shirtless men at the beach. So I don't feel anything at the beach shirtless. It's a really strange thing but the human mind is complex. But when I go to school or work or the grocery store or my church gathering, being shirtless will decently stand out and will attract lustful eyes to me. I'm aware of that as a reality in our time and culture so I would advise our church body here in the west to keep your shirts on in public places unless you are swimming somewhere there is a numbness to shirtless people in that setting. I don't understand how this is so hard to deduce for some people on either sides of this argument.
    There are four types of categories for conduct for a Christian that I place everything in. Issues of Salvation, Issues of Sin, Issues of Wisdom, and issues of Sacrament. This is an issue of Wisdom. That being said I do appreciate the idea of covering things that bring us glory when we go to God. I think that's a beautiful notion if that's something we feel led to do. But it still not an issue of sin or salvation. That just creeps into issues of Sacrament. Which I have no issue with as a disciple for or against. I like it actually but would never actually legislate that in my church body. Like closing your eyes while you pray.... Some people don't do that, not an issue to me at all. Or wearing a hat as a man, I grew up taking hats off when I pray. Beautiful practice, it helps you focus and change the atmosphere for coming to God.... Love it... Not an issue of sin or salvation.
    So for anything that isn't about sin or salvation, the church needs to keep their conversation church body specific. I don't that like that people are trying to make this an issue for all churches of all time. This is something you deal with in your own gathering. If your gathering wants to transition to head coverings for any specific reason.... Glory to God. Maybe you want to deepen the seriousness of prayer. Maybe you live around many wicked and lusted people who may come to the church's and want to provide a safe space for them to come and learn about the Gospel. These are all beautiful and wise and valid reasons to adopt head coverings. And if your church body doesn't think this is necessary and have prayed about it, fine.
    Same goes for many other issues. Maybe you don't want your church body drinking alcohol in public. Fine. Maybe you don't want your church body using certain slang in your community. Praise God. Maybe you don't want your church Body to pray in public settings for all to see. Praise God. Use wisdom and do what must be done to maximize on our discipleship

  • @ancient_t
    @ancient_t 4 роки тому +3

    The only thing His name never was Jesus ie sus means that pig in Latin ie that is sus pig His name is Yehoshua.

  • @manda49349
    @manda49349 Рік тому +1

    So then men should never wear hats? If women are technically praying and prophesying in all of life then so are men, so they are sinning when they wear hats. Sorry but it just doesn’t seem scripture means we should always do one or the other and I do believe it is the worship service.

  • @earnestlycontendingforthef5332
    @earnestlycontendingforthef5332 2 роки тому +1

    The Lord's commandment forbids women both speaking and preaching in the church assemblies. Thus no prophesying in the church assemblies.
    "As in all the churches of God's holy people, 34 the women must keep silent. They don't have the right to speak............It's shameful for a woman to speak in church. 36 Did God's word originate with you? Are you the only ones it has reached? 37 Whoever thinks that he speaks for God or that he is spiritually gifted must acknowledge that what I write to you is **what the Lord** commands"1 Corinthians 14:33-37 (GW)
    As for head-covering......Corinthians 11:6 is the key verse.
    If a woman has no covering while assembling or praying then her hair should be cut off. So hair and the
    the covering cannot be the same thing.
    Indeed, this is proven by the man not to have a 'covering' on his head
    when praying to God.
    If the hair was the 'covering' then he would have to cut off his hair
    each time before prayers, or of course, be bald.

    • @clarissesaunders7164
      @clarissesaunders7164 Рік тому

      “for God is not a God of confusion, but shalom. As in all the communities of the kedoshim, let women keep silent in the communities, for it is not permitted for them to speak out. Rather let them be in order, as the Torah also says.”
      ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭14‬:‭33‬-‭34‬ ‭TLV‬‬

  • @earnestlycontendingforthef5332
    @earnestlycontendingforthef5332 3 роки тому +1

    The Lord's commandment forbids women both speaking and preaching in the church assemblies. Thus no prophesying in the church assemblies.
    "As in all the churches of God's holy people, 34 the women must keep silent. They don't have the right to speak............It's shameful for a woman to speak in church. 36 Did God's word originate with you? Are you the only ones it has reached? 37 Whoever thinks that he speaks for God or that he is spiritually gifted must acknowledge that what I write to you is what the Lord commands"1 Corinthians 14:33-37 (GW)
    As for head-covering......Corinthians 11:6 is the key verse.
    If a woman has no covering while assembling or praying then her hair should be cut off. So hair and the
    the covering cannot be the same thing.
    Indeed, this is proven by the man not to have a 'covering' on his head
    when praying to God.
    If the hair was the 'covering' then he would have to cut off his hair
    each time before prayers, or of course, be bald.The Lord's commandment forbids women both speaking and preaching in the church assemblies. Thus no prophesying in the church assemblies.
    "As in all the churches of God's holy people, 34 the women must keep silent. They don't have the right to speak............It's shameful for a woman to speak in church. 36 Did God's word originate with you? Are you the only ones it has reached? 37 Whoever thinks that he speaks for God or that he is spiritually gifted must acknowledge that what I write to you is what the Lord commands"1 Corinthians 14:33-37 (GW)
    Corinthians 11:6 is the key verse.
    If a woman has no covering while assembling or praying then her hair should be cut off. So hair and the
    the covering cannot be the same thing.
    Indeed, this is proven by the man not to have a 'covering' on his head
    when praying to God.
    If the hair was the 'covering' then he would have to cut off his hair
    each time before prayers, or of course, be bald.

    • @Jaylilo
      @Jaylilo 2 роки тому

      i believe this is a limited silence as when those who speak in tongues are told to be silent. Silent means not out of order otherwise how could they pray and prophecy in the assembly?

  • @svenskbibel
    @svenskbibel 8 місяців тому

    Poor video quality in all three videos in this series. And the teaching was a bit unstructured and fragmented and there were a few too many unnecessary digressions. But your exposition of 1 Corinthians 11 is correct on the whole. Good! But unfortunately you stumble in v. 10 where you no longer consider the context and you therefore give a speculative and subjective interpretation of that particular verse.

  • @defendingthegospel721
    @defendingthegospel721 2 місяці тому +1

    Interesting but not quite biblical. I noticed that any critique by some here somehow causes a whirlwind of upsettedness. I hope it doesn’t happen here. The King James version doesn’t mention a veil or a shawl or a cloth it just says a woman ought to be covered especially if she is going to pray or prophesy. Meaning they are just examples and not exclusive conditions. Someone wrote that they were physically assaulted or confronted about wearing a veil but I have also read about how some women are shamed or pressured to wearing a veil. In either case no one should be assaulted or pressured. Also no one should be thinking that BECAUSE this happened to them that it confirms that what they are doing is right. I am sure that Mormons or Jehovah’s witnesses think the same whenever they get yelled at or thrown water when they knock on people’s doors. People should follow the Bible not someone’s interpretation or worse yet a church which follows all sorts of false doctrines like purgatory, Mary worship, infant baptism, indulgences etc. God bless and read your Bibles.

    • @fotwboston
      @fotwboston  2 місяці тому

      Thanks for taking the time to listen @defending. I want you to defend the scriptures more not less. Its really interesting that you encourage people to read the Bible and then say a bunch of things the Bible doesn't say, especially since you recognize in your comment that the Bible says that women should cover when praying or prophesying. Do you want people to obey this part of the Bible or do you think people can choose to obey or ignore the apostles instruction? If they can ignore it what is that based on? Feeling? Your comment? Who are you to say it's "not exclusive condition"? Where does the apostle make this comment. I agree with you that people should study the scriptures. I just think they should also obey what they read without trying to wiggle out of obedience to the apostle. Please don't dismiss this critique as a "whirlwind of upsettedness". You can't tell people to study the scriptures while also telling them they don't need to obey what it clearly says. "People should follow the Bible not someone's interpretation or worse yet church.." I appreciate you leaving a case in point right here in the comments. -Matthew@FOTW Boston

    • @defendingthegospel721
      @defendingthegospel721 2 місяці тому +1

      @@fotwboston My hope is that people obey the Bible but you seem to think that obeying the Bible means accepting your interpretation. That is not how this works. No one is saying that we should ignore the apostle's instructions when the instructions are about keeping one's head covered in long hair. Now I know you have your own interpretation but I strictly am focused on what is written not on what I think. This is not about what you call "wiggling out" of obedience. The KJV never mentions the word veil or cloth but it does mention the words hair directly 3 times and indirectly 4 times with the words shorn and shaven. You seem to like to repeat the word obedience which seems as though this is how you justify my comment. In other words it can't be strictly because of Scripture it must be out of disobedience. Well I am here to tell you this is ONLY about scripture.
      If we were to quantify our comments I think I mentioned a bit more on proof that you did. But if you have evidence I would like to hear it.

    • @fotwboston
      @fotwboston  2 місяці тому

      @@defendingthegospel721 you are adding your interpretation while saying don't listen to anyones interpretation. the Bible says women cover your heads when praying or prophesying and you are interpreting that to mean hair (which is textually impossible and incoherent because a woman can not take long her off when she is not praying and prophesying and put it on when she is). So your point is extremely ironic AND hypocritical. You are welcome to think what you will but you are doing the opposite of "Just scripture". You are assuming you have no interpretation while doing the exact opposite. We could argue the greek with you because KJV is not the language Paul wrote in, but it's irrelevant because even in the king James it says to cover and not covering is the same as being shaven. It is very clearly in the text that women must do something to cover their heads. You can, like many people do, argue that we don't have to do what is commanded in the corinthian epistle because it was for another time or people. This is wrong also but at least those who make this case aren't making a hypocritical point. At least they recognize the plain scripture that says a woman should cover when praying or prophesying.

    • @defendingthegospel721
      @defendingthegospel721 2 місяці тому +2

      @@fotwboston But I am not claiming to be adding my interpretation I am claiming that this is what the Bible is saying.I disagree with your belief that the scripture says that a woman ought to cover her head with a synthetic covering Paul was referring to hair. And I do not subscribe to those whom you refer to that argue that we don't have to do what is commanded in the Corinthian epistle because it was for another time or people. I do not believe in that argument so please do not put words in my mouth, thank you.
      Ok I understand how one can think that the verses are referring to a synthetic head covering because the Scriptures seem to indicate that there are two exclusive conditions to wear one and that is when a woman is either praying and/or prophesying. But does this interpretation really stand up to logic?
      If we were to believe that under certain conditions a woman ought to wear a physical head covering, then it stands to reason that under OTHER conditions a woman should NOT wear one. For example, if you are going to argue that a woman ought to wear a veil because the Bible claims there are two conditions, then it is logical to presume that any other condition would ALLOW them to be without one, like speaking in tongues, interpreting tongues, healing the sick, casting out devils, etc. But when confronted with this logic most will suddenly come up with more conditions, which nullifies the two-condition argument.
      I also understand why it is important for veil promoters to believe in this because if these words were actual conditions, then it would seem as though the covering were something that can be placed on or taken off even though it does not EXPLICITLY say this. This belief based on what one believes to be IMPLIED and not by a direct statement. Some like to believe this because they ASSUME that praying and prophesying are two conditions instead of seeing them as mere examples.
      Now I can understand how someone can mistakenly conclude praying and prophesying as conditions in verse 5, on the surface, but once you read the rest of the verses in context one cannot reach that conclusion. If they were meant to be conditions then why would Paul say in verse 7…
      “For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.”
      If the reason for men not to cover their heads in this verse is because he is the “image and glory of God,” then why assume Paul was saying that there were only TWO conditions in verse 4? Wouldn’t 7 override any supposed conditions? Shouldn’t that make you question that perhaps Paul was just giving a couple of examples? But let’s continue.
      Verses 8 and 9 give us another understanding that Paul must have been referring to praying and prophesying as examples because he adds the order of creation into the mix.
      “For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man. Neither was the man CREATED for the woman; but the woman for the man.”
      If Paul states that the creation order has something to do with the reason as to why women ought to cover (in long hair) and men to be uncovered (aka have short hair) then we can conclude that this doctrine must be bound in NATURE. That is to say that it must have taken place since the creation of Adam and Eve and BEFORE the manufacturing of veils or hats, and BEFORE the creation of churches, which is another reason why hair easily fits the mold.
      This is confirmed when reading verses 13 and 14 when Paul asks you to make an observational judgment that if it is comely (aka pleasant looking) for a woman to pray uncovered (in short hair) and that even NATURE teaches us that a man with long hair is shameful. Why would Paul ask you to think that something as unnatural as a woman without a hat would look off and then say something as natural as long hair would look off on a man? Paul was saying that not being covered in long hair especially while praying looks uncomely and in the same breath he continues and says men with long hair also looks naturally wrong.

    • @fotwboston
      @fotwboston  2 місяці тому

      @@defendingthegospel721 you keep making non textual arguments while AT THE SAME TIME saying a. that you aren't and b. telling people not to listen to interpretive logic. You are literally making a self defeating argument. If you cant see that then I can't imagine I could convince you but anyone reading this can. I appreciate your engagement. I hope that you can consider and actually approach the scriptures objectively in deed instead of just in word. God bless your journey.

  • @pegtop5455
    @pegtop5455 7 місяців тому

    Why do you say this is a covering for all of life for women, but no mention of men being without a hat for all of life? The verse is strong in the same words about men.

    • @pegtop5455
      @pegtop5455 5 місяців тому

      @@FA-God-s-Words-Matter . “1 Cor 11:6 For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off;...”. You would translate this as saying “if a woman has her hair cut off she might as well have her hair cut off”. ?? You say “Paul is referring to hair and not a veil” ?

    • @pegtop5455
      @pegtop5455 5 місяців тому +1

      @@FA-God-s-Words-Matter thank you for taking the time to read all that and to write all that. It is much appreciated. It will take me some time to work through it. Shalom.

  • @paulinehunte2696
    @paulinehunte2696 5 років тому +2

    What is covering the head for men that makes it a dishonor for Jesus Christ his head

    • @Caleb-fm1hp
      @Caleb-fm1hp 2 роки тому

      verse 7. man is in the image AND glory of God. women is in the image of God but the glory of man. thats how I percieve it.

    • @joshwatson5561
      @joshwatson5561 2 роки тому

      You should listen to Heiser’s viewpoint on this…it makes a lot more sense.

    • @Jaylilo
      @Jaylilo 2 роки тому +1

      @@joshwatson5561 Are you saying a man named Heiser gives some insight as to why a woman should wear a veil for modesty but it isn't neccesary for a man to not always have his hat off for headship reasons?

    • @joshwatson5561
      @joshwatson5561 2 роки тому

      @@Jaylilo At least in my humble opinion. The argument from nature is relevant to the current medical literature of their time. It has a lot of explanatory power concerning this passage. Even if you disagree…it’s an interesting and educational listen.

    • @clarissesaunders7164
      @clarissesaunders7164 Рік тому

      Men should never wear hats.

  • @leanos4truth
    @leanos4truth 5 років тому +3

    you gloss over Paul's definition of the covering...He calls it hair.

    • @jessicaferguson678
      @jessicaferguson678 5 років тому +12

      Watch the 2nd video. No gloss over.

    • @veritas399
      @veritas399 3 роки тому +2

      The previous video, the 2nd one titled "The Headcovering: Long Hair or a Fabric Covering?", addresses the view that a woman's hair is the only covering referenced. /watch?v=HA42_uoEnCc&t=1s

    • @lukasderlokomotivfuhrer7657
      @lukasderlokomotivfuhrer7657 Рік тому

      That is your opinion.

  • @rtoguidver3651
    @rtoguidver3651 Рік тому +1

    Jesus was a Nazarene and he had Long hair..
    1 Corinthians 11:14 “Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?”
    1 Corinthians 11:15 “But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.”
    Muslim women wear head covering, does that mean they are Holy ?
    Don't substitute a head covering for the Holy Spirit, the head covering can’t save you.!

    • @NilsWeber-mb5hg
      @NilsWeber-mb5hg Рік тому

      "Muslim women wear head covering, does that mean they are Holy ?"
      May I ask what type of argument is that? We didn't say the head covering saved. But it still is a command from God, regardless what man say.

    • @robertmiller812
      @robertmiller812 Рік тому +1

      I think the first step is to prove in the Bible whether wearing a foreign object on a woman's head was really a command from God. As you know the Bible will confirm or deny any doctrine. For example, does the Bible say that one ought to wear a foreign object like a veil or a hat? Based on which verse? Or does the Bible tell us that the covering it refers to is about long hair? As verse 1 Corithn 11:15 says so and the surrounding verses talk about hair in one way or another (shorn x2, shaven, Long hair x2). We should of course not set aside these words otherwise one would be able to easily say that we are not taking things in context. Do we go by feelings or some religious group's interpretation or what the words of God declare?

    • @clarissesaunders7164
      @clarissesaunders7164 Рік тому +1

      Nazarites are not the same as Nazarenes. A Nazarene is someone who lived in Nazareth - that’s all. Jesus DID NOT have long hair.

  • @earnestlycontendingforthef5332
    @earnestlycontendingforthef5332 3 роки тому +1

    The Lord's commandment forbids women both speaking and preaching in the church assemblies. Thus no prophesying in the church assemblies.
    "As in all the churches of God's holy people, 34 the women must keep silent. They don't have the right to speak............It's shameful for a woman to speak in church. 36 Did God's word originate with you? Are you the only ones it has reached? 37 Whoever thinks that he speaks for God or that he is spiritually gifted must acknowledge that what I write to you is what the Lord commands"1 Corinthians 14:33-37 (GW)
    Corinthians 11:6 is the key verse.
    If a woman has no covering while assembling or praying then her hair should be cut off. So hair and the
    the covering cannot be the same thing.
    Indeed, this is proven by the man not to have a 'covering' on his head
    when praying to God.
    If the hair was the 'covering' then he would have to cut off his hair
    each time before prayers, or of course, be bald.

    • @Jennifer.villezcas
      @Jennifer.villezcas 3 роки тому +4

      But if we can't speak how are we supposed to prophesy?

    • @earnestlycontendingforthef5332
      @earnestlycontendingforthef5332 3 роки тому +1

      In the days of the Apostles to their own genda and to their children.
      It was certainly not in the church assemblies as the commandment of the Lord forbade it..
      But the days of prophecies are now long over, as they are no new prophesies to tell of.

    • @Jaylilo
      @Jaylilo 2 роки тому +3

      @@Jennifer.villezcas it's a limited silence, just like the person who spoke in other tongues. The person who was going to share a tongue wouldn't do it i(be silent) f there wasn't an interpretor. (1 Cor 14:28) That doesn't mean this person wouldn't share at all during the service, just not out of line. Same for the women, don't speak out of line/unsubmissive speech 1 Cor 14:34 Another words, ask questions at home, no unsubmissive speech. Hope that helps~

    • @lukasderlokomotivfuhrer7657
      @lukasderlokomotivfuhrer7657 Рік тому

      @@Jennifer.villezcas You can pray loud at home but even there you must wear a covering.